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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 6

1.1. Definition of Co-curricular Activities ............................................................................................ 6

1.2. Types of Student Activities ............................................................................................................. 6

2. STUDENT ORGANISATIONS ........................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Definition ........................................................................................................................................ 7

2.2. Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................. 8

2.3. List of Student Organisations ........................................................................................................ 9

2.4. Which Student Body to Choose.................................................................................................. 13

2.5. How to Become a Member of a Student Body ........................................................................... 13

2.6. Training for Student Leaders..................................................................................................... 14

2.7. What Would I Get from My Activities ....................................................................................... 14

2.7.1. Soft Skills............................................................................................................................... 14

2.7.2. Co-Curricular Activity Cumulative Point (CACP) ........................................................... 14

2.7.3. Convocation Award.............................................................................................................. 15

2.7.4. Certificates ............................................................................................................................ 15

2.8. Supervising Authorities .............................................................................................................. 16

2.9 Collection of Funds ……………………………………………………………………………..15

3. HOW TO ESTABLISH A STUDENT BODY ................................................................................ 16

3.1. Process in Establishing A Student Body.................................................................................... 17

3.2. Student Body Constitution ......................................................................................................... 17

3.3. Student Body Advisor ................................................................................................................. 18

3.3.1. Roles of an Advisor .............................................................................................................. 18

3.4. Organisational Structure ........................................................................................................... 18

3.4.1. Duties of Office Bearers ....................................................................................................... 18

3.5. AGM ............................................................................................................................................ 19

3.5.1. Guidelines on Conducting AGM ......................................................................................... 19

3.6. EGM ............................................................................................................................................ 20

3.7. Merger, Suspension and Dissolution of a Student Organisation ............................................ 21

3.8. Codes of Ethics ........................................................................................................................... 21

3.8.1. Media Statement ................................................................................................................... 21

4. MANAGEMENT OF A STUDENT BODY.................................................................................... 21

4.1. Filing System .............................................................................................................................. 21

4.2. Financial Record System ........................................................................................................... 22

4.3. Planning for Activities & Almanac............................................................................................ 22

4.4. Student Body Profile .................................................................................................................. 22

4.5. Student Body Bulletin ................................................................................................................ 23

4.6. Brochures ................................................................................................................................... 23

4.7. Student Body Website ................................................................................................................. 24

5. MANAGEMENT OF PROGAMMES ............................................................................................ 25

5.1. Categories of Programmes ......................................................................................................... 25

5.1.1. Student-Driven Programmes............................................................................................... 25

5.1.2. Department-Driven Programmes ....................................................................................... 25

5.1.3. Invitational Programmes ..................................................................................................... 25

5.1.4. Joint Programmes ................................................................................................................ 25

5.2. Levels of Programmes ................................................................................................................ 26

6. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME ..................................................................................... 26

6.1 Writing a Proposal...................................................................................................................... 27

6.2 Guidelines on Budgeting ............................................................................................................ 30

6.3 Programme Master Plan ............................................................................................................ 31

6.4 Process Flow ............................................................................................................................... 32

6.5 Step-by-Step Approval Process .................................................................................................. 33

6.6 Who Approves a Programme ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.7 When to Submit a Proposal............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.8 How to Promote a Programme .................................................................................................. 38

6.8.1 Banners/Buntings/Posters/Flyers ........................................................................................ 38

6.8.2 Media ..................................................................................................................................... 39

6.8.3 IIUM Website ....................................................................................................................... 39

6.9 Engaging other Departments in student events ………………………………………………39

6.10 Opening and Closing Ceremonies ............................................................................................. 40

6.11 Memorandum of Understanding ............................................................................................... 40

6.12 Additional Guidelines or Regulations........................................................................................ 41

6.13 Organiser and co-organisers...................................................................................................... 41

6.14 Moratorium Dates for Student Programmes ............................................................................. 42

6.15 Postponement/ Cancelation of programes/ Change of venues/dates/speakers ........................ 42

6.16 Accompanying Officer ............................................................................................................. 422

6.17 Letter writing ........................................................................................................................... 453

6.18 Evaluation of Programmes ……………………………………………………………………..46

6.19 Report of Programmes …………………………………………………………………………..46

7. EVENT MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................ 46

7.1. Things to Do Before an Event ................................................................................................... 46

7.2. Masterplan/Running Order of Event......................................................................................... 46

7.3. Jobscope of committees/Functions of Various Event Committees ........................................... 46

7.4. Programme Agenda.................................................................................................................... 46

7.5. Souvenirs/Honorarium for Speakers and VIPs ........................................................................ 47

7.6 Booking of venues and facilities…………………………………………………………………49

7.7. Protocol ....................................................................................................................................... 50

8. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP ....................................................................................................... 58

8.1. What is Sponsorship ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.2. Types Of Sponsorship................................................................................................................. 58

8.3. How to Get Sponsorship ............................................................................................................. 58

8.4. Sponsorship Proposal/Package .................................................................................................. 59

8.5. Guidelines for Seeking Sponsorship .......................................................................................... 59

8.6. Approval of Sponsorship from the Rector’s Office .................................................................. 59

8.7. Claims for Sponsorship Cheques from Finance Division /Application for Cash Budget
Received from Sponsorships .................................................................................................................. 60

9. FACILITIES FOR STUDENTS ...................................................................................................... 61

Cultural ................................................................................................................................................... 61

Entrepreneurship.................................................................................................................................... 61

Uniform-based ........................................................................................................................................ 61

Sports and Recreation ............................................................................................................................ 62

Abbreviations used in this book

 IIUM : International Islamic University Malaysia

 STADD : Student Affairs & Development Division

 Dep. Rector (SA) : Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs

 OIC : Officer-in-charge

 MAA : Memorandum of Article of Association

 ITD : Information Technology Division


Office of the Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs is mandated to help the University to produce
graduates with wholesome and ummatic personalities. Student Affairs & Development Division (STADD)
is given the task to develop voluntary and non-voluntary activities through programmes by providing
students with guidelines, training and other relevant facilities with the aim that students are able to
maximise their potential and talents holistically and in various fields.

This guideline serves as a source of reference for all student activities in IIUM. The guideline also provides
information about the various student bodies on campus and the nature of their activities, which are
beneficial for students. It is also useful for students who wish to conduct programmes, as this handbook
highlights the A to Z of organising programmes to ensure the smooth running of these programmes.

1.1. Definition of Non-credit Co-curricular Activities

A non-credit co-curricular activity is referred to as any extra-curricular activity participated or organised by

students through student organisations or those organised by departments for students. These organisations
provide a platform for the development of interpersonal, organisational and leadership skills in the

The non-credit co-curricular activities are different from the credited co-curricular activities in the
following ways:

1. The non-credit co-curricular activities are voluntary activities participated by any student
throughout his/her studies as an undergraduate, but credited co-curricular activities are
structured, compulsory programmes to be taken by all students from year 1 to year 3 as part of
the academic study plan.

2. The non-credit co-curricular activities have no academic credit but the credited co-curricular
activities are given 0.5 credit per semester.

The non-credit co-curricular activities are additional activities for those who wish to improve and practice
the skills that they have learned in the leadership modules of the credited co-curricular activities.

1.2. Types of Student Activities

Based on the different interests of IIUM students, there are at least 10 categories of popular
activities supported by the University. They are:

 Uniform-based activities

 Community service

 Cultural and arts

 Entrepreneurship

 Spiritual

 Leadership and intellectual

 Debating and public speaking

 Sports and recreation

 Peer counseling

 Educational trips

 Social gatherings

 Writing and publication

Important References on University Policies that Govern Student Activities

Student organisations must comply with University regulations. The Office bearers should always use the
following references for guidelines.

i. MAA

ii. Standing Order on Rules of Student Society Supervision and Management 2003

iii. Constitutions of respective student bodies

iv. Student Disciplinary Rules

The Rector reserves the right to suspend the activities of any student body whose actions are not in line with
the University policies.


2.1. Definition

Student body is defined as a group of students established for the promotion of a specific objective or
interest within the University as approved by the Senate and registered with the Office of the Deputy Rector
in charge of student affairs.

The above definition does not include certain student groups formed by the University including groups,
teams, and secretariats for specific purposes.

2.2. Nomenclature

In order to differentiate types of student bodies, the following nomenclature is practiced:

i) Council - used only by the main student body i.e., Student Representative Council
ii) Society - Kulliyyah-based student organization.
iii) Association - Department-based student organization at the Kulliyyah
iv) Club - Student organisation initiated by a group of students with special interests.
v) Group - Culture and arts group set up by the Cultural Unit, STADD
vi) Team – A group of students formed by the department to run certain projects such as
community service
vii) Secretariat – A student organization which is formed and linked to certain government or
non-government organisation
viii) Mahallah Representative Committee – Student body established at each mahallah to
assist the welfare of students at the residential colleges

However, the term ‘club’ is used throughout this guideline to also refer to any student body.

2.3. List of Student Bodies (as of November 2010)


Central Clubs


1 Main body Leadership & Automatic
1. Students’ Representative Council Management Unit
2 Uniform-based clubs *Automatic
1. Nadiawatan Club* Uniform-based Membership for
2. Interactive Ranger Club Unit Wataniah
3. Task Force IIUM members only.
4. Civil Defense Club IIUM By application
5. Kelanasiswa IIUM
6. Air Force ROTU IIUM
7. Malaysian Red Crescent IIUM

3 Special Interest Clubs Uniform-based By application

1. Rakan Muda Secretariat Unit
2. Journalism Club
3. Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
Malaysia (SPRM) Secretariat
4. Astronomy Club
5. Consumer Club
1. WAFA Secretariat
2. GPMS IIUM Chapter Leadership &
3. Intellectual Youth Club Management Unit By application
4. Ma’aruf Club
4 Culture and Arts Clubs
1. Culture Team
2. Nasyid Club Culture and Arts By application
3. Poetry Club Unit
4. Theatre Club
5. Ummul Qura Club
6. Al-Aqsa Friends Club
7. As-Salam Club
8. Caklempong Club
9. Angklung Club
10. Zapin Club
11. Gamelan Club
12. Percussion Club
13. Creative Production Club
14. IIUM Band
15. Dikir Barat

5 Training-Based Clubs Leadership &

1. STUFF Club Management Unit
By application
2. Wawasan Club

1. Entrepreneurship Club Entrepreneurship

6 Debating Clubs
1. English Debating Club SPICE By application
2. Kelab Debat Bahasa Melayu Department
3. Arabic Debating Club
4. Francophone Club

7 Community Service Clubs


3. JASA Club
4. Titian Asli Club
5. Inspire Club
7. Caring Club
8. MISI Club
10. AKHI Club
11. MA’ARUF Club
12. JKQ (Tahfiz) Club
13. SENDI Club
14. Quranic Youth Club
15. PERKIM Secretariat

8 Recreation Clubs Sports and By application

Recreation Centre
1. Cycling Club
2. Adventure Club
3. Canoeing & Rowing Club
4. Scuba Club

9 Martial Arts Club

1. Seni Silat Gayong Malaysia Club Sports and By application

2. Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi Club Recreation Centre
3. Seni Silat Helang Putih Club
4. Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia Club
5. Aikido Club
6. Taekwando Club
7. Shito-rio Karate-do Club

Mahallah, Kulliyah & Department Based Associations



1 Kulliyyah-Based Societies
1. Architecture Students’ Society
2. Engineering Students’ Society Office of the Automatic
3. Law Students’ Society Deputy Dean
4. Economics & Management Students’ (Student Affairs)
5. ICT Students’ Society
6. IRKH Students’ Society
7. Bachelor of Education Students’

2 Department-Based Associations

1. History Students Association Office of the Automatic

2. Sociology & Anthropology Students’ Deputy Dean
Association (Student Affairs)
3. Arabic Language & Literature
4. Public Relations Malaysian Students
5. Psychology Students’ Association
6. Political Science Students'
7. English Language and Literature

Mahallah Automatic
Each mahallah has its own MRC. Principal

1. Asma’
2. Hafsa
3. Sumayyah
4. Nusaibah
5. Asiah
6. Ameenah
7. Maryam
8. Halimatus’ Saadiah
9. Safiyyah
10. Ruqayyah
11. Ali
12. Al-Faruq
13. Bilal
14. Uthman
15. As-Siddiq
16. Al- Zubair
17. Salahuddin Al-Ayubi



1 Kulliyyah-Based Societies

1. Medicine Students’ Society Office of the Automatic

2. Pharmacy Students’ Society Deputy Dean
3. Science Students’ Society (Student Affairs)
4. Nursing Students’ Society
5. Dentistry Students’ Society
6. Allied Health Students’ Society

2 Mahallah Representative Committees Mahallah Principal Automatic


1. Talhah
2. Maimunah

2.4. Which Club to Choose

All IIUM undergraduates are automatic ordinary members of the Students’ Representative
Council, respective Mahallah Representative Committee, Kulliyyah-based society and
Department-based association.

Application for membership for other student bodies can be done through the respective student

Promotional activities of these student bodies are normally done during Ta’aruf Week and at
the beginning of a regular semester. All student bodies are encouraged to carry out their own
promotional activities to attract new members from time to time.

Students can get information and advice from the respective office in charge of student bodies.

2.5. How to Become a Member

A student can apply to be a member of any student body by filling in forms available at the
respective office in charge of student bodies or by downloading them from the respective
(IIUM) website. Some student bodies conduct interviews for the applicants. The interviews are
conducted by the senior members of the student bodies.

2.6. Training for Student Leaders

The newly-elected presidents and secretaries of student organisations are given leadership and
management training organised by the Office of Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs. The
students are exposed to skills in managing the student bodies, teambuilding, University policies
and procedures, protocols, event management, etc. The training is known as Management
Course for Student Leaders (MCLEAD).

2.6.1 Training for other members

All student bodies should organise their own induction course for all the committee members to
familiarise them with the procedures and management of the respective student bodies. The
contents of the training are similar to MCLEAD but customised according to the nature of the
student bodies.

Special training courses are also organised for special interest student bodies such as uniform-
based, entrepreneurship, culture and community service by the respective unit or department
throughout the year.

2.7. What I would get from the activities

Participation in student body activities provides students with experiences that lead to
significant personal and intellectual development and helps them towards increasing social
competence. Students who participate in these activities will get the following benefits:

2.7.1. Soft Skills

Active students can develop at least seven types of skills through the activities:

 Communication skills
 Critical thinking and problem solving skills
 Team building skills
 Long-life learning
 Entrepreneurship skills
 Professional and moral ethics skills
 Leadership skills

2.7.2 Co-Curricular Activity Cumulative Point (CACP)

IIUM has developed a merit point system to reward the students who participate in student
body activities. This system is called Student Activity Record System (STARS). Students
will obtain Co-curricular Activity Points (CACP) for each activity they participate. The
points will depend on the following criteria :

Type of activity;

i. Level of programme – international, national, university or student bodies level;

ii. Level of participation – main committee, committee or participant;
iii. Achievement in competition ; and
iv. Level of membership in student organisations – main committee, committee,
ordinary member.

The total points gained by the students will be converted to Co-curricular Activity
Cumulative Point (CACP). The maximum CACP a student can get is 4.0.

The system will record details of student activities throughout their study in IIUM. Upon
graduation they may request for their co-curricular activity transcript from Office of
Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs.

2.7.3 Convocation Award

There are numbers of awards given to excellent students during the annual convocation.
The CACP is part of the criteria for the selection of award recipients for all the awards
besides the candidates’ academic achievements.

2.7.4 Certificates

Certificates of recognition are normally awarded to the office bearers of the student bodies
at the end of their tenure.

The committee may request to print the certificate of appreciation for sub-committee
members or certificate of participation/ attendance for participants after the completion of a
programme. The types of programmes whose participants should be awarded certificates
are as follows:

Categories of Programmes to be Awarded Certificates

Categories Signed By


(if any)
International Level Deputy Rector (SA) Same level or higher

National Level Deputy Rector (SA) Same level or higher

University Level Dean/Director Same level or higher

Other Deputy Dean/ Deputy Same level or higher

Director/Principal/ Advisor

Note: The Rector will only sign academic scrolls.

Certificates should not be given for the following programmes:

i. Programmes without approval from the University

ii. Very low impact programmes
iii. Leisure programmes
iv. Social gatherings/dinners
v. Short programmes
vi. Briefings
vii. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Sample of certificates.

2.8 Supervising Authorities

To ensure proper guidance is given to student activities, the Deputy Rector in charge of
student affairs may delegate his authority in managing and supervising student
organisations to the officer in charge of student activities.

A programme can only be organized after obtaining approval from the relevant authorities.

(please refer to Who can Approve a Programme)


A student body shall not maintain any fund or make any collection of any money or
property from any source whatsoever, unless prior approval is obtained from the Rector,
whereby any funds so collected shall be deposited with the university and account
maintained by the University.


Students are encouraged to set up student bodies that can help them to achieve the following

i. To develop soft skills;

ii. To develop talent in specific areas;
iii. To inculcate the spirit of volunteerism;
iv. To practice leadership skills;
v. To help in the welfare and needs of students;
vi. To organise activities that reflect the ability, vision and identity of the University and its
students; and
vii. To cultivate the tradition of knowledge and inculcate the preservation of good values.


3.1 Process in Establishing a Student Body

Form an idea of an establishment and conduct

discussions with the relevant authorities.

Form a protem committee (not less than 10

students) to draft the constitution and proposal
paper (Head, Secretary and 8 Committee
members). Total number of members must not
be fewer than 30 students.

Submit the proposal to the relevant authority (In

three copies and signed by the applicants);

Table the proposal in Student Affairs Committee;

Once the proposal is endorsed by Senate;

Office of Deputy Rector in charge of student
affairs sends letter to the temporary secretary

Conduct 1st AGM (within a month upon receiving

the approval letter)

Submit AGM report to relevant authority (within

two week after the AGM)

3.2 Student Body Constitution

Every student body must have a Constitution except for secretariat, team or any other
project based group as determined by the Student Affairs Committee.

Students must prepare their constitution in accordance with the standard template provided
by the Office of the Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs. The office will review the
constitution before endorsing it. constitution template.

3.3 Advisor for Student Bodies

Each student body should have an advisor to advise, monitor and supervise the student
body activities. All advisors are appointed by the Deputy Rector in charge of student
affairs. The following guidelines apply in the appointment of advisors:

a. The Deputy Deans (Student Affairs) are the advisors for the respective Kulliyyah
Based Societies, or any other personnel as appointed by the Dean of the Kulliyyah.
b. The Mahallat Principals are the advisors for the respective mahallat.
c. For central student bodies, the advisors can be appointed among IIUM academic or
administrative staff. The advisor’s consent must be sought prior to the appointment.
d. The advisor is required to monitor and advise the students on the programmes as well
as the running of the student bodies.
e. His/her signature and recommendation are needed before the proposal is submitted to
the relevant authority.
f. Advisors should be kept up-to-date and constantly informed on the progress of the
student bodies.

3.3.1 Roles of the Advisor

Every student organisation must have an advisor appointed by the Deputy Rector in
charge of student affairs. The advisor is the most important person in the
organisation and has the following criteria:

i. Ready to guide the students on the University’s policies and procedures that govern
student activities (MAA, Standing Order, IIUM Student Discipline)
ii. Help the students to adhere to regulations
iii. Willing to help in the planning of activities
iv. Able to coach the members to achieve the student bodies’ objectives.

Please refer to Student Bodies’ Constitution

3.4 Organisational Structure

A student organisation must have at least the following office bearers:

i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer

3.4.1 Duties of Office Bearers (Memorandum and Articles of Association – Article

58) Notwithstanding Article 57 and subject to Article 39 (iii), it shall be lawful

for not less than thirty (30) students of the University with prior approval
of the Board of Student Affairs to establish a student body consisting of
students of the University for the promotion of a specific object or interest
within the University subject to such terms and conditions as the Board of
Students Affairs may specify. The provision of subsections (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (x), (xiii), (xiv)
and (xv) of Article 57 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a student body
established under this section as they apply to the SRC. Each student body or organization established under this Article shall have
its own constitution, which shall be endorsed or approved by the Board of
Student Affairs.


Please refer to Standing Order on Rules of Student Societies’ Supervision and Management, Year 2003

Each student organisation shall conduct its AGM before the end of 1st Semester of the
academic year or as announced by the Office of the Deputy Rector in charge of student
affairs. The AGM may be deferred to a later date with prior written approval from the
relevant authority.

However, for Kulliyyah and Department based societies/ associations, the quorum is one-
fifth (1/5) or one hundred (100) of the members of the societies/ associations, whichever is

Only students with CGPA 2.5 or above are qualified to be elected and appointed as the
office bearers of an organisation.

3.5.1 Guidelines on Conducting the AGM

Pre- AGM
1. Submission of proposal paper to conduct AGM to the approving authority. (Student
Programme Form (SPF)
2. Submission of Annual Report to advisor
3. Booking of venue (Venue Management System (VMS)
4. Announcement to all members
5. Distribution of annual report and minutes of previous year’s AGM to all members. The
report must be submitted to the officer in charge for approval.
6. Invitation of guest if relevant

During AGM
1. Registration of attendance by the members of the student body
2. Arrival of the guests
3. Opening speech by the MC
4. Speech by the Advisor of the student body and Opening Ceremony.
5. Speech by the President of the student body
6. Launching of the AGM
7. Departure of guests
8. MC conducts voting to elect the Official Chairman
9. Official chairman to take over the meeting
10. Voting to elect:
i. minute writers
ii. time keepers
iii. Auditors
11. Certification of sufficient number of attendees
12. Presentation of the reports of all activities by the Secretary General
13. Financial Report by the Financial Controller of the student body
14. Approval of reports
15. Matters arising
16. Discussion on Proposals/suggestions
17. Dissolution of the existing office bearers.
18. Election on new office bearers/ announcement of proposal from shura
19. Speech by the new President of the student body

1. Submission of AGM report (Programme report Form)
2. Submission of Financial Report to the relevant approving authority
3. Submission of new student body’s structure and complete list of office bearers with matric
numbers and contact numbers to the relevant authorities:
i. Deputy Rector in charge of student affairs and
ii. Student Development Division or
iii. Office of the Campus Director, Kuantan Campus or
iv. Advisor/Deputy Dean in charge of student affairs /Respective Mahallah Principal

Please use the office bearer template provided (hyperlink)

Please submit the lists of the following members to the relevant authority for data updating

The list must include the students’ matriculation numbers AND must be verified by both
president and secretary of the club using the following format. (hyperlink)

4. Submission of proposed annual calendar or almanac.

5. The new presidents and secretaries shall attend the Management Course for Student
Leaders organised by S-DEV or other relevant authorities.

3.6 EGM

Refer to Standing Order on Rules of Student Society Supervision & Management 2003

3.7 Merger, Suspension and Dissolution of a Student Organisation

Refer to Standing Order on Rules of Student Society Supervision & Management 2003

3.8 Codes of Ethics

The IIUM students are expected to be well-mannered following the rules and regulations of
the University and Shariah.

3.8.1 Media Statement

Students are not allowed to make media statements without prior approval from the Deputy
Rector in charge of student affairs. Please get the advice of the officer in charge of the
student body for any statements to be made in the media.


4.1 Filing System

Each student body should at least create one official file and file all documents properly.
The file should be kept at the office of the relevant officer in charge. The committee may
have or keep separate files containing photocopies of documents. Among the contents of
the file are:

 Constitution of the student body

 List of office bearers and members
 Calendar
 Annual Reports
 Copies of outgoing and incoming letters

The file must have the following information:

 Name
 Reference number
 Date it was created
 File Minutes : to have columns for Number, Particulars, Sender
and Date of document
 Official documents

4.2 Financial Record System

The treasurer of a student body should keep and update the financial record of the student
body. The file should be checked by the officer in charge to ensure the good management
of cash by the student body.

4.3 Planning for Activities & Almanac

All student bodies should plan their activities and programmes annually. The planning of
activities should be carried out immediately after the AGM with the help of the advisor.
Each student body must consider the following elements when planning their activities:

i. Nature of the student body

ii. Functions of the student body
iii. Objectives of the student body
iv. Capability of the members
v. Availability of budget.
vi. Availability of Facilities
vii. Avoid impermissible/moratorium dates of the University

The activities must be able to develop the following soft skills among the members of the
student body:

 Communication skills
 Critical thinking and problem solving skills
 Team building skills
 Life-long learning skills
 Entrepreneurship skills
 Leadership skills
 Professional and moral ethics *(same as 2.7.1, except for *)

The activities should follow the constitution of student bodies as well as the University
Academic Calendar.

Almanac Calendar

An Almanac consists of names of the programmes, proposed dates and estimated budget
for one whole year. It is recommended for a table to be drawn so that it is easy for the
relevant authorities to refer to and plan for the overall activities of the students. The
almanac must be submitted to the relevant authorities before the second week of Semester
2. NO programme should be conducted before the almanac is submitted to the authorities.

4.4 Student Body’s Profile

A student body’s profile is a document that describes the details of the student body. The
student body should review and renew the profile every year. The profile is useful when the

club receives visitors from other universities and during promotional drives to get new

Contents of a student body’s Profile:

1. Introduction and background of the student body

2. Mission
3. Vision
4. Objectives
5. Nature
6. Activities
7. Modules
8. Achievements
9. Organizational chart
10. Network
11. Number of active members
12. Testimonials

4.5 Student Body’s Bulletin

All bulletins or newsletters produced by a student body can only be published and
distributed after being approved by the approving authority.

The advisor or officer in charge should be consulted for advice on the contents of the
bulletin. Students are advised to check the grammar with the Centre for Language and Pre-
University Academic Development (CELPAD).

To publish the bulletin/newsletter, prepare a proposal and fill the Student Program Form
and submit them to the approving authority.

The contents of a bulletin must:

i. Reflect the good image of the University and students

ii. Follow the IIUM Students’ Code of Ethics

4.6 Brochures

Student Bodies brochures are summarised information about the student bodies concerned.
All central student bodies should have brochures to promote their activities. The contents of
the brochure need to be checked and approved by the officer in charge.

Basic contents of the brochure may include:

 Student body’s Logo

 Introduction of the student body
 Mission
 Vision
 Objectives

 Nature
 Activities
 Organisational chart
 Office Address & Contact Number
 Pictures

The brochure must be submitted to the officer in charge for endorsement before it can be

4.7 Student body’s website

Student bodies may create official websites to promote their activities. All websites of the
central student bodies must be approved by the relevant authorities. The kulliyyah-based
societies, associations and MRC should get approval from the office of the respective
Deputy Dean of student affairs or Mahallah Principal who are responsible to monitor the
contents of the websites. Students can refer to the guidelines prepared by the ITD in
creating club websites at

Procedures in creating websites are as follows:

i) A form ( available at the respective office or STADD website ) must be filled in.

ii) The recommendation of the officer in charge of the unit concerned must be

iii) The layout and contents of the website must be shown to the web administrator at
the respective supervising authority for approval.

iv) A web representative must be appointed in order to access the student body’s
accounts. The access can be obtained by sending the student body’s name and
username to

v) The student body’s representative is responsible for providing information and

maintaining the contents of the website.

vi) All web pages must adhere to University policies and guidelines. The officer in
charge of the student body is responsible for monitoring the content of student
body’s website and has the right to remove anything in violation of the said
policies and guidelines.

vii) Basic contents of a website include:

 Introduction and background of the student body

 Mission
 Vision
 Objectives
 Nature
 Activities
 Achievements
 Organisational chart
 Network
 Number of active members
 Club ethics
 Testimonials


5.1 Categories of Programmes

5.1.1 Student-Driven Programmes

Refer to programmes initiated by student bodies. The proposal is prepared by the

students and recommended by the advisor. The student incharge should complete
the Student Programme Form (SPF) before submitting to the approving authority
not less than 21 working days before the programme.

5.1.2 Department-Driven Programmes

Refer to programmes for students organised by the university authority such as S-

DEV, ISD, Kulliyyah, and Mahallah. The proposal is prepared by the officer-in-
charge and submitted to the approving authority for recommendation or approval.

The Student Programme Form (SPF) must be filled in by the officer in-charge.

5.1.3 Invitational Programmes

Refer to programmes organised by external organisations inviting students to

participate in their programmes. Fill the Invitation Programme Form (IPF) and
attach the invitation letter from the external organisation.

The form must be submitted to the approving authority not less than 9 days before
the programme starts.

5.1.4 Joint Programmes

Refer to programmes organised by students or departments in collaboration with

other agencies. The students must fill the Joint Programme Form (JPF) to seek the
approval from the joint authorities. (hyperlink)

All proposals are to be recorded in the STARS by the staff in-charge. Depending
on who organises the programme, the record entry is made at:

i. STADD for student bodies supervised by STADD

ii. Sports & Recreational Centre (SnRC) for sports and recreational based
iii. Respective Office of the Deputy Dean incharge of student affairs for
kulliyyah-based societies
iv. Respective Office of the Mahallah for Mahallah-based activities
v. Office of International Students Division (ISD) for student bodies
supervised by ISD
vi. CENSERVE for community services activities
vii. Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) for entrepreneurship

5.2 Level of Programme

It is important to classify the level of the activity in the SPF as below:

i) International Level

Refers to programmes with participants from outside Malaysia or the

venue of the programme is outside Malaysia. Example: International
Conferences, Overseas Educational Trips, International Debating
Championship, etc.

ii) National Level

Refers to programmes with participants from Malaysia or representing

organisations or universities within Malaysia. Example: SUKMA, Inter-
Varsity Nasyid Competitions etc.

iii) University Level

Refers to programmes whose participants are from IIUM only.

iv) Student Body Level

Refers to programmes whose participants are the members of the student

body only.


All programmes should be planned early and recorded in the almanac/calendar.

There are four phases in organising a programme,which are:

i. Feasibility study
Study the feasibility of activities. Determine the target group and the
target/goals/objectives to be achieved. (Answer the question WHAT? WHO? WHY?)
ii. Planning
Identify the resources available such as people, budget, date, time, and venue. Recruit
the committee members. (Answer the question HOW? WHEN? WHERE?)

iii. Implementation
Run the programme according to the planning. Discuss arising problems troubleshoot
immediately. Monitor the programme closely for the smooth running of the event.

iv. Evaluation and reporting

Prepare questionnaires and request participants to fill them to evaluate the programme.
Submit financial and programme reports.

6.1 Writing a Proposal

A proposal/working paper is considered as the foundation of a programme because the facts

and figures mentioned would form the basis of how solid the project would be. Write
correct and concise information in the proposal. The proposal/working paper must be
written in English. However, the Malay version of the paper should be prepared if needed.

A proposal/working paper can be divided into two parts, which are:

 details of the programme

 budget

You can use the template provided.

Please take note of the following:

a) Programme Agenda

A complete tentative schedule inclusive of time, date, venue, slot (s), proposed
topics, and proposed speakers should be included.

The background of the proposed speakers must be attached

The reserve list of speakers for all topics (at least two speakers for each topic)
should also be included. All proposed speakers and topic must be relevant to
the programme.

Use “programme schedule” instead of “tentative programme” for the finalised


b) Organising Committee

For large scale programmes, students can invite a patron and divide the
committee into steering committee and working committee.

i) Patron

Students may propose a patron depending on the level of the programme.

The following should be observed:

 Name of the proposed patron, taking into account the relevance and
level of the programme i.e., international, national, or university.

 The consent from the proposed patron should be sought once the
programme has been approved. Write a letter through the office of
the approving authority of the programme. (Please refer to the
guideline on letter writing in this e-book.)

 The approval of the programme does not mean that the patron is
automatically appointed.

 Name only one patron for the whole programme; hence sub-
programmes are not encouraged to have separate patrons.

ii) Steering committee

The steering committee consists of the advisor/s, officer in-charge and

programme manager.

 List not more than three (3) advisors, together with their respective
posts. You may have only one advisor if the programme does not
involve collaboration with other organisations.

 These advisors are responsible for overseeing the organisation of the

particular programme.

iii) Working Committee

The Main committee normally consists of the following posts:

 Ex-officio (One of the office bearers of the organisation)
 Programme manager
 Secretary
 Treasurer/Finance controller
 Programme Coordinator
 Other committee members relevant to the programme

List down the full names of the committee members with matriculation
numbers (compulsory) and contact numbers for easy reference.

For simple or small scale programmes, you can create just the working
committee without a steering committee.

c) Budget

i) Estimated Expenditure:

 Administration/Secretariat.

- Stationery
- Telephone/stamp/fax
- Printing: working paper, invitation, souvenir / programme
- Other related matters

 Honorarium/Souvenir for Speakers and VIPs.

- The honorarium depends on the nature of the task such as

officiator, speaker, panelist, trainer, or facilitator.

 Publicity

- Publicity would be in the form of printed (banners, posters,

backdrops, pamphlets or broadcast) media.

 Transportation

- Transportation for participants (please liaise with the Transport

Unit for the rates)

 Food

- Food (please state in detail the rate and the number of meals
provided for speakers / guests / participants).
- Food provider must be registered with IIUM.

 Lodging / Accommodation

- Please state the location and the rate of accommodation.

 Rented facilities

- Venues, AV equipment, canopies, etc.

- If renting from external contractors, please get at least THREE


 Miscellaneous

 Total expenditure

ii) Expected Income:

 Sponsors

(Please attach a list of prospective sponsors)

 Registration fees/Tickets

(Please indicate the amount charged to the participants)

 STADD/ISD/Kulliyyah/Centre/Mahallah/Institute

 Other related matters

(Income raised by the societies e.g. Advertising in the souvenir book)

 Total expected income

d) Conclusion

Provide a summary on why the programme should be considered for approval

in the conclusion.

6.2 Guideline on Budgeting

 Financial assistance from the University should be construed as an initial operating

budget to conduct the programme. Student bodies should plan their activities according
to availability of budget.

 As a guideline, the following list provides the maximum allocation of budget for
student programmes:

Group Binding / Induction Courses Should not exceed 20% of annual allocation
inclusive of the cost of transportation.

Appreciation Programmes Department-driven: Max. RM 15 per head. (Finance

Division Circular No.5/2010)
Appreciation programmes for office bearers of
student bodies at kulliyyah and mahallah levels Student-driven: Max. RM300 per year (subject to
should be organised by the respective offices. endorsement in executive meeting no.4/2011)

Allocation for meals/refreshment for student driven Refreshment: RM3 per head
programmes (Finance Division Circular No.5/2010) Lunch or dinner: RM5 per head
VIP (breakfast/tea break/lunch/dinner) : Maximum
RM 50 per pax per programme

Opening/ Closing Ceremony by non-VIP:

Breakfast RM 7 per head
Lunch/Dinner RM 10 per head
Tea Break RM 7 per head
(Finance Division Circular No.5/2010)

Daily meals allowance outside IIUM (including RM 25 per day/ per head (Peninsular Malaysia)
*Accommodation (for students programmes) Max: RM 100.00 per day/ per head (Manual of
Financial Policies and Procedures No.11)
Allowance for selected students representing the Local : RM 25 per day/per head
University Overseas : RM 50 per day

Allowance for appointed Student Facilitators RM10 per day/ per head
/Secretariat (Department-driven programmes only) Maximum RM 100
(whichever is lesser)
AGM RM100.00 - RM 350.00 per society per year
(depending on the number of members)
Promotion Booth RM150.00 per programme
Fuel for using own car (student) As per receipt
* Subject to availability of the budget



Professional & Management Group (Special Grade) RM 300.00 per hour RM 100.00 per hour
Professional & Management Group (Grade 53 & 54) RM 200.00 per hour RM 100.00 per hour
Professional & Management Group (Grade 45 - 52) RM 150.00 per hour RM 90.00 per hour
Professional & Management Group (Grade 41 – 44) RM 120.00 per hour RM 80.00 per hour
Support Group RM 80.00 per hour RM 60.00 per hour
* Government Circular No.

6.3 Master Plan for Programme

The Master Plan for each programme should be prepared by the programme manager as a
guideline to ensure all necessary actions will be taken accordingly.

The Master Plan must include details such as action plan, names of persons-in-charge,
timing and deadline as well as Gantt Chart.

Table 1: Sample of a Master Plan



6.4 Programme Flow Chart

Run Prepare
Improve proposal
Programme reports

Inform the
KIV students

NO Disburse
MANAGER Receive Proposal and Partial Receive reports Key in data in
Recommended Request program
INCHARGE/ completed SPF payments from the ‘STARS’
From students manager students
to the students
To collect
Approval letter
Discuss with students for YES End
alternatives NO

Verified by YES Issue Prepare Prepare cheque

AUTHORITY approving approval cheque for
authority letter for Other payments
KIV advancement
6.5 Step-by-Step Procedure of the Approval Process

a) Programmes by Central Clubs

1. Form a team to plan the programme. Prepare the draft of the working paper. Decide
who will be the committee members.

2. Arrange a preliminary discussion on the first draft of the working paper/proposal with
the Advisor.

3. Submit the working paper to the Officer in Charge (OIC) for checking.

4. The Officer in charge (OIC) checks whether the information is enough and follows the
deadline. The OIC recommends or keeps it in view (KIV) or rejects the working paper
and signs on the SPF.

5. The OIC submits the working paper to the Head of Department.

6. The proposal is processed for approval. The staff in charge keys in the first data in

7. If the programme needs the Rector’s approval, the office concerned fills up Rector’s
Approval form and submits it to the office of Deputy Rector (SA) together with the
proposal paper;

8. Applications to get approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are prepared by the
office of the Deputy Rector (SA).

9. The student in charge will be informed on the status of the programme as soon as the
decision is made by the Approving Authority.

10. Letter of approval can be collected by any of the committee members for the
programme. The letter should be signed by the receiver at the space provided at the
back of the letter and leave one copy to be kept by the OIC.

11. The OIC fills in the Advancement form to request for advancement.

12. Cheques will be prepared by the officer in charge of finance at the respective office.

13. Cheques or cash will be given to the treasurer of the programme by the OIC and the

14. Payments to vendors should be made using invoices. Students can only deal with
vendors who are registered with the Finance Division.

15. The advisor of the club or the officer in-charge should monitor the programme and to
stop the programme if it deviates from the proposal of the programme.

16. The Secretary of the programme submits the activity and financial report to the unit in
charge within 14 days after the programme has been completed.

17. The OIC keys in the names of students involved in the programme in STARS within 30
days after the programme has been completed.

b) Programmes by Mahallah Representative Committee

1. Form a team to plan the programme. Prepare the draft of the working paper. Decide
who will be the committee members.

2. Arrange a preliminary discussion on the first draft of the working paper/proposal with
the advisor/advisors.

3. The fellow in charge checks whether the information is enough and follows the
deadline and recommends or keeps it in view (KIV) or rejects the working paper and
submits the working paper to the Principal.

4. The office of the Principal processes the paper for approval. (Please refer to 6.6) or
click here.

5. Applications to get approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are prepared and sent
by the office of the Deputy Rector (SA).

6. The student in charge is informed on the status of the programme as soon as the
decision is made by the Approving Authority.

7. If the programme needs the Rector’s approval, the office concerned fills the Rector’s
Approval form (click here) and submits it to the office of the Deputy Rector (SAA)
together with the proposal paper.

8. The letter of approval should be collected from the office of the Deputy Rector (SAA)
by the Programme Manager or the Programme Secretary. The letter should be signed
by the receiver at the space provided at the back of the letter and one copy should be
submitted to the OIC.

9. The Fellow in charge fills in the Advancement form to request for advancement;

10. Cheques will be prepared under the name of the Principal of the Mahallah by the
Finance Unit under DRSA Office

11. Cheques or cash will be given to treasurer of the programme by the Principal and the
receiver should sign the Certification of Receiving Cash/Cheque Form.

12. Payments to vendors should be done through invoices. Students can only deal with
vendors who are registered with IIUM.

13. The fellow in charge should monitor the programme and has the right to stop it if it
deviates from the original proposal of the programme.
14. The Secretary of the programme submits the activity and financial reports to the
mahallah office within 14 days after the completion of the programme.

15. The fellow in charge keys in the names of students involved in the programme in
STARS within 30 days after the completion of the programme.

c) Programme by Kulliyyah Societies/ Associations

1. Form a team to plan the programme. Prepare the draft of the working paper. Decide
who will be the committee members.

2. Arrange a preliminary discussion on the first draft of the working paper/proposal with
the advisor(s).

3. Submit the working paper to the staff in charge at the office of the Deputy Dean (SA).

4. The office of the Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) processes the proposal for approval.
(Please refer to 6.6) or click here

5. If the programme needs the Rector’s approval, the office concerned fills the Rector’s
Approval form (click here) and submits it to the office of Deputy Rector (SAA)
together with the proposal paper.

6. Applications to get approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are prepared and sent
by the office of the Deputy Rector (SA).

7. The student in charge is informed on the status of the programme as soon as the
decision is made by the Approving Authority.

8. The letter of approval should be collected by the Programme Manager or the

Programme Secretary from the office. The letter should be signed by the receiver at the
space provided at the back of the letter and one copy should be given to the OIC.

9. The Officer in charge fills in the Advancement form to request for advancement, and
records it in STARS.

10. The Deputy Dean hands over the check/cash to the treasurer of the programme. The
treasurer signs the Certification of Receiving Cash/Cheque Form upon receiving the

11. Payments to vendors should be done through invoices. Students can only deal with
vendors who are registered with IIUM.

12. The advisor of the club and officer in charge should monitor the programme and to stop
it if it deviates from the original proposal of the programme.

13. The Secretary of the programme must submit the activity and financial reports. (please
refer to page 54)

14. The staff in charge keys in the names of students involved in the programme in

d) Process of Approving Joint Programmes

1. The team generates ideas to organise a programme and prepares a proposal;

2. The team decides the organization which will be the main organiser of the programme,
the distribution of budget, division of work among the team members and recording of
the data in STARS.

3. The Programme Manager arranges a preliminary discussion on the first draft of the
working paper/proposal of the programme with the advisor of the respective student

4. The Programme Manager fills in the Student Programme Form (SPF) (click here) and
the Joint Programme Form (JPF) (click here) and seeks recommendation from the joint

5. The Programme Manager then submit the working paper to the Officer in charge for
checking and editing.

6. The Officer in charge recommends or reject the working paper and submits the
working paper to the approving authority accordingly.

7. The Officer in charge submits the proposal to the approving authority for approval.

8. If the programme needs the Rector’s approval, the office concerned should fill the
Rector’s Approval form (click here) and submit it to the office of the Deputy Rector
(SAA) together with the proposal.

9. Applications to get approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are prepared and sent
by the office of the Deputy Rector (SA)

10. The student in charge will be informed on the status of the programme as soon as the
decision is made by the Approving Authority.

11. The Advancement forms must be filled in by the OIC of advancement;

12. Cheques will be prepared by the Finance Officer of the respective office according to
the agreement in the proposal paper.

13. Cheques or cash will be given to the treasurer of the programme by the OIC and the
treasurer should sign the Certification of Receiving Cash/cheque Form.

14. Payments to vendors should be done through invoices. Students can only deal with
vendors who are registered with IIUM.

15. The advisor of the club and officer in charge should monitor the programme and to stop
the programme if it deviates from the programmes proposal.

16. The Secretary of the programme submits the activity and financial report within 14
days after the completion of the programme.

17. The department that supervises the club which is the main organiser is responsible for
keying in the data in STARS.

e) Process of Approving Invitational Programmes

The process is similar to the approval of student-driven programme except for the form.
Please use the Invitational Programme Form (IPF).(click here)

6.6 Approving Authority


Deputy Director / Deputy Dean/ RM5,000 or below Student Bodies, University
Mahallah Principal and National

Director of Division for Above RM5,000 but below Club, University and
programmes organised by central RM20,000 National

Deputy Rector (SA) for Above RM5,000 but below Club, University and
programmes organised by RM20,000 National
kulliyyah-based societies and
MRC upon recommendation by
the respective Deputy Dean in-
charge of student affairs or
Mahallah Principal.
Executive Director of Finance RM20,000 but below Any level of programme if
and Rector the budget is RM20,000 but
RM 200,000 below RM 200,000

Rector RM 20,000 and up to RM All levels of programmes

200,000 involving outside

Rector and the Chairman of Any amount All levels of programmes

Standing Finance Committee (check policy no.11)
* endorsed by BOSA
* Applicable to both budget from University and other sources

6.7 Submission of Proposal

Students are encouraged to prepare and submit proposals to the respective authorities early
to ensure the smooth process of approval.



University/club level Not less than 30 days before the date of


National level Not less than 3 months before the date of


Regional/International level Not less than 6 months before the date of


Programmes that require sponsorship from Not less than 3 months before the date of
outside parties, regardless of level programme

Invitational To be decided on case by case basis

6.8 Promotion of Programme

Students can use various means for promotion of programmes such as buntings and displaying of
banners but must avoid wastage and focus more on the quality of the programme and its contents.

6.8.1 Banners/Buntings/Posters/Flyers

No banners/buntings/posters/notices can be displayed without approval from the

office of the approving authority. Students can request for approval by filling up
the form available at the respective office.

 Attach the draft of contents as well as the approval letter when submitting
the form. Students may be required to pay a certain amount as deposit.

 Use only English or Arabic unless approved by the Deputy Rector.

 The size of the poster is either A3 or A4 and the banner is 4’ x 12’.

 Posters / advertisements / flyers / banners must be put up at appropriate

places (notice boards, banner poles) and other places approved by the

 Get the approval from the relevant Local Authority (e.g.: Majlis
Perbandaran Selayang) for putting up banners/buntings outside the

 Posters / advertisements / flyers / banners must be taken down not later

than five days after the permit’s expiry date. Failing to do so, the deposit
will be forfeited.

 Any posters /advertisements / flyers that fail to comply with the University
rules and regulations will be taken down without prior notice.

 Any materials that might damage the notice boards, walls, poles, glass
walls must not be used to put up the posters /advertisements / flyers.

6.8.2 Media

Students may promote their programmes through various forms of media,

subject to the following:

i) All media statements can only be done with approval from the Deputy
Rector in charge of student affairs

ii) Advice from the Corporate Communication Division (CCD) should be

sought in order to make a media statement.

iii) Invitation to the press to provide coverage of any programme must be

made through the Corporate Communication Division (CCD) upon
approval by the approving authority.

6.8.3 IIUM Website

Students may request to place an advertisement to promote their programme at the

IIUM official website through the respective office.

6.9 Engaging other Departments in Student Events

In the event that students need services from other departments such as the following,
students should fill up the forms provided by the respective offices:

i) Security Management Unit

ii) Corporate Communication Division
iii) Centre for Professional Development
iv) IIUM Properties
v) Food, Facilities and Service Department
vi) SHAS Mosque
vii) Sports & Recreational Centre
viii) Transportation Unit

ix) IIUM Health & Wellness Centre

The facilities and services are subject to the approval from the respective offices.

6.10 Opening and Closing Ceremonies

The opening and closing ceremony of any programme is optional. Students may plan to
have either an opening or closing ceremony. Provide a specific itinerary for the event.

6.10.1 Guidelines for opening and closing ceremony

i) Confirm the availability of the VIP at least three days before the event. Reconfirmation of
attendance should be done a day before the event.
ii) Confirm the presence of other invited guests.
iii) Get the programme details or any information to be distributed checked by the advisor (s)
or the officer in charge.
iv) Distribute the programme details or itinerary to all guests.
v) Have a rehearsal to make sure the actual ceremony will run smoothly.
vi) Conduct all events in English or Arabic. However, when there is a need to use Bahasa
Melayu or other languages, students may request for approval from the relevant authority.

6.11 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or any form of Agreement

All Memoranda of Understanding or Agreement must be advised and recommended by the

Legal Unit and approved by the Rector only. Students are NOT allowed to sign any
agreement with any organization on behalf of the University.

6.12 Additional Guidelines or Regulations

Please take note that certain programmes may have additional guidelines or regulations
according to the nature of the programme such as:

a) Community services, entrepreneurship and cultural activities

All community services, entrepreneurship and cultural activities should be referred to the
respective authorities for consultation, monitoring and recording purposes.

b) Sports and recreational activities

Any sports and recreational activities should be discussed with the Sports and Recreational

c) Trips

For the security and safety of the participants and the accompanying officer, it is advisable
to take security measures such as insurance coverage for high risk programmes overseas.

d) Publications

All publications such as newsletters should be checked and recommended by the advisor of
the student bodies before submission for approval from the relevant authority. Students are
advised to have their publications proofread by any centre of languages within IIUM. The
cost shall be borne by the student bodies.

e) Film Shows

Screening of movies on VCDs or DVDs other than home viewing is considered public
viewing. This is against the Copyright Act (include year).

Students are not allowed to organize/screen film shows without the approval from the
respective film distributors. Infringement of copyright is punishable by law.

6.13 Organisers and co-organisers

A programme can be organised by a single organiser or in collaboration with other


 Co-organisers - If the programme involves other organisations, one or more bodies

having major roles in the programme, and two or more organisations are involved.
 Collaboration - One body is the main organiser while the others have minor roles in the
programme (terms like ‘in cooperation with' are commonly used).
 A detailed list of the individual bodies, organisations, and/or companies, which are
involved in the programme must be submitted to the relevant authority.
 All organizers are required to indicate their agreement in writing or by signing the
Joint Programme Form.
 The main organizer is responsible to prepare the programme and financial report

6.14 Moratorium Dates for Student Programmes

No activities shall be conducted during the following major events:

 Convocation Fiesta (except activities approved as part of the programme)

 SRC Elections
 From the 10th week of lectures in the Regular Semester and the 6th week in the short
semester until the end of examination week (not applicable for kulliyyah using block
 Any dates instructed by the university authority from time to time.

The Approving Authorities may consider approving applications for small scale
activities which do not affect student in their studies. Such programmes include
spiritual activities, academic/intellectual briefings, and Annual General Meetings. All
programmes directed by the Ministry or the University authorities or any other
programmes under the discretion of the authorities are exempted from this rule.

6.15 Postponement/Cancellation of a Programme/Change of venue/date/speaker

Students are not allowed to postpone a programme unless with approval from the
relevant authority. The details of the procedures are as follows:

a) Letter of request must go through the officer in-charge

b) Application for the postponement must be submitted before the date of the approved
c) The following information should be included in the letter :
 Reason(s) for the postponement/ change,
 New schedule/date/time/venue,
 New CV of the speakers, if any, etc.
d) A copy of the letter must be given to the Officer in charge
e) All respective departments/units must be informed if and when relevant.

6.16 Accompanying Officer

An accompanying officer is needed to supervise programmes organised by the students.

The following guidelines should be adhered to:
a) The Advisor of the student body may act as the accompanying officer. If he is not
available, the student body may suggest another IIUM staff subject to the consent of the
relevant approving authority.
b) Fill in the Accompanying Officer Form.
i) The presence of the accompanying officer depends on the following:
ii) overseas trip (to be led by officers from Grade 41 and above)
iii) level of risks
iv) sensitivity of activities
v) the presence of VIPs or VVIPs

c) The accompanying officer should be present throughout the programme

6.17 Letter Writing

a) Guidelines on Letter Writing

i. Students are not allowed to send out any letter unless the programme has been

ii. Letterhead

- Student Bodies letterhead is to be used for internal and external

correspondence with the provision “through relevant authority” as stated in
the Table below.
- The letterhead is used for the first page of the letter only


i. Royalties Rector
ii. Prime Minister
iii. Head of States
iv. Deputy Prime Minister
v. Chief Ministers
vi. Ministers
vii. Ambassadors
viii. President of IIUM

i. Deputy Ministers Head of the Deputy Rector in

ii. Deputy Chief Ministers Office charge of student
iii. Deputy Vice Chancellors of affairs
iv. State or General Secretary of
i. Deputy General Secretary of Director /Dean of
Ministries Kulliyyah
ii. Rector
iii. Director General or the Deputy
Director General of government
iv. Dean of Kulliyyahs
i. Middle-rank Government Deputy Director
officials /Deputy Dean /

i. Press Director of Public

Relations Officer

i. Directors Officer in charge

ii. Principals or advisor
iii. Deputy Directors
iv. Deputy Deans

iii. The contents of the letter must be discussed with the officer in charge before
iv. Checklist form must be attached with the letter.

b) Format of Official Letters

 Reference Number / Date

Use appropriate file reference

 Addressee / Recipient

Verify spellings of name, title, designation and address of the receiver.

 Salutations / Greetings

Greet with salam whenever appropriate.

Use the right salutation such as:

Dear Sir,
Dear Ms,
Dear Madam,
Dear Miss,
Y.Bhg Datuk Seri,
Y.Bhg Dato’ Sri
Yang Amat Berhormat
Yang Berhormat
Your Excellency

 Topic of the letter

Write the topic of the letter in bold using CAPITAL LETTERS as a brief
description of the purpose of the letter.

 Content

The content of the letter must be brief and precise. Use simple sentences
and avoid bombastic words.

For letters of invitation, state the purpose of the programme.

Details of the programme such as the venue, topic of the talk, time and
Date must be stated.

The letter is concluded with a brief concluding remark, which is normally

to appreciate the cooperation or attention given by the receiver.

 Signature, name and designation of the sender must be included

Write the name of the sender who signs the letter in bold using CAPITAL

State the designation of the sender. If the committee member who is

supposed to sign the letter is not available, another member can sign it and
write his or her own name on behalf of the actual committee member.

 Font, spacing and alignment

- Leave a space of one inch on both left and right margins.
- Use 1.0 line spacing (single spacing).
- Use font size 12.
- Align your paragraph in justified form.
 Check the content, format and grammar of the letter with the advisor or the
officer in charge before sending it to the receiver.

Sample of letter (click here)

6.18 Evaluation of Programme

The evaluation form shall be distributed to participants at the end of every programme.
The analysis of the evaluation should be included in the programme report. Click sample.

6.19 Report of Programme

The report of the programme must be submitted to the approving authority 14 days after
the completion of the programme. Use the Report Programme Form.

a) The report should include the following but not limited to:

 Achievement of the objectives of the programme

 Post mortem on any shortcomings in the programme
 Suggestions to improve similar future programmes
 Actual number of participants
 Actual programme schedule (not as given while applying for the approval
of programme)
 Name of guest(s)
 Response to the programme
 Colour photographs (4R),
 Complete list of working committee members and participants with their
respective matriculation numbers
 Conclusion
 Signature of the programme secretary who prepares the report

b) Financial Report

The financial report of the programme should be submitted within 14 days after the
completion of the programme. The report must include the following:

 The income (fees/sponsors/tickets) and expenditure of the programme (Attach the

relevant receipts/documents).
 All original receipts, which must be pasted neatly on A4 size paper with a heading
on expenses on each page and certified by the Advisor/Principal/Fellow/Officer in
 Plain receipts, stamped by the company/shop who issued them.
 Expenditure without receipts must be written on a piece of A4 paper with details of
purchase and certified by the Advisor/Principal/Fellow.
 Double receipts, please paste either one.

 A copy of the financial report, submitted by the programme treasurer to the
approving authority even if the programme is self- sponsored.
 Tallied items of expenditure with the items approved on the working paper.
 A signed report by the programme treasurer

NO reimbursement shall be entertained more than 3 months from the last date of the


There can be more than one event in one programme. It is advisable to appoint a Programme
Coordinator to oversee the smooth running of the whole programme.

7.1 Things to Do Before An Event

i) Have a general idea of the proposed event what and how the event is going to

ii) Recruit the committee members

iii) Plan the activities accordingly and present it to all the committee members for
further opinions, comments and suggestions.

7.2 Running Order of Events

In order to ensure the smooth running of an event, the committee is encouraged to prepare a
running order of events as a guideline on the flow of event.

Please refer to the sample Running Order of Events.

7.3 Job scope of committees/ Functions of Various Event Committees

Each working committee must have clear job scopes to avoid redundancy,
miscommunication as well as minimising errors in organizing an event.

Refer to the sample Function/Job Scope of Working Committees.

7.4 Programme Agenda

Refer to the sample Programme Agenda of Closing Ceremony.

7.5 Souvenirs/Tokens for Speakers & VIPs

Souvenirs and honorariums depend on the nature of the job of the invited speaker: as
officiator, speaker, penalist, trainer, facilitator, etc. The following table lists the categories
of guests, functions and souvenirs/tokens

Types of Souvenirs

Categories Functions
of Guests
As officiator As speaker/penalist As trainer

External University University Cash as per discussion

VVIP memorabilia such as memorabilia such as with trainer
books or artwork cash/ books or /government circular

Internal Books or artwork Books/cash/ artwork Cash as per discussion

VVIP with trainer
/government circular

External Books or artwork Books/cash/ artwork Cash as per discussion

VIP with

Internal Books or artwork Books/cash/ artwork Cash as per discussion

VIP with

IIUM staff Books or artwork (for Cash/ books/ Cash as per discussion
big programme only artwork with trainer
or during an event government circular
with more than one

7.6 Booking of Venues and Facilities (Venue Management System(VMS))

a) Venue/s

 Students can book venues and facilities available on campus from the relevant
authorities such as the Food and Services Department, Kulliyah Administrative
Office, Mahallat, SHAHS Mosque or the Sports and Recreational Centre.

 Some of the facilities can be booked online.

 Booking of venues should be done early; within fourteen (14) days before the

 If the students decide to cancel the booking, the authority should be informed as
soon as possible.

b) Students’ Operation Room (subject to availability)

There are three kinds of operation rooms for student activities

 Operation Room for student bodies/secretariat
 Temporary Operation Room for programme
 Meeting Room

c) Booking of Transportation

Booking of University vehicles should be made at the Transportation Unit, according to the
following guidelines:

All transportation bookings must be recommended by the approving authority

 Bookings can only be made after the programme has been approved.
 Booking forms must be submitted at least seven (7) days before the date requested
(within Klang Valley) and fourteen (14) days (outside Klang Valley).
 Cancellations must be made at least three (3) days before the date requested.
 The cost of transportation shall be borne by the student body unless otherwise
stated in the approval paper.

7.7 Protocols

1. Organising formal functions:

a. Choice of VVIP must suit the occasion

b. Arrangement of seating must suit the guest of honour by rank or title that
he/she carries

c. Backdrop and spelling of important information such as date, time, guest name
and title must be correct

d. Public Relations Office must be consulted for advice

2. The management of invitation of guests of honour is as follows:

a. Confirmation of attendance (alone, with spouse or with friends) should be

confirmed with the guest

b. Period to extend the invitation must be indicated

c. Change of date, time and venue (if any) must be indicated in the invitation

d. Prepare the guest list and confirm the seating arrangement.

3. Order of precedence

a. Position in hierarchical order

b. Seating arrangement

c. Salutation Order

d. Time of arrival

e. Arrangement for parking

4. Determination of the order of precedence

a. Relations to the sovereign

b. Senior political positions

c. Order of awards and decorations

d. High judicial, religious ,administrative, professional positions

e. Ambassador, High Commissioners, Envoys

5. Seating arrangements

a. Guest of honour sits in the middle

b. If there is an odd number of guests- the seniority of the officials should be from
the right of the most senior guest

c. If there is an even number of guests, seniority begins from the left of the most
senior guest

d. All seats must be tagged in the hall and during refreshments

6. Dress Code

a. The dress code is to be specified in the invitation cards/letters (you may remind
the guest of honour)

b. All guests should wear according to what is indicated in the invitation card, or
any attire that is appropriate for the occasion.

7. Reception of VIPs

a. Leading the guest

i. Preferably by the left side of the guest

ii. Lead the guest all the way

b. Ceremonies’ reception
i. A suitable reception to the occasion such as having kompang, bunga
manggar or selawat nabi

ii. Line reception is encouraged depending on suitability of occasion

iii. Something dangerous/risky should br avoided

iv. The PRO should be consulted when a royalty or minister is present

v. Holding room is required for programme involving VVIPs.

8. Checklist of programme

a. Duration of event involving VVIPs or VIPs

i. It should not be more than two hours.

ii. Evening functions, apart from iftar should begin after adhzan Isya’.

b. Time of arrival

i. Students must be ready to receive guest/VIPs at least 15 minutes before

the arrival of guests/VIPs.

ii. The arrival of other guests should not be more than 30 minutes before
the arrival of the main guest.

c. Du’a / Quran Recitation

i. The du’a should not be more than 5 minutes and the meaning should be
related to the programme

ii. The script of the du’a should be checked beforehand.

iii. Quran recitation is optional depending on the occasion

d. Speeches in the programme

i. There should not be more than three speeches in one programme

ii. The most senior in rank/post should be the last to give the speech

iii. Opening Speech by the Programme Manager/ Host is approximately 5 to

7 minutes

iv. Invited guest 8 – 10 mins

v. Officiator 10 – 15 mins

e. Salutations

i. Starting with the most senior in rank/ position

ii. Not more than three persons mentioned

iii. Other guests should be addressed in general

iv. Prepare the list of people to be given salutation according to the

rank/position. The list should be given to each of the people who are
giving a speech. It is advisable to consult with PR Office

f. Gifts and souvenirs for the guests

i. To be presented after all the speeches have ended but before the MC
ends the occasion

g. Refreshments for guests

i. Light refreshments may be provided to the guest of honour after the end
of the function.

ii. It is advisable to check the suitable menu for the VVIPs/VIPs

iii. Consider guest needs/allergies/sensitivities

h. Departure of the guests

i. Usher guest to the car

ii. Line reception as on arrival

iii. Other guests depart according to seniority

i. Master of ceremony (MC)

i. Must be presentable and preferably experienced

ii. Should possess clarity in speech and proficiency in languages

iii. Must be in good health

iv. Should possess good knowledge of the function

v. Should adhere to the text and running order

vi. Should rehearse the script together with the flow of the programme

vii. Master of Ceremony’s must be prepared by host

viii. Script should be edited by officer in charge

ix. Position is preferably not on stage but able to witness what is happening.

j. Functionaries and ushers must

i. Have self confidence and able to work independently

ii. Be physically present

iii. Have the ability to work as a team

iv. Do some homework on the guests and functions

9. Hierarchy of VIP's: Outside IIUM

a) Royalty

b) Prime Minister

c) Deputy Prime Minister

d) Ministers

e) Ambassador

f) Chief Ministers

g) Deputy Ministers

h) Parliamentary Secretary

i) Chief Secretary of Government

j) Secretary General of Ministries

k) Director General of Government Departments

l) Chief Executive Officers/Managing Directors of Public-Listed Companies

m) Other personalities particularly those carrying honorary titles such as Tun,

Tan Sri, Dato’, or conferred awards such as Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah, Sasterawan
Negara, etc.

Regarding protocol matters, it is advisable to consult the Public Relations Office.

VIPs listed from (a) to (e) can be invited for national and international level
programmes only.

Hierarchy of VIPs on Campus

a) Rector

b) Deputy Rector(s) in charge of Academic Affairs, in-charge of Research

and Innovation, in charge of Internationalisation and in charge of Student

c) Executive Directors

d) Deans/Directors (Kulliyyahs/ Divisions/ Centres)/ Chief Librarian

e) Deputy Deans/ Principals/ Deputy Directors (Kulliyyahs/ Divisions/

f) Heads (Kulliyyahs and Departments)/

g) Assistant Directors (Kulliyyahs/Departments)/ Fellows of Mahallat

10. Forms of Salutation

In the Malaysian society, there is a need to know the correct forms of salutations.
There is always an element of sensitivity if guests are not properly addressed. In
protocols perspective, it is necessary to address guests or any other persons

The list of forms of salutation in Malaysian society is chronologically listed as


a) Royalty

Seri Paduka Baginda(SPB) Yang di-Pertuan Agong and SPB Raja Permaisuri
Agong should be addressed as His Majesty or Her Majesty respectively or
Your Majesty (second person).

There are nine kings, one each in the states of Perlis, Kedah, Selangor,
Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Perak and Negeri Sembilan.

The Ruler of each state should be addressed as His Royal Highness and Her
Royal Highness for the consorts.

Princes or princesses are to be addressed as His Highness or Her Highness.

b) Yang Di Pertua Negeri

There are four Yang Di Pertua Negeri. They are from the states of
Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak. They should be addressed as Tuan
Yang Terutama or His Excellency. In conversation, we may address them as
Tun (Toh Puan for the wife) as all of them have been conferred the award that
carries the title Tun.

c) Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Menteri Besar and Chief


They should be addressed as Yang Amat Berhormat (The Most

Honourable) and their wives as Yang Amat Berbahagia.

d) Members of Parliament and Elected Representatives

All members of Parliament (Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat) and elected
representatives of the people are to be addressed as Yang Berhormat
(The Honourable) and their wives as Yang Berbahagia.

e) Judicial and Legal Services

The correct forms of address are as follows:

Yang Amat Arif  The Chief Justice

 The President of the Court of
 The two Chief Judges

Yang Arif  Other judges of the High

Court, Court of Appeal, the
Federal Court and the Shariah
 Judicial Commissioners

Tuan Hakim or Puan  Judges of the Session Courts

Tuan Majistret or Puan  Magistrate Courts

f) Federal/State Order and Decorations (some Federal awards carry titles

as follows) ;

Title Wife Forms of Address

Tun Toh Puan Sri Yang Amat


Tan Sri Puan Sri Yang


Datuk Datin Yang


(Some State Awards carry the titles)

Title Wife Form of Address

Dato'/Dato' Seri Datin/Datin Seri Yang


If the same person is an elected representative of the people, the form of
address Yang Berhormat is preferred.

11. Use Of Titles

a) Malay Language

Table 1

There are seven types of references to respected guests comprising basic

words used in Malay:

Yang Mulia For people with hereditary titles only.

Yang Berhormat Used for selected executives who administer the

country, state and state / country.

Yang Berbahagia Used for people with special titles conferred from
the government, academic or professional sector.

Yang Terutama Used for Head of state without “raja”/king, such as

governors and also representatives of various
foreign countries such as ambassadors, high
commissioners and diplomats.

Yang Arif Used for judges in civil and shariah courts

Yang Berusaha Used for Heads of Departments at federal or state

levels and those without titles or conferred with
specific titles.

Table 2: Titles amongst royalty

Honorary Male Female Honorary

Forms of Forms of
Address Address

D.Y.M.M Seri Paduka Baginda Seri Paduka D.Y.M.M

Yang Di Pertuan Baginda Raja
Agong Permaisuri

D.Y.M.M Raja Perlis Raja Perempuan D.Y.M.M

D.Y.M.M Sultan Kedah Sultanah D.Y.M.M

D.Y.M.M Sultan Selangor Tengku Ampuan D.Y.M.M

D.Y.M.M Yang Di-Pertuan Tunku Ampuan D.Y.M.M
Besar Negeri

K.D.Y.M.M Sultan Pahang Tengku Ampuan D.Y.M.M

K.D.Y.M.M Al-Sultan Kelantan Raja Perempuan D.Y.M.M

D.Y.M.M Sultan Terengganu Tengku Ampuan D.Y.M.M


D.Y.M.M Sultan Johor Sultanah D.Y.M.M

K.D.Y.M.M Sultan Perak Permaisuri D.Y.M.M

Table 3: Honorary Titles

Honorary Male Female Honorary

Forms of Forms of
Address Address

T.Y.T. Yang Di-Pertua Wife of Yang Di- Yang Amat

(Tuan Yang Negeri Pertua Negeri Berbahagia

Y.A.B. Prime Minister Wife of Prime Yang Amat

Minister Berbahagia

Y.A.B. Deputy Prime Minister Wife of Deputy Yang Amat

Prime Minister Berbahagia

Y.B. Minister/ Deputy Wife of Minister/ Yang

Minister/ Parliament Deputy Minister/ Berbahagia
Secretary Parliamentary

Y.B. Yang Di-Pertua Wife of Yang Di- Yang

Dewan Negara / Pertua Dewan Berbahagia
Rakyat and Deputy Negara/Rakyat
and Deputy

Y.B. Member Dewan Wife of Member Yang

Negara, Dewan Dewan Negara, Berbahagia
Rakyat and Member Dewan Rakyat and
Dewan Undangan Member Dewan
Negeri Undangan Negeri

Y.A.A. National Chief Judge Wife of National Yang

Chief Judge Berbahagia

Y.A. High Judge/Federal Wife of High Yang
Court Judge/High Judge/Federal Berbahagia
Court Judge Court Judge/High
Court Judge

Y.Bhg National Chief Wife of National Yang

Secretary Chief Secretary Berbahagia

Y.Bhg National lawyer Wife of National Yang

lawyer Berbahagia

Y.Bhg Army General Wife of Army Yang

General Berbahagia

Y.Bhg National Chief Police Wife of National Yang

Chief Police Berbahagia

Y.Bhg Chief Director of the Wife of Chief Yang

Civil Services Director of the Berbahagia
Civil Services

Table 4 : Religious Honorary Titles

Honorary Male Female Honorary

Forms of Forms of
Address Address

Sahibus Mufti - -

(Tuan Yang

Sahibus Kadi / - -
Kadi Besar
(Tuan Yang

b) English Language

Address to Addressed as (male) Addressed as

Government Refer to use of titles in (female)
Officials Malay Refer to use of titles
in Malay
Ambassadors / His Excellency Her Excellency

Rector / Deputy The Honorable The Honorable


Normal Citizens Sir/Brother/Gentlemen Madam/Sister/Ladies

For further information and confirmation, students should seek advice from the
Public Relations Office.

8 Soliciting Sponsorship

8.1 Types Of Sponsorship

i. Main Sponsorship
ii. Co-sponsorship
iii. Media Partner
iv. Platinum Sponsor, Gold Sponsor etc.
v. Title Sponsorship
1. The Title Sponsorship package includes:
- the visibility of the brand name and company logo inside the venue
and surrounding areas
- The brand name and company logo recognition on all the printed
- The company’s rights and benefits during the event

8.2 How to Get Sponsors

i. Produce a creative and eye-catching “sponsorship proposal document/package”

ii. Identify potential sponsors, at least 10 companies. The ratio to get the sponsors is
iii. Set appointments
iv. Proposal presentation
v. Follow up (Give at least two weeks for response)

8.3 Sponsorship Proposal/Package

The sponsorship package is a document which consists of the following:

a) Cover page
b) Executive Summary of programme
c) Details of programme: name, date, venue, organizer (s), participants, objectives,
financial estimation, etc.
d) Benefits for the sponsor
e) Tentative Programme
f) Highlights of the sub-programme (if any)
i. Brief notes about the sub-programme
ii. List of prominent VIPs
g) Financial Section
i. List of preferences
 E.g. Platinum Sponsor – RM10,000
 E.g. Gold Sponsor – RM5,000
 E.g. Official Drink – RM3,000
h) Contact number of the person in charge
i) Reply Form

8.4 Steps for Seeking Sponsorship

The list below shows the steps to be followed:

1. Submit the details of sponsors (company name, address and contact

person) to the officer in-charge for checking and approval.
2. All letters to the sponsors must be sent through the approving authorities
3. All letters must be written in English. However, special exceptions may be
given on a case-by-case basis.
4. All cheques from sponsors must be made payable to the “International
Islamic University Malaysia”. (BMMB Account No.:14070000004716)
5. All cash received must be submitted to the approving authority to enable
the issuance of receipt to the sponsors for the purpose of tax deductions.
6. All claims of cash/cheques from sponsors must be made by the treasurer of
the programme through the officer in charge. Upon receiving the
cheque/cash from the sponsors, original IIUM receipt will be issued by the
approving authority to the respective sponsors.

8.5 Approval of Sponsorship from the Rector’s Office

The Ministry of Higher Education has outlined the procedure for collecting money. Some
of the important aspects are as follows:
1. Types of programmes:
 Baktisiswa/ Community Service
 Seminar/ Workshop/ Motivation Course
 Expo/ Carnival/ Exhibition
 Overseas Trip/ Educational Trip
 Newsletter (to be published outside the campus)
 Charity Dinner

2. The application should be forwarded to the officer in-charge 3 months

before the date of the programme.

3. The application should go through the approving authority which will then
process it for the approval of the Rector.

4. The collection of sponsorship/donations must be carried out under the

supervision of the approving authorities.

5. The name of the Y.B. Minister of Higher Education, the Office of the
Minister of Higher Education or the name of the officer who approved the
program CANNOT be included in the donation drive that has been hereby
approved, either directly or indirectly.

6. Students are not allowed to seek for donations or sponsorships from any
Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Parliamentary Secretary and Members of

7. The sponsorship committee shall be students of the University only. The

University’s approval must be sought for involvement of participants from
outside the University.

8. Sponsorship drives can only be done during the specific dates as mentioned
in the approval letter.

9. Students are not allowed to seek for sponsorship before receiving a letter of
approval from the approving authority.

Nature of Business

The soliciting of funds and seeking of sponsorship must not incorporate the elements of coercion,
suspicion, uncertainty, unwillingness or burden to any parties so that the soliciting of
sponsorship activities would not tarnish the good image of the University.

8.6 Claims for Sponsorship Cheques From the Finance Division /Application For Cash Budget
Received From Sponsorships

a) Fill up the “Payment Request Form/Request for Advancement Form” and attach it with
the supporting document (Approval Letter and/or Financial Report).
b) The money will be given to the students through the officer in charge
c) If the programme has not been organised, the application must be accompanied with
the list of expected expenditure as stated in the proposal (Please follow the
advancement procedure)
d) If the programme has been organised, an application must be accompanied with the
receipts and bills. Reimbursement will be made according to the amount of expenditure
(Please follow the reimbursement procedure.)

9 Facilities, Equipment and Services for Students

Culture & Arts Unit

The Culture and Arts Unit, Student Development Division provides facilities and services as follows:

1. Experienced Trainers

2. Training Rooms at the Cultural Activity Centre

3. Musical Instruments: gamelan, caklempong, percussions, angklung, band, keyboard

4. Costumes for performers

5. Opportunities to perform on or off campus.

6. Opportunities to attend cultural training/workshops/seminar, etc.


1. Exposure to business training and other related opportunities

2. Opportunities to undergo internship at various agencies

3. Financial assistance for students to start business

4. Opportunities to be involved in Student Bazaar / Student Cooperative (kosiswa)

Uniform-based activities
This unit provides:

1. Training skills

2. Equipment

3. Uniform

4. Opportunities to perform on or off campus

5. Experienced certified trainers

6. Joint programmes with outside agencies

Sports and recreation


1. Training and coaching

2. Sports facilities and equipment

3. Competition opportunities on and off campus.

Speech and Interpersonal Communication

This unit provides:

1. Training, coaching and adjudicating

2. Training facilities such as studio, internet and reading materials

3. Opportunities to compete on and off campus, including overseas

Community Service

1. Training

2. Basic facilities such as transportation

3. Opportunities to experience humanitarian work locally and overseas

4. Expression corners



1. Training

2. Opportunity to represent IIUM

3. Educational Visit

4. Basic Facilities (operation room, meeting room)

5. Opportunity to become student leader


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