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Educational Action Research

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Motivating and/or de-motivating environments to

do action research: the case of teachers of English
as a foreign language in Ethiopian universities

Firdissa Jebessa Aga

To cite this article: Firdissa Jebessa Aga (2016): Motivating and/or de-motivating environments
to do action research: the case of teachers of English as a foreign language in Ethiopian
universities, Educational Action Research, DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2016.1168310

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Educational Action Research, 2016

Motivating and/or de-motivating environments to do action

research: the case of teachers of English as a foreign language
in Ethiopian universities
Firdissa Jebessa Aga
Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 23:51 07 June 2016


This study intended to investigate the motivating and/or de- Received 7 February 2015
motivating environments for teachers of English as a foreign language Accepted 14 January 2016
(EFL) to conduct action research. Data were generated through a KEYWORDS
questionnaire, interviews, and focus group discussions. The results Action research; motivating/
showed that there were both motivating and de-motivating factors. de-motivating environments;
The motivating factors were more extrinsic and insignificant, and English as a foreign language
emanated from impediments which, with the scantily available
opportunities, triggered few EFL teachers to be vigilant of their
professional practices. On the other hand, the de-motivating factors
were pervasive, stemmed from different sources, and ranged from
policy to practice, from internal to external, and from individual to
institutional – requiring empowerment of EFL teachers and shortening
of bureaucratic journeys for endorsing research fund requests. The
teachers should also bear proper attitude and commitment, and
take initiatives to enhance their practical skills and to deliberate
with pertinent stakeholders on creating a favorable environment to
conduct action research for the betterment of themselves and their

Theoretical and conceptual background

The current professional landscape demands building bridges between language teaching
and research by empowering teachers to be critical thinkers, originators, and responsible
practitioners for their professional decisions following an action research approach. Action
research is conceived differently by different writers, under different contexts, places, and
settings, and at different times. Commonly, nonetheless, its conceptions relate to practical
ways of looking at one’s own individual, professional, and environmental concerns with a
purpose to understand these and bring betterment and/or cope with the demand of the
day related to one’s professional life. Consequently, action research is referred to as practi-
tioner-based research; self-reflective practice; a catalyst for improvement, change, and devel-
opment in professional practice; and a systematic inquiry conducted by the self into the self
in order to come to some decisions about what one’s future practices should be (Burns 1999;

CONTACT  Firdissa Jebessa Aga

© 2016 Educational Action Research
2    F. J. Aga

McNiff 2002; Noffke and Somekh 2009). Gay and Airasian (2000, 603) also view action research
as ‘a type of practitioner research that is used to improve the practitioner’s practice.’ In the
same vein, Carr and Kemmis (1986), Kemmis (2008, 2007, 1995, 1993), and Kemmis and
McTaggart (2005, 1988) view action research as a form of practitioners’ self-reflective enquiry
undertaken in social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality
and justice of their own social or educational practices, their understanding of these prac-
tices, and the situations in which the practices are carried out.
Inherent in all of the conceptions so far discussed are eight features: empowerment of
participants, self-reflective practice, collaboration through participation, acquisition of
knowledge, change orientation, a critical dimension involving reflection on practices and
social milieus that surround classrooms, context specific, and a continuous cyclical or spiral
process. In the context of this study, empowerment deals with English as a foreign language
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(EFL) teachers’ professional autonomy, freedom, and leeway to sense ownership of the
improvement of their classroom practices, among others, by choosing and employing the
teaching of EFL methods they regard as relevant; investigating their classroom practices so
as to generate authentic and compelling data; and contributing to the process of making
changes in their classroom practices. It also deals with equipping EFL teachers with pertinent
knowledge, skills, policies, guidelines, and roles; and allotting enough resources to conduct
action research for learning and for EFL classroom practical problem resolution.
Action research is therefore viewed in this study as a process and practice of investigating
and enlightening EFL classroom practices for betterment. It is viewed as a task of EFL teachers
to initiate classroom investigation to learn, understand, and change their practices following
a reflective cycle of identifying an issue, clarifying, planning, acting, observing, reflecting,
and re-planning. Consequently, the teachers derive its real meaning as they do the research
and explain what they are doing and why they are doing what they do. This in turn enhances
their learning, understanding, and knowledge, and transforms them and their practices and
the performances of all those involved in and affected by the practices. By implication, the
different conceptions of action research by different people entail that, implicitly or explicitly,
it is research designed to improve practices, practitioners, and participants (Firdissa 2010).
Inherent within the improvement of practices, practitioners, and participants is bringing
together research and action, the researcher and the actor, with the purpose of enhancing
quality EFL teaching and learning through empowered, informed, motivated, and committed
teachers (Firdissa 2010, 6). In the context of this study, quality deals with the purpose and
satisfaction of all parties who have a stake in the research process and outcomes: EFL teach-
ers, students, heads of Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures, and Ministry of
Education (MoE) officials in particular, and the society at large.
Teachers are therefore expected to: do the right things right – to be alive in changing EFL
classroom practices for better quality; continually reexamine assumptions against evidence
and interpretations related to teaching rather than taking one approach as an attainable
ideal; deabsolutize accustomed traditions and rituals; and take a fallibilist view of truth. This
calls for creating enabling environment in terms of policies, guidelines, support, recognitions,
and understanding; and empowering EFL teachers to do action research.
Inherent in the notion of empowerment are moral, epistemological, ontological, and
methodical positions of the teachers to invest much effort and many talents for the betterment
of themselves and their practices. These positions demand professional autonomy to think
and act rationally and consensually as opposed to being forced or manipulated – entailing
Educational Action Research   3

the close relationship between rationality and knowledge (Habermas 1986; Kemmis 1995).
This line of thought: qualifies EFL teachers as logical, sensible, and capable professionals to
make prudent decisions and take wise actions to bring change based on intelligent thinking
and understanding rather than on emotion or on established norms and rituals; and chal-
lenges the notion that ‘teachers teach as they were taught’ using a taken-for-granted approach.
This is because life and environmental situations change from day to day, making teaching a
complex craft; one class never being quite the same as another, and today’s method might
not work for tomorrow’s situation (Allwright and Bailey 1991).
Implied within this line of thought is the worth of enhancing authentic language class-
room practices through critical reflection, emphasizing the doing rather than the planning
because it is whatever actually happens in the classroom that really matters, that makes a
difference to learning. This is a pragmatic stance in point for the English language as the
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medium of instruction at secondary and tertiary levels; as an international system of com-

munication and diplomacy; and as the language of opportunity opening the door to higher
education, a better job, and upward social mobility in the world (Mann n.d.; Prabhu 1987).
Historically in Ethiopia, the need for the English language had ensued with the desire to
produce Ethiopians who could serve as interpreters, diplomats, and modern administrative per-
sonnel, along with the concomitant commencement of modern education in 1908 in general
and with the establishment of the University College of Addis Ababa in 1950 in particular.
Consequently, there has been a widespread general desire to learn the language at all levels of
schooling, and an already established and long-term system of working in and through English
in the country. It has been the medium of instruction for secondary, technical/vocational, and
tertiary education for a long time and is currently being taught as a subject starting from Grade
One in the country (MoE 2005; Transitional Government of Ethiopia 1994).
The English language also has a potential prominent position beyond its current educational
value in the country. This is because in addition to its pragmatic functions and roles to enhance
individual and societal development in the competitive world, it is a ‘neutral language to all ethnic
groups’ in Ethiopia and is consequently favored by all (Hailom 1993, 7).
The growing recognition of the roles of the English language in Ethiopian universities
seems to open new opportunities for EFL teachers to reflect on and assess the effectiveness
of communicative language teaching approaches with the purpose of making adaptations
to their classroom environments rather than taking them for granted, which may have dif-
ferent environmental implications. Such opportunities have necessitated provision of action
research to teacher educators through the Higher Diploma Program (HDP), and as a course
at the level of a preservice undergraduate program and as part of a research course and
work in graduate programs.
Particularly, the HDP is a practice-based training program for teacher educators at higher
education institutions in Ethiopia. It has a one-year duration whereby teachers attend two
hours of discussion classes for two days per week, supplemented with additional classroom
observations and secondary school visits for a week or two. To graduate, the participants
are expected to conduct action research, which is one of the four modules within the HDP
portfolio. Whereas modules one, two, and three deal respectively with ‘Reflective Teacher
Educator,’‘Developing Active Learning,’ and ‘Improving Assessment,’ the fourth module deals
with ‘Action Research, Making a Difference’ (MoE 2006).
All levels of schoolteachers are therefore expected to do action research as one of the
many requirements for career development, and undergraduate education students also
4    F. J. Aga

become acquainted with action research practices through trainings and practicum place-
ment at secondary schools.

Statement of the problem

Even though the legitimacy of action research as a catalyst for change and improvement is
more widespread today than ever before, it seems that very few conscious efforts have been
made by our universities to put in place clear roles and responsibilities to plan and implement
it by empowering and energizing the frontline practitioners (Firdissa 2006).
Because the data for human science research are human experiences (Van Manen 1990),
my experiences as a student and as a teacher at secondary schools, teacher training institutes,
a college of teacher education, and Addis Ababa University (AAU), my participation in HDP
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as a tutee, tutor, and leader at AAU, and my observations through brainstorming while I was
training instructors on action research as part of continuous professional development at
universities have given me solid experience that there remains a long journey for putting in
place favorable environments for teacher educators to conduct action research with the
purpose of linking research and teaching.
Moreover, I had made a short reconnaissance by collecting data from 25 language instruc-
tors who were my HDP tutees at AAU. The findings from the assessment showed that even
though the teachers had awareness about action research, they were not actually doing it
because of a number of de-motivating factors.
The environments seem to have created a context whereby instructors (of EFL and other
subjects) were facing challenges to create authentic and pragmatic learning activities and
to reflect on their classroom practices, understandings, and situations. Language teachers’
creation of authentically task-based learning environments was minimal. Their reflection on
their language classroom practices and teaching contexts was invisible. They were observed
cautiously presenting their contents following prespecified models and activities rather than
enhancing contextual, pragmatic, and functional language learning avenues that the learners
would need in their work and life.
The implication of all the thus far mentioned potential and observed shortfalls is low
quality of EFL teaching in particular and the education system in general. This in turn might
have resulted in students’ low proficiency in English, low academic achievement, and con-
sequently low performance at the worlds of work and life, symbolizing a sort of vicious

Purpose and question of the study

The purpose of this study was to find out what motivating and/or de-motivating environ-
mental factors were there for EFL teachers to conduct action. The assumption is that change
entails investing many talents and much effort in enabling environments. The environments
might have influenced the conduct of action research positively or negatively. Whereas the
negatively influencing environments might have been sensed as painful experiences of the
level of action research practices in EFL classrooms and also could have served as hidden
opportunities, the positive aspects might have offered possibilities for enabling action and
improvement of the practices and prospects of action research in EFL classrooms of Ethiopian
universities (Firdissa 2010, 24).
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In line with the purpose and the concomitant assumptions, the study tried to answer the
following question: what motivating and/or de-motivating environments (policy provisions,
guidelines, support, and understandings) are there for EFL teachers to be engaged in
researching their own classroom practices?

The research methodology

The data used for this study are basically part of the author’s PhD dissertation. Whereas a blend
of both qualitative and quantitative methods was employed for my PhD dissertation, an exclu-
sively qualitative approach has been used for this article. My choice here is not to be taken as
indication of paradigmatic preference; rather, it is a purely pragmatic – to explore the real mean-
ings that exist within individual cases by way of reiterating the wordings of the research partic-
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ipants. Because the data were from people who are different from each other in the way they
perceive, interpret, and remember things, their accounts on the issue of environment for action
research would show considerable variations across the individuals (Dornyei 2007).
To explore the data-driven meanings in an idiosyncratic manner, the qualitative data
gathered and used in this article reminded me of Dick’s statements in justifying the meth-
odology of data-driven action research:
You can begin action research by asking initially fuzzy questions using initially fuzzy methods,
thereby gaining initially fuzzy answers. You may then use those initially fuzzy answers to refine
your methods as you proceed. To say it differently, research content and research process both
develop as the research proceeds. (Dick 2002, 5)
In the same vein, the initially somewhat hazy and fragmented views of the research subjects
were generated, categorized, reiterated, and synthesized and appeared in a way that gives
meaning as a research finding.

Data collection sites and rationales

My initial intention was to take EFL teachers who had practiced action research at all nine
public universities functioning prior to 2006 in Ethiopia. It was, however, learnt that EFL
teachers who participated from AAU as data sources of the reconnaissance stage were not
actually doing action research for a number of reasons. Inasmuch as the major public uni-
versities of Ethiopia were once affiliated colleges of AAU where teaching of the English
language had started with the establishment of the University College of Addis Ababa in
1950, it is my belief that the practices in EFL classrooms of AAU would signify the practices
at the other universities in the country, although minor deviations would be unavoidable.
Consequently, I decided to explore the issue involving both practicing and non-practicing
EFL teachers in senior universities. Accordingly, all nine universities were registered in the
descending order of their years in offering English as a field of study. Taking the upper insti-
tutions from the sequence, AAU, Bahir Dar University (BDU), and Haramaya University (HarU)
were selected for the study.

Data sources and selection procedures

In this study, 30, 18, and nine teachers respectively from AAU, BDU, and HarU participated
as data sources. In addition, 20 discussants (seven both at AAU and BDU, and six at HarU)
6    F. J. Aga

and eight interviewees (two each from the three universities and from the MoE)
The selection procedures of the data sources followed a mix of purposive, convenience,
and availability sampling techniques. The teacher respondents at the three universities and
the interviewees from MoE were taken based on purposive and availability sampling tech-
niques. The discussants and interviewees at all three universities were selected after their
consent had been solicited to willingly participate. EFL teachers were the main data sources.
Since they were directly involved in and were affected by the practices of action research,
relevant and accurate data could be obtained from them, getting tangible information ‘from
the horse’s mouth.’ This is because they lie at the heart of language teaching and learning.
The rationale to include the data sources from the MoE was to corroborate and triangulate
some issues related to policy/practice that might be available and motivate action research
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conduct in EFL classrooms of the universities in particular, and in the overall education system
of the country in general.

Data-gathering tools and procedures

Four data-gathering tools were utilized in the course of the research work: a questionnaire,
two semi-structured interview schedules, and a focus group discussion (FGD) guide. Whereas
the questionnaire was dispatched to the subjects by hand delivery, the interviews and FGDs
were administered through face-to-face deliberations. In both cases, pre-prepared questions
were posed and the answers were tape-recorded.

Methods of data analyses

The data generated through the tools were qualitatively analyzed. Inasmuch as I had close
follow-up as the data were emerging raw mainly from the FGDs and the interviews, necessary
preconditions were set for the analysis stage. I used to go back and forth to generate relevant
data in line with the research theme. The approach helped me to create some subheadings
under which the data have been pulled together for analysis.
Coding was consistently used in presenting and analyzing the data. As can be seen from
Table 1, coding – of the tools, subjects, cases, and sites – was performed as soon as the data
were collected. Utmost care was taken to make the codes exclusive and exhaustive, and to
apply them consistently. The data from the interviews and the FGDs were transcribed from
Table 1. Coding of the tools, sites, and the subjects.
Number Code Represents/stands for
1 I Interviewees
2 F Focus group discussants
3 R Questionnaire respondents
4 C1, 2, 3, …, n Cases (all interviewees and FGD discussants)
5 IAAU Interviewees at Addis Ababa University
6 IBDU Interviewees at Bahir Dar University
7 IHarU Interviewees at Haramaya University
8 IMoE Interviewees at the Ministry of Education
9 FAAU Discussants at Addis Ababa University
10 FBDU Discussants at Bahirdar University
11 FHarU Discussants at Haramaya University
12 TR Teacher respondents
Educational Action Research   7

the tape recorder and mixed with those of the questionnaire under pertinent themes and/
or the created subheadings, and then analyzed and interpreted accordingly. In the course
of the analysis, the wordings and expressions of the individual cases were maintained in
most cases.

Analyses and results

The study was intended to determine the presence of motivating and/or de-motivating
environments for EFL teachers to conduct action research. Data were generated through a
questionnaire from 57 EFL teachers (30, 18, and nine respectively at AAU, BDU, and HarU),
FGDs with 20 people (seven both at AAU and BDU, and six at HarU), and interviews with
eight people (two each from the three universities and from the MoE).
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The subjects were requested to indicate both the overall motivating and de-motivating
environmental factors for EFL teachers to do action research. Consequently, it has been
learnt that there were both motivating and de-motivating factors for EFL teachers to do
action research related to empowerment, support, policies, and guidelines.

Motivating factors for EFL teachers to do action research

The results showed that the motivating factors were more extrinsic in nature. They were
related to the problems themselves, scantily/meagerly available opportunities, incentives,
policy intents, and expectations from the teacher educators.

Problems as motivating factors to do action research

The problems that EFL teachers faced in discharging their professional roles were said to
trigger them to be curious. In relation to this, one respondent indicated: ‘The practical prob-
lems that I see in classroom motivate me to do action research’ (TR34). In line with these
thoughts, many problems that motivated teachers to conduct action research could be seen
as fertile grounds for investigation. A discussant at AAU indicated:
… there are a lot of problems in classrooms. Teachers may strive to solve them partly if not fully.
In doing so, they may ask, ‘What should I do?’‘Where should I start?’ These are questions of choice
from among the many problems because they are serious (C1 FAAU).
An interviewee at AAU also mentioned the following:

a. Students-related challenges … language, learning styles and strategies, etc. trigger

teachers to investigate their practices;
b. Administrative constraints, gender issues, diversity and the like are fertile grounds for
research; and
c. The environment where teachers work … forces them to be cautious. (C1 IAAU)
Another interviewee at the same university indicated: ‘You do not need to mention [action]
research, but if there is a challenge, automatically [action] research is there’ (C2 IAAU).
The subjects who claimed to have done action research were further requested to give
the reasons for their observed status of the practices. Accordingly, the reasons and impulses
to do action research have been grouped into four categories: HDP requirement, problem
resolution, learning and improvement, and expected roles as teachers.
8    F. J. Aga

Meager opportunities
Basically, today’s EFL teachers were yesterday’s EFL students. They were trained for action
research in undergraduate and graduate programs mainly at AAU. Today also, they have
chances of attending HDP in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), which are expanding in
the country. They also teach (action) research and supervise research works done by their
students. Moreover, there were possibilities to receive exposures to different information
As one interviewee at AAU indicated:
Today, access to HE is increasing very much and people are accessing research in training pro-
grams. So, I would fairly say that teachers have chances for training on language teaching, to
understand issues from within and learn from international side. We have internet system that
really is another source of information to see what is done around the world. Teachers can
download a lot of information on research … (C2 IAAU)
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Whereas this quote entails the lofty chances internally and externally, the popularity of action
research these days more than ever before is another opportunity. In relation to this, one
interviewee at MoE indicated:
Action research was not a concern before ten or so years … during our times as students, we
had never heard of it. But in recent years it has become one of the concepts to be taught in
[Ethiopian] universities. Our universities are now motivating their instructors and students to
do action research. Students are told to read, do assignments, and present research papers.
This is the motivating environment for students and the teachers to teach, supervise, and grow
professionally. (C2 IMoE)
The presence of some sort of institutional and national policy intents is also an opportunity
for teachers to do action research. In relation to this, a question on the extent to which the
universities in the country empower and support EFL teachers to investigate their practices
for improvement/change was presented to the subjects. Accordingly, only 30% of the teacher
respondents acknowledged the presence of the required empowerment and support.
Among those who acknowledged the presence of some sort of policy provisions as empow-
erment, one discussant at BDU attributed the case to ‘faith/trust to bring change/improve-
ment’ (C3 FBDU).
There was also a consensus of all the discussants at BDU that universities in the country
were giving some sort of theoretical knowledge for teachers to carry out action research.
But whether that was consistently practiced or not in the teachers’ actual classrooms is
something to be investigated. An interviewee at MoE also indicated:
I really did not check whether action research is a course in itself or not. Anyway within certain
course [teachers] always talk of action research. So I think they empower their students to con-
duct action research. But the question is whether it is theoretical or practical. May be what we
always lack is … the practical side. We do not practice it … (C1 IMoE)
This quote has a grain of truth. Many people have more theoretical than practical knowledge.
This could be partly due to the orientations they have come through and partly due to the
limited empowerment and opportunities to actually practice action research.
One mechanism of empowerment to enhance practical understanding is through HDP
training. But for different reasons, EFL teachers do not use the opportunity to exercise action
research. One discussant at AAU indicated: ‘even though the university has given us the
opportunity to practice action research through HDP, we do not practice it [beyond the
requirement for certification] due to different reasons’ (C6 FAAU).
Educational Action Research   9

A discussant at BDU also indicated:

One way of empowering is that the university has organized HDP whereby teachers can pick up
a lot of information on action research besides their teaching and normal training. But I have not
heard in my stay here … that instructors conducting action research. Most commonly teachers
do not conduct and pass the results … (C4 FBDU)
Furthermore, the subjects were asked whether there were policies and/or guidelines showing
clear roles and responsibilities for EFL teachers to do action research. The data generated
from the subjects have shown that there were mixed beliefs among the subjects. Whereas
some of them considered the intents in major policy documents and guidelines (for instance,
Education and Training Policy [ETP], Education Sector Development Program, Teacher
Education System Overhaul, Higher Education System Overhaul, etc.) as policies, the majority
of the subjects indicated that there was no any clear policy in relation to action research in
actual practice.
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An interviewee from the former group indicated:

… a lot of space is given to research in ETP, Education Sector Development Program, and so
forth. Particularly in ETP, new paradigms of teaching whereby research can be integral part have
been provided. In every stage there is a lot of space for research work. (C2 IAAU)
The same interviewee further concretized the case, citing issues of curriculum integration,
student-centered approaches, continuous assessment, active learning, and activity-based,
task-based, and communicative language teaching as contents of policy documents that
required doing some sort of research. He had a view that instructors should see how their
teaching was really impacting learning in line with the cited curricula innovations. That
means teachers are expected to examine how students are learning, developing, and chang-
ing by doing some sort of research. He further argued that the general policy or program
documents implicitly or explicitly encourage teachers to do any kind of research. He none-
theless regrettably indicated that there was no clear policy or guideline which would show
specific roles and responsibilities at the level of institutions/universities.

Incentives as motivating factors to do action research

Few of the participants reported that extrinsic incentives motivated EFL teachers to do action
research. The stated incentives were funds, presentations of research work at conferences,
publishing the work, and getting recognition and/or promotion to the next rank in their
academic career. One interviewee elaborated the case as follows:
… there is to some extent a kind of incentive, a sort of recognition that university instructors
get as a result of doing research; although the management of the funding is very bureaucratic.
Requests come from different parties to departments, there are also possibilities that people
can present their research works at seminars and share their knowledge with other colleagues.
I think that is a positive aspect that would encourage them do research … (C2 IAAU)
Understandably, therefore, the opportunities for participation in action research are increas-
ing from time to time. For instance, calls for seminar or conference papers are relatively in a
better position now than ever before, particularly in Ethiopia. Evidently, invitations are
seen posted at different places within and outside university premises. These all can be
viewed as incentives to motivate teachers to participate in research undertakings and
10    F. J. Aga

De-motivating environments to do action research

Almost all of the subjects raised at least one or another de-motivating environmental factor
to do action research. At the outset, two respondents pointed out that the environmental
factors for EFL teachers to do action research were ‘de-motivating’ (TR26, TR29). Also another
respondent indicated: ‘… there are various discouraging factors to conduct action research,
such as lack of time, lack of resource, and recognition’ (TR45). These environmental factors
were from different sources and range from policy to practice, and are attributable to insti-
tutions, individuals, situations, and issues.
The de-motivating factors that the subjects raised can include: challenges of work and
life situation; mismatch between time investment in research and gain; lengthy time for
endorsing research request; lack of differentiated publishing opportunities; attitudinal and
commitment problems; low practical skills; low empowerment; lack of clear policies and
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roles to engage in action research undertakings; and diminished hope for change.

Challenges of work and life situations

Many of the research subjects had the opinion that work and life situations were not that
conducive for EFL teachers to conduct action research as expected. One discussant
In reality, the working situations are de-motivating to many of the staff. So … research in general
terms is not conducted in my opinion. There is workload, every teacher has to teach full load at
their departments. And sometimes there are situations that you are forced to carry more loads.
Actually … there is no enough time and support. Teachers are actually advising students, doing
this, doing that. So, teachers do not … have time to do action research. (C1 FAAU)
Within the context of work situations are the life situations that teachers lead. Regarding
this, another discussant argued:
The life of teachers itself costs them souring every day. Teachers actually find it very difficult to
meet the demands of the life situations. Instead of thinking of research, one may think of how
to bring more coin, make more money to survive. I think you have to comfortably live; there is
no comfort in terms of monetary and material life as far as observed in the university. The very
life of what we lead urges us to run here and there rather than doing action research. (C3FAAU)
Some respondents also reasoned out the case as: ‘The environment is not motivating’ to
conduct action research (TR54); ‘The academic context does not encourage …’ (TR55); time
constraints, ‘too much load,’ and engagement in different routines (TR37); ‘Lack of interest
and non-existence of conducive research environment’ (TR18); and lack of support (TR30,

Mismatch between time invested in research and gains

It was learnt that the time invested in research and the benefits gained as a result of doing
research did not match. This was argued by many of the research participants as the principal
challenge that discouraged teachers not to persistently do action research. Actually, research
work is demanding. It needs thinking time, planning time, and practicing time. Even if anyone
sacrifices other gains and does action research and gets it published luckily, the return is
little. The only reward is that he/she gets promotion to the next academic rank. But getting
promotion to the next rank by itself is not rewarding because the material gain is below the
efforts and resources invested in producing the research works that take one to the required
level of promotion. An interviewee argued on this issue as follows.
Educational Action Research   11

If you luckily produce research and get promotion to the next rank, [no substantive change on
your salary]. But how much time do you spend to do research work that takes you to the rank
…? It takes a lot of resources including time. So people say why do I spend such time while I can
go on teaching and getting … money and buy my car, build my house, and support my kids to
go to schools? … system does not encourage the staff to be engaged in research although it
expects every instructor to be involved in any kind of research activities … (C2 IAAU)
Implied in this statement is that there were little or no gains as a return for research outputs.
Doing action research does not have clear and established pecuniary or material reward. So
instructors prefer to teach part-time, overload, and extension programs and make money
beyond their regular salary (C1 IAAU).
One respondent also indicated that ‘the workload and lack of some positive reinforce-
ments … can be de-motivating factors’ (TR16). Another respondent suggested: ‘I think …
fund has to be allocated to motivate us’ (TR14). Inherently, therefore, many teachers prefer
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teaching to conducting research of whatever sort.

Lengthy time for endorsing request for research fund

The data show that there is a long journey from thinking, identifying the area of research,
planning, securing support and cooperation, and conducting research. An interviewee at
AAU explained the case as follows:
… the process of securing support for research takes a lot of time and it is very bureaucratic.
Because of this, many instructors avoid to do research. That is why we are not moving forward
… Currently as it stands, the university is saying that it is a research institute, but less is done
… (C2 IAAU)
Also commented during FGD at AAU was that ‘The very long bureaucratic chain one has to
pass through in order to get fund from the university is de-motivating the staff for conducting
action research’ (C2 FAAU). On top of this, low support, low encouragement from top man-
agement, low collegial forums, negligible incentives, and curriculum-related constraints were
said to be frustrating experiences. One respondent also indicated that ‘Institutional support
is often de-motivating’ (TR34). Similarly, three respondents indicated that lack of encour-
agement and facilities, incentives, and enabling environment and a shortage of time de-mo-
tivate teachers to do action research (TR39, TR47, and TR50).

Lack of differentiated publishing opportunities

Publishing research outcomes is very important and is a motive by itself, basically when
there are publishing opportunities opening spaces for different types and levels of articles.
The data, nonetheless, show that our system does not give space for differentiated publica-
tion mechanisms. On this issue, an interviewee commented as follows:
We do not have different types of journals to publish different levels of articles … where they
do fit. If you are requiring a professorship you are required to publish in the first level or classic
journals. But still you can really communicate your researched ideas in other level journals …
people need to be engaged interactively in sharing ideas, understanding problems, suggesting
solutions. So even … you can communicate in the internet system. Here we do not have such
established culture and system. So these are some of the challenges I see in our case. (C2 IAAU)

Attitudinal and commitment problems

As learnt from two interviewees’ expressions at AAU and HarU, attitude is the next problem
after poverty from which many people suffer; not to see and/or do what is right and
12    F. J. Aga

acceptable as it ought to be (C1 IHarU). Rather than creating whatever possible fertile grounds
for themselves, ‘People still suffer from problem of attitude’ (C2 IAAU). In the same vein, the
following statements by respondents reflect the attitudinal problems by some teachers:
Teachers should know how to deal with discouraging factors and how to use each other as
resources instead of [merely] expecting support. (TR28)
Teachers … do not realize the importance of action research themselves. (TR52)
[There were] many belittles [on] action research considering it to be subjective. (TR10)
Utilitarian philosophy in AAU, money rules. (TR57)
The issue of attitudinal problem can be discerned from the point of view of accountability
to truth as well as to people. The situation of practicing continuous professional development
in general, and HDP in particular, seems less genuine because some of the research partic-
ipants had low faith in and also low commitment towards their development. As an extreme
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case, one of the discussants at BDU argued that:

The HDP training itself is a quick training; it is a ‘fake’ practice. Data are fabricated to complete
the training. This was because of time constraint. For instance, when I conducted action research,
I fabricated data and completed the training. I was very busy … (C6FBDU)
This is an indication that some instructors seem to have distorted attitudes towards viewing
the right things correctly.

Low practical skills and provisions

It has been learnt that there were opportunities to expose teachers to research through
different mechanisms. In practice, nonetheless, there were no clear provisions for EFL teach-
ers to do action research. As a result, teachers hardly advance their practical skills to conduct
action research (C3FHarU).
In the same vein, an interviewee at MoE indicated:
Teachers are given the theoretical aspect of action research at universities. But when they come
out of the university, I doubt if these teachers are conducting action research. Because even
in the university they are given the theoretical part and they do not know how to practice [it].
Therefore, that might de-motivate them. (C1 IMoE)
Similarly, two respondents specifically commented on the issue: ‘lack of profound [practical]
knowledge about action research and burden from other activities’ (TR35) and ‘lack of knowl-
edge and motivation’ (TR40) discourage EFL teachers to do action research persistently.
Another respondent explained: ‘I think many instructors have fairly good theoretical knowl-
edge of action research, but it is my personal belief that they do not practice it or get involved
in the process. Because it does not have value-tag on it’ (TR19). By implication, a system
should be set up in Ethiopian HEIs to make use of this valuable tool (action research) so as
to enhance the teaching learning process.

Low empowerment, lack of clear policies, guidelines, and roles

The data from the subjects show that there is no great deal and genuine empowerment for
EFL teachers to do action research. This in turn has made the teachers less serious about and
less committed to their professional advancement through action research practices.
One discussant also commented: ‘If, for instance, I ask load reduction to conduct action
research, I am sure I will not get. This, therefore, de-motivates me to go further’ (C3FAAU). In
Educational Action Research   13

the same vein, an interviewee responded to a question which directly asked the level of
and/or availability of empowerment for EFL teachers to conduct action research:
No, the university does not really empower teachers to conduct action research. It does appre-
ciate if staffs are engaged in research, it does expect in the sense that staff get promotion when
they do research … The University does not make any special obligation for teachers to do
research. No, it is up to them. (C2 IAAU)
The same interviewee further reported: ‘whereas in the [natural and health] sciences, depart-
ments take major international projects from outside, it is not common in behavioral as well
as humanity sciences … unless it might be obtained from the University in rare cases.’ The
interviewee also had the opinion that even if fund is obtained from the university, it is not
satisfactory. He further added: ‘… the University structure is not very much motivating; rather
it is limiting and inhibiting initiatives.’ As indicated earlier, the only thinly available hope is
that teachers luckily conduct research and publish in reputable journals and get promotion
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to the next academic rank, although that by itself is not attractive in pecuniary or material
Arguably, some subjects considered expectations and intentions in national and institu-
tional documents as guidelines for research. Many of the subjects, on the other hand, argued
that there was no any policy at whatever level specifically referring to action research except
the HDP portfolio. There are expectations and intentions at the level of policies and in our
universities that every instructor should be involved in any kind of research activities.
Practically, however, there is neither specific provision nor empowerment for EFL teachers
to fulfill the demands at their respective institutes/departments. There is almost a common
consensus on this issue by all the research participants. For instance, an interviewee at AAU
Whereas teachers are expected to conduct research, there is no clarity of what type of research,
when and with what support/resource. This shows that there is no clear empowerment [or provi-
sion]. At the same time, teachers are forced to do this and that and also cover portions expected
of them. Even the Modular system is limiting freedom to explore; it is like plasma TV which limits
teachers’ roles as mere supporters to the technology whereas the reverse is expected. (C1 IAAU)
An interviewee at MoE commented that ‘there are no specific guidelines and policies in
relation to action research to enhance and develop English language teaching and the
teachers’ (C2 IMoE). Similarly, one respondent indicated that there are ‘no clear guidelines/
policies, and no incentives’ (TR42).
Moreover, an interviewee at AAU elaborated the general policy or guideline environment
of research in general. Because action research cannot be an exceptional approach within
the general environment of research, there are some grains of truths applicable to action
… the general policy or guideline statements are not specific enough on how to manage uni-
versity-based research activities. They are just general statements. You can have policies or
statements showing intentions. But institutions have to really clarify the time that instructors
are supposed to spend to do research and generate knowledge, or evaluate their activities …
This quote indicates that whereas there were expectations and intents in the general policy
provisions for conducting any research, concomitant action-oriented roles and responsibil-
ities as a system were not there.
14    F. J. Aga

The same interviewee continued arguing on the issue:

… universities in other countries require professors to generate knowledge, rather than simply
recycling information of what they teach. The generated knowledge has to be published at dif-
ferent levels. It is about ‘publish or perish!’ Also they do give credit for schools that do research
and purposely promote it, assign budget, reward it and give recognition and so on. We have
not established that system. That is a drawback. That is why most research activities are funded
by external donors. We do not see allocation of significant amount of money for generation of
knowledge. It could be partly because of our economy and partly because of lack of real under-
standing of the role of research for development. Developed countries like USA fund research
works … because they know its value. (C2 IAAU)
The interviewee added: ‘but here I think instructors are too much preoccupied by routines
and sometimes even fail to do the routines. That is the challenge’ (C2 IAAU).
It has also been learnt that, other than the provisions within the HDP portfolio, policies,
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proclamations, and clear and specific guidelines to practically undertake action research
were non-existent. The available ones were, in most cases, general intentions and some pro-
cedural guidelines within the HDP portfolio. For practicum-based action research by students,
the universities prepared comparable formats. The formats commonly consist of briefings
on the need for the format, followed by suggestions to consider inclusions of: cover page,
second page, content, acknowledgement, background, objectives, preliminary investigation,
intervention, evaluation, reflection, references, appendices, and page limits. Regardless of
the efforts made to produce the formats, the implementation was not as effective as expected.
Consequently, imprudence was seen, and programs were said to be dying (C1 IAA).
Three discussants at BDU also indicated unavailability of clear guidelines on action
I have not heard any guideline so far. I have no any involvement in action research, I have not
asked for any guideline. (C5 FBDU)
We do not have guidelines. (C1 FBDU).
Rather than simple intentions and provisions in the university’s’ missions and as HDP require-
ment, there was no any clear guideline or policy as to my knowledge. (C3 FBDU)
In the same vein, one respondent pointed out that there were a ‘lack of clear roles and
shortage of resources’ (TR29). Similarly, one interviewee at AAU indicated:
no clearly stated role rather than what is put in the Senate Legislation: 75% teaching and 25%
research [for teaching staff and the reverse for research staff ]. This itself does not indicate the
type and time of research (whether conventional or action research). Also there was no system
of follow up of the implementation of the provision of the 75%–25%. (C1 IAAU)
Another interviewee at AAU had a similar view. He articulated that there are general provi-
sions that AAU is a research and graduate university, but no clear indication of the roles of
each instructor. As for the interviewee, there was no clear indication of how, when, and which
type of research teachers should conduct (C2 IAAU).
Overall, whereas unavailability of clear roles, policies, and guidelines is one problem,
ownership of the responsibility to develop them was also a challenge. It seems that there
was some sort of diffusion of responsibility in developing clear and implementable guide-
lines. Whether the MoE or the institutions themselves should prepare these is not clear.
In relation to this, an interviewee at MoE indicated:
… for action research, I do not think there is any guideline or policy. But ‘who should prepare
…?’ is something to be asked. Whether the Ministry or the universities should take responsi-
bility is something questionable. Anyway there is no any policy or guideline. So if you take the
Educational Action Research   15

Government, it gives general direction. It has not given each and every particular guideline. May
be this is something the universities … should carry out, I think. Anyway I do not think there is
any guideline or policy particularly or specifically for action research. (C1 IMoE)

Diminished hope for change

Some subjects had inadvertent hope and faith in action research contribution and the leeway
of EFL teachers to conduct action research for change and betterment. It was a dismaying
practice for EFL teachers to do action research under such situations. A discussant at BDU
indicated that ‘We do not have any faith in doing action research. No improvement is
expected’ (C5 FBDU). There was a general consensus among the discussants that solving one
problem through action research could take them nowhere. This shows that there was a
diminished hope for change and improvement through action research.
Similarly, the discussants at AAU expressed their distressed hope for conducting
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change-oriented action research under the prevailing condition. As for the discussants,
unless there is system-wide empowerment and implementation, piecemeal change and
improvement through action research are not expected. On top of this, one discussant
Even if you conduct action research, what is it at the end of the day? The problems could be
something that you cannot change on your own. You may need help from deans, department
heads, etc. and they may be lenient to support you to bring about change that is suggested
by your research result. Also, would doing action research add anything to your life in terms of
publication …? Promotion …? There is nothing that we see. So, all these things are de-motivat-
ing factors for professional improvement or development through conducting action research.

It has been learnt from the analysis of the data that there were both motivating and de-mo-
tivating environmental factors for EFL teachers to do action research. The motivating envi-
ronmental factors were more extrinsic in nature and lacked continuity. They emanated from
two sources: scantily available opportunities and multiple challenges (see Figure 1).
First, the scantily available opportunities (meager incentives, trainings, practices, expec-
tations, and intents inherent within the institutional and national policies and guidelines)
to some extent motivated EFL teachers to do action research. The motivation from such
opportunities, nonetheless, was extrinsically impulsive to trigger the teachers to fairly prac-
tice action research (represented by broken arrow ‘A’ in Figure 1). This is because there was
no predictably established system of doing the business. It just happened as it is humanly
possible that some of the teachers were fairly motivated to exercise action research and to
see immediate returns to their investment of time and energy in line with the scantily avail-
able opportunities. Virtually, extrinsic motivation serves as a catalyst for seeing an immediate
return rather than long-term gains.
Arguably, nevertheless, such extrinsic motivation would have resulted in some sort of
action research undertakings leading to improvement of the practitioners themselves and
their students’ learning opportunities. This finding has a grain of similarity with that of a
group of EFL teachers at a secondary school in Argentina who investigated their teaching
practices through collaborative action research. The group has found that action research
16    F. J. Aga

has a motivational value driving them (the investigators) to develop (professionally) and to
build identity mainly characterized by the ability to introduce changes in the curriculum
through informed and democratic decisions that were truly context responsive, the cumu-
lative effect of which positively impacted their learners’ motivation to learn the English
language which is the basis for learning communicative skills and subject contents (Banegas
et al. 2013).
Second, the numerous challenges inundating the practitioners in discharging their day-
to-day professional duties and responsibilities also triggered few EFL teachers to be vigilant
and watchful of their professional environments. The challenges could, arguably, be consid-
ered motivating factors (in the form of anxiety) because they made few of the practitioners
apprehensively restless and watchful of their professional environments. As a result, the
practitioners eventually tried to get rid of the challenges and/or at least to minimize their
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 23:51 07 June 2016

Figure 1. Motivating and de-motivating environments for EFL teachers to do action research.
Educational Action Research   17

influences by practicing action research. The motivation from such challenges, however, was
insignificant, sporadic, and lacked continuity (see arrow ‘B’ in Figure 1).
Dominantly, the de-motivating factors were pervasive, stemmed from different sources,
and ranged from policy to practice (see arrow ‘C’ in Figure 1). Some of them were external
and others were internal to the universities, and also personal to the practitioners. They
de-motivated the practitioners and weakened their stamina. Most of the practitioners
showed dismay at taking any further action and developed a view that doing action research
and addressing one issue from multiple factors could not bring significant change because
they were overwhelmed with so many challenges demanding solutions.
Specifically, the workloads the teachers had, the life situations that demanded them to
engage in routine works, hunting part-time, overload, and extension, time constraints, man-
dated and centralized/modular curricula contents, and low readiness of students for the EFL
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classroom activities were de-motivating factors dwindling staff commitment for conducting
action research. It has also been learnt that conducting action research did not have positive
reinforcements because there were no clear and established provisions in pecuniary and/
or non-pecuniary terms. Consequently, many of the practitioners did not want to invest their
leftover time in action research, neither for promotion nor for the sake of scholarly exercise
(professional contribution). The unnecessary bureaucratic journey to obtain research funds
exacerbated the case as practitioners were frustrated and discouraged to plan and request
funds for research work. Equally, there were no systemic provisions that would motivate the
practitioners to communicate their research works at different publication levels where their
work would fit. Moreover, unavailability of opportunities for practitioners to practice action
research and advance their practical skills has resulted in viewing and thinking of action
research as a futile and burdensome exercise. Contrary to such thinking, Burns (1999, taking
from Rossa, 1997) considers conducting action research as something which can, and should
be considered by language teachers, as a realistic extension of professional practice.
Above all, there were no legitimate empowerment, clear policies, and role clarifications
that would motivate the practitioners to engage in action research. The expectations on
contractual documents as a requirement to renew teachers’ contracts, and intents in insti-
tutional guidelines and national policy documents like the Education and Training Policy
(TGE 1994), the Higher Education Proclamation No. 650/2009 (FDRE 2009), and the
Harmonized Academic Policy of Ethiopian Public Higher Education Institutions (MOE 2012)
implicitly and explicitly demand every teaching staff member to spare 25% and 75% of their
time respectively on research and teaching. The reverse is true for research staff – 75% and
25% for research and teaching respectively. When it comes to practice, nonetheless, there
is neither specific provision and follow-up nor empowerment for practitioners to fulfill the
demands at their respective institutes/departments.

This study inquired into the existence of motivating and/or de-motivating environments for
EFL teachers to do action research. The results of the analysis of the data generated from
EFL teachers selected from AAU, BDU, and HarU (through dispatching a questionnaire, and
conducting FGDs and interviews) and from selected Federal MoE officials (by conducting
interviews) have shown that there were both motivating and de-motivating environmental
factors for the teachers. More specifically, the intents and expectations within institutional
18    F. J. Aga

guidelines and national policy documents demanding every teaching staff member to spare
25% and 75% of their time respectively for research and teaching, and research staff to spare
75% and 25% of their time respectively for research and teaching – with the scantily available
opportunities – had ostensibly served as motivating factors. Cumulatively, nonetheless, the
multitude challenges that inundated the practitioners in discharging their day-to-day pro-
fessional duties and responsibilities chilled and killed the practitioners’ commitment and
hope for change and improvement through action research, and eventually molded their
attitude not to see the right things correctly. Consequently, the practitioners did not try to
create favorable research environments to investigate their practices for the better, and feel
accountable to truth and to others. A similar study by Firdissa (2009) has attributed the
reasons for teachers’ losing commitment to conduct action research to: time constraints;
low support and empowerment; lack of knowledge and capacity to do so; lack of awareness
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of its importance; negligence of the instructors; and paucity of budget and other resources.
Similarly, Rainey (2000) listed a number of main reasons for why EFL teachers did not do
action research. Majorly, time constraint (due to the demanding nature of action research
and overloaded programs) was the repeatedly cited factor that de-motivated EFL teachers
not to do action research as required. In the same vein, a group of consultants who facilitated
10 teams of teachers in an action research project on ‘Conducive and Restrictive Conditions
for Innovation in Schools,’ which was carried out in Styria (a province of Austria), have found
that their presence and demand (beyond being helpful and stimulating) had an inhibiting
and de-motivating effect on the teachers’ practices in the project undertaking (Messner and
Rauch 1995).
Finally, the fact that the findings have disclosed both motivating and the de-motivating
factors to do action research could ultimately evoke improvement of policy and practice in
Ethiopian HEIs whereby the frontline implementers could be duly empowered and commit-
ted to take ownership of improving themselves and their practices for the better. The findings
are, however, not without limitations. First, as the study exclusively employed a qualitative
approach, there is no way to guarantee the reliability and validity of the findings other than
just triangulating the different data collected through the different tools, and the views of
the different subjects. Second, the study is just like a slice of a cake, focusing on a small
fraction of the issues surrounding the environments of action research. Third, inasmuch as
action research is a recent phenomenon in Ethiopian HEIs, research work related to moti-
vating and/or de-motivating environments to do action research is scarce.

Based on the findings and the conclusions made so far, the following are recommended:

1) the universities, in consultation with the Federal MoE, should empower teachers by
way of giving need-based and tailor-made on-the-job training in action research, and
providing clear policies, guidelines, resources, support, and recognitions so that the
teachers develop hope that their efforts could bear fruit for change and betterment;
2) the universities should shorten the bureaucratic journeys and lengthy time for
endorsing the teachers’ fund request to conduct research, among others, by devel-
oping modalities and standards; and
Educational Action Research   19

3) inasmuch as proper attitude is a surface symptom for proper practice, the teachers
themselves should bear an apposite attitude and commitment to enhance their
practical skills, and take initiatives to bring the issue of action research to the forefront
for debate and deliberations so that they might be given appropriate recognition
and support to conduct action research for change and betterment of themselves
and their practices.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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