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Found Object Drawing

Students will:
 Use the creative process by drawing found objects
 Distinguish three areas of the drawing with color schemes-analogous, complementary, and split-
 Learn to apply elements of art with good craftsmanship

Colored pencil sets Found objects
Drawing paper Rulers

 Step One: Collect at least three found objects
 Step Two: Draw the objects using contour lines, on the paper. Overlap, but do
not overlap so much that it looks too busy.
 Step Three: Use a ruler to create three “visually” equal sections on the paper.
 Step Four: Designate the three sections-analogous, complementary, and split
 Step Five: Use the colored pencil to fill in the sections. (Hint: you may want to
choose the pencils you will need for the section you are working on and keep
them separate from the other pencils. This way you will not be tempted to use
other colors.)
 Step Six: Make sure you are using tones and values to give the drawing depth
and interest.
 Step Seven: When you have completed your drawing, have two peers from your
class critique your work.
 Step Eight: Write your name neatly on the back of the drawing and turn it in to
Mrs. Quinn.

Found Object Checklist

1. The assignment was turned in on time. __________/5

2. The objects were drawn neatly with no obvious smudges or extra marks. __________/5
3. There are at least three different objects in the drawing. __________/5
4. The objects are overlapping but are not too busy. __________/5
5. The composition is interesting and creative. __________/5
6. Good craftsmanship is obvious when using the medium __________/5
7. The drawing takes up the entire paper. __________/5
8. Tones and values were used throughout the drawing. __________/5
9. The colors used in the three sections are correct. __________/15
10. The self-evaluation was filled out and attached to the drawing. __________/15

Total Grade= ___/70

Motif Template

Assignment: Found Object Drawing
Name:______________________________ Class Period:___________

Grade yourself on the following:

1. The assignment was turned in on time. __________/5

2. The objects were drawn neatly with no obvious smudges or extra marks. __________/5
3. There are at least three different objects in the drawing. __________/5
4. The objects are overlapping but are not too busy. __________/5
5. The composition is interesting and creative. __________/5
6. Good craftsmanship is obvious when using the medium. __________/5
7. The drawing takes up the entire paper. __________/5
8. Tones and values were used throughout the drawing. __________/5
9. The colors used in the three sections are correct. __________/15


10. List your color combinations for each section and why you chose them.
11. If you had a choice of materials to use for this assignment what would they include?
12. How do you feel about your work now that it is complete? What would you have done differently?
13. What did you dislike about doing this unit on Color Theory?
14. What did you like about the unit?
15. Did you learn anything new? What did you learn?

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