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Calculating the carbon footprint of

electronic products

By Dr. Constantin Herrmann,

Margarida Gama, Douglas Helman
PE INTERNATIONAL | November 2012

1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................2

2 Methodology – Life Cycle Assessment............................................................................... 3

3 Goal & Scope definition ....................................................................................................... 4

4 Inventory analysis ...................................................................................................................5

5 Modelling electronic products in GaBi ............................................................................. 6

5.1 Production/manufacturing phase ...................................................................................... 7

5.2 Use phase ................................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 End-of-Life................................................................................................................................ 9
5.4 Transportation ........................................................................................................................ 9

6 Results / Impact assessment ..............................................................................................10

7 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 11

1 Introduction nature of the products. This industry faces the
challenge of collecting the necessary data
In the last two decades carbon emissions have from large supply chains with extensive out-
received growing attention in society, political sourcing and frequent product revisions. A
arenas and business. Being able to measure single electronic subsystem (e.g. mother board
the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted by of a computer) often consists of between sev-
products, activities, people and organizations eral hundred and thousands of components
is increasingly important. For organizations, it (e.g. ICs, capacitors, LEDs, etc.). There are
is a factor in decision-making and impacts about 10 million different electronic compo-
competitiveness. Choosing a product or ser- nents on the market. The number and variety
vice supplier is no longer based solely on the of components and subsystems makes the
price of the product or service, but also on its task of collecting specific information on each
carbon footprint. single component highly challenging from
Carbon footprint definition time and resources perspectives.

‘Carbon footprint’ is a term used to describe A methodological approach to solve this chal-
the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- lenge
sions caused by a particular activity or entity This whitepaper introduces a methodological
and is, thus, a way for organizations and indi- approach for calculating the product carbon
viduals to assess their contribution to climate footprint considering these industry-specific
change.1 The carbon footprint of a product is challenges and characteristics. The methodol-
calculated using a methodology called Life ogy is based on the extensive knowledge and
Cycle Assessment (LCA). This methodology experience of LCA practitioners. It enables and
takes into consideration the entire life cycle of simplifies the calculation of product carbon
activities or entities including their manufac- footprint for electronic products, delivering
turing, transport, use and end-of-life. robust and representative results which are
To better define these concepts, and obtain compliant with existing standards and regula-
homogeneous results, guidelines, methodolo- tions.
gies and international standards such as PAS One LCA model for an entire product group –
2050, ISO 14040 and ISO 14067 were created. parametric models
To comply with these standards, a product
Setting up individual static LCA models per
carbon footprint must account for emissions
case study, means a lot of work. However, it is
from cradle to grave: from initial resource
possible to use one variable LCA model for an
extraction, to final disposal, including manu-
entire product group. This significantly reduc-
facturing, use-related impacts, and transpor-
es time to generate LCA results per case study
as well as reduces the margin for error. Para-
The challenge of very complex electronic metric (or parameterized) models are built in a
products way that reflects the variances between all
For electronics companies it can be a chal- products within that group. These models
lenge to produce life cycle assessments and contain a number of variables that can be
product carbon footprints due to the complex adjusted by the practitioner to make the
standard model represent specific models. By
1 changing the parameters in the model, practi-
Carbon Trust, Defra, BSI British Standards, PE INTERNA-
TIONAL; Guide to PAS 2050 - How to assess the carbon tioners can easily adapt the LCA model to
footprint of goods and services, 2008, UK. many product variations.
2 Methodology – Life Cycle As- Main steps of an LCA

The first step of an LCA is to define the goal

and scope of the study. This step is followed
The cornerstone of a product carbon footprint by an inventory analysis, where data collection
is the life cycle assessment of the product. is performed and applicable Life Cycle Invento-
According to the ISO 14040/14044 definition, ries (LCIs) are identified or selected. Based on
LCA is the “compilation and evaluation of the this, a model is built and the potential impacts
inputs, outputs and the potential environ- assessed.
mental impacts of a product system through-
All of these steps are dynamic and there is
out its life cycle”.2 An LCA looks at all the po-
always the possibility of going back if neces-
tential environmental impacts of a product’s
sary. Interpretation is extremely important
life cycle through, for example, eutrophica-
and should be practiced throughout the whole
tion, acidification and global warming. The
process. LCAs main steps are depicted in Fig-
results for the global warming potential are
ure 1 and are explained in detail in the follow-
the basis for the carbon footprint. Hence, the
ing sections.
product carbon footprint is one specialized
result of an LCA.

Figure 1: Main steps of an LCA according to ISO 14040:2006

DIN EN ISO 14040, Environmental management – Life
cycle assessment – Principles and framework (ISO

3 Goal & Scope definition
Cradle-to-gate: considers all life cycle steps
Defining the goal and scope is critically im-
from raw material extraction (cradle) to the
portant for the success of the overall assess-
moment at which the product leaves the
ment. According to PAS 2050, “it is vital that
manufacturer (gate).
the product to be assessed is clearly defined at
the outset. For its carbon footprint, the prod- Cradle-to-grave: considers all life cycle stag-
uct must be defined in terms of a ‘functional es from raw material extraction (cradle) to
unit’. The functional unit defines the function disposal at end of life (grave).
of the product that will be assessed and the
quantity of product to which all of the data
collected will relate”.3

To be compliant with PAS 2050, practitioners

must use one of two methods of analysis
(Figure 2 ). The analysis method chosen de-
pends on the purpose of the LCA.

Transport to

Figure 2: Different types of LCA analyses

Carbon Trust, Defra, BSI British Standards, PE Interna-
tional; Guide to PAS 2050 - How to assess the carbon
footprint of goods and services, 2008, UK.

4 Inventory analysis
An accurate inventory is largely dependent on
how closely a product model reflects reality. It
is, therefore, extremely important to have
high quality data. Primary data from your own
operations, so called foreground data, is the
best option, in order to define the system un-
der consideration. Foreground data for elec-
tronic products is typically available in the
format of a ‘Bill of Materials (BOM)’ or the
physical break down of a product. Minimizing
the number of assumptions in this step max-
imizes the precision of the results. GaBi Data-
bases provide the necessary background data
for modelling, typical materials, energies,
auxiliaries, components or sub-systems or in
other words, information from the supply

5 Modelling electronic pro- section presents the different types of parts
and how to approach them in an LCA.
ducts in GaBi
Only such a modularized approach allows
Materials and components used in an elec- practitioners to obtain results that clearly
tronics product: To structure the information show the hot spots of the product. These help
regarding the materials contained in an elec- to focus improvement measures and to simu-
tronic product, it is best to consider the differ- late and identify alternatives to parts, materi-
ent components separately, according to type, als and production processes early in the de-
as presented in the flowchart in Figure 3. This sign phase. Hence, this information is ex-
tremely useful for applying Eco-Design.

Figure 3 - Structure of materials and components within an electronics product

5.1 Production/manufacturing pha- Electronic components - components in which
digital signal or a mix of power and electronic
signals run. To minimize time and effort when
How to approach typified parts modelling, GaBi Databases offer aggregated
Mechanical components: components in datasets arranged by component type. Select-
which no signal runs (e.g. screws, steel sheet ing the correct component requires only its
covers, plastic separators, labels etc.). For type, dimensions and features.
these materials it is relevant to know the type There is a very significant difference between
of material and weight of the parts in order to electronic components’ features, materials,
account for their impacts. Their manufactur- manufacturing processes and impacts. It is not
ing (such as bending, stamping, extruding, considered acceptable to group aggregated
injection moulding etc.) shall be included in datasets for example into passive components
order to obtain more precise results. and active components, since their features
Electro-mechanical components: components and impacts diverge too much not allowing
in which typically analogue signals run (e.g. enough accuracy on the results.
connectors, cables, fans etc.). These elements The types of aggregated datasets of electronic
can be approached similarly to the mechanical components available in GaBi Databases are
components described above or using para- more specific; they are defined by functions,
metric models. These are intelligent models groups and dimensions. For example in the
which combine empirical information in smart case of active components: IC DIP 24 (2.59g)
equations, reflecting the reality in an accurate 35.5x8.2x3.8, IC DIP 42 (6.30g) 54.6x14.1x3.8, IC
way. For this kind of model, the most relevant PLCC 20 (700mg) 8.9x8.9x3.8, IC SO 8 (80mg)
information is typically the material type and 4.9x3.9x1. For passive components: Capacitor
sufficient information to adjust the parame- Ceramic MLCC 1210 (50mg) 3.2x1.6x1.6 (Base
ters (e.g. area, diameter, length etc.). Metals), Capacitor Al-capacitor SMD (300mg)
D6.3x5.4, Resistor flat chip 0402 (0.6mg).

Figure 4 - Simplified example of the modelling concept within GaBi

The list of components covers representatively finishing). A parametric model can be used to
most available electronic components. more precisely define the substrate.

Besides the representative datasets for active Connection system: usually solder pastes;
and passive components, there are also repre- formerly SnPbAg, today typically lead free.
sentative substrates and connection systems
Aggregated modules: aggregated modules
(solders), available.
represent sub-systems or set of various com-
As the functional unit is typically ‘number of ponents that are typically applied in multiple
pieces of electronic components (pieces)’, products (e.g. connectors, cables, TfT panels,
‘area of board (m2)’ or ‘weight of solder (kg)’, fans, electric motors etc.). Using modules
the modelling process becomes more intuitive avoids having to model from the scratch every
and simpler. Figure 4 presents a simplified time. Modules can be used as aggregated
illustration of the concept of modelling elec- datasets or more flexible as parametric mod-
tronic components in GaBi. els depending on how representative the da-
taset is for the specific system under consider-
When modelling electronic components, the
ation. By changing the parameters, the model
following types are available:
can be adapted to the specific configuration.
Active components: components that have an For example, considering a laptop, one com-
active part, typically based on semi-conductive mon module is the TFT display. A parametric
materials (e.g. IC’s, diodes, transistors etc.). model provides all LCA data representing the
The main aspects to be considered are hous- supply chain of manufacturing the mother-
ing type respectively back end packaging (e.g. glass, panel structure, frame and electronics.
within IC’s: SO, TSSOP etc.) and technical fea- The parameter setting allows specification of
tures (e.g. height, length, width, die size, size, panel and lighting technology, back-
number of leads etc.). Within the active com- ground electronics and frame type, thus al-
ponents group, a parametric model can be lowing quickly and efficiently customize a
used to better specify semi-conductors in specific display type.
more detail.
Assembling processes
Passive components: discrete electronic com-
The assembling processes represent the com-
ponents influencing typically power or current
position of substrate, solder and electronic/
without an active function (e.g. capacitors,
electrical components to a final product, i.e. a
resistors etc.). The main aspects to be consid-
populated PCB. In general, the following as-
ered are the type (e.g. within capacitors: alu- pects of assembly need to be considered: en-
minium, MLCC etc.) and technical features ergy consumption, water consumption and
(e.g. diameter, height, length, width etc.). auxiliary materials as well as emissions and
waste generation and treatment.
Substrate: printed circuit board (PCB) or print-
ed wiring board (PWB) without components or
connection system. The substrate is modelled
5.2 Use phase
considering materials and manufacturing Within the use phase, power consumption is
processes and related consumptions. The the most relevant aspect of an electronic
main aspects to be considered are the number product in terms of its carbon footprint. It is
of layers, area, weight and composition (e.g. typically possible to define the power con-
content of copper, glass fibres, TBBA or Au/Ni sumption of an electronic product by consider-

ing the different modes in which it operates electronic boards going into the second
(e.g. on, stand-by, off etc.), time per mode and treatment step and residuals going to landfill.
life span of the product. Other aspects might
The second step relates only to the fraction of
be considered, for example repair and
electronic components. These are shredded
maintenance. In specific cases there may also
using power and result into the following
be considered consumables (e.g. paper on a
options (as shown in Figure 5): recycling of
printer or batteries on mobile devices).
palladium, copper (in combination with pre-
cious metals), platinum, gold and silver, incin-
5.3 End-of-Life eration of residual electronic scrap and landfill
The End-of-Life (EoL) model is a parametric of residues.
model that reflects the treatment (recycling Gained secondary materials get a credit calcu-
and disposal) of products with electronic lation. Parameter variations allow reflecting
components. In order to reasonably consider any collection rate and recycling rate per frac-
the role of electronics in products a two-step tion.
approach is applied to the end-of-life phase.

The first step reflects the manual disassembly 5.4 Transportation

and separation (exhibiting no environmental
There are two main transport phases to be
impacts) of the mechanical components in
considered: transport to customer and
order to apply recycling processes. As shown
transport to EoL. Within the manufacturing
in Figure 5 the various resulting material frac-
phase it is possible to consider the transporta-
tions are: recycling of main metals copper,
tion of the components to the locations where
steel and aluminium, recycling of engineering
they are assembled, i.e. tier 1 supplier. The
plastics (not packaging) as well as recycling of
transports are defined by type and distance.
paper and plastics from packaging and the

Figure 5 - Structure of the End-of-Life model

6 Results / Impact assessment Leveraging your LCA results

Carbon footprints can be leveraged in a num-

A carbon footprint is generally communicated
ber of ways:
in kg CO2-Equiv. To calculate this, the CML-
2001 methodology for calculating Global Quantifying the carbon footprint associat-
Warming Potential is used. This method calcu- ed with each of the products life cycle
lates kg CO2-Equiv. over a 100 year period and phases.
phases . This builds understanding of the rele-
is the most well accepted methodology. Other vance of each phase with respect to the over-
methodologies are available (e.g. EDIP, TRACI, all carbon footprint of the product;
etc.). Identifying
Identifying ‘hot spots’.
spots’ This informs more
When presenting results, these are typically targeted efforts to collect supplier-specific
displayed first as aggregated results, giving an emissions data. Also it highlights opportuni-
overview of the most significant life cycle ties for redesigning the product. It is under-
phases in terms of kg CO2-Equiv. This also stood as eco-design;
conveys a general overview of the carbon Contributing to internal decision making
footprint per phase. Results are then broken defining
and defin ing a sustainability strategy.
down into the different modules, components Knowledge of the product, production pro-
or aspects considered in the assessment ena- cesses and the resulting carbon footprint ena-
bling more detailed analysis of the ‘hotspots’. bles practitioners to better define strategies
The hierarchical models and its level of detail aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the
as described in this paper allow environmen- product;
tally investigating, comparing and evaluating
any electronic product. Sensitivity analyses are Gaining competitive advantage by publicly
performed when needed to ensure the quality communicating results. Through improved
of the footprint. transparency, consumers are empowered to
base purchasing decisions on factors other
than price, features or aesthetics. Also it
proves producers’ competency and thorough
understanding in carrying environmental

7 Summary Cycle Assessment (LCA) of ICT equipment,
networks and services; General methodology
Being able to measure the carbon footprint of and common requirements), ITU Toolkit on
products is increasingly important, as it is a Environmental Sustainability in the ICT Sector
factor in decision-making and impacts com- or ICT GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Ac-
petitiveness. Calculation of a carbon footprint counting and Reporting Standard ICT Sector
is achieved through conducting a life cycle Guidance.
assessment of the product.
This approach allows practitioners to obtain
The approach presented is derived from ex- high-quality results that can be leveraged in
tensive knowledge and experience. It enables many ways: quantifying the carbon footprint
practitioners to calculate the carbon footprint associated with each of the products life cycle
of complex electronic products through the phases; identifying ‘hotspots’; contributing to
combination of foreground information and internal decision making and defining a sus-
background data from GaBi Databases. This is tainability strategy; gaining competitive ad-
achieved simply by scaling and combining vantage by publicly communicating results.
information for representative components
and adapting parameters in intelligent para-
metric models. It is the practical approach to
follow standards such as ETSI TS 103 199 (Life

Hauptstraße 111 - 113
Dr. Constantin Herrmann
70771 Leinfelden - Echterdingen
Margarida Gama
Phone +49 711 341817 - 0 Douglas Helman
Fax +49 711 341817 - 25

PE INTERNATIONAL is one of the world’s most experienced sustainability software, content and stra-
tegic consulting firms. With 20 years of experience and 20 offices around the globe, PE INTERNA-
TIONAL allows clients to understand sustainability, improve their performance and succeed in the
marketplace. Through market leading software solutions, Five Winds Strategic Consulting Services
and implementation methodologies PE INTERNATIONAL has worked with some of the world‘s most
respected firms to develop the strategies, management systems, tools and processes needed to
achieve leadership in sustainability.


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