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Uranium Report 2018

Everything you need to know about uranium! |
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Table of Contents Imprint
The whole world of commodities
in one App!
ad Disclaimer  02
Downlo App
our un e! Table of Contents | Imprint 07
for fre

Satisfying the Hunger for Energy and improving the Carbon

Footprint at the same time? – Nuclear Energy can combine both! 10

Interview with Dr. Christian Schärer – Manager of the Uranium

Resources Fund and partner of Incrementum AG 21

Interview with Scott Melbye – Executive Vice President of

Uranium Energy, Commercial V.P. of Uranium Participation Corp.
and Advisor to the CEO of Kazatomprom 25

Company profiles Swiss Resource Capital AG
 Poststr. 1
9100 Herisau, Schweiz
Anfield Energy Inc. 32 Tel : +41 71 354 8501
Fax : +41 71 560 4271
Appia Energy Corp. 37
Blue Sky Uranium Corp. 42
Editorial staff
Denison Mines Corp. 47 Jochen Staiger
Tim Rödel
Energy Fuels Inc.  52
Watch Management & Expert Interviews, Site-Visit-Videos, Layout/Design
News Shows and receive top and up to date Fission 3.0 Corp. 57 Frauke Deutsch

Mining Information on your mobile device worldwide! Fission Uranium Corp. 62 All rights reserved. Reprinting
material by copying in electronic
GoviEx Uranium 67 form is not permitted.
Amazing features:
Laramide Resources Ltd. 72 Editorial Deadline 03/05/2018
• Company Facts
• Global Mining News Skyharbour Resources Ltd. 78
Cover photo © TTstudio /
• Push Notofications Uranium Energy Corp. 83 All images and graphics are, unless otherwise

• Commodity-TV, Rohstoff-TV and Dukascopy-TV stated, by the companies.

powered by: Back 1, 2, 3:

• Live Charts Back 4: TTstudio /

• JRB-Rohstoffblog
Date of Charts 04/10/2018

6 7

Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz | |

Dear Readers,

on the following pages, we present to We also interviewed the experts Scott

you with pleasure the second update of Melbye and Dr. Christian Schärer about
our uranium report. Uranium is a “hot” the uranium markets and the future pros-
topic and many people don´t like to say pects. Of course, we present you some Jochen Staiger is founder and
the least and some hate it. But without interesting companies from this industry CEO of Swiss Resource Capital
uranium there would be a major problem sector with numbers and facts. The com- AG, located in Herisau,
with the base load energy supply in the bined market cap of all uranium compa- Switzerland. As chief-editor and
world and e-mobility would be still a dre- nies is only around US$10 billion world- founder of the first two resource
am of the future. Swiss Resource Capital wide, a crazy small market with a fasci- IP-TV-channels Commodity-TV
AG has made it its business to topically nating outlook. Climate change and and its German counterpart
and comprehensively inform metals and clean air require nuclear energy. “There’s Rohstoff-TV, he reports about
commodity investors, interested parties really only one technology that we know companies, experts, fund
and the individual who wants to become of that supplies carbon-free power at the managers and various themes
an investor in various commodities scale modern civilization requires, and around the international mining
and mining companies. On our website that is nuclear power” – Ken Caldeira of business and the correspondent you will find 20 Stanford University’s Department of Glo- metals.
companies and information as well as ar- bal Ecology.
ticles related to commodities. Our series
of special reports started with lithium and Commodities are the base of our econo-
silver. Now we move on to uranium as it mic cohabitation. Without commodities
is the energy metal of the future whether there are no products, no technical inno-
we like it or not. Wind and solar energy vations and no real economic life. We

d R o h s t o f f - T V get are very often not cost effective nor really need a reliable and constant base load

a n
energy efficient considering the comple- energy supply in our highly industrialized

Commodity-TV rves!
te energy balance including the amount world. With our special reports we would

re n e s s it d e s e of energy used to build it. This report like to give you the necessary insights

u r c o m p a n y t h e awa shall give the reader an idea about the and inform you comprehensively.

yo real facts of the uranium industry and the

energy supply from nuclear power world- In addition, our two Commodity IP-TV
wide. China especially needs nuclear po- channels &
wer plants to solve its air pollution prob- are always availa-
lems because most of the electrical ener- ble to you free of charge. For the go we
gy is generated by coal power plants. recommend our new Commodity-TV Tim Roedel is chief-editorial- and
Today around 450 nuclear power plants App to download on iPhone or Android, chief-communications-manager
are in operation in more than 30 coun- which also provides real-time charts, at SRC AG. He has been active in
tries globally and 70 are under construc- share prices and the latest videos. My the commodity sector since 2007
tion. Over 163 nuclear power plants are team and I hope you will enjoy reading and held several editor- and
planned or ordered by 2040 and if we all the special report on uranium and hope chief-editor-positions, e.g. at the
want to drive with emission free e-cars, that we can provide you with new infor- publications Rohstoff-Spiegel,
bikes or motor scooters we need those mation, impressions and ideas. Only the Rohstoff-Woche, Rohstoffraketen,
nuclear power plants urgently as we can- one who gets broadly informed and ta- Wahrer Wohlstand and First
not reliably generate the necessary extra kes matters relating to investments in his Mover. He owns an enormous
power with wind and solar alone. Con- own hand will be amongst the winners commodity expertise and a
currently several of the top uranium pro- and preserve his wealth during these dif- wide-spread network within the
ducers have announced to reduce their ficult times. whole resource sector.
production by 2018 to lift the uranium
spot price to a level that is necessary for Yours Jochen Staiger
the survival of most of the companies
and to put pressure on the energy com-
panies to renegotiate soon expiring deli-
very contracts. | |

Satisfying the Hunger for Energy and improving the
Carbon Footprint at the same time? – Nuclear Energy
can combine both!

The global energy demand has multiplied

since the end of the 1980s, especially
What is Uranium? According to the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) the largest urani-
War due to the beginning of the Cold war.
The victorious powers of the Second
due to the emerging countries and in um reserves are in the USA, Niger, Aust- World War, which rivaled for global domi-
particular the BRIC countries Brazil, Rus- One of only two elements that ralia, Kazakhstan, Namibia, South Africa, nance, now needed the highest possible
sia, India and China. About 11.5% of the can sustain nuclear fission Canada, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine and Uz- number of nuclear weapons and also
total energy demand is met by nuclear chain reactions bekistan. vast quantities of uranium. This resulted
energy. Fossil fuels like coal and oil are in a systematic exploration for useable
still burned for energy production. The Now for some information about the ele- uranium occurrences in all states of the
difference in the situation of 25 years ago ment uranium itself. Uranium was named USA. The previous Atomic Energy Com-
is the increasing demand for reduction of after the planet Uranus and is a chemical Short outline of the mission (AEC) had the exclusive right to
CO2 emissions and the more noticeable element with the element symbol U and buy all of the produced uranium in the
phenomenon of “global warming”. In the atomic number 92. Uranium is a me- history of the commer- USA for over three decades. The greed
particular, the energy consuming indust- tal whose isotopes are radioactive. Natu- cial uranium industry for more and more nuclear armament led
rial nations and the emerging countries rally occurring uranium in minerals is to extreme high prices per pound of ura-
must increase their energy efficiency and comprised of the isotope 238U (99.3%) nium for those days. As a result, the se-
improve their carbon footprint in the co- and 235U (0.7%). From the beginnings to the first arch for uranium was conducted in all
ming years. This cannot be achieved by atomic bomb U.S. states in the 1950s and 1960s. The
burning coal and oil. The alternatives are The uranium isotope 235U is fissile by USA had a strong uranium industry at the
renewable energies - which need tre- thermic neutrons and besides the very Uranium was produced for the first time end of the 1960s that was a global leader
[Rn] 5f36d17s2 92 mendous time and cost expenditures - or rare plutonium isotope 239Pu, the only as a by-product in Saxon and English mi- from mining to enrichment.

nuclear energy which can provide lot of known natural occurring nuclide that is nes at the beginning of the 19th century. The Soviet Union initially expanded exis-
energy CO2 neutral. This possibility of the suitable for nuclear fission chain reac- Until the 1930s there was little use for the ting uranium mines in East Germany and
fast and almost clean energy generation tions. Therefore, it is used as a primary radioactive raw material. It was used for Czechoslovakia. This was necessary
has long been recognized by some coun- energy source in nuclear power plants coloring glass and ceramics as well as in because Russia had no knowledge of
Melting Point 1133° C tries who are increasing the construction and nuclear weapons. photography. The shadowy existence of uranium occurrences in its own country
Boiling Point 3930°C of new nuclear power plants. the uranium changed suddenly as Hitler until the end of the Second World War. In
URANIUM came into power in Germany, and an un- the 1950s and 1960s Russia began with
Occurrence precedented spiral of armament and tes- a uranium exploration which led to large
Supply Gap inevitable in the ting of new weapons technologies beg- discoveries in Siberia and Kazakhstan.
future Uranium does not occur pure in nature an. Above all the “Third Reich” accelera-
but always in form of oxides in minerals. ted the expedited mining of uranium.
Today only 90% of the global uranium There are some 230 uranium minerals These mining activities were exclusively Rise and temporary slump of
demand can be satisfied by producing that could locally be of economic import- in the region of Jachymov (the German civilian use of uranium
mines. The number of nuclear reactors ance. name is Sankt Joachimstal) in today’s
will double in the coming 10 to 20 years. There is a large range of uranium depo- Czech Republic. The German supply Already in 1953, the former U.S. presi-
The previous main supplier of uranium – sits from magmatic hydrothermal to sedi- submarine U-234, that was seized by dent Eisenhower conceived a program
Russia’s nuclear weapons arsenal – mentary types. two U.S. destroyers two days after the for the civilian use of uranium. “Atoms for
doesn’t exist anymore. Where will the The highest uranium grades are encoun- end of the war and towed to the USA had Peace” should find their way in the ener-
needed uranium come from? The exis- tered in unconformity-type deposits with uranium ore from Jachymov on board. gy generation, medicine, traffic and agri-
ting mines can be expanded and new average uranium grades of 0.3 to 20%. According to leading U.S. scientists, culture and resulted in the demand for
mines opened but not at the current ura- These deposits are mined by the two lar- parts of this uranium ore were used to additional amounts of uranium. The civi-
nium spot price of around US$ 21 per gest uranium producers. The largest build the Hiroshima atomic bomb. lian nuclear power had its beginning and
pound. An enormous supply gap seems single uranium resource in the world is was quickly advanced by other nations.
to be inevitable at least at the current Olympic Dam with a proven uranium After a 25-year long uranium boom con-
market price. That is the situation inves- content of more than 2 million tons at an The Cold War makes Uranium cerns have been increasingly voiced
tors should be aware of – a sharply rising average uranium grade of 0.03%. The acceptable warning of the appearing lack of security
uranium spot price and an inevitable first industrial scale uranium mine in the in many nuclear power plants. After the
connected second uranium boom. world is in Jachymov (Czech Republic) The newly created uranium sector had its almost Maximum Credible Accident in
produced from hydrothermal veins. biggest boost after the Second World the American nuclear power plant Three

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

Historical development of the uranium prices, ISR Mining electrical net output of around 392.5 gi-
the uranium production and important events. gawatts.
(Source: Laramide Resources) The ISR method uses injection wells to
pump water and small amounts of CO2 The current leading nuclear nation are
and oxygen into the sandstone horizons the USA with 99 running reactors. But
to leach out the uranium. From recovery this is only half the truth because emer-
wells, the pregnant solution is pumped to ging countries like China and India need
the surface for processing. The whole more and more energy and have been
method takes place completely underg- focusing on a massive expansion of
round. The advantages of this method their nuclear power capacities for some
are obvious: there are no large earth mo- time. It is of no surprise that currently 56
vements like in open pit mines, no waste additional nuclear reactors are under
rock stockpiles or tailings ponds for hea- construction. The planning was comple-
vy metals and cyanide. At the surface ted for an additional 160 reactors and
only the wells are visible and the area 350 reactors are in the planning phase.
around the wells can be used without After a 20 year stop a renaissance of the
constraints for farming. With the ISR me- uranium sector is pending – especially Overview of currently operating
thod low grade deposits can be econo- in China. reactors per country
mically mined, the capital costs for the (Source:
Mile Island and the Super Maximum Cre- Conventional Production mine development is significantly re-
dible Accident in Chernobyl, the general duced. The whole method can be imple-
public turned its back more and more to The majority of the uranium is mined in mented with a minimum of manpower
nuclear power. In addition, the collapse underground mines. The deposits are which reduces drastically the operating
of the Soviet Union resulted in a building developed via shafts, drifts, ramps or costs. According to a study of the World
stop of nuclear weapons and therefore spiral declines. Ingressing groundwater Nuclear Association, 25% of the pro-
no further uranium was needed. and the ventilation of the mine often pose duced uranium outside of Kazakhstan
Many nations decided not to install new problems. The exact production method comes from ISR mines.
nuclear reactors and some countries is chosen according to the characteri-
switched off existing reactors. Almost stics of the deposit. The form of the ore-
90% of all uranium mines were closed body and the distribution of the uranium
because the market price for uranium in it are especially pivotal. An orebody The current status of
had fallen to US$ 5 per pound in the me- can be specifically mined by underg-
antime. The uranium for the operation of round methods where less waste materi- the Uranium Market
the still existing reactors came from old al is produced as by open pit methods.
stockpiles or Russia’s disarmament pro- Ore bodies near the surface and very lar- But how does today’s uranium market
gram. ge ore bodies are primarily mined by look like? It is certain that the lack of in-
open pit mining methods. This enables vestments into the procurement struc-
the use of low cost large equipment. Mo- ture of the past 40 years – in the infra-
dern open pit mines can have a depth structure of mines and processing plants
Uranium Production from a few to over 1,000 m and a diame- – will very likely prove to be a windfall for
ter of several kilometers. Open pit mines the uranium investors in the future!
Basically, there are two uranium produc- often produce large amounts of waste Nevertheless, despite opposition against
tion methods: the conventional producti- material. Like in underground mines, lar- nuclear energy since the catastrophe in
on and the production via in-situ leaching ge amounts of water have to be drained Chernobyl and even more after the
or rather in-situ recovery (ISR). The exact from the open pit however the ventilation events in the nuclear plants in Fukushi-
mining method depends on the proper- is less problematic. ma (Japan) the number of plants world-
ties of the ore body, (like depth, shape, wide is at a record high. Only 30 coun-
ore content, tectonic) and the type of tries currently operate (as of March 1st,
country rock as well as other factors. 2018) 449 nuclear reactors with a total

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plant manufacturer Power Construction tal electrical net output is only around 6.2 Currently Brazil is operating only one
Corporation of China (Beijing) predicted gigawatts. nuclear power plant with two reactors. A
the rise of its country among the biggest But India has slept through the entry into third reactor is under construction and is
user of nuclear energy worldwide the the nuclear energy and is now despera- expected to be connected to the power
Chinese government is planning the con- tely trying to search for mineable depo- grid in 2018. The construction of 4 addi-
struction of more than 80 nuclear reac- sits but has to expand its overloaded po- tional reactors is expected until 2030.
tors in the coming 15 years and more wer grid at the same time. A tenfold in-
than 230 new nuclear reactors until 2050. crease of the nuclear energy capacities
According to information from China Po- not only seems to be reasonable but also Rising global expansion of
wer the new five-year-plan for the energy very necessary. nuclear energy
sector whose approval by the National India doesn’t have significant uranium
People’s Congress has been planned in deposits. A tenfold expansion of their Besides the 30 nations with operating
March 2016 provides for a faster expan- own nuclear energy capacities would nuclear reactors, 17 additional countries
sion of the nuclear capacity: to date the mean an increase of the total global nuc- are planning to install nuclear power
capacity was to increase to 58 gigawatts lear electricity generation by 10%. plants. Among those countries are Egypt,
during the coming 5 years, but now over But where will the additionally needed the United Arab Emirates (four reactors
90 gigawatts are under discussion. In the uranium come from? Currently, only a under construction), Jordan, Turkey and
Overview of reactors currently under year 2005 the planning was 40 gigawatts few of the 22 Indian nuclear reactors are Indonesia.
construction per country until 2020. Until 2030 110 reactors should operating with full power. While Japan,
(Source: Demand situation be in operation. In the year 2016 alone China, Russia and South Korea could se-
China started the construction of 6 new cure uranium resources worldwide, India The USA is close to an energy
China is only at the beginning reactors. In total 18 nuclear reactors are missed out completely. Only recently has collapse
of the nuclear age in the construction phase. According to India entered into offtake agreements
concepts for the energy sector initial US$ with companies from the USA, Canada, The USA has a special status. With 99
While many self-appointed experts have 75 billion are budgeted for the nuclear Namibia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Bri- reactors, they have by far the biggest
predicted the end of the nuclear age, it is expansion. In a second step China’s nuc- tain und South Korea. nuclear power plant fleet in the world.
only in the development phase in the lear power generation should be expan- Currently 6 nuclear reactors are under Nevertheless, the USA is threatened by a
most populous country in the world. Chi- ded to 120 – 160 gigawatts by 2030! construction in India and 20 additional collapse of the energy supply. The USA is
na is operating 39 reactors where most While in Germany the elimination of elec- will follow until 2030. still the country with the highest electrici-
of the electricity is generated by coal po- tricity generation from nuclear energy ty consumption per capita. And the hun-
wer plants. Since the beginning of 2015, was decided after the events in Fukushi- ger for energy of the Americans is increa-
15 new nuclear reactors were put into ma, China has decided the opposite and Russia and Brazil with increa- sing. In addition, the USA is facing the
service. The expansion of the nuclear will do everything possible to produce sing nuclear capacity question how to fulfil the CO2-reductions
energy sector in China is enormous and electricity by nuclear fission. In light of which were agreed to in Kyoto and Paris.
occurs with breathtaking speed! Over the rising energy demand – due to the in- The two remaining BRIC-Countries, Rus- Because many of the coal power plants
two thirds of the Chinese energy creasing prosperity – and a catastrophic sia and Brazil have also announced a were built in the 1950s and 1960s, they
consumption is still met by coal power carbon footprint China’s approach seems massive expansion of their nuclear pow- are working inefficiently and uneconomi-
plants. Although China is mining its own only logical. er plants. Currently Russia operates 36 cally. They have to be shut down sooner
coal deposits on a large scale, it is, besi- nuclear reactors with around 27.9 giga- rather than later. The electricity consump-
des India, one of the biggest coal impor- watts. 6 reactors are in the construction tion is rising continuously. The USA has
ter of the world. 30% of the globally pro- India expands civil nuclear phase. Furthermore, Russia plans the no choice but to increase the number of
duced coal is imported by these two program massively construction of an additional 26 nuclear its nuclear reactors during the coming
countries. A certain dependency from power plants which should increase the years. Of course, photovoltaic plants,
these coal imports is obvious. This is the Besides China, India is the second of the percentage of the nuclear energy in the wind farms, hydroelectric power plants
point China’s leadership wants to avoid. so called “BRIC-Countries” which is pur- Russian energy mix from currently 16% or geothermic energy provide climate fri-
The obligation to implement climate fri- suing a similar course. The second most to 19%. In a second step Russia wants endly energy, but these energy producers
endly and clean possibilities for energy populous country in the world plans to to increase this quota to 25%. By the can offer only a partial solution for the
generation is only secondary matter. expand its nuclear energy capacity by 70 year 2030 Russia wants to build 26 reac- pressing energy problems. They are very
In the fall of 2015 the state-owned power gigawatts. In contrast, India’s current to- tors. expensive and their performance is de-

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Overview of currently operating reactors
(blue), currently shutdown reactors (grey),
til 2025. For a little traded commodity like
uranium this return to more “normal”
The Supply Situation
reactors under construction (green) and long term contracts could put tremen- The established producers are
permanently shutdown reactors (red). dous pressure on the long-term prices as running out of air
China, India, South Korea, Russia, the United well as on the spot prices. The internati-
Arab Emirates and the USA are currently onal plant operators are showing more The established uranium producing na-
working increased at the expansion of their and more buying signals which are en- tions Australia, Canada, Russia and Ni-
reactor fleet. couraging. ger have problems to expand their pro-
(Source: duction further. All four countries pro-
duced in total just 26.835 tons uranium in
Conclusion 2016. In 2009, they produced 28.000
tons uranium. Australia has problems
Fact is that currently 449 reactors are in with BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam Mine,
operation and an additional 300 reactors the by far most profitable uranium mine
will be added until 2030. 56 plants are al- in this country. In Canada, the production
ready under construction and 150 additi- start in Cameco’s MacArthur River Mine
onal plants are in the concrete planning had to be postponed many times due to
phase. Even if half of the old reactors repeated groundwater ingresses. In Ni-
should be shut down until then 600 to ger planned mine openings also had to
700 reactors would be in operation in be postponed.
pendent on the time of day and weather. connected to the power grid by 2025. 2030.
Nuclear energy is therefore the only cli- Until now only 2 plants are under const- Furthermore, 90% of the long-term deli-
mate friendly energy generating possibi- ruction and additional 14 are in a concre- very contracts between the uranium pro- The uranium production in the
lity. In light of the amount of additional te planning phase. ducers and the energy generating com- USA has hit rock bottom
electricity demand during the coming panies are expiring by the end of 2020
two to three decades regenerative ener- which could get the established nuclear The situation in the USA is even worse.
gies can only be an addition to the total Long-term supply contracts energy nations like the USA into trouble Although the Obama government has
energy mix. expire soon especially. approved a US$ 54 billion program for
Therefore, a law for expansion and fun- the funding of the nuclear energy indust-
ding of the energy generation by nuclear The previous cycle of contract conclusi-
energy was created within the “Clean ons which was dominated by the urani-
Energy Act of 2009” a program to provi- um price peaks of the years 2007 and
de carbon free energy. Both U.S. gover- 2010 was the reason that the plant ope-
ning parties worked on a US$ 18.5 billion rators signed contracts at higher price
plan for doubling of the nuclear power levels and very long durations of 8 to 10
capacities until 2030. At the beginning of years. On the one hand, these old cont-
2010 President Obama announced that racts are ending and on the other hand
the U.S. government will provide in the the plant operators didn’t look for a
2011 federal budget additional funds of replacement of such deliveries. The for-
US$ 36 billion of government guarantees ward contracts of the plant operators are
for the construction of a new generation declining and therefore the required
of nuclear power plants. This would be a quantities for which there are no contrac-
tripling of the originally planned budget. tual obligations are increasing and have
During the past years an application for to be contractually secured in the future.
lifetime extension of 60 years total ope- As expected the unmet demand will be
rating time was made for over 60 U.S. just less than one billion pounds of U3O8 Overview, age of currently operating reactors.
nuclear reactors. In addition, there are 40 in the coming 10 years. At the same time, Many will be (have to be) replaced by more
applications for the construction of new over 70% of the expected reactor de- powerful ones.
nuclear power plants that should be mands are not contractually secured un- (Source:

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result, the majority of the infrastructure Mine in Niger 5 million pounds of U3O8 during the coming 10 years, while 85%
and the permitted production facilities per year are missing and from the Langer of the original amount was disarmed in
were closed or completely dismantled. Heinrich Mine in Namibia 1.5 million the past 20 years. This material has
Currently there are only a few mines in pounds of U3O8. been already consumed in form of fuel
Texas, Arizona and Wyoming. elements. The future disarmament ura-
nium is minimal compared to the amount
Supply gap unavoidable of the past 20 years and will have no big
Kazakhstan – the new uranium effect on the uranium market. The se-
superpower In spite of the massive production ex- condary supply for the uranium market
pansion in Kazakhstan during the past will fall from currently 9% to below 5%
Almost all established uranium producers years a large supply gap will form in the by 2030. Therefore, the whole amount
are having difficulties with the rebuilding uranium sector in the foreseeable future. of Russia’s secondary supply will re-
or the expansion of their uranium pro- There is already such a gap. Until now main in Russia because Russia has not
duction, but one region has climbed to this gap could be closed with material offer uranium from its own disarmed
the top of the uranium production: Cent- from nuclear waste. But the nuclear in- nuclear weapons at the free market sin-
ral Asia. Kazakhstan especially could dustry consumes about 10% more urani- ce 2013.
multiply its uranium production during um than is currently produced. The 449
the past 10 years. The uranium producti- nuclear reactors worldwide are consu-
on of the previous Soviet Republic in- ming around 68,000 tons uranium per Summary
Uranium Energy's Hobson plant is ready for creased from 2000 to 2016 from 1,870 to year, only approximately 62,000 tons are
the re-start. ry, it is not clear from where the neces- over 24,500 tons. Kazakhstan surpassed covered by the global uranium producti- The supply side in the uranium sector is
(Source: Uranium Energy) sary uranium will be derived. The urani- the previous leader Canada in 2009 and on. The International Atomic Energy going through a transition phase. The se-
um industry in the USA is only a shadow is responsible for close to 40% of the Agency (IAEA) estimates that the global condary supply from Russia’s disarmed
of the past. During the past 40 years the- global uranium production. uranium demand will rise to 140.000 tons nuclear weapons becomes less and less
re have been no investments in develop- uranium by 2030 due to the construction important. While in 2006 37% of the de-
ment of new deposits and almost 95% of of new nuclear power plants. The percen- mand was covered by disarmed nuclear
the needed uranium was derived from Massive production cuts were tage of primary supply has to increase weapons, currently it is only 9%. Con-
the disarmament programs. The already initiated because Russia has reached the end of currently the number of nuclear reactors
US-American nuclear reactors consume its nuclear disarmament. will increase rapidly. This rapidly increase
18.000 tons uranium per year. An expan- Kazakhstan is part of the nations which in demand will not be completely cover-
sion of the capacities would also be an can mine uranium at the lowest costs. ed by the established uranium producers
increase of the needed amount of urani- The country is however not willing to give New disarmament contracts – at least not at the current uranium spot
um. The World Nuclear Association away its uranium resources to absolute without effect to the uranium price of US$ 21 per pound U3O8. From
(WNA) estimates that 40,000 tons urani- low prices anymore. At the beginning of market where will the needed uranium in the fu-
um per year will be needed in the USA 2017 the state-owned group Kazatom- ture come from?
alone by 2025. Even at the peak of the prom announced that the uranium pro- The currently existing disarmament con- An increased production can only be
US-American uranium production during duction will be cut by at least 10% in tract between the USA and Russia, New achieved with a higher uranium price and
the 1960s and 1970s, such an amount 2017. This would take around 2,500 tons START, will not change that. It provides associated large investments in the ex-
could not have been produced by the mi- uranium off the market. for a further reduction of the nuclear we- pansion of existing and the construction
nes in the USA. The US-American urani- But Kazatomprom is not the only urani- apons arsenal by 30%. These 30% don’t of new mines. The basic problem is still
um production reached its previous peak um producer which opts for production include the total weapons arsenal at the the relatively low uranium spot price,
in 1980. During that year 29,000 tons cuts in light of the ridiculous uranium end of the Cold War but only from 2011. which doesn’t allow producers to mine
uranium were produced. After the end of price. The uranium–major Cameco also Since 1990 85% of all nuclear weapons difficultly accessible and more expensive
the Cold War disarmed nuclear weapons announced production cuts. These are have been disarmed. The remaining 15% deposits.
became the most important source for specifically 4 million pounds of U3O8 for will be reduced by 30% meaning that Experts estimate that there are less than
the US-American uranium demand. This the Rabbit Lake Mine and 2 million from the original amount only 5% will be 650,000 tons of economically recoverab-
resulted in a decline of the American ura- pounds of U3O8 for the MacArthur River disarmed. le uranium at a market price of US$ 40
nium production from 23,400 to currently Mine which rank among the 10 largest According to this new contract only 5% per pound uranium.
1,125 tons uranium per year. As a direct uranium mines globally. From the Husab of the original amount will be disarmed

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

Interview with Dr. Christian Schärer –
Manager of the Uranium Resources Fund and partner
of Incrementum AG

At an annual consumption of around High demand is uncovered Dr. Schärer you are manager of the (IAEA) 60 reactors are under construction
68,000 tons uranium, these resources to date Uranium Resources Fund of LLB Fund- worldwide, more than half of them in Chi-
would not even last for 10 years assu- services AG in Liechtenstein (ISIN na (20), Russia (8) and India (5).
ming a constant market price of US$ 40 As expected the unmet demand will be LI0122468528). What is your strategy
as well as a constant demand. This will just less than one billion pounds of U3O8 and what precisely represents the The construction of new nuclear power
rise inevitably. in the coming 10 years. At the same time, Fund? plants should reduce CO2 emissions and
If the market price for uranium would in- over 70% of the expected reactor needs air pollution as well as the dependence
crease and would justify production are not contractually secured until 2025. on imports of fossil fuels. In addition,
costs of US$ 80 per pound uranium the For a little traded commodity like urani- The Fund invests heavily in companies nuclear energy provides the baseload to
triple amount of 2.12 million tons urani- um this return to more “normal” long which are involved in the development the power grids which are constantly un-
um could be mined economically. term contracts could put tremendous and mining of uranium deposits. The der pressure due to the fast-growing de- Dr. Christian Schärer is a partner in
pressure on the long-term prices as well Fund predominantly has shares of mi- mand. Despite the events in Fukushima Incrementum AG and responsible for
At a uranium price of US$ 130 per pound as on the spot prices. The international ning companies in its portfolio. Thereby and the nuclear phase-out in Ger- special mandates.
approximately 5.7 million tons uranium plant operators are showing buying sig- we limit ourselves to the first part of the man-speaking regions, this results to a During the course of his study he was
could be mined economically. At the cur- nals more and more. uranium value chain. The investment capacity expansion of the nuclear energy looking for strategic success factors
rent consumption, the known reserves goal is to get a maximum benefit of the production from 330 gigawatts (2016) to of successful business models. A
would last for 83 years. emerging supply gap in the uranium mar- 580 gigawatts in 2030 in total. The pre- topic that fascinates him until today
The best uranium stocks pro- ket. This supply gap is the result of a dicted demand growth of around 3% per and inspires him when selecting
mise multiplication potential! scissor movement of supply and demand year is to be seen against this backg- promising investment opportunities.
at the uranium market. While supply has round. Dr. Schärer studied business
Conclusion We have taken the current situation of been stagnant for years due to falling administration at the Universität
way to low and not reality reflecting ura- uranium prices, the demand is conti- Zürich and he received his PhD
Doubling of demand is not nium spot price plus the expected future nuously growing with high visibility of 3% Since 2011 the uranium price is perma- extra-occupational at the
faced by any expansion of the supply deficit to present you a compact per year. Until now the supply deficit is nently under pressure. What are the Bankeninstitut Zürich for an analytical
supply! summary of promising uranium stocks. covered by existing inventories as well main reasons for this price collapse and survey of the investment strategy of
Our focus is especially on development as secondary sources. But this will not how do you assess the current market Swiss pension funds in the real estate
The uranium spot price is as far from the companies with very promising projects be sufficient in the near future… situation? sector. Since 1991 he has gained
US$ 130 per pound uranium as the cur- because these offer, besides the actual comprehensive financial market
rent demand will be from future demand. appreciation due to a higher uranium The uranium price is moving in multi-year knowledge in several roles as
According to a conservative estimate of spot price, in this connection also a high Nuclear energy, especially in the Ger- cycles. The price movement between the investment adviser, broker and
the International Atomic Energy Agency takeover chance. At the end of 2015 the man-speaking region, is controversial lower and upper turning point is enor- portfolio manager.
(IAEA) this will double during the coming merger (in fact a takeover) of Fission Ura- and the politics has initiated the exit out mous. During the bull market of the Since summer 2004 Dr. Schärer’s
years. The aforementioned range can be nium with (by) Denison Mines failed due of nuclear energy. Nevertheless, you 1970s the uranium price increased from focus as an entrepreneur, adviser and
cut in half in 10 to 15 years. to, among other things, the vote of Fissi- are confident that the uranium market US$3 to US$43 to drop by 70% to US$8 portfolio manager is on several
It shows that the still – apparently cheap on’s shareholders. This example shows will form a bottom from a cyclical per- by 2001. During the next cycle the price investment themes with material
way of generating electricity can only be that the investor can act on the assump- spective. You assume an increase in climbed to US$130 by 2007. Of course, asset character. He brings his
used if the market price for the starting tion that there will be other takeover or demand by 3% per year. What makes enormous profit opportunities as well as practice-oriented financial market
product uranium increases again. Supply merger possibilities in the future. That is you so confident? significant risks are associated with such knowledge as board member to
and demand determine the market price because the uranium sector is currently price fluctuations. companies.
for uranium too. undervalued and has to be rectified first. We have to differentiate between the si-
If the market price doesn’t allow an eco- tuation in Germany or in Switzerland on Since the reactor accident in Fukushima
nomical production, it will have to increa- one side and the global perspectives on in 2011, the price dropped from US$ 75
se. In the case of uranium, the demand the other side. Contrary to Germany, the per pound to currently US$ 21 at the ura-
will increase sharply due to the construc- emerging economies in Eastern Europe nium spot market; a movement that puts
tion of several hundred new nuclear re- or Asia count on the expansion of nucle- tremendous pressure on the producers.
actors so that the market price will bene- ar energy. By February 1st, 2018 448 re- Three reasons seem to be primarily res-
fit twofold as well as the investor who actors were online globally. This is a his- ponsible; first, the sale of uranium from
has recognized that trend in time. torical record. Furthermore, according to the inventory of the Japanese nuclear
the International Atomic Energy Agency power plant operators that were dis-

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connected from the power grid after the tening their supply and are preparing the ment. The Uranium Resources Fund has ting reactors worldwide and the related
reactor catastrophe in Fukushima. Se- ground for a medium-term price turna- between 25 and 30 positions in the port- uncertainty about the future perspectives
cond, the sale by uranium producers round at the uranium market when the folio. This diversification makes sense of the civil use of nuclear energy is res-
with liquidity shortages and producers stagnant supply cannot satisfy the stea- against the background of the current ponsible for that. Against this backg-
with uranium as a by-product, which dy demand from China and India against state of the uranium market. round we became very humble although
then sell the uranium with little price sen- this background. In other words: at the we still feel confident about the potential
sitivity. Third, the restraint of the buyers uranium market a growing supply gap is of the uranium market. Our primary goal
which are not stressed by falling prices forming in the foreseeable future which What do you recommend to investors is to remain a player when the uranium
despite low inventories. will be closed by rising uranium prices. who are interested in an investment in market rebounds.
We assume that the uranium prices will the uranium sector?
At that reached price level we see the have to recover in direction US$ 70 per- Our portfolio is therefore based on three
uranium market now at an interesting mi- manently to stimulate the necessary ex- The outlined supply gap and the related pillars. The core of the portfolio is compri-
lestone. The bear market seems to be pansion of the production capacities… potential of rising uranium prices are only sed of 2 solid basic investments. First an
over. Since one year the uranium price foreseeable at the moment. The exact investment in Uranium Participation (U
tries to form a bottom. Besides the men- Returning to your question; we expect timing of the expected turnaround at the CN), a Canadian holding company which
tioned good demand, we see a reduced the change for the better to materialize uranium market is uncertain despite the invests in physical uranium. If we are right
supply and an increasing price discipline during the current year. During that time- good perspectives. If, against expecta- the supply gap at the uranium market will
on sides of the producers as possible ca- frame an inventory cycle comes to an tions, the current phase of bottom buil- be closed by the increasing uranium
talysts for a considerable recovery of the end for many European and American ding continues for a longer time the air price. Uranium Participation will be one of
uranium prices. nuclear power plant operators. They will will become thin very fast for some urani- the first and direct profiteers. In addition,
have to come to the market to rebuild um producers. Their balance sheets are we always have a significant position in
their inventories. From today’s perspecti- emaciated after the persistent price col- the Canadian industry leader Cameco
You mentioned that the low uranium ve around 40% of the demand for 2020 lapse and the cost reduction potentials (CCO CN). The company has a broad-ba-
prices are putting massive pressure on is not contractually secured. This impul- are mostly exhausted. Even for a de- sed portfolio of World Class Assets, is
the producers. How do the uranium se could become the catalyst of a sus- veloper of new uranium projects the en- cash flow positive and pays a dividend
producers come to terms with these tainable turnaround. In addition, the spot vironment is challenging because their despite the challenging environment.
low uranium prices and why do you ex- market does not have the liquidity like in projects become economically viable
pect a rebound? the past two years because the two lar- and thereby feasible with increasing ura- When the prices begin to climb only the
gest uranium producers (Kazatomprom nium prices. As a result, it is difficult to producers, which can place a significant
The low price of uranium at the market is and Cameco) have announced a signifi- find investors for the funding of the next uranium production on the market will
a tremendous challenge for producers. A cant reduction of their production during project stages. Who bets everything on benefit. Only the one who produces can
profitable production is unthinkable in the current year. Normally the market will one card at that constellation takes a big deliver. To be on the safe side we invest
this environment. The costs are reduced anticipate this turnaround within a time- risk – possibly too big. The stake within a in companies with low production costs
accordingly consistently. Production frame of several months… diversified investment fund seems to be and that have a solid order book. It is
plans are adjusted to the low prices and reasonable. In addition, we suggest a good to know in this context that only a
unprofitable mines are closed. The exis- timely scaled build-up of the positions. relatively small amount of the annual ura-
ting capital is allocated with much disci- Is such a fund, focused on a single nium production is traded at the spot
pline. Development and expansion pro- commodity, not too specialized and th- market. The main portion of the uranium
jects are rescaled or cancelled accor- erefore too risky? What are your selection criteria for the production is processed within long-term
dingly. It is noteworthy that some selection of your fund holdings? delivery contracts at a predetermined
producers have started to buy uranium at An investment in the fund is a focused (forward) price. We invest in companies
the spot market to meet the long-term bet on the emerging supply gap at the We initiated the fund with confidence ba- that have sold a significant portion of
commitments entered into. The current uranium market. An attractive return po- sed on the described positive medi- their production in the past at a predeter-
spot price is obviously below their pro- tential is opening up in front of an inves- um-term prospects three weeks before mined price, which is considerably higher
duction costs! These actions have the tor with a medium-term investment hori- the reactor accident in Fukushima. These than the current spot prices. This softens
advantage that the as yet not produced zon which could also be very risky. The- events have pushed back the positive the current psychological strain. As ex-
uranium stays in the ground and can be refore, the fund is suitable as starting position by 5 to 6 years. The de- amples for companies in this category
sold for higher prices at the market. With complementary building block in a diver- commissioning of the Japanese reactor can be mentioned Ur-Energy (URE CN) or
this behavior the producers are tigh- sified portfolio but not as a basic invest- fleet, which comprises 10% of all opera- Energy Fuels (EFR CN).

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

Interview with Scott Melbye
Executive Vice President of Uranium Energy,
Commercial V.P. of Uranium Participation Corp. and
Advisor to the CEO of Kazatomprom
Third, we invest in explorers and develo- position in our fund today. The company Mr. Melbye, over the course of your one of them) and headed three hours
pers that are advancing development has started the construction of the Sala- career you have held positions as Exe- back into town. Experiences like this hel-
and mining projects on a world class le- manca uranium mine in Spain and will cutive Vice President, Marketing of ped me develop a real passion for the
vel. Of special interest are those that can commence production in 2019, latest. At Uranium One, President of Cameco resource business. Years later, I gradua-
start their production in the timeframe of that time many nuclear reactor operators Inc., Chair of the Board of Governors of ted from Arizona State University in 1984,
the expected supply gap. They will bene- in the EU might start to renew their long- the World Nuclear Fuel Market and Pre- and took on my first industry role with
fit from the attractive sales prices. In ad- term delivery contracts. Berkeley Energia sident of the Uranium Producers of uranium broker, Nukem Inc. in New York.
dition, these assets should have the is in an excellent position because the America. Currently, you are serving as
necessary size to qualify as take-over Salamanca mine will be the only signifi- Executive Vice President of Uranium
targets. We assume that after the price cant uranium producer in the EU-region. Energy, Commercial V.P. of Uranium Since mid-2015 we saw significant vo-
turnaround at the uranium market a con- This makes the project attractive from a Participation Corp., and as the Advisor latility in the uranium spot-price. It went
solidation wave will roll through and mi- strategic point of view. In addition, I like to the CEO of Kazatomprom. In other from 40 to 18 and back to 26 US$. So, Scott Melbye is a 34-year veteran of
ning companies from outside the sector that, by global comparison, low invest- words: You are THE uranium expert! have we already seen the bottom? the nuclear energy industry having
would like to position themselves in the ment volume of less than EUR 100 milli- What led to your uranium-career? held leadership positions in major
uranium business as well. This would on is necessary to bring the mine to pro- The short answer is yes, even though we uranium mining companies as well as
make sense due to the low cyclical sen- duction. This is the result of the excellent Thank you, that is very nice of you to say. will have some starts and stops before industry-wide organizations. Through
sitivity and the relative high visibility of infrastructure (water, electricity, and I feel fortunate to have spent my entire we fully gain traction (as has been the to June 2014, Melbye was Executive
the uranium production. workforce) and the attractive geographic career in the uranium and nuclear energy case recently with the price back down Vice President, Marketing, for Uranium
location. Due to the fact that the uranium business. Our industry is quite unique in around the US$21-$22 level). The indus- One, responsible for global uranium
deposit is near the surface low cost open that it is a fairly small and international try has been in a seven-year bear market sales activities. Prior to this, Melbye
Currently which are your biggest indivi- pit mining is possible. A comparable low community of quality, smart, and devo- that began after Fukushima in March spent 22 years with the Cameco
dual positions and why? investment volume, low production costs ted people who are all pulling together to 2011. This has been a long and challen- Group of companies, both in the
and an annual production volume of supply 11 percent of global electricity ging downturn, as it would be for any Saskatoon head office and with their
Besides the mentioned standard assets around 4.4 million pounds make this pro- supplies with highly reliable, clean-air, commodity. While this period has chal- U.S. subsidiaries. He had last served
Uranium Participation and Cameco as- ject very attractive from an economic base-load energy. lenged the patience of uranium inves- as President of Cameco Inc., the
sets like Uranium Energy (UEC US), Ber- point of view. My introduction to the uranium business tors, the depth and breadth of this down- subsidiary responsible for marketing
keley Energia (BKY LN), NexGen Energy was at a very young age. Being a se- turn has sowed the seeds of an even and trading activities with annual sales
(NXE CN), Energy Fuels (EFR CN), Fissi- In addition, the state fund from Oman cond-generation uranium miner, I grew more robust and sustainable recovery. exceeding 30 million pounds U3O8.
on Uranium (FCU CN) or Denison Mines took a long term holding in “Berkeley up around the business. My father, Chuck We are finally seeing years of low prices Melbye was formerly the Chair of the
(DML CN) fit, for various reasons, in our Energia” with the investment of around Melbye, graduated from the Colorado beginning to take its toll on the supply Board of Governors of the World
aforementioned acquisition strategy. US$120 million within a convertible bond School of Mines-in 1950. He explored, side of the market. Production cutbacks Nuclear Fuel Market and President of
last year. Thereby the construction of the and developed uranium deposits throug- are becoming the norm (and accelera- the Uranium Producers of America. He
mine is financially secured. If we assume hout the Colorado Plateau, Wyoming ting), as higher priced legacy term cont- also currently serves as Executive Vice
In addition, do you keep an eye on the conversion of the bond into shares of and even Paraguay, with joint venture racts begin to fall off. Uranium prices in President of Uranium Energy and
smaller uranium companies which the company later Oman will be, with a partners such as Southern California the low U$20’s per pound U3O8 range VP-Commercial for Uranium
could become interesting during the holding around 37%, a strategic major Edison, Korea Electric Power and Taiwan are simply unsustainable over the longer Participation Corporation and just
coming months? shareholder. A clear commitment to the Power Company. I recall an early memo- term. All-in production costs of the lo- completed a two-year term as an
long term intact perspectives of the ura- ry at the age of 12 travelling to Moab, west cost mines are higher than the cur- advisor to the CEO of Kazatomprom,
This is a difficult question. A consequen- nium market! Utah with my father to meet a bearded rent depressed price level. Further, the the world’s largest uranium producer
ce of the bear market is the disappearan- and dusty old prospector at the local mo- current price environment fails to incenti- in Kazakhstan. He also sits on the
ce of many companies. At the height of tel coffee shop. After spreading out the vize the majority of undeveloped uranium advisory board of the Colorado School
the last bull market around 500 compa- exploration maps over the breakfast tab- projects towards construction. of Mines, Nuclear Engineering
nies with focus of uranium were listed. le, we jumped in his old pickup truck and program. Melbye received a Bachelor
Today only 40 to 50 companies with refe- headed out a jeep trail into the remote of Science in Business Administration
rence to uranium are suitable invest- red-rock canyons and plateaus of that Japan is going to bring its reactors back with specialization in International
ments. However, there are some attracti- prolific uranium district. Arriving at the to the grid step-by-step, but cancelled Business from Arizona State University
ve investment possibilities. If I have to prospective outcropping, we took some a supply-contract with Cameco in early in 1984.
name one of my favorites it would be scintillometer readings, bagged some 2017. Will Japan put too much pressure
Berkeley Energia , which is the largest mineral samples (kicking a scorpion off on the spot-price?


Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

The pace of the Japanese recovery has on amounted to 162 million pounds in lined market approach going forward.
certainly been a disappointment. Most 2016. While this continued a trend of an- The planned 2018 IPO to privatize a 25%
analysts, including me, have been wrong nual uranium production increases in the share of the company will also incentivi-
as to how quickly their reactor restarts face of low prices, the rate of increase ze Kazatomprom to do anything in their
would occur. The good news is that posi- has finally reversed as cutbacks are power to support global uranium prices
tive developments took hold during 2017 being implemented. Global production in during, and after, this process.
(despite Cameco’s high-profile contract 2017 fell to 151 million pounds and could Finally, while not a production cutback,
dispute with Tokyo Electric Power, which decline further to below 140 million we received great news in early 2017 that
appears to be isolated to those parties). pounds in 2018. This supports observa- the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”)
Japan now has 21 reactors in the restart tions that a peaking of mine production has bowed to pressure from the U.S.
process with Federal regulators, with fif- has finally occurred. Several high-profile producers and reduced the amount of
teen Safety Review approvals being han- production cutbacks have been announ- government inventories that are released
ded down by the NRA. We are expecting ced, including Cameco’s Saskatchewan to the market by over 1 million pounds
to see a total of nine reactors restarted and U.S. operations, Areva’s Niger mi- per year in 2017 and 2018. This may not
and operating in 2018 (five are currently nes, Paladin’s Namibian Langer Heinrich sound like much, but combined with an-
in operation today). These don’t sound mine and Kazakhstan’s ongoing reduc- nounced production cutbacks, close to
like big numbers, but should be viewed tions in output. The announcement by 50 million pounds of current/future sup-
as positive developments for both mar- Cameco to shut in their world-class ply has now been removed from the mar-
ket fundamentals and sentiment in the Mac­ Arthur River Mine in late 2017 ket over the past 24 months. It should Uranium production in Kazakhstan
uranium industry. Furthermore, recent has been particularly significant. The also be recognized that an additional 17 brought on by uranium price spikes in (Source: Kazatomprom)
Energy Policy has reaffirmed a target of MacArthur River Mine (and associated million pounds per year will be removed 2007 and 2010, resulted in utilities rus-
having nuclear provide at least 20% of Key Lake mill) in Northern Saskatchewan by 2025 from the expected resource de- hing to contract at higher prices and for
Japanese energy supplies going forward. represents the world’s richest uranium pletion of currently operating mines. very long terms. While these old cont-
This policy was further strengthened with deposit, with ore grades 100 times the racts are expiring, the utilities have not
the landslide reelection victory of pro-bu- global average and is the world’s largest been moving to replace these supplies.
siness and pro-nuclear Prime Minister in terms of annual output. Cameco has Many long-term contracts will run out in As a result, the forward coverage of utili-
Shinzo Abe. While this issue remains declared that this operation will be down the next 12 to 18 months. Utilities are ties has fallen appreciably, increasing the
very emotional with many Japanese, the for “at least 10 months”, which would beginning to return to the market. Will uncommitted requirements that will need
replacement cost of fossil-fueled electri- equate to as much as 18 million lbs of they get their uranium for less than 30 future contract coverage. These unfilled
city has raised household power bills by global, tier-one, production being remo- US$ per pound? needs (under recently revised conserva-
close to 14% in just 4 years. Japan has ved from the supply mix. As Cameco tive estimates) currently total around 742
few viable alternatives going forward and continues to sustain global sales at a le- Only in the very near term and until such million pounds over the next 10 years,
nuclear provides protection against both vel exceeding 30 million pounds per year, time renewed utility uranium procure- which is higher than the 705 million
supply and price risk from fossil fuel im- this bold move will serve to drawdown ment levels pick back up. This is the pounds of uncommitted demand exis-
ports (much of which is produced in the inventories much faster than envisioned other key catalyst that has me excited ting in 2011. In a thinly traded commodi-
Middle East). even one year ago and put Cameco into right now, but has yet to fully hit the mar- ty, like uranium, this return to more nor-
the market as a significant buyer of ket. mal long term contracting levels should
uranium. Subsequent to Cameco’s an- The world’s fleet of operating reactors, put considerable upward pressure on
In the last few months, a couple of pro- nouncement, the Kazakh state producer, and those nearing completion, are now long term and spot prices. We are begin-
ducers reported that they are planning Kazatomprom, followed up their 10% cut expected to generate a cumulative fuel ning to see the signs of this increased
to cut their production, including Kaz- in 2017 production, with an announced requirement of 174 million pounds of buying activity by global utilities which is
atomprom where you served as an ad- 20% reduction in planned output over U3O8 in 2018. This fuel requirement is ex- very encouraging. However, utilities in
visor for the past two years. Will this si- the years 2018 to 2020. While analysts pected to grow to 196 million pounds by the United States are continuing to sit on
gnificantly affect the uranium spot- are still struggling to define the exact vo- 2030. While this demand for uranium is the sidelines in a wait and see mode as
price? lumes impacted, it is definitely a continu- fairly steady and predictable, the procu- to the direction future fundamentals. Per-
ed strong signal that the world’s largest rement decisions of utilities can vary ba- haps a catalyst behind this perceived
This is absolutely a key catalyst in the producer of uranium, accounting for sed on contract coverage, inventories, complacency, stems from the Section
uranium price recovery that has been about 40% of global mine supplies, is in- forecasts of future prices and risk tole- 232 Trade case which was filed by two
long in coming. Global uranium producti- tent on pursuing a rational and discip- rance. The previous contracting cycle, U.S. producers with the Department of

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

Commerce early this year. A “232” filing der smaller units with designs typically
is made to address harmful levels of for- less than 1,000 MWe.
eign imports reaching a point which en- A trend to keep our eyes on, and not yet
dangers national security. Today, less factored into the near-term supply and
than 5% of domestic needs are fulfilled demand analysis, is the growing emer-
by domestic mines, despite abundant re- gence of Small Modular Reactor (‘SMR”)
sources and competitive potential. As designs. These are reactor designs which
the proposed remedy of this filing is a re- have a 50-300-megawatt range of out-
served 25% quota of U.S. reactor requi- put, and are similar to the small, compact
rements for U.S. domestically mined ura- U.S. naval reactors which have operated
nium, there is a great deal of uncertainty safely since the 1950’s. SMR’s can be
in the market until the Trump Administra- mass produced in factories and shipped
tion rules in this “buy American” issue. on site. They are scalable in nature, can
Similar trade actions have been filed with accommodate small grids like islands
regards to aluminum and steel imports, and remote areas, require much lower
so market observers are keeping a keen upfront capital, and have a faster pay-
eye on this development. back period due to short construction
times. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission is updating their regulations
New reactors are being built and older to accommodate these small-scale pow-
ones will be shut down. What does this er producers, which has been a big barri- There is extremely high air pollution
mean for the future demand? Do new er to entry to date. While these reactors creates what is known as the “initial core gawatts by 2030. The Chinese govern- in the Chinese cities.
reactors need more uranium than older will use less uranium than today’s large effect”. The first core fueling requires ment has increased its emphasis on nuc- (pixabay/ 3dman_eu)
ones? units, this potential new growth area is a about 1.5 times the uranium required in a lear energy as a way to deliver vast
very welcome development. typical reload (the reason it is not 3 times amounts of electricity, without adding to
Ten reactors were added to the global more has to do with lower U-235 enrich- the severe air pollution crisis from carbon
grid during the 2016 calendar year, ment levels in the first cycle). Taken col- emissions affecting their major cities. In
exceeding the mark set in 2015 for the Just to give the readers some numbers: lectively across all of the new reactor terms of reactor requirements Chinese
highest growth rate of nuclear power ca- How much uranium does a new reactor start-ups, the bump in global require- annual uranium consumption will rise
pacities in the past 25 years. While 2017 need for the first load and how much ments is substantial, not to mention that from 20 million lbs in 2017, to over 75
reactor additions were down from 2016, does it need for further loads? these requirements tend to be procured million pounds by 2030.
the pause is only temporary, as there are earlier than subsequent reloads. This all has a profound impact on global
currently, 57 nuclear reactors under con- Great question and something that adds To put this into actual numbers, a new uranium supplies, as China possesses
struction in 14 countries with the princi- to near term uranium requirements due Westinghouse AP-1000 reactor (like tho- relatively little in the way of quality dome-
pal drivers of this expansion being China, to the 57 reactors currently under const- se being built in Georgia) require about stic geologic uranium reserves, despite
Russia, India, South Korea, and the Uni- ruction. A reactor under steady-state 1.65 million pounds for an initial core, its large geography. As such, China sta-
ted Arab Emirates. operation refuels only once every 12 – 24 with a reload requiring around 1.1 te-owned companies have been aggres-
The World Nuclear Association reports months depending on their optimal fuel pounds. This can, of course, vary based sively pursuing uranium imports to the
that 448 reactors are operable in 30 management and operating strategy. At on operating cycle-length and tails assay tune of about 50 million pounds of U3O8
countries. These reactors have a capaci- these periodic refueling outages, appro- (depending on the relative prices of ura- per year, taking advantage of the urani-
ty of 393 gigawatts of electricity and sup- ximately one-third of the reactor core is nium and enrichment). um downturn and accumulating an un-
ply about 11 percent of the world’s elec- replaced with fresh fuel and the remai- der-valued commodity that they will ra-
trical requirements. ning fuel assemblies are shuffled to new pidly consume at their current growth
The new reactors are all of designs which locations in the core. The oldest fuel that The new leading nuclear nation will be rate. Their investments in foreign urani-
exceed 1000 megawatts and more than has been in the reactor for several years China. How will their current constructi- um deposits and production assets also
compensate for the retirement of some is retired to spent fuel storage for ultima- on plans effect the uranium sector? have significant impacts on the global
older smaller reactors that have reached te disposal (or is reprocessed into new market. While their massive investment
the end of their operating lives. The total fuel). China continues to lead the global nucle- in the Husab uranium mine in Namibia
demand for uranium will increase with In the case of a new reactor in its first ar growth story, expanding from their will advance this mine’s development
the requirements of the larger reactors operating cycle, the entire reactor core currently installed 35 gigawatts of capa- earlier than economics would otherwise
balanced against the retirement of the ol- needs to be loaded with fresh fuel. This city from 38 reactors, to close to 150 gi- dictate, other investments in existing mi-

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

nes, like Langer Heinrich, also in Nami- by DOE. Already New York, Connecticut Virginia, Pennsylvania and Florida. Re- tus in the uranium sector and could this
bia, will take significant volumes of pro- and Illinois, have taken real concrete quests for as many as 20 more are ex- lead to another uranium-price upward
duction “out of circulation” for western steps to reform these market dysfunc- pected to follow. Also last year, the Pali- trend?
utilities. tions and preserve this critically import- sades nuclear power plant in Michigan,
ant base load nuclear power in the name that was slated to be retired in 2018, is The uranium market has required a great
of reliability and grid stability. Other sta- now pursuing a plan to extend opera- deal of patience from investors as it has
Much has been said lately about the tes like Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsyl- tions for four additional years. The value worked through the over-supply condi-
nuclear energy program of the United vania are considering similar legislation. of these vital base-load electricity gene- tions that emerged out of the Fukushima
States, currently the world’s largest The performance of U.S. nuclear power rators, from both an economic and ener- events in 2011. Having said that, as we
fleet. So-called de-regulated electricity plants during recent “polar vortex” win- gy security perspective, are perhaps fi- head into 2018, we have a very exciting
markets and low natural gas prices ters, and hurricanes, have only reinforced nally becoming more widely recognized. development materializing that is rarely
have put some plants under economic the need for this policy shift by the Trump seen, but certainly coveted, by commo-
stress. What is the Trump Administrati- Administration and individual states. dity investors. With the record number of
on doing to address the continued via- Elsewhere in the regulated markets of Let’s come to uranium supply. Do you reactors operating, and coming on-line
bility of nuclear energy in the U.S.? the Southeastern United States, we are see major new mines starting producti- around the world, we are seeing a robust
seeing the construction of two new reac- on in the next five to eight years? What and growing global demand for uranium.
We have actually seen a great deal of po- tors of the Westinghouse AP-1000 de- does the pipeline look like and what While utilities have recently been heavily
sitive developments on this front in the sign. Two additional units in South Caro- price will most companies need to ad- covered under contract from past cycles,
past year, and the Trump Administration lina had begun construction, but are on vance development, and bring their we see a new contracting cycle emerging
has certainly been supportive of both the hold for the time being. Unfortunately, projects into production? that will put renewed stress on available
nuclear energy industry, and uranium fuel these massive construction projects supplies in the coming years. The trend
cycle, in the United States. The challen- were caught up in the bankruptcy rest- This development should be startling to of global uranium production cutbacks,
ge is not that nuclear reactors are un- ructuring of Westinghouse given their in- the nuclear generating companies, and like those announced by Canada and
competitive with their low US$0.03 to ability to effectively manage these const- probably explains the current, and very Kazakhstan late last year, have been long
$0.05 per kilowatt hour generating cost. ruction programs. The good news is that strategic appetite for Chinese invest- in coming. These cutbacks will likely
The market structure in these supposed- the Vogtle units 3&4 in Georgia will pro- ment. Beyond the large Chinese Husab continue at a time when the pipeline for
ly de-regulated jurisdictions are severely ceed to completion under a new const- mine, we see very little in terms of new new supplies is at a low point, and lead-
distorted by the high levels of subsidies ruction manager, Bechtel, and will be mine development. From a producer’s times required to reverse that trend could
granted renewables and compounded supported by extended loan guarantees viewpoint this is not surprising, given the be rather prolonged. The price impact
by low natural gas prices. Unfortunately, from the Trump Administration. The seven-year period of challenging price could be acute.
renewables provide the lowest level of Summer units 2&3 in South Carolina re- conditions we have experienced. The in- This is certainly the right time to be posi-
as-needed reliability, and gas prices can- main in suspension, but here too, the centive price for meaningful new uranium tioned in uranium investments to capita-
not be relied upon to stay low forever (or story can still turn positive with state offi- production (new developments or mine lize on an emerging, sustained, price re-
simply through the cold winter weather cials and potential investors looking at expansions) to come to the market is covery.
months). Meanwhile, the potential loss of ways to complete these reactors and estimated by BMO, in their March 2017
24/7 reliable and carbon-free base load bring them into operation. uranium market outlook, to be higher
electricity from nuclear is put in jeopardy. While some isolated, older operating than US$60 per pound U3O8. This, and
The Trump Administration has certainly units will succumb to decommissioning the prolonged licensing and permitting
taken on this energy security predica- in the United States in the coming years, process required to bring on new pro-
ment as a priority, emphasizing the need like that of Oyster Creek recently in New duction (as much as 10 years or more for
for a reliable and robust electric grid un- Jersey (1969 start-up), we are seeing the a major conventional mine/mill complex),
der all supply and demand scenarios. opposite occur with most U.S. reactors make for an interesting situation as the
While the DOE directives in this regard pursuing (and receiving) approvals for uranium market is expected to move into
did not result in mandated changes th- license extensions to add 20 to 40 years a near term supply deficit amidst higher
rough Federal Energy Regulatory Com- of additional operating years to their safe contracting volumes.
mission (“FERC”) regulatory measures in and useful lives. Already, Exelon, Domini-
2017, the onus is now on the individual on and NextEra Energy have said they
states to demonstrate the price stability plan to ask regulators to extend 60-year In summary: What are your feelings
and reliability standards recommended licenses by 20 years for eight reactors in about the current supply-demand-sta-

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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |

Anfield Energy
High ISR Potential and a fully permitted uranium
processing plant in the US

Anfield Energy is a uranium-vanadium projects with significant production po-

development company with the goal of tential. This will be secured through or-
becoming one of the leading uranium ganic growth as well as by new acquisi-
and vanadium producers in the USA. tions.
Currently the main focus is on the in-situ Second, Anfield Energy wants to build a
recovery (ISR) projects in Wyoming. Be- significant ISR production which would
sides this, Anfield Energy owns one of be a production that could be realized in
the only three fully permitted conventio- the short to medium-term. At the cur-
nal processing plants in the USA. He- rently low uranium spot price this would
rewith the company wants to establish a give the company a significant leverage.
uranium production of 1.5 million pounds The third pillar gives the chance for a
per year. bigger conventional production which is
longer term and would leverage the Current (partly historical) resource base.
company value in the case of increasing portant to know that the majority of the Processing Capacity secured (Source: Anfield Resources)
Company Strategy uranium prices. 24 ISR projects are located in close pro-
ximity to projects of other uranium de- The highlight of the aforementioned deal
Anfield Energy impresses with a three- velopers with already existing uranium is the closing of the so-called Resin Pro-
Anfield Energy's main focus lies on its ISR fold company strategy. ISR Projects in Wyoming resources. cessing Agreements with Uranium One.
projects in Wyoming. First, the creation of a company head­ Anfield Energy has now the possibility to
(Source: Anfield Energy) quartered in the USA with focus on US The biggest coup in the company history produce up to 500.000 pounds of Urani-
was the acquisition of a total of 24 ISR First Resources confirmed um per year in Uranium One’s proces-
projects in Wyoming from Uranium One sing plant Irigaray in Wyoming. And the-
in September 2016. The acquisition In a very short time, the cooperation with re is more: In the case that Anfield Ener-
comprised 2,667 federal mining claims, BRS resulted in a first resource estimate. gy cannot meet the off-take agreements
56 Wyoming State leases and 15 private Anfield Energy published a resource for completely, the company has the possi-
leases in known uranium districts like the Red Rim Project in April 2017. bility to buy the appropriate quantities
the Black Hills, Powder River Basin, Gre- from Uranium One. This is a unique
at Divide Basin, Laramie Basin, Shirley This project contains: agreement that provides the company
Basin and Wind River Basin. In addition, with lots of leeway for possible producti-
Anfield Energy acquired a database of  an Indicated Resource of 336,655 on scenarios and off-take contracts.
drilling and geologic work that includes tons of mineralized material with an The cost for the whole package, inclu-
575 drill holes totaling approximately average grade of 0.170% equivalent ding the Resin Processing Agreement,
130,000m of drilling. to 1,142,449 pounds of U3O8; and was only US$ 6.55 million which Anfield
Together the 24 ISR projects contain his-  an Inferred Resource of 472,988 tons Energy will pay over a period of five ye-
toric resources of 36.8 million pounds of mineralized material with an avera- ars.
U3O8 whereby for some of these pro- ge grade of 0.163% equivalent to
jects no resource estimation exists. An- 1,539,447 pounds of U3O8.
field Energy acquired an additional his- Conventional Assets
toric database of geologic information In August 2017 a second resource esti-
about the acquired claims and surroun- mate followed, this time for the Clarkson Besides the pure ISR projects, Anfield
ding areas. Hill Project. The project contains: Energy owns a number of conventional
In March 2017 Anfield Energy engaged high-quality uranium assets.
the renowned engineering firm BRS Inc.  Inferred resources of 957.000 tons ore
to prepare a series of NI 43-101 compli- with average grades of 0.058% U3O8
ant technical reports for a number of the for 1.113 million pounds of U3O8. Shootaring Canyon Mill
24 ISR projects. In addition, the historic
and more recent databases will be In November 2017, BRS commenced an The Shootaring Canyon Mill is located
evaluated to outline the existing uranium additional resource estimate for the for- 77km south of Hanksville in Utah. It is
resources as quickly as possible. It is im- mer producing Nine Mile Project. one of only three fully licensed conventi-

32 33
Annual Production of up to 1.5 New Sales manager ought to
million pounds of U3O8 within finalize delivery contracts with
the next three years energy producers

Anfield Energy’s initial focus is on the In addition, the company is working on

ISR production in Wyoming. Due to the delivery contracts with energy pro-
Resin Processing Agreements, the com- ducers. For that purpose, Robert Scott
pany can produce 500,000 pounds of Lumadue was hired as Vice President,
U3O8 per year in Wyoming if the approp- Uranium Sales and Marketing and was
riate well fields are installed. This can be part of Uranium One America’s success-
done within 18 to a maximum of 24 ful sales team. He also worked at the uti-
months and would cost initially, inclu- lity company Duke Energy Corporation
ding a satellite facility, an estimated 11 for 12 years. He is familiar with both si-
million dollars. A second step is the re- des which should be invaluable for An-
furbishment, the expansion and the re- field Energy.
commissioning of the conventional pro-
cessing facilities in the Shootaring Ca-
The majority of Anfield's Utah-projects lie in nyon Mill and the Velvet-Wood Mine Summary: at the right time with
the very south-east of the US-state. above all. The estimated costs are the right projects at the right
(Source: Anfield Energy) around 35 million dollars, a very small location
amount in light of an anticipated annual
production of one million pounds of Anfield Energy is, with its projects, at the
U3O8. The company would be able to right time at the right location. The urani-
produce 1.5 million pounds of U3O8 per um longing US-American nuclear power
onal processing plants in the USA. Shootaring Canyon Mill. The Velvet- year in total whereby the company would plant operators could stand in line at An-
Shootaring Canyon is a conventional Wood Mine nevertheless produced 5 rank in second place in terms of uranium field Energy. The reason being, that An-
acid leach plant with a permitted capaci- million pounds of vanadium in the past. production in the USA. field Energy is one of just a handful com-
ty of 750 tons per day. In the vicinity of BRS published an exploration target re- panies that will be able to put together a
the plant are stockpiles containing port in December 2017 whereby Vel- significant uranium production within 2
around 370,000 pounds of U3O8. The vet-Wood hosts an exploration target of Short to medium-term to maximum of 3 years. This is possible
plant was in operation for a short time 6.3 to 9.7 million pounds of vanadium at Catalysts due to a double strategy with the low
only. grades averaging 0.40 to 0.61%. cost ISR production and a processing
During the coming months, a range of plant that can be put in operation with
news is expected from Anfield Energy. little money besides several possibilities
Velvet-Wood Mine Other Projects/Royalties Among other things a number of resour- to provide this facility with sufficient ma-
ce estimates are pending for the Wyo- terial. This flexibility and the quick pro-
The Velvet-Wood Mine is also in Utah. In addition, Anfield Energy owns other ming projects as well as for the conven- duction possibility make Anfield Energy
Anfield Resources bought this mine, like conventional projects in the US states of tional assets in Utah, Colorado and Ari- at the current share price the absolute
the Shootaring Canyon Mine, from Ura- Arizona, Colorado and Utah like Frank M zona. Furthermore, important milestones top pick in the whole uranium and vana-
nium One in 2015. The mine contains a (2.3 million pounds of U3O8), Findlay will be reached with the approval of the dium sector.
current resource of 5.1 million pounds of Tank (954,000 pounds of U3O8) and Hen- production in Wyoming. Anfield Energy Above all because several resource esti-
U3O8. An initial economic assessment in ry Mountains. Furthermore, the compa- also waits for evaluation results for a va- mates will be announced in the short to
2016 confirmed a pretax IRR of solid ny owns some stockpiles in Utah from nadium production at Velvet-Wood and medium-term which will continuously in-
41%. After the strong increase of the va- which a significant short-term cash flow in the Shootaring Canyon Mine. In addi- crease Anfield Energy’s’ resource base
nadium price during the past months can be generated. All these assets are tion, the company is looking for additio- and thereby increasing the company
Anfield Energy engaged BRS in Novem- located within a radius of only 125 miles nal acquisition opportunities of ISR and value.
ber 2017 to complete a new resource around the Shootaring Canyon Mill. In conventional assets as well as inventory In July 2017, the company was able to
estimate that incorporates the existing the US states Utah, Colorado and South of the end product Yellowcake. generate CA$3.1 million through a finan-
vanadium resources. Dakota the company owns royalties in a cing, which makes the company well fi-
The company is also evaluating the pos- total of four projects of listed uranium nanced for the coming months.
sibility of adding a vanadium cycle at the companies.

34 35
Appia Energy
The planet’s best uranium geologist on the search for
high-grade uranium and rare earth deposits
Appia Energy is a Canadian resource de- ration plans containing drill locations for
velopment company specializing in ura- securing good results as well as possible
Exclusive interview with Corey Dias, nium and rare earth element sectors. Ap- economic mining scenarios. The project
pia Energy has a two-fold strategy: the is currently on standby and should be re-
CEO of Anfield Resources exploration of high-grade uranium depo- activated quickly in the case of higher
sits in the Athabasca Basin Region and uranium and rare earth element prices.
the development of the Elliot Lake Urani-
What did you and your company achie- ar-term production while looking for at- um and Rare Earth Element Project in
ve within the last 12 months? tractive and accretive acquisitions. Ontario. Athabasca Basin Uranium
We have commenced resource definition
and upgrade with regard to the 24 ISR What is your opinion about the current Elliot Lake Although the Athabasca Basin is known
uranium projects we acquired from Ura- conditions of the uranium market? for its rich uranium deposits (since the
nium One in 2016. We have completed The Elliot Lake Project is located three year 2000 alone eight deposits were dis-
Corey Dias, CEO two resource reports, with one currently The uranium market remains a challenge, kilometers north of the town of Elliot Lake covered with more than 50 million pounds
in the pipeline. We have also begun to despite the actions taken by a few of the in northern Ontario. 60km to the south­ of U3O8 each) the exploration in this regi-
explore the vanadium potential of our mi- major players. That said, we do believe west lies the town of Blind River, where on is still in its infancy. Appia Energy
nes and the economic viability of adding that 2018 will be the year when utilities Cameco operates the world’s largest owns several high-quality license areas
a vanadium processing circuit to our begin to truly reengage with producers uranium refinery. The short distance to in the Athabasca Basin Region. Three of
existing uranium mill. as uncovered demand continues to grow. the nearest town means that all the infra- these projects stand out especially. All of
structure is in place already. The project these projects have geophysical and
comprises 101 claims which are in the geological similarities with already known
What are the main catalysts for your possession of Appia Energy completely. high-grade uranium deposits.
company within the next 6 months? During the period from 1955 through
1996 13 underground mines within the
We continue to upgrade our current ura- Elliot Lake Mining Camp produced a to- Loranger
nium portfolio in order to prepare for ne- tal of 362 million pounds of U3O8 at an
average grade of 0.106 wt.% U3O8 Loranger is located in the southeastern The Elliot Lake Project hosts a number
(weight percent). part of the Athabasca Region slightly of independent deposits whereby
However, Elliot Lake still contains signifi- outside of the actual Athabasca Basin. the Teasdale Lake Zone and the
cant resources of 8.0 million pounds of The project is located 60km from the Ci- Banana Lake Zone stand out clearly.
U3O8 and 47.7 million pounds of TREE gar Lake Mine, 40km from the McLean (Source: Appia Energy)

Anfield Energy Inc. ISIN: CA03464C1068

(total rare earth elements) in the category
indicated and 47.7 million pounds of
FRA: 0AD U3O8 and 133.2 million pounds of TREE
TSX-V: AEC in the category inferred. According to
historic resource estimates Elliot Lake
Shares issued: 20.9 million could host more than 200 million pounds
Options: 0.6 million of U3O8.
Warrants: 10.4 million In the past Appia Energy and especially
Fully diluted: 31.9 million other companies spent over CA$50 milli-
on for exploration campaigns in Elliot
Contact: Lake. It was demonstrated that Elliot
Anfield Energy Inc. Lake has the potential for a much larger
806-1199 West Pender Street resource because the known uranium
Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1, Canada veins are open to all sides.
The Elliot Lake Project hosts a number of
phone: +1-780-920-5044 independent deposits whereby the Teas-
dale Lake Zone and the Banana Lake Zone stand out clearly. Currently these zones are the focus of additional explo-
(Source: BigCharts)
36 37
Lake Mill and only 28km from the Rabbit mond drilling to explore two or three pany discovered several radioactive out-
Lake Mill. The 33,400-hectare project high-priority areas. crops with up to 50,000 counts per se-
area is connected to a highway via a cond (cps). In addition, geochemical
20km long ice road and has direct ac- surveys in 5 zones identified sample with
cess to a high-voltage power line. Besi- Otherside up to 49.64 weight % Rare Earth Oxides.
des uranium traces of rare earth ele- In 2018 Appia Energy will conduct addi-
ments, thorium and molybdenum are Otherside comprises an area of 21,800 tional surface surveys followed by dia-
found at Loranger. Appia Energy has a hectares and is located in the center of mond drilling. By the end of the year the
100% interest in Loranger. the Athabasca Basin. Appia Energy has company will release a resource estima-
Several locations with high-grade near a 100% interest in the project. The com- te.
surface and not covered by sandstone pany aims at the discovery of a high-gra-
uranium resources are found in the pro- de uranium deposit because the area
ject area. Already during the 1970s radi- has geological similarities with NexGen’s Eastside Property
oactive outcrops and radon anomalies in Arrow project. Previous exploration acti-
water were discovered. In the course of a vities included an airborne survey as The Eastside Property is the most recent
historic drill program significant uranium well as gravity surveys and a radon ana- acquisition. It is a group of contiguous
grades were identified down to a depth lysis. Two diamond drill holes 10 and claims covering 4,736 hectares. Eastsi-
of 94m in 10 of the 13 drill holes. The bre- 20km southwest of the central area en- de is located 50 km east of the Loranger
akthrough came in October 2016 as four countered massive faults within the property and 85 km east of Cameco’s
separate structural corridors with a total sandstone. Interesting is that the disco- Rabbit Lake uranium mill in the eastern
strike length of 94km were identified by a vered veins show a similar displacement part of the Athabasca Basin. Historic
VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electroma- like that of NexGen’s Arrow project. sampling provided samples with urani-
gnetic) survey (airborne, electromagnetic um grades of up to 7,575 ppm. In Au-
survey of the rock characteristics). To gust 2017 the company commenced
date only 2km of this area have been ex- Alces Lake airborne radiometric and magnetic sur-
plored! veys. Thereby Appia Energy identified
At the beginning of 2017 a gravity survey Alces Lake is located northwest of the several radiometric anomalies. Explora-
was conducted and numerous areas with Athabasca Basin, not far from Uranium tion in the years 1976 and 1978 provided
gravity lows were identified which share City. The project comprises 5,750 hecta- uranium concentrations of on average
numerous similarities with NexGen Ener- res and hosts, besides uranium, traces 360 ppm uranium with the highest gra-
gy Ltd.’s mega discovery Arrow. of rare earth elements, titanium and des of 6,650 and 7,575 ppm. The com-
In March and April 2017, a drill program thorium. Appia Energy has a 100% inte- pany will continue the exploration at At Alces Lake, Appia Energy discovered a
was conducted where exceptionally high rest in 8 of the 9 claims and a 90% inte- Eastside in 2018. couple of high-grade rare earth areas.
radioactivity was found in three drill ho- rest in one claim. The previous explorati- Appia Energy bets on Top (Source: Appia Energy)
les. In addition, four drill holes encounte- on activities included, among other Uranium Geologist
red low-grade uranium traces. things, sampling which returned up to 36 North Wollaston Property
In May 2017 Appia Energy released addi- wt% TREO (total rare earth oxide). In Appia Energy has a top management
tional sensational drill results. The com- 2016 VTEM and radiometric as well ma- In December 2017 Appia Energy acqui- team where one name stands out clearly:
pany encountered 72.9 m grading 0.012 gnetic surveys were conducted that red a license area comprising 11,306 James Sykes! Exceptionally he is not the
wt. % U3O8. 150m further the drill re- identified numerous follow-up targets hectares located 30 kilometres northeast CEO but Appia Energy’s Chief Geologist
turned 26.4m grading 0.014 wt. % U3O8. with similar characteristics like high-gra- of Cameco’s Rabbit Lake facility and the and Vice President Exploration & De-
600m southwest along strike 56.85 m de rare earth element occurrences. Tren- Eagle Point mining operations and on the velopment.
grading 0.012 wt.% U3O8 were intersec- ching at Alces Lake returned the hig- same geological trend as those major In the uranium community Sykes is con-
ted and 425m further the company en- hest-grade traces of rare earth elements projects. North Wollaston hosts at least 4 sidered as the one with the best nose for
countered 10.3m grading 0.016 wt.% in Saskatchewan and are comparable uranium deposits where historic explora- extreme high-grade and large uranium
U 3O 8. with those from the world-class deposit tion campaigns identified up to 0.495 deposits. Sykes was part of the explora-
In July 2017 the company announced Steenkampskraal in South Africa. In Au- weight% U3O8. In 2018 the company tion team at Denison Mines that outlined
that instead of the two historic occurren- gust 2017 the company commenced a plans airborne magnetic and radiometric the targets for the discovery of the mega
ces three radiometric occurrences with field program for a closer examination of surveys. projects Phoenix and Gryphon. At Ha-
significant radioactivity were identified. the high-grade radioactive areas disco- thor Exploration, he developed the geo-
Appia Energy will do some more dia- vered in 2016. In this context the com- logic 3D model of the Roughrider West

38 39
deposit which resulted in the discovery lion pounds of U3O8! Sykes wants to magnetic and VLF-EM survey over the In addition, ground prospecting and air-
of the East and Far East deposits. repeat that success at Appia Energy Eastside property; the survey identi- borne surveys are planned for the Easts-
At NexGen he was jointly responsible for where he finds an ideal field of activity fied many new radiometric expressi- ide, Loranger and North Wollaston pro-
the discovery of the Arrow deposit and because several Appia projects have al- ons that have never received follow-up perties. Appia remains well-funded to
the high-grade A2 subzone. Therewith most identical geological features like ground exploration, complete all the exploration programs.
Sykes was responsible for the discovery NexGen’s mega project Arrow. The com-  acquired the North Wollaston proper-
of far more than 450 million pounds of pany will conduct several exploration ty, which is host to multiple high-grade
U3O8 during his career! programs during the coming months to uranium showings at surface, and on What is your opinion about the current
have the first of several real strikes. The trend with the Rabbit Lake-Eagle Point conditions of the uranium market?
ace up the sleeve is the Elliot Lake Pro- uranium system that has produced
Summary: Appia Energy has the ject, where it is only a matter of time until more than 200 M lbs. uranium con- The current conditions of the uranium
potential for a second NexGen it will recommence operation. There the centrates since beginning production market are not sustainable for the urani-
company owns one of the largest urani- in 1975, and um producers, explorers and utilities.
As you might have noticed the name um resources globally. Appia Energy has  been approved for trading on OTCQB Many producers are losing money at the
NexGen appears every now and then in a big opportunity to have a big hit in the Venture Market in the USA. current uranium price and therefore
the text above. Appia Energy has nothing Athabasca Basin and has, in light of the they’ve had to curtail uranium producti-
to do with this successful uranium explo- large resources, a big leverage on the on.
rer except that Appia Energy’s chief geo- uranium price which must increase in the What are the main catalysts for your The price of uranium needs to climb hig-
logist James Sykes came from NexGen future. Investors can await several explo- company within the next 6 months? her as there are more than 300 new reac-
to Appia Energy. This is a big win for Ap- ration results. tors still proposed for construction by
pia Energy! At NexGen Sykes was jointly The main catalyst for the Company will be 2030 and supply will have to almost dou-
responsible for the discovery of the Ar- continued exploration for critical REEs + ble to 300 M lbs. uranium annually to
row deposit and the high-grade A2 sub- uranium on the Alces Lake property. The meet demand. In the meantime, there’s
zone and thereby for more than 300 mil- Company is planning overburden strip- no new uranium mines scheduled to
ping/trenching and diamond drilling for the come into production within the next 7
Summer of 2018, with a possible maiden years which creates a looming shortfall in
Resource Estimate produced by years end. production on the horizon.
Exclusive interview with Anastasios
(Tom) Drivas, CEO of Appia Energy
ISIN: CA03783B1022 Appia Energy Corp.
What did you and your company achie- In addition, the Company has; WKN: A2DLD6
ve within the last 12 months?  raised $642,225 CAD in new capital, FRA: A0I
 completed 1,461 m of diamond drilling TSX-V: API
Appia Energy Corp. has been very active on the Loranger property with 6 out of
over the last 12 months. A major high- 7 drill holes intersecting uranium mi- Shares issued: 52.3 million
light for the Company was the completi- neralization, and 4 of those 6 drill ho- Options: 3.8 million
Anastasios (Tom) Drivas, CEO on of ground radiometric prospecting on les intersected wide intervals of urani- Warrants: 9.1 million
the Alces Lake property. Highlights in- um mineralization, Fully diluted: 65.3 million
clude;  completed ground radiometric pros-
 discovered 4 new zones of critical rare pecting, and identified radioactive Contact:
earth element (“REE“) + uranium mine- boulders and outcrops on the Loran- Appia Energy Corp.
ralization at surface with grades of to ger property, Suite 500 - 2 Toronto St.
49.64 wt% Total Rare Earth Oxide  acquired the Eastside property, which Toronto, ON M5C 2B6, Canada
(“TREO“) and 0.20 wt% U3O8, is a high-grade uranium prospective
 identified uniformly high concentra- area that hosts three surface outcrops phone: +1-416-546-2707
tions of critical REEs, such as neody- along a 1.7 km geological strike with fax: +1-416-218-9772
mium (“Nd“) and praseodymium (“Pr“), 2,538 ppm, 6,650 ppm and 7,575 ppm
which account for about 20% and 5% uranium, respectively,
of the Total REEs, respectively  completed an airborne radiometric,
(Source: BigCharts)
Blue Sky Uranium
High-grade uranium projects with good prospect of
low cost open pit mining!

The majority of standard uranium mines bara. In 2010 Blue Sky Uranium received Amarillo Grande Uranium-
produce the uranium ore by underground the exclusive right to complete airborne Vanadium Project: Ivana
mining techniques raising the constructi- geophysical surveys over an area of
on and mining costs. The Canadian de- 2.265 million hectares. After a detailed Ivana is the largest and southernmost
velopment company Blue Sky Uranium study the company decided to acquire subproject. It covers 118,000 hectares
owns several huge uranium licenses in the mining rights for Anit, Ivana and San- and hosts a 25km long anomaly. Within a
Argentina which, after initial inspection of ta Barbara because several significant 4,500m x 1,500m corridor a high-grade
the drill results, can probably be mined anomalies were discovered on these mineralization was discovered by
by open pit methods. This is an enor- projects. The three license areas cover sampling and drilling corresponding to
mous cost advantage which promises an area of 269.000 hectares in total and previous radiometric surveys. Initial
not only faster mining but also high mar- are located in the province of Rio Negro, sampling provided results of up to 1.81%
gins. Argentina. Anit, Ivana and Santa Barbara U3O8 over 0.75 m. This sample was col-
are situated within a 140km long trend lected only 2m below the surface.
which hosts several known uranium de-
Amarillo Grande Uranium- posits. Besides the near surface uranium Follow-up drilling provided among other
Vanadium Project: mineralization, Amarillo Grande also things:
Location, Resources and hosts significant vanadium resources.
Mining Possibilities This is interesting because the price of  3,136ppm U3O8 over 1m,
vanadium has more than doubled since  2,182ppm U3O8 and 1,285ppm V2O5
Blue Sky Uranium’s flagship project is the fall of 2016 und vanadium as by-pro- over 2m,
Amarillo Grande which consists of three duct could significantly contribute to a  2,087ppm U3O8 and 1,892ppm V2O5
subprojects: Anit, Ivana and Santa Bar- low-cost production. The uranium and over 1m,
vanadium ore occur in depths of 0 to  1,861ppm U3O8 over 3m,
25m whereby the deposits can extend  1,473ppm U3O8 and 721ppm V2O5
over several kilometers. The overburden over 1m
is comprised of only slightly compacted  1,410ppm U3O8 over 1m, That successfully confirmed the initial Blue Sky Uranium’s flagship project is
sand which results in favorable mining 1,135ppm U3O8 over 5m and grades of more than 1% U3O8! Amarillo Grande which consists of three
and extremely low drill costs. Mining will  1,130ppm U3O8 over 5m subprojects: Anit, Ivana and Santa Barbara.
be carried out by a so-called scraper Amarillo Grande Uranium- (Source: Blue Sky Uranium)
which strips the rock layers and a con-  within significant Uranium and vanadi- Vanadium Project: Anit
veyer loads the stripped material directly um mineralization of up to 20m in
on a following truck. No drilling and blas- thickness. All these drill results are The second subproject, Anit, covers
ting is necessary, which drastically re- from maximum depths of 23m! around 24,000 hectares and lies between
duces the mining costs. In addition, the Ivana and Santa Barbara. Anit is located
company does not need the majority of In September 2017 and January 2018 re- on a 15km long trend showing near sur-
excavators usually needed. The ore ma- leased drill results could extend the face uranium mineralization. Special at-
terial could be processed in a central strong mineralized corridor by 3km to the tention is on a 1,000m x 200m corridor
processing plant located between the northeast and suggest that the corridor within a paleo channel.
three subprojects by means of the low- continues to the north and south. Historic exploration activities identified
cost leaching process. All these benefits Furthermore, additional drilling provided for 81 drill holes an average grade of
make it possible to mine low grade de- further high-grade result, among other 0.03% U3O8 and 0.075% V2O5 over
posits. An example for such a mine is things, 10,517 ppm U3O8 over 1m and 2.6m. In the western and central zones
Langer Heinrich in Namibia where the 8,618 ppm over 1m within a larger inter- 103 pits were discovered which had ura-
Amarillo Grande is located in the province of corresponding resources are mined for section of 8m with more than 2,200 ppm nium grades of more than 50ppm where-
Rio Negro, Argentina. less than US$18 per pound of uranium. It U3O8 and 2,800 ppm U3O8 respectively. by on average 1.97m with 0.04% U3O8
(Source: Blue Sky Uranium) should be noted that Blue Sky Uranium In January 2018 the next spectacular re- and 0.11% V2O5 were detected. A drill
has the advantage of the additional va- sult followed! The company identified, campaign, which started in May 2017,
nadium resources. among other things, more than 20,000 identified uranium grades of up to
ppm U3O8 (equals over 2%) over 1m. 1,114ppm U3O8 and up to 3,411ppm

42 43
V2O5 . The very high-grade vanadium re- Exploration projects in Chubut contacts in Argentina. Grosso is director besides uranium, significant vanadium
source especially attracted the attention Province and chairman of Blue Sky Uranium since resources also and second, the existing
of the management so that additional October 2017. resources can be mined most likely by
work and drilling is planned in this area. Blue Sky Uranium has additional explo- open pit mining methods. Together this
Blue Sky’s management believes that ration projects in the Chubut Province promises, due to several existing
this corridor could be 5km or more long. south of Rio Negro. Summary: three projects, two high-grade sections, a very good chance
Test works also showed that the majority The Sierra Colorada project covers elements, prospect of low cost for an early production and especially for
of the present uranium and vanadium re- around 39,900 hectares. The project is mining! a low-cost production which needs only
sources could be significantly improved located 96km from Cerro Solo project a fraction of the capital costs that similar
by wet screening because coarse gravel (not Blue Sky Uranium) in a similar geolo- Blue Sky Uranium is a real early stage conventional mines require. An own pro-
in particular contains hardly any uranium. gic environment. The National Commis- chance at an imminent uranium boom duction should be within the realms of
This could reduce transport and proces- sion of Atomic Energy could already con- market. Although the company has al- possibility with the very well networked
sing costs and achieve production at se- firm a significant resource at Cerro Solo. ready made significant exploration and Grosso Group in Argentina. In December
veral satellite projects concurrently. Sampling at Sierra Colorado could prove development progress on its three ad- 2017 Blue Sky Uranium completed an
up to 0.65% U3O8 and 1.55% V2O5 as vanced projects within Amarillo Grande, oversubscribed financing of CA$1.12
well as traces of molybdenum. an initial resource estimate which is million. An additional also oversubscri-
Amarillo Grande Uranium- Blue Sky Uranium’s second project Tier- planned for the fourth quarter of 2017 bed financing of CA$1.45 million was re-
Vanadium Project: ras Coloradas is situated northeast of may bring clarity on the dimension of the alized in February 2018. Both oversub-
Santa Barbara Sierra Colorada and to date was explo- resources at Ivana. Two things seem ob- scribed financings clearly show that
red only sporadically for existing depo- jectively speaking crystal clear: First, the many investors are convinced by the de-
The third subproject Santa Barbara lies sits although the company detected near rocks at Ivana and also at Anit contain, velopment of Blue Sky Uranium.
northwest of Anit and is still at a very ear- surface mineralization by radiometric
ly stage. Blue Sky Uranium could already surveys.
identify several anomalies on the project The Cerro Parva project covers around
and wants to make a new discovery 67,800 hectares and is located only
soon. 40km east of Cerro Solo. Exclusive interview with Nikolaos
The Chubut projects are intended for a
future pipeline expansion and therefore Cacos, CEO of Blue Sky Uranium
Amarillo Grande Uranium- are not currently in the development fo-
Vanadium Project: cus of the company.
current activities What did you and your company achie- discovered by Blue Sky and is open for
ve within the last 12 months? expansion – mineralized sequences be-
Currently the company is increasingly fo- Grosso Group: lieved to be preserved along the trend.
cusing its activities on Anit and especial- the game changer Our drilling continues to reveal high-gra- Leachable mineralization; upgradeable
ly on Ivana. Ivana especially is at the fo- de uranium intercepts within poorly con- through a simple low-cost wet screening
cus because the company tries to extend Blue Sky Uranium belongs to the Grosso solidated sediments near surface, buil- technique. Exclusive rights to over Nikolaos Cacos, CEO
the discovered high-grade areas and Group. The Grosso Group is a resource ding our understanding of the deposit 287,000 hectares with this information
provide a resource estimate as quickly as management company that is in operati- and its potential. The Ivana target has the we are moving toward a resource esti-
possible. To this end the company works on since 1993. The company is speciali- largest, highest-grade zone of uranium mate and a PEA.
with an electrical tomography program zed on South America and especially on mineralization found at the Amarillo
covering 11km and a drill program com- Argentina. During this time, they made Grande uranium-vanadium project to
prised of 4,500m. Metallurgical test runs three multi million ounces precious me- date, and understanding it fully is the key What are the main catalysts for your
are conducted concurrently to establish tals finds in Argentina. In addition, part- to uncovering the potential of the 140-ki- company within the next 6 months?
an optimal leaching process and to recei- nerships could be entered with resource lometre-long mineral belt controlled by
ve the highest possible recovery rates. In giants like Barrick, Areva, Rio Tinto, Teck Blue Sky. We are an excellent candidate We are working on a resource estimate to
January 2018 recovery grades for urani- and Yamana. Company chief Joe Grosso to be the first low-cost, near-term dome- be completed in March (43-101) and then
um of over 95% were determined. The was awarded Argentina’s Mining Man of stic uranium supplier in Argentina. Three on to a Preliminary economic assess-
completion of a resource estimate was the Year in 2005. The Grosso Group has main properties with zones of near-surfa- ment targeted to be completed by July.
commissioned. a vast network of industry and political ce mineralization within a 140km trend

44 45
Denison Mines
With the Athabasca Basin’s highest-grade
development project on the road to success!
What is your opinion about the current gy of 6,613,868 pounds of coal. It would Denison Mines Corp. (“Denison”) has a Wheeler River – Resources
conditions of the uranium market? take 2 million grams of oil or 3 million long history of uranium mining in Canada
grams of coal to equal the power cont- – dating back to its operations in Elliot In January 2018 Denison Mines released
The $20 per pound range is a crisis price ained in 1 gram of uranium fuel. Unlike oil Lake, which ceased in the 1990s after a new resource estimate for Wheeler Ri-
for the uranium industry. Prices are now and coal, nuclear fuel is recyclable and, decades of mining. Having expanded its ver. According to the estimate the project
so low that most uranium mines are lo- in a breeder reactor, can actually pro- interests during the last uranium bull contains 1.81 million tons of ore avera-
sing money on every pound they sell at duce more fuel than is used up! For these market to include projects in the USA, ging 3.3% U3O8 in the category indica-
spot pricing. All U.S. uranium mines are reasons, nuclear energy is by far the best Africa and Mongolia, the company has ted for 132.1 million pounds of U3O8. De-
losing money at current prices. The reali- means now available to power a modern recently divested its non-core assets and nison Mines 63.3% interest is equivalent
ty is that nuclear energy has provided – industrial economy. Seasoned resource has become laser focused on Canada to 83.6 million pounds of U3O8. This in-
and continues to provide – the world with investors know that one of the ultimate and the Athabasca Basin region in parti- cludes 166,000 tons averaging 19.1%
massive amounts of clean, safe, emissi- signs of a market bottom is when the cular. The company currently has inte- U3O8 from the Phoenix subproject. This
on-free electric power. Coal, which is current market price of a resource is lo- rests in, among other things, the Wheeler makes Phoenix to the highest-grade de-
also used to generate electricity, has kil- wer than an industry’s lowest cost of pro- River project, which is the largest unde- posit in the Athabasca Basin. Denison
led far, far more people than uranium. duction. When this situation occurs, eit- veloped uranium project in the eastern Mines increased their indicated resour-
The average citizen in nuclear energy ca- her the price of the resource goes up or Athabasca Basin, and the McClean Lake ces by 88% compared with the former
pabilities doesn’t know the vital role that the producers go out of business and the mill, which is a fully licensed uranium resource estimate. In addition, Wheeler
nuclear power plays in their economy. world goes without the resource. In the processing plant with excess licensed River hosts 3.0 million pounds of U3O8 in
America gets 21% of its electricity from case of energy resources, the world al- capacity. In addition, Denison is the ma- the category inferred (Denison’s share:
nuclear power. Nuclear power provides ways chooses to keep the cars running nager of Uranium Participation Corp., a 1.9 million pound).
electricity for about 23 million homes in and the lights on. type of physical uranium investment fund
the US, or about twice the number of ho- that is traded on the TSX. Most recently
mes in California. A portion of an ounce the Waterbury project became the focus
of uranium contains the equivalent ener- because drilling at the project also re-
turned high-grade results.

Wheeler River – Location, Infra-

structure, Ownership structure

Blue Sky Uranium Corp. ISIN: CA0960495079

Denison’s flagship project is Wheeler
River which is located in the southeast of
WKN: A12GAR the Athabasca Basin between the
FRA: MAL2 MacArthur River Mine and Cameco’s Key
TSX-V: BSK Lake Mill. As a result, Wheeler River is
well situated amongst critical infrastruc-
Shares issued: 77.6 million ture – including roads and the provincial
Options: 4.8 million power grid. Denison holds a 63.3% inte-
Warrants: 10.4 million rest in Wheeler River, while 26.7% be-
Fully diluted: 92.9 million longs to Cameco and 10% to JCU (Ca-
nada) Exploration Limited. At the begin-
Contact: ning of 2017 Denison announced a The Phoenix deposit and the Gryphon deposit
Blue Sky Uranium Corp. binding agreement with Cameco where are situated in the northern part
Suite 411 - 837 West Hastings Street Denison will increase its interest to ~66% Wheeler River – Deposits of the property and are only separated by
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3N6 by the end of 2018. Cameco’s interest approximately 3 kilometers.
will be reduced to ~24%. In exchange Wheeler River is host to two separate de- (Source: Denison Mines)
phone: +1-604-687-1828 Denison has to pay for 50% of Cameco’s posits, the Phoenix deposit and the
fax: +1-604-687-1858 share of expenses at Wheeler River till Gryphon deposit. The two deposits are
this date. situated in the northern part of the pro- perty and are only separated by approxi- mately 3 kilometers.
46 47
Wheeler River – Phoenix Wheeler River – Economic U3O8 per year, with 18 million pounds Other Projects
Assessment U3O8 per year available for Cigar Lake.
The larger deposit of the two is Phoenix, The remaining 6 million pounds of pro- Including Wheeler River, Denison owns
which is estimated to contain inferred re- Denison released a PEA for Wheeler Ri- cessing capacity is available, at present, interests in over 350,000 hectares of
sources of 1.1 million pounds U3O8 at ver in April 2016, using the then current for Denison to potentially use for Whee- ground in the Athabasca Basin region –
5.8% U3O8, plus indicated resources of long-term contract price for uranium ler River. Although McClean Lake is which is highlighted by numerous highly
70.2 million pounds U3O8 at an average (US$44/lb U3O8) in its base case. The 120km from Wheeler River, the high gra- prospective exploration pipeline pro-
grade of 19.1% U3O8 – which makes results were very encouraging for such a des at Wheeler make a low tonnage jects.
Phoenix the highest grade undeveloped moderate price assumption, returning a operation well suited for transport to an
uranium deposit in the world. By compa- pre-tax IRR of 20.4% and a pre-tax Net existing mill – providing an unbeatable
rison, some ISR projects have grades Present Value („NPV“) of CAD$513 milli- alternative to building and licensing a Waterbury and Midwest
between 0.01% and 0.02% U3O8! In the on. At a uranium price of US$62.60 per costly new plant.
company’s Preliminary Economic As- pound U3O8, the pre-tax NPV would re- The Waterbury Project (Denison: ~64%)
sessment (“PEA”) for the Wheeler River ach CAD$1.42 billion and the pre-tax was acquired from Fission Energy in
project, this deposit is estimated to pro- IRR would climb to 34.1%. The initial Wheeler River – current plans 2013 and is host to the J-Zone uranium
vide 7 million pounds of U3O8 per year capital costs modelled for the project and schedule deposit (estimated to include an indica-
over 9 years. The deposit is expected to were also very encouraging – amounting ted resource of 12.8 million pounds U3O8
be mined by a Jet Bore Mining method to only CA$560 million (100%), as the In 2018 Denison is planning two things: at an average grade of 2.0% U3O8). De-
similar to Cigar Lake. plan assumes use of excess capacity at First, the advancement of the PFS. In or- nison recently made a new discovery on
the company’s 22.5% owned McClean der to deliver the PFS in 2018, the com- the property – located approximately 1
Lake mill, rather than building a new ura- pany will conduct geotechnical, hydro- kilometer north of J-Zone at an area that
Wheeler River – Gryphon nium mill. geological and environmental field pro- is now called the “Huskie” zone. In an
The estimated operating cash costs are grams. In addition, the company will initial 9-hole drill program, mineralization
Gryphon was discovered in 2014, when also worth highlighting. According to complete studies for shaft construction, has been discovered in the basement
drill hole WR-556 returned uranium the PEA, operating costs are estimated different mining methods for Phoenix, rocks over 100 meters of strike length
grades of 15% over several meters. Gry- to be US$22.15 per pound of U3O8 at and evaluations for water treatment. and is highlighted by various high-grade
phon is hosted in basement rocks and Phoenix and only US$14.28 per pound Beyond working towards the PFS, Deni- drill intersections – including 3.7% eU3O8
can be mined by conventional and low- U3O8 at Gryphon. Sensational numbers son is planning an aggressive explorati- over 3.9 meters. In October 2017 Deni-
cost underground mining methods. Gry- considering that these numbers are ba- on drill program, originally totaling son Mines received excellent results,
phon is estimated to contain 43.0 million sed only on the drill results received by 46,000m – to confirm and expand the among other things a 3 m long section
pounds U3O8 at an average grade of the end of 2015. With the discovery of mineralization at Gryphon. averaging 9.1% U3O8 that contains 2m
2.3% U3O8, and according to Denison’s the D and E series of lenses at Gryphon, with 16.8% U3O8.
PEA could provide 6 million pounds of since that time, it is fair to expect that Following the PFS, investors can ex- Adjacent to Waterbury is the Roughrider
U3O8 per year over 7 years as the first the results from the ongoing preliminary pect Denison to look at permitting the deposit, acquired by Rio Tinto in 2011 for
stage of a co-development plan that will feasibility study (PFS) could be even bet- project and completing a bankable fea- over CAD$500 million, and the Midwest
provide a 16-year mine life together with ter. sibility study ahead of mine constructi- project (25.17% owned by Denison).
Phoenix. In May 2017, Denison announ- on in the early 2020s. Given the permit- Midwest is estimated to contain over 50
ced the best result to date for the D Len- ting required in Saskatchewan, a reali- million pounds U3O8 in the Midwest and
ses with drill hole WR-633D3, returning McClean Lake – the own plant stic time for mining to start is estimated Midwest A deposits. Both Waterbury
3.3% U3O8 over 13.5m, plus 6.2% U3O8 as future processing facility for in 2025/2026. and Midwest are located only a few kilo-
over 2.5m and 1.3% U3O8 over 3.0m. In ore from Wheeler River meters from McClean Lake. Denison has
the area of the ore lenses E Denison re- a 25.17% interest in Midwest.
ported, among other things, 4.3 m with The McClean Lake processing plant is Wheeler River – Exploration
4.3% eU3O8 at the end of 2017 and the- an ace by all estimates. Denison already and development potential
reby expanded Gryphon to the northeast. holds a 22.5% interest in that plant th- Hook-Carter
rough a Joint Venture with AREVA (70%). Although Wheeler River is already the lar-
The plant is fully licensed and is pre- gest undeveloped uranium project in the In October 2016, Denison acquired an
sently processing ore from the Cigar infrastructure rich eastern portion of the 80% interest in the Hook-Carter Project
Lake mine under a toll milling agree- Athabasca Basin, mineralization at Gry- located on the same trend as Fission
ment. McClean Lake has a licensed pro- phon remains open on multiple fronts Uranium’s Triple R deposit and NexGen’s
cessing capacity of 24 million pounds of and continues to expand. Arrow deposit. Hook-Carter covers

48 49
19,573 hectares and has seen little to no eastern Athabasca Basin – and located What are the main catalysts for your pan and the deferral of utility contracting
exploration to date. The company also in Cameco Corporation’s backyard. company within the next 6 months? activity, have offset several high-profile
acquired the Coppin Lake project to con- Wheeler has the benefit of existing infra- production curtailments announced by
solidate Hook-Carter into a single land structure nearby, high-grade uranium, Denison’s priority for 2018 is to complete industry leaders Cameco Corp. and Kaz-
package. In 2017 Denison carried out ex- and large scale. Taken together, a mining the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) for the atomprom during 2017. The production
tensive geophysical surveying and now start seems to be realistic within seven Wheeler River project. Much of the work curtailments, however, are quite signifi-
plans to carry out a maiden drill program years. The ownership of the McClean completed in 2016 and 2017 was in anti- cant and signal that the current price of
in 2018. Lake processing plant is also a very im- cipation of advancing Wheeler towards uranium is not at all sustainable – especi-
portant part of Denison’s story, as it is the PFS and ultimately a development ally since Cameco and Kazatomprom
already built and licensed, so capital decision in future years. We also antici- both have top tier assets under price
Holdings in other top uranium costs for Wheeler River are comparative pate increasing our ownership in Whee- pressure at these levels. That said, for a
companies low. Beyond Wheeler, Denison has over ler to up to 66% by the end of the year. In price recovery to be sustained, utility
350,000 hectares of license areas in the addition, Denison continues to work on buying must resume and contracting vo-
Due to the disposal of various non-core Athabasca Basin, and is currently explo- its priority exploration projects, with the lumes must increase as utilities work to-
assets, Denison has become a large ring the very exciting Huskie discovery at potential for drill results from Waterbury wards securing nearly 1.2 billion pounds
shareholder in other top uranium compa- Waterbury Lake. With such high-quality and Hook-Carter to catalyze the stock. U3O8 in uncovered uranium requirements
nies in past years. Denison owns appro- exploration ground, Denison almost has for the period of 2018 to 2030. With few
ximately 20% of the shares of GoviEx unlimited news and development poten- economic sources of new supply in the
Uranium, and more than 10% of the sha- tial, including drill results and the PFS, as What is your opinion about the current project pipeline, and the potential for ad-
res of Skyharbour Resources. it looks to return to the ranks of uranium conditions of the uranium market? ditional production curtailments, a signi-
producers. ficant utility contracting cycle is expec-
Optically, negative demand side stories ted to emerge and ultimately lead to hig-
Summary: Future uranium pro- Another important advantage: Denison is from nuclear heavy-weight countries like her prices, which will be required to
ducer with almost unlimited de- backed by the Lundin family, one of the the United States, France and South Ko- incentivize new sources of primary sup-
velopment potential! best known and most successful mining rea, plus continued disappointment with ply into the market.
dynasties, with Lukas Lundin holding the the rate of nuclear reactor restarts in Ja-
Denison is well prepared for increasing position of Executive Chairman at Deni-
uranium prices. Wheeler River is the lar- son.
gest undeveloped uranium project in the

ISIN: CA2483561072
Denison Mines Corp.
Exclusive interview with David D. Cates, NYSE: DNN

CEO of Denison Mines Shares issued: 559.1 million

Options: 12.5 million
Warrants: 1.7 million
Fully diluted: 573.3 million
What did you and your company achie- tern Athabasca. The company also in-
ve within the last 12 months? creased its ownership in Wheeler from Contact:
60% to 63.3%, under an agreement with Denison Mines Corp.
David D. Cates, CEO Denison has successfully executed on its its JV partners. Financially, the Company 1100 - 40 University Avenue
growth strategy to position the company raised CAD$63.5M in cash during the Toronto, ON M5J 1T1, Canada
as the next uranium producer in Canada, first quarter of 2017, which has positi-
following an 88% increase in our estima- oned Denison with a strong balance phone: +1-416-979-1991
te of indicated resources for the Wheeler sheet capable of funding the advance- fax: +1-416-979-5893
River project – reaffirming Wheeler‘s po- ment of our projects over the next sever-
sition as the largest undeveloped Urani- al years.
um project in the infrastructure rich eas-
(Source: BigCharts)
Energy Fuels
Mega production capacities for the next
uranium rebound
Energy Fuels is currently the second lar- can be operated in the future. Nichols Alta Mesa ISR Plant Canyon Mine
gest uranium producer in the USA after Ranch is the central puzzle piece of a se-
Cameco. Although the company pro- ries of other (potential) satellite projects. The Alta Mesa ISR Plant is located in One of the high-grade uranium mines
duced 650,000 pounds of U3O8 in 2017, The nearby projects Jane Dough and southeastern Texas and is currently on that will feed uranium rich ore to the Whi-
Energy Fuels has a way higher licensed Hank have at least an additional 30 well standby mode. From 2005 to 2013 Alta te Mesa Mill in the future (again) is owned
production capacity. This means that fields with relevant resources which can Mesa produced in total 4.6 million by Energy Fuels. It is the fully permitted
Energy Fuels could produce and sell up be connected easily and at low costs to pounds of U3O8 and has a fully licensed and currently on standby mode Canyon
to 11.5 million pounds of U3O8 in the the existing pipeline system. Jane Dough processing capacity of 1.5 million Uranium and Copper Mine in northern
case of increasing uranium prices. This contains a current resource of 3.9 million pounds of U3O8 per year. The associated Arizona which has the highest grades of
provides the company with a tremen- pounds of U3O8, Hank more than 1.7 mil- license area hosts resources of 20.4 mil- all conventional uranium mines in the
dous leverage on the uranium spot price! lion pounds of U3O8. Both projects are lion pounds of U3O8 and the production USA! The Canyon Mine currently hosts
fully licensed for a future production. Ni- could be restarted within 12 months if a resources of 1.6 million pounds of U3O8
chols Ranch could significantly increase uranium sales price of US$40 to US$50 (as of 2012) but was only sporadically
Nichols Ranch ISR Project the production within six months, provi- per pound of U3O8 could be realized. explored for existing deposits. Since
ded it could realize a uranium sales price The license area (200,000 acres) has a 2012 the company announced excellent
One of the two producing uranium pro- of US$ 40 to US$ 50 per pound of U3O8. high exploration potential which could drill results. Averaging the 12 best drill
jects is Nichols Ranch and is located in Additional non-core ISR project areas in extend the mine life by an additional 15 intersections results in 1.15% U3O8 and
the U.S. state of Wyoming. Nichols Wyoming were sold to Uranium Energy years. 9.36% copper over just 300m in total!
Ranch is a so called in-situ recovery (ISR) for US$ 5.39 million in cash and shares in The surface infrastructure and the pro-
project and was acquired in the merger November 2017. duction shaft are already completed. Ac-
with Uranerz Energy. ISR mining is a rela- In December 2017 Energy Fuels acqui- White Mesa Mill cording to estimates, Canyon ranks
tively low-cost production method which red by a merger with Excalibur Industries among the conventional uranium mines
is why Energy Fuels can operate this pro- the existing production royalty of 6 – 8% White Mesa Mill is located in southeas- with the lowest production costs world-
ject at very low uranium prices. Since the on Nichols Ranch as well as on several tern Utah and is currently the only functi- wide. The actual processing of the pro-
start of the operation at Nichols Ranch ISR projects of Cameco. Thereby there onal and operating conventional uranium duced ore will take place at the White
more than 1 million pounds of U3O8 were are no more future royalty payments and processing plant in the entire USA! It has Mesa Mill located 300km away. Canyon
produced and processed in the central the company will receive royalties from a fully permitted annual processing ca- could be commissioned within 12 months
plant which is licensed for processing 2 Cameco provided their projects resume pacity of 8 million pounds U3O8. The in case of a stable uranium price bet-
million pounds of U3O8 annually. Nichols production. White Mesa Mill has several special fea- ween US$40 and US$50 per pound of
Ranch has additional well fields which tures. It has a separate circuit for low U3O8 and produce between 500,000 and
cost processing the aforementioned al- one million pounds of U3O8 per year. In
ternate feed materials. The mill also has 2017 published drill results confirmed
an additional circuit for processing of va- grades of up to 2.88% U3O8 and 14.85%
Übersicht über Energy Fuels' Projekte nadium and had a significant vanadium copper in the Canyon Mine. The high
und Verarbeitungsanlagen sowie über die production in the past. But the biggest copper values could lead to Energy Fuels
Standorte der US-amerikanischen advantage of the White Mesa Mill is its processing the ore from the Canyon Mine
Atomanlagen unique location. The mill is located cent- for an almost unbeatable price in the
(Quelle:Energy Fuels) rally between several mines featuring the White Mesa Mill. Appropriate test pro-
highest uranium grades in the USA. Besi- cesses are ongoing.
des the possibility to feed the mill from
these mines, the company is working to- In August 2017 Energy Fuels published a
gether with the U.S. Government at a le- new expanded resource estimate for the
gacy cleanup program in which also sig- Canyon Mine. According to the estimate
nificant amounts of uranium could be the Upper, Main and Juniper zones cont-
generated as well. Last but not least, ain around 2.6 million pounds U3O8 with
Energy Fuels is processing for a third average grades between 0.20% and
party on toll milling basis uranium rich 0.89% as well as around 12.5 million
ore. Thereby the company is generating pounds of copper with average grades
US$6 million per year. between 5.70% and 9.29%.

52 53
Other permitted top projects Tony M Mine (Henry Mountains) by nuclear energy) as well as the military and could increase its production alrea-
from these nations has reached an dy at a uranium price of US$40. In addi-
Besides the already mentioned lar- The Tony M Mine is located 200km west alarming level. tion, the company owns several proces-
ge-scale projects Energy Fuels owns a of the White Mesa Mill and belongs like The two producers want to achieve, with sing plants which can produce at lower
series of additional projects which are the Bullfrog Mine to the Henry Mountains their petition, that the U.S. Department of costs with increasing utilization. These
fully permitted for production. Complex. Tony M contains 10.9 million Commerce as well as President Trump are very flexible regarding an increasing
pounds of U3O8 and could be commissi- will develop a clear assessment of the production and can extract other com-
oned within 6 months if a uranium sales dependence on imports of the USA from modities like vanadium and copper. With
La Sal Complex, Utah price of at least US$60 per pound of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan as that Energy Fuels not only has a signifi-
U3O8 could be realized. well as promote the uranium industry in cant leverage on the uranium spot price
The La Sal Complex is located around the USA. but also a unique variability. Another ad-
100km northeast of the White Mesa Mill vantage: Energy Fuels is producing not
and is comprised of the two mines Bea- Projects in the development only conventionally but also by ISR mi-
ver and Pandora which were already in phase Summary: the possibility of fast ning. With resources of 130 million
production in 2012. Both mines contain commissioning of several pounds of U3O8 Energy Fuel ranks under
more than 4.5 million pounds of U3O8 and Besides the already permitted mines mines provides a large levera- the top three companies with the largest
23.4 million pounds of vanadium. The La Energy Fuels owns a series of other ge on the uranium price! uranium resources in the USA.
Sal Complex could be recommissioned excellent projects which will need start- The new CEO, Mark S. Chalmers ap-
within 6 months if a uranium sales price up periods of several years. Among them Energy Fuels is the second largest urani- pointed in January 2018 who has several
of at least US$60 per pound of U3O8 are the aforementioned Bullfrog Project um producer in the USA after Cameco decades of experience in the uranium
could be realized. Due to the recent in- with a resource of 10 million pounds of and has production capacities of over 11 sector will inject new vitality into the
crease of the vanadium price the com- U3O8, Roca Honda with 25.8 million million pounds of U3O8 per year! The company.
missioning of La Sal could reactivate the pounds of U3O8 and Sheep Mountain company owns several low-cost mines
vanadium circuit in the White Mesa Mill. with over 30 million pounds of U3O8.
In February 2018, the company achieved Energy Fuels has a resource basis totaling
the permit to expand the La Sal Complex. over 130 million pounds of U3O8 as well
as 24.5 million pounds of vanadium and
more than 12 million pounds of copper. Exclusive interview with Mark S.
Daneros Mine
Chalmers, CEO of Energy Fuels
The Daneros Mine is located 40km west Petition for strengthening of
of the White Mesa Mill and was in operati- the U.S. uranium production
on until 2012. The mine contains around What did you and your company achie- exerts a large degree of control over 10%
0.7 million pounds of U3O8. Daneros In January 2018 the only two remaining ve within the last 12 months? of U.S. electricity. We felt we needed to
could be recommissioned within 6 months U.S. uranium producers Ur-Energy and bring this to the attention of our govern-
if a uranium sales price of at least US$60 Energy Fuels filed a petition with the U.S. The past year has been extremely busy ment. To help fix the problem, we have
per pound of U3O8 could be realized. Department of Commerce to point out for Energy Fuels. The biggest news is recommended that uranium imports into Mark S. Chalmers, CEO
the relevance of the U.S. uranium pro- that Energy Fuels, along with Ur-Energy, the U.S. be limited, so that 25% of the
duction regarding possible security-rela- filed a Section 232 Petition with the U.S. U.S. uranium market is reserved for U.S.
Whirlwind Mine ted concerns as well as the increasing Department of Commerce (a cabinet-le- producers (about 10-12 million pounds
dependence of the energy sector from vel agency of the U.S. federal govern- of uranium per year). Once the investiga-
The Whirlwind Mine is located 120km uranium imports. ment) to have them investigate the ef- tion is initiated, Commerce will have 270
northeast of the White Mesa Mill. It cont- Both companies argued that by now fects of today’s high levels of uranium days to complete the investigation and
ains around 3.0 million pounds of U3O8 40% of the U.S. uranium demand is sa- and nuclear fuel imports on U.S. national submit a recommendation to President
and 10.1 million pounds of vanadium. tisfied by imports from successor states and energy security. The U.S. is currently Trump. Then, the President has 90 days
Whirlwind could be commissioned within of the former Soviet Union (namely Rus- about 40% dependent on imports of ura- to impose a remedy. If successful, the
6 months if a uranium sales price of at sia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan). Only nium from Russia and its satellites – and U.S. uranium mining industry would be
least US$60 per pound of U3O8 could be 5% of the demanded uranium is mined in that number may grow to 50% or more in revitalized, and due to our having three
realized. Regarding the vanadium re- the United States of America. The de- 2018 and 2019 without prompt action. production facilities and unmatched
source the same applies like for the La pendence of the U.S. energy sector (20% The U.S. generates 20% of our electricity scalability, Energy Fuels would likely fill a
Sal Complex. of the electricity in the USA is generated from nuclear energy. Therefore, Russia majority of this production.

54 55
Fission 3.0
Uranium property bank hits the first bull’s eye!

Aside from this, Energy Fuels and our sources, and hopefully signing contracts
White Mesa Mill in Utah is also the only for government cleanup work.
vanadium producer left in the U.S. Vana- Fission 3.0 is a Canadian development 1. The three Patterson Lake South Pro-
dium prices have increased substantially company with 20 uranium projects in jects which are located north and
over the past several months, and we are What is your opinion about the current and around the Athabasca Basin and south of Fission Uranium’s PLS Pro-
looking at a number of opportunities to conditions of the uranium market? the Macusani Project in Peru. The com- ject.
capture these price increases. Our mill pany is the product of a spin-out from 2. The three Key Lake Road Projects
last produced vanadium in 2013 (1.5 mil- The current uranium market is at an inte- Fission Uranium and therefore the third which line up along Highway 914
lion pounds), and it has actually pro- resting stage. The world is oversupplied, Fission project of the successful ma- southwest of Key Lake Mill.
duced more pounds of vanadium than and we’ve seen major production cuts nagement team under Dev Randhawa. 3. The five Beaverlodge Projects which
uranium during its 40-year operating his- announced over the past year. On the He wants to achieve similar successes are located north northwest the Atha-
tory. other hand, there is a significant portion with Fission 3.0 as with fission Energy basca Basin around Uranium City.
Finally, we are seeking other revenue th- of current global production that comes and Fission Uranium. 4. The remaining project areas which Dev Randhawa, CEO
rough new sources of alternate feed ma- from state-controlled and state-subsidi- are dispersed in and outside the At-
terials and becoming involved with the zed actors who are not as price sensitive habasca Basin.
U.S. government in the cleanup of histo- as free market miners. Therefore, global From Strathmore Minerals to
ric uranium mines. production is not dropping as fast as it Fission 3.0 In addition to these projects is the Ma-
should. That is part of the basis of our cusani Project in southern Peru. Follo-
232 Petition – to provide U.S. uranium 1996 Randhawa founded Strathmore wing is a detailed overview of the most
What are the main catalysts for your producers like us with some level of sup- Minerals at a time when the uranium important projects.
company within the next 6 months? port. spot price was at US$7. He led Strath-
Energy Fuels is making things happen, more Minerals from an initial market cap
The main catalysts for Energy Fuels in- and we are very excited about the pros- of 2 million dollar to a market cap of Patterson Lake South Projects
clude the success of the 232 Petition, pects for 2018. over 450 million dollars by 2007. During
higher uranium prices, vanadium pro- that time, he completed a Joint Venture The three Patterson Lake South Pro-
duction, securing new alternate feed with Sumitomo. In 2007 the spin-out of jects; Patterson Lake North, Clearwater
Fission Energy took place. Randhawa West and Whales Lake comprise an
led Fission Energy from a market cap of area of close to 60,000 hectares located Fission 3.0 is a Canadian development
16 million dollars to a market cap of 150 along Highway 955 and are partly in clo- company with 20 uranium projects in and
million dollars by 2013. Besides a joint se proximity to Fission Uranium’s PLS around the Athabasca Basin

Energy Fuels Inc. ISIN: CA2926717083

WKN: A1W757
venture with KEPCO he discovered the
J Zone which was successfully sold to
Project. The complete southwestern (Source: Fission 3.0)

FRA: VO51 Denison Mines. In addition, he discover-

TSX: EFR ed the Triple R Zone which is currently a
NYSE: UUUU part of the Patterson Lake South (PLS)
mega project of Fission Uranium. Fissi-
Shares issued: 70.1 million on Uranium is a spin-out resulting from
Options: 2.0 million the Denison deal. In 2013 Fission Urani-
Warrants: 6.7 million um acquired a 50% interest in PLS from
Restricted: 1.7 million Alpha Minerals, at which time the other
Convertible Deb.: 5.3 million projects were spun out into Fission 3.0.
Fully diluted: 85.9 million Fission 3.0 is an independent company
since November 2013.
Energy Fuels Inc.
225 Union Blvd., Suite 600 The most important projects
Lakewood, Colorado, 80228, USA
phone: +1-303-974-2140 The many projects in the Athabasca Ba-
fax: +1-303-974-2141 sin region can be roughly divided into four categories:
(Source: BigCharts)
56 57
area of the Athabasca Basin hosts some Clearwater West
very large uranium deposits like the past
producing Cluff Lake Mine on the one Clearwater West directly borders Fissi-
hand and the high-grade deposits Triple on Uranium’s Patterson Lake South Pro-
R, Arrow and Shea Lake on the other ject in the south. Thereby it is also in the
hand and is still considered as largely sphere of influence of the boulder field
under explored. that was the starting point for the disco-
very of Patterson Lake South as well for
the Patterson Lake North Project. On
Patterson Lake North both projects, a new “boulder finding”
technology was applied for which a pa-
Patterson Lake North is the flagship tent application was filed. This airborne
project of Fission 3.0. It is the northern survey method was largely responsible
counterpart of Fission Uranium’s Patter- for the discovery of the Patterson Lake
son Lake South mega project. Patterson South boulder field. Now the first ano-
Lake North is a joint venture project bet- malies were also detected for Patterson
ween Fission 3.0 (90%) and Azincourt Lake North and Clearwater West.
Uranium. Although Patterson Lake
North is not as advanced as Patterson
Lake South, there are credible signs that Whales Lake
Patterson Lake North could host a signi-
ficant uranium deposit as well. The pro- Whales Lake is located 25km southwest At Midas, Fission 3.0 recently
ject is located on the same structural of Fission Uranium‘s Triple R deposit. In made some high-grade discoveries.
corridor as PLS. Several drill holes have 2017 a helicopter borne VTEM survey (Source: Fission 3.0)
already tested the corridor over a dis- was flown over the area.
tance of 700m. The drill holes returned jects like the McArthur River uranium from the area of the nearby Hobo Zone
significant uranium mineralization and mine, the Cigar Lake uranium mine and up to 6.42% U3O8.
other elements like boron, copper, ni- Key Lake Projects the former producing Key Lake uranium
ckel and zinc indicating a high-grade mine are also located within the Key
potential. The three Key Lake Projects (12,670 Lake Shear Zone of the Wollaston-Mud- Beaverlodge/Uranium City Pro-
hectares) have the potential for high-gra- jatik Transition Zone. In 2017 a helicop- jects
de, near surface uranium resources. To ter borne VTEM survey was flown over
The three Patterson Lake South Projects are date the entire Key Lake region pro- the area. The results provided Fission The combined Beaverlodge Projects
partly in close proximity to Fission Uranium’s duced more than 200 million pounds of 3.0 indications for potentially high-gra- comprise three single projects with a to-
PLS Project. U3O8 and has an excellent developed de drill targets, which shall be tested in tal area of 58,119 hectares. Although a
(Source: Fission 3.0) infrastructure. The Key Lake Mill is loca- 2018. very well-developed infrastructure is in
ted 50km north of Fission 3.0’s projects. place due to the proximity to Uranium
Ore material from the McArthur River Hobo Lake City and the fact the region hosted over
Mine is processed there. 50 uranium mines during the 1950s and
The second important subproject of the 1960s Beaverlodge is a completely un-
Key Lake Projects is called Hobo Lake. derexplored district.
Karpinka Lake It covers 6,946 hectares and is located
40km south of Karpinka Lake on the
One of these three projects is called same geological trend. In 2017 a heli- Beaver River
Karpinka Lake. It covers 2,743 hectares copter borne VTEM survey was flown
and is located south of the southeastern over the area. The results will provide Beaver River has already a proven trend
boundary of the Athabasca Basin direc- Fission 3.0 indications for potentially which is over 137m long. Uranium gra-
tly on the Wollaston-Mudjatik Transition high-grade drill targets. Fission neigh- des of up to 1.77% U3O8 were found in
Zone. Several important uranium pro- bor Forum Uranium identified in samples trenches.

58 59
entire district hosts a variety of near sur- of the PDAC 2014 Bill Dennis Award for into joint venture agreements. Contrary
face uranium and lithium deposits which exploration success and The Northern to Fission Uranium Fission 3.0 is still in
can be mined by heap leaching me- Miner “Mining Person of the Year 2013”. an early exploration and development
thods. Fission 3.0’s Macusani Project is Mr. McElroy has held positions with stage. But that is the big share price po-
surrounded by license areas of Plateau both major and junior mining compa- tential of Fission 3.0. Several potentially
Uranium which already have a mega re- nies, including BHP Billiton, Cogema high-grade uranium projects are explo-
source containing 105 million pounds of Canada (now AREVA), and Cameco. He red for deposits with self-developed
U3O8 and 179.000 tons of Li2O outlined. was a member of the early stage disco- methods. At some projects (Patterson
Plateau Uranium expects to start pro- very team of the MacArthur River urani- Lake North, Clearwater West, Macusani)
duction in 2019 whereby Plateau Urani- um deposit. Ross McElroy was also part the location alone is an indication of the
um’s planned processing plant will be of the very successful Fission Energy great potential and the source of appro-
only one kilometer from Fission 3.0’s Corp. team as president, COO and chief priate speculations. Soon Fission 3.0
Macusani Project. Fission 3.0’s subpro- geologist. He headed up the technical could like Fission Uranium make a big
jects Llama North and Llama South are team that made Fission Uranium’s PLS discovery. The 11.9% discovery at Mi-
in trend with Plateau’s Corapachi and discovery. das could be only a small foretaste.
Corani Complexes which hosts four in- Ultimately the strong CEO Dev Randha-
dependent deposits. wa would make a huge success story
Fission 3.0 completed a drill program Summary: Property bank with out of his latest project like he did with
(16 drill holes) in 2016. 13 drill holes in- several possibilities for a big Strathmore Minerals, Fission Energy
tersected radioactive anomalies, some discovery and Fission Uranium.
of them starting only 1.5m below surfa-
ce. One of the drill holes returned from a Fission 3.0 is a so called “Property
depth of 16m a 0.5m long intersection Bank”, a company with a variety of po-
The entire Macusani District hosts with sensational 1.21% U3O8. Samples tentially high-quality mining projects
a variety of near surface uranium and Jackpot at Midas from visible outcrops had grades of over which the company is developing itself
lithium deposits which can be mined by 2% U3O8 with identified peak values of to sell them profitably later or to enter
heap leaching methods. In November 2017 Fission 3.0 hit the ja- up to 24.48% U3O8.
(Source: Fission 3.0) ckpot at Midas, the second of the Bea-
verlodge projects. The company disco-
vered high-grade uranium in boulders Top management team wants
identifying uranium grades of up to
11.9%. Thereby this underexplored pro-
to book the next achievement ISIN: CA3381241007
Fission 3.0 Corp.
ject to date is now in the focus of the Fission 3.0’s management team is com- FRA: 2F3
company and additional exploration ac- prised largely of board members of Fis- TSX-V: FUU
tivities are planned for 2018. sion Uranium. Fission Uranium made
the biggest uranium discovery of the Shares issued: 219.9 million
past 40 years at Patterson Lake South Options 13.0 million
Thompson Lake in Canada’s Athabasca Basin. Warrants: 22.2 million
Aforementioned Dev Randhawa is an Fully diluted: 255.1 million
In 2017 extensive formation studies experienced CEO with a wealth of expe-
were carried out at the third project, rience in resource expansion, mine ex- Contact:
Thompson Lake, identifying a host rock ploration and energy companies. The Fission 3.0 Corp.
formation down to a depth of 100m. Northern Miner named him “Mining Per- 700 - 1620 Dickson Avenue
This qualifies Thompson Lake for more son of the Year 2013” and Finance Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9Y2, Canada
detailed explorations and drilling. Monthly awarded him the “Deal Maker
of the Year 2013” award. He is the cur- phone: +1-778-484-8030
rent CEO of Fission Uranium and Fissi- fax: +1-250-868-8493
Macusani Project, Peru on 3.0 Corp.
Ross McElroy is a professional geolo-
The Macusani Project is located in the gist with nearly 30 years of experience
Macusani District in southern Peru. The in the mining industry. He is the winner
(Source: BigCharts)
Fission Uranium
One of the largest uranium deposits worldwide not
yet fully developed

Fission Uranium is a Canadian uranium of the uranium production is concentra-

development company which made one ted in the eastern portion of the basin –
of the biggest uranium discoveries of all Key Lake, Rabbit Lake, MacArthur River
time in the past years. The Patterson and Cigar Lake. In contrast, the western
Lake South Project is not only one of the part of the Athabasca Basin is very un-
biggest uranium projects worldwide but derexplored. The former Cluff Lake
also one with the highest grades. It is Mine, operated by AREVA until 2000, is
one of the projects that could be brought located 80km north of PLS. Fission Ura-
to production in the foreseeable future. nium’s President, COO and Chief Geo-
Further, Fission Uranium is currently the logist Ross McElroy worked for AREVA,
Dev Randhawa, CEO most award-winning uranium developer which discovered the Shea Creek depo-
globally. sit that is located a few kilometers north
of PLS and hosts a resource of more
than 100 million pounds of U3O8. This
Patterson Lake South – discovery was the reason for McElroy to
Location, Discovery and Infra- believe in the potential of the western
structure part of the basin.
While most deposits in the Athabasca
Location of the original boulder field The Patterson Lake South (PLS) Project Basin are so called “unconformity depo-
and the diverse uranium deposits, which is located in the western part of the At- sits” (hosted in sedimentary rocks) a few TripleR is a one kilometer long mineralization,
extend to more than 3 kilometers. habasca Basin just outside the (actual) are so called “basement hosted” depo- the surface because the overlying rocks Patterson Lake South – which hosts very high uranium grades
(Source: Fission Uranium) basin margin. One has to know that all sits, which are typically found close to were eroded over time. This means that Resource and Feasibility Study of 20% and more.
the Athabasca Basin was bigger in the (Source: Fission Uranium)
past. Therefore, McElroy explored there, In 2015 Fission Uranium announced a
were the basin’s original outer rim was first resource estimate of about 108 mil-
in the past. After completion of a radio- lion pounds of U3O8 with the majority in
metric survey showing a large area with the category indicated. Around 59 milli-
radiation, the company discovered on pounds of U3O8 are contained in the
boulders containing up to 10% U3O8, especially high-grade R780E Zone (part
very high-grade material. That material of the Triple R deposit) at 18% U3O8.
was spread over several kilometers by In February 2018 Fission Uranium pul-
glaciers during the last ice age. Fission verized this resource base and outlined
Uranium subsequently traced the track a resource of 140.61 million pounds of
of the ice to the source of the uranium. U3O8. Thereof 87.76 million pounds of
All this work resulted in the first disco- U3O8 are in the category indicated and
very in November 2012, when the very 52.85 million pounds of U3O8 are in the
first drill hole intersected the PLS depo- category inferred. Close to 63 million
sit. It is interesting that the overburden pounds of U3O8 are located in the
is only 50m thick. All those findings re- high-grade R780E Zone averaging
sulted in an extensive drill program in 18.39% U3O8 (indicated) and 20.85%
2013 leading to the discovery of a U3O8 (inferred) respectively.
one-kilometer long mineralization called In September 2015 Fission Uranium pu-
Triple R. This mineralization, with urani- blished a Preliminary Economic Assess-
um grades of over 20%, is located un- ment (PEA) demonstrating the economi-
der a shallow lake. PLS is located direc- cal extraction of the deposit. An open
tly on the road connecting Saskatoon pit scenario was assumed because the
with the former Cluff Lake Mine drasti- uppermost part of the resource is only
cally reducing the costs and ultimately 50m below the surface. This open pit
the project risk. model extends down to a depth of 200m

62 63
te rock could be stored in the initial pit. for projects in Canada to secure the gro-
This should improve enormously the wing nuclear power industry in China.
profitability although the all-in costs are CGN also met Cameco and almost all
only US$16.60 per pound according to the other companies with projects in the
estimates in the PEA making PLS the lo- Athabasca Basin. Ultimately the choice
west cost uranium mine on the planet. It was an investment in Fission Uranium
appears that there are additional mine- and therefore in PLS due to its enor-
ralization zones on land. mous size and as well for the mineraliz-
In the course of the 2017 summer drill ation in shallow depth.
campaign the company reported sever-
al world-class drill results. From the
R1515W zone the company reported Top management team for
among other things 3.12% U3O8 over maximum success
8.5m within 27.5m with 1.24% U3O8 as
well as 5.15% U3O8 over 2.0m within Fission Uranium has a very experienced
Fission Uranium made a significant 9.0m with 1,71% U3O8. In addition, radi- and successful management team.
discovery in January 2018. In oactive anomalies with over 10,000 cps Dev Randhawa is an experienced CEO
the area of the Triple R deposit the company over several meters were detected. To with a wealth of experience in resource
identified a continuous mineralization illustrate: this high-grade zone is loca- expansion, mine exploration and energy
of 108m averaging 8.46% U3O8. ted 2.3km from the Triple R deposit! companies. The Northern Miner named
(Source: Fission Uranium) In this context it is interesting to note him “Mining Person of the Year 2013”
that significant uranium grades were re- and Finance Monthly awarded him the
ported that are situated an additional “Deal Maker of the Year 2013” award.
120m to the west. This indicates that He is the current CEO of Fission Urani-
the mineralized zones extend further to um and Fission 3.0 Corp.
with additional underground scenarios. Zone. This section included a 8.5m long the west and on land. Ross McElroy is a professional geolo-
The post-tax Internal Rate of Return interval with a sensational 27.66% U3O8 In October 2017 Fission Uranium identi- gist with nearly 30 years of experience
(„IRR“) would amount to 40% and the one of the highest uranium grades ever fied additional significant uranium gra- in the mining industry. He is the winner
capital costs are estimated CA$1.1 billi- being reported worldwide. Further to des over a total length of 95m in the of the PDAC 2014 Bill Dennis Award for
on. Despite the high capital costs, the the east a 8.0m long interval with R1545W Zone including 35m with exploration success and The Northern
repayment period would be one and a 22.28% U3O8 was identified. 1.80% U3O8 and 4.5m with 5.27% U3O8. Miner “Mining Person of the Year 2013”.
half years. Based on the resource esti- In addition, the company reported seve- Mr. McElroy has held positions with
mate from 2015, the mine life is 12 to 15 ral drill intervals with radioactivity of both major and junior mining compa-
years. Since the first resource estimate Profitability improvements due over 10,000 cps in each case. The best nies, including BHP Billiton, Cogema
the company continued drilling along to zones on land interval had a radioactivity of over Canada (now AREVA), and Cameco. He
the main trend and could expand the 65.500 cps. was a member of the early stage disco-
trend to over 3km by several new disco- The on land located mineralized zones very team of the MacArthur River urani-
vered zones. R840W and R1515W are of special inte- um deposit. Ross McElroy was also part
Of particular importance were the drill rest because no dike construction is Strategic partner from China of the very successful Fission Energy
results published in the summer of 2017. necessary for mining these zones. Fissi- Corp. team as president, COO and chief
They showed among other things a on Uranium could start with a conventi- In January 2016, the state-owned Chi- geologist. He headed up the technical
compound mineralization of over 61m onal open pit mine on land without any nese utility company CGN invested in team that made Fission Uranium’s PLS
with more than 10,000 cps. water problems. This would generate a Fission Uranium. It acquired 19.9% of discovery.
In addition, Fission Uranium made a sig- significant cash flow and pay for the se- the then issued and outstanding shares
nificant discovery in January 2018. In cond phase. The overburden at this land at a total price of CA$83 million. At that
the area of the Triple R deposit the com- zone is the perfect material to build the time CGN paid a premium of 35% on Plans for the coming months
pany identified a continuous mineraliza- necessary dikes. Material is used that the appropriate share price. CGN is not
tion of 108m averaging 8.46% U3O8 has to be moved anyways and a second an end-user but a company planning far For 2018 the company’s goal is to ex-
120m west of the high-grade R780E benefit would be that the resulting was- ahead into the future and was searching tend the currently known mineralized

64 65
GoviEx Uranium
Future low-cost uranium producer with large resource
and big leverage on uranium price

trend further to the west and east. In ad- on the profitability of the project. Fission GoviEx Uranium is a Canadian mining important deposit is called MSNE and is
dition, Fission Uranium has already con- Uranium has one of best uranium pro- development company specializing in located four kilometers to the south. The
ducted some tests outside the known jects with a mega potential worldwide, the exploration and development of ura- third deposit, Maryvonne, is located right
trends. PLS has a variety of additional enough cash for the development and nium projects in Africa. To date the com- in the middle. A fourth mining area, Miri-
radioactive hotspots that could host ad- the best partner from China as well as pany outlined resources with more than am, is located in the south of the Mada-
ditional deposits. As well, an expansion an absolutely success-oriented ma- 200 million pounds of U3O8. GoviEx al- ouela 1 concession. In contrast to the
of the Triple R deposit and test drill ho- nagement to lift Patterson Lake South to ready has valid mining licenses for the first three deposits, Miriam can be mined
les between the zones is planned. The an unprecedented level in 2018. Thus, two most advanced projects. The current by open pit methods. The deposits are
company plans the completion of a pre- making the company more and more a goal of the company is to reduce the ura- only 60 to 80m below the surface and
feasibility study by the end of 2018 and takeover candidate for a major (urani- nium price necessary for the project de- have a thickness of up to 30m. In additi-
a bankable feasibility study by the end um) company looking for easy to mine velopment and to advance toward pro- on, this deposit contains in part up to
of 2019. high-grade near surface uranium re- duction (in 2020) of the most advanced more than 1% U3O8 and contributes to a
sources. project, Madaouela, parallel to the in- tremendous cost reduction of the total
creasing uranium spot price. planned mining operation.
Summary: Top project, top
management, top prospects!
Madaouela – Location, Infra-
Fission Uranium will continue to focus structure, Resource
on the development of PLS and therefo-
re the exploration of the projects. The Madaouela (100% GoviEx) is located in
focus will be especially on the western Niger, 10km from Arlit and near the mines
part of the known mineralization trend of Cominak as well as Somair in which
because this will have a positive effect AREVA has an interest. The mine of Co-
minak is in operation since 1978 and is
considered to be the largest underground
uranium mine in the world. GoviEx bene-
fits from the well-developed infrastruc-
ture providing, besides all-season roads,
Fission Uranium Corp. ISIN:
sufficient groundwater and a good power
supply. Madaouela has reserves of 60.54
FRA: 2FU million pounds of U3O8 and total resour-
TSX: FCU ces of 117 million pounds of U3O8. In Ja-
nuary 2016 GoviEx received the final mi- GoviEx' flagship projects host one of the
Shares issued: 485.6 million ning permit for Madaouela 1 i.e. for one largest resource bases worldwide.
Options: 45.8 million of six license areas (comprised of Mada- Madaouela – Feasibility Study (Source: GoviEx Uranium)
Warrants: - ouela 1 to 4 as well as Eral and Anou
Fully diluted: 531.5 million Melle). Pursuant to the permit the com- In 2015 a preliminary feasibility study
pany can build the appropriate mine in- could confirm the profitable production.
Contact: cluding all necessary facilities as well as Based on a long-term uranium price of
Fission Uranium Corp. mine the known deposits. US$70 the study indicates, among other
700 - 1620 Dickson Avenue things, an Internal Rate of Return (“IRR”)
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9Y2, Canada of 21.9% and a Net Profit Value („NPV“)
Madaouela – Deposit of US$340 million at an 8% discount
Telefon: +1-250-868-8140 rate. The initial capital costs were esti-
Fax: +1-250-868-8493 Currently the most important deposit is mated US$359 million and the operating
called Marianne-Marilyn and is located cash costs US$24.49 per pound of U3O8 within the Madaouela 1 concession. It is based on an annual production of 2.69 a sandstone hosted uranium deposit in a million pounds of U3O8 over a total mine
shallow depth of 30 to 120m. The second life of 18 years.
(Quelle: BigCharts)
(Source: BigCharts)
66 67
Madaouela – Great interest for a project US$31.10 per pound of U3O8 and the to- Falea
Exploration potential financing tal life-of-mine costs are forecast at
US$37.9 per pound of U3O8. Based on a Falea (100% GoviEx) is located in Mali
Madaouela most likely has more resour- In September 2017 GoviEx reported that long-term uranium price of US$ 58 per 80km from AREVA’s Saraya East uranium
ces as previously known. Although more several Export Credit Agencies and pound of U3O8 the Internal Rate of return deposit. The project consists of three ex-
than 600,000 m were drilled, Anou Melle banks have signaled the company that will be at 25%. GoviEx has now two well ploration licenses: Bala, Madini and Fa-
has a high “blue sky potential” because they want to provide a debt financing of advanced uranium projects both of them lea. To date a resource base of 30.8 milli-
this license area is located on the same US$ 220 million for the construction of with mine permits. on pounds of U3O8, 63 million pounds of
geological structure as Cominak and the mine. The conditions for the finan- copper and 21 million ounces of silver
Somair. In addition, there is the possibili- cing are a bankable feasibility study for has been identified. This equals a con-
ty that the Miriam deposit continues on Madaouela, long-term off-take contracts Mutanga – verted resource of 38.1 million pounds of
to Madaouela 4 and that a Cominak ex- in place from creditworthy nuclear utili- Exploration potential U 3O 8.
tension stretches at depth on to Mada- ties and appropriate credit insurances. In It is important to know that only 5% of
ouela 1. March 2018 the existing legacy with Tos- Although the resource appears to be lar- the license area (in total 225 square kilo-
hiba was settled with a single payment of ge, to date not all areas of the concessi- meters) was explored for the appropriate
US$4.5 million. The company is now on were explored for possible uranium deposits. In addition, the majority of the
Madaouela – debt-free. deposits. Especially the areas near the known deposits are not completely de-
Development strategy west and east limits of the license areas fined. Falea offers a high potential for the
offer a high potential for additional signi- construction of an underground mine.
Currently GoviEx is working on a four-sta- Mutanga – Location, Resource, ficant uranium deposits. The project is accessible by road and
ged development strategy for Madaoue- Infrastructure New VTEM surveys identified a high ex- plane.
la. The first stage is a loan financing in- ploration potential in the northern section
cluding the participation of several inter- Mutanga (100% GoviEx) is located of Dibwe East. The company will test that
national export credit agencies. The 200km south of the Zambian capital Lu- area for possible additional deposits by Strong shareholder base
second stage is the project optimization saka and immediately north of Lake Kari- means of drilling.
and the completion of the detailed en- ba. The project contains more than 49.2 GoviEx has a very strong shareholder
gineering work. The third is the completi- million pounds of U3O8 in the deposits base including Denison Mines, that pro-
on of the appropriate long-term offtake Mutanga, Dibwe and Dibwe East disco- Chirundu and Kiraba Valley – vide technical assistance, Cameco,
Mutanga, which belongs to 100% to GoviEx, agreements for which Houlihan Lokey vered to date. GoviEx has a mining licen- potentially top-class expansion which co-financed the initial exploration
lies around 200 kilometers south of the EMEA, LLP was engaged as financial ad- se over 25 years for three of the five con- possibilities for Mutanga program at Madaouela, and Ivanhoe In-
Sambian capital Lusaka, directly adjacent to viser in February 2017. The fourth stage cessions allowing the production by dustries, with its mining expert Robert
Lake Kariba. will be a share-based equity financing in open pit methods and heap leaching. This northeastern area borders African Friedland as investor. Including the priva-
(Source: GoviEx Uranium) parallel. Mutanga is connected to a road and has Energy Resources Ltd.’s concessions te investment of GoviEx’s Executive
sufficient groundwater. A high-volta- Chirundu and Kiraba Valley. Due to the Chairman Govind Friedland, these five
ge-line passes at a distance of 60km. aforementioned VTEM results, GoviEx main shareholders own around 49% of
The mineralization starts at the surface has made African Energy Assets an offer all outstanding shares of GoviEx. In addi-
and is open in strike. which was accepted by African Energy in tion, at the end of 2016, Sprott came on
March 2017. Chirundu consists of the board of GoviEx.
two subprojects Njame and Gwabe
Mutanga – positive economic which together contain a resource of
assessment 11.2 million pounds of U3O8. GoviEx has Summary: financing for
to issue 3 million of its shares and 1.6 Madaouela is a game-changer!
Im November 2017 GoviEx released a million warrants to African Energy for the
Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) two concessions. This is a very small GoviEx is, without a doubt, a heavyweight
for Mutanga. The PEA is based on a pro- price for a project with 11 million pounds in the uranium industry with a resource
duction averaging 2.4 million pounds of of uranium and an apparently high explo- base of over 200 million pounds of U3O8.
U3O8 annually over 11 years. The initial ration potential in the southwestern part Madaouela the biggest project by far is
capital costs are estimated US$123 milli- of Chirundu, which borders GoviEx’s ready for production. The interest of se-
on. The cash operating costs are Dibwe East concession. veral parties of granting a line of credit of

68 69
US$ 220 million for the construction of dered as political stable. Mining compa- What are the main catalysts for your What is your opinion about the current
the mine is a milestone in the company’s nies are not faced with obstacles for ex- company within the next 6 months? conditions of the uranium market?
history and will facilitate the project ad- ample Cominak whose mine is in opera-
vancement and the negotiations of tion since the 1970s. In addition, GoviEx GoviEx is developing of a growing, Afri- Global nuclear power capacities are pro-
off-take agreements. Furthermore, the has a very experienced and successful ca-focused uranium project pipeline. The jected to increase from 379.4 GW in 2015
company was able to prove a possibility management team as well as strong ma- Company has already commenced core to over 483 GW by 2030. Estimated an-
for an economic production at its second jor shareholders which will ensure that tasks required for the development of its nual uranium demand could grow nearly
big project Mutanga by the recent PEA. GoviEx will become a real success story. flagship, mine-permitted Madaouela 60% to more than 300 Mlb U3O8 by 2030
The missing part is an appropriate urani- Project, and with an improving uranium from 190.2 Mlb U3O8 in 2016. In 2018,
um price which would push GoviEx, due price, these tasks will be accelerated. demand of 194 Mlb U3O8 is forecast.
to its large resources, towards unima- The PEA for the enlarged, mine-permit-
gined price peaks. An additional advan- ted Mutanga Project has highlighted its In 2018, world production is expected to
tage: contrary to many other African economic potential. Expansion and total 141 Mlb U3O8, which is 8% lower
countries, Niger and Zambia are consi- upgrading the Mineral Resources in than preliminary 2017 production of 154
Zambia will be key. Mlb U3O8. Looking ahead, secondary
At the Company’s Falea Project in Mali, sources of supply are expected to fall
uranium resources need to be expanded; from 2016 levels of 45.9 Mlb U3O8 per
however, we need a greater understan- year to only 30.7 Mlb U3O8 per year by
ding of the precious and base metal mi- 2025.
Exclusive interview with Daniel Major, neralization that exists on the property.
Through geophysics and drilling, we will
CEO of GoviEx Uranium be better able to evaluate the project’s
full potential.

What did you and your company achie- ration to target sulfuric acid recovery,
ve within the last 12 months? highlighted as a major consumable in
the PFS. GoviEx is studying the poten-
In 2017, GoviEx advanced an integrated tial of dry attrition as an alternative to
Daniel Major, CEO four-part strategy for the development of
the Madaouela Project.
existing wet ablation processes, to re-
duce water and power consumption.
ISIN: CA3837981057
GoviEx Uranium
 GoviEx engaged Houlihan Lokey as fi- FRA: 7GU
 Following appointment of Medea Ca- nancial advisors to secure potential TSX-V: GXU
pital Partners as Debt Advisor, GoviEx long-term off-take agreements.
received expressions of interest from Shares issued: 351.2 million
Export Credit Agencies and project fi- In Zambia in 2017, GoviEx acquired ura- Options/Warrants: 155.9 million
nance banks to arrange US$220 milli- nium mineral interests from African Ener- Vollverwässert: 507.1 million
on of senior debt. gy Resource. The addition of the Chirun-
 The Agaliouk Exploration Permit was du and Kiraba Valley significantly expan- Contact:
granted, adding 11.67Mlb U3O8 in ded and improved the potential
Measured and Indicated Resources economies of scale of the Mutanga Pro- GoviEx Uranium
and 9.35 Mlb U3O8 in Inferred Resour- ject in Zambia. GoviEx subsequently re- World Trade Centre
ces. Agaliouk is adjacent to the ported the PEA for the expanded Mutan- Suite 654 - 999 Canada Place
boundaries of the project, and is al- ga Project. The project plan envisions an Vancouver, BC, V6C 3E1, Canada
ready covered by an 2015 Environ- average annual production rate of 2.4
mental Social Impact Assessment. Mlb U3O8 over an 11-year mine life. Initial phone: +1-604-681-5529
 GoviEx has started programs to opti- capital costs are estimated at US$123
mize the operating and capital costs, million, with estimated cash operating
including the assessment of nano-filt- costs of US$31.1/lb U3O8.
(Source: BigCharts)
Laramide Resources
One of the ten largest uranium deposits in Australia
and one of the highest ISR grades in the US Laramide Resources Ltd.

Laramide Resources is a Canadian mi- total project (548.5 square kilometers). dy, processing of the rocks is possible by
ning company specializing in exploration The Westmoreland Uranium Project conventional acid leaching and solvent
and development of uranium deposits in contains a very large resource base of extraction.
Australia and the USA. The shares of the 36.0 million pounds of U3O8 in the cate- The initial capital costs for the construc-
company are listed at the TSX in Toronto gory indicated and additional 15.9 milli- tion of the mine and the processing faci-
as well as the ASX in Sydney giving the on pounds of U3O8 in the category infer- lities amount to US$268 million plus
company exposure on both continents. red making it to one of the ten largest US$49 million contingency which is suffi-
Laramide Resources has a large resour- uranium projects in Australia. These re- cient construction of a 2 million tons per
ce base. sources are located within a 7km long year mill with a nameplate capacity of 4
trend. It is important to know that 80% million pounds of U3O8 per year. Additio-
of these resources are contained within nal costs are estimated US$58 million
Westmoreland Uranium Project: a depth of 50m hence Westmoreland over the estimated mine life of 13 years.
Location, Resource and Infra- could be mined with open pit mining The operating cash costs were estimated
structure methods. at US$21 per pound of U3O8 during the
Regarding the infrastructure, sufficient first 5 years and US$23.20 per pound of
In Australia, Laramide Resources’ flags- electricity as well as trained workers U3O8 over the whole mine life. The Net At Churchrock, a resource was confirmed
hip is Westmoreland, located in Queens- and road connections are present. Present Value („NPV“) at a 10% discount containing 50.82 million pounds of U3O8 in
land directly on the border to the rate is US$400 million after tax. A very Churchrock and Crownpoint: the category inferred.
Northern Territory. The project is com- good Internal Rate of Return of 35.8% Acquisition (Source: Laramide Resources)
prised of three contiguous licenses pre- Westmoreland Uranium Project: after tax was determined.
viously in possession of Rio Tinto and Economic Assessment According to company estimates, this In January 2017 Laramide Resources ac-
are located 400km north-northwest of would allow for a production of 3.5 milli- quired from Uranium Resources Inc. the
the famous Mt. Isa copper, zinc, lead, In 2016 Laramide Resources published a on pounds of U3O8 per year. The metal- two ISR projects Churchrock and Crown-
silver deposit. Via a subsidiary, Larami- Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) lurgical studies confirmed a recovery rate point. The two projects in New Mexico
de Resources has a 100% interest in the for Westmoreland. According to the stu- of up to 97% with relatively low acid were consolidated into one project due
consumption. Currently the mine life is to a distance of only 25km.
13 years but with the project having a For the 100% acquisition of Churchrock
much higher exploration potential it and Crownpoint, Laramide Resources
could extend the mine life for over 15 ye- paid and has to pay US$2.5 million in
ars. cash and transfer a note payable of US$5
million to Uranium Resources. This debt
will be paid back over a period of three
Westmoreland Uranium Project: years beginning in 2018. In addition, Ura-
Expansion potential nium Resources will receive 2,218,333
shares of Laramide and will keep a Net
Laramide Resources holds three conti- Smelter Royalty with a value of US$4.5
guous joint ventures situated along strike million.
from Westmoreland Project in the
Northern Territory, for an additional land
package of 1,531 km2. The company Churchrock
has besides joint ventures with Gulf Man-
ganese and Rum Jungle Resources one Churchrock is comprised of 7 sections
In Australia, Laramide Resources’ flagship joint venture with the resource giant Rio including the deposits Mancos and
is Westmoreland, located in Queensland Tinto. Initial sampling confirms that these Strathmore. In the past, over US$100
directly on the border to the joint venture licenses have a big explora- million were invested in the exploration
Northern Territory. tion potential. Additional exploration ac- of the area. At Churchrock, a resource
(Source: Laramide Resources) tivities on the Murphy joint venture were was confirmed containing 50.82 million
already decided. pounds of U3O8 in the category inferred
in October 2017.

72 73
Laramide Resources Ltd. Laramide Resources Ltd.

Churchrock and Crownpoint – Summary: diversified developer The newly acquired projects Churchrock
Development plan with enormous resource base and Crownpoint especially provide the
and prospect of fast production possibility of relative fast production start
Laramide Resources is currently working start which would position Laramide Resour-
on the completion of the mining permits ce in a top position in the case of an ex-
for Section 8 and Section 17. Thereupon Laramide Resources has a diversified pected uranium boom. The stock has
a pre-feasibility-study is planned for Sec- portfolio of large and high-quality urani- good liquidity due to the membership in
tion 8 including review and assessment um projects in the USA and Australia. a top ETF (Global X Uranium ETF). The
of expansion opportunities including the The company benefits from the not so long-term oriented and supporting main
deposits Mancos and Strathmore. technologically challenging, and at the shareholders make Laramide Resources
Afterwards, from today’s perspective the same time, low cost production possibi- a top pick in the uranium sector.
(Source: Laramide Resources) A feasibility study from 2012 confirmed construction of a satellite facility in the lities of open pit mining and ISR mining.
that Section 8 can be mined by the low area of Section 8 and 17 is under consi-
cost ISR method. The capital costs for an deration. A central processing plant will
initial production of one million pounds of be built at Crownpoint.
U3O8 per year are an estimated US$35 Short to long term a 6,100m drill program
million and the operating costs are (15 drill holes) is planned which will target Exclusive interview with Marc Hender-
US$20 to 23 per pound of U3O8. The In- the upgrading of the existing resources
ternal Rate of Return would be 22% at a in higher categories and the expansion of son, CEO of Laramide Resources
uranium price of US$65 per pound of the current resource base. A new resour-
U 3O 8. ce estimate will be released for Crown-
The company could produce 6.5 million point in the second quarter. What did you and your company achie- con­solidated and digitized resulting in
pounds of U3O8 within 6 years. It should ve within the last 12 months? a database of 1,667 drill holes totaling
be noted that the average grade of approximately 1,841,545 feet of dril-
0.115% is the highest within the peer Other projects In October 2017, the Company announ- ling.
group. ced the results of an independent Mine-  The report highlighted areas for imme-
Section 8 and the adjoining Section 17 in Besides the aforementioned ISR pro- ral Resource Estimate for Church Rock diate follow up exploration to both im- Marc Henderson, CEO
the south where the old Churchrock mine jects, Laramide Resources has two other Uranium Project, located in New Mexico, prove confidence in the Resource
is situated would be the starting point in hard rock projects in the USA. USA, completed by Roscoe Postle Asso- Estimate and potentially discover ad-
case of a production. Most of the licen- The La Jara Mesa Project is located in ciates Inc. in Denver, Colorado, with the ditional mineral resources.
ses and permits were granted for that New Mexico, 40 miles southeast of assistance of Laramide’s technical team.
scenario. Crownpoint. La Jara Mesa contains a NI This new Resource Estimate supersedes The Church Rock Project is a compilati-
West of Section 8 are Sections 7, 12 and 43-101 resource of 10.4 million pounds various “historical estimates” for purpo- on of significant historical work comple-
13 where the Mancos mine is located. of U3O8. The final operating permits are ses of NI 43-101 reporting and considers ted by tier one mining and energy com-
Northeast of Churchrock (Section 8) lies already in the works. planned In Situ Recovery (“ISR”) of urani- panies. This is the first time since disco-
Section 4, where the Strathmore deposit The La Sal Project is located in Utah, um. The Company also advanced per- very that the Project has been combined
is located. 100km northeast of the White Mesa Mill. mitting, community programs and pre­ under one banner without significant roy-
A toll milling agreement for the proces- paration of an economic study on the alty burden and this impressive initial re-
sing of ore from La Sal in the White Mesa consolidated New Mexico properties ac- source at Church Rock clearly demons-
Crownpoint Mill was signed with its operator Energy quired in 2017. trates the District scale potential of the
Fuels. Both projects offer a big explorati- asset. Combined with the NRC license
Crownpoint is located 25 miles northeast on and expansion potential. Church Rock Project’s Resource Estima- and other permitting work already com-
of Churchrock. The project contains a te highlights include: pleted by previous operators, Laramide is
historic resource of 15.3 million pounds  An Inferred Resource Estimate of 33.9 well positioned to benefit from a likely re-
of U3O8 in the category indicated. Al- million tons at an average grade of newal of US domestic uranium producti-
though no feasibility study was comple- 0.075% eU3O8 for a contained resour- on when market conditions warrant.
ted on Crownpoint to date, Laramide ce of 50.8 million pounds using a 0.5
Resources holds the majority of the ft-% Grade Thickness (GT) cutoff. What are the main catalysts for your
necessary production permits.  Data from previous operators was company within the next 6 months?

74 75
Precious Metals | Base Metals | Critical Metals | Industrial Metals | Energy | Clean Technology

Laramide Resources Ltd.

The Company intends to advance the The uranium spot price ($21/lb approxi-
Church Rock Project to a Preliminary mately) is unsustainable for even the
Economic Assessment („PEA“). This will most efficient producers. Fortunately, the
be the first economic study on the con- maxim that the „cure for low prices is low
solidated Properties acquired in 2017. prices“ seems to be bearing out as signi-
The PEA would also have the benefit of ficant production curtailments and closu-
the previously completed Feasibility Stu- res have been progressively announced
dy on Section 8 completed by a previous over the course of 2017. According to
operator. most industry analysts, the market reba-

Want to know our

The Company will also start working to- lancing presently underway will almost
ward the commencement of a resource certainly lead to future deficits and a dra-
estimate on the Crownpoint Project. The matic improvement in the uranium price,
Church Rock Project’s Resource Estima-
te did not include the Company’s 100%
with only the expiry of long-term utility
contracts yet to be priced in. We believe Top 3 Uranium Picks
owned Crownpoint project, located 25 this turning point may be close at hand.
miles east of Church Rock. The Larami-
de team plans to begin the process of for 2018?
digitizing the significant data for Crown-

point in the coming months which will
allow for a resource estimate on the
Crownpoint property.

What is your opinion about the current

conditions of the uranium market?

Laramide Resources Ltd. ISIN: CA51669T1012

WKN: 157084

Shares issued: 114.8 million

Options: 8.8 million
Warrants: 23.5 million
Fully diluted: 147.1 million

Laramide Resources Ltd.
The Exchange Tower,
130 King Street West, Suite 3680,
Toronto, ON, M5X 1B1, Canada

phone: +1-416-599-7363
fax: +1-416-599-4959
(Source: BigCharts)
Skyharbour Resources
Top uranium projects in the Athabasca Basin Region
and strong development partners on its side

Skyharbour Resources is a Canadian and magnetic surveys, ground gravity, and in the area of the new discovery na-
uranium and thorium development com- seismic, and geochemical surveys, map- med Maverick East Zone 1.79% U3O8
pany specializing in exploration projects ping, sediment sampling programs and over 11.5m including 4.17% U3O8 over
in the Athabasca Basin. The company the drilling of 370 drill holes in total. 4.5m and 9.12% over 1.4m.
holds the majority rights to five projects From mid-2000 onwards, the primary fo- In August 2017, Skyharbour Resources
comprising in total 230,000 hectares in cus of exploration has been the 3.5-kilo- started an additional 4,000m drill campa-
the Athabasca Basin. metre-long Maverick structural corridor ign focusing on the eastern area of the
in the southwestern part of the license Maverick Structure.
area where pods of high grade uranium In December 2017 the company reported
Moore Lake Uranium Project – mineralization have been identified. fantastic results from this area, among
Location and Deal Some of the best intercepts were 4.03% other things, 7.4% U3O8 over 1.8 m wit-
U3O8 over 10m including 20% U3O8 over hin 9.3 m with 2.23% U3O8. At that point
Skyharbour Resources’ current flagship 1.4m at a depth of 264.68m. Two additi- only 1.5 kilometers of the 4-kilome-
project, Moore Lake, is located in the onal drill holes returned intercepts with ter-long corridors are drill tested.
southeast of the Athabasca Basin 10km high-grade uranium mineralization of Currently the company continues to work
southwest of Denison Mines’ Wheeler 5.14% U3O8 over 6.2m and 4.01% U3O8 on the compilation of historical airborne
River mega project and between Key over 4.7m. and ground electromagnetic as well as
Lake Mill and the producing McArthur Ri- In addition, drilling in several other areas magnetic surveys, gravitation and seis-
ver Mine. In July 2016 Skyharbour Re- has intersected structural disruptions, al- mic surveys as well as geochemical pro-
sources acquired from Denison Mines terations and anomalous uranium and grams, mapping, sediment sampling and
the Moore Lake Project comprised of 12 pathfinder element concentrations. data from 370 drill holes in total to integ-
contiguous claims with a total area of rate in a modern database. This will allow
35,705 hectares. For the acquisition of for better identifying and defining priority
the 100% interest in Moore Lake Skyhar- Moore Lake Uranium Project – targets.
bour Resources issued 18 million Skyh- recent exploration successes In February 2018, the company started
arbour shares to Denison Mines making another 4,000m drill program.
Denison the largest single shareholder of After completion of the transaction with
Skyharbour. In addition, the company Denison Mines, Skyharbour started an in-
had/has to pay CA$500,000 in cash and itial drill program comprised of 3,500m in Preston Uranium Project – Skyharbour started an initial drill program
CA$3.5 million in exploration expenses February 2017. Three of the five initial drill Location and exploration work Preston Uranium Project – comprised of 3,500m in February 2017.
over a period of five years. An absolute holes returned high-grade radioactivity Option agreement with AREVA (Quelle: Skyharbour Resources)
bargain price considering that to date, and uranium mineralization. The first drill The Preston Uranium Project is located
over CA$35 million were invested into hole in the so called Main Maverick Zone in the southwest, just outside of the At- In March 2017 Skyharbour Resources
the exploration at Moore Lake. This contained 20.8% U3O8 over 1.5m within habasca Basin in the Patterson Lake Re- and its partner Clean Commodities Corp.
amount was used, among other things, a 5.9m long interval with 6.0% U3O8 at a gion. To the north it borders Fission 3.0’s signed an option agreement with AREVA
for 370 drill holes with a total length of depth of 262m. The fourth drill hole re- and NexGen’s project areas. The Resources Canada which provides ARE-
over 135,000m. turned 5.6% U3O8 over 1.8m within an 121,000-hectare Preston Project (50% VA an option to acquire up to a 70% inte-
interval with 1.4% U3O8 over 10.7m at a Skyharbour Resources; 50% Clean rest in the 49,600-hectare western porti-
depth of 267m. The special fact: the Commodities Corp., Skyharbour’s part- on of the Preston Uranium Project by in-
Moore Lake Uranium Project – fourth drill hole was drilled 100m to the ner) is not far from the top-class disco- vesting CA$7.3 million into the exploration
Historic exploration successes east of the high-grade Main Maverick veries of NexGen (Arrow) and Fission of the project within 6 years and contri-
Zone and returned a new discovery! Uranium (Patterson Lake South). buting an additional CA$700,000 in cash.
Since 1969, the Moore Lake Uranium Due to the initial drill success, the original To date the two partners have spent AREVA may acquire an initial 51% inte-
Project has undergone episodic explora- drill program (3,500m) was expanded CA$4.7 million for the exploration of the rest by funding exploration expenditures
tion by several companies including No- two times for a total of 5,450m in 15 drill vast license areas. They identified 15 in the total amount of CA$2.8 million over
randa, AGIP, BRINEX, Cogema, Kenne- holes. In May 2017 Skyharbour Resour- areas with similar indicators as at Patter- a 3-year period and making cash pay-
cott/JNR Resources and IUC/Denison. ces announced additional significant drill son Lake South and Arrow. In addition, ments totaling CA$200,000.
The focus was, among other things, on results. Drilling in the Main Maverick many other drill targets provide a high
airborne and ground electromagnetic Zone returned 2.25% U3O8 over 3.0m exploration potential.

78 79
Preston Uranium Project – north end of the property returned up to uranium deposits in the world. Some top the company has a technical develop-
Option agreement 68% U3O8. news can be expected! The company ment partner on its side. Therefore, Sky-
with Azincourt Uranium Another top project is Mann Lake which could attract two top development part- harbour Resources is one of the top
borders directly the joint venture project ners for the huge Preston Project. They picks in the uranium sector for years
Also, in March 2017 Skyharbour Resour- of Cameco, Denison and AREVA with the will not only pay the exploration costs which could possibly make several big
ces signed a second option agreement same name. Mann Lake is located stra- during the coming years and quickly ad- discoveries.
with Azincourt Uranium Inc. for the so tegically 25km southwest of Cameco’s vance Preston, they will also pay a lot of
called East Preston Uranium Project McArthur River Mine and 15km northeast cash to advance Moore Lake. Therewith,
which is located in the eastern part of the of Cameco’s Millennium uranium depo- Skyharbour’s Prospect Generator Busi-
overall Preston Project and comprises an sit. In 2014 a drill campaign of Cameco ness Model is paying off. With the largest
area of 25,300 hectares. Azincourt can returned, among other results, 2.31% single shareholder, Denison Mines, who-
acquire a 70% interest in the East Pres- U3O8 over 5.1m including 10.92% U3O8 se CEO David Cates has a seat in Sky­
ton Uranium Project by issuing 4.5 milli- over 0.4m. harbour Resources’ Board of Directors,
on shares to Skyharbour Resources and
the partner Clean Commodities Corp. as
well as paying CA$1 million in cash wit- Upcoming catalysts
hin three years and investing an additio-
nal CA$2.5 million in the exploration and For 2018 one can expect several signifi- Exclusive interview with Jordan Trimble,
development of the project area. cant developments from Skyharbour Re-
Due to these top deals (in total CA$9.8 sources and their partners. Skyharbour CEO of Skyharbour Resources
million in development expenditures from Resources is carrying out a winter drill
AREVA and Azincourt) Skyharbour Re- program to make a discovery within the
sources and partner Clean Commodities Maverick Structure at Moore Lake. ARE- What did you and your company achie-  Hole ML17-10 at the Main Maverick
Corp. can be reassured that the explora- VA and Azincourt Uranium started explo- ve within the last 12 months? Zone returned 2.23% U3O8 over 9.3
tion of the project area continues whe- ration and development work at the meters including 7.4% U3O8 over 1.8
reas they don’t have to bear the explora- Preston project in February 2018. AREVA Winter/spring 2017: Skyharbour comple- meters,
tion costs and can focus on Moore Lake. began, among other things, a 4,500 m ted its first diamond drilling program at
In addition, they will receive CA$1.7 milli- diamond drill program, Azincourt a sur- its flagship, high grade Moore Uranium Brought in Strategic Partners with Opti- Jordan Trimble, CEO
on (50% for Skyharbour Resources) at vey and general exploration program. Project consisting of 5,450 meters in 15 on Agreements at it Preston Project
their free disposal. Azincourt identified several drill targets holes. (“Prospect Generator Model”):
by means of geophysical studies. In ad-  All holes intersected uranium minerali-
dition, Skyharbour is planning within their zation on the Maverick corridor; shal-  Skyharbour finalized an option agree-
Other top projects “Prospect Generator Models” to find ad- low (260 meters depth), high grade ment with AREVA (now Orano) – to
ditional partners for their projects to ad- mineralization was intersected in 7 of earn up to a 70% interest in the Pres-
Besides Moore Lake and Preston Skyh- vance those as well as to raise additional 15 holes with new high grade minerali- ton Project through $8.0MM of total
arbour Resources holds other top pro- funds for the ongoing development of zed lenses being discovered along project consideration over 6 years
jects. Among those is the Falcon Point the flagship project Moore Lake. strike at the Maverick corridor  Skyharbour entered into an option
Uranium & Thorium Project. This project,  Results included 20.8% U3O8 over 1.5 agreement with Azincourt Energy
totaling 79,000 hectares is located 55km meters within an interval returning Corp. whereby Azincourt may earn a
east of the Key Lake Mine. In 2015 Skyh- Summary: top projects, strong 6.0% U3O8 over 5.9 meters in hole 70% interest in the East Preston Pro-
arbour Resources announced a NI 43- partners and a good business ML-199 as well as 9.12% U3O8 over ject through the upfront issuance of
101 resource for Falcon Point containing model 1.4 meters within an interval returning 4.5MM shares of Azincourt as well as
6.96 million pounds of U3O8 and 5.34 4.17% U3O8 over 4.5 meters in hole $3.5MM of total project consideration
million pounds of ThO2. The geological Due to its top projects, strong partners ML-202 over 3 years
and geochemical features of the project and the good business model Skyhar-
show distinct similarities to some of the bour shines. The flagship project Moore Summer/fall of 2017: Skyharbour com-
best projects in the Athabasca Basin Lake speaks for itself. Top grades and a pleted another diamond drilling program What are the main catalysts for your
such as Eagle Point, Millennium, P-Patch tremendous exploration potential in the at the Moore Uranium Project consisting company within the next 6 months?
and Roughrider. Recent sampling at the immediate vicinity of some of the best of 4,035 meters in 11 holes

80 81
Uranium Energy
Four permitted mining projects and a central proces-
sing plant provide large leverage
Skyharbour will carry out drilling pro- 1) Cameco announced the suspension of Uranium Energy, a former U.S. uranium Goliad Project fully permitted
grams at its flagship Moore Uranium Pro- production at the world’s largest urani- producer, is within a small circle of a few
ject over the course of the upcoming um mine, McArthur River. The produc- companies that will revive the dormant The second advanced ISR Project, Goli-
year to expand on the known high-grade tion curtailment is expected to cut U.S. uranium industry in the case of the ad, has had a final production license
zones as well as discover new uranium approximately 15mm – 18mm pounds most likely rebound of the uranium sec- since December 2012. The Goliad Pro-
mineralization. This will be Skyharbour’s of U3O8 from global supply in 2018 tor. Besides the former producing Palan- ject, like Palangana, is near the Hobson
most active exploration season yet as its (approx. 10%). gana mine, Uranium Energy will produce processing plant and is the biggest ISR
Moore project will provide steady news 2) The world’s largest producer – Kaz- from the Goliad Project and the recently uranium project in Texas. It hosts a NI 43-
flow over coming months supplemented atomprom – announced additional permitted Burke Hollow Project in the fu- 101 resource of close to 7 million pounds
by news from the Preston project where production cuts of ~28.6 million ture. The recently acquired Reno Creek of U3O8 with 5.5 million pounds in the ca-
exploration and drilling are being funded pounds of U3O8 over the next 3 years Project and the Alto Paraná titanium pro- tegory measured and indicated. The re-
by Orano (previously AREVA) and Azin- (approx. 20%) on top of its previous ject will add additional resources. maining 1.5 million pounds are in the ca-
court. 10% cut announced early in 2017. tegory inferred. This independent esti-
mate is based on a total of 487 historic
World Nuclear Association forecasts Palangana Project is ready at drill holes and 599 drill holes drilled by
What is your opinion about the current steady demand growth for uranium th- any time Uranium Energy. The Goliad Project pro-
conditions of the uranium market? rough 2030 and beyond. Demand growth vides additional potential because the
is underpinned by a robust pipeline of 57 “Former U.S. uranium producer”: becau- mineralization is open to all sides. It is
After a prolonged bear market in uranium nuclear reactors under construction. se the company did operate its Palanga- expected that the actual resource can be
spot pricing over the last several years, With long-term supply contracts expi- na Project, Texas, in the past. The Palan- largely expanded.
the uranium market has bottomed and ring, demand growth, and production gana ISR Project is completely licensed
turned the corner. The start of this rever- cuts, the supply/demand landscape has and received the final production permit
sal can be attributed to several factors shifted from a supply surplus to a supply in 2010. The production began in Decem- Permit for Burke Hollow
including major supply-side develop- deficit (per Ux Consulting). ber 2010 and was halted due to the ura-
ments: nium price development in July 2014. The third top ISR project, Burke Hollow,
The Palangana Project contains a re- received the complete mining permit in
source of 3.3 million pounds of U3O8. December 2016. Burke Hollow contains
The company estimates capital costs of a current resource (as of November 2017)
US$10 million to re-commission Palan- of 7.09 million pounds of U3O8 and is
gana within 6 months. The production located 54 kilometers from Hobson. In
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. ISIN: CA8308166096
cash costs are below US$22 per pound
of uranium, according to the company.
total five independent uranium trends
were identified on the license area. Only
WKN: A2AJ7J half of the license area was explored for
FRA: SC1P uranium deposits to date. The drill cam-
TSX-V: SYH Uranium friendly Texas paign completed in 2017 provided quick
initial promising results (uranium grades
Shares issued: 53.5 million Texas is one of the few U.S. states which averaging 0.067%) and therefore was
Options: 4.2 million environmental agency can grant mining expanded from the original 90 drill holes
Warrants: 25.0 million permits independently from the U.S. fe- to 132. This resulted in the aforementi-
Fully diluted: 82.7 million deral agencies. The Texas Commission oned resource estimate which is 38%
on Environmental Quality granted a mi- higher than the former. Several minerali-
Contact: ning permit for the Goliad Project, which zed trends were identified and extended
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. is the only one of its kind granted to a to a length of more than 4.5 miles. A sig-
777 Dunsmuir Street - Suite 1610 corporation during the past 10 years. Wi- nificant success, considering that Burke
Vancouver, BC, V7Y 1K4, Canada thin the past 35 years all applications for Hollow was initially an absolute grass
production licenses were granted in roots project. The company expects to
phone: +1-604-639-3850 Texas. The southern Texas uranium trend expand this resource further. In 2018 the
fax: +1-604-687-3119 extends over 300km crossing 54 coun- company will receive the last necessary
ties in Texas. 26 of 31 deposits within this permit for the construction of the appro- trend were or are amenable for the low priate production operation. cost in-situ recovery (ISR) mining.
(Quelle: BigCharts)
(Source: BigCharts)
82 83
Hobson production plant an Baywater Uranium Corporation is conce- issued and outstanding shares of JDL Diabase project located on the south rim
ace up the sleeve! ding to Uranium Energy, Uranium Energy Resources Inc. pursuant to the terms of of the Athabasca Basin uranium district
is paying less than US$20 million for a the share purchase and option agree- in Saskatchewan, Canada. The Project
The Hobson production plant is a com- fully licensed ISR project with a resource ment, in June 2016. The Company ac- comprises 21,949 hectares and covers a
pletely permitted, and for the production, of over 20 million pounds of U3O8 and a quired JDR in exchange for a cash pay- very prospective regional-scale corridor
a licensed production facility that origi- much larger exploration potential! Al- ment of $50,000 and the issuance of less than 75 kilometers from Cameco’s
nally could produce one million pounds though the previous owner of Reno 1,333,360 shares to the vendor. JDR Key Lake mill. Uranium Energy paid US$
of “Yellow Cake” per year. The facility Creek has paid more than US$60 million holds additional titanium mineral con- 500,000 for the acquisition in aggregate
was completely refurbished in 2008 and for the exploration and development! cessions that border the property. consideration consisting of US$ 240,000
is up to date. The production was dou- Uranium Energy is working on a new op- The Alto Paraná Titanium Project is an in cash and 139,418 common shares at a
bled by a vacuum dryer and the fully timized pre-feasibility-study. advanced exploration stage project loca- deemed price of US$1.60 per share. A
licensed Hobson production facility has ted in eastern Paraguay, within the de- bargain price considering that more than
now a production capacity of two million partment of Alto Paraná, approximately US$ 20 million were invested in the ex-
pounds of U3O8 per year. Reno Creek North 100 km north of Ciudad del Este. The ploration of the concession area inclu-
property covers an area of 70,498 hecta- ding over 21,000m of diamond drilling,
In November 2017 Uranium Energy secu- res under five mining permits. The pro- geophysical surveying and surficial
Reno Creek Project red additional claims adjacent to the ject is near Itaipu, the second largest hy- sampling.
Reno Creek Project. For the Reno Creek dro-electric dam in the world and a sour-
In May 2017 Uranium Energy announced North Project, the company paid US$ ce of cost-effective power. Work to date
the acquisition of Reno Creek Holdings 5.39 million in cash and shares to the pre- on the Property has included an extensi- Other potentially top projects in
Inc. and thereby, 100% of its fully permit- vious owner Energy Fuels. The projects ve program of pitting and auger drilling, the pipeline!
ted Reno Creek in-situ recovery (“ISR”) host 4.3 million pounds of U3O8 in the ca- development of a small test mine, const-
uranium project located in Wyoming. tegory indicated. A bargain price consi- ruction of a pilot plant to evaluate the Besides the projects in Texas and the
In February 2017 Reno Creek was issued dering that this project is almost comple- proposed beneficiation flow sheet, bench Reno Creek Project Uranium Energy has
a Source and By Product Materials tely located within the permitting area of scale smelting tests, production of the majority in a series of additional po-
License from the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Reno Creek and can be connected to a approximately 110 tons of concentrate tentially top projects.
Commission in connection with a Final central processing plant immediately af- for a large-scale smelting tests and asso- The Anderson Project in Arizona cont-
Environmental Impact Statement and ter receipt of the production permit. ciated engineering, marketing, logistical ains over 29 million pounds of U3O8 and
Record of Decision, the last important and environmental work. a positive economic assessment was
production license! Now Uranium Energy In September 2017 Uranium Energy re- completed giving an Internal Rate of Re- Uranium Energy has a large resource base
can start the construction of the ISR Alto Paraná Titanium Project leased its own resource estimate for Alto turn (IRR) of solid 63% before tax based including 100 million pounds U3O8 plus
fields and a central processing plant to Paraná. The total inferred resource has on a uranium price of US$ 65. vanadium and titanium.
mine and produce up to 2 million pounds In July 2017 Uranium Energy acquired been estimated at 4.94 billion tons gra- The Slick Project in Colorado contains (Source: Uranium Energy)
of U3O8 per year! CIC Resources (Paraguay) Inc. and the- ding 7.41% titanium oxide (“TiO2”) and
Reno Creek contains a large NI 43-101 reby over 70,000 hectares land in Para- 23.6% iron oxide (“Fe2O3”) at a 6% TiO2
resource of 21.98 million pounds of U3O8 guay were the Alto Paraná Titanium Pro- cut-off, making Alto Paraná one of the
in the category measured and indicated ject and its pilot plant is located. Until highest-grade and largest-known Fer-
plus 930,000 pounds in the category in- then CIC Resources and its former joint ro-Titanium deposits. For 2018 Uranium
ferred. Uranium Energy increased its re- venture partner Tronox had invested Energy plans to monetize the project. By
source base by approximately 70% with about 25 million dollars in the project. 2019 the titanium market will boast a de-
this acquisition! A pre-feasibility-study In accordance with the terms of the sha- ficit which in the case of Alto Parana
from the year 2014 confirms a high profi- re purchase and option agreement, Ura- might create interest at the major com-
tability at low capital and operating costs. nium Energy had to issue to the Vendor panies.
Uranium Energy issues to the controlling 664,879 restricted common shares of the
shareholder of Reno Creek, the Pacific company, at a deemed issuance price of
Road Resources Funds holding 97.27% US$1.5363 per share, for aggregate con- New acquisition of Diabase
of all shares, only 14 million of its shares sideration of US$1,021,453. In addition
(value of US$17 million) plus 11 million to the consideration, the Company has In February 2018 Uranium Energy repor-
warrants and a 0.5% royalty capped at granted the Vendor a 1.5% net smelter ted the closing of a definitive Property
US$2.5 million. returns royalty on the Property. Uranium Purchase Agreement with Nuinsco Re-
Including the remaining 2.73%, which Energy previously had acquired all of the sources Limited to acquire 100% of the

84 85
over 15.7 million pounds of U3O8 and has (Palangana), four projects in the future In South Texas, we completed a 132- 2) make accretive acquisitions near the
a pre-tax IRR of 33%. and use to capacity its Hobson proces- hole drill campaign at Burke Hollow pro- bottom of the cycle; and
Uranium Energy has two prospective sing plant. The highlight is the fact that ject and reported updated estimates of 3) grow and de-risk our low-cost ISR
projects in Paraguay. Yuty contains re- the Palangana Project has a mining per- an Inferred mineral resource of 7.09 milli- portfolio in Texas, Wyoming and Para-
sources of over 11.1 million pounds of mit already, meaning a production can be on pounds of uranium (“U3O8”) at a guay.
U3O8 and Oviedo’s exploration target is started in a very short time frame. In ad- weighted average grade of 0.088% U3O8
23 to 56 million pounds of U3O8. dition, the Palangana Project, Uranium contained within 4.06 million tons – in- There is also another objective on the
Energy’s second and third licensed ura- creasing the previous inferred mineral horizon: to maximize the value of our Alto
nium projects Goliad and Burke Hollow estimate by about 2 million pounds Paraná titanium project for the benefit of
Top CEO as guarantor are located in close proximity to the Hob- (+38%) of U3O8. UEC shareholders.
of success son production facility. UEC also closed a definitive agreement
Together with the recently acquired Reno to acquire 100% of the Diabase project
President and CEO Amir Adnani is an Creek Project (including Reno Creek located on the south rim of the Atha- What is your opinion about the current
entrepreneur with excellent contacts wit- North) that is also fully licensed, the com- basca Basin uranium district. The pro- conditions of the uranium market?
hin the mining and financial world. He pany has close to 100 million pounds of ject is a low cost, high value project that
founded, among other things, Blender U3O8 and the possibility to produce 4 fits well in our pipeline of projects to be Global market fundamentals for uranium
Media Inc. a company considered as fas- million pounds of U3O8 per year in the fu- developed. are strengthening, through a combinati-
test growing company in Canada. Besi- ture instead of 2 million pounds of U3O8. on of reduced supply from ongoing ma-
des Uranium Energy he manages Gold- As a final touch the company could se- jor foreign-producer cutbacks and heigh-
Mining Inc. a so called “Mineral Bank” cure a well-advanced titanium project for What are the main catalysts for your tened demand spurred by a growing
with a resource base of over 24 million little money which offers future potential. company within the next 6 months? international need for zero-emission, ba-
ounces of gold. Uranium Energy combines all expected se-load electricity. Concurrently, funda-
advantages of the coming supply deficit We will continue to advance our growth mentals for uranium production in the
at the uranium market, of a low-cost mi- plans within the framework of our corpo- U.S. are also improving, because the ex-
Summary: solid project ning method, central processing plants rate strategy: treme dependence on foreign supply is
pipeline, strong leverage on and a uranium friendly environment. 1) remain 100% unhedged for maximum raising national security concerns, gai-
uranium price exposure to a turn-around in uranium ning the attention of top congressional
prices; and executive branch decision makers.
Contrary to five years ago when Uranium
Energy was a uranium producer, the
company can now mine instead of one
Uranium Energy Corp.
Exclusive interview with Amir Adnani,
Shares issued: 155.9 million
CEO of Uranium Energy Options: 14.0 million
Warrants: 31.0 million
Fully diluted: 200.9 million
What did your company achieve within to acquire 100% of the advanced stage
the last 12 months? North Reno Creek project located imme- Contact:
diately adjacent to and within UEC’s Uranium Energy Corp.
UEC expanded its resource base, acqui- existing Reno Creek Project permitting 500 North Shoreline, Ste. 800N
ring the fully permitted (2 million lbs/yr.) boundary – increasing UEC’s Reno Corpus Christi, TX 78401, USA
Reno Creek in-situ recovery project in Creek’s combined Measured and Indica-
Wyoming’s prolific Powder River Basin ted resource by 20%, based on previ- phone: +1-361-888-8235
Amir Adnani, CEO with an NI 43-101 Measured and Indica- ously reported NI 43-101 Measured and fax: +1-361-888-5041
ted resource of 27.47 million tons gra- Indicated resource of 3.8 million tons
ding 0.041% U3O8 yielding 21.98 million grading 0.056% U3O8 yielding 4.3 million
lbs. We also entered into an agreement lbs.
(Source: BigCharts)
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