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Keywords for the major stars

Translated from here.

A short summary of the major stars

紫微 Zi Wei

名聲: Reputation, renown.

地位: Position, status.

權威: Authority; power and prestige.

享受: Pleasure; to enjoy.

官貴: Official/governmental ennoblement.

天機 Tian Ji

平輩: Of the same generation.

兄弟: Siblings.

智慧: Knowledge, wisdom, intelligence.

宗教 : Religion.

賭博: To gamble.

壽: Longevity, old age.

太陽 Tai Yang

父親: Father.

丈夫: Husband.
兒子: Son.

教育: Education; to educate, to teach.

政治: Politics.

權貴: Bigwigs, influential officials.

武曲 Wu Qu

掌權: To wield power, to be in power.

果斷: Firm, decisive.

短慮: Lacking thinking things through.

將星: General, admiral; commander-in-chief.

天同 Tian Tong

享受: Pleasure; to enjoy.

解厄制化: To dissolve and remove adversity and distress.

缺乏戰鬥 力:
力 Lacking fighting strength.

廉貞 Lian Zhen

次桃花: The number two peach blossom star.

權威: Authority; power and prestige.

天府 Tian Fu
主管: Manager, person in charge.

孤立: Independence, to stand alone.

延壽: Longevity, to prolong the life span.

解厄: To dissolve and remove adversity and distress.

名聲: Reputation, renown.

太陰 Tai Yin

母親: Mother.

妻子: Wife.

女兒: Daughter.

富: Property, wealth.

財: Money, riches, valuables.

清潔: Clean, without dirt.

潔癖: Mysophobia.

貪狼 Tan Lang

延壽: Longevity, to prolong the life span.

花酒: Drinking party with female entertainers.

桃花: Peach blossom.

才藝: Talent, ability.

貪慾: Greed, avarice.

增加: To raise, to add, to increase.

巨門 Ju Men

是非: Quarrelling.

善疑: [?]. [To doubt, suspect, disbelieve.]

暗藏: To hide, to conceal.

天相 Tian Xiang

媒人: Matchmaker, go-between.

挑剔: To be picky, fussy.

衣食: Clothes and food.

愛漂亮: Aestheticism; to like looking attractive.

天梁 Tian Liang

壽祿: Long life and good fortune.

宗教 : Religion.

蔭星: Shade and protection.

延壽: Longevity, to prolong the life span.

老人: Old people, the elderly.

解厄制化: To dissolve and remove adversity and distress.

七殺 Qi Sha
雙重性格: [?].

孤剋: Separation and loneliness.

刑殺: Punishment, sentence, torture, fighting, murder.

威嚴: Prestige, dignity; awe-inspiring.

破軍 Po Jun

夫妻: Spouse.

子女: Children.

僕役: Servant.

破耗: Broken and wasted, damaged and squandered.

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