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Complete the passage with the present form of TO BE or TO HAVE GOT.

Hi! My name 1_________ Paula Wright. I 2

15 years old and I 3
__________ British. I
__________ two sisters and one brother. My
sisters’ names 5
___________ Charlotte and Harper
and my brother’s name 6
__________ Matthew.
Charlotte and Harper 7
_________ twins and they
_________ 13 years old. Matthew 9
_________ old.
He 10
_______ only 4.
I 11
__________ big blue eyes and my hair
__________ is long and blond. I 13
medium-height and thin. My sisters 14
blond. Their hair 15
________ brown and they
My green
sisters and I eyes. Matthew’s
_____________ hair pet.
a dog ________ 17
It 21__________ long ears and its colour
and he 18black.
____________ ___________
Its legsvery
big blue eyes.
__________ short He
and it 24
___________ very clever.
I 25
__________ hardworking. I 26
_________ lazy at school. I 27
__________ athletic and
creative but I 28
___________ brave. I 29
__________ afraid of spiders!
Our parents 30
____________ friendly and easy-going. They 31
__________ never angry.
Our mother 32
__________ a nurse and our father 33
___________ a pet shop. He
________ a vet.
Read the passage about Paula and answer these questions. Write complete sentences.

1. Where is Paula from?

2. Who has got green eyes in Paula’s family?

3. What pet have the sisters got?

4. Is Paula lazy at school?

5. When are Paula’s parents angry?

6. What are Paula’s parents’ jobs?

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