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Review Article

Shoulder Ultrasonography Accuracy Compared with Magnetic

Resonance Imaging in the Detection of Rotator Cuff Injuries
Mohamed Walaaeldin Elfaal
Specialist Radiologist at Thumbay Clinics, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Rotator cuff injuries are common and frequently seen by orthopaedic surgeons. Accurate diagnosis of the injury is crucial for appropriate
management. Imaging studies are the cornerstone of diagnosis and have great value compared with clinical assessment alone.

Keywords: ltrasonography, magnetic resonance, MRI, shoulder, rotator cuff

Aetiology Clinical Presentation

Significant causes of rotator cuff tears include: Pain, weakness and loss of shoulder motion are common
• Trauma (acute and chronic repetitive) symptoms reported in rotator cuff pathology. Pain is often
• Subacromial impingement experienced in the anterolateral part of the shoulder and
• Tendon degeneration is exacerbated by activities requiring the arm to be raised
• Hypovascularity.[1] overhead. Night pain is a frequent symptom, especially when
the patient lies on the affected shoulder.[8]
Patient’s age is important because the prevalence of rotator cuff Factors Influencing the Outcome after Rotator
tears increases with age. Approximately 40% of asymptomatic Cuff Repair
patients aged  >50  years have full‑thickness rotator cuff Patient factors include the following:
tears, [2] and the incidence of partial‑ and full‑thickness • Age – Studies have shown that the success of cuff repair
tears in symptomatic patients aged  >60  years is  >60%.[3] decreases with advancing age, especially among patients
Chronic causes such as repetitive microtrauma, subacromial aged >65 years, and re‑tear rates may be higher among
impingement, tendon degeneration and hypovascularity are patients aged >65 years[9]
thought to be responsible for most tears and account for this • Other patient‑related factors  (smoking, osteoporosis,
age‑dependent incidence. Acute macrotrauma is less frequently hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes) – Several other
responsible for tears.[4,5] patient‑related factors have been reported to affect rotator
cuff tendon healing. Smoking not only increases the risk of
Anatomy rotator cuff tears, but has also been reported to influence
The rotator cuff consists of four muscles: the subscapularis, rotator cuff tear size.[10] In the elderly, the risk of rotator
supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. These cuff tears is increased by osteoporosis.[11] Osteoporosis
muscles end in short, flat, broad tendons that fuse intimately
with the fibrous capsule to form the musculotendinous Address for correspondence: Dr. Mohamed Walaaeldin Elfaal,
cuff [Figure 1].[6] This fusion occurs between approximately NMC Healthcare, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
half and three‑quarters of an inch from the point of the insertion E‑mail:
of the tendons into the humerus.[7]
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Access this article online Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
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DOI: How to cite this article: Elfaal MW. Shoulder ultrasonography accuracy
10.7707/hmj.737 compared with magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of rotator cuff
injuries. Hamdan Med J 2018;11:13-6.

© 2018 Hamdan Medical Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 13

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Elfaal: Rotator cuff ultrasonography

may reduce the anchor‑holding property and tendon different planes. A full‑thickness tear is defined by a continuous
healing at the tuberosity.[12] hypoechoic area from the bursal space to the articular
surface, thus a complete absence of the tendon [Figure 2].[17]
Tear characteristics that directly affect the repair outcome are as
A partial‑thickness tear is diagnosed by a defect on the bursal
side of the cuff or a hypoechoic lesion in a mixed hypoechoic
• Chronicity – This may play an indirect role in repair
and hyperechoic area on the articular side of the cuff.[18,19]
outcome as it affects the quality of the muscle and
Tendovaginitis of the long biceps tendon shows a hypoechoic,
tendon unit, resulting in a higher degree of atrophy,
fluid‑filled area around the tendon. The criterion for a rupture
fatty infiltration, lamination and retraction[12]
is the absence of the tendon in the intertubercular groove. In
• Tear size – Many studies have shown that small and
the case of dislocation, the tendon is always found medial to
medium tears carry a greater chance of healing than
the groove.[20]
large and massive tears.[12] In large and massive tears,
the additional suture bridges decrease the re‑tear In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the criteria for a
rate[13] rotator cuff tear are increased signal intensity in association
• Number of tendons – If two or more tendons are involved with a discontinuity or irregularity of the tendon on
in the tear, there is a reduced chance of healing, which T2‑ and proton density (PD)‑weighted images [Figure 3].[1]
can lead to poor outcomes.[12] Younger patients with single A full‑thickness tear is diagnosed by a continuous tendon
tendon tears are more likely to undergo spontaneous gap that connects the bursal space with the articular surface.
resolution of a radiographic defect[14] A partial‑thickness tear shows a high signal intensity in
• Poor‑ qu alit y tendons  –  T hese a re more prone T2‑weighted and fat‑suppressed PD‑weighted images within
to non‑healing at the tuberosity than healthy cuff the tendon substance without retraction of the tendon.[21]
tissue[12] Tendovaginitis of the long biceps tendon is diagnosed when
• Fatty infiltration and rotator cuff atrophy  –  A high an increased signal is present within the tendon sheath on
fatty infiltration index  (of  >1 point) or Goutallier T2‑weighted sequences. The biceps tendon is primarily
g rade  ≥2 sig nif icantly reduces tendon‑heali ng evaluated on the transverse planes.[11]
rates.[12] A study published by Cho and Rhee[15] showed
Many studies have compared the accuracy of ultrasonography
that all of the rotator cuffs with a pre‑operative
with that of MRI in the diagnosis of rotator cuff muscle
global fatty degeneration index of  >2 points had
recurrent tears
• Muscle–tendon unit retraction  – Tendon retraction, the Ultrasonography has been found to be able to detect different
gap between the greater tuberosity and the tendon edge, tendon pathologies (tendinitis and partial‑ and full‑thickness
is due to either tendon shortening or muscle retraction. tears), in addition to the causal factors. Compared with MRI,
Muscle retraction can be defined by utilising the position the sensitivity of ultrasonography for tendinitis detection
of the muscle–tendon junction in relation to landmarks has been reported to be 85%, with 86% negative predictive
on the scapula.[16] value (NPV) and 90% accuracy, while for partial‑thickness
tears, its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
Radiological Features NPV and accuracy were 88%, 89%, 94%, 80% and 83%,
respectively. However, for full‑thickness tears, the sensitivity
An ultrasonography evaluation criterion for diagnosis of
a rotator cuff tear is a hypoechoic area that persists in two

a b
Figure 2: Long‑ (a) and short‑axis (b) examination reveals that there is
a fluid‑filled defect replacing the entire thickness and width of the right
supraspinatus, suggesting a full‑thickness tear of the supraspinatus
tendon. The defect length or retraction is 30 mm. Reproduced from
Patel,, from the case of rotator cuff tear. This is an
Figure 1: Rotator cuff anatomy, anterior. Reproduced from Holmgren open‑access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the
et  al. This is an open‑access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0) license, which permits others
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, for commercial use,
org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and provided the original work is properly cited. See: http://creativecommons.
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited org/licenses/by/3.0

14 Hamdan Medical Journal  ¦  Volume 11  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-March 2018

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Elfaal: Rotator cuff ultrasonography

a b
Figure 3: Coronal STIR image (a) and sagittal T2 image (b) showing a
complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon, which is retracted medially,
uncovering the humeral head, with subacromial bursal fluid collection.
Reproduced from Rabou, from the case of complete
tear of supraspinatus tendon. This is an open‑access article distributed
in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Figure 4: Arthroscopic view of the rotator cuff. The typical appearance of
(CC BY 3.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and the torn cuff as viewed through the arthroscope. This view is from above
build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the original work is the cuff, looking down the torn edge. Reproduced with permission from
properly cited. See: University of Washington

and specificity of ultrasonography were both 100%.[22] origin on the acromion. Using the arthroscope and instruments
Therefore, ultrasonography and MRI yielded comparably specifically designed for the purpose of manipulating and
high sensitivity for detecting full‑thickness rotator cuff tears.
repairing the tissue, the surgeon can work from any angle
Ultrasonography performed better in detecting partial‑thickness
around the tissue [Figure 4].[29]
tears, although the difference was not significant.[23]
Full‑thickness rotator cuff tears can be identified using Conclusion
ultrasonography and MRI with similar accuracy. However, as
Ultrasonography and MRI are comparable in both sensitivity
ultrasonography is less expensive, less time‑consuming, more
dynamic and less demanding for patients, it should be used and specificity for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears.[22]
as the first line of investigation for rotator cuff tears, when However, ultrasonography shows consistently low reliability
appropriate skills are available.[24] in detecting subtle, but clinically important, degeneration of
the soft‑tissue envelope.[27]
On the other hand, ultrasonography is the most operator‑
dependent imaging method for the shoulder[25] and is often As ultrasonography is less expensive and more widely available
considered inferior to MRI for pre‑operative imaging because than MRI, it may be the best modality for identifying tears and
it provides less detail on morphological changes in the rotator could be considered the most appropriate screening method
cuff musculature.[26] when rotator cuff integrity is the main question, provided that
well‑trained radiologists and high‑resolution equipment are
Study findings[27] have shown little agreement between MRI available. However, MRI is superior in surgical planning for
and ultrasonography in characterising full‑thickness rotator larger tears and provides much more information about the
cuff tears. Ultrasonography has been shown to have lower prognostic factors.[30]
interobserver reliability and decreased measurement of large
rotator cuff tears.[27] Financial support and sponsorship
Treatment Conflicts of interest
Rotator cuff treatment ranges from conservative treatments There are no conflicts of interest.
such as rest, ice and physical therapy to intra‑articular
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