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Graphing Patterns: Student Activity Lesson Plan

Subject/Strand/Topic: Math – Geometry & Spatial Grade(s) / Course(s): Ontario Expectations:

7 7m54

Key Concepts: graphing coordinates (x, y) on a Cartesian plane

Select “Graphing Patterns (Puzzles)”, then click on “Topics” and choose “2. Ordered Pairs and Other Terms”

Required Materials: Pre-Assessment/Answer Key, Student Activity Handout, Student Activity Answer Key, Post-
Assessment/Answer Key, pencils

Before Starting: book computer lab so there are enough computers per pair of students; this is a great
introduction activity

Introduction (~ 10 minutes including pre-assessment)

1. Introduce topic (graphing coordinates on an xy axis)
2. Distribute pre-assessment; allow 5-7 min. for students to complete
3. Open the above link and plot one point with the class; compare plotting points to the game “Battleship”
4. Introduce activity to students (graphing coordinates on a Cartesian plane as a review in preparation for
graphing transformations; completing a handout)
Student Activity Handout Explanation (~ 5 minutes)
1. Distribute handout for each student to complete
2. Briefly go over the structure of the handout (6 Scenes in 4 sections), each student will need to bring a pencil
and ruler to computer lab
3. Students should have 20-30 min. to complete the handout as they go through learning object
Use of Learning Object with Student Activity Handout (~ 20-30 minutes)
1. Students will work in pairs at a computer and each complete a handout
2. Instruct students to open the Internet browser and type link into address bar (at top of handout), select
“Graphing Patterns (Puzzles)”, then click on “Topics” and choose “2. Ordered Pairs and Other Terms”
3. Before starting the activity, allow students 1-2 min. to explore the learning object
4. Explain the structure of the handout; students will follow through 6
scenes in the learning object
5. A scene can be revisited by clicking on the “Reset” button
6. Students should have 15-20 min. to complete their handout as they follow through the learning object
7. Students should spend no more than 10 min. on scene 1, and 3-4 min. on each of the remaining 5 scenes
8. Circulate around the computer lab; answer any student questions
9. If students finish early, encourage them to return to scene 1 and search for the sunken treasure again
Consolidation (~ 10 minutes including post-assessment)
1. Ask students the following questions at the end of the activity with the learning object:
a. Which axis is the y-axis? (vertical)
b. Which axis is the x-axis? (horizontal)
c. How do we label points on a Cartesian plane? (label as the ordered pair (x, y) so the x coordinate
comes first and the y is last)
d. How would you graph negative ordered pairs? (the x-axis scale continues to the left of the origin to
form negative x coordinates, and the y-axis continues below the origin to form negative y coordinates;
so they would be plotted in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants)
2. Distribute post-assessment; allow 5-7 min. for students to complete
3. Take up answers from handout if there’s time at the end of the period; if not, take it up next class (NOTE:
students’ answers on the handout will vary so the answer key only contains sample responses)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Lesson Plan
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Graphing Patterns Name: ___________________________
Student Activity Pre-Assessment Birthday: ____________________________ 13
Instructions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Good luck!

1. Plot the following points on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label all coordinates with ordered pairs (x, y)!

a) (5, 2)
b) (6, 7)
c) (1, 3)
d) (-2, 4)
e) (-3, -5)

f) (1, 1) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
g) (0, 9)

h) (-8, 6) -4

i) (4, -6)

j) (5, -9) -8


2. Label the x-axis, y-axis, and origin (0, 0) on the above plot. (3 marks)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Pre-Assessment
Graphing Patterns Answer Key
Name: ___________________________
Student Activity Pre-Assessment Birthday: ____________________________ 13
Instructions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Good luck!

1. Plot the following points on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label all coordinates with ordered pairs (x, y)!
● (0, 9)
a) (5, 2)
b) (6, 7) ● (6, 7)
● (-8, 6) 6
c) (1, 3)
(-2, 4) ● 4
d) (-2, 4) ● (1, 3)
2 ● (5, 2)
e) (-3, -5) ● (1, 1)
f) (1, 1) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
-2 Origin (0, 0)9
g) (0, 9)

h) (-8, 6) -4
● (-3, -5)
-6 ● (4, -6)
i) (4, -6)

j) (5, -9) -8
● (5, -9)

2. Label the x-axis, y-axis, and origin (0, 0) on the above plot. (3 marks)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Pre-Assessment
Graphing Patterns Name: ___________________________
Student Activity Handout Date: ____________________________ 23

Instructions: Please follow through the learning object titled “Graphing Patterns” and complete the handout below.

Scene 1: Find the Sunken Treasure! - Play online version first and then do task.

Your Task: Find the sunken treasure with your partner by entering different coordinates into the white boxes. Record
your coordinates below. (5 marks)
• Coordinates of sunken treasure: ( , )
1. On the grid below, draw a sunken treasure that occupies two coordinates.
2. Play “Find the Sunken Treasure” with your partner by taking turns to find the coordinates of each other’s
3. You may use the table below to keep track of your guessed coordinates of your partner’s treasure.
4. Record the ordered pair of your sunken treasure and your partner’s in the spaces provided.

Ordered Pair Hit (9) Miss (x)

• Coordinates of MY sunken treasure: ( , )&( , )

• Coordinates of my PARTNER’S sunken treasure: ( , )&( , )

Scenes 2 & 3: The Coordinate Plane

Your Task: Label the following coordinate plane. Extend the x-axis and y-axis to show the negative coordinate
system. (3 marks)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Handout
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Graphing Patterns Name: ___________________________
Student Activity Handout Date: ____________________________

Scene 4: Ordered Pairs

Your Task: Write the following ordered pairs in “sentence form” and sentences in “ordered pair” form. (5 marks)

Example: (8, 5) Æ the point is 8 units horizontally to the right and 5 units vertically up from the origin

1. (4, 9) Æ

2. (3, 1) Æ

3. (0, 1) Æ

4. (-2, 3) Æ

5. (6, -4) Æ

Scene 5 & 6: Plotting Ordered Pairs on the Coordinate Plane

Your Task: Plot the ordered pairs on the coordinate plane by clicking and dragging the points to their correct
locations. Once you’ve finished, plot the following ordered pairs on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label your
coordinates on the grid! (10 marks)
1. (4, 3) 6. (3, -3)
2. (2, 8) 7. (-5, 0) 8
3. (-1, 4) 8. (0, 5) 6
4. (5, 2) 9. (4, -7)
5. (-4, -5) 10. (-8, -2)

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10





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Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Handout
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Graphing Patterns Name: Answer Key for Teacher
Student Activity Handout Answer Key 23

Instructions: Please follow through the learning object titled “Graphing Patterns” and complete the handout below.

Scene 1: Find the Sunken Treasure!

Your Task: Find the sunken treasure with your partner by entering different coordinates into the white boxes. Record
your coordinates below. (5 marks)
• Coordinates of sunken treasure: ( 8 , D ) (sample answer)9
1. On the grid below, draw a sunken treasure that occupies two coordinates.
2. Play “Find the Sunken Treasure” with your partner by taking turns to find the coordinates of each other’s
3. You may use the table below to keep track of your guessed coordinates of your partner’s treasure.
4. Record the ordered pair of your sunken treasure and your partner’s in the spaces provided.

Ordered Pair Hit (9) Miss (x)

(C, 2) x
(E, 7) x
(E, 3) x
(G, 5) x
(H, 9) 9
(H, 8) x
(I, 9) 9

• Coordinates of MY sunken treasure: (B, 2) & (B, 3) 99

• Coordinates of my PARTNER’S sunken treasure: (H, 9) & (I, 9) 99

Scenes 2 & 3: The Coordinate Plane

Your Task: Label the following coordinate plane. Extend the x-axis and y-axis to show the negative coordinate
system. (3 marks)


origin (0, 0) 9 x-axis9

-4 -2


© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Handout Answer Key
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Graphing Patterns Name: Answer Key for Teacher
Student Activity Handout Answer Key

Scene 4: Ordered Pairs

Your Task: Write the following ordered pairs in “sentence form” and sentences in “ordered pair” form. (5 marks)

Example: (8, 5) Æ the point is 8 units horizontally to the right and 5 units vertically up from the origin

1. (4, 9) Æ the point is 4 units horizontally to the right and 9 units vertically up from the origin9

2. (3, 1) Æ the point is 3 units horizontally to the right and 1 units vertically up from the origin9

3. (0, 1) Æ the point is no units horizontally and 1 units vertically up from the origin9

4. (-2, 3) Æ the point is 2 units horizontally to the left and 3 units vertically up from the origin9

5. (6, -4) Æ the point is 6 units horizontally to the right and 4 units vertically down from the origin9

Scene 5 & 6: Plotting Ordered Pairs on the Coordinate Plane

Your Task: Plot the ordered pairs on the coordinate plane by clicking and dragging the points to their correct
locations. Once you’ve finished, plot the following ordered pairs on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label your
coordinates on the grid! (10 marks)
1. (4, 3) 9 6. (3, -3) 9
2. (2, 8) 9 7. (-5, 0) 9 8 ● (2, 8)
3. (-1, 4) 9 8. (0, 5) 9 6
4. (5, 2) 9 9. (4, -7) 9 ● (0, 5)
5. (-4, -5) 9 10. (-8, -2) 9 (-1, 4) ●4
● (4, 3)
2 ● (5, 2)
(-5, 0)

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
● (-8, -2) -2
● (3, -3)
● (-4, -5)
● (4, -7)


© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Handout Answer Key
Page 2 of 2
Graphing Patterns Name: ____________________________
Student Activity Post-Assessment Birthday: _____________________________
Instructions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Good luck!

1. Plot the following points on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label all coordinates with ordered pairs (x, y)!

a) (6, 7)
b) (5, 2)
c) (1, 3)
d) (1, 1)
e) (-3, -5)

f) (-2, 4) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
g) (4, -6)

h) (5, -9) -4

i) (0, 9)

j) (-8, 6) -8


2. Label the x-axis, y-axis, and origin (0, 0) on the above plot. (3 marks)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Post-Assessment
Graphing Patterns Answer Key
Name: ____________________________
Student Activity Post-Assessment Birthday: _____________________________
Instructions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Good luck!

1. Plot the following points on the coordinate plane below. Be sure to label all coordinates with ordered pairs (x, y)!
a) (6, 7) ● (0, 9)
b) (5, 2) ● (6, 7)
● (-8, 6)
c) (1, 3)
(-2, 4) ● 4
d) (1, 1) ● (1, 3)
2 ● (5, 2)
e) (-3, -5) ● (1, 1)
f) (-2, 4) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
-2 Origin (0, 0)9
g) (4, -6)

h) (5, -9) -4
● (-3, -5)
-6 ● (4, -6)
i) (0, 9)

j) (-8, 6) -8
● (5, -9)

2. Label the x-axis, y-axis, and origin (0, 0) on the above plot. (3 marks)

© 2007 University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) ~ Permission to Copy

Teacher-Created Resources: Student Activity Post-Assessment

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