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Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4(1): 58-64, 2008

© 2008, INSInet Publication

Ethno- Medical Uses of Plants in the Treatment of Various Skin

Diseases in Ovia North East, Edo State, Nigeria
R.K.A. Egharevba and 2M.I. Ikhatua

Department of Crop Science, University of Benin.
Department of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Benin.

Abstract: This study was investigated in 9 rural communities in Ovia North East Local Government Area
of Edo State. The investigation included names and plant parts used , ailments cured, preparation and
administration of these herbs. Facts were obtained with the aid of well structured questionnaires and
interviews of old and experienced rural people as well as herbalists. The use of traditional medicine was
observed to be widespread and prevalent in most area studied over orthodox medicines. An inventory of
41 plant species from 29 families for which 13 were trees, 11 shrubs and 17 herbaceous plants were
observed, an indication of high plant biodiversity. There were 57 medicinal plant uses out of which leaves,
stem bark, seeds/roots, fruits, flowers/buds were used in 35, 10, 7, 3 and 2 cases respectively. The
findings are documented.

Key words: Ethnobotany, medicinal plants, skin diseases, herbalists, traditional medicines

INTRODUCTION efficient compared to conventional modern medicines.

In his contribution Eisenberg et. al[8 ] estimated that
Medicinal plants in Nigeria were considered by in United States of America. the total number of visits
several researchers Gbile [9 ] and Iyamabo [1 3 ] to form an to unconventional healers in 1988 was 425m compared
important component of the natural wealth of the to 388m visits to primary health care physicians.
country. The tropical rainforest of which Nigeria is a Results revealed by Iwu et al[1 4 ] indicated that these
part has been described by Sofowora [2 4 ] as a reservoir plant resources are scattered and need to be
of phytomedicines. Many of these plants as explained consolidated. Okafor [2 0 ] also stressed that most
by Gill[1 0 ] and Iwu et al[1 4 ] contained substances that indigenous plants are found in the wild and semi-wild
can be used for therapeutic purposes if used by man. habitats and are presently suffering from genetic
Ransome-Kuti[2 3 ] estimated that the ratio of Doctors to erosion due to large scale deforestation activities of the
patients in Nigeria was 1:200,000. and hence the need Nigerian people.
for rural areas in particular to use medicinal plants. This study was aimed at identifying some
These plants have traditionally been used by medicinal plants used in treating skin diseases by
N igerians because they are natural products, healers in Ovia North East Local Government Area of
environmentally friendly, easily available, cheap and Edo State. According to Adodo [1 ] many of us do not
curative than many sub standard orthodox medicines know how important the skin is apart from it being a
imported into the country today. Sometimes these protective outer cloak for the body. This investigation
conventional medications have been confirmed by will assist in making information available on how
Murray [1 9 ] to have toxic effects on humans and these drugs obtained from medicinal plants are prepared
according to Maingi et. al.[1 8 ] there is the development and administered. Also relevant is the documentation of
of resistance by man and animals to some of these the local and common names for easy communication
drugs by target parasites as well as high cost of the and if and where possible to preserve these plants in
drugs. Chema and W ard [7 ] reiterated that with these the University’s herbarium.
misgivings on some orthodox medicines, herbal
remedies have become a reasonable alternative. As M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS
recorded by Kafaru [1 5 ] these ancient indigenous
practices were discovered by a series of “trial and The study was carried out in nine rural
error” which then could not be proven by scientific communities of Ovia North East Local Government
theories though but the results have been beneficial and Area,. Edo State, Nigeria. Edo state is located within

Corresponding Author: R.K.A. Egharevba, Department of Crop Science, University of Benin.

Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci., 4(1): 58-64, 2008

Table 1: D istribution of sam pling intensity of the m edicinal plants in the area of study.
Area of Study Rural Areas/peri urban N um ber of identified H erbalists 54% Sam pling Intensity U gbowo
U gbowo 11 6
Isiohor 18 10
Evbom ore 24 13
Iguosa 20 11
O luku 16 9
U tekon 27 15
Iyowa 23 12
Evboneka 19 10
N IFO R 16 9
Total 174 95
Source: Field survey:2005.

latitude 5 0 45 1 and 7 0 8 1 North and longitude 5 0 4 1 and indigenous knowledge was documented. In coming data
6 0 52 1 East. The climate is tropical and the vegetation were carefully scrutinized before collection. The data
is lowland rainforest with a mean annual rainfall of from the nine communities were collated using
2300mm. The communities are University of Benin Hannagan’s [1 1 ] method of coding in processing the
(Uniben) Ugbowo, Isiohor, Evbomore, Iguosa, Oluku, questionnaires. T he coded information was
Utekon, Iyowa, Evboneka and NIFOR (Table 1 and summarized in form of tables.
figure 1 map) The University of Benin is located in the
Ugbowo vicinity. The areas selected had a lot of RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
farmers and home gardeners who are self employed.
The people complained that during the course of their Results: In the survey, 41 plant species from 29
work that dermatitis was mainly a problem. families were identified. A total of 57 commonly used
.prescriptions for skin diseases were noted. Mixtures of
Sampling M ethod: Prior to the survey of the locations, plants were used in some cases. Several medicinal
random sampling was used of which 174 participants plant parts were used in herbal preparations such as
were identified amongst whom were old, experienced leaves, stem and barks, fruits, seeds and roots Of all
people including male farmers, women and herbalists. these, the leaf was found to be used in about 70-75%
The number obtained was large for accurate of the cases..
information and so random sampling intensity was used Table 2 gives a synopsis of medicinal plants and
to obtain 54% of the total for ease of administration their uses as observed in this study.
and so questions were given to 95 recipients (Table 1) The botanical names are arranged alphabetically.
Observations were also made during guided tours and These plants include some wild and uncultivated
transect walks. ones (Xylopia aethopica (Guinea pepper) Plukenetia
An inventory was taken and oral interviews conophorum (African walnut), Monodora myristica,
were conducted in response to well structured (African nutmeg) Afromomium melequenta (Alligator
questionnaires designed on identification and pepper) and some semi-wild plants such as Dacryodis
documentation of plants and their uses, local names for edulis, etc. They also include ornamental plants like
ease of communication, ailments cured, preparation Lawsonia inermis( Dye) and herbs.
and administration of the herbs, etc. In this process The parts of plants used for medicinal preparations
the medicinal plant characteristics were also vary from leaves, stem barks, seeds, roots , fruits. and
discussed for better knowledge of the plants flowers respectively. These are found in Table 3.
involved. The leaves were observed to be top priority as
Species were scientifically identified with the aid used in 35 medicinal preparations followed by stem
of The useful plants of W est tropical Africa [6 ], Nigerian bark 10 ,seeds and roots 7., fruits 3 and flower buds 2.
W eeds [4 ] Nigeria Trees [1 6 ] and Medicinal plants of The leaf is therefore the most efficacious part used in
Nigeria booklet[3 ]. Analysis of data was done and medicinal preparations.

Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci., 4(1): 58-64, 2008

Fig 1: A m ap of Edo state showing study areas.

Table 2: Ethnom edical uses of Plants for skin diseases in O via N orth East Local Governm ent Area, Edo State
Botanical Fam ily Com m on Local Parts M ajor Preparation & Adm inistration
N am es N am e N am e U sed Cure
Afromom ium m elegueta Zingerberaceae Alligator pepper Ehiendo Leaves Sm all 1 leaf decoction rubbed
(Bini) pox and on fungal infection.
Atare chicken box 2 Boil leaves and use in bathing.
Acalypha wilkesiana Euphorbiaceae Copper leaf (Y oruba) Leaves Sores 1.The decoction of leaves used
to rub sm all pox and chicken pox.
2.Powdered seeds added to Vaseline
and rubbed on skin rashes,
Ageratum conzoides Com positae Goat weed Im i-esu leaves W ounds, 1.Ground leaves, and apply
(Y oruba) rashes, to affected W ound.
ulcers 2D ecoction of leaves with
water apply to to rashes.
Allium cepa Liliaceae O nion Alubarha Bulb Rashes 1C rushed onion juice
(Bini) and applied to rashes.
Y abasa scorpion 2. Onion juice rubbed on the stings
(Ibo) bites.
Aloe bateri Liliaceae Aloe vera Leaves Boils 1.U se leaf gel as a poultice on boils
and 2.Squeeze leaves and rub
dandruff gel on scalp.

Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci., 4(1): 58-64, 2008

Table 2: Continued
Alstonia boonei Apocynacea Cam wood U khu Stem bark Snake bite The infusion of the bark alone is
(Bini) and arrow drunk As a rem edy for these.
Awun poison.
Am aranthus spinosus Am aranthaceae Prickly Inine (ibo) W hole Sores, 1. Ashes from burnt plant
am aranthus Tete elegun plant andeyewash good for sores
(Y oruba) 2. Juice from the plant
used as eye wash
Anarcardium occidentale Anarcardiaceae Cashew Ekashu m ature Body Slice m ature leaves, infuse in
(Edo) leaves Swellings local gin In a bottle and rub
in swollen rheum atic or arthritis parts.
rheum atism
and arthritis
Bryophyllum pinnatum Crassulaceae Airplant or Idan Leaves W ounds. Leaves are slightly warm ed in fire
ressurection wesin and applied to wounds.
plant (Edo)
Capsicum frutescence Solanaceae H ot pepper Ehien R ipe W ounds P ow dered m ixe d w ith p a lm oil a n d
(Bini) fruits D og applied to cuts and w ounds.
Atarodo /seeds bites
Caladium bicolor Araceae Jesus blood Edeu Leaves Boils Fire the rhizom e applied locally
m um uo treat boils and abscesses.
Cassia alata Caelsapinia Ringworm Akoria Leaves Ezcem a, 1 D ecoction of leaves and kerosene
ceae plant,. ovbi ore Ringworm applied to eczem a, ringworm etc.
(Bini) 2.Decoction of leaves and young
Asurun shoot added to black soap to bathe.
Carica papaya Caricaceae Pawpaw U hro Leave Sores The roasted leaf pulp is placed on
(Bini) sores for healing.
Celosia argentaeae Am arantha Cockscom b, Sokoyokoto Leaves Rashes 1 The juice of the leaves are used
ceae quailgrass (Yoruba) for rashes.
Ebe-afor 2. Seeds ground into paste

(Bini) and applied

Chrom laena odorota Com positae Awolowo Akintola Leaves W ounds Squeeze leaves and put on cuts
weed siam taku and Insect from wounds and stings.
weed. (Y oruba) stings
Cnestis Spp. Connaraceae - Esinsin Leaves R ashes B le n d and m ix w ith cam w ood a n d
(Y oruba) black soap: rub on skin
Corchorous olitorius Tiliaceae Jute plant Ebiyoyo seeds Abscesses Paste from ground seeds used to
(Bini) and rub on abscesses and swellings.
Ewedu sw ellings.
Colocasia esculentum Araceae Cocoyam Ewiebo Leaves Snake 1.poultice from the roots is used
(Ishan) and bite and for snakebite.
Roots rheum atism 2.Poultice from both roots and
leaves used for swellings of
D acryodes edulcs Burseraceae African O runm wun Bark Sw ollen A paste of the bark is a rem edy
pear (Bini) foot from for swollen foot (jiggers).
O lum u jigger
(Ishan) infestation.
D atura stramonium Solanaceae Green Apikan Leaves, Sores The crushed leaves and seeds are
thorn (Yor) seeds and m ixed w ith palm oil and applied
applr stings to severe cases of insect bites
Insect bites and stings.

Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci., 4(1): 58-64, 2008

Table 2: Continued
Ficus exasperata M oraceae Sand Am enm en Leaves Ringworm Rub leaves on affected part.
paper (Bini)
plant Ipin
H eliotropium Boraginaceae Cockscom b O riigun Leaves wound Rub leaves and juice on the
ovaliphoilum (Yoruba) wound of A scorpion Sting.
H ibiscus rosa M alvaceae G arden Kekeke Flower Boils Apply paste of flow er buds to boils.
sinersis hibiscus (Yoruba) buds
Justicia flova Acanthaceae Leaves Skin Boil leaves and use to bathe.
Kalanchoe spp Crassulaceae Velvet Leaves Sores Freshly pound leaves used to treat
leaf and sores and wounds.
tum ors
Law sonia inerm is Lythraceae H enna, Lali Leaves Skin The powder of the dried leaves used
Cypress (Y oruba) tonic As a tonic astringent on the
shrub skin by checking perspiration.
M im osa pudica Legum ino Touch m e - Leaves Guinea 1. Apply juice from leaves to
sease not or worm s pically to infected parts.
sensitive 2. Apply leaves topically.
M onodora myristica Anonaceae African Ikposa Seeds Guinea 1. Seeds ground to powder and
nutm eg (Bini) worm s used to treat the worm s.
Ariwo 2. D ecoction of seeds is drunk
O ccim um Labiataceae Fever Ebe- Leaves Insect Crush leaves.or Squeeze fresh
gratissim um Plant am wokho bites. leavess and rub on affected parts.
(B ini)
Peproma pelllucida Piperaceae - Reren W hole W ound Local ju ice ap p lied to fresh w ound.
(Y oruba) plant
Plukenetia Euphorbia African O khue Fruits Snake Eat the uncooked fruit
conophora ceae walnut (B ini) bite
(Y oruba) W hole Swellings, The crushed plant is applied locally
Portulaca oleraceae Portulacaceae Papasan plant bruises and on swellings and affected parts.
(Yor) whitlow.
Rauvolfa vomitora Apocynceae Swizzle Akata Seeds Skin 1. Powder root and seeds:
stick or (Bini) roots diseases add to soap and use
serpent Asofeyje
wood (Yoruba)
Sanseveria libenica Agavaceae M other Pasankooko W hole Bad 1. Grind leaf in a brass container
In Law’s (Y oruba) plant sores and let it be thick. Add to
tongue, sores, relieves
Leopard 2 Powdered roots and water. D rink
Lily. for tetanus
Spondia m om bin Anacandia - O gheghe Bark Athlete’s Leaf and .Bark extracts used
ceae (Bini) foot when in fused.
Iyeye Leaves
Talinum trianulare Portulacaceae W ater Ebodundun Leaves Cuts, M acerate leaves and \apply.
leaf (Bini) wounds
Term inalia catapa Com breta Alm ond Ebelebo Bark Leprosy 1Sap from the young leaves are
ceae Tree (Bini) leaves and rubbed on affected parts.
scabies 2. M acerated leaves in palm
oil on leprosy.

Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci., 4(1): 58-64, 2008

Table 2: Continued
Vernonia am ygdalina Com positae Bitter Ebe-oriwuo Leaves M easles Extract of leaves in native gin
leaf (Bini) Juice and rubbed on the skin.
Vitex doniana Verbena Black O riri Leaves Ringworm Apply Juice of leaves on ringworm ..
ceae plum (Bini) Bark
U chekon
Xylopia aethiopica Anonaceae African U nien Fruits Rheum atism 1. Pound fruits and m ake into paste
guinea (B ini) and and apply.
pepper Eeru Arthritis 2.Grind fruits and add to; pom ade,
(Yoruba) rub on affected parts.

Table 3: Frequency of Plant Parts U sed for Herbal Rem edies (1992) concluded that conservationists in Nigeria must
Plant Parts Frequency
begin to address this area of genetic erosion at the
Leaves 35
Stem barks 10
genetic level which is the most neglected and least
Seeds/roots 7 understood area of biological diversity.
Fruits 3
Flower buds 2 REFERENCES

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