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Additional items for quiz: Public Speaking

1. This is one of the things that a speaker uses for his listeners to understand his topic better. An
example of this is a powerpoint presentation. - visuals
2. This refers to what a speaker prepares that contains the main subject of the presentation. –
3. It refers to the crowd that listens to the speaker. – audience
4. It is the term referring to the connection between the speaker and the listener. – rapport
5. It is the general term that the speaker talks about. This may vary depending on the event,
audience and the speaker himself. – topic
6. True or false: Your speech is your only priority in public speaking. - F
7. True or false: The use of cue cards and codes are not allowed in your speech, and memorization
is the key. - F
8. True or false: One must not let negative thoughts swarm his mind. - T
9. True or false: Persuasion is the main importance in public speaking. – F
10. True or false: Information given to the crowd must be of value - T

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