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l!At-l J(JF J~ tens (}r Plr IlJ [T' A.. II(J[/l~S[JE ,~r_;, I'. A ~ 200C) - Sout.h [J1K.l.o l'i~JIIW[\Y, Blli t.e 214 COCQJ1Ut {_~rovc, F'l o r' 1(1n 33133




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l'HISMOH'fG1\GE f)EBU' in made thi!:; .;;JjJ day of 19~()_" by and, bet:,wF!f!n PABJ,(J ESCODAH, ttHJ- Hort.qagor. and tlOBERT J * SIIAPII{O and IlJUIS C. BARltY, i19 ;eJillt



.t ~ M........ "'ltd h --t .~. .- iL2LLLE .._.......,...___.. ¥

(ho r o Ln tlll(Jrrow(~rU),

terlaTlt:9 w_i. th full.

~lghts of nurv i.vo rnhip, and not: [\9 t~JlulltfJ Ln common , wllrJR~ ncldJ:'£!nn in 44 90 Tree Dr i V'~ I Miami Benel), Flor -i.ela ):J 1.40, tho r"1ort~Ja~Je(! (h~r~ Ln "Lender.") II

\mER.E!AS, Bo r rowo r i. R ind~bt(_~(l t.o I,Dn{](! r Ln tile J)r .i nc Lpa l Bum of THREE ~IUtJDRED FORTY TWO TIIOUSANTJ f'tJ VB IllJtIOPE[) nnll t1()/1 00 ($ 342 , S()O ,00) Do l.Lar s , wh Lch indebtedne!1A Ln ov i.dencod by Borrower' 9- note di1t~(l March 20, 1.980 (her e Ln Ut1ote1i): and

I~OW, 1!IIEREFC}RE, for d.i. vs: r s (lOC)!) (,r10 va Lua b lr, (~OIl~ I-f1e:ra t._trJI1S, and to Becu_r_~~ to Ip.llue r t_:llP- repn. ymo n t of tIle .i fltl~l)tpdtlnrln 0\1 lr]~nced by

No t.e , with Lnt.e rr-srt t he rrion , t h» pavment; of ;:11.1 otllnr numn , w.ith iIlterl~~t:

t.ho reon , ndvanr-od Ln acr;()t"cla nr;n }lD r~wl t h to p r o t ec t; thf"' ne cur j, t: y 0 f t.h i.n

t-1(_}rtga~Jc, and tll~ pc r fo rman ce of tIle covorinnt.a and a~JTf!em("\nt~ o f B()rrowcr he r o Ln cont a d , Bo r row= r (lo~r-; he r obv rnort_:~~;}g~, q r an l; and convpy to Ifcnrlp-T. tl1~ Fo l Low.i.nq de~J(_;r_i_lJe(l prol)0rty lo(_~~t:e(l ill t.he Coun t y of Dado , Stilt~P of Floriuu:

~l1\I~CEI. 1\: JIOt 25, .i.n nlrJck I-A of LA (_;.r)J~(:E r;(Jr_Jl~ SU11t)_rV.I[~I[)r-l,

(, c co rd i rt~J t.o t: IlP J) .1.;) t t ho t:s: 0 f, r ~ co r.(1f'd i n f'] rl t: Book 14 r or' t; J_)ilge

11 3, 0 f t 11 f"' I]: U b J_ .i c r ~ ("t t= o r c-J .t; f_) f I) ;)_ deC? 0 un t y, Flo rill iJ_ ;

I)ARCEL B: Commo nco i_\ t. l'iortl1r~~j_!;t co r no r o f J/Jt 1!5 t fllock 1-1\,

~ 'II .....

I Jf\ G(JR(~E {_;(JI.J I:' S n IJD.1 V I S r on , i1 (~r.~(J r d i Ilg to t he (-1]_ U t; t; 11(1 rf~ o f, r0 cr.} ~rled

Itt PLa t: Bo ok 111, at r~g~ 43, elf t}10 Ill.llJl.ic Re coz dn of Di1fJe COlltlt.y t F'Lo r Ldn ) t.hc ncc l-Jortllvlestn_rly nlrmq tJle r···tortllr"'(~!iterly I of

a f oz e s a Ld Lo t; ~5, ::l (list:1rlC(~ o f 193~~ [cpt to a po i nt; o f }Je(Ji.nning of tr.act of .l.arrd he r e l n a f t.o r (jf"'!1t:rlbell; t.heuco lJ(Jrtllcrly 54 .. 9 feet more or less t.o a po i.n t; otl t~110 sout}lW(~Gtprly .line of Trnct: l\ o f Subdl v inion 0 f UJt 24, Block J_, LA (;(Jr~CE (;OI.JF SUI]T) IVIS ton i1ccordirl~1 to t.ho Plat t.he r oof , r c cor dod ifl J)lilt [JouJ-':. ]f] I ill IJu~Je 67 of

Pub I ie Rec o r dn 0 f Dade! Coun t y, I~lfJr Lda , si1l(l poi.n t; be I nq 215. 1 fee t~

No r t.hvc s t o rlv from t hc Sout:11Cilst: «o r ne r' of flforf"sa:i.(] 'I'r ac]: 1\;

t.hence No r t.hwen t.o r Ly il Lonq tile 8011 t:llwcr; trt r ly .1. uf t1 f:()r.,"'snj~{] Tract 1\, a distance of 30 fc~t~ mora or l~sr; Lo water' ft ~d~lP o f Bj.scflync Bay; t.honco SoutllC r ly mnando r i Tlg t.he wa t:r! r.'!1 nll{J0 0 f Biscayne B~"lY 54 _ 9 (cpt mo r e or lC!J~ to (}f irltet"sectiotl \,,1 t h t ho liortlleuster ly line of UJt: 25, nloc;}{ l-A, L1\ (;()T{CE {_;(}J4F' SUI3- DIVISIOll, ac co r d l.nq to t:llp- IJlnt t.ho r co f , recorder] in J'lilt Book 14, () t Paqo 43, of tile Ptlbl Lc Rf2cordn of Drrd o COlIn ty, Fl or.lda ~ t}l~nce Sou t.hnant o r 1 y it long the t-Jort~}le.:tst:('lr 1 y 1. I n o uf it f'o r e s a _i (1 Lot; 25, il. d i s t ance of JO feet. morc or Lens to t.ho po In t of bnq i nn Lnq .

wlliet) 11llS tile add re as of S060 No r Lh Day ROi1d, Ln t he ci ty of rT1i.ami. Bf"'tlC}l, Florida.

TO IlAVE AND TO HOLD tIle narne , t.oqn t ho r wi t.h all .improvements now or hereafter erected on t.he property, and n l.I (!nr;emcnts, r+qht.s ,

appur t.cnancos , rents, royal ties, mi ne rn l , 011 and gao r Lqht.s , and pro f i tn , water, water rights, and Wll ter atock I anrl all f ix.t1_lrCR now or llerenftf! r attached to tile property, a Ll. of wh Lch , inc ].udin~, repltlCement-ws nnd additions thereto, sha l l be deemed to be and r'oma i.n a part of tIle

2000 SOUTH O,XI[" HIGHWAY, SUitE - 214, cOCOt--tUT onovr. r-lon'OA 3:113;1



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property cove r ed by thin ~1ortgnge,· ;;-.nd . n ll. of the fO!::~90ing, toq(~tI)f:~r

wlth said, property, "unto thn Bald Lend~r, nnd hi.n hnir.B anrI il!'J!11gnn.


Borrowor covonant.n thnt Horrowpr in m:-iz£ld or the DRtate hereby convoyed nnd has thp. ri.ght to mo r l.qaqe , ~Jrant. and convnv tho Property, that th~ Pr ope r ty j H t . menoumboz-cd , nxcept an may ot:heT,winr.o be listed 0010'11, and that: Borrower will Wl1l:"rant {mo £lefeml generally tim titl,:! to the Prop"rty nqainnt all cinims ilnd dell1nntln, nubjpct t.o nny dec Le r ot Lons , "n s~m~h t.n , rent. rict Lon s , or onoumbr anoen li-ntQd l_..~low. r



Borrower And l~r1dnr covonnn t. and ngroQ: no [0 1.1.owR':

1. PAYME~lT OF PI~ll~(:lt)1\Il AND ItITEP£Sr;l',. Boz rowrrr nhn l I p r omp t.Lv pay wl1en r1ue tho pr Lnc.i pa I of and i n+o rrarrt; on Lho J.ndehtr1dnn!l!J ~v .i.(]eTlcerJ by t.he r~ote, t oqe t.he r witll all, char qe s as IJrovju.~d ill t_Jlr-:~ No l.o ,

? ~ FUttDS F(JR TAXES ]\rlO It'JSURANCE!. At: Londo r I 9 opt.Lon , to l)e

exercised by Lende r on l.y ill t.ho oven t. t.hnt; firJrrowor J_s ill c]nfault he reundo r , Borrower nha l L pey to wnu'-'r on tile d.ay Lnnt a.l l.mcnt s of iYlt:ernst a r e

payable under tile No t e , unt.LL t.he t~lotQ Ln l)n.iu Ln I'u l.l , n p.ropo r t.Lonat;e

part of the ycnr L y tax0R illld ;tfJSeSSmellt:s wh Lch mny attain prior j~t.y over

this r1ortgage, anrl a pr opor t Ionnr.e pn r t; of yo a r I y p J.ll!=tt:allments

for hn z ar d and floor] .i.n au rnrico , a l l 0_S r canonab l y en t Ima t:P:(] Ln i I.: i (11.1 Y

and from t:im~ to tlmp 11Y lRI1(le:r on t:lle l);} A in 0 [ i1 ~f-;("I!lnmell tr~ nrrd })111 ~3

and r e auon ab Le f!stimates t:l1~r.C(_lf_

Lf p;) Ld , Lo ndo r ~ll .r Ll app 1~ y tIle Fu 11(] n t.o I.J;} y fla i d 1:.0 x P-!=l" tl G!le!J smen t ~ ,

nrid Ln nur anco pr crn.i.umn . ~tlrJ~r sha Ll, Jlot~ be r oqu Lr od to IJny }lorrower

any tn t.e r e nt. or earnin~ls OIl t.ho Fund s . LOIld~[" nha Ll ~Jiv~ to Bo r r owe r ,

wit 1\ 0 U t. r: ll;l t: g o , zin a '1 n l.!;) 1 ('] r_; c 011 n t 1 r 1 g o f t~ h f"' F U 11 ( 1 s ~ } 1 o W _i_ n {J r: r ("\ (1 i t n ;J n ( 1 de hi t 9 to t: lIP I~\J nd S it nd 1: ll{~ IJUrJJ0ge [or wh.i ch () a r_; 11 (_]~}) it tel t~11 ~ Fund fJ

was ma(]D OIL 'l'ho FUrl(ls f' rp 'llc{_lg~(l ;In ;_](](1 i t Lonal :-J0ClJri ty f'o r t he !lllm!1

sncu rr-d by t h ir; r-:1ort~J;)i~Je-

I f t.ho a rno II 11 t: 0 f t- } 10. Ftrnd r; ll~ 1 d by LeTl(]e r , t.oqc t; he r wi 1: 11 1~ he _( u t: \1 r e rnon till y j- 11!:; t:", Ll.rnon t f1 Q f FUI10!j IJt:J. y;] I) 1 (~ P 1:" io r to t.ho r] lJe (]{, t~c~ fj of til X0 f1 ,

,1 S f1n 11 smell t_:!J _ a nd iII n 1J r il nee t-' r em i_ 1Jm!1, GIla 11 (l xc ~Q (1 t he arnou n t ret! 11 i r PO t.o pay gel _tel t axo n , ~ ~lnessmOIl t s , ilTl() .Ln SlJrilnc:e p r cm.l urns ;) s t.he y f;J 11 UU0, HlICll excess ~;llarll bo , a t; I3orrO\4er'r; o pt.Lort , o i.t.hc r prornptly rcpnid tu

Bo r r owo r or c rr d.i.t od t.o llo r r-owe r 011 mon t.h Lv Ln s t a.l Lment.s of r:UTlf]!t. If tile amount; of tile ftlln(]r; he Ld by Lcndo r aha Ll no t; ho ~uffj_(_;l~rlt t.o [)flY

lax~!1 ~ uS se nnrnnn t s , and Jnnu r anco pr om i urns as 1:11flY fi), 11 clue, 13(")r rowe r

nha l L !>ny to Lcnde r t~ny amoun t ncco s aa ry t:o makn 11E-l tll0. ,1e f i.c Loney

wi ttl in 30 da ys (_rom tIle Uti tp. not icr~ .i s rna i J ed by L0'1(1~ r to f~o r rowe t~

r eque s ting J?L! vme n t t he r oof •

upon pnyrnon till f u 11 of a 1.1 sumn npcurcrl by t h i ~ r~1f_)r l~{.JaCJrt _. I_t~rl(l(-' r !illall prompt.Ly r o f'und to (Jor-r.ower {lflY F'und« he l cl by Lcndo r IE

3 • APPLICnrr _f-OI--J OF lll\ YtT1Et-ltrS & Un t.~S~l appl .i cnb Ic law prov irJe ~J

o t hn rw i ne , a l l pilyments rnco Lvcd by Londc r undo r tIle l··Jc)tf"' and lJf1rLl~Jr2p},s 1 and 2 llcreof be applied by Londo r f irnt; i.n pnymont; of omount n

payob l o to Londo r by Bo r r owo r unde r pa r aq r aph /., hc r oof , t hon t.o Lnt.e r o ~ t

payab I.c on tile l··lotp, t ho n to tile principa.l. of t:110 llc)t:~.

46 CIIARC;ES; LIEtiS. Borrower nha Ll [Jay a Ll. t~JXCS, :tsr-:C!1Smellt:s

rmd ot.ho r cha rqe s , fines and .i mpon i.t Lonn nttribut:nblo to tl1r-- Property

wh may at.t.a i.n a priority over tlliB 11ortgage, and Ioaseho l.d paymont r

or qr ound rents, if any, Ln t.ho manne r p rov Lde d unde r pa rnqr aph 2 ho rco f or, if not pa Ld to Lender, by Borrower making payrnnnt; , when clue, directly to the payee tho rcof , Borro\aroJ: nha l I promptly Eur n i.nh to Lender all notices of amounts due undo r this pa r aqr aph , [\t1(1 Ln tllQ ovont; narrower sha l l make payment directly I Borrower 911all promptly furrlish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments. Borrower shn Ll. promptly d Lncha rqe

any lien which han priority over thi9 Mortgug~ f p rov i.dnd , t.ha t; Borrower, shall not be requi red to d i.schar qe any Huell lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to tIle pnymerlt of tile obligation sccure(l by Rue}l

Page Two

LJ\W Orrtcr:o PttlLIP A, HoLTSAltno. P_ A,

2000 ~SOUTH or)(l£ HIOHWAY.,SUITF.: 214 .• cocoNUt onovr:~ rLonloA .1J':l.J

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lien in it mnnno r nccoptnul(!1 to Londo r , or shall in qo~}{l (a_Lth r.:onb.:wt


.auc h I l on by, t)r (]8.[onrl nnf'or cernent; o f nuch Li.e n i It, _l_e~Jal JJ[fJCQo(liJlg'!:


wh l oh ope r at.e t.o pr ove nt . t~tle en _for.cemnn t of t hn l l.on [Jr f'o r f~j. tlj Y,P. () f

, tIle· Property or.· ilny pnrt. t.ho rr-o f .

, '

5. HA.ZARD INSURJ\.t·rcr:,. Bor.rowe r nha Ll k~pp tIle .i.rnprc)Vemerlt':f; ll()\--1

ex.i.9ti.rlf.l (JJ: 11~r(~after er'){~pt:f~(l OT1 tllP Pz opnz t y Lnmrrrul i\~ialtl!]t Lo nn })y £i_re, hazar.f]S -inclu(le(l wit~11~tn t':}\9 t o rm "oxbondod covnr aqo ? , and '!]UCll o+.ho r hnz·nr<]s as r~ndor' m~'y + re(llJiro and .i n nuch .nmorm t~!] arid fo r such

per Lodn as Lende r may r p r ov Ldrrd , t ha t ~nd~J:." ~lhnil' not r equ i z e ·

t.ha t; t_:he amount; 0 f ~U(~tl r_:'(Jv~rngrt ~xceQd t.ha t amoun t of covert)'-le rriqu I r od to .pay t.ho nurnn gec~llrc{_1 }JY t.h i 9 Mc)rtgagp'.



'1~11f'\ Lnnur anco cc rr le r pr ov Ldi.nq the Innurnnco ~11E:tll bn chone n by

Bo r r-owc r nub] ec t: to approva I l)y Londe r; prov Lded , t.ha t: nuch appr ova l

nhn l.l. nof: be un r ea aonnb l.v w,ittlhf!.l{l~ Al.l prnml.ums on I nnu raucn po Li c Lcn 911a11 00 pai.d 1 Il tIle mantle r pr(_}v Ldnd undo r ll;l r aq rrrph 2 ho rear o r , i r not; pn Ld ill auch manne r , lJY Bo r r owo r rna k Lnq pnyment; , wll~rl (ll_)~ I (] Ir nct; ly t() tIle Lnaurnnce crrr r Lo r .

1\1] __ l nnu+anc« po l Lc i.e n aTlrJ r~n~Wr,l.!"-1 Lho r eo f nhn Ll I_)~ i.n f'orrn

i1 C C p ,J tab 1 r~ t. 0 I~! n r 1 (! r ,') n {_1 fi II £11 _1 i n (~ J~ 1.. (1 ~ " q t rl n (1.1 f. (1 me) r t ~ J it ~ J f! i: 1 i.\ U !J e .i r I

f;J Vf"J r o f ;J nd .i.n f o rrn ;1 CC(~ fJt-=.a b I e t.o Lertde r: . L(~JlrJD r f1 ha 1. 1_ 11;) vn t.ho r -i tJII t

t.o l ro Ld tllf" IJ(JI j c .i.e n arul rf"'Tlf\w,(~l q tl}n rf!O f , and Bo r r(")WQr Sll;} 11 promptly f:u r.n Lnh to .T ~Jl(l~_r ~11_1 YPllp.'.:1a 1 'l(_)t_i_f_:(_~S atl(l a I I r~r_::e lJ)t:~J uf ')~"] Id pr omi urns. J II t: 110. p. VP 11 t~ (J f l£J!J S, DlJI:" r owe r ~111;] 11 ~J i "JC pr ornpt: not; j_ (_;e t.o t; he j_ TI's ur a n en r_;arrler and Le ndo r , Lende r mtl~y mako p r o o f o f I onn if not made p r ornpt. L y by Bo r r owo r .

Un L ~ n n L~ ndo r ,"]11(1 Ito r r.OWf~ rot 11'" rw 1 ~(.. ~ fj r(~(~ j_ 11 wr .i t .i. n (:J, in !1l1 r ("] n s: p _~lrOC0(~(]S nhn l.J 1)C' app lLncl t.o r.0!-;t_()rE~t:iorl or r e pa.i r o f tl10 J}t:"op~rty

rJ;J ma ~Jetl, IJ rov _i_fJerJ !J uch re s lor Lt t; .i.on 0 r rc r}i\ i r .i_ fJ (! conom l (_;;) 1. )_ Y [c ~ ~.i 1) 1. e

f'_ n d t 11 p r; e C 11 r i t Y o f t 11 L ~ '-·10 r t ~, t~ ~J (' i !; r 1 0 t: t 11 ~ r c 1J y .i m f ) a_ _i r e rJ .. I f sur_; 11

rp. s t.o r'a t: Lon (J r re fJ3.1. r _i_ rJ n o t. PC ouorn i C:l _1 1. y f P:1 ~~ i hl.c o r i f t; tl~ r;f1 cur .i t Y 0 [ t ~ } 1 1. !: i r~' o r L {J {_\ ~J (~ w o U 1 (1 lJ:( ~ J m I _t n .i r"'" r_ 1 II t_ J } f~ j_ t 1 !J u r ;\ 11 C n t") r (J C e ~ (1 ~ ~ S ha .1, 1. IJ~ il I) I) 1 .i e d to t.ho s.umr; S0CUrl:U IJY t h i. ~i r~'f_) rt_ (:1il~J(~ , wi t II t110 ~ xce s ~j, j_ f a nv , J,h1 .i.d t() J30r r owe r: • I f t ho Pr opor t; y i.r.; ;}t)~'r}(]()n'~{_] by Bo r r owo r, o r if I3(Jr rr_lwe r

f a i Ln to rC!;I-}{)lld to I.cndo r w i t hi.n )0 fJ;lY~ Lr om (JF\t:p not.Leo .i.n JTItl1J.0rJ IJ"'y L~ 11(_1,.... r t.o Bo r r owo r t 11(1l. t.ho _i_ II su r i! t1 (_:~ (~(1 r r.i P}- (J f I'o r s t:() ~_, (!t~ t 1. ["I (]_

c l a .i.rn f'o r i.nnu rnncn IJ011~ f J l ~_; I T.f~ 11(_1n-l~ i s 1~11 I; ho r .i.z erl t.o C{] 11 e-r_:: t a nd app l Y t.he i II ~ ur all(!e J) ror_;ceu~} ~1 t: Lf_lfl(_10l""~'~; (_)f) t 1. f)ll f! i. t flC r t~() rt~!1 t_ 0 r i1 t iOTI () r re[Jn.i r 0 f t.l1e J" rOIJe r t: y () r t:C) t~ }1r.~ !; llrnq S(~ r_; U }~f_! d IJY t.ll j_ fJ r~'(_l r t~<J;) (JP •

t J r 11 f: r; !1 L ~ r 1 c_] e r i1 J1 { 1 Bu r t~ () \4 (""1 r () t 11 p r w i ~; e (] ~ J r (~ 0. .i J 1 \-"} r. j_ t ~ j_ 11 q, illl Y !1 tl C 11 ~pp). J(:ll t_ iorl () f pr.(JC~f!P(.l s to pr. i flC i ,Jill ~;ll;} 11 flfJt ex t:CT1() or I)O~; t:l)Onf"l tllf_l uur tlnt(~ of irl~;tilllm0rlt!1 (_lr C:llutl~Jn t.-rllP. ilmOllnt: of SllCll iTlsti111merlt~s ..

() _ P lillS E I~tVA '1'1 {)1.J AtJrJ r~1J\ ll~'J'El·lJ\lICI:~ 4 lJ(_J r r(_lw(_~ r ~~ lliJ. 1_1 J{ 0-0!} t IlP

Pr.OI_)f"\r.ty in goor] r.-Pl-1{11r ntlfj !"Jllu]_l JIC)t (;C)mlni.t: \"1(]!~t0 or IJ0rmit imIJairment or dotcrioratj_orl (Jf tIle l'r()!Jnrty t:,n(] :-:llt~ll (_~omJ}]_Y w,i tIl t--11C F.Jrovi~iollS (Jf any lease if t:l1i!=; t·1ortgi1~le l_s all a 1.casellol{14 If tIlls r1:1ort:{Ja~Je .i~ all u url_it j_rl a r_;orltlomiJlitlm or il tJ.l:1I111PU llillt tlcvr!lupmcIlt, Borrowpr nllal_J_


[Jcr.form f"lll of Borrower-£; olJ.l.j,giltionn Ulldpr tIle rJeclt;J,ratioTl or CC_)VCJ1;111t~~1

Crf!il t ing or. govcrniIl(] tile c:orlr)om 11m or JJlntlllC(l 11n i t: (]eve lopmer~ t, t 11n by-laws arltl rC~Jula tions of tJl~ COTldomirl.i lIm or I)lClnnpd UTll t (_lev~ lOIJTT1cn t , tlnd consti tuctlt dOCtlln0t1tS.



If Borrower [ailn to

perform the covennntn and agreements contilin~d in this Hortgagc, or if any action or proceeding i9 commenced which mntcrinlly nffectn !..ender· ~ interest in tIle PrOI?erty, inclucling, hut not lim_ttc(1 to, Cmitl~nt tlomaill, in901 veney, code enforc(Jmcllt, or llrratlgf)mQntR or fJroceeditlgs involving a bankrupt or decedent, tllen Len(_ler at lrellder I 9 optio!), tlpOn Il()tice to Borrower, may mnke such nppen.rarlces, clisbllrnQ 9ucll sums antl tnko sue}l action tIS is tleCe!1Bnry to protec t ~n(]~r t r; irlteres t, inc 1 tldirlg, IJtlt rlot limited to, disburscmQnt of reasonable attorney' 9 fees] pntry upon the Property to make repairs.



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2-000 SOUTH DIXt £ .trGHWAY, GUITE 2111,t COCONUT GROV~. '-LOnlDI\ :l3t.3:l


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1\ny amounts <llFlLuy.Bed hy r~ndor pur aunnt; to' t.h i9 p~'raq.tilph '1, with

lllterf~gt:. thereon, nh~")ll' bUf_!ome nddLt.Lona l lnuobt~dne'gn of. Bo r rowo r

Recured by this ~107:Lgtlgo. Un l.e nn Bnrr.[Jw~r nn~] J~nd""r agren to other t~rmg, of paymont , fHICh amount.n f~hall Ilf! pnYilbl.~ upon nnti('£! from I .. ende r to'WP-r re4.tle!_ltj_~lq }Jaymcllt_: t.he roo f , and nhn 11 bear j tlt~reRt f rom tile date ()f<lj_9burg(~ment at tho rate payable from timo to lime on Lnq

pr Lnc I undo r tile' t-Iotn un l.e nn pnymeut of Lnt.e r ont; fit nuch rate wou Id be contrary I tro app l.Lcnbf.e law, In wh Lch ~vent. nuch amount;n nha H UOilY.

j - . ,

ihternRt ,at tho 'hlghent ["'ate pe rm l asi .. ble UndGT npI;Licnble law. Nothing l.n t.h i a par aqr aph 7 alIa 11 r oqu.l r o Lorrdo r to irlcl1r any expnnne or. take 'any act.Lon hnr ounde r .

, .

9. INSPECTION - L~nr_ler may make CJr caunn t.o lW- made roaaonab l.e

ent r Le s UIJOrl and Lnnpoc t.Lonn of t.ho Propo r ty , pz ov it1~(_l lila t Lender gila 11. Borrower no t i.ce pr Lor to nny such Lnnpcct.Lon !Jpp.c.i.fY',1 nq reasonable CnUElC t,.llornfor r~lata(_l to wnder' 9 nn t; ill t.he Pr opo r t.y &


9" CONDEMNA'r iON:- _,_ ,.phe proceeds of ilny awa rd or claim for damages,

direct or cormoquen t.La I t In connect Ion wi, 1:11 any condemnn tlotl or ot.ho r. tnking o f the Property, OT pn r t; t.he r eof , o r for convoynrrce in lieu of condemnation, are ho r cbv aS9.iqned and nhaI I be paid to Lendo r .

In t_:11e event; 0_( ~ t.ot.a l. tukiIlg o f t.ll~ Pr opo r tv , t~tl~ I)roceeds sha l L

bo nppl_i_p-r_l to tile nurnn ger~lJ_r .. ·er_J l-ly tlli~ r~ort~Jage, W.lttl t.ho excf1on, If

ally, po i.t1 t.o IJtJA r()w~~r.._ III tll~~ e ven t of ~, T?i1 r t; La I t ak Lnq 0 f tl1~ T)r.OJ,J0r t y ,

un l r-nn Bo r r owo r and Lorule r ot.he r w l ne ilqref~ In wr i.t.Lnq , tllf'rf"" nha Ll be

app), ic(_l to t ho !1 urn!"; s ~ (_:1_1 r 0U by t: 11 i ~ lo.1ort g!1. go ~J urrh pr 0J..)0 or. t: i (Jll 0 f tile procc~dr, a s iR (!qllfll to t hat: pr opor t.Lon wh i ch tile amount: (Jf t.ho nums fiPcUret! lJY t.hi.n rT'{)rt~g;1g0 i.rmnc d.i a t o Ly pr i.o r to t.ho dat.o of tuk i.nq beart; t.o t.ho (,t,ir. rna rk o t; vo Luo o f t:.tlC Pr opo r tv Lmmodl a tn.l y pr i.o r to t.he (lilt,"" of tak .i nq , wi t:11 t:llf?: bn 1£'_J1C~ of t-ll(~ IJrocecc]s pn Ld t.o Bo r t_·(J\1C,.; •

I f t:110 ProI_)("l r t y _l G uu"J.rlc.1()nC{] by Bo r r owe r , o r if, [1 f t.e r not: Ico by

Le nd= r t.o Bo r rowo r t_:ll~,t: t ho cOTlc1emIlor offers to make an {lwnrc] or f;~t:tle il c.l a i.rn for. (1;]m!'gen, Bo r r owe r [nils to r c spond t:o Lorrde r wi.t.h in ]0 (lays il f t p r t h f"' dn t ~ ~ 1 J (~ II n o t .i r_; 0 . i. s n!;J i 1. e (1 r L e T1 d c r _i 5 ;1 , 1 t II 0 r 1 z e cl t.o C () l ]_ ~ r__; t ancl appl.y t:l'le I)_tor;t:~{lst a t; LeJl~Jer's opl.Lon , o i t.he r to re!1toriltil}ll or r.(~p,t~ i r: (J f t he P to I)C r t Y (J r t o t; ho ft umr: !10. ell r t;{1 hv t.h I r; f71(Jr t:ga g~ .

Un L p 9 9 LnTlr] e r rJ nd Bo t: r owo rot hr: r\4" 1 !:;f"' fl~~ r e Pill \11r i t .i n~J, a n y sue 11 npp Ll.c a t .i on of !Jrocectl S t.o pr i n o Lpa l nho ll 110 t '-'xtCJ1{1 o r pos t.pono th0 due dn t:c o f i llG t.-rd 11 mon t ~ , or: (_;)1 a JI ~Je t tl~ (1.mour, t o f Sllc 11 _l 11 n t a 1.1 me n t!J "

_1 o , I:"ORBEl\RAr~rE BY LEt~rJJ~R nor A Wl\IVE[{ ~ Ally rurl)~;] r ilrlee lJY

Lenclo r .i n exe rc nq ;Jtly r i qh t; o r remedy he rriunde r , or ot.hnrwi no afforded hy appLl cnb l.e Law , ~11nl_l not: l)c a wa r of o r p ruc l udn t hc exerc Lse of anv nuch r Lqht; o r r omerl y It 'l'ho pr ocuz cmen t (J f in surance or t.ho payrnen t

of t.a xe n or ot.ho r I i o n s o r Cllt"1rg0s by I:lcn{ler s11~11 not be Ll wa r of Lende r t s ri qht; t:o ac cc Le r a t o t.ho maturity of ttl0 irl(lel)t('\{]ne~·-;o sricu rod l)y th i s r':1or t.qaqo ..

11 io P£r~'I~Dl ES CtJlT1UL1\1_1 IVE ._

are d i nt.Lnc t. and cumu lat.Lvc to r~lortguge or af fOT.'(lf"ld by I aw or indf"ll~enrlen t I y or sllcccnsi ve .1.y ill

All rornod I es prov ic]etl .i n t.h i.s rT1ort~Ju(_J("! any o t he r r Lqht; or r omcdv undc r t.l1.1.9

, .. qu i t.y , and may be cxe r c.i s e d concurrently,


CAPTIONS. TIle covonant;s and agrecmallts hnr o in cont a Lnod ~lla 11. hintl,

nnd tll~ r igh tR hereunder shall i!ltlrf! to tll~ rcspp-cti ve Sllccosnor9 atld il99igns of Lerlder and Borrower, subject to nny rcntrictlollS on tIle transferability of tile Propprty as containfld Jlercin 11 A 1.1 covenants ant1 agroements of Borrower oila!1 be jOitlt nnel 9(!vcral. The capt:ionn nn(l lleadings of tho pnragraphR of tllis t~1ortgage arc [or convenience only an(1 nrc not to be used to irlterpr~t or define tile provinions 11Qrcof,.

13. l-lOTICE. Except for ully notice rf"lqlli. red under applicab]~~ law

to be given in anotller mnnner, (a) any notico to Botrownr provided for irl this Mortgase shall be givon by mctiling !1tlch notice by c~rtified mail addressed to norroWer at the Property !\ddre9s or at sitch other ilddrcsF1 as Borrower may dosignate by notj~ce to Lender tts provid~d tloreiTl, fllld

Page Four


LMN Or-rICE" PHI LI ~ A. HOLT~nr;:"a~ P. A.

2000 SOUTH OtXIE: .~IGHWAY; SUITr. 214, COCONUT onov£. rLOntOA .JJIJ3 • T[lr.:~HaNr: L'o~) A~I1-~454 • t:10~' n~6..-40JI

.. ...

~ P-.. 7l ~

• r I .

. :lc"11' -.

~rI J 0696 I~~ ,3J7 "





. .


(b) any not I'co to L.eHd~r nhn.l.L bo q.iven bv certified rna iJ, return receIpt'.!ueu , f:-o I..,enrlf!l"' 9' ilf](lrefJs at:..n tf't1 11Qr.~ 111 or t.o rluclt o t ho r' nu(Jre ~J !"-: (1 [t

I '

lArldrjr may df!s.i.grlllte by Ilot~lee to IJO(T.()wr!r ao' I_)rovl_ucu Il~_r~i.ll. Ally

not leo pro" ifJe{l for I n t.h i.n f-1ortga~Je nha Ll. ~ (l~eme{l t;o Ili1VC }_)eetl (I i vorl'. ,t:() Borrower or Ll2'nuer wl}f\n q i.vo n Ln t.he manner (.lr!!Ji,grl;tt~ctl hnr r-I n •

4 '


14 _. . I· I

(;OV~ERNIN(; LAlrl, SEVERABILITY, ~ fl'll ~n I rr1()rt~ga{Je nhn l I be gavo rJIP-(l

by the It'lw of: the State, ,of F'Lo rLdn - III LIm ~vr!Ut: that any provlnion or. (~.ln\lRO of t.h.In M()rtgrtgo o r tile Not.n conf l Lct.s wJ.t:.ll epp.l Lcnb Lo law, nuch


con_f.1.lct 911a11 not; affect. ot.he r J!t'"OviRicJng of t.hi n f1ortgllgo or the! r··lrJte

wh i ch cal) IJe ~JIV(~rl e f f e ct; witlloUt t.h» COI1[11ctlrl~_J p rov I n i.on , zmd t;o t:h:1_9 end t.he pz ov 1B10119 of t.ho 11ortgago and tho r·tate t~ro dc(~ In r,-.d to be severabl(!.

l!j. ~I'RANSFER OF 1.1'lfr~ IlR(JP.RRtrV i nSS1JMP'llIot·l.. If {1_11 or any J:'il r.t~ of pr opo r t.v or nn Lnt.nrnnt; t.ho r oI.n 10 no l.d or. t.r annf e r r od by norrrJw~r wi t.hout, Lerido r ' 9 pr. lor wr it ten conncnt , Londe r rna y, at Lerldcr'!J o pt; ion I dec In re n 11, tile sums nocurcd by t.hl s lTl(_)rtgnge to be .itnmcd La t.e 1.y due and payable. Lerlder nha l L have will vod nuch opt.Lon to acce Le rnt.e _i f, pr ior to tile s a l.e or tranRf~r t JP-ndnr and t.ho per son t.o whom t:lle Pz ope r t.y .i s t:o 1Jf! hold o r t~ra'l!_if~rr~{] r-etl(::ll "grf!p:m~rlt: Ln wr Lt.Lnq t. t he credit. of nuch po r son _I. ~ ~_;il_ t j.9 f act.o rv t.o Lerlller and t~11(] t; tllf~ 111 te re~ t pnvab Lo OTl t he n urnn g~Cll rf!(l by t.h Ln l~lor t c;_r a.g(~ ~-;}lill.l l}p a t-. ~1 ur: 11 r u tc- un Ip. ndn r: !J 1) a 11

r cquo s t~ .. r f r,en(l~l- 11;}!3 will vr-d t.ho opti on t.o acc:01eru te p rov f dcd ill t.h i s

Pa r aq r-aph 15, and .i f B(JrrOwcrt~1 ~;ur_;(_!Cf;!10r Ln Ln t o r o nt )lf1.S e xo cu t.e d it writ:tf!n l~.qf~l]mIJt~ion aq rocmcnt: tlCC01)tp() I n wr i.t.i nq by t.ondo r , Londe r s hnll release Bo r r owe r from a I I ob.l i.qo t i.onn unde r t.h i n ~1ort~'Ggp arid t h» l·loto.

I f Lorido r {! xo r c i s~ n such (]P t Lori t.o n(:(_:~ 1. f"! r tl t~e, [;(~ 11t1p 1~ s hnl I 'n~t .i 1.

Bo r r owo r 110 tj_cc (_) f il(_;C(~ Inra ti OJl .i_rl acco rdancr- wj_ t.h tl10 t,_-~ rrns he rr-o f , Sue}l notlc~ .GlIB-I 1, provide a pe r lad o f not, l~!;!; t.h.m 3fJ dt~yr; f r orn t.ho

r_l it t e t.h f! 110 t: i r: 0 .i S ma i I e r I ~J i. t. h i n \411 I C } 1 nor r o \JL] (: r rna Y P i"~ Y t. 11 Q S 11 m ~ d eel tl r ~ d d UP _ I f Bo r row(), r f i1 _i_ I!; t.o pn Y ~3 uc 11 ~HJm~J p r 1_ (_) r t:(_) t: IlP r~ XI) l r il t Lon () r ~ uc 11 f_JcriofJ, Le nd o r m;JY, w i t hou+. Eur t.ho r no o r dernand {_}tl Bo r r owo r , l n vok o n n y .rem0d .i.o r; ~)(~ rmi t: t(~ {I by t 11 i~; r·-·1~J r. t; CJtlge ..

1(; rlOIU)ot-~tE 11 f,f(_)T 11 '[~LE'''~ T~') .. r:' t · r t 1 t" f t

J _ L \ T 1 \_ i UJ ,._ l:... I.'" X : e r I ~l _l_ 0 r 1 (_) ~. 1 ~ .~.1 nH·~ _ r_} .r I hi Y men: 0 r

modi fie f1 t: i on (J f i1 mo r t>i 7, r' t: Lori 0 f ~ urnn f-l(~C\l r erl lJY t.h i [i f-10 r t g(~~JC' ~,r Ll_ 11 t.o r_1 lJY Lende r to any succpssor ill i.'lt~['~st: of Il0rrrJ\4p't"L !-:;}l;lll no t OlJ0rt:"1tfl to

r e Leo se , .in any manno r , tile Li.o b i.Li.t.v of tl1C o ri.q i na l. Bo r r owe r an.I Borrower's succenno r s .i.n irlt(lrc;-;t:. I.r-nupr r.ha l I no t; l1e r cqu i r cd t.o comme nco pz occcd.i nqn ( SllC}l auccenno r ur r0[UGC t'.o ~Kt~n(l t for payme 11 t. (J rot_: he rw i ~J e mod if y arno r t; .i z a t i OIl o f t.ho r;um!.; ~;("' cu rCf] l.)y t: 11 i. s tT1ortg(~gf"' by r ea aon of anv demand marln l)y t:110 o ri q 1. Po r rowc r and Borrower' s smcco s so r s ill Lnt.e r on t. ..

17 .. 1\CCf_!:ltElmrl~IOl·l_ 1.[ any o f !Ja.i.(l S\lln~~ of money l ro r.c i n r e I'e r r od

to a r e J1CJt pr ompt Iv nne] (t111 Y pa i d wl tlliJl 1:; (lays Tlcxt {1 ft(l r tll0

Sl1me ~everally become (_lue tll10 ptlY(1ble, or if cne}l nllU every of t:lle stir_lulat:j~on9, ilgr~~mf"ntG, COllr]j t~iorlS urIc] r~ovell{1ntn of r;(~id ,>rom.isnory

llotr' tllis l1ort~la~le, or ei til,", rare flot fully IJcr [ornlc(l, campI ipd w1 t 11

arlu ai)j,(]cr] t)y, til" r;aid ag~J rcga te Sllnl men ti onc(] irl ~;nld I)ronl i ssory Jlot~, tog~tllcr Wj_tll all ot:llcr nums s~cure(11)y \:11.1.9 r~lortgn.yQ, shall tJecomp. cltlP-

all() payable imnl0dia te ly, (l t: thf! Optioll of thf"l Lell(_ler, \-41 t~lOll t ur-m;]lld, il r; fully ant] complete ,Iy as if tile gui(1 nggr~qa te SlIm w~ re ()r j~y .i. nall y 5 t i-Pi).1.;} tee] to be I-1aid orl Buell (lilY of ilccelerat_iorl, nnytllitlg j.n ftilid tJromigsory not:e

or this r.-1ortgago to tllf! con trary notwi I arlU JJ-enrler may foreclo so this l10rtgage by jtldicinl J_lrocee(ling. Lender slla].l bp prltlt:_l~(l to

collect in nuch for~c loStlre proceec]irlgs (, II cxp,...rlne r; of Coree losuro , irlcluding, but not limi tell to, rctlsonnble nttorn~yr; I fees, costs of documentary evid~nce, abstracts nnd title roports.

18. ASSIG~mENT OF IllNTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. As additional security hereunder, Borro~-1er hereby assigns to Lender tIle ren ts of tile

Property, provided that Borrowor glla11t I-1rior to accel,eration lJY Lenc.1£!r,

or abandonment of thn Property by Borrower, llt1VC tllO rigllt to collect

-, arld retain suell rents as they bpcome duo D.fld paynblo.

Page Five

2000 SOUTH DfXf[" H~Gt~WAY~ S,UffE 214_ COCONUT GnOY~jf rlOnJOJ\ 33r.]]

.. ' .

r-""_'" . .,... .

_ -






Upon acue Le rnc Lon by Lcndo r , o r abaudunme nt; of t.ho fJrr.lp~.~rty bv

. Borrower, Londor 811a11 be cnt.f.t l.od rt,rJ have a r eco Ivn r appoInt.ed lJY a

~ .

court to upon r take poase snf.on of and manuqe t ho PrOf-l43 r t y [11UJ to

co.l.Lect; the runt; 9 of the Pr ope r t y, LnoLud Lnq t.hone punt dun. Al_l rerlt n co l.Lect.ed: by t.he receiver ~~lJlall }JC: app.l.Lcd fiJ:"nt t .. o pavrnnnt; o'f t hn conto .

. of management of the Pzope rt.y and co.l Loc t.Lon of xcnt.a , Lnc Lud Ln q , but .not; limited· to, -z ece Lvcz" e ["'es, p r em.i urns on 'rocoJver'f-l bondn nrid reasonable attorney'!J fees, and t.hon to tho nums nccurcd by t.h i s Hort~

gage t& • The race! vee shall }-JO liable to nccoun t; on l y fdr t.ho s e r ent.n

llctua.ll.y received.

19 - RELEASE. Upon pnymont; of all nums necur ed

Lender aha.l I release t h l n f=1ortgag~ witllout, charge to shall pay a1.1 cont.n of rocordntion I if any ,


1]0 r r (Jwe r-

20 _ ATTORNEY· S FEES a As user] in t tli 9 r~1oT.tgage and J n t.ho Not.o ,

"attorney I 9 ref:! 9 H nha l l include n t t.o rrioy t ft fee [I, JI r any , wh i ch may be awarded by an appellate court.

21.. Et~CUMBRAt-1CI~S. Tilio 1~ a pu r-chn ae money f.i rfl t mo r tr{Jage,

subo rd l nat;c on l y t.o t ho [0 llrJwJ ng nncumhrrmccn t t--l0tlE.

22. SECURITY AGREEf-r1EtiT.. Aq add.i t Lona.I sccuri,ty [or t.ho pa vme nt

of tlln Lndribt.ndne s s , a 9 ev JcJencct.l by ttlf! 11rominsory not.e de ac r Lbcd here in, the Bor r owe r he r obv ~Jrtlnts and conveys t.o t he Lorido r (, s~ct_lr.l ty Ln t o rc s t;

in, and mo r t.qaqe n to, tIle J,ent]f"'r, the f'o L'l ow.i n q pc r sona L prope r t.y wh i ch

tllO Bor z owo r r ep re sen ts wi 11 IJe' uncd p r Irna r i 1 y for pc r no na L, f am l l y or

110t19f!J10ld pur!JOSCB IL Borrower WarriJIlt B, coverl~lrlt~g and tlgrcf"lr-; not to remove t.ho co I La t~r~) 1 from 586() No r t h Bay Ro a d , r1iam i. B~acll, F lor lela,

wi t hout; tile IJr lor wr i t t.o n connon t u f Lplllle r .. Bo r rowe r WGrrt'111 t n , covenant; n and fJ.~Jrepn not: to G~ 11, ~xcllnngp:, a s s.i.qn , 10af1 t (1fll i ve r , Ip{1 ~e or

ot.he rw.i s e d.i spos« o f Sf) I d IJP- rnona 1 nr opc r t; y wi t.hout t:110 Iir .i.o r wr it t.on

connr-n t (Jf L~!rluer. 'I'he Eo l l.ow.i nq IJe rs("_)]\;] 1 p r o pe rt y .i s i IlC.1 lH]prl undo r t.ho sccur i t:y agreement:

Sun r oom - curved nof a , pan i.t.Lc r , CtlJJtt]irl' g chn s t , v i t r i no Ii,iving Room - r epr-oduc t i.on cho s t , ~J(lp;]n0Se wa l l scr oon , co r no r chal.r (rnahoqony] , 11 scone" s (IJr(Jn7.~), p.l n [1 t.n on

lc<lge, paLr of woo-len ma sk s , Clll-rl~~e oha i.r

Dining Room ~ (';-lnor..i. CJliTl(1, ~lr"Jdg~woo(] Chi na , 3 ;1Tlt10r,fJ, UP n r 11ea(1 .i 11 11;] 1 ]~ W;) Y

l'curo(_)m - 5 or .i on till J_Jr Ln tn Lr amnd ,


~; i CIne(1 , ne G 1 ell u nd (_10'11 ve r~(_l ill t ho p r e SCIlce of:

;J/i}?-i~ -


\ tJ,j\ ( S EJ\L )

_ T

Z'P". .... .. ......._.....




sa. :

couwry OF DnDE )

I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before mo, an offic~r duly authorized in the state a for cna.l.d and in tIle count v a fore9ilid to takf!

. ,

neknowl edqement s , personally appeared PABLO ESCOBAR, to me

known to be the person de9cribed in and who "xecutp.d the for~goin9

,Page Six




2000 90UTH OI)(tE .~lottWA.Y~ !tUtT£ 2t4,COCOt-:lut onov[_" rt.ontOA .']:11.33 • Tf:ltr'HO~_'E (JO~) n~O·"4~):4 ~ C10~1 Ot;O-401t



I 1- - -.... ..... • • ~


irlf1 t rumont, and llCkn(lW l.e(lg~d bo [oro m~ purponen tllf?lre.l.rl ~XI)r(~.9f)e(]. i


tllat Ito ox'~r~ut~(1(1 t.ll(~ fjaJn~ f o r tIle

'.;2:~ljSB My hand and ofCielal no

this _ . flay of Mnrcht 1980~,

..._. ..........




1-.. ~

~ ,

M~f:,g UI m-~J!t '-~M I!!~,

Of rAn, C'OHH',. 'lMlfr~ ,

~rtn" o It r '1'" 0



CURl( CIRCUIT ror,nt


Page Seven

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LI6Y OrrtCE.!I P ..... A. HOLT9A£no. PJ A .

2 000 so. Uf". 0 I )( ,£ ~ H I 0 H WAY; 9 U ITt 2 '4 .. CO cor .. UT o nov L. r l on 1 0 A ,3,3':l J ~ t r l r: Pt. 0 tl r: (~o!).} (1 ~ n - .-1:1'1 ~ if • (J o 'j) J) ~ r;i ~ 4. 0 3 ,



I r '

, iii


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