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1. How did you determine the inflation point in taking BP?

- Last pulse during inflation & add 30

2. Why do you encourage client to urinate prior to bathing?

- To prevent client from urinating during bed bathing

3. How will you undress the client w/ right sided paralysis?

- To undress the unaffected part first
- To dress the paralyzed part first

4. The purpose of plastic rubber draw sheet.

- Prevent bed sheet from being wet

5. Importance of indwelling urinary catheter care

- Prevent further infection
- Pevent ascending infection
- UTI silent killer

6. How would you change the position in immobilized patient?

- Several times

7. Why do we nneed to apply the principles of body mechanics when transfering

immobilized/disabled client?
- Prevent injury
- Good blood circulation

8. Considerations in preparing meals in elderly client?

- Food that are nutritious & w/ proper diet
- Medical condition
- Ability to eat
- Preference

9. ABC’s in CPR
- Checking airway, breathing & circulation

10. Indication to stop CPR

- Physician takes over
- Operator exhausted
- Sign of life
- Turn-over to emergency medical service

Possible Interview Questions

1. Importance of backrub to a bed ridden client?
- To stimulate circulation, prevent bedsore & promote relaxation

2. Basic comsideration in assisting client personal needs?

- Maintain persons privacy & dignity of the client

3. How could you help your client maintain his self-esteem & sense of independence?
- Encourage him to do as much function as possible.

4. Important safety precautions must be done when transferring client from bed to wheelchair.
- Lock the wheels of wheelchair & the bed.

5. Physical changes related to aging.

- Reflexes are slow
- hair turns gray & change in textue
- all body processes are slow
- loss of skin elasticicity
- fat becomes thin & more fragile
- senses becomes less accurate needs aid like eyeglasses, hearing aid.
- Posture become more stalk

6. Basic role to client w/ Alzheimer’s disease.

- Supervise closely don’t restrain the client
- Remind patient of time, date, names of all kind.

7. Effective way to control the spread of infection.

- Handwashing

8. Safety precautions to be observed when caring the client w/ diminidhed vision.

- Maintain a footlight during the night
- Arrange furnishing, personal items for convenient, confers & safety of client.

9. Prevent fall/slip in the bathroom?

- Keep the bathroom dry at all times
- Make a dry cloth available
- Use non-skid mats

10. How would you know if the bottle contents are poisonous?
- Symbol of skull or logo bonw
- If no date of expiration available
- If it is expired

11. Protectibe devices for infection control?

- Gloves
- Masks
- Gogles
- Gown
- Cap
- Apron
- Slippers

12. Common signs that a diabetic client has low blood sugar.
- Pale palm
- Drowsiness
- Sweating
- Tremors
- cold clamy skin
- diminished vision

13. Typical sign of impending heart attack?

- Chest pain
- Not relieved by rest (angina pectous)
- Increased Blood Pressure
- Stiffness muscle

14. 1st comon sign of infection

- Fever (such as 38 C)
- Increased WBC/body malaise

15. Client has BP 150/100.

- Seek medical assistance call emergency hotline
- Advice client to take in usual medication

16. Respond to cancers patient who wish to die now?

- Allow client to release ventilate feeling
- Make client comfortable
- Be a good listener. Why? Because silence is therapeutic

17. How would you react when criticize by colleagues?

- Ignore them & do your job well
- Inform your head/supervisor

18. Recommended diet for an elderly w/ heart disease

- Recommended fat, low Na regular diet, decrease fat

19. Most immportant consideration when preparing meals for diabetic client.
- Calorie measures
- Sugar content of the foods
- Total caloric content
- Sugar in the diet

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