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z-Base Case. One circuit per corridor. Y matrix analysis.

What planning can you do with Y matrix? From I = YV, you can answer the question “how
much current injection does it take at every bus to hold a constant 200kV(ang 0), at all busses?”

I1  y1,1V1  y1,2V2  y1,3V3  y1, 4V4  y1,5V5  y1,6V6  y1,7V7

I 2  y 2,1V1  y 2,2V2  y 2,3V3  y 2,4V4  y 2,5V5  y 2,6V6  y 2,7V7

If all V’s are 200kV(ang 0),

I1  V  y1, k = 200kV (ang 0) * sum of elements in Y row 1
k 1
I2  V  y 2, k = 200kV (ang 0) * sum of elements in Y row 2
k 1

Thus, to achieve 200kV at all busses, inject j322 amps at bus 1, j667 amps at bus 2, … . Or,
stated as load amps, draw out –j322amps at bus 1, -j667 amps at bus 2, … . If the voltage is
200(ang = 0)kV, an inductor with jX = 200,000 / 322 = j621Ω (i.e., 1.65H) will achieve this.

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