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This article analyzes both the monetary and non-monetary effects of the
education level of the head of the household on poverty. We propose that
schooling returns should not be thought as a single number - usually the
schooling coefficient in an income equation - but as a set of elements whose
length depends on the number of identified poverty dimensions. The monetary
analysis employs the Quantile Regression technique, very helpful especially
when one is interested in extremes of the income distribution function. Our
results show differences across quantiles of the returns. We also found in-
teresting dissimilarities by gender and urban-rural location. Exploring the
non-pecuniary returns, we found that the education of the head positively
influences family health and housing conditions.
Returns to education, poverty, quantile regression.
Clasificación JEL: I20, I30

1 I am grateful to the Colombian Department of Statistics (DANE) for providing the database. The support
and comments of my supervisor Erik Schokkaert have been fundamental. I am also grateful to professors
Paul de Grauwe and Geert Dhaene, and my colleagues Bram Thuysbaert and Julio Cesar Alonso, who
gave useful comments to an earlier version of the article.


2%35-%. 2%35-/
Canales de impacto de la educa- Differentes canais de impacto da
cin en la pobreza educação na pobreza
En este artículo se analizan los efectos O artigo analisa os efeitos monetá-
monetarios y no monetarios que tiene rios e os não-monetários do nível de
en la pobreza el nivel de educación escolaridade do chefe de família na
del jefe de familia. Se plantea que los situação de pobreza. Propomos que o
retornos a la educación no deben ser rendimento da escolaridade não seja
vistos como una cifra–generalmente pensado como um simples número–
un coeficiente de educación en una usualmente o coeficiente de escolari-
ecuación para el cálculo de los ingre- dade em uma equação da renda–mas
sos–sino como una serie de elementos como um conjunto de elementos cuja
cuya duración depende del número de extensão depende da quantidade de
aspectos identificados de la pobreza. dimensões de pobreza identificadas.
Se utilizó la técnica de regresión A análise monetária usa a técnica
por cuantiles, la cual es útil cuando de Regressão Quantil, muito útil
se está interesado en los extremos especialmente quando estamos in-
de la función de distribución de in- teressados nos extremos da função
gresos. Los resultados demuestran de distribuição das rendas. Nossos
diferencias entre los cuantiles de los resultados mostram diferenças entre
retornos. Se encontraron diferencias os quantis dos retornos. Também
interesantes por género y ubicación encontrámos interessantes desigual-
rural/urbana. Una exploración de los dades conforme o sexo e a localização
retornos no pecuniarios reveló que la urbana-rural. Explorando os retornos
educación del jefe de familia influye não pecuniários, descobrimos que a
positivamente en las condiciones de educação do chefe de família influen-
salud y vivienda de la familia. cia positivamente a saúde familiar e
as condições de habitação.
Retornos a la educación, pobreza, 0!,!62!3#(!6%
regresión por cuantiles. Retornos da educação, pobreza, re-
gressão quantil.

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
).42/$5#4)/. and Chakravarty, for instance,
The academic discussion about the suggest to specify a poverty line for
benefits of schooling in increasing each dimension; someone would be
the welfare of individuals is very ex- considered as poor if he falls below
tensive and methodologically diverse. at least one of the defined poverty
Researchers have emphasized the im- lines (union approach). The authors
portance of education to: i) increase combine the different poverty lines
the ability of individuals to acquire and the corresponding gaps - differ-
higher income, and ii) positively in- ence between the observed outcome
fluence several social and economic and the specified poverty threshold -,
outcomes that improve people’s the result being a multidimensional
wellbeing, this is, returns to educa- measure of poverty.
tion have multiple dimensions. For Apart from the multidimensional
instance, Haveman and Wolfe (1984) nature of the educational returns,
present an enriched list containing another relevant aspect when analyz-
different impact channels of schooling ing the benefits of schooling is that
including private and public effects, those returns may differ according
marketed and non marketed returns to the type of individuals that are
such us intra-family productivity, improving their human capital. This
child quality - level of education and is, monetary and non-monetary re-
cognitive development of children-, turns to education are heterogeneous
family health, fertility, crime reduc- among groups, and it is interesting to
tion, social cohesion, savings, income explore such differences in order to
distribution, among other 20 chan- more efficiently design educational
nels of impact. policies as antipoverty policies.
The need to privilege a multidimen- This empirical article aims at esti-
sional approach when measuring mating, using Colombian data, the
returns to education is aligned with returns to education related to various
the tendency in the literature to poverty dimensions and correspond-
measure poverty and inequality in ing to different groups of individuals,
a multidimensional framework. Ac- differentiated essentially by gender,
cording to this approach, income is income quintile and rural-urban
only one of the multiple dimensions location. We propose that, when
where an individual or household analyzing education as an antipoverty
may experience poverty conditions policy, schooling returns should not
(Sen, 1985) and only one of the be thought as a single number (usu-
several attributes on which it is ally the coefficient of schooling in an
interesting to analyze inequality. income or earnings equation) but as a
Indeed, authors like Atkinson and set of elements whose length depends
Bourguignon (1982), Bourguignon on the number of identified poverty
and Chakravarty (2003), Tsui (1994, dimensions. This is,
2002), among others, have focused
their contributions in providing an Ai = [Ai1,Ai2, ... ,Ain] (1)
appropriate methodology for the Where αij corresponds to the return
estimation of aggregate multidimen- to education in terms of dimension
sional poverty indices. Bourguignon

j=1, 2…n for the group of individuals impacts the poverty level of the
(e.g men, women, poorest quintile household they lead. We identify both
of income distribution, etc). This monetary and non-monetary returns
method of estimating returns is use- to education, which corresponds,
ful to compare the relative impact respectively, to the effect of school-
of education on different vulnerable ing on the income poverty dimen-
groups, say, women, inhabitants of sion and its effect on other poverty
rural areas, people from poor neigh- dimensions like health and housing.
borhoods, among others. It also al- When estimating the non-pecuniary
lows us to detect possible obstacles returns, one of our main interests is
for certain educated groups to realize to distinguish the impact of education
the benefits of education; for instance, and that of income on the specific
comparing returns of women and outcome.
men, one might find signals of fail-
The pecuniary analysis employs the
ures in the economic environment
quantile regression technique (Koen-
that hinder women to enjoy their
ker, 2005; Koenker and Bassett,
improved schooling level. We will see
1978; Koenker and Hallock, 2001).
that our results do not validate this
This methodology is very helpful
potential failure. Another reason why
especially when one is interested
this presentation of the returns is
in the lowest or highest extremes of
useful is that we may identify certain
the distribution function of the de-
type of individuals that are a better
pendent variable. In fact, there is no
target for educational policies, since
reason to believe that the estimates
they obtain higher returns related
of the effects of education on the in-
to a given poverty dimension (for
come of households or individuals do
instance, women head of households
not vary between the lowest and the
and family health).
upper tail of the income distribution.
Even if it may seem restrictive, for By using the traditional Least Square
this research we have chosen to use estimation, we would obtain only the
the information corresponding to the effect of education on the conditional
heads of households, because educa- mean of the response variable. In
tion of the heads plays a decisive contrast, quantile regression offers
role in shaping the socioeconomic coefficient estimations for any con-
characteristics of the household as a ditional quantile.
whole, hence, its poverty conditions.
Besides, given that education is an
However, this means that we should
endogenous variable in the equation
be careful with the interpretation
explaining the income level of the
of our results, for instance when
household, we use an instrumental
analyzing educational returns for
variable quantile regression tech-
female heads, since women´s head-
nique recently popularized by Cher-
ship is not a random or exogenous
nozhukov and Hansen (2001, 2004,
2005) among others. Interesting
We are interested in exploring the findings are obtained when making
different channels through which the analysis by gender and (urban-
the level of education of the ‘head’ rural) sector.

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
This article is organized as follows. work. Schultz attributes the differ-
The second section presents a short ence in earnings between people to
review of some contributions to the the differences in access to education
theory on educational returns that and health.
were relevant for this document.
As for Becker (1965), he assumes that
Besides, the methodology used to
individuals choose education to maxi-
estimate the model is explained.
mize the present value of expected
In the third section, we explain the future incomes before retirement,
data and show some descriptive sta- net of the costs of education. Invest-
tistics of the variables. In the fourth ing in education entails explicit costs
and fifth sections we present the es- (i.e. fee, books, transport, etc.) and
timations of both pecuniary and non- implicit costs, corresponding to the
pecuniary educational returns using opportunity cost of spending money
Colombian data. The results of the in- and time on education instead of
strumental variable quantile regres- working to increase current income
sion confirm the heterogeneity of the and production. The return of the
effect of education across quantiles nth year of education can be seen as
of the conditional household-income the difference between the wage ob-
distribution, specifically comparing tained with n years of schooling and
the extremes of the income distribu- the wage obtained with n-1 years of
tion. Moreover, the estimates reflect schooling. Based on this assessment,
the relevance of the non-pecuniary several estimations of schooling
effects, and confirm that an analysis returns for different countries have
based only on monetary outcomes is been carried out by analyzing the
incomplete. Finally we present the variation of wages with an additional
conclusions. year of schooling.
An important extension of the human
capital theory is made by Mincer
(1974), which has been the bench-
mark for a great number of em-
Let us start with the monetary ef- pirical work on labor economics and
fect of education on poverty, i.e. the economics of education. Based on
income return to education. In the empirical and theoretical arguments,
human capital literature, whose pio- the Mincer equation expresses earn-
neers are Schultz (1961) and Becker ings as a function of schooling and
(1965), education is seen as an in- experience. The simplest version of
vestment of present resources (time the Mincerean wage equation was
opportunity cost and direct costs) followed by a number of extensions,
in order to obtain future returns. among others by Hungerford and So-
Schultz argued that knowledge and lon (1987), whose main contribution
skills are a form of capital, which was to highlight the non-linearity
is a result of deliberate investment. of the relationship between years of
Education, training, and health in- schooling and income described in
vestment increase opportunities and the Mincer equation. Indeed, there
choices available to individuals, by exist the so-called `sheepskin effects’,
affecting the ability to do productive

which reflect higher increments in In line with Harmon and Walker
wage in those years of schooling (1995), we have explored exogenous
that represent the culmination of an variations on the schooling atten-
educational level (i.e. secondary or dance of individuals in Colombia. Our
higher). instrument reflects the great educa-
tional expansion that Colombia expe-
In this article, we want to explore the
rienced since the middle of the fifties.
effect of schooling level of the head of
Due to the governmental purpose to
the household Shh in total household
universalize primary education, the
income Yh. The problem of endogene-
years of schooling of that cohort of
ity of the schooling variable should be
individuals and the next cohorts in-
solved in order to obtain consistent
crease significantly compared to ear-
estimators. We then estimate,
lier cohorts. This will be equivalent
Shh = Z´hh +X´hh+ E(First stage) (2) to considering a change in minimum
school-leaving age to be equal to 12
lnYhh =AShh +X´hh + E(Second stage) (3) years. Explicitly, the instrument is
a dummy taking the value of 0 for
Where we expect to be exogenous, people born before 1951 and equal to
Z is a vector of instrumental vari- 1 for those born from that year on.
ables related to and unrelated to Graph 1 shows the average schooling
income, and Xhh is a vector including across cohorts, which is motivating
other variables affecting household the choice of the instrument.
income. The idea is to identify exog-
enous influences on schooling deci- The analysis of the impact of educa-
sions. Harmon and Walker (1995) tion on income offers more interest-
exploit the exogenous changes in the ing insights if we can identify this
distribution of education of individu- influence on different quantiles of
als due to the increase of the mini- our response variable distribution
mum school-leaving age. Angrist and - household income -. For such a
Krueger (1991) employ the season of purpose, a conventional Least Square
birth of individuals to provide instru- regression is not helpful, since it only
ments for schooling. They consider captures the relationship between co-
the fact that those students born at variates and the conditional mean of
the beginning of the year start edu- the dependent variable. In contrast,
cation at an older age than students Quantile Regression, an alternative
born at the end of the year. Therefore, econometric method introduced by
the first group reaches school-leav- Koenker and Bassett (1978), captures
ing age earlier and may drop out the relationship between the covari-
after completing less schooling than ates and any conditional quantile of
individuals from the second group. the response variable. In our case,
Another example is Card (1993), who for instance, the method allows us to
employs data on proximity to schools concentrate attention on the lowest
considering that individuals living income groups.
close to an educational institution Following Koenker (2005), we have
are more likely to attend school than that, for a random variable Y with
those living far away. probability distribution function

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À>«…Ê£° -V…œœˆ˜}ÊÛiÀÃÕÃÊ>}i


S 6

20 40 60 80 100

Source: Calculations based on Quality of Life Survey - DANE.

F Y) = Pr (Y
Y ≤ y) the τth quantile of Can be estimated as the solution of
Y is, the τth regression quantile β(τ
( ):
F-1(T) = Q(T) = inf {y: F(y) ≥T} (4) Bˆ (T )  argmin[
B  p
¤T y i x'i B
Thus, the median of a distribution i:yr x'i B
corresponds to Q(0,5). ¤ (1 T ) y i x'i B ] 
Recall that, for a random sample of Y , i:y x'i B (6)
the sample median minimizes the sum  argmin ¤ RT ( yi x'i B )
of absolute deviations or residuals B  p i 1
Median = argmin ER ¤11 y i - E . Simi-
larly, the τth sample quantile may be The traditional OLS method provides
written as, an estimate of β which expresses the
relationship between X and the con-
E (T )  argmin ¤ RT ( yi E ) ditional mean of Y Y. In contrast, the
E R i 1 use of quantile estimations allows
Where RT ( yi E )  ( yi E)[T I(( yi E ) 0)] us to obtain β(τ) for any quantile τ ∈
I(.) is an indicator function equal to (0,1), this is, the relationship between
1 if ((yi–ε) < 0, equal to 0 otherwise. X and any quantile of the distribu-
Now, the linear conditional quantile tion of Y.
function, Now, when we have to deal with
an endogeneity problem, the right
Q = x´ (T) method to estimate the model is
an Instrumental Variable Quantile

Regression. Chernozhukov and Michael (1972), Grossman (2005),
Hansen (2001, 2004, 2005) deal with and Haveman and Wolfe (1984), al-
this issue. They worked out a model ready mentioned in the introduction.
of quantile treatment effect - QTE The main idea of these contributions
- under endogeneity and obtain con- is that education positively influences
ditions for identification of the QTE the efficiency of non-market sector
without functional form assumptions. production processes (household
This technique is known as Instru- production): consumers produce
mental Variable Model of Treatment commodities using inputs and time,
Effect, which modifies the estimation and education reduces the absolute
procedure of the quantile regression and relative marginal costs of home
by introducing instrumental vari- produced commodities. It also influ-
ables that correct for the endogene- ences certain decisions of individuals
ity problem and allow us to obtain such as growth in consumption (sav-
consistent estimators. ings) during the life cycle, quantity
and quality of children, addiction to
Based on Chernozhukov and Han-
drugs, etc.
sen’s methodology, in the next section
we estimate the coefficients of the Grossman (2005) emphasizes the in-
schooling variable by income quintile, fluence of education on the increase
which allows us to distinguish the ef- of both, production efficiency and al-
fect of education among the poorest locative efficiency. To illustrate the
groups respect to the richest. The es- first aspect, production efficiency, he
timated conditional quantile models uses the example of health, and con-
can be expressed as follows: cludes that an increase in schooling
is predicted to increase the quantity
Qln Yh X (T )  A (T )S hh X ' B (T ) (7)
of health demanded but to lower the
Where X is a vector of independent quantity of medical care demanded.
variables. As mentioned, an instru- Intuitively, a combination of good
ment for education reflecting a habits and a greater valuation of
change in schooling leaving age is health as one of the most important
used. source of human capital, leads to this
Let us now focus on the non pecuniary result. As for efficiency in allocation,
effects of schooling. Certain decisions more educated people are able to pick
and the behavior of individuals might a better combination of inputs that
be favorably changed as education gives them more quantity of output.
increases, allowing people to avoid The focus in this article will be on
or escape from poverty. Specifically, the non- market benefits of education
a higher capability to make more con- that are related to poverty, specifical-
venient - crucial - decisions increases ly, those educational impacts on basic
the probability of success in reaching needs. With this purpose, we will use
basic needs. reduced forms of a household produc-
In the literature of the economics of tion function of basic commodities
education, there are important con- that enter a utility function. Becker
tributions on the non-market benefits (1965) claimed that households, as
of schooling such as Becker (1965), utility maximizers, combine market

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
goods ((xx) and time (T
T) to produce such The results for the non-monetary ef-
commodities ((j), fects of education that are shown in
z j  f j ( x j ,T j ) the next section come from an equa-
tion of the form:
In our context, education is thought
zh  A BShh G ln Yh X 'h F U (9)
as an input entering the production
functions of all the commodities that Where the response variable zh cor-
we are interested in analyzing. More responds to health and housing out-
specifically, z will represent health comes. On the RHS we have schooling
conditions, affiliation to the health of the head (Shh), household income
system, and housing conditions. (lnY
Yh), and other characteristics of the
households and the head (vector X).
There are several reasons to support
We are interested in distinguishing
reduced forms of (8) related to basic
the impact of education and that of
needs. Education enhances the abil-
income: differences in households’ out-
ity to receive adequate nourishment:
comes are not exclusively explained by
a well-educated person is more likely
differences in income, but also by the
to select the right food needed to at-
schooling level of the head.
tain proper levels of nutrition, even
with little money. Likewise, a person The Hausmann test revealed that
with higher education is better in- both schooling and income are en-
formed and therefore has the option dogenous variables, hence, the error
to adopt good habits that allow him term is v = v + ε, i.e. the sum of an
to have a healthier life. Knowledge of exogenous component and a compo-
the human body, and its functioning, nent of unobserved factors related to
allows the person - if he wants - to the endogenous variables. Thus, we
take better care of it (Kenkel, 1991; instrumented S by using, as before,
Strauss, 1990). a dummy reflecting changes in the
school leaving age. In addition, we
A similar correlation with education
instrumented the variable income
applies to the capability to avoid
by using the regional unemployment
premature mortality. In addition,
rate, as suggested by Ettner (1996).
the capability of family planning
Ettner claims that, in spite of the
has an obvious link with education,
concern that the instrument may be
as familiarity with the reproductive
correlated with health (high unem-
system and contraceptive methods
ployment rates may be detrimental to
may help people to prevent unex-
mental health), the Wald tests do not
pected pregnancies (Michael and
provide consistent evidence to doubt
Willis, 1976). There is an impact on
the suitability of unemployment rate
the desired number of children as
as an instrument - the variable sat-
well, for at least two reasons: higher
isfies the exclusion restriction-. Our
opportunity cost of having children
own tests statistically justify the use
(forgone income for raising children
of this variable as an instrument.
is higher for an educated person) and
preference for postponing the age to Before going to the results, it is
start breeding (while educational worthy to notice that income gains
investment is taking place). of schooling are obtained only when

agents have finished school and enter istics of children less than 5 years
the labor market, while the non- old, education (to members five years
monetary gains might be perceived old or more), employment, life condi-
even before the schooling investment tions of the household, and household
period has culminated. spending.
Table 1 summarizes the variables
included in the estimated models.
We will employ micro-data from a In the income equation, instead of
Colombian database called “Quality the usual quadratic age variable,
of Life Survey”. The sample design a quartic expression is considered.
of the survey allows researchers to This is in line with the findings of
analyze the data at national level Lemieux (2006), who argues that a
and by regions. The National Depart- quartic function better reflects the
ment of Statistics (DANE) carried out income - experience profile. In order
this survey in 1997 and 2003. The to remove from the income returns
pooled cross section data contains any assortative mating effect of
information for 31.745 households. education, we control by including
The survey inquires about housing the schooling of the spouse in the
conditions, access and quality of wa- income equation. Moreover, we also
ter, characteristics and composition remove from the estimated returns
of the household, health, character- the effect of education on family size,

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'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
by including the variable dependency (never/sometimes/always in the case
rate. Finally, as we are working with of access to utilities). We gave them
pooled cross section data, there is a numbers from 1 to 3, and add them
dummy equal to zero if the informa- up to obtain a single housing index.
tion corresponds to 1997 and equal to Thus, it is assumed that all the differ-
1 if it corresponds to 2003. ent attributes are equally important
to define the index. As this method
As for the non-pecuniary returns
looks quite ad hoc, a principal com-
estimations, we use three dependent
ponent analysis (PCA) was used to
variables: percentage of affiliation to
check if results would differ.
the health system, average health
conditions of the household, and an Table 2 shows some descriptive sta-
index of housing conditions. The first tistics of the data. The information
health indicator corresponds to a shows a clear disadvantaged of the
simple rate between family members rural sector in all indicators: school-
affiliated to the health system over ing of both heads of households and
the total family members. The second their spouses are lower than for any
health indicator is obtained as fol- other group, as well as the average
lows: each member of the household income, while the dependency rate
has a given level of health condi- is the highest. As for gender, income
tions, labeled numerically from bad is slightly lower for women. There is
to excellent. The individual health no important difference in schooling
conditions are averaged by household years for male and female heads, but
to obtain our dependent variable. it is noticeable the difference in years
These variables transformations are of education among their wives and
justified if we wanted to continue the husbands.
analysis at the household level as in
the previous section.  -/.%4!292%452.34/
The housing conditions index is based
on information about access and qual- 3.1. Results of the Instrumental
ity of utilities, material of walls and Variable Quantile Regression
floor. For each variable involved we The income equation estimated here
have three categories: bad/fair/good includes the following control vari-

Table 2. Some descriptive Statistics

-EAN 3T$ -EAN 3T$ -EAN 3T$ -EAN 3T$ -EAN 3T$
Source: Quality of Life Survey - DANE.

ables: head schooling (instrumented), There are interesting results when
spouse schooling, age of the head, a doing the regressions by quantiles:2
polynomial of age, gender of the head, the schooling coefficient decreases as
urban-rural location of the household, quantile increases. The educational
dependency rate and a dummy indi- return for the lowest quintile doubles
cating the year of the data. In the the return corresponding to the high-
schooling equation or reduced equa- est quintile (see Graph 2).
tion, the instrument is significant
How can be explained this decreasing
and, as expected, has positive sign
tendency? the results suggest that
(see table A1 in the appendix).
people from lower quantiles profit
By using the Two- stage Least Square more from each additional year of
method we find that an additional schooling than those belonging to
year of schooling of the head of the the right extreme of income distribu-
household increases total income of tion. We may suggest that there are
the household by around 8,7% (see certain factors that increase with
Table A1 in the appendix for the the income quintile such as quality
complete results). of social networks, more favorable

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0,1 0,090
0,088 2SLS=0,087



0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8


2 The results for the quantile regression, no instrumenting schooling, are shown in table A2 in the appendix.
Our models were estimated by using the Matlab code developed by Chernozhukov and Hansen (2001,
2004, 2005), available on the webpage

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
family environment, motivation, quantile increases. They consider
among others. This means that, at a the quintile to which an individual
given schooling level, richer people belong as a proxy of his `unobserved’
have more chances to get better jobs ability: “people with high unobserved
than poorer people, due to wider con- ‘ability’, as measured by the quantile
nections and more people belonging index τ will generate high earnings
to their social network that occupy regardless of their education level,
high quality jobs. These factors cause while those with lower ‘ability’ gain
that people from higher quantiles more from the training provided by
obtain higher earnings independently formal education” (p. 21). The prob-
of their schooling level, while the lem of Chernozhukov and Hansen’s
marginal benefit of educational in- explanation is that it implies that
vestment for the poorest is greater. ability and education are substitutes
Having this is mind, it makes sense in the production of income, while it is
that the schooling coefficient for the more sensible to think that these at-
lowest quintiles doubles the coeffi- tributes are complements: schooling
cient for the highest quintile. fosters ability, at least when educa-
tion is of reasonable quality.
Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005),
provide an alternative explana- The results of the other variables can
tion to the decreasing coefficient as be interpreted as follows (Table 3).

Table 3. Results of the instrumental variable quantile regression

!G  %   %   %   % 
 %   %   %   % 




Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis
** Non Significant

• The coefficient for spouse school- • The coefficient corresponding to
ing is positive and significant for the variable ‘dependency rate’
all quintiles - it slightly increases is negative except for the lowest
with the quantile -. It is observed quantile. It makes a lot of sense
that the gap between the coeffi- that the sign of the coefficient
cient for the head’s schooling and for the poorest groups is positive,
the spouse’s schooling is higher since children belonging to them
for the lowest quintiles: for the start participating in the labor
richest groups, the schooling of the market at a shorter age. However,
spouse is almost as important as the coefficient is not significant for
the head schooling in determining this quintile. We will see that, in
the income of the household, while the rural areas, the coefficient is
for the poorer groups, schooling of significant and positive.
the head is more decisive.
3.2. Household income by gen-
• The coefficient of the gender of the
der of the head
head is only significant for the low-
est quantile, showing a marked There are some interesting findings
disadvantaged of the poorest from the analysis by gender of the
female headed households. For head and urban-rural location of the
the other quantiles, the gender household3 (Tables A3 and A4 in the
does not seem to be an impor- appendix).
tant determinant of the income. Perhaps the most interesting one is
This result is different when the that the schooling coefficient corre-
variable spouse schooling is not sponding to women at rural areas is
included in the income equation. the highest compared to the coefficient
Table A1 in the appendix shows of any other group (Graph 3). On the
that, in this case, the coefficient of contrary, the coefficient for men at
gender is significant and reflects rural areas resulted non significant.
a disadvantaged for the female There are two possible factors explain-
headed households. ing this result. First, around 25% of
• Households living in urban areas male heads at rural areas work as
tend to have more income than in farm-laborers, where physical abilities
rural areas. The result is consis- are more important than intellectual
tent with the poverty measures abilities; this proportion is 5,7% for
for Colombia, according to which women. Besides, only 2,3% of male
the inhabitants of rural areas are heads are public servants compared to
significantly poorer than those 8,3% of female heads (for the highest
in urban areas: 68% of the rural quantiles these proportions are 7%
population is poor, compared to and 26% respectively). This job posi-
47% in urban areas. tion does positively reward education.

3 Let us recall that these results correspond to the returns to education for heads of households. The co-
efficient would most probably differ if we had used a broader sample, since, for instance, being a woman
head of household is not a random characteristic.

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
À>«…Êΰ -V…œœˆ˜}ÊVœivwÊVˆi˜ÌÊLÞÊ}i˜`iÀÊ>˜`ÊÕÀL>˜‡

0,16 0,14
0,14 0,13

0,12 0,10
0,10 0,10
0,08 0,07 Women
0,06 0,05* Men


0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8


0,10 Urban
0,1 0,08
0,07 0,07* Rural

0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 *non-



0,4 0,35 Urban Women

0,27 Rural Women

0,02 Urban Men

0,09 0,09 0,10
0,07 0,07
0,1 0,05 0,06*

0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8

Second, education of female heads Comparing the schooling coefficient
might have a higher multiplicative by gender in urban areas and for the
effect towards the rest of the family complete sample, we observe that
because women spend more time with education of the head has a higher
their children than do men (Coleman impact on the income level of female-
and Ganong, 2003). Thus, an edu- headed households. The result is
cated mother plays a more important similar to what has been found by
role in determining household income other researchers - not for head of
than an educated father. households but the total population
- as Psacharopoulos and Patrinos
The result for rural female head of
(2004) on the wage return to school-
households may have important im-
ing, according to which men´s return
plications when designing rural edu-
equals 8,7 while women´s equals 9,8.
cational policies. In Colombia, only
Again, one source of explanation for
the 28% of people (men and women)
our result is the higher multiplicative
at schooling age in rural areas has
effect of the female heads schooling,
access to media education (two last
given the bigger amount of time that
years of secondary school). According
mothers spend with their children
to the Ministry of education, there
compared to fathers. Thus, the school-
have been important achievements
ing spillovers should be also higher.
in the rural sector during the last
decades related to the coverage rate Another interesting result is the coef-
at basic education, which is currently ficient of the variable dependency rate
higher to 90%. However, there are in the case of rural female headed
little options for young people to con- households: it shows a positive rela-
tinue studying after basic education tionship between family income and
due to the necessity of contributing dependency rate, while the coefficient
to the household income. There are is negative for urban areas and the
studies revealing that education of total of households (non-significant
the mother is more important than in the case of rural male heads). This
education of the father in determin- might be a reflect of the higher par-
ing children schooling achievements: ticipation of youngsters in the labor
a survey conducted in 2008 by the market to support a mother head of
National Council for Educational household in rural areas.
Research and Training said that the
3.3. Non-Monetary schooling
learning capability of children in-
creased by 9% to 13% (7% to 11%) as
the mother’s (father’s) schooling level 3.3.1. Education and health
increased from illiterate to gradua-
tion. Hence, educating female heads We consider here two indicators of
at rural areas brings high returns, health:4percentage of members of
both private and social. the household affiliated to the health

4 In Colombia, the health system has two different regimes: contributive and subsidized. The first one is
jointly paid by workers (1/3) and employers (2/3), or by independent workers. An affiliated worker can
enroll his/her children and partner. The second system is directed to people with no capacity to pay.
The total coverage is only 74% (33.7% contributive and 40.4% subsidized). There are public and private
suppliers of both regimes.

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
/>LiÊ{°Ê `ÕV>̈œ˜Ê>˜`ʅi>Ì… tem in an economy with such a high
(EALTH levels of unemployment (12,2%,
!FlLIATION DANE, 2009). Although Colombia
3CHOOLING     has a subsidized health regime, the
coverage of this is far from universal,
and the quality of the service is still
an urgent issue to be tackled.
As for family health conditions,
!GE     Schooling level of the head is relevant
    in determining family health because
3EX     education may help to improve hab-
its of nutrition, smoking, alcohol
consumption, sports practice, among
#ONST     others.5
His own health is positively impacted
&K N     since a better educated person has
0ROB&     higher chances of choosing an oc-
Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis cupation with lower risks; besides,
* 10% significance because of his better possibilities of
getting higher earnings, he may have
system and average health conditions the option to choose a better location
of the members of the household. for living. The poorest neighborhoods
Table 4 shows the results of the re- in developing countries have serious
gressions. problems of public health due mainly
All the covariates are significant to to dusted streets and non treated
explain the percentage of affiliation sewage waters, which obviously affect
to the health insurance system. Ad- individuals’ health. Grossman (2005)
ditional years of schooling positively claims that schooling is the most
influence the probability of affiliation. important correlate of good health,
The sources of this effect are that making stronger his point noticing
more education enlarges the possibili- that “this finding emerges whether
ties for an individual to get a formal health levels are measured by mortal-
job, which facilitates his own affilia- ity rates, morbidity rates, self-evalua-
tion and the affiliation of his family tion of health status, or physiological
to the health system. In Colombia, indicators of health, and whether the
having access to the health services is units of observation are individuals
necessarily linked to the labour mar- or groups” (p. 32).
ket: employees, employers, self-em-
ployed, and their dependents. Being 3.3.2. Education and housing
health a fundamental human right, We now regress an index of housing
it is unavoidable to criticize this sys- conditions on schooling of the head

5 There is also empirical evidence revealing higher rate of vaccinations among children of better educated
parents (Haveman and Wolfe, 1984).

of the household and income, gender the higher is the educational level
of the head and urban-rural loca- of the head. In addition, more edu-
tion of the house. The Hausmann cated people have a better access to
test of endogeneity revealed that the credit market, which creates the
the variables schooling and income possibility to improve the conditions
of the household are not exogenous of the house. If we had information
(the same instruments were used about permanent income, it is likely
as before). It is observed on table 5 that this relationship between hous-
that, using the proposed index and ing conditions and income would be
the principal component analysis more strongly perceived.
(PCA), although changes the values
of the coefficient , does not affect the 3.4. Vector of schooling returns
significance or signs. The returns to education of the head
of households by gender (w, m) and
/>LiÊx° `ÕV>̈œ˜Ê>˜`ʅœÕȘ} for the poorest quintile (Q1) in Co-
0ROPOSED lombia are:
αi = {αi1, αi2, αi3, αi4,}
    αW [   
,N9     ]


#ONST     α1W [    ]
&K N    
α1M  [  ∗∗   ]
Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis        
** Non Significant
(∗∗) Non-significant

We find that differences in housing Where the four elements of the set
conditions are not only explained correspond to the schooling coefficient
by differences in income between for income, affiliation to the health
households, but also by the schooling system, average health conditions of
level of the head. This separate effect the family, and housing conditions
of schooling can be explained by the respectively.6
fact that better-educated people have
The coefficients for female heads are
more appropriate spending priorities
higher than those for male heads in
than less -educated people: comparing
the income equation, both for the
households within the same income
2SLS and for the lowest quintiles.
range, housing conditions are better

6 Standard deviations in parenthesis.

'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE
This is a good signal of the great These results suggest that people from
benefits that educational policies - the poorest groups profit more from
beyond basic education - directed to each additional year of schooling than
these groups would bring. As for the those belonging to the right extreme
non-pecuniary returns, all coefficients of income distribution. We may sug-
are lower for female heads except the gest that there are certain factors that
one corresponding to health condi- increase with the income quintile such
tions. This is coherent with findings as quality of social networks, more
of previous research, where the role favorable family environment, motiva-
of the mother is identified as having a tion, among others. This means that,
key role in determining lower mortal- at a given schooling level, richer people
ity of children, higher possibilities of have more chances to get better jobs
good nutrition of the family, higher than poorer people, due to wider con-
rate of children vaccination, among nections and more people belonging to
other factors that will benefit family’s their social network that occupy high
health. quality jobs. These factors cause that
people from higher quantiles obtain
 #/.#,53)/.3 higher earnings independently of their
Poverty and inequality are usually schooling level, while the marginal
thought as problems of multidimen- benefit of educational investment for
sional nature. Likewise, returns to the poorest is greater.
education should be analyzed as a We also made the estimations of
multidimensional concept. In this monetary returns by gender of the
empirical article we explore, using head and urban-rural location of the
Colombian data, the benefits that household. We found that, for the
schooling level of the head of the extreme quantiles, the schooling co-
household brings to three poverty efficient corresponding to women at
dimensions, namely, income, health rural areas is the highest compared
and housing conditions. to the coefficient of any other group.
When estimating the monetary re- This result for poor rural female
turns, we use an instrumental vari- household heads may have impor-
able quantile regression technique tant implications when designing
(IVQR). This is a very helpful method rural educational policies, especially
especially when one is interested considering that the education of
in distinguishing the effects of an the mother is more important than
explanatory variable for the lowest education of the father in determin-
or highest tails in the distribution ing children schooling achievements,
function of the dependent variable. In as well as health conditions of the
fact, our estimates confirm the sus- family. Educating women head of
pected heterogeneity of the income households at rural areas brings high
effect of education across quantiles returns, both private and social.
of the conditional household-income As for the non-monetary returns, we
distribution: the coefficient for the found that education of the head is
lowest quintile doubles the coefficient significant to explain the affiliation of
for the highest quintile. the family members to the health sys-

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'%2%.#)!,%3 6OL.Os%NERO -ARZODE


 %   %   %   %   % 
 %   %   %   %   % 


2 SQUARED          

Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis

* 10% significance
** Non Significant

/>LiÊÓ° ,iÃՏÌÃʜvÊ̅iÊ+Õ>˜ÌˆiÊÀi}ÀiÃȜ˜
#OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3%
!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   % 

Notes: * 10% significance
** Non significant

#OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3%
!GE  %   %  %   %   %   %   %   % 






!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   %



!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   % 











!GE  %   %   %   %  %   %   %   %



Notes: ** Non significant

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/>LiÊ{° ,iÃՏÌÃʜvÊ̅iÊ6+,ÊLÞÊ}i˜`iÀÊ>˜`ÊÕÀL>˜‡ÀÕÀ>ÊœV>̈œ˜Ê­Ó®
#OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3% #OEFF 3%

!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   % 








!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   % 






!GE  %     %     %   %   %   % 










!GE  %   %   %   %   %   %   %   % 





Notes: ** Non significant


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