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 Please see the attached product information of SIKAproof A, where it is mentioned

that it can be applied as damp proofing against the column footings, strip
foundations, walls etc. Also, please see the response from SIKA engineer
regarding the application of SIKA Proof A for sub-structure water proofing. Hence,
for the waterproofing for substructure/foundations kindly follow the IFC drawing ref.
no. QEA-924-S-8-001.
 Please see the attached product datasheet of SIKAproof P, where it is mentioned
that it can be applied as water-proofing membrane against roof slabs.
 Regarding the warranty of SIKA waterproofing system, specially the roof slab,
basement roof slab, basement slab and walls, swimming pools, holding tanks,
water tanks etc., the minimum guarantee period of 20 years as mentioned in the
‘Project brief and scope of work’ shall be respected. The suitability of all
waterproofing system shall be reviewed and approved by the supervising
consultant during the material submittal by the Contractor, also to reconfirm its
respective guarantee of 20 years. Please also see the response of SIKA engineer
regarding the warranty during our communication during the design stage.

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