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Would like to provide some information on gATP tables and Function Modules which will be useful in

terms of developing a solution in SAP APO-gATP module.Before getting into details, we first need to
understand that gATP system has a beautiful feature called Live Cache memory and the order line
information is being stored using dynamically generated GUIDs. GUID is nothing but a random
alphanumeric code as shown below. Generally, it will be of 22 Characters.

Example :- Ikqk45pV52NX0000ctsd10
Basic tables in SAP APO – gATP:-
1) /SAPAPO/POSMPAN :- This is one of the crucial tables which stores the line item guid in the
APO system. As you all know APO is a planning system and usually the key factors for planning is
material(product) and plant(location). Hence, everything that is stored in APO system would be
treated at line item level for any Sales Order. The guid available in this table is the base to retrieve
information from many other tables.
2) /SAPAPO/ORDADM_I :- This is the table which stores the order line information details. If you
want to find out the header information, then you need to use the field HEADER in this table and
pass the contents to the table /SAPAPO/ORDADM_H to get the information.
3) /SAPAPO/ORDADM_H :- This table has got the header information like Sales document
type(Field name-PROCESS_TYPE) , Created on timestamp, changed on time stamp, username
who had created the Sales order etc.,
4) /SAPAPO/SD_DOC :- This is again line item related table which provides the quantity that has
been ordered(QNTY field), Company code, Sold-to-party(PKUNAG or KUNNR), Customer Hierarchy
levels, Customer group, Product Hierarchy, etc.,
5) /SAPAPO/SDFIELD :- This is the field catalog table. When I talk about Field catalog, it is an
internal table which carries some set of parameters from ECC to APO for every sales order. SAP
has provided an userexit USEREXIT_CATALOG_VALU
(Include FV45VFZY_USEREXIT_CATALOG_VALU) where you can enhance the fieldcatalog and
pass customer requested Z-fields to APO. Once the Sales Order is saved, you can see all the
enhanced Z-fields in this /SAPAPOSDFIELD table. If you want to get corresponding entry from this
table, then you need to pass the POSID from which is available in the table /SAPAPO/POSMAPN.
6) /SAPAPO/ATPPARAM :- This is an another important table which is again at line item level which
can be queried using the POSID available in /SAPAPO/POSMAPN table. When a Sales order line
item is passed to APO for ATP check the list of parameters that it uses would be stored in here in
this table. Important parameters like Checkmode, Business Event, Allocation/ATP index,
PAP(Product Allocation Procedure), etc.,
7) /SAPAPO/SRVFCSL :- By passing the Sales Order number and item number, you can find out
the ordered quantity, confirmed quantity of a Sales order line item from this table. Also, there is a
specific field called “GI Time”, which gives you the Goods Issue time for that specific Sales Order
line item if it is PGIed.
8) /SAPAPO/OBREF :- With the help of this table, you can find out the delivered quantity. You need
to pass POSID which is available in /SAPAPO/POSMAPN table to get the delivered quantity
9) /SAPAPO/SDQTVB :- This is allocation specific table. In this table, you would only find
information about the line items which has gone for allocation check. It takes POSID, PLUID(It is the
planning object guid which refers to the CVC), start time stamp of the bucket as input anf gives you
the confirmed quantity. If the line item has consumed the allocation from two different buckets and
by passing only one POSID then you would see two entries in this table corresponding to that
10) /SAPAPO/QTTAB :- This is the underlying table behind the transaction /SAPAPO/QTTAB,
which is nothing but the PAG(Product Allocation Group). It gives the total incoming ordered quantity
and remaining quantity avaialable for the PLUID(CVC Guid in short terms).
If you pass only the CVC GUID i.e., PLUID to this table, it gives list of time series buckets along with
the quantities assigned under that CVC. If you pass So, PLUID and Starting timestamp of the bucket
is needed to retrieve one entry.
11) /SAPAPO/QTCHA :- It is CVC related table. When you pass PLUID, it gives the level at which
the CVC has been maintained. You can find out the list of CVC fields along with CVC fieldvalues in
this table.
12) /SAPAPO/ZPAGE001 :- (/SAPAPO/ZPAGE00* ) These are Product Allocation : CVC tables.
These tables get generated dynamically whenever we create a new Product Allocation Procedure
(PAP). Each entry gets created in this table when we create a new CVC.
13) /SAPAPO/T190H :- Product Allocation Procedure table. This table has got a field KOSCH which
indicates the PAPs. It gives the list of PAGs under its name.
14) /SAPAPO/T190AREA :- Links PAG and Planning area. One PAG can have only one Planning
Area. But, one Planning Area can share multiple PAGs.
15) /SAPAPO/TBQTVB :- This table gives the confirmed quantity for each posguid. If there is an
entry for PLGUID across the POSID, then it indicates that the line item has gone for Allocation
16) /SAPAPO/MATKEY :- This table is similar to MARA in ECC.
17) /SAPAPO/MATLOC :- This table has got the material-location related data.
18) /SAPAPO/ORDSTA_I :- It takes POSID as the input and gives you the Status of the item in Live
Cache, ATP status, etc.,
19) /SAPAPO/ORDLINK :- THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL table. It takes a POSGUID as input in
the field GUID_HI and gives you the list of guids in the field GUID_SET along with the type of the
GUID(OBJTYPE_HI) which has been stored in the field GUID_SET. There is another
field objtype_hi which indicates whether the guid that we have passed in GUID_HI is line item guid
or header level guid.
05 indicates line item guid
06 indicates header level guid.

These GUIDs which are further available in GUID_SET field can be used to query different tables

/SAPAPO/SHIPPING using guid_set 12 and object type 05

/SAPAPO/PART using guid_set 07 and object type 06
/SAPAPO/ORGMAN using guid_set 21 and object type 06
/SAPAPO/SALES using guid_set 11 and object type 06
20) /SAPAPO/SHIPPING :- Another important gATP table wihch gives you the shipping point
(SHIP_POINT), Delivery priority (DLV_PRIO), Route (ROUTE), Reason for rejection (LIFSP).
21) /SAPAPO/ORDPART – Partner related information.
22) /SAPAPO/ORGMAN :- Sales order header details like Sales Area etc.,
23) /SAPAPO/BOPHEAD :- This is the crucial table for Back Order Processing. Whenever you run
BOP, it creates a transaction guid(22 characters). All BOP related operations happen with the help
of transaction guid. This table contains the user who had run the BOP, timestamp at which BOP run
took place, Filter Profile which has been used, Sort Profile etc.,

April 29, 2016 at 05:42 AM

Go to transaction SAPAPO/SDP8B. give the planning book name. Click on change and go to tab key
figures --> double click on the key figure.
It will display the technical name of the key figure, same way you can find the technical name of
Characteristics too.
SAP APO SAP PM Integration
October 30, 2017 webadmin
This document should be used as a reference to understand the SAP APO <> SAP PM
Integration which will allow for the maintenance orders to be reflected on the APO Planning
Board. The maintenance orders on the APO Planning Board are to request for capacity to
be blocked on the production work center for maintenance as well as providing visibility to
the maintenance schedule.
Requirement: The Production Planners to have visibility of planned maintenance work
against the production resource and the Maintenance Planners to have visibility to the APO
planning board so they can schedule the maintenance work based on the availability of the
production resource.
Below steps enable the setup required to fulfil the above requirement.

 Identify the maintenance order types which need to be sent to SAP APO.
 On the ERP side for SAP PM you need to maintain the Production (PP) Work Center
on the Equipment master record (transaction code IE02).
o The PP Work Center will go in the Work Center field on the Location tab.

 The PM Work Center is in the Main Work Center field on the Organisation tab.
 Configure and setup the CIF in SAP APO (CIF is the interface which enables data to
be exchanged between SAP APO and SAP ERP system).
 CIF needs to be setup with the Order Types which are identified to be reflected on
the APO Planning Board as well as the System Condition field and any other
relevant selection criteria.
 Note: The way we had it setup was that if the System Condition field was set to ‘0’
(not in operation) by the user then the maintenance order will be displayed on the
APO Planning Board. For us setting the system condition field was a manual job.
You do not want to flood the APO planning board with all maintenance orders hence,
the need to manage it through the System Condition field manually and only
reflecting those maintenance orders where there is a need for the production
equipment to be stopped for maintenance.
 Below screenshots show how the APO Planning Board will look if the System
Condition was set to ‘0’ on the maintenance order, then if it was set to ‘1’ and finally,
if the system condition was just left blank on the maintenance order.
 After the setup is complete and the integration between SAP APO and SAP PM is
working you need to look at granting display only access to PM planners to the APO
planning board through the following two transaction codes:
o /SAPAPO/RES01 – Resource-Production Resource Display
o /SAPAPO/CDPS0 – Detailed Scheduling Planning Board

The above setup will allow the Production Planners to have visibility to the maintenance
schedule as well as the Maintenance Planners to plan maintenance around the Production
Planning Schedule.

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