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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and

Program Resource


Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide


Meagan Harrill

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

September 4, 2017
Total Points = 2
Table of Contents

Information to Remember........................................................................3
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................3
Journal Writing.........................................................................................4


Information to Remember........................................................................5
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................5
Journal Writing.........................................................................................5


Information to Remember........................................................................7
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................7
Journal Writing.........................................................................................7


Information to Remember........................................................................9
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................9
Journal Writing.........................................................................................9


Information to Remember......................................................................12
Journal Writing.......................................................................................12



Information to Remember......................................................................14
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................14
Journal Writing.......................................................................................14


Information to Remember......................................................................16
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................16

Information to Remember......................................................................18
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................18
Journal Writing.......................................................................................18



Information to Remember......................................................................20



Total Points = 8

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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In Unit 1, I learned to assess my own stress level. I listed 10 current stressors in my
life. I then rated the stressor from 1 to 10. 1 being a low stressor and 10 being a major stressor. This
exercise was helpful in that it made me identify my stressors, so I can work through them. (Stahl &
Goldstein, 2010).
Key Learning Point: I also examined common health risks related to stress. Stress can cause chronic
illness if not addressed. Such illnesses include: Insomnia, high blood pressure and even heart disease.
Stress must be identified as to not cause these chronic issues. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: This unit also examined the definition of stress. Stress is a perceived threat (real or
imagined) to your mind, body, spirit or emotions. Stress will cause wear and tear on your body, as
well as the inability to cope with common problems. (Seaward, 2007).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
In conclusion, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing make up our
whole. With one weak component, it could affect them all. We must take the time
to destress and nurture all four components. We cannot focus on one, and not the
others as they work hand in hand to provide a wellness paradigm. (Seaward,
2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit One Journal Writing

Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: “How Stressed Are You?” Directions are found

on pages 11 and 12 of the Mindfulness workbook. List the situation on the left. Use a rating scale

of 1 through 10 for the start, midway, and end. You will use this Journal Assignment as a way of

mapping your stress throughout the course. Keep it handy and refer back to it often.

Situation Start Midway End

Full time student 8
Mother to a toddler 9
Wife of active duty military 5
Driving in a foreign country 5
Weight loss 8
Social situations where I don’t know anyone 6
Family members poor health 3
Finances 2
Finding work 2
Sticking to a schedule 8

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In this unit, I defined neuroscience. Neuroscience is the science that correlates the
nervous system to the brain. Neuroscience is important because the brain is the organ that allows
people to adapt and learn from their environments. (Royal Society, 2017).
Key Learning Point: I also defined and examined neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the
brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or
following injury. The brain is like plastic in the way it can be moldable and transform. (Seaward,
Key Learning Point: I examined some diseases that are caused by chronic stress. Some of the diseases
include: peptic ulcers, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and adrenal fatigue. Though these diseases
can be reversed with relaxation techniques to include meditation, acupuncture and exercise.
(Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
 In conclusion, the more research that is done the fields of neuroscience, the
more we can understand our mind and body connection. If we can focus on
destressing our lives, we can prevent harmful disease to our nervous and immune
systems. We have to take care of our bodies, we only get one.

(Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
 Unit Two Journal Writing Assignment
 Complete the Journal Assignment entitled, Explore: How is stress or anxiety
affecting your life? Directions are found on pages 33 through 35 of the
Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, you will take the
first step toward greater well-being and become aware of how stress is impacting
your life. This should be a minimum of two full pages.

 How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
 I never really thought it was stress that affected some of my personal
relationships, until I noticed the way my son responded to me while I was
stressed. I have a tone with him when I am stressed out that only he burdens. As I
take a step back, I realize that he is starting to mimic my tone. I must realize that
I cannot take my stressors out on him. I should stop it before it gets worse, and he
starts to resent me for it. Lately, I have also been noticing a bit of social anxiety.
Now that I am a stay at home mom for the first time, I do not have as much adult
interaction as before. I spend all day with a 3-year-old. My conversation skills are
lacking. When my husband has work events, I get nervous prior to the event.
Meeting all new people, having to make small talk, all these things stress me out.
I used to be more social, so these feelings are new for me.
 How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?
 As I previously mentioned, I am a stay at home mom for the first ever. I have
worked a full-time job and more since I was 15-years-old. When we moved to
Germany, I lost my previous job. I am currently job hunting, but being overseas is
difficult. The options are smaller, and the positions are not as plentiful. Looking
for job is stressful. The fear of the unknown and having to start all over at new
work place stress me out. On the other hand, being at home and trying to
entertain a 3-year-old is daily stress. He is so full of energy and keeps me on my
toes. There is rarely a down time with him.
 How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
 I find this question more prominent now, than I ever had. I am an Air Force
veteran. My job had me updated on world events. While I was in the AF I didn’t
think about the “What if” near as often as I do now. I think I can say the world is
stressful and stressed. All the media lashing of the President, the riots, the
terrorism…those are scary things. Living in Germany, I find myself checking my
back more often. I am always looking for suspicious activity. As mother, I fear
what the world will be like for my son, if it continues on the current path.
 How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your
 So, this is a daily struggle. I feel as though I am not near as healthy as I know
I should be. I have vast knowledge on what healthy eating and lifestyle should
consist of. Do I always follow? Nope. I have good intentions, but life seems to get
in the way. I am working on it thought.
 How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your
 I have never had a problem with sleeping. Aside from being a new mom, I
sleep on average 8 hours a night. I feel like this is one area in my life I have
control over. My husband and I have always had good sleeping habits. I do have
his support in this situation.

 How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity
affecting your life?


 I think this and the food and eating habits work hand in hand. I have been
exercising more. I find myself in a bit of a funk if I don’t at least get out for a walk.
I took a class last term on physical activity and it really opened my eyes to the
importance of being active. I want to be a good influence for my son. My parents
are in poor health, and I have had to take care of them. I do not want that for my
son when he is older. What I do now, will affect him later. As I age, I realize this
more and more. Finding the time to work out as often as I would like is a bit of a
stressor. I have found some ways to incorporate my son into my work out time,
but sometimes it’s more stressful to have him around.
 In conclusion, I found this exercise very enlightening. I never take the time to
think about myself. I need to focus on myself a bit more. If I can prevent some of
these stressors before they get to me, than I am for the better. (Stahl & Goldstein,

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In unit 3 I learned about emotional wellbeing. Emotional wellbeing is defined as the
ability to feel and express the entire range of human emotions, and to control them not be controlled
by them. Humans are unique in that we feel this full range of emotions. (Seaward, 2007).
Key Learning Point: I also learned what constitutes a healthy emotion. The expression of any emotion is
considered healthy. To express joy, love, sadness and even anger is healthy. (Seaward, 2007).
Key Learning Point: I learned more about the stress emotions. These emotions are known as “Fight or
Flight” emotions. When one is put in a stressful situation, will the stay and fight it or run form it
(flight). (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Provide a summary of the exercise to include in the resource guide with a
reference cited properly (Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
 Unit Three Journal Writing Assignment
 Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Five-Minute Mindful
Breathing and Bringing the Eight Attitudes of Mindfulness into Your Life.
Directions are found on pages 45 and 46 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, you will begin to understand the
importance of making them a part of your daily life. See what changes
occur in relationships with yourself and others around you. This should
be a minimum of one full page.
 Take some time to write about whatever you came up for you mentally,
emotionally, and physically when doing this practice for the first time.
 Starting this breathing practice was a bit difficult for me. I had a hard time
concentrating on just my breath. I found a thousand thoughts filling my mind.
This is not uncommon for me. I have had a hard time concentrating on specific
things in the past. My mind tends to wonder when I try to void it. I also found it a
bit difficult to read while I was trying to breath. Not that this is normally a
difficult task, but this instance was distracting. So, I decided to try this a second
time, after reading it through the first time.
 The second go was more successful. I separated myself from the rest of the
family and concentrated on the task. The breathing felt more natural. In my mind,
I visualized my stomach rising and falling. This visualization helped to clear my
mind of the random thoughts. I did have a sense of calm come over me. I found
myself wishing I could be this calm and focused more often. Just taking the time
to this quick 5 minutes for myself, was somewhat rejuvenating. I will be doing this
exercise more often.
 In conclusion, taking five minutes out of my day to just relax, was amazing. I
understand the term “Cleansing Breath” now. This simple exercise was a cleanse
from the daily stress and chaos.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In unit 4 I learned about self-esteem. Self-esteem is the sense of underpinning self-
value, self-acceptance, and self-love; thought to be a powerful buffer against perceived threats. High
self-esteem is associated with confidence, whereas, low self-esteem is related to poor self-image.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: I defined values, attitudes and behaviors. Values are abstract concepts that are
symbolized by material possessions. Attitudes are beliefs about our values, expressed as opinions.
Behaviors are actions based on conscious or unconscious thought. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: I also examined Prochaska’s Stages of Change. The stages are: precontemplation,
contemplative, determination, action, maintenance, and relapse. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
 In conclusion, personality is comprised of a person’s values, attitudes, and
beliefs. These factors contribute to one’s self-esteem. How a person handles
stress is directly related to their personality type. Though, a personality is hard to
change, behaviors can be modified to handle stress in a better way.

(Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
 Unit Four Journal Writing Assignment
 Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Identifying Emotions in
the Body. Directions are found on pages 74 through 77 of the Mindfulness
workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, practice taking a moment to

mindfully tune in to your body and discover any physical sensations associated
with strong emotions. This should be a minimum of three full pages.
 FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness,
panic, tenseness, uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
 I am familiar with the bolded emotions.
 Anxiety is felt in my chest mostly. I feel anxious when I am placed in a new
situation, or new surroundings in which I do not know anyone. It is manifested by
my actions. I close myself off, become quiet and standoffish. I imagine myself all
alone in the center of a room full of people.
 Nervousness is felt in my limbs. I can feel hands shaky and my chest pounding.
I focus on my breathing, which seems a bit sporadic. It is manifested by
involuntary reactions in my chest and breathing. I imagine myself in a situation
where I have no control.
 Worry is felt in my head. My mind is racing with “What If” scenarios. This is
manifested in my brain. As feel as a mother, I never stop worrying about my son.
 Feeling overwhelmed is felt in my pace. I am constantly on the go, to cram all
tasks in a short period of time. I am by nature a procrastinator, so feeling
overwhelmed is a constant emotion for me. This is manifested through my
actions, or lack of scheduling. There is always something to be done. I imagine a
never-ending list of things to do.
 CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic,
foggy, or unaware.
 Uncertainty is felt in my head. My neck becomes stiff and my mind races. It is
manifested through my speech. I have no words to vocalize the dilemma. I
imagine it as me standing in front of a blank chalk board with nothing to write.
 Chaos is felt in my head and chest. I feel a sense of uneasiness that just will
not pass. This emotion coincides with feeling overwhelmed for me. It is
manifested through lack of preparation and planning. I imagine a chicken running
around with its head cut off.
 ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy,
frustration, irritation, grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.
 Aggravation is felt in my hands. I feel them tense up in almost into a fist. It is a
feeling of something not going as planned. It is manifested through deep
aggravated breaths. I imagine a red-faced self with no words to speak.
 Annoyance is felt in my chest and throat. I feel a grunting breath and sigh of
release. It is manifested through throaty noises and no words. I imagine my son
not obeying daily.
 Grouchiness is felt in my head. My mind is racing with excuses to be anger at
someone or something out of my control. This is manifested through outbursts

and shortness in speech. I imagine getting fed up with my son or husband and
becoming grouchy.
 SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief,
hopelessness, insecurity, loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.
 Disappointment is felt in my heart. A sense of being let down by someone close
to me or by my own actions. It is manifested by lack of empathy and personal
shaming. I imagine a frown and slumped body posture.
 Insecurity is felt in my head. I often have feelings of insecurity in myself.
Constantly wondering if I am doing right by son and husband. Always having
room for improvement makes me feel insecure. It is manifested by self-doubt.
 Rejection is felt in the heart. Almost a feeling of heart break. If I set my hopes
for something and it doesn’t go as planned. It is manifested through expectations
versus reality.
 SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse,
 Embarrassment is felt in my nerves. I can feel my face turn red and my
breathing increase. I am easily embarrassed when I become the center of
attention. This feeling and insecurity coincide for me. I feel embarrassed because
I am insecure.
 Regret is felt in my head and heart. I feel it as a constant reminder of
something that did not go as planned. A rash decision or poorly managed event. It
is manifested through lack of preparation.
 LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness,
infatuation, kindness, liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
 Affection is felt from the heart. Affection for me is physical touch. Hugging,
holding hands, a kiss. It is manifested by physical touch from one person to
 Caring is felt in the heart. I want to provide for and show affection for the
one’s I care about. It is a feeling of closeness and confidence. It is manifested
through actions.
 Kindness is felt in the face. I think kindness is shown through a smile. It is
manifested through actions of selflessness and approachability.
 JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment,
enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.
 Contentment is felt in the mind. When I no longer have a feeling of needing
more. I am comfortable with my current status. It is manifested through no longer
searching for something else.

 Excitement is felt all over the body. I tense up with anxiousness in a positive
way. It is manifested in the same way as elation, but with a sense of surprise. I


imagine my son getting a new toy and becoming excited with its new possibilities.
 Hope is felt in the heart. I believe this is what keeps us humans going and
striving for better. It is manifested through vocalizing and visualizing what I want
for the future.
 In conclusion, this exercise was a bit challenging for me. I do not take much
time for myself to evaluate my emotions. Although, these emotions can be shown
differently by people, we all need to take time and evaluate what they mean to us
as individuals.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In unit 5, I learned about rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). In this theory
self-destructing behaviors can be changed. Utilizing cognitive restructuring, a person can change
negative thought into positive thoughts. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: I also learned about Humor Therapy. This is an ancient form of communication that
has been used since ancient Greeks. Humor as a medicine can be traced back to nearly every culture.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: I found the concept of Creating a Positive Mindset interesting. Studies have found
that just having a positive mindset about a disease or illness will aid in recovery. Using optimism and
reframing, one can overcome anything. (Seaward, 2007).
Total Points = 9

Journal Writing:
 Unit Five Journal Writing Assignment

 Choose from either formal practice: Walking Meditation or Mindful Self-
Inquiry for Stress and Anxiety. Directions are found on either pages 58 through
60 or 119 through 121 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of either
practice, take a moment to reflect on whatever came up for you mentally,
emotionally, and physically. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
 Take some time to write about whatever came up for you mentally, emotionally
and physically when doing this practice for the first time.
 I chose to practice Walking Meditation. I used to take a walk every morning
when I lived in Guam. The weather there was always sunny and warm, so it was
easy to go out every day. When I moved to Texas in the winter, it became colder
and harder to get outside. I didn’t realize then how much I missed taking my
morning walks. This was always a form of meditation for me, and I never realized
 As I get my tennis shoes on and prepare to go outside, I start feeling happy
about taking this time for myself. I know I have mentioned it before, but I really
do not take enough time do things for myself. The thought of it stresses me out.
So, this will hopefully be the start of doing things for myself again.
 I walk outside, and instantly recognize that the weather is perfect for a walk.
It is cool and breezy. I feel excited. I get on the sidewalk, turn on my music and
start walking. I try to focus on my feet. I take notice of my heel touching to
pavement and rolling to my toes. I focus on this movement for a bit. I find myself
paying attention to my pace more than my breathing. I shift focus to my breath. I
just let myself breath naturally, but to try focus on the air coming in and going
 My pace and breathing are now set. I start to think about all the tasks I have
to accomplish today. The list always seems overwhelming. I begin to feel anxious.
I also get a bit upset with myself, as I am the worst procrastinator. I tell myself all
the time how much better I need to be about following a schedule. I just never
seem to get it together. The tasks run through my head again, and I try to make a
time table in order to accomplish them. Anxiety overwhelms me again, and I just
go with it. I refocus on my steps, heel to toe, heel to toe and the thoughts fade
 I start to take in the scenery. My parent’s neighborhood is really green this
time of year. Everyone seems to take great care of their lawns and landscaping.
There are a lot of beautiful planted flowers and tall trees. I start thinking about
how much I love this time of year. Right before fall and the end of summer. It isn’t
too hot anymore, and not cold yet. It seems just right. My mind then begins to
think about my parents. I love coming home to visit them. I feel grounded when I
am with them. They can keep me level headed. I have missed them so much since
moving to Germany. I know we had to move there, but I do miss home. Germany
is a great place, but it is so far from our families. I feel a bit of sadness come over
me. I don’t want to feel this, so I try to refocus on the scenery again.

 As I approach my parents’ house again. I feel the tasks start running through
my mind again. I start to think of which one to accomplish first, and tell myself to


go from there. My walking meditation has come to an end.

 In conclusion, the main thing I got from this exercise was realizing I need to
do this more often. I need to take this time for myself, get out the house and soak
in my environment.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,

Meditation, and Mental Imagery
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In unit 6 I examined Diaphragmatic Breathing. This is a relaxation technique that
focuses on the breath from the diaphragm. This is the simplest form of relaxation and can be done in
almost any environment. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: I also researched how meditation aids in stress relief. Meditation can aid in such
illnesses as: sensory overload, insomnia, and behavior modification. This technique has proven to
lower blood pressure and stress levels in those that participate at least 15 minutes a day. (Seaward,
Key Learning Point: In relation to meditation I learned about imagery or visualization therapy. This is a
technique used to enhance one’s creativity, broaden the imagination and tapping into the unconscious.
(Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
In conclusion, one must take the time to find which technique works best for themselves. They can
use diaphragmatic breathing, meditation or imagery. It is so important to destress and take the time to
focus on ourselves.
(Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
 Unit Six Journal Writing Assignment
 Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Is Your Body-Mind Happy?
Directions are found on pages 151 through 153 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, practice identifying unkind messages you
send to yourself and turn it around with positive affirmations. This should be a
minimum of two full pages.
 Mindful of how you interact with yourself?
 Before completing this exercise, I thought I had a pretty positive relationship
with myself. I do not often think of myself or my actions in a negative way. I do
know that I get anxious with my lack of preparation for things and social
 As I started this meditation, I focused on my breathing. I was mindful of what
this mediations focus would be. I tried to focus on thoughts regarding my
perception of myself. I found my thoughts focusing on procrastination. This has
been weighing heavily on my mind lately. I think about all the things I must do in
a time frame, and it becomes overwhelming. I try to think of a schedule in my
mind, but something else always seems more important. The list grows and grows
and my time seems to run out. I feel upset with myself that I cannot be as
organized as my life demands. I tell myself that I need to change this, but it never
happens. I feel disappointed with myself. I think if there is one feeling I have with
myself that I try to push aside it is disappointment. Disappointed that I cannot be
more organized, more active, eat healthier, be a better mom, a better wife…the
list goes on.
 As these thoughts race through my mind, I try to refocus on my breath to
change the thought process. As I visualize my breath in and out, I start to think of
ways to be better. I know that it can be done, I just need to set aside time to make
it happen. I can be all these things I want to be. I do understand that. I need to
focus on myself more often, and take these feelings in as they come.

 Seeds of suffering?

 I suppose all these thoughts of not being good enough are seeds of suffering.
As I said previously, I never realized I had such thoughts. If I can stop “Watering


my seeds of suffering” I can find a solution. I think living in the constant cycle of
lacking motivation is detrimental. I must find a way to stop watering these
negative seeds.
 Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?
 This word resentment seems so negative. I hesitate a bit to think that I have
resentment. As I focus on this word, I try to feel what this word means to me. I
think about my decision to separate from the military. I think if there is one thing
in my life, I may have resentment about, it would be this. I think about how easy I
had it while I was in the military. I try to think of what my life would be like if I
was still in, and I cannot imagine it to be good. I am slowly getting used to not
working a job, and tell myself I am fortunate to be able to stay home and raise my
son. For that reason, I do not dwell on resentment.
 Reflection on writing?
 As I write these thoughts down, it becomes evident that I have more
interactions within myself than I realized. I need to focus on these thoughts more
often. I may be able to finally come to a solution and not have a reoccurrence of
these feelings.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In this unit, I learned that physical exercise is vital to combating stress. While a
person is exercising, their body undergoes stress, but a healthy person will recover quickly and return
an optimal level of homeostasis. People that exercise regularly are typically less stressed than those
that do not. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: I further examined the All or None conditioning principle. This principle is based
upon the FITT system. FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type of exercise. (Seaward,
Key Learning Point: I also learned that there may be a correlation between chronic stress and obesity.
Obesity could be caused by the accumulation of cortisol. Too much production of cortisol may cause
metabolic processes to slow down or even halt. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
 Self-Assessment Assignment

 Formal practice: Sitting Meditation is a technique used to develop the

awareness to change. Change is an inevitable part of life. If one can learn how to
recognize change, we can learn not to fear it. In this meditation I focused on
breath, body sensations, sounds and hearing, thoughts and emotions and choice
less awareness. I will discuss me perceptions during each of these stages.

 First, mindfulness of breathing. This may be my favorite stage. I sit in a

comfortable position and begin to take deeper inhales, and longer exhales. I feel
as though I am visualizing the air come into my nose through my sinuses and out
of the mouth. After a few exhales from the mouth, I return to inhaling and
exhaling through my nose. I enjoy focusing on the air coming in and the air
coming out. I seem to clear my mind of everything else in this stage.

 Second, mindfulness of body sensations. In this stage, you are to open your
awareness to the predominant or distinct sensations in each moment. As a sat
comfortably, I noticed the heaviness of my head. It felt as though my head was
sinking into my shoulders. Though this feeling was not distracting, it was just my
body becoming more comfortable. I then noticed my hair lightly tickling my neck
as the fan oscillated. This was a bit distracting so I pulled my hair up. In this
stage, I began to feel at peace. I noticed my mind wondering a bit, but I could
easily pull back into focusing on my breath. I then repositioned my body.

 Third, mindfulness of hearing. This stage was a bit distracting for me.
Though I was in a quiet room with headphones on, because I was becoming more
aware of the sounds, it became more a distraction. I found myself trying to focus
more on sounds, as if seeking them out. I heard the fan blowing, my breathing,
the air conditioner turns on, the ice maker dropping ice. With each sound, my
brain tried to visualize the object and process that caused it. As I focused on one
sound, it was as if I was seeking another. As though my brain was proud of itself
for finding one, so it knew it could find another. I will admit though, that these are
sounds I have learned to tune out daily. Becoming aware of the sounds, I did not

find them a nuisance. They are sounds that will always be, so I have
acknowledged them now with peace. I also noticed the narrators accent and
found it a bit amusing. I was looking forward to hearing his accent in future

 Next, mindfulness of thoughts and emotions. In this stage, my mind shifted to

allow thoughts to enter. The first thought that came to mind was my parents. As I
am home in the States with them now. I thought about how blessed I am to be
able to travel to see them. How great they are with my son. He genuinely loves
their company. Being in the military makes it difficult to be near family most of
the time. I do not like that my son only gets to see his grandparents one time a
year. Then I began to feel a bit sad. I accepted this feeling, but quickly moved on.
I refocused on my breath. I began to visualize my breathing again. My mind
began to clear.

 Finally, mindfulness of choice less awareness. This stage seemed to be the

same as mindfulness of thoughts and emotions for me. I began to wonder how my
husband is doing back in Germany. I began to miss him and look forward to
getting home, to my routine and my own bed. I also began to focus on the fan
again. The sound it was making and the cool air brought on a sense of peace. I
then just found myself focusing on my breath.

 In conclusion, sitting meditation was an enlightening experience. I enjoyed

taking time for myself first and foremost, but also getting more in tune with my
body. I found focusing on a specific subject easy. I can see how this can be used on
a daily basis to be more mindful of body and surroundings. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 4

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In this unit, I learned about Hatha Yoga. Yoga roots can be traced back as far as 6th
Century B.C. This technique can be used to aid in stress reduction and is a form of meditation.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Yoga as a form of meditation has proven health related benefits for premenstrual
pain, diabetes and even depression. It can range in difficulty from beginner to expert, to allow all
people to participate. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: T’ai Chi ch’uan is a relaxation technique originating among the Chinese; it is a
succession of movements to bring the body into harmony with the universal energy (Chi); a moving
meditation. Though it may appear to be a self-defense technique, it is used to express tranquility.
(Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercises:
 A company providing a health and wellness program, will only benefit the
company in the long run. It will provide a healthier, happier work environment for
minimal costs and maximum impact.

(Seaward, 2015) (Harris, 2017). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
 Unit Eight Journal Writing Assignment
 Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Creating Connection.
Directions are found on pages 161 through 163 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, practice developing these qualities in
building stronger and healthier relationships.
 This should be a minimum of one full page.

 OPENNESS: Openness could be a helpful quality in my relationships.
Specifically, with my husband. I think after being married for 6 years, I
think I know everything there is to know about him. However, we still see
things so differently. I find myself not asking him certain things, because
I know what he will answer. This is something I need to be more aware of.
I need to ask him, as I know his feelings and perceptions can change, as
do mine.
 EMPATHY: I may be too empathetic. I think I know exactly how he should feel
in a situation, because I feel that way. I need to let him feel his own emotions,
even if they are different that my own.
 COMPASSION: I sometimes feel as though my husband has no compassion. He
not a very open person, so I sometimes think he does not feel deep emotions as I
do. I need to have more compassion for him. I need to understand his upbringing
was far different than my own, so he processes emotions differently. It does not
mean he does not have emotions. Compassion can help me communicate with
him better.
 LOVING-KINDNESS: I automatically think of my son, when I think about
projecting loving-kindness to someone. As a mother, I never stop wishing the best
for my son. I think about how I want him to be as he gets older, and I try to
project those same emotions so he can learn by example.
 SYMPATHETIC JOY: I never put much thought into this emotion. As I take the
time to think about though, I realize that I am not a jealous person by nature. I do
not often think of someone else’s success as my failure. I think I project
sympathetic joy mostly towards my husband. He is so great at his job and I feel
joy when he succeeds.
 EQUANIMITY: This is another quality I have not taken much time to consider. I
think I do project certain emotions to strangers that I never would to people I
know well. I find myself getting frustrated with a clerk on the phone when my bill
is incorrect, but it is not their fault. I need to be more aware of them as a person
with feelings and not just someone for me to take my frustration out upon.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for


Management and Prevention to your

Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: In this unit, I learned about Progressive Muscular Relaxation. This technique is
unique in that is American in origin. Most of the other techniques learned were of Asian or European
descent. (Seaward, 2007).
Key Learning Point: Progressive Muscular Relaxation uses a systematic serious of muscle contractions to
reduce tension. It increases awareness, therefore reduces stress levels. (Seaward, 2007).
Key Learning Point: Stress management professionals must stay up to date with the latest techniques.
Biofeedback, is progressive area of study that is proven to help in stress reduction. (Seaward, 2007).
Total Points = 9

Additional Information
Secondary Source:
Science Education. (2017, August 30). Retrieved September 04, 2017, from

I use the website as a go to for all things in medical research. The research articles and reports are
easy to read and follow. I like the way the search page is set up.

Total Points = 5


List the full cited references in proper format under this section. A
complete list of references should be included for your manual. Place
references in alphabetical order
Must use proper APA format and style; section counts for [15 pts]. See
samples below:

Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th ed.).

Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Seaward, B. L. (2007). Essentials of managing stress. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett

Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Workplace Wellness Programs in 2017: The What, Why, & Worth [Free eBook] | Zenefits. (2017,
February 28). Retrieved August 28, 2017, from


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