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CNT 2.01.

02-06 Page 47
Ministry of construction and Construction Norms of
construction materials Turkmenistan
industry of Turkmenistan Acceptance of completed CNT 3.01.02-06
buildings and
Basic provisions

1.1 The present construction norms establish the general order for acceptance and
putting into operation of completed by new construction, expansion, reconstruction and
technical re-equipage (hereinafter – construction) of production and non-production
facilities not depending on sources of finance.
As the main scheme of acceptance procedure it is established, that the constructed
facility is accepted by the Client from the General Contractor in accordance with the
conditions of the Contract, and then accepted and prepared for operation by the Client
together with the General Contractor the facility is accepted by the investor through the
Acceptance Committee (State Acceptance Committee) jointly with services of state
supervision and local executive bodies.
1.2 Automobile and railways, electric mains, facilities of pipeline transport, gas
supply system, and also the reclamation systems, separately located hydraulic engineering
structures and facilities of agricultural water supply and other facilities with specific
conditions of functioning, production and rendering of services are accepted into operation
in accordance with present norms, taking into account the effective departmental (branch)
standard documents approved by the Ministry of construction and construction materials
industry of Turkmenistan and public services which control in accordance with their
authorities, the construction of above listed facilities.
1.3 Military-oriented facilities, and also all buildings and structures located in zones
of military facilities or zones of regime territories, are accepted into operation in accordance
with departmental documents of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan and other
corresponding departments approved in the established order by the Ministry of construction
and construction materials industry of Turkmenistan.
1.4 Low storied apartment houses and auxiliary structures constructed by individual
builders for own use, are accepted in the order established by the present construction
1.5 Provisions of the present document are mandatory for local executive bodies,
services of the state supervision and control, legal and physical persons participating in
construction, acceptance and commissioning of facilities in the territory of Turkmenistan.


In present CNT the following terms and definitions are used:
2.1 Completed facility – Complex of buildings and structures (stage, starting
complex), separate building or structures or their independent part in the structure supposing
the possibility of their independent use on which all civil and installation works, and also
start-up and adjustment and other works for its preparation for commissioning are executed
and accepted according to requirements of the project and standard documents
Page 48 CNT 3.01.02-06
By Order of the Minister of construction and Effective since
construction materials industry of Turkmenistan 18 July 2007.
dated 26 February 2007, No: MB-29

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan under No: 439 dated 17 July 2007.

2.2 Acceptance of completed facilities into operation – official recognition by the

authorized body (acceptance committee) of the fact of creation of the real estate facility and
conformity of this facility to the approved project.

2.3 Acceptance Committee – temporary collective body composed of

representatives of organizations, authorized to make the decision on conformity
(performance of the requirements established by the project). The acceptance committee on
the first stage of acceptance of the completed facility is acting as the working committee, on
the second stage of acceptance of the facility into operation mainly it is State Acceptance

2.4 Working committee – temporary collective body, appointed by the Client with
the purpose of complex check up on readiness of the completed facility to be presented to
acceptance committee.

2.5 State Acceptance Committee – acceptance committee appointed by the

correspondent public authority for acceptance and putting the completed facility into

2.6 Reconstruction – complex of construction and organizational-technical measures

related to changes in main technical and economic indexes (structural volume, total building
area, capacity, volume or function of the facility).

2.7 Investor – legal or physical person who invests the money into construction of
the facility (full financing) and also who provides with its target use.

2.8 Client – legal or physical person, authorized by the investor to implement the
investment project for construction and putting into operation of the facility at the Investor’s
account with involvement of Contractor on the basis of the contract for execution of
construction and erection works.

2.9 Developer – legal or physical person, executing the functions of the Client and
Investor within the construction of the facility.

2.10 General Contractor (Executor) – legal or physical person, executing

construction and erection works and rendering other services under the Contract signed with
the Client, with the involvement on a contractual basis of subcontractors for execution of
special works that provide with full implementation of the investment project for
construction of the facility.

2.11 Operating organization (facility user) – legal or physical person, who on

claim of ownership or by order of the owner (investor) operates the facility.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 49

2.12 Putting the facility into operation – acceptance of the facility by acceptance
committee, approval of acts on acceptance by Investor, inclusion of the facility into state
statistic statements on commissioning, passing through technical passport system, state
registration and start of the operation of the facility as per its functions.

2.13 Technical passport of the facility – drawing up of the technical passport by

technical inventory bodies in accordance with the established order.

2.14 Individual developer – physical person, who for its own needs, at his own
account and responsibility, by his own forces or involvement of contractor, conducts the
construction of low storied living dwelling and auxiliary structures.

2.15 Low storied living dwelling – living dwelling that may have up to two living
floors, basement and attic floors.

2.16 Auxiliary structures – household structures on individual land plot carrying out
auxiliary functions for housekeeping.


3.1 The completed facility shall be accepted by acceptance committee and put into
operation in accordance with order established by the present construction norms.

3.2 Acceptance of the completed facility up to its putting into operation is done by
presenting to working committee and acceptance of the latter the decision on conformity of
this facility to the requirements of project and executive documentation and possibility of its
operation, drawing up of act of working committee on acceptance of the completed facility
and its approval by chief of the organization that appointed the working committee.

Provided that:
- acceptance of the completed facility by working committee shall be done at
availability of set of documentation presented by General Contractor in accordance with the
Appendix 2 (Section 1).
- putting into operation is possible for completed facility at presence of set of
documentation given by the Client in accordance with the list specified in the Appendix 2
(Section 2).

3.3 Before approval of act on acceptance of completed facilities and their putting into
operation, in accordance with present norms it is prohibited to use such facilities, including:
- moving into living dwellings, sections and rooms;
- use of public buildings and structures;
- Production and rendering of services on production facilities, with the exception of
production testing.

3.4 Accepted and commissioned facility shall meet all requirements related to
completed facilities.
Page 50 CNT 3.01.02-06
3.5 All really implemented architectural, technological and other project decisions
shall correspond to the project. All deviations from project documentation shall be approved
by the Client in the established order before presentation of the facility for acceptance and

3.6 Not finished at putting the facility into operation may be works on internal
finishing of rooms, installation of sanitary-engineering equipment and household appliances
in cases when the contract provides for bringing of premises to full readiness by owners of
the facilities or tenants of the house.

3.7 Mutual relations of subjects of investment-construction activity (investor, client,

contractors and designers), and operating organizations on design, construction, acceptance
and putting into operation taking into account quality assurances, are defined by the
effective legislation, norms, instructions and corresponding contracts between them



4.1 The facility fully completed and prepared for commissioning shall be presented
by the General Contractor to the Client for its acceptance by working committee. Provided,
that the documentation in accordance with the list given in the Appendix 2 (Section 1) shall
be submitted.

4.2 The Client within 15 days upon receipt of the application of the General
Contractor shall start the organization on acceptance of the facility in accordance with the
contract and appoint working committee or give reasonable refusal in writing.

4.3 Before formation of the working commission on acceptance of the facility into
operation the investor shall notify the Client in writing on appointment of the operating
organization (the user of the facility) which will participate in the acceptance and
commissioning of the facility and execute necessary documentation for signing of contracts
with city municipal services in the established order.

4.4 Working committee shall be approved by Client’s order (instruction), where the
purpose and aims of the working committee, full name and address of the facility, staff list
of the working committee, date of commencement and completion of work of working
committee shall be stated.

Staff list of the working committee shall be defined by the Client (not later than 10
days prior the commencement of work of the committee) upon agreement with
organizations whose representatives shall be included into the working committee.

Replacement of separate members of the committee’s staff list after its appointment
in reasonable cases may be done by organization whose representatives are replaced and this
will be confirmed upon agreement with the client, executed in the established form.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 51
4.5 Representatives of Client (Chairman of the Committee), municipality, general
contractor, general designer, operating organizations and serves of state supervision
specified in the list of the Appendix 1 shall be included into the working committee.

4.6 The Client within the acceptance of the facility from the general contractor under
the certificate/act of the working commission (Appendix 5 form DG-11) shall together with
general contractor and operating organization prepare the facility for commissioning,
providing: the performance of complex approbation of the equipment, starting-up and
adjustment works with trial output, handover of external communications and engineering
structures to operational organizations for service, receipt of special conclusions on
readiness of the facility and equipment to operation issued by corresponding services of
state supervision, completion of the facility by the certified staff, raw and other material

4.7 The facility full completed and prepared for operation shall be presented by the
Client to acceptance committee for acceptance of the facility into operation together with 2
copies of documentation as per list given in Appendix 2 (Section 2) and Act of working
committee on acceptance of the completed facility from General Contractor per form DG-11
given in the Appendix 5. One copy of the documentation is given to operating organization
for constant keeping, one shall be kept by the Client.

4.8 At acceptance of the facility into operation the investor not later than 30 calendar
days prior to the beginning of work of the acceptance committee shall appoint the personal
structure of the acceptance committee upon agreement with organizations whose
representatives are included into such committee.

The representatives of the investor, client, local executive bodies, contractors,

designers, operating organizations, state supervision and control services as per Appendix 1
shall be included into mandatory staff of the acceptance committee. The chairman of the
acceptance committee shall be the investor’s representative.

At the same time the terms of work of the acceptance committee shall be defined but
not more than one (1) month.

4.9 State supervision and control services, local executive bodies, other interested
organizations shall within 10 days upon receipt of written Investor’s (client’s) application on
readiness of the completed facility into operation appoint their representative for work in the
staff of the acceptance committee.

4.10 Work order of the acceptance committee and distribution of obligations of its
members shall be defined by the chairman of the committee.

The result of the work of acceptance committee (State Acceptance Committee) shall
be the Act/Certificate on acceptance of completed facility as per form DG-14 Appendix 6
signed by all members of acceptance committee, each of which shall be responsible for
decisions accepted by the committee in accordance with their competence and obligations.

At a stated time the mentioned act/certificate signed by the chairman of the

committee shall be handed over to the investor.
Page 52 CNT 3.01.02-06

4.11 In case of refusal by separate members of the committee to sign the

certificate/act, they should present to the chairman of the committee the conclusions of the
corresponding organization whose representatives they are, for the issues under their
competence and related to the execution of the requirements of project documentation of the
facility to be accepted into operation and effective normative documents.

Mentioned remarks may be removed only with participation of representative of the

organizations who issued negative conclusion.

4.12 The acceptance committee in case of determination of unreadiness of the facility

into operation shall prepare reasonable conclusion and within the established term of work
of the committee shall submit it to the investor, client and general contractor.

4.13 Facilities on which the acts on acceptance into operation were not signed in time
stated for the work of the committee shall be considered as not prepared for putting into
operation and on this basis the acceptance committee shall be re-appointed.

4.14 Act on acceptance of the facility into operation, executed in the established
order, within one week shall be approved by the investor, who appointed the acceptance
committee, and is given to them with all appendices for archival storage.

4.15 Participation of state organizations in the work on acceptance and putting the
facility into operation shall be done free of charge.

Participation of state supervision and control services of all levels in the acceptance
and putting of facilities into operation is defined by the effective legislation of

4.16 Costs for organization of acceptance the facilities into operation shall be borne
by the investor, unless otherwise is stated in the contracts.

4.17 Date of putting the facility into operation shall be the date of approval by the
investor of Act of state acceptance committee on acceptance of the completed facility
(Appendix 6, form DG-14).

State Acceptance Committee shall abdicate its responsibility after approval of the act
or in stated term of completion of the work of acceptance committee if the acceptance of the
facility did not take place.

4.18 Upon completion of the work of acceptance committee and approval of the Act
of state acceptance committee on acceptance of the completed facility the Client of the
facility shall report to the National Institute of Statistics and Prognostication
“Turkmenmillihasabat” in accordance with the established forms.


CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 53
5.1 Depending on significance and source of financing of the facility accepted into
operation, State Acceptance Committee shall be appointed by:
- Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan;
- Ministries and agencies of Turkmenistan;
- municipalities of regions and Ashgabat.

5.2 Acceptance into operation of unique and very important facilities of

production and non-production purposes shall be done by State Acceptance
Committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan upon presentation
of ministries and agencies of Turkmenistan.

5.3 All facilities constructed at the account of state investments or with their
participation shall be accepted into operation by State Acceptance Committee.

5.4 Not depending on sources of financing the following shall be accepted into
operation by State Acceptance Committee:
- separate standing facilities of civil and municipal function;
- production facilities with the exception of small enterprises (individual enterprises);
- Multifamily housing (buildings);
- highways and rail ways;
- bridges, viaducts, tunnels, power lines with engineering structures;
- power facilities;
- gas supply facilities;
- water, irrigation and/or hydraulic structures;
- facilities located in regions of high seismic danger or other specific geological
(hydrogeological) and geotechnical conditions.

5.5 State Acceptance Committees are appointed beforehand – not later than 30
calendar days before the date of commencement of the work of the committee.

At the same time the date of commencement and completion of the work of the
committee on the given facility shall be specified.

5.6 Into the duties of State Acceptance Committee are included:

- check of elimination of defects, deviation from design, construction norms and
standards revealed by the working committee;
- check of conformity of the facility to the designed capacity;
- conduct when necessary of control testing of the process equipment and engineering
- submission to the Investor who appointed the committee, the reasonable conclusion
on non-operability of the facility with involvement in the order established by the legislation
to responsibility of the officials who have admitted poor-quality performance of design and
survey and (or) civil and erection works. Thus copies of the conclusion shall be given to the
client (developer) and general contractor.

5.7 The fact of acceptance of the facility into operation by State Acceptance
Committee shall be formalized by act in accordance with the form established by the
Page 54 CNT 3.01.02-06
National Institute of Statistics and Prognostication “Turkmenmillihasabat” (Appendix 6,
form DG-14).

5.8 Act on acceptance of the facility into operation signed by all members of State
Acceptance Committee shall be approved by the organization who appointed the

5.9 The authority of State Acceptance Committee for a specific facility shall end
from the date of approval of the Act on acceptance of the facility and putting it into



6.1 Acceptance and putting into operation of completed housing facilities shall be
done in accordance with the order established by the present construction norms, taking into
account separate peculiarities.

6.2 Living dwellings having built-in and add-on rooms for enterprises and institutions
engaged in commerce, public catering, consumer services, and meeting nonindustrial needs
shall be submitted for acceptance after execution of all construction and erection works,
including the works on the mentioned rooms.

6.3 The acceptance for operation of mentioned in paragraph 6.2 enterprises and
institutions located in built-in, built-in/-on, and add-on rooms shall be carried out separately,
taking into account the requirements that apply to such facilities.

6.4 Multisection residential buildings may be accepted for operation by individual

sections when it is specified by the design and contract for construction, provided that
construction and erection works are fully completed and heating has been connected in the
adjoining section, and that all landscaping works of the territory adjacent to the handed over
section are fully completed.

6.5 Acceptance Committee shall accept the housing facilities into operation upon
completion of all works specified by the approved project documentation and execution of
works on testing of engineering systems in accordance with the effective norms.

6.6 The Client shall have right before the acceptance of the facility into operation,
upon investor’s application change the planning, finishing and internal equipment of rooms
paid by him in accordance with the designed estimates re-approved in the established order.

6.7 Living dwelling in which the apartments and other rooms (all or part of them)
shall be sold, may be accepted into operation without making of works in such rooms which
are not interfering normal operation of the building, not influencing durability and reliability
of structures of the building and engineering communications as per Appendix 3. Thus all
public spaces (staircases, lift shafts, landscaping, etc.) shall be fully executed in accordance
with the project. Performance of the remained works (Appendix 3) shall be carried out by
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 55
the owner of apartment in accordance with the order established by local executive
authorities – municipalities.

6.8 The result of the work of acceptance committee shall be the Act on acceptance of
the completed facility in accordance with the form DG-14 (Alternative B) Appendix 6,
signed by all members of the acceptance committee and approved by the investor who
appointed the acceptance committee.

6.9 The legal act for operation of the living dwelling not depending on source of
financing and form of property shall be the decree of the municipality of the city (district)
on whose territory this facility is located.



7.1 In accordance with Saparmurad Turkmenbashy’s Civil Code (Articles 658, 665)
the Contractor shall execute all works without deficiencies, and in case of defect revealed
within the Defects Liability Period, shall eliminate them as per guarantees given by him in
the contract.

7.2 Defects Liability Period – is a period of time within which general contracting
organization through reasonable claims of the operating organization shall at its own
account and within the established terms eliminate the defects made by fault of construction
and erection organizations and revealed in the commissioned living dwellings.

7.3 Defects Liability Period of the living dwelling shall be specified in the guarantee
passport for the housing project (Appendix 10) with the duration not less than 2 years from
the date of acceptance of the house into operation by Acceptance Committee. Guarantee
passport for commissioned house is issued along with the Act of acceptance committee.

7.4 Provision with Defects Liability Period is done with the purpose of revelation and
elimination of hidden defects that may occur because of the use of low-quality materials,
goods, structures, poor executed construction and erection works and not eliminated within
the construction.

7.5 General management of works on elimination of defects within the Defect

Liability Period shall be done by the chief of general contracting organization or its duly
authorized person.

7.6 Responsibility for observance of the established operating rules for living
dwellings shall be undertaken by operating organizations and tenants.

7.7 Before moving to the living dwelling, the representative of the operating
organization shall acquaint the tenants with the established operating rules and contents of
the facility’s guarantee passport.
Page 56 CNT 3.01.02-06
7.8 General construction organization shall accept and consider claims only from
operating organization within the defects liability period in the following order:
- at discovery of defects and faults the tenant shall notify the operating organization
in writing;
- all claims of tenants shall be registered by operating organization in special logs;
- operating organization shall consider and systematize tenants’ claims by defects and
investigated the reasons of their occurrence;
- if within the investigation it has been determined that the defects occurred because
of the fault of construction organization, then operating organization shall prepare the Act
on defects revealed within the Defects Liability Period of the house (Appendix 11).


8.1 Low-storied living dwellings, cottages, bungalows and other completed

(reconstructed) facilities, constructed by citizens (individual developers) in the territory of
Turkmenistan shall be obligatory presented to acceptance committee appointed by
municipalities of cities (districts) upon developer’s application.

8.2 The acceptance committee for facilities constructed by citizens shall include:
- The Client (developer)
- representatives of:
-architectural-planning department of municipality of city (district);
- architectural and construction control service;
- state service on fire safety;
- state sanitary-epidemiologic service;
- ecological supervision service;
- state energy supervision service;
- power supply service (at connection of the facility to gas supply system);
- in case if the works are executed on the basis of the contract, then committee shall
include the representative of the contracting organization.

8.3 For acceptance of the completed facility the developer shall submit the following
documents to the acceptance committee:
- Right-giving document for the land plot;
- Permission of the municipality for construction (reconstruction) of the facility;
- Project (architectural and planning decision) of the construction (reconstruction)
- Master plan M 1:500 with axes layout;
- Contract with contracting organization (if the construction was done by contracting
- Conclusion of regional supervision and control services on readiness and
conformity of the completed facility to the approved project and requirements of the
effective norms and standards.

8.4 Acceptance of completed facility shall be made by act of acceptance committee

(Appendix 9), which shall be approved by the decree of the mayor of city (district) after its
signing by chairman and members of acceptance committee.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 57
8.5 The approved act of acceptance committee shall establish the conformity of the
completed facility to the project, confirm the fact of creation of the real estate facility and is
the document that permits its operation according to its intended purpose and registration of
this facility.

8.6 The developer after approval of the act on acceptance and its registration in the
municipality in the register of constructed facilities in the territory of the city (district) shall
receive the technical passport of the facility in the Bureau of technical inventory per place of
location of the facility.



9.1 The Client (developer) shall bear property accountability and other responsibility
provided by the effective legislation of Turkmenistan for:
- execution of all obligations under the contract with investor and contracts with the
work executors;
- the quality of accepted and paid in the established terms of constructed facility;
- execution of obligations on terms of putting the facility into operation;
- acceptance of the facility constructed with violation of the project and requirements
of the normative documents.

9.2 Design organization shall be responsible for conformity of indexes of constructed

facilities to the capacities and properties provided by the project and for solution of issues
related to design, that may occur within the construction and implementation of field
supervision, acceptance of the facility and development of its designed capacity.

9.3 Survey organization shall be responsible for quality and authenticity of

documents on technical and engineering surveys (for topographic mapping and geology) of
the construction site.

9.4 Construction and erection organization, both domestic and foreign, shall bear
responsibility for performance of construction and installation works in accordance with the
project and in terms established by the turnkey contract, for appropriate quality of these
works, conduct of individual tests of the equipment mounted by them, timely elimination of
defects and deviations from the project, revealed in the course of construction and
acceptance of civil and erection works and complex approbation of the equipment, and also
within the Defects Liability Period (as per contract).

9.5 From the date of signing of act on acceptance of the facility into operation the
members of the acceptance committee, officials of state supervision service who issued the
conclusions on readiness and conformity of the facility to the approved project and
requirements of the effective norms and standards, and also persons who forced to accept
the facility with violation of the present norms shall bear responsibility in accordance with
the effective legislation of Turkmenistan.
Page 58 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 1

of ministries, organizations and services of state supervision and control,
confirming the conformity of completely constructed facilities to the requirements of the effective
normative documents and project

Name of the body Types of accepted facilities

1. Ministry of construction and construction materials of

- Management on quality control of the construction
- Chief Management of State Expertise All production, civil and housing facilities
- State Seismological Expertise of Research Institute
of Seismology

2. Ministry of defense of Turkmenistan

- Civil defense service Facilities with built-in rooms and structures of

civil defense, separately standing structures of
civil defense
3. Ministry of home affairs of Turkmenistan

- State service on fire safety All production, civil and housing facilities
Highways and other facilities that are under
- State service on road supervision
control of the service on road supervision
Ministry of power engineering and industry of
4. Turkmenistan All production, civil and housing facilities
- Turkmenenergonadzor
Ministry of healthcare and medical industry of
5. Turkmenistan All production, civil and housing facilities
- State sanitary and epidemiological service
6. Ministry of nature protection of Turkmenistan
- Service on nature protection (supervision)
All production, civil and housing facilities
State Service “Turkmenstandartlary”
7. All production, civil and housing facilities

8. Ministry of communication of Turkmenistan

All production, civil and housing facilities
All gas supplying facilities for production, civil
9. State Concern “Turkmengas” and housing facilities

All production, civil and housing facilities in the

10. Municipalities of cities (districts)
territory of existing cities and districts
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 59

Appendix 2

of documentation submitted to the Acceptance Committee
and attached to the Act on acceptance of completed facilities

Section 1. Documentation submitted by General Contractor to the Committee

1. General work log as per form DG-6 (Appendix 4).

2. List of organizations, participated in construction-erection works indicating the types of works
executed by them, surnames of engineers and technicians responsible for the execution of such works, data
on availability of relevant licenses.
3. Set of shop drawings for construction of the facility with notes made by people responsible for
construction-erection works on conformity of the executed works to these drawings or changes made by
design organizations in accordance with the established order and upon agreement with the supervising and
control bodies. The mentioned set of shop drawings is the executive documentation.
4. The executive geodesic documentation in set, established by the requirements of the construction
norms for appropriate buildings, structures and types of works.
5. Certificates, technical passports, test certificates and other documents certifying the quality, safety
and properties of materials, structures and goods used within the works on the facility.
6. Acts on examination of covered works and acts of intermediate acceptance of separate structures
and nodes (supports and spans of bridges, arches, retaining walls, bearing steel and reinforced concrete
structures and etc.).
7. Acts on individual tests of the installed equipment.
8. Acts on testing of process pipelines, internal systems of hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heat
supply, gas supply, drainage system, industrial emission treatment facilities and also testing of welded
9. Act on execution of sealing of input and output of engineering communications in place of their
passing through underground part of external walls of buildings in accordance with the project.
10. Acts on testing of internal and external electric devices and power supply network.
11. Acts on testing of telephone, radio, TV, alarm and automation systems.
12. Acts on testing of explosion protection, fire safety, lightning protection and fire protection
13. Acts on testing of cohesive strength in load bearing blocks of stone buildings and frame filling.
14. Act on examination of:
- damp proofing of basements;
- damp proofing of frame fillings;
- damp proofing of sanitaries and balconies;
- gas-, steam-, heat- and water insulation of surfaces made by natural and artificial materials.
- fixing elements for finishing of surfaces by natural and artificial materials.
15. Logs on work production and field supervision of design organizations.
16. Materials on examination done within the construction period by organizations of state
17. Reference on actual price of the facility signed by the Client and the General Contractor.
Page 60 CNT 3.01.02-06

Section 2. Documentation submitted by the Client to the

Acceptance Committee at putting the facilities into operation

1. Client’s application on readiness of the facility for putting into operation.

2. Act of working committee on acceptance of the completed facility (Form DG-11).
3. Documents on land allotment.
4. Permission for execution of construction and erection works.
5. Approved architectural and planning assignment.
6. Approved project documentation for construction with all changes and notes on its conformity to
the works executed by responsible contractors.
7. Conclusion issued by the Chief State Expertise of the Ministry of construction and construction
materials industry of Turkmenistan for the project documentation.
8. Expert conclusion issued by the State Seismological Expertise for the facility.
9. Conclusions on readiness and conformity of the completed facility to the approved project and
requirements of the effective norms and standards issued by supervision and controlling bodies (Appendix
10. Documents on geology and hydrogeology of the construction site, on results of soil tests and
ground water analysis, data on results of micro-seismic zoning and ecological surveys.
11. Documents on geodesic benchmark base for the construction and also on geodesic works
executed by the Client within the construction.
12. References of operating organization on the fact that the external water supply, sewage, heat
supply, gas supply, power supply and communication networks are providing the normal operation of the
facility and have been accepted by this organization for maintenance.
13. Passports for the installed equipment.
14. Acts on equipment on-line testing.
15. Technical passport of the facility (Appendix 8).
16. Draft act of the Acceptance Committee.
Note: The content of the documentation submitted to the Acceptance Committee shall be specified
depending on its purpose and specific conditions of functioning, production and rendering of services.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 61

Appendix 3

of works in the apartments subject to commercial sales
without which the living dwellings may be accepted into operation* )

In the apartments subject to commercial sales the following works may be not executed:
- installation of room dividers;
- installation of internal doors;
- installation of windowsills;
- final finishing of apartments, including floors with heat and sound insulation (with the exception of
blinding concrete), plaster and filler of room dividers, painting of walls and ceilings;
- water and sewerage piping inside the apartment and installation of sanitary devices and sanitary
- interconnection with installation of terminal devices, electric bells and electric stoves in the
- interconnection of TV, telephone, intercom network with installation of terminals in the apartments;
- installation of smoke detectors;
- installation of built-in furniture and built-in shelves.
*) Note: The Contract shall specify the Investor’s conditions on degree of readiness of the apartments subject
to commercial sales and brought up to full readiness by future owners.
Page 62 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 4
Typical inter-industry form No: DG-6
Approved by the order of Turkmenmillihasabat
dated 30.08.2002 and numbered 92
Specialized construction organization ______

General work log No: ________

Form as per Code Document



Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
for construction of the facility _______________________________________________________________________
Enterprise, building, structure and etc.

Address of the facility ______________________________________________________________________________

Position, surname, name, patronymic and signature of the person, responsible for construction of the facility and
keeping of the general work log _____________________________________________________________________
General design organization, surname, name, patronymic and signature of project chief engineer ___________
Client (organization), position, surname, name patronymic and signature of the chief (representative of technical
supervision) ____________________________________________________________________________
Commencement of works: as per contract ______________________________________________________________
Actually ______________________________________________________________________________________
Completion of works (putting into operation): as per contract ________________________________________
Actually ______________________________________________________________________________________
In this log there are ________________________ numbered and tied pages.
Position, surname, name patronymic and signature of the chief of the construction organization, who issued the log
Date of issue, stamp of the organization

Main parameters of the constructed facility, enterprise, building or structure (capacity, productivity, usable area, volume
capacity and etc., price of works ___________________________________________________________________
Approving organization and date of approval of the project (working draft) __________________________________
Subcontracting organizations and works executed by them ______________________________________________
Organizations who developed the design estimates _____________________________________________________
Notes on changes in the title page __________________________________________________________________
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 63

Section 1. List of engineers and technicians working on the construction site

Note on permission for

Surname, name Date of commencement of Date of completion of
production of works or
patronymic, position, part works on the construction works on the construction
of work facility facility
1 2 3 4

As per given sample print 2-nd, 3-rd, 4-th page of the log by form No: DG-6
Page 64 CNT 3.01.02-06

Section 2. List of acts on examination of covered works and

intermediate acceptance of separate critical structures

No: Date of signature
(with indication of places of location of structures and works)
1 2 3

As per given sample print starting from 5-th page up to 14-th inclusively of the log by form No: DG-6
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 65

Section 3. Summary of the results of on-line control and estimation of quality

of construction and erection works

Positions and signatures of

Name of structural parts and elements, persons who estimated the
place of their location with reference on Results of control and quality of works as for
number of the drawing, and indication of quality rating control and supervisions
marks and axes
1 2 3 4

As per given sample print starting from 15-th page up to 20-th inclusively of the log by form No: DG-6
Page 66 CNT 3.01.02-06

Section 4. List of special works log

Date of passing-acceptance of the

Organization who is keeping this
Name of the special journal and date log and signature, positions of
log, surname, initials and position
of its issue persons
of the responsible person
1 2 3

As per given sample print 21-st and 22-nd pages of the log by form No: DG-6
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 67

Section 5. Information on production of works

Brief description and conditions of work production (with reference, if

necessary, on works executed by subcontracting organizations, with Position and signature of the
Date indication of meteorological conditions, marks and axes of buildings responsible person who
and structures), position, surname, initials and signature of the controls the log
responsible person
1 2 3

As per given sample print starting from 23-rd up to 122-nd page inclusively of the log by form No: DG-6
Page 68 CNT 3.01.02-06

Section 6. Notes and remarks of controlling units and services

Notes and remarks of controlling units and services or

Notes on acceptance of remarks for
reference on order with indication of marks and axes of
Date execution and check-up of their
buildings and structures. Position, surname, initials and
signature of the controller
1 2 3

As per given sample print starting from 123-rd up to 128-th pages inclusively of the log by form No: DG-6

In this book numbered and tied _____________ pages and sealed with sealing-

Stamp _________________ ____________________ _________________

Position signature surname, name.

CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 69

General work log (form No: DG-6)

Explanation for keeping the log

It is used for registration of scope of executed construction and erection works.

It is the main initial document that reflects the technological order, terms, quality of execution and
conditions of production of construction and erection works.
Such log is kept during construction (at reconstruction, expansion) of separate of group of
single-type, simultaneously constructed buildings (structures) located within one construction site.
It is kept by the executor of works (chief executor of works, manager of the shift), who is
responsible for construction of the building or structure.
In specialized construction and erection organizations there is special work log, which is kept by
responsible persons who are executing such works. Upon completion of the works the special log is given to
general contracting organization.
Title page is filled before commencement of the construction by general contracting organization
with participation of design organization and client.
List of engineers and technicians working on the construction site (section 1) shall be prepared by
the chief of general contracting organization.
In section 2 the list of all acts in calendar order is given.
In section 3 there are all works for parts and elements of buildings and structures, quality of which
is controlled and estimated.
Section 4 shall be filled by the employee responsible for keeping the general work log.
Regular information on production of works from their commencement and up to their
completion, included into section 5, is the main part of the log.
This part of log shall contain the information on commencement and completion of works and
reflect their progress.
Work description shall be done through structural elements of the building or structure with
indication of axes, rows, marks, stories, circles, sections and rooms where the works were executed.
There also should be brief information on methods of work production, used materials, ready products
and structures, forced outage of construction machinery (with indication of taken measures), tests of equipment,
systems, networks and devices (free run tests or under load, supply of electricity, strength and leakage tests and
etc.), deviations from shop drawings (with indication of reasons) and their approvals, changes in location of
guarding, protection and warning fencing, shift of transport and fire passages, laying, re-laying and
disassembling of temporary engineering networks, availability and execution of schemes of functional quality
control, corrections or re-doing of executed works (with indication of people in fault and also on
meteorological and other specific conditions of work production).
Section 6 consists of notes / remarks of employees who control the production and safety of works in
accordance with rights assigned to them and also authorized representatives of the design organization or
field supervision.
General log shall be numbered, tied, bear all signatures on the title page and stamped by construction
organization who issued such log.
At putting the completed facility into operation general and special works logs are
submitted to working committee and after the acceptance of the facility are given for
permanent storage to the Client or upon Client’s instruction to operating organization.
Page 70 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 5
Typical inter-industry form No: DG-11
Approved by the order of Turkmenmillihasabat
dated 30.08.2002 and numbered 92
Organization __________________________________

of working committee on acceptance
of the completed facility
dated “____” ___________________20_____.

Code of Code of Code of Code of

Form per Code of
organization operation construction the
GKUD the plot
per OKPO type organization facility

Working committee, assigned by __________________________________________________________________

(name of the body who assigned the committee)

By decision (order, decree) dated “______” _____________________20_____ and numbered ___________

governing by rules stated in CNT 3.01.02-06 “Acceptance of completed buildings and structures.
Basic provisions”
1. General Contractor ___________________________________________________________________
(name of organization and its subordinate)
Presented for acceptance __________________________________________________________________________
(name of the facility, type of construction)
At the address ____________________________________________________________________________________
(full address – region, district, city, settlement, street, block)
2. The construction is executed in accordance with the permission for construction issued by _______________
(name of the body, who issued the permission with date and number of order, decree or agreement)
3. In the construction participated ____________________________________________________________
(name of subcontracting organizations, their requisites and types)
4. Project documentation for construction have been developed by general designer _____________________________
(name of organization and its requisites)
who prepared ________________________________________________________________________________
(name of parts and sections of documentation)
And subcontracting organizations ________________________________________________________________
(name of organizations, their requisites and prepared parts
and sections of documentation)
5. The initial data for design are given by __________________________________________________
(name of research, survey and other
organizations, subject of the initial data)
6. Project documentation has been approved by _________________________________________________________
(name of the body, who approved, re-approved
the project documentation for the facility (phase, start-up complex)
“_____” _____________________20____, No: _____________

7. Construction works executed in terms

commencement of works__________________________________
month, year
completion of works _________________________________
month, year
at duration of construction (months) per norm or project of organization of construction __________
actually ______________
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 71

8. The working committee received the documentation in scope, specified by CNT 3.01.02-06, listed in the appendix to
the present Act.

9. Alternative A. (for all facilities, with the exception of living dwellings)

Present by executor of works for acceptance ____________________________________________________
name of the facility
has the following main parameters on capacity, productivity, production area, length, volume, scope, traffic capacity,
quantity of workplaces and etc.

Per project Actually

general general
including including
Parameter (capacity, productivity (taking into (taking into
Unit start-up start-up
and etc.) account account
complex or complex or
earlier earlier
phase phase
accepted) accepted)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Alternative B. (for living dwellings)

Living dwelling presented for acceptance has the following parameters

Parameter Unit Per project Actually

1 2 3 4
Gross site area
Number of stories quantity
Total structural volume m3
including underground part
Area of built-in, built-in-attached and
attached rooms m2

Total number of apartments quantity

total area m2
living area m2

one-room quantity
total area m2
living area m2

two-room quantity
total area m2
living area m2

three-room quantity
total area m2
living area m2
Page 72 CNT 3.01.02-06
Four room or larger quantity
total area m2
living area m2

10. Works on planting, making of upper coat of access roads to buildings, pavements, household, game and sports
grounds, and also finishing of façade elements shall be done (when the terms of works are postponed).

Works Unit Scope of works Executor Terms of execution

1 2 3 4 5

11. Price of the facility in base price (1984) _____________________________________________ thous.rub.

12. Price of the facility per approved project documentation in current prices
Total ___________________________________________
Price of construction and erection works _______________________________________________
Price of equipment, instruments and inventory___________________________________________
13. Price of accepted fixed assets _____________________________________________________
Price of construction and erection works _______________________________________________
Price of equipment, instruments and inventory___________________________________________
14. The integral part of the present Act is the documentation, the listing of which is given in the Appendix to the Act
15. Additional conditions _______________________________________________________________________


Presented for acceptance ____________________________________________________________________
name of the facility
is done in accordance with the project, meet the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological, fire, ecological, construction
norms and state standards and is considered as accepted by the Client from the General Contractor for presentation to
State Acceptance Committee.

Chairman of the working committee ____________ ____________ ____________

position stamp signature name, surname
Members of the working committee:
From General Contractor ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature name, surname
From Client ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Representatives of organizations:
State energy supervision (Gosenergonadzor) ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature name, surname
State Service “Turkmenstandartlary” ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature name, surname
From other organizations, members of working committee ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature name, surname
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 73

of working committee on acceptance of completed facility (form No: DG-11)
Explanations for filling

It is used as the document of acceptance by the Client from the Contractor for the completed
industrial, housing and civil facility of all patterns of ownership (buildings, structures, their stages,
starting complexes, including reconstruction), expansion and modernization) at their full readiness in
accordance with the approved project, contract.

The acceptance certificate is the basis for final payment of all works executed by the Executor in
accordance with the contract.

It is made in necessary quantity of copies and signed by representatives of the Executor (the
General Contractor) and the Client or other person authorized by the investor.

Acceptance registration is made by the certificate/act of the working commission on the basis of
results of the inspections, checks, control tests and measurements, documents of the Executor that confirm
the conformity of the facility to the approved project, norms, rules and standards, and also to the conclusions
of supervisory services.

All documentation on facility acceptance shall be handed over by the Client to the facility user.
Page 74 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 6
Typical inter-industry form No: DG-14
Approved by the order of Turkmenmillihasabat
Organization __________________________________ dated 30.08.2002 and No: 92
of State Acceptance Committee _______________________________________________
on acceptance of completed facility name, surname and position of the head of organization,
dated “____” ___________________20_____. ______________________________________________
who appointed this Committee

Code of Code of Code of Code of

Form per Code of
organization per operation construction the
GKUD the plot
OKPO type organization facility

STATE ACCEPTANCE COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY ______________________________________________

name of organization that appointed the acceptance commission
by Decision (Order) No. ______ of _________________, ______________, 20_____ ,
and consisting of:
the chairman — the representative of the customer (developer)
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
commission members — representatives of
the Client (developer) _______________________________________________________________________
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
Operational organization _________________________________________________________________
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
General Contractor ______________________________________________________________________
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
General Designer __________________________________________________________________
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
Municipality (city, district) _____________________________________________________________________
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
and representatives of involved organizations (as per paragraph 4.8, 5.1 CNT 3.01.02-06)
(surname, given name, middle name, position)
1. The Client along with the General Contractor have submitted for acceptance for operation the following on which
construction has been completed (reconstruction or expansion)
(name of the facility, type of construction - underline)
at the following address ________________________________________________________________________
(full address – region, district, city, settlement, street, block)
2. The construction has been done in accordance with the permission for construction issued by _______________
(name of the body, who issued the permission with date and number of order, decree or agreement)
3. The construction has been implemented by the General Contractor ________________________________________
(name and subordination)
who performed ________________________________________________________________________________
(specify types of works)
and subcontracting organizations ________________________________________________________________
(name all organizations and types of works, executed by each of them)
4. The design estimates documents for construction were prepared by the general designer _________
(name of organization and its requisites)
which performed ________________________________________________________________________________
(name of parts and sections of documentation)
and subcontracting organizations ________________________________________________________________
(name of organizations, their requisites and executed parts of the documentation)
5. The initial data for design are given by __________________________________________________
(name of research, survey and other
organizations, subject of the initial data)
6. Project documentation has been approved by _________________________________________________________
(name of the body, who approved, re-approved
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 75
the project documentation for the facility (phase, start-up complex)
“_____” _____________________20____. No: _____________
7. Construction works executed in terms
commencement of works__________________________________
month, year
completion of works _________________________________
month, year
at duration of construction (months) per norm or project of organization of construction ___________
actually ____________
8. State Acceptance Committee received the documentation in scope, specified by CNT 3.01.02-06, listed in the appendix
to the present Act.

9. Alternative A. (for all facilities, with the exception of living dwellings)

Present by executor of works for acceptance ____________________________________________________
name of the facility
has the following main parameters on capacity, productivity, production area, length, volume, scope, traffic capacity,
quantity of workplaces and etc.

Per project Actually

general general
including including
Parameter (capacity, productivity (taking into (taking into
Unit start-up start-up
and etc.) account account
complex or complex or
earlier earlier
phase phase
accepted) accepted)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Alternative B. (for living dwellings)

Living dwelling presented for acceptance has the following parameters

Parameter Unit Per project Actually
1 2 3 4
Gross site area
Number of stories quantity
Total structural volume m3
including underground part
Area of built-in, built-in-attached and
attached rooms m2

Total number of apartments quantity

total area m2
living area m2

one-room quantity
total area m2
living area m2

two-room quantity
total area m2
Page 76 CNT 3.01.02-06
living area m2

three-room quantity
total area m2
living area m2

Four room or larger quantity

total area m2
living area m2

10. Works on planting, making of upper coat of access roads to buildings, pavements, household, game and sports
grounds, and also finishing of façade elements shall be done (when the terms of works are postponed).

Works Unit Scope of works Executor Terms of execution

1 2 3 4 5

11. Price of the facility in base price (1984) _____________________________________________ thous.rub.

12. Price of the facility per approved project documentation in current prices
Total ___________________________________________
Price of construction and erection works _______________________________________________
Price of equipment, instruments and inventory___________________________________________
13. Price of accepted fixed assets _____________________________________________________
Price of construction and erection works _______________________________________________
Price of equipment, instruments and inventory___________________________________________
14. The integral part of the present Act is the documentation, the listing of which is given in the Appendix to the Act
15. Additional conditions _______________________________________________________________________
To accept _____________________________________________________________________________________
name of the facility
is done in accordance with the project, meet the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological, fire, ecological, construction
norms and state standards and put it into operation.
Chairman of State Committee __________________ ________________ ______________
position signature name, surname
Members of State Committee –
Representatives of:
The Client (developer) _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Operational organization _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
General Contractor _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 77

General Designer _______________ _______________ _____________

position stamp signature name, surname
Municipality (city, district) _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Services of ecological supervision _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Services of state fire supervision _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Services of state energy supervision _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Services of state architectural and construction _______________ _______________ _____________
supervision position stamp signature name, surname
State Service “Turkmenstandartlary” _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Other organizations, members of State Committee _______________ _______________ _____________
position stamp signature name, surname
Page 78 CNT 3.01.02-06

of State Acceptance Committee on acceptance
of completed facility (form No: DG-14).
Explanations for filling

The certificate/act is the document on acceptance and putting the completed facility, including
reconstruction, expansion and modernization of industrial, housing and civil facilities into operation and their
entry into content of main assets.

The acceptance of facilities is made out by the certificate/act which shall be signed by all members of
the State Acceptance Committee.

The acceptance certificate is the basis to drawing up of the Reference on cost of the executed works
and expenses and for final payment of all works executed by the executor in accordance with the contract.

It is executed in 5 copies and signed by representatives of the Executor (General Contractor) and the
Client or other person authorized by the Investor, and also by members of the State Acceptance Committee.
The price of the executed works is given in basic (1984) and current prices.

Registration of the acceptance is made by the Client and members of the State Acceptance Committee
on the basis of results of the inspections, checks, control tests and measurements, documents of the Executor
that confirm the conformity of the facility to the approved project, norms, rules and standards, and also to the
conclusions of supervisory services.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 79

Appendix 7
on readiness and conformity of the completed facility
to the approved project and requirements of the effective norms and standards

Construction facility ____________________________________________________________________

(full name
General Contractor __________________________________________________________________
(full name)
The Client (developer) ___________________________________________________________________
(full name)
In accordance with the results of consideration as a part of the working commission of a status of the
facility presented for acceptance, its design and executive technical documentation, random inspection of
nodes, details and systems of facility maintenance for the following issues entering into the competence of
supervisory and control services:

(the list of considered issues should be given)

The decision was made on acceptance of the facility ____________________________________________


If there is a negative conclusion, then the list of remarks and defects on the facility and offers for
their elimination shall be given.

Organization, service
Position of the person
who issued the conclusion _____________________ _______________________
Signature Surname, name, middle name.
Page 80 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 8

Technical passport

Technical passport of the facility is executed by the Client for each building and structure to be
accepted for operation.

The passport is the main document on the facility, containing its structural and technical-economic
characteristics, that is made taking into account all architectural-planning and structural changes within the
construction and following operation of the facility (reconstruction, expansion, replacement of structures at
capital repairs).

Technical passport of the facility consists of a descriptive part and Appendices. In the descriptive
part the following information is given: year of construction, scope and areas of the facility and its parts,
length and other data on structures, developed area of elements that requires periodic painting and
maintenance, structural characteristics of parts and elements of the building and structures and etc.

Appendices to the technical passport contain copies of shop drawings (plans, sections, facades of
buildings and structures, their separate elements and adjacent territory).

The availability or absence of guarantee obligations of the general contracting organization for the
given facility after commissioning is specified in the technical passport.

Technical passport of the facility is handed over to operating organization and also is given to the
buyer at sales of the facility.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 81

Appendix 9

Position of the head of the city (district) municipality

Stamp _________________________________________
Signature Name, Surname

ACT No:_______
On acceptance of completely constructed individual
living dwelling by Acceptance Committee

Location of the Facility __________________________________________________________

Developer ______________________________________________________________________
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Passport data,
Place of residence
The Acceptance Committee, assigned by _______________________________________________
Name of the municipality, who assigned the committee
order, instruction and etc. dated “_____”_____________________200___.
1. The Developer presented to the Committee for acceptance
Name of the facility
Located at________________________________________________________________

2. The construction has been done in accordance with the permission for execution of construction
and erection works issued by ______________________________________________________________
Specify who and when
Issued the permission
3. In the construction participated ________________________________________________
Names of contracting and subcontracting organizations, their requisites and types of works executed by them
4. The design estimates for construction have been developed by ________________________
Name of the organization and its requisites
5. The design estimates have been approved by _______________________________________
Name of the organization,
approved (re-approved) the design estimates for the facility
6. Construction and erection works have been executed in terms:
Commencement of works ___________________________
Month, year
Completion of works ___________________________
Month, year
Page 82 CNT 3.01.02-06
7. The living dwelling presented by the Developer for the acceptance possesses the following

Description Unit As per Actual

1 2 3 4
Total area (building area) m2
Number of stories floor
Total structural volume, m3
including underground part m3
Area of built-in, built-in-attached and attached rooms
Total rooms Pcs.
Quantity of habitable rooms Pcs.
Total area m2
Living floor area m2
8. External lines of cold and hot water supply, water drain, heat supply, gas supply, power supply and
communication provide normal operation of an apartment house and are accepted by territorial (city, district)
services (filled out on the basis of actual availability, with Appendix to the Certificate of inquiries of
operational services).
9. Internal lines of gas supply and power supply provide normal and safe operation of an apartment
house and are accepted by city, district operational services (references are attached to the Certificate).
10. Price of the facility (living dwelling) per approved design estimates comprises:
Total _________________________________thous.manat
Including construction and erection works _________________________________thous.manat
Decision of the Acceptance Committee
The presented for acceptance _________________________________________________________
name of the facility
meets the requirements of the issued permission for execution of construction and erection works and may be
used according to its intended purpose.
Chairman of the Commitee ____________________________________________
position, signature
Stamp ____________________________________________
Surname, name, middle name.
Members of the Commitee:
Developer ____________________________________________
signature surname, name, middle name.
Service of ecological supervision ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
State service on fire safety ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
State service on gas supply ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
State service on energy supervision ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
Services of architectural and construction control ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
Architectural and planning management of the municipality____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
State sanitary and epidemiologic service ____________ ____________ ____________
position stamp signature Name, Surname
contracting and subcontracting organization
(if the works were executed with the involvement
of construction organizations ____________ ____________ ____________
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 83
position stamp signature Name, Surname
Page 84 CNT 3.01.02-06

Appendix 10

Guarantee passport
for housing project

(name of the facility, address)

Client _______________________________________________________

General Contractor _______________________________________________________

Subcontractors _______________________________________________________
Design organization _______________________________________________________

Organization who accepted the facility

(living dwelling) into operation _______________________________________________________

Date of putting the facility into operation ______________________________________________________

The present passport certifies that the facility (living dwelling) completely constructed and put into
operation is in conformity with the project, conditions of the contract and requirements of the effective
standards, norms and rules.

In accordance with this passport General Contractor and Subcontractors guarantee the quality of
construction and special works executed within the construction of
__________________________________________________________________________, and hereby
(name of the facility)
undertake the responsibility within ______ years to eliminate the defects, made because of their fault during
construction, finishing, sanitary-technical, electrical and other works, which have been revealed within the
Defects Liability Period.

All defects will be eliminated upon receipt of reclamation from operating organization at the account
of executors of construction-erection and special works, provided that the living dwelling and separate its
rooms, structures and equipment are operated in accordance with the established rules on operation of the
housing stock in Turkmenistan.
Chief of the organization – General Contractor
(position, organization, signature, name, surname, stamp) _____________________________
Chiefs of construction and specialized organizations
participated in the construction of the facility _____________________________
Guarantee passport received by
Representative of the Operating Organization “____”___________200___.

(position, signature, name, surname, stamp)

Representative of the Client (Developer) “____”___________200___.

(position, signature, name, surname, stamp)
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 85

Appendix 11

Act of defects,
revealed within the Defects Liability Period of the living dwelling

“_____”_______________200___. City of _______________________

The present Act is prepared on the basis of ______________________________________________




The Committee composed of the representatives:




prepared the present Act on the fact that the living dwelling No: _________ in the Street

was put into operation on ___________________________________. Within the Defects Liability Period
the following comments on the quality of the executed works have been revealed:





We offer:



Act signed by members of the Committee

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________
Page 86 CNT 3.01.02-06

of documents used in CNT 3.01.02-06
“Procedure of acceptance of completed buildings and structures. Basic provisions”.

1. On town-planning activity. Law of Turkmenistan dated 28.12.93 and numbered 913-XII.

2. On state ecological expertise. Law of Turkmenistan dated 15.06.1995 and numbered 54-1
3. Saparmurad Turkmenbashy’s Civil Code. Law of Turkmenistan dated 17.07.1998.
4. On state seismological expertise. Law of Turkmenistan dated 5.07.2002.
5. On civil defense. Law of Turkmenistan dated 29.11.2003.
6. On fire safety. Law of Turkmenistan dated 10.10.2004.
7. On improvement of quality and reliability of constructed facilities in the territory of Turkmenistan.
Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated 26.08.1999 and numbered 4331.
8. On strengthening of responsibility of town-planning organizations. Decree of the President of
Turkmenistan dated 30.03.2001 and numbered 5156
9. On ordering of constructions in settlements of Turkmenistan. Decree of the President of
Turkmenistan dated 04.12.1998 and numbered 3976.
10. Order of “Turkmenmillihasabat” numbered 92 dated 30.08.02.
11. CNT 1.01.01-94* State system of normative documents in construction. Main provisions.
12. CNT 1.06.05-2002 Provision on field supervision of design organizations over the construction
of enterprises, buildings and structures.
13. CNT 3.01.01-2002. Organization of construction.
14. CNT 3.06.03-05 “Highways. Rules for production and acceptance of works”.
15. SNIP 2.04.08-87 Gas supply
16. SNIP 3.05.02-88 Gas supply
17. CNT 1.06.01-06 Provision on Client-Developer.
CNT 2.01.02-06 Page 87


1. FIELD OF USE ……………………………………………………………………………………. 47

2. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS………………………………………………………………………………. 47
3. GENERAL PROVISIONS ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 48
INTO OPERATION………………………………………………………………………………… 49
5. STATE ACCEPTANCE COMMITTEES …………………………………………………….. 51
CONSTRUCTED HOUSING FACILITIES …………………………………………………………………… 52
PROVISIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 52
Appendix 1 (Reference) ……....................................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 2 (Mandatory) ……………………………………………………………………….. 56
Appendix 3 (Recommended) ……………….……………………………………………………. 57
Appendix 4 (Mandatory) …………………..…………………………………………………….. 58
Appendix 5 (Mandatory) ………………………………………………………………………… 66
Appendix 6 (Mandatory) ………………………….……………………………………………. 70
Appendix 7 (Recommended) ……………………………………………………………………… 73
Appendix 8 (Reference) ……………………………………………………………………………. 74
Appendix 9 (Recommended) ……………………………………………………………………… 75
Appendix 10(Recommended) ……………………………………………………………………… 77
Appendix 11 (Recommended) ………………………………………………………………………. 78
List of used literature …………………………………………………………………… 79

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