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Comparative study of freshwater crayfish, Cherax spp.

(crustaceae: decapoda:
parastacidae) from Papua, Indonesia based on length-weight analysis
H. Hamidah, Abinawanto, and A. Bowolaksono

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1862, 030101 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4991205

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Comparative Study of Freshwater Crayfish, Cherax spp.
(Crustaceae: Decapoda: Parastacidae) from Papua,
Indonesia based on Length-Weight Analysis
H. Hamidah, Abinawantoa), and A. Bowolaksono

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA),

Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The freshwater crayfish is one of the most important fish species as the protein resources. Lake and rivers are
the habitat of crayfish in Papua. Morphological characters of crayfish, such as color, total body lengths (L) and body
weight (W) were influenced by the habitat. The purpose of the study, therefore, was to compare the total body length and
body weight as well as the unique color of crayfish from Uter lake (Atinjo district), Seremuk river (Haha village), Baliem
river (Pike village; Hubukiak district, Jayawijaya), and Baliem river (Wesaput village; Wesaput district). Length–weight
(body length; LB versus wet weight; WWT) relationships were determined for male and female crayfish (Cherax
spp.) The length–weight relationships of total individuals was W = 0,022215.L3,159. This regression differed
significantly (R2 = 97.5 %) between locations. Both males and females exhibited positive allometric growth as statistical
difference was observed in the mean of the wet weight and body length between males and females. Besides, Canonical
function was subjected to determine population distribution based on length-weight data.

Cherax spp. is one of the most freshwater species either as the protein resources or as the ornamental
commodities. Cherax spp. was widely distributed in Papua Island, Indonesia [1-5]. Little is known about the basic
morphometric of Cherax spp. Morphometrics variation in the different location might be influenced by genetic
factor [6] and environmental condition [7]. Length-weight measurements can be used to analyze the condition factor
mengidentifiksi and freshwater crayfish. therefore it is important to analyze the length-weight, especially for the
conservation and management of fisheries.
The relationship between body length and weight of crustaceans are generally expressed as allometric equation
W = aLb, where the relationship log W and log L is a linear regression relationship. The correlation coefficient was
used to measure the extent to which the dots converge around a straight line. If the correlation value approaching +1
or -1, then the relationship between the two variables is strong and there is a high correlation between the two [8].
Crustaceans usually experience changes in body shape during growth, and that it is said to be a relative or allometric
growth. In fisheries management sometimes required conversion effort between the total length (L) of the body
weight (W). This growth is influenced by allometric growth so that the value of b is rarely proportional to the cube
of the total length (L) [8]. Research on the length-weight relationship Cherax spp. in Papua has not been done.
Therefore this study aims to analyze the length–weight relationships of Cherax spp. collected from some location in
Papua Island, Indonesia.


To determine the length-weight relationship in Cherax spp. collected from either freshwater lakes and rivers in
Papua, from the Uter lake (Atinjo district) S1°26'07.1'' E132°22'56.7'', Seremuk river (Haha village) S1°31'55.6''

International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 2016 (ISCPMS 2016)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1862, 030101-1–030101-4; doi: 10.1063/1.4991205
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1536-2/$30.00

E131°58'33.0'', Baliem river (Pike village; Hubukiak district, Jayawijaya) S04°03'18.3'' E138°56'13.8'', and Baliem
river (Wesaput village; Wesaput district) S04°05'40.1'' E138°57'54.7''. To measure length using a caliper with a
precision of 0.01 mm, while to measure the weight using digital scales with accuracy of 0.01g, 31 crayfish taken
randomly from four locations. All individuals were measured to have an a complete body part, then drained to be
weighed wet weight. Cherax total body length is measured from the tip of the rostrum to the tip of the telson.
Individual segregated by sex. The relationship between the length and weight using correlation and regression
analysis to determine the suitable model. Also used Canonical function to see the distribution of the population
based on the length and weight.


From 31 Cherax spp. collected from Uter lake (Atinjo district) S1°26'07.1'' E132°22'56.7'', Seremuk river (Haha
village) S1°31'55.6'' E131°58'33.0'', Baliem river (Pike village; Hubukiak district, Jayawijaya) S04°03'18.3''
E138°56'13.8'', and Baliem river (Wesaput village; Wesaput district) S04°05'40.1''E138°57'54.7'', the diversity of
total length-weight relationship is described in Table 1.
A significant correlation between weight Length Overall, of the 31 samples (male = 23, female = 8) can be seen
in Fig. 1. The relationship between length and weight with regard to the value of R2, 97.5 % can be described by the
equation W = 0,022215.L3,159.
The Length-weight relationship is important to study population structure and fisheries management to evaluate
the population status [9]. Overall individual taken from four locations have a long-range the length 66.86-231.58mm
for males and 73.08-167.11 mm for females. While weight ranges from 5.06-261g for males and-78.65-421g for
female. So, long and weight of freshwater crayfish species varies according to gender. Heavy on the long
relationship Crayfish species is influenced by gender, sexual stage, and ecological conditions [9]. Variations on the
length and weight of the species of crayfish possible because the influence of a number of factors such as,
fluctuations in the water, the water temperature, radiation, density of population, food and water quality [11, 12, 9].
This study is length-weight relationship in Cherax spp. was significant (p value = 0.074 < 0.1). The results
showed that all individuals experience positive - allometric growth due to the value of b> 3, this shows that weight
gain faster than the increase in length [13]. Similar results were reported for C. destructor [14] and C.
quadricarinatus [15].
The population distribution can be obtained based on the length and weight of three distribution centers. Group
1 crayfish from the river and lake seremuk uter have the same characteristics as the point centroidnya look very
close together, the two groups are coming from Kali crayfish Baliem - Wesaput, and group 3 which crayfish
originating from Kali Baliem - Hubukiaki. (Fig. 2).
Based on the results of measuring the length and weight Cherax of 4 where sampling has a multiplicity of length
and weight (Table 1). Cherax spp. at times Baliem (Pike village) has the average length and the highest body weight
when compared to three other areas, while, at the river seremuk (Haha village) has the average length and weight of
the lowest compared to the other three regions. For the distribution of the population based on the length and weight
can be seen in Fig. 2.
Cherax spp. was distributed into three groups, based on Canonical function analysis. The first group was
originated from Seremuk river and Uter lake which was shown the close centroid point. At while the second group
was originated from Hubukiaki district (Baliem river). On the other hand, the third group was located in Wesaput
district (Baliem river). Thus, length-weight analysis can also be used to determine the originated population
distribution of Cherax spp. in Papua. Therefore it is important to analyze the length-weight, especially for the
conservation and management of fisheries.

TABLE 1. The body length and wet weight average of Cherax spp.
Number Body length Wet weight
Location District/Village
of species (mm) (g)
3 Uter lake Aitinjo district 74.95 8.39
10 Seremuk river Haha village 72.41 6.62
7 Baliem river Pike village, Hubukiak district 163.64 95.07
11 Baliem river Wesaput village, Wesaput district 118.56 35.06

FIGURE 1. (a) Total length-weight relationship for the Cherax spp. for male,
(b) Total length-weight relationship for the Cherax spp. for female.

FIGURE 2. The distribution of Cherax spp. from four locations based on Canonical function analysis

The length–weight relationships of Cherax spp. was significantly different between four locations. Both males
and females showed similar results are positive allometric growth (b > 3).

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