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Printed by P Kmight at the Baptist Mission Press, 41, Lower Circular Road, Caleutta and Published on behalf of the Government of His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwad of Baroda hy Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, Durector of the Onental Institute, Baroda. Price Rs, 3-0-0. CONTENTS. Preface a - Intropuction a § 1. Rise of Tantric Buddhism §. 2. The Author . . a § 3. Teachings of the Prayfiopayaviniseayasiddh .. § 4 Teachings of the Jfianasiddhi TEXT. 1, Prajfiopdyaviniscayasiddhi vs 2 Jiidnasddhi . oe on Indexes ae . Page vii ix xi xin xviii 29 101 PREFACE The Prajfiopiyavinigcayastddhi of Anangavajyra and the Jianasiddby of bis disciple Indrabhati,—two short works of later Buddhism, or properly speaking, of Vayrayina—are presented to the public for the first time in orginal Sanskrit as No XLIV of the Guekwad’s Oriental Serves The publication of these two works needs no apology hecause of the paucity of material for the atudy of Vajrayana and the later phases of Tantrio Buddiism Both Anangayajra and Indrabhati were meluded in the group of the eighty-four Mahasiddhas and undoubtedly they were very popular in their own time, therefore, as these two works some from ancient authors of much influence they appear to be more or less of an authoritative character They are also caloulated to throw immeasurable light on the doctrines and practices of the Buddhists of tho Tantric period ebout which very little 1s known to scholars of modern times The Tantros are a very neg lected literature, but when they are dissected and properly examined there will romain cnough to show that they aro yery valuable in their own way and that they bave always something very lofty and grand to icach to mankind cven now = It. 18 m this literature that the whole of the onltural history of the eastern part of India from 700 to 1200 AD 1s locked up, and a study of this hterature 1s ely to repay the investigator amply The ethtion of the Praynopayamniscayneddh is hased on the following ax MSS — 1 A No 8080 of the Asiatic Soorety of Bengal deserrbed an tho Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS in the Government Collec tion by Haraprasad Shastri, Vol J, p 16 B No 18124 of the Baroda Oriental Institute MS Libra- ry, first eopy comprising fol Tis to 62a C No 13124 of the Barode Oriental Institute US Libra- ry, second copy comprising fol 1252 to 137b D Nepal Durbar Library, first copy 5 E Nepal Durbar Library, second copy N A copy in the possession of the editor to ~ yn . PREFACE As 5 rule all the MSS are defective and full of mistakes In the copy of the Asiatic Society of Bengal first three chap- ters out of five are missing The text of the Jianasiddhs of IndrabhOti 1 bared on the following three MSS 1 B No 14124 of the Baroda Oriental Institute MS Library a H Copy in the possession of im Dr Harsprasad Shastri of Caleutta 3 N Copy in the possesston of the editor The task of editing this second work presented peculiar difficulty owing to the hmited number of VSS and it as feared in spite of all precautions there are instances where obscurity could not be avoided Our thanks are due in the first instance to His Highnes« the Maharaja Chandra Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana, GCSI, GCIE, etc Waharajadhiray of Nepal, for willingly and generous- ly allowing us a loan of the valuvble MSS from lis Durbar Libra- ry To Mahamahopadhyaya Dr Heraprasad Shastri we are also indebted to a great extent for lending his MSS and allowing them to remain ith us for a long time We hive al-o to thank our esteemed colleague Pandit K S Ramasnsam Shastri Siromam for carefully correcting the proofs and making valuable suggestions Baropa The 20th March, 1929 } B BHATTSCHARYYA INTRODUCTION $1 Rise of Tantric Buddinem The religion taught by the Buddha passed through mnumer able changes until :t developed into Vajrayana with rts strange philosophy strange dogmas and strange customs and practices How Vajrayana or the Tantric Buddiism arose from the earher religion we have endeavoured elsewhere’ to explain and st 1s not necessary here to dwell on that pomt at any length It 18, however well to remember the three principal factors which were in the main responsible for the degeneration of Buddhism A great vamety of influences which cropped up during the cen turies from the time of the Mahaparmrvana of Buddha and the destruction of Buddhism from the Indian sol at the hands of the Mahammadans m about the 13th century of the Christian era helped a great deal in bringmng about this degeneration The introduction of the theory of Mahasykha im the conception of Buddhist Nirvana was the first and the primary cause of the weakening in the strength of the religion The second is the mposition of the most stncé and unnatural rales of discrphine amongst the members of the Sangha who could fohow them only up to 2 certam extent and not for ever afterwards in exactly the same lines as shown by the Buddha ‘The third force which had also exerted 4 weakening mfluence 1s the theory of Karuna which required that each individual Bodhisattva should sverifice everything —himself his happiness hus family and children—for the emneipation of the suffering humamty This had a widespread esroulation amongst the masses and the reault was that the vow to emancrpete others was reduced to a mere convention and what 1s worst —the priests tooh shelter under its cover and found m xt an excuse for committing acts of greay ain and immorahty It 1s defficalt to say when Vajrayana arose but 3 cannot ——— . 1 §Gdhe amala II fntroduction page rruf Gaelwade Onental Series No ALI x INTRODUCTION be denied that the seeds of Tantric Buddhism were already there m the onginal Buddhism in the form of Mudras, Mantras, Mandalas, Dharanis, Yoga and Samadi a3 & mens to atten happiness and prospenty in this world India in the Buddha’s time must have been steeped m absurd superstition, and it 18 difficult to magine that Buddha will forbid all suc practices, beewse his obvious arm was to create a popular rehgion It ts thus very casy to think that there were many amongst bia followers who were more eager for attammg happiness and prosperity in this world than for the extinction of self in Nurvina as preached by the Buddha The Buddha bad to cater for this section of hts disciples by giving them Mantras, Wudras, Dharans, Yoga and Samadhi? and we heir also of come of his diserples attaining great powers and performing miracles in his own time* The next stage in the development of the Tantric form of region 1s represented by the Aryamafizusrymulakalpa whieh has been published by the late Mahamahopadhyaya T Ganapatr Shastr: m the Trivandrum Sanskrvé Serres This work must have belonged to a very early period as it 13 classed among the Vatpulyasiitras which became extinct about the 4th or the 5th century AD One who has glanced even eursorily through the three massive volumes of the work will not fail to be struck at the wealth of Mudras, Mandalas, Mantras and deities described in them If this be the conditson of Buddhism, say, in the 2nd or the 3rd century AD or even earher, who can deny that these precious things existed long before in Buddhism even from the time of Buddha, because such o development, a3 1s noticed mm the Maryuinmulsbalor, presupposes a great "deal of earlier yterature on the subject The next work which contri. 1 This as borne out by the testimony of Sontarakete the author of the Patteasangraka where the following remarkable verse oceurs, aga veripn fete sgara 1 warevateumiceeuaife oaa t (GO Series No XAX p 90 ) Kemolas le bis dismple edded—@a worrier wadunfgteaatfa faye 4 wwtfarean gaTawente views | and thus defin tely ettnbuted the mtroducti¢n of these matters d rectly te the Buddha, "SBD Mahavagga +152 313122 108 ‘ INTRODUCTION xt buted matenally to the development of Vajrayana, 1s probably the Guhyasamaya or the Tathigataguhyaka popularly known as the Astadaéopatala, where we find for the first time the mention of Vajrayana and the evolution of the theory of the five Dhyan Buddhas and the five Buddha familhes, the main pivot on which the Vajrayanic conception of the Pantheon revolves? Tho Tantrics bad many things which when brought to public notice were hkely to give a rnde shook to many, a otber words seereoy was their key note im the beginning, till the practices enjoined in the Tantras were widely current amongst a large section of the people In the @uhkyasaméja thore are many practices which cannot be made public at once, unless the ground 15 prepared to receive them Thus the Tantra went into private hands and was transmitted in a most secret manner through an unbrohen chain of gurus and disciples till 1b gained currency after 300 years, mainly through the-teachings and mystro songs of the 84 Siddhas and their diserples and all those who came in intimate contact with them These Wahasddhas mostly belonged to the 7th 8th and 9th centuries of the Chnstian era and our authors here namely, Anangavajra and Indrabhuti belonged to the end of the 7th and the beginning of the 8th century, or in a time when Vajrayana had already made a great headway and, was «most easting into the shade the orginal or the purer form of the Buddhist religion § 2 The Authors In the Tangyur Catalogue of P Corder Indrabhuts 1s men tioned as the disciple of Anangavajra From other Tibetan sources Indrabhit: appears to be the father of Guru Padma sambhiva who went to Tibet mm the year 747 A D at the instanco of ins brother in law Santaraksita, both of whom were mstrumen tal in founding the first great monastery at Samye in Tibet in the year 749 AD modelled on the Odantapura style? If we take Indrabhut: as 30 years semor to his son, then his time will fall somewhero m 717 AD and af his guru Anangavajra 1s 1 Tims worth has been undert#hen for publ cat on in the Gaelwad’s Oriental Serves and the edition 1g t8 come out shortly 2 Waddell Lamas p 25 . BCE wai * DN arate, BCE wtaato 1 ODN carey * BCE fae | *NBawe 7 DN cantte | 2 BCE ome 1 * BODE edt | »Dea * BCE efigqe | . * Dom “DN .madt, BCE cary wat 1B efce | weturefargt are gent ufcege: 1 . Haig aay TIT | PHA TTA HUT TT: WaT aa ey sora eater | aaragenia katara: weather: Wee a wane ae ag atresia SMA AST: AT aAA | 20 nay sag 3 wad aa Fa fe Ras Tag's Waa AEA eS | Teena Teaare aise | warceufaga Wa wafer nee a ed ared sad fird aaa Afra | VATATTATS TATTTTAT FAA Ro U aa WagaTaTHT ER, WAT EAH | Harereant fest abr eather nee aufateateratd pa area faery | zarfrarace tat usrarcfrariaaa t 8e A araad fare” wT aeece ARTIST | qarresaaal a aifea) ESTA t RR 1 DN eae! 2 Bodtos * Al MSS add werd! 4 BCDE as aa) | 5 ODE wate 1 * CBE exite t 7 CBE saa | * CE was! ° O vated . 19 BODE zt ” OBE ema 12 ODN cif | 3 ODN ag t g ° weftwrafafarrafest wa fahrinrerae Mea RATT | Tea Wal Freud a aa fe Re 1 frarfutcarrsnra: waar fer | wfngined wary watoTsEETTT 1 ey Teaa FART ara: arat: FT waged 4 Mas wate’ aafsar ot 2 It magaeIe BrergaT aay | WARNE Te TATTAR RO I fomefsagedat ant: DIAH aT ay: arg ama i sufcfanfataatercan: eri ARTGTG TATGGN AE 0 RE I aie watrafatraaiest watrafaasdy are nea: ufeec: | iD. ea ret eral + TEC ome, surg, N omy ‘ ounDs * BCE «ge ve EC otfa®e ; * Beagqa facta: uft=sz: | weet aaa fahay aaa aT | feara vaquenfreaifeararargy te A Bare ys wagehife ss TATAT: | MTA AAT BUTTE ATAT fz A re afafa veal Aa wal Hach TATAATSOANS We TT TAA WS I AST TP AMGIAATATACH: | sired Fa wararasaifcg aera! a 8 A yafeararedt aa wag 3 FeTTA | WAAC IAT WTA TAMT TAT HY A a VI VASAT YR AFZEAAAA | ay fa fen wet mre warm fefr ne a smd wae q fale aerea | afayasta aay TaTTag TaTHT bo A aratan: afta & RPaq weerarsewawr | frarafafcargar fateaerre feat: nt aaa after areata vga argarata yaa areaPaepyeas eo + Daier * DN outfze 1 * DN Be) © DN catstare 1 5 Drepents Ch Es) 25 after this. ‘ EBC a1 7 DN eat * BCDN -3 * Be evfamde 1 seterafafnerafiratt ad fafwiarenntg 2agaTTTE | ereaerat Tea femur wae fen Re fearafatcarrasam: wer fea afar fans wary WaTTTETETA: ORY, EQRg MAMTA ARTS: YTAT YT | wag 4 waa wate HAPs W RE TARA TRUA AAeTySA AT | TRATy refresh RO A frrefarqedan anet: AYTARRUT aT: ary ara: It suftinafahrasecrin aad ROUTE H TIGA AT 0 RE af waorafafraaieat aaoratrasdy ara Tar: URE | ‘Dam Ne EC 6a “BOR ee EC atin. , feala: uftsaz: | aa eae faa waa Were | feara waqlgen frantifeararny bt 0 SUS YR MGA Ss BATT | RAAT ReUTAT AAT 2 xg afefa veal Aa wai farcia | FATHERS WT A TTA 1 8 FAT T PARTS AAT AAT TT | ara Aq aaraaraifeg mata’ ue 0 serfenraret wer ate SAAT REIT AAM, WATTTTTTT WY a Wa Ta TAA Yat ALAR TAT | awd Fa fray ae qrora He i2he nS p ama wate gq fafsaa aera gaqests weld astra qaT_T hot arate aba & Ffeq wares saa | fearafatarga fafarema'fer: 0 aaa uftara arta aqua argarata waa areafaaqazay te 4 sD wast > DN utfzet 3 DN Zt * DN catstae ¢ * D repeats Ch. I, sl. 25 after this. * BRC Ba . 7 DN emt | * BCDN +B) * Ef evjaeme} wetoratatranferst AMAA UTA Mel ASAT | Sud wyaral FAA TITS No A arurnfreaaitirctaatan ZCI: Ween SAU LES BVA TRA | srareerrnteergziae auth Here Raa TATA G VAST | apatafa a geaha faetowereut #23 fatoata STATA SUT I QB lt watt TRAIT TENN | fafa: wissen wacrars Ata neyo wan: Basra TAT Y AETYA | sprargedt frat eareareattca: wee Ul SUT TS YT ATETEThA ATARI WAAL SVTAATATATGAT ROM ita sara @ arenes | eerareare gael oft aT nec watead ara ag ard aaa a ae YT | Breet satiate fica” STUE Ht * BODE vga ' Dh ; wet "Benet + Bee | * DN oa) CDEN 3&1 pan “DN yet omte | 10 E aed (8; D Ffaq | warsrabcrerrieat aay fect ufestes 1 * aa afer: arg: Ty Si aa RETA | are a aa faerster a war'a aad TE Re A yaaa way fats: el Fae ovale | aaarafea a a wafer fash y eo y watara Fae: wT aeraferer: | war aware at Hoare arse A RV hk a aul avargenr aferrmarafafeury | cad TAA peg faint Ween Ba Ta Sar ARUTATTSTaa: | ara aearaa areraaisvarsehr neh doaTerigqasd ATATESTTT TI Aaa aaa aa were: W RY Al way [atten] ae wqareneareerer | aearay serarat pe: wateiferfae: ue i Sarat” Garaaseargas: | fears war ean Beta ree ROW wreafer weistedt ypearerare Frere” veel ed anagem WRES > DN quite 1 2 Bama > D oat | * Bartel *- BOE ome} ® BCE waar! 1 BDE vet * Dp ofqu ° Beat . 2 BCE uxfwae; DN uafeaet uu DN oda = BCE warrgaafaat 1 Bow) 2 ve witarafafrrafest fat mat We afafadt freraay | waded feral fafarreren eT Re wee aPaaTg fareaat | ufafa area: earlier 1 ge ti afauTae SHER TATST FAT: | AMSAT AMAT tl Be tl Waerat ata Teacerat firs: | aufeq diate! aren farArae: 8k tl qama wes: fratshmtas waR | ARETE Terai WaGSAA BAT ST ara (eret]} aczaed wage AY a aparay qaxeaar”® wear Fara | SAE" ATT THAT Te TATA Aah at wafer” ora were 8 aia uatrafafraafeal sareraierratags ara fadta: ufcaa: | 1 EB oftes 2D ovqene 1 'D ott; “DN? ea * BCE ge 1 ‘ DN ewati " BE ara. D am, CN ung) * BCDE ee 1 * BDD ow, O31 © OC eati ™ BODE ayn . “ Noafan 3 BOE gig &: 8 DN ffi RR qa: ufteear | WaT SAA MIR eT STANT | arrarent femata tite fararere'a ie WaT TT afafedt wer qu veel WaqaTa HUST HATA ye sara acer Maar t wmifreraaa o'er arene fevtizar 3 i Wea aT Brat MAS! UAT saaafesara waa scien i g sare wasaafatars fares | VRS TIT FATATATM SAAT ny hi aalanearat nr yah PITTA | aarayaarnafaead fMaszaq ys 1 Tarreatfeaenrt: AegTie kA | WRT WHT Tat FRM UE ATTA] | O farett ay THC ASAT AAAS | aaa Wet MAWAA ATE VT 1 EC earae | . 7 N entstt | 2 EC wate t ‘DN ae * Row! * EC ew, Bite | v ustjarafsfrerafast fact murat Ye Tharad TraTTeR | wanted feai fafgereeaTT OH MRE tt wera afenare faa | ufafa wee! waakaniaren sen afaurard EeeTa TST FT | PMAMATATA MATA URAT Be WR BTA TCA fae | enfiggdfataa: areaifraarre: 1 82 0 ama wes: frashirstar yay | afrerara qarat eaquaal’ WA SS t are [erat] aazaze waqaasy aie: a: aaa WeCaAaT” eat Farass | A WAT WAG Ae AT ATE TAF Dyed apt va Squad” wrarat wea Be ain caorafairaaiat aararaicrafasal ara fanta: afte: | 2 oe * D osqune 1 vot! “DNR wi *‘ BCE °R © DN emt, * BE =r, D ara, ON wnat © BODE ew! Bone © Coat | “ BCDE wer) . “ON wafa @ BOB gi ty * DN Efi, By qata: uta: | Te aT WAR TST | anrarat fearabn fate Parerere'a ned araaTaaar te ahatrehy aeqr TU Rae TaTaTAL AUS BATA ye t serena a areata | mifinmaad ova waaetinitaur 1 3 t Fray cer Sra BES WTAE aaraieearay waa etiam tg aera: adaaartars Prararse | sree Tea ATMA Yt aaqaarerrat ora yxt FaTA | agragrarsafaan azar ns qaraTeniereme soqanig haere: | AAT WS ASA YA TE ATTA WO tl fred wil WAR VAT STS | mgudia went aaa Teas te ? EC emai 1 . 2 N ogists > EC ante l “ DN cg 1 * EC ome, Bite 5 * E og aR . wetarafafiraaterst ane gamer asewerataa | wie srererdie HTH A aiioey HH gy MMA ST MNT TA | WAATTARA THAT AAI WY Lol wat Tiferara [rr] arefrarpe: | warata ar are Thufaa aa AT Ae qTaad AE aa! WATITAR | Sgaiad ad arate way Ah 2" farafntcarga smfgerifcey | PMA AY FST Ae A ee | aid Bsqad ret wareta & aT aaThta waa Ware Fe ATA N28 II Tee wasarat 4 sitet watarawrattfate | FErge ce: Praise Srary ke Sasi APART: WATE | wag & wal tei feel vafaferted 1 22 0 rerta walt tarred | ghaurgearga wart aaa | RE Ul ae 4 wat sa TGeTTTET | UTATS HAT HR MAL PAY UMA A RE ate orien: are: facet ar afters’ | arardat a areca: dati euler 1 RY A atufrarhaalara] fers faertae | aget Waa Ta AH TERE | RE Il arafrneraad fete aa waar | WAC WMT WANT TATA | VO Il Tainrereue Frarafafraraa | Be aed fararas: Wars FX APA I Ve | § CE 7 2 BC od, N cart * Bege, N toy 4D dq 5 Eh ote I , * BCE ort av, DN -B%r1 7 BCE -awat! ® BCE ca qua! 18 e weiurefatresfest aaa arent wdemeTaisa | Was ATTIRE TAH HIT AM mea aqarnra eas | war TaTAT TTT AIS Fh Ce aaer Aferara [an] wefaarpe | Baraka Wel Are afafan aay FH ATH Tasd aera aa RTaSTAR | Aurgafad wi amdte aatsay AH ee Foarafatcarge aaicerateTe | PAARL HA GSTs AAG FH CS aa Aqut ad cee a spare t aaratal wae MATS HR MATT HU I wad adqarat eftd wiafar 1 aa A faaasa aan ara wale Ft eI Tae ATA AVE A faa aie TATA, Fe THATS eharenfahahaa es aaa Ah MTR feeTTET * aAATY aut fra sarge ATES TTA farafadtsse | - on = Tha erega wep A ers ‘ Dd ohio 1 * BDEN aw. * BO dete 1 * RC ae: D ames ° E omits up to $1 92, DB ute: D fey * Bod * BDN ow, . Atfatrmtetres: atest. le ae FRETS TA THAT | aaa AEATATATTT ATES gen aera ac HAT BITS! OMAATAA | faasg vennee q Tfafad fatwa 1 eo I afgaarat: eatararentfahe: | Aargei de: frerafaheste serag: 1 Re STs AAATTA: WATT | care % wad tei feat mafafrdiery 1 R2 It Heres TAI Taree fares | FRSA ga WA TRAPATT Il R21 ae % aa we THGaRTTIAH | UAT Wel HZ FAC WY ATH Il V3 tt afte arficas: ark fara ar afters | Sarde A Baars AAT TTA 4 RY afutenfateleray fears facta" | arqut 3 cdl Ca WA TETAS 2S atid fate aa waare’ | Wades THT TATAEATA RO tl maraeenrat Frarafaarat | safest Pare WATS Fe ATA RE A . 1 CE oat = BC od, N eats 1 Boge, N owe t ‘Daas + Beate °° BOE cats, DN 1 BCE eanma:s ® BOE ow air oar aoe aettrratatrerefadt ararfisten: args Berea: Wehae: | ata qayet areal smrerraTicey on Re 0 aa & ane seq ae had a ST TARA TAT TATA UTA Bo ht ATU RT AT ARATE TT | ATPASE IAT AT ANT STATA WBE faurafaa waa STAY Beaaraedt | aaa aT H BTBT WelM: TAATTAT: 1 82 0 fac wredniagt WEeIRRRAT SA: | ‘ag afgent gai dd aaa PHA Bs fries yeast SUTTAT | fanaa “We wa feats Tn sen ae WINE AAS TAT T TER TUTA wd fanaa]! aa warrarfararerc:’ yu sy a MPT VASA FATAt Tari’ | war squat ahi ware” aTeETTEH Se a faoreangat aq" od aalag fre | aaa wrafrenta aaifepraatas: || 20h 1 Beds >* BCE sthq1 ‘A reads differently: aafeeay Ral fafeacta a1 ae Qurgcar a ange fri oD sta! i Nome | > ABCE «te 1 * D ener | > Deal * EC arte t 2 BC uke | eA 1 BC cae | 12 EO otitis | xe ‘ aeiurafataeraferst garorefaar Sar waar aaa Baa VARGA WATSTTTAT VE aaa waged sore PeTTeT ae | Hera Tea, MRT ATAATSA Ae ada arate Se aranarafadra: | rat arafafayat aaa ferara WT Rot simaaaeh dante AT | PTT Ta SA TPTAT TAT Ne ART RATA SPE REAaTafsae F | fad Pari fe darcqars aa 1 RR rat waar faa TEUCETFSTAHTTA | Tea AT Weandast wea faatwat sare 0 RED ara ara: west feat » fafa sega | aera gad BAN aries vat ws Th Re 1 EO of 4 » ome mk . ‘ EC wat 1 B org ay. © eRp stag | * Caater STAs AT sage: afesse: t . ae Tye ATaAT He: BAST ATA: | faci fate fret gard ae Te: faery ATA RY ki Arar ENT: Woe eT AS AT SAT ara Sreagercentras aradaraita: are aR eel Efay at Teafar are fag ee afa matirafafraafedl aaa ma aga: Wiss | 1 EC ewaaq . * De araq, EC aq 3 DN aq) ‘EC ai * omitted in EC. 8 A ete | Re getarafaferraferst Usa: Ufteea: | aa: aaa BS amearith eet i wauaaygay Tae FEAT Wet feare Gaqarat ward & sateen | amaaran werariaar att te HATTA HUTA TSA TATA | arett wana Aas Fe a st fanfetsan fear ga eaMZET | fearafetar gar Sfearrenfien iy FAIA BTU aT AAAS AAT | a aaa fafacal qaqa: weg Talegarfaai gat yy quien pata aaa STRATA l sat ufvar aarartieat xi” Wea: waa TAT: el * Aas = RCRD omyfte i * ECDN oxqe! ‘EC me} . ABODE cate 4 ° BCE omge j ABOE oge 1 * CE ger * CE Fed ABCE az (2): "CE acta. 1 . aenraitigady ara aga: afeeee| RR ayawat wieaaa Sawreaa sefsaa | sear fa’ Ren q anerarar- frre ait arg’ 9 fafa: ofeerafear ara Taeasaihegaay gq) waamarqafafstrat Safa ait anara are may aden ary Srerasaten | araag Tarsat g erman wera i ey at SRA walaTaeye: | fasta Tega Fale TAA tee Ul PAYATAR AAT TITEL | aevefeneman ‘sefath farcrart i 22 | SATA Ha HATTA | Surgafag age! srdei a’ TAHA: 1 QR N Fragearfed g fate” | warearaua oad arg fR | awa” wer ual fades: nafs | - waurcfaarinrs gafafanteaa eeu 1 EC ogg * ABCE «1 2 DN aq A at qs * Bag, ABDN ARE! 8 EC eau, & A WEAAERT | 7 EC twas . * ABCE a3: ° BC sei wat 10 ADN odsea1 4 EBC ea «BCE eaaa we wstarafafraafagt ware shaman A Terai a: | aracra fad q weit waa ee WalaTeare Bea BAIT YS i spaAtea fran MAAR: ys ferarqqeaia arfrareetfac | arate and acd Ta ARIAT he 9 Ul fararoterst waTeaa fray | ROT ATA TAT farm srigaaferat yc a sacra faut di’ erfarqaeT Tet | ar faranras wat ate FW eet atigd ward Ve ATA RATAT | weld wee ATH: ATARA G TIAA I Re sri BAAS HrcA | need Grae Mead, Ferafeery 1 et Berar hraT TAT AAT BPMATHT | aad frat war deat aa nfcaT SR RPIATETATATS Saas SaRAAT | RS ASTIN ATA ATETETRATAT 23 + A outa | 7 DNB cfate) * ACE onet * BCE -afe- 1 * BODEN wut frenggaa | * B ownage t " BDN ewe! * Awoadafenine, DNB squrdafaaraanr * BOB ey 2° A Be 1 EC arene aPUUpAe Ay ari yen uf 1 x arenTfegeiarat q si 4 sresiRaH | etal wart 3 faeat faret ver ney a saad wart Sy afahean | array Tein we fis ana Ry A aurfeae Te: et © SY aaa haa aEA: REY Shania Wraps: 1 sate fara ST THEY Rar 29 1 watureraracared ene yore ae: | ae AAaaTe aaa RE Tareas aT HA WATT | arawarfsannt Frat wane fz pee wreTgeageT a afaq ufcafas mraa sarara fafaada Fawr a se t warrrfee wt aramid 2) fated aaaraer arearat fears 3 ae tl SAAN AGATA FAT AA’ AATAT: | wad aaa ffranfeg ar war 1 BRU wautenrisd Afar | a uy wary Tal TeTETAg VazAT WB I ? ABCE curate 1AM | * BCE wis 1 « CE cenfinern® + © A eaunrentenen® | © BGDNE ott. | 7 DN ofan * BCDEN oad | ® BOE yaia, DN arqitat 20 BCE waa | . Re . utara fraafast MIATA GET TapAAAT | AEN HATTA FAATNITA FN Be il mam aaara'a she area freer: 1 satiny errr afaa ta fa mation ll RY i WAL A | Ta Aa ATTATS TT AST | a vated Wa ara Se fatsaett vet Rerq aaragy forces | ae fag’ weufad arr aa 1 Bo 0 Rafer Tartare | PATS ATMA SE FaQerereante TEN TAITATE WA | a frararaat cet aaa ufrafa i ve i TA AAT WAM AAT A LAR Ae | aq Farce g feels arse 1 Be tl care fete werfirey erat fetaTTE” | Fraga arte wc wer Ben TRENT ES" war a8 ar | Faved wer ur ag? RR ~ Sf, 3g LA emBe ‘ * A enfeats a * AK | i+ ? BCE ommgt * Baran, EC es “DN mdter, Ba DN ag ues aaa aa are aga afer) le RY aa Fa wate a aS aah: area itera THATS chrafa nest nfafearearea asf mry saa fararaa | aaa Te AaTKd TAR i ae 1 aaa qatar wafegiay ery awa wiuAtey Sef Farag” wiatgayareatrarea g: I mad aaa RAMU aaTTATT: ee aria ath Pracgace: feales aria” yey il waren: aertar fra aad: YaTA: BARAT" | SATA ATATaT: Te IT eaRATAUA TAG Bs t aera Far farareu fede afsfaqeraig | aarhtaen: WesTaaT at aT ATTA Bo Ul a 2 A emda ? WC atts : EC an +A enna . “ECB og at fe 7 DN ome 1 * ACE aig » RC oge, A ot Baws »° EC wafers 2 EC vate 12 DT) omer A dtet is Aquifer 4 Re . witarafafraataat aRTETt 3 IM wante aafe’ aries qa aT farara Wea W MATA TaRT AAT | aan aaa aa fe « ¢ 34 ua qa wat ace Grace fais WraaTy aereT az Il qarerple arena aT ATA YA \ at a faafa wer fear feria a ee Rare wfcaen itera wast wae a Ta | afadaratonifeartaan: wtred aiawa ferried tye t aay Wa YHA AAG TaTenathansterd a1 aOia wetyfaataat earntaraa facet fae: yeu SAUSTATA: BeTTRaZT ALT: fran: war aT | fee: | wai mat wafer . RaTHaT Ug Uae? war EAA YR I | DN wer * EC omit. | DN oss *Aati | ROE mine 1 * ABCDE exe 1 "ECB edare ® “8 MSS eate: EC waster, DN ofege; 1 * EC gfe aayalReMy aa ayn qiegz en zo Raaeaa asa wae faftefas aarsta | aarfer Venger FAIA ITS ER qerturegarera faster raze WATT | wa azkeasaat fated’ are aren ye 0 RTARTET HAT Mae: BT AAT AAAS ATTA TAT | ord qui faust pupae eg qyA farat aearitaa waq sated sifubraa’ Fee wy tt efa watirafateraafecat mereaifresit ara wast oftaz: | afatararas erry | \ RATT ART? 1 BODEN wetfza i 2 CO euawae(?) | > B faten saat) + ABC aumea 1 5 EO ome 2 DN om 1 A ofaetl . ® BODE efanaq: * DN out the colophon. I JINANASIDDHI Or INDRABHOTI. R Rategafatactanr sratate | Saferstefechen aT fete: | aga: ufteec: mat aurea | nieaay warart a afreracr he | waqund ferfserfed artery 1 4 was waa get ETE TT GY SIP aa STA AGT | aa araia aera waaite wT | 8 2 q war warese waawerafsiar: | a apne wei TR AAT sa ATTA 1 BO x ee . Ha fete vei arr were 1 YI SUA aATTA TTT Ft sapien a fad arengeta yo UNaei * DB oniares 7 MSS carr | RR saraferet aire aiteaieaita cafernarg = | Pues urfiaarefata faa = aaa Ah On aera AAT ATT [earl arefa tae [aaa] Waa ATTA ten waeAA AA aaa: a fer: | afr ata dara 4 afaaaad We Ut arent at afiara qatar Terafeat: qarnaeathe UaRTA ATIATAET te I wail Vasa BST Aihara: | TAT Tyra w aaat dat fan 1 eet qaidifrantt « afufanfateiaad | RORAATYS NAIA TAA AST AR Ht acter afcat ere 41 nati wafer edemeratay Og tl urea Paral] acinar ft eae aU WETS SUAS ATA tt 28 Rau Fat & aa: BRAT \ Tard AR AT Rat ae EAT at Set Sara | {araray Fee wer eter tery been eset * MSS game! ae “Noa, ‘Boom, Beg; ‘ * MSS | 7 MSS erage; omit. * MSS wraten amity. wan: Wee: > aR WHTAaATA TT AT UTE HARTA sare wa sat qari: 1 ey t waunrafstaye Fats frais: | manrerfatrayen Hae Pett warfea: y ec 4 Talaeraregrars stars frase varifafatrygen sarpare| frcrarary teed aRiarteeurnaisae AASTATAT | ord aa fanat aa gate Serrated ti zo h waa wera: watarrfatea: | THTATTATA ATIATTT VEN ST Far WALA TTA | we ase Us waaay ahha 1 22 0 TeneTe! TA “A TAA THA | ret faa are: facarefantiea: u 23 y Te AH HAE wes Aafia B wa fe Vaz Waa Tas se Tard ATA | 28 BNTARTATA ATE | B VAG TATA: TARTATAT AT I RY tl serranchrarer fafranearas: | qasenferereat water Probe: 2g > HB arr | ~ MSS argerry | s Bava . “MSS eget 5 MSS eat! é R arafest afaaTa Uiwaaia wafrernarg FI art whiaareiata fat a Waren o ti Rea waa AT [Lew] aehe Fae [eq] Tega ararayTeTe He BAMA saat: wa fer | afa afeara deren # afeacrarerar et aren Het sfesra Zatter Crater: | VARTARS VYMIA AAMT W Ro 0 wat THY a Tifutensalor: 1 PARTTH BUA HAT fara nee geraiieanid = atfafen fetta | waaay Vai aes AST WLR It acreetad vita ae 1 wat Tafa wma 1 CS ara Pariah) ochre fs wre | ATAU WRT BUTATRANTAR ft VB aaa Ft F wer: weuiferarcaie | Tare AGE Gt Aa ar faye ney a weraraTargar Set Traranea | [arari] frat ma aderesrfendt ued t USS State 1 * MSS ware 1 Ree | “N o@ * Hem, Bows ‘ ® MISS omit 7 MSS omy | * MSS atic: arate. waa afte: | > BR Dearest attest wre wala | Say we tat ssenahsghia yoo 1 amen faferya: Tarte fafa: | mannafafagay are Tit wares: yc y Welaerarerares Waa PTCA | Tena SeTT aT) PTAA Wee A ararrarfazeraaisaa wfasiratar a wa famed ww gate anrrefaq i Po 4 wait were wataraafaten | RATATAT TAGES: RL Ul aaa Ter: Ta ATT | RE ASAT TST BAAS FATA RR A Tearardi senfes “a wi TTT | aera fasat are: fecarafaatfer: 1 23 1 ey ay wag wh agate # wa fe MEETS MA Te AE CH ATAU 228 RTA TATTAT AT ATT w wae aaa: TARTRATE HRY apraitchararen PaPaeenRUTA | qamanterera? setere fererfere: WE 2 FB amet = MSS argerary * Bewi| ' * MSS gs | ® MSS out 3 ae smaferat aqe fareragr St TAqRT TATA | qeqara sararat are aH: WaT: UPON were Tea wife GoraTaT ATEAA | TAT TGA FAAS Rat AAT W RE aaa faad Sa area a Fray svat qe wa Bra wae fea Re areata fire Te AAT: I wale gus wafaafaarars: 1 so waut waa fe wad fre | Tans waar frat ates erase sen aaj aaa fal wtrReTaiaTAA | qarattafoe fe armag aRapAATA 1 Bey ARR STARA” Rea | zerarehata Fa waaTE was WAT WBE wraeLaet)” eee atfera aTae aa | Seat wad ta ata Ways Tse tl Ba 4 ATH BS HSE CeATaT | SMG VTE SVT FAA FS BY + MSS saat! * H wate, B atatte | * MSS ew | * AB wanmetie | * BH -fain. Novia) 0° MSS xa aaary 7 MSS smae 1 * AN omit. ° RN Ga NH -R BAT "MSS Seq fran ame) | MSS ome wag; * MSS est) “ B eames avafigen cae: aide: ae Sarre a Aer wat aT faae'serat | smear fe wag stat arat sat a tre tt Be waar art aerate ary t aarfatra afaara afufosisiratas i se 1 a ant wager ageariah wa: | BAPatayes, ar cafes sprafa: tact (arf cent] ahr Sfierar were: 1 qerarfa werent seater: war fear: he FaPUa GT Tea RaaH | whtan wat ofrerreiaa4r i go BATMAN IT ASTIGNTAAT: | waerancanta cerarar wfafear: a ae tl y aria aaeray arian: wfafean: | asta oa a arafea fad’ ater varia Fa Bet waeares: faa: PaTATTATTETT: | a ageta 2 a aserarnmfmitca: | es} duel srafrarafasel fataerii | af aivamea again faaifear nee waa acer aret aera Fare | aarafafataat are: Sea aA Wey A 1 MSS saaites - MSS edt ao 1 2 Bataqar i 4 M85 onnt. > Beet . ° HN cuties 7 MSS ewe t 8 MSS ead 9 MSS efawte ae . ssefaret eet areas ATA A ST | face afe waa atetaria waa i we tl saute aarantst arf cremrafeiery | ge aq Uh ae TATA ATH It 89 I walat waaEfa AeryeT W Aha | udarefad Rasen srafrearta yee i fated wares watt Sara ya | VARTA TA SATE Hrs | we RaaTaTT STAT Tiga | CE AATAA AAT yo Hl snigggraad Wee's WATETH | SATPUATTATATHY Hare UT 2 Was WHT Ta Fea | WAAR FATTETATAA tt YR aNaATEd WS VET Ya HAT TAT | afaqstafa wr afrat sonia ys 4 aa Faayay waa Ig Tz FATaRTATT, BE ATA Aa LS FSRETT GR ATATEATTT RITE: | fafareary = gerat art Aatfa'ar wan yy A 1H efit | * NB omta) * ISS om | ' MSS 63a} Noy . * MSS oF "Bam, mt arafigur sum Wceze | ae RTT Fara Evi HeTAR TET | frat seats aqaper sta: nye 4 wergata faser Baqeuay frat | ferar wrsmareinay efirer TCATETAT WYO 1 aa ala aa a4 nifcrerary i WAAAT WR AS WANTAS FAT Wye garchted wa ferrell wer aye frp ATVTMAT Th ye Brand Ia wae | aera [rgd afer water i eo 1 ease wa Tet frat marae | ary ea wale] arted pathy 1 ee wiorernt wai wien fire | Sareiag wil wears 1 ee 1 waaiaaaratd waeenratsraq | deut Partie ae [eaqaecraag 0 €5 1 RAR ASAOATTT | feet fraraaa ari] sraitea ferepfer n €2 adinafafime dfs: waa | feeatequt at asrreratt war yt 1 BN omenfre; Bot > MSS ome | 4 MSS oui . 2 MSS wetQe | 5 MSS omit. 7 MSS eqs 5 H omits the bracketted portion. 3 ‘ safrat fem: am frowa datewaris a | ATE qa W AAETTATA ST SE wags Fay AAT yst g aagarat athife warcha a go t waite der ae HaseTisa AAT I sarang aft 3 ae feafeay naa fafuaratq ee 1 STAT ara: Gore fear: STAM: Ba! TUT AYA bt et wiirarsaract fad satfaty | arate Waa SAN CHEAAATA Sot aat AT Bledt atssT ze aT Has AT | THAT AT STATA DASA THBAS aa 1 92 aarat Fay Apt wea a Werfa | saneafafaqar waraTafearae: hoe 1 Raa WaTTAA fey: | Bare area y earereei= fam 1 98 1 VA TAG BH PATSATAA | waar fag Wa SRATAATT OB 1 ara fier a Aree wa aya wate = wiqafataaarand aTaae wal Woy 4 iu Bq. N estes 3 * MSS ae : * BH ean. A i oRT al aratiear waa utc | Re 2 fear wiged fea ffufsating omar Baetyal WET sae Herat nod 1 waynes waa THU FET | aes way Be TSTTAARTA 11 99 | warerTaaryas OTfaeit'stir [Pre] Rar | WE T AWN waa aTafeeSy yok | were treigen: Maas eile: | Weare TAT He FSAI TATA: Oe aaheghenrat ar at gala | feed wagerarat qs asrarfcat'A co 4 aaragaratgant afr hracer marae | faalaaq wafeme fafiertatefean: y ce 1 BTA MAYA Shera aT PaTTT: | aufaagenrarat aaa fafearqana a Fk fearfagerrayen: aT: BTRTEG afta | aan fared a ia cra aTe BATA Ee Aaa: ale ()) wha: yturfetataiat: | qairg arena fafaaratt SreT tt =e A qareanrrtaarearet ware frcafea: | aTag ae aaa way CY 1 Booatl 2 BH eva, N ewe i 2 MSS ofee + HB ome ¢ 5 MSS wael ¢ ° BB are " Hawg 9 A omer we . sarafrat enh werTaTS Tara v1 aTaRTTanTga: fraad ae area? 1 oe RATT TTA | fears af qad wetatianrata FO 1 wana aaee fargfin: aferaTa: | Sei Gat eH sree ae HAT SE ART AUSTERITY TATE HATATS BPH: | ARTA RATATAT TATA We ee SINS Ue TATA GUT | qaarrafaartey aetG Bs BAT eo 0 TAA ST SEAT ATATTA! | arfcatiaen[ar let Strries VST ke ATA MARAT SOTATS: aarea fens: | WMMAATGATATTASAT WLR ATAU AS TASTE | sare: wuts archafearra6r es 4 ‘wat aise We waaafeafsray | sare waerarat aeqretat | WaT We A Sind Bravaeg wreiletga WH | fated sanity wdqend fe yey a afa srafeal afaem: ver: ofa: | ‘MBS ett) * MSS ati MSS Hy « B * HB ewe * MSS eparay ae facta: afte: | TREAT ae FT BAT: | araeat Arearang qaarena'a aa: ven wd ae wifua: ae maerfiaes wer | Seare fr: wat saa yarn 1 e qa, waa waste fara g | Teens AG A PATS uefa erat Fett qufaaaT: | ad a a Waid Teas WAG aie ne aaa A UTA A BTS HAA ERT | wd sania 3a afaeat yet afreafar ty aT Ta FAT TTA | aat atedt ait aed gererraT: 1S worarg ate 4 Far apart WaT I wafmaccnart qfariis qfaatiag ao 4 aera stat: afar Tstisefata aTaay | aeodifentarta Arey TSTaTAaTA tl & freraerant garg ed Te A fae ferearerraerar eae Fe 7 HATA € | 2 MSS tae 2 BN asfirarare 1" ° WN omits 6 aR ssafaat aaa dag: MTT | wet aTaRRE UAA TATA | Ye ii (aatl Str? ward satel aT waifea ovat ual ast Gated aa nee werarg Qaarare’ Tay Fel AT BHAA | FRIAR MATE FH A WATT WAR aah Paaed ara WIE ale wad aA aaa AAA g Vetfeaa 28 adi fenaat aera aferat aarae 1 areata fare arg uf wet frenafa neg i Wagan BI ae tea | ari fawvafa Sarl SA A ETUATYAT Wey Fara FATA BUT aife TERT AATT | waa afead aq nafaarin wet Wa es wrtaarga sarees | Sead SAAT ATT AAASTAT I 29 I wad Sarred wre aq wat ate’ | fed paar area fi water x wad dred et wea sfafa ara | art & fears Airey SAAT yp ve | VN saa! * HB gaze, N Haye | * AB om) ‘ FH omits, ‘HB omits * Beara} "Hwey * Twieo in N. * MSS ayate | wouraafaiel feary. wie. 1 aTedd Wrafeia atk wrt mane | aa wire wah eae Saar | ATH eo jy ‘aarat Waar aaa Ber wei [MERA | WAT] eee were TT (Ny Re A WaT Raa UTA AT aT AEE | aatirermetig [w]e ee Sa aren 4 ee A wa arf & were ae wean wae | waar fried wy aca fat aT aa yesh ag afefa wat q ae as a faaer | fers area arfer aa erraeeTAT ee ward fa wh a wer ora fereia qc at Brey Tard ATIC RY wd & ari cael ae fre were | aan dem aq aearwafage4r t Pe A aneci Zamred aferat fred aed wad Fah ehrara FaTfeae 1 RON BA TI ATTA RTA HATA | faatnt alee woarfrarctee NRE ree RRS TATA GRE ATH ST TAT |” qeeuafaeed + aval STATTAT Re lk * {ncomplete m MSS + HB oat! " MSS war 1 1 A omits three lines * RR Bi ’ * MSS wT ema faaut feat: yfesge: | , aire 8g ae a arene a Taha | Waterers MTA ATIRTATEATT tt Bo i frmnfearrararai waned a as | suis gearh fe wast a faites 1 Be RTATeaaTe G TeATS: Hel AAT | gwen after rat yet fe Arar eee AAT AeA Sar Tt ee erghae | qauranfeasarars dnghraria uve way wauretar: sarmarferat ear: | mmareTTUAY afrerat arash we | want aa clara waa | waraaq merag [qprre' wai fearg Wey aaa Addl areal waensht fafweat | aTaRTAAa JR TELAT TAMA: a arafedt wouraearfaeh fedta: ofc: en 1 HN owe | + MSS add att aa wrarcfrrrerenre hs urea | ’ 89 safeata[art] aq ag waa rere | france) wasia Farr AHA hee | afaart gag sre wage: wef | mera Bsa aatacfata fama: " aen arae ufaaraied a ag stat caer | afrrafacaa aa aarfaeaa y ge il marefastad aarts afrfary | aad @ fart fe aftaaree [eat] 8 tl qaarrafa'esard faoreers aaa | ard dea arvarciadd afe yaa nee aang stated g ATF Ht yaaa | aa ufa wag ora ag F2 facaa’ ny arate: ganat sie 8g afe wecre | STHIATS Fart sated Farrar eel STAATSAT A Y ATA AT MART | ararerat TaME wre HATTA neon wat qa faordt 4 qeaieat Wa | garage uniarad Bra Mews 1 Oe 1 MSS «ATT | - MSS e@! 2 Taw, NB aa! + MSS eftte + 8 MSS aaa Brats | * BN ove, adds afar 7 MSS o& i * JIN ett ® Bowel ec sumferst a wares gaa GR wfageete | wd facrae ath arent walsorr tet fate Hae Tt Tae BA AAA aartaraaa ararched At Re tt STR EA ATA TATE HT AAT | marae: fee Ae | Ae AAT Wag RE watarcfafafat genre sel HFA ara farshe ware AXE ate | yaar fret qe: aa aed wfacafer Reh wag at a ae vers fete | ae ATaTCaT aT fakes Aa TTA WS STAT AATAR BATT MAS AAT ‘a dapraar es Tea ANITA 1 VV weiaat afe dae weds BET I waar wtp A [ atest AIT TW RYU arate 3 at [fe] arearard wae ae aimee fai fora ubrarfa y 2d 4 WRN Be AZ FER AAA | WaT wat ay Brace A fais 1 Ro 7 + MSS Rat 2 B enzt, HN omit * Bae * Brepeats qayra frat gz ete. instead of this line °N oa “ MSS vexing’ aa? y 7 Bao} ararefrermemeita: wie | ; ae Taerairad Bead g aif Saas Aas a ae ara wzefs yom y ras vearararfertst are are STUG UT ATTARTAR FASTA | Re SRT aS Parca FAA | war are fercrart Ra A HATA Y Bo | Brahe arearehacreeata: TERT | fa 1 MSS ett! * MSS «ari a oe ‘ sarafrrst a wares yaa gat vfaqeeta | ad fara si arart aafeara 1 (et fares Vag ard Brat Fa TsaA | RATT AAT A | Re hi saraTee ea BTA UTTER Ht AT | arent: uted aq oe aTHTT WaT W RE Tt aalarthafaga eara wet WET aan fails wena was ate quand faer get ae wet faerie 1 RR a ag Wiel wae yeas fear | we avatar ata fate arauerd i 2s 0 arearty saga aa wae ale ‘a Haine ee Aaa UTAH 1 RS sfadt afk ate wet Baa | frrmrefrcrmuregd fete) > “a Feretta & gen wataq war gar i HAT y SET ATMA waa | eo | gee Rivera vay SF eis Tifa 3g qarfraare: 1 een TATA VAMITAT: THT: WATT: | FIAT SAT Aare] FeaTaAa: 4 ee k went aT agled aTATATTATTAAAT | a agd Ferd wry’ StaeTAT: 28 ht TAT AISA AAATAT: YA AAT | 4 ata aaarararaaray Shee faa y eB afe eared viet fart Aa aaa | fearaey ae fod Fart TRUTATATA ky kt feeparea: aa a wafer wee | aaat fe adi a wrafreraraura: i ee farrart'a Bat Fens Gaya 1 Raia wana watad aa vfs 29 0 AACA TTT CATT ATA | Sar: BITS SH WTTAT ve eared a weds aa ast FE yt \ sara ae Sit wa fe he MARTA AE 1 HB ego 1 * MSS exe + MSS oes wR . sarafadt RMT GT WMS Fas Fa ASAT | mT: wa Bat wa wag wR tt saatasta wag ate frarrawTe ART arifa Sas BIT FARA NRE Ul araent fe east A ROT THT Il R21 aioe eras: FaearafarcaT Te: | aciaifa a weet Ua Aathre Ls H aaadtaal fara’ way Tt | Fearafece: ard wed Tes STATA 22 genand at Sa THT | waad arena urarata fa Ae 0 ey kh aiufad agar WeRANTHSEE | TATE Waraat wren faaratehe: | ef th araaurdey TA Fa eS | agdarent afer fag < saata 1 Re | ted of gael eat whrisfeer | WAT ACLUTASA Fat ATCAASATA Rt y froifteniages clea easrsTs | WRIAMas: waa fe feat ty Ret > He® * Hane 3B ote 7 HN edt we ? MSS qa 1 *Hael * HIN ewrgte 4 framicaraagd wftse ) , aR RaTTaRTARaA Eft TSAI: I aa werent Sfa wane TAT |) Be N [Frefal ara ge dartsha wari | 12 MIT ara THT y 32 y arafeal froartharateagy: Tse: ~ usay: afta: | ud Sree ere fercrancHa 7 AT wat fafaraarensaya wfarad 1 kt fataaeacrael wreifrentar Fifer | Fes aE ayaa SAT RY eitemt ate: sre area: wer TNS area fafiaerarerar safe eae 8 sire fafaauet wargai wera: | aaNTAR Ase fate qoareririas aaa uote: ’ Ww fattnerraradt wed feet af) Weraarta walfe waa g aed ate ye i wanefadiaend a art aria wafer | aiaty afd at fread g afar y got wrafest quran wat: afte: 1 antest Weg, UfCeRa | anand aria mart ari afagereta | wana waar fe aye WH AAT el wa a fifecufa ad ant afrata | _ aRpife warel wearard fart 4 2 Ad wear ara: waa Hatisfa az aa aha was Aa aacel VATA 1S A aTquTey: Pe A APTA | TTS RAT MSTA UA TB A a fate: wea Afiu: wach | au were ged waaafeert afer nyo WATE ATA FS TST STAT 1 wearer aera VATS Wa SI Sway: wer aw wiarchafniag | a ad Gaara wal [ATA ara RASTA: 1 ON welarin erat freanieta | a Bat apr sea witha art yy Brahe) Graaf: we: | ys ae aifeasi Seq aamederem [or] wered Fa waefer Poreirrat: ne 4 aeteneareeare a rel see aaa | a cq wuraa frre Teer aa: ) 2 | wearer are SAAS aaEtenmana AaEatate wT 1 8 I afaed aerad Aa wer frat weraay | aregadtard at waTea aA 8 A Tage ae arfea cise wares | aeaia saan oppat Fa area yy a apey aay anata Sfiery | ayia fandiers a ae ata 1 Eh strafed verqantrattiannferrr: AA: | t MSS wearfa i as qafecat HOSA, ULTRA, | Lee ee nia Sea ferear rent wear cafereriet Ge ETT at qaa faa S | ara re ey ed ATA ae wg " TOTES: THT HATTA TTA: | ae & onagaid wiararrd won 3 A (alan adhda wigkey Bfeaa | gat anfrwrea wat afafaa: vy aRed Ae ATS TT: BAT AAT avatar varda wenn: | aerae VS UIT TMS ATA g Tat FREY ATA: wou See VeH weber gRETa TAT ETE + aaa: hel . MSS gst © NEB ate ; 7 MSS ewqs ee OTT TATCATETPA SEH ufeepa: t ’ we agaarta uraifa waruta [a a fart | wfeae TEETER FF MC i aa ye wagers aeqarat Heer | SAHA TSTAL TATA WASTATT WE aepaty wT Ge TATAG FATE | wetted waite s ees g Sow az tl sediaracereaT THT FET | alert gee AETATRANT | mere Te faa TCTEA MRR I marsafagar arset farateg FeT WE! wag: mnfedt gar: oF ara BicteAT: ween are Ferry BATA TATA: | qa ye ad aTicaers aM aul erage te Fay BH Beato TAFT | peared @ meroraT ome yea SM ag tl weet BATE qa 4 Fl crear wearese Ford ford aT MHRFTIT I go ll aaa gtara, TAATFEAE seein Fe BETTE OF I srfenere [7] Barra HSH AT STENT era caret at eae A FE MTEL eel 2 B omits yararerg.- ATT | 1 MSS a7Tq¢ | speids . AB mr! & ssrifedt alate Hea AIT Fras | tyerrg oTee aiararaTaATAWA | Ro afaareratienfreaete 3 waar | eaTeaTeNys | waraferer ha fast 1 Be Bary Aa: Te Weta Fat UTA 1 aifutad aera TEETH URE A edad oer © er way | Wag TET Wat wae HAUTE HRS A waaIAeral F AAAS | wag fed waar aaed waafeg y Re afafratad $4 sean frat wa 1 atafer a ware feared aar Ferman Ry a gaaa ard arferatare | sifaerd ait waar BaahaM | RE I wizarcearia a Fi cater faten: | AATETAGT TIHAATTATA: 1 PO | aafadare}s feel agare mai ee) wegen GET: WaT ET: NRE I afrerad warain FETaETAAT | ATARI ATHATATTAT Re CET Tet Gata Fever: waarafay = eat wee Wet ReEmraaCarMTaseR ws | sagehiquarts maga aq 7 war afe warat oie waar waa ase rreeret feorrat af glans srs fae [fajrozani of a se y wefanirarard argue | aalamiicad artrear ararigear ¢ 3s a vraag fated acer qzehrar | wy apifed Art yee ze wet | gia warerfa eet a gq Heras Be tl wtaateat wer aia Jae wrgarate | senahige Usd qa FTCA By tl gare wages wifeqarenT fara | area Crags weetet frei: 0 3g raha PAA ATTHTUTY TATA: Il éz sraferat aan: afta: | aye Sorter ard ered TR STR | AAMSAT YU FA AAT TAT Ne rreraaraanratia ae area | afteata = may at wa free i 2 urantiaa wa sere TATA TAT aferetetarta wat hg zea ns meant aaaat A wa fehl wei aya: [aaah] ae aera fae fabaa arrarerae: fara | agat fara arrernad frarara uy ti ‘feta a frat are: faban ay Ra ET aaa 4 faa aa wa Fa aera nS AS TEAR TASTY ATS I fadita sa ad fareta oa TTT NO 1 ‘feard ata Te wafer WaT farareqed aq wares fra yo 2 AB cure 1 * B repeats ararae etc , instead of this line * MSS wajfafar t * This and the two following lines are repeated in all MSS. . * H omits these threo lines, mregeitens Garr icara eect aan ofcaie: J 3 faeitta q ard frat aq ‘ farta aten Sq wee ne wereare rere wart Uff | Reeve ware tee: afremae eo 4 warea act oF qamcenfany | Tier ary ATA TAT AAT THAT Le ware &: afaq feral q aq war) Fat Ure waar ATS ATA Ree auiqererd warfafa qe: acti Fa | FMT SAT Qe A ae ee AAT es war qafianra aaea waft | wet quste fale fare wears a ier ee wera ver faa argh a avid | east aa wae wafrala salsa yey | waurafes wrt za ea favala aeudiizeraa agured YH we Mes A Varstfuera JURA as | RASCH BUA faazafa 1 79 I aretsnfa ararg fear aatee |” aitafs cereal wae TeTTA AEE aha MATE per farerey AA | wat eddrearat aTaTATTTH tt TT ~ ' Howe ‘Hat Beas ee arafast afeaec AraT GaarTa [| TITAT: | area Hi TE eel GT] TATA We aqeuarcfedt anit afe weet fare | surges g faanita & gaaa n Reh faera Sift efrareet gq Was Far PaCAT TAT Ya AMT UTTER | RR tt aaraferetfears Ta A TT | STRATA A AATEC RS Ul waite af ariel Srareraeg ers | fattat waRdia 4 TITS TETT W RB aqareend a urarat aerate | AUTESaMTS A urd were | RYU Rada a aq) we actin Dae SATA TATA ATTA A aE TT RE gata atiitfa fasted afta | aery Anew far afr 1 ROW sapiratgeatia Rearran' fa aac: | PUTT Haare Fur: y ez | areaTaafed Si agai wala 21 ward Rafare aa yeah, Re > HB ewe | * MSS esate | * MSS Swq: “A aera 1 *Hoewa: + © HN omfarte | ‘Hate * Beara: rpc Uae waa UE, ky nifaftert aq ad Srarerfetes: | FUel 4 Nag wa FA g AeWifiaaa | sop ay ae oefemeal frat g wus | A wa Garay 1 Be frremragard ara Eta | 4g Bratinerat weureraateary i 22 tt aa puree aafafgerit HAF | arama atte wea waa fart: u Ss 0 Ta I— wrayer wt ar afe aps | wa aera ata Fat ad wat Aa I ge I xf arated cregectearetaerraratceraaeitt aA: It i ae HR ane 2 MSS ay * HB oder 9 ee safest am: uftega: | weqTenH faa fade: 1 asifeaiaaard afret fate's frat: a wast sifwa: aa wEasie a yaa 7H Gatata & ysthaa fargaa ne A waeegele aT TART AA WPT Fe | aT TH: afar Be Wa A Fat fa i Stafea car aa wack [Vifearq wantntaerai gfe Fe frais 1 8 4 warels watt pata NqUre Tara safe: Fars rea Wy | afesaaqes aa DRT ATA | aduenfa frura wagrety fad aa: vey mea fatga aitteented ster | qaee: war wie way nen gatcmrfes aeq want wileryoaq i qaqentes wane we ars fae yoy 1 MSS eu HF cate | 5 MSS feet ‘ Hadtrette; Ss Beutel “ISS cone 7 Bet, Hea “Bal * MSS eats: [Tafa ara Tian ug es yfaed safer Be father, arate viata 1 Wrrreyied via arom | ey RATATAT TATLT | Sat aes or TenperfeTa bet wafest Waernerarfata at ara Sav &s safest THAN, UPCRs | sraTreiy farare: farerasyat | Afra waged wfaad wT TTT Me Wl ant Sfeataa BetaTEAT | ae arama wer fae [AAI UR Arar frat @ 9s Mg GaN ATT frat ATI aN wnaifa at aqat wat ara waeafe te waaratfa Surin Saari BAe | Weare wadifa sara ST WB ad fee g dart Auer | arat frat a [at fe wag Se A Pea ay a fester: wer wat: nragan afer THAT | AeTS Fe areal ata fara: ven We TS A aT: AT TTT: | gfenferam[a] Afra fraeTasy v9 1 RATS PHT ATE | award WATE A aT ure Aha yoo frrearstatfa waif : fafoaria are aha eadioraarte fe te safest merearcied ATT Tae I ) H omits. 2 tay > BH exe, N owe | * HN aaa | zam Ufteme: | aerate aH BfacTAYA | TALE SATALATAA TATA kM SUAAEA WATTS FA AA! mere wel ye ENG Tre fe | RT widierafrarg wraered Har fe | sparaist a aq we TAQATAT THR NR ranarat a at aed wa aT Feat | a Bweqaat qa TSH A AA TAT antud saad afarice <4 2! wana fag arpa Ghat 04M aera STATA a: fa HF TET APT Sapa aret Bas TAA WO I qeeaean ara Tg AAT AE | fear ferent ae Fa URC FAA SN seared Seq HTH TEATSTAT AEE | safest Ska red wa RATATAT WE I sara weer [areal] 7 Fae ' mgaae ge tl ee 2 Nwatet de veg arafedt aaat a wage el ara aT WANATAAL TR STA AA A Te fi ‘watering faaear waa I we hrdishrarca Wee WaT WL? Ml ware ae A THN HAG Tg aa Fama q Ataaad sfa Waa | US hi feat were saute Beary | H waafe ATA STAT ATTZTSAT 1 VB tl ares “Tafa fertt Aral WaT HETET ud fata awerei aerate’ a feral] ney fran area aig Aza g foe | eé ad ales feniafa fear a aaa ned Brafesl Tera ATA STS |] + H omits three lines. zN BRT 7 Howat “ MSS cai > AB uye1 sk aaam: ult: | wa Asad Brat Aerize | warasta fiquada wsieda Wane Ut deRt cua Fer agarafe Beara | ara aah [areata at TAA] UR I afin! wasn afaq arta ese | gepisfa 4 4 yeaa (BA Te] TGA! afe areaarg ATT THA ATT | a fad Bae TPRTATAGs TTT I 8 I east ATT TIAA AAZTA | zara afe waar wares a TT AN aoa duties srarare wet fora | fedteh aren aafaey wel are TIAA NE I ad STEARTATA THR STTATTIAT: | aqaenrenng Wty wa G ITA SI wer wiles arial peut TYE | fardnifarergay fartraar eb __ ee 1 MSS antarsag only. * Bowe! t 1 Htss ew AC A oe) 5 MSS ec #1 (f)! & . safer} aifufareqars: meat ear BT: | SUA FETT VARTA: 2° agian wierd faut fe wer way | SGT WET AL BATTEATAT: 1 NE Mh” qe CATS Rate: aah t a vq wdaerat weet STATA A a2 Hl sal wa: are freer irs 1 Sparel evita wallsa] Sat TTA 1 ek Waar A are: eeaATH Utah EA: | AROTRTARASTATAT FIATHAT OB tl asta a @] wat a vat wala | a aut ofed gata ae [gearer aU ey ara: ae dearer (ery Av aerah Aavafaa: as BH ware fares py eg i yatarrad: weg arava fe fhe 1 frera wert tq werd A aT AAG HI 29 1 srafedt aecrerafaaae: drew ’ Bwataai ai "2 3188 . * MSS ofa 1 Wale 4 oR AAU ULHRA | rarest sat fal ETE GANTT Ue HARA APTA TTT HAA Ue waz Tit feed = afaPaT = ufeatey | mea aa BH Aa anatfaar et ne: aarti fart aAyat We: ENTER: | v Parana saTwA VATAA US I € sedge star wre He HT AI | aya: aa wyatt are wel awmreara BAe ard wa Eoaa! | seiishrdara arerrferqe[ safer] | aera FITTV seme wa 4aT afe[sat jee (FTI! aerate ware feat TAT NEN ee . Bal 2 HN ows Aa + AB az! © B ofaL ag tra, HOT | © MSS aE | 10 1 MSS +a OB . arafest facet Basted wats a THT | fire: BATIA Fa Wl waters: wad ates FT | frei at afag wa Gets aA I ge af fe aan ara: faa as we aan avam: aad [a freeaet] Aree ek 4 wrafeay froreeafeSa: VEST 4 . MSS umferar (1) 1 7H faraa: AB om | * MSS udm a) Sh Usaqam: ufiega | wears aared Perea ABTA | aed fer wet te: fahaferret ne a aria Sra: amass weer ye Vara fre Rigen ty ATaa | WT RT TR ATT TTT: 8 Rael cevtarg: fag [melts] era | afar aikfee: ad Bae afin are et serfetaed wea wrrerared fag) aren Thera wy WY aerfginefata wargkrarreny | A ‘enfard aftantcd artarferd = alae | were fi frarfrararatcarat fearhea4rt | WE ‘frasty Swell afe wa fends aafg) azar weatardat gral weuft Quere Tet 1 Hae 5 MSS ef * MSS cafe | 4 MSS wae (7) 1 ® All the MSS repeat from anfire...vfeareaAtfa | ° Hi ofte | 7 Bot, Neti HB ewes of arafest arent werfeagera airs faaria arfearc Sf) Wrafats WaT ATA We | wataqagarn[see] ararerareey 1 fal ml STAT Tat THAT ATTA SATA TAT" amutftd sfa wardfaeeraen sae aTaafcara’ want [ra] aewet ar afierrat- ai aq frag ae aA wie wTerAa ara ofaufenta, western fz atcfaaraifa BRT TE | TATA wat— aaudennaa sent wdaarta: | Se FARA Tar fad TaAaAT aiendg HETaEMTATITg Aafas sar ce ae waaTaa arieifa fretting | aif. frafafa qafata TTT afinraafa anfeathardiat q aifafari sora ct aaqaan afawrraratia Famers) yaaa ghey wars Atal Wra wigarfienaa oe | ‘ H omits eufeat 1 ° EB ae “ B oufrare 4 * HIN ofr aattmarecnaticdd wae uke! 5 29 meatier | Hag! | waren | faraiaart Fenrarsrentat Alaa geal yaaa aa saramaret sed we WTA Ta aaa werfraq— wrata sq efaquaatienrate ante | wea fa ara PATHE: SATA AAA ATA I qa WaT way a Atal AT ATA | AraTRaSaA Ther ATH: ATTA NOU i patent TT ATPTTST AA TAT | ah ryfereraatere] afer eae |S Nt ox aiefat ATH FAVA: ATE ST Ae FETT ie ALS] waiter ya: orplafa afrafrfrataf @ sft ara ferit a wetahad a qeare- mrarafea: | Tavs HAVA Waa RTA: aaTARRATATA Ca | eae TZ RATHMAAT MATH TATTAT | fafianfacrensera a afd fer i en wen aza— equnraTay fafirennfag | SUA QaUY Aah WTA Nee Wen wa— Weed qa THis froreaa | Hare wearer aa aT THAT nee RETaTS Tardariea a4 FAL wea weafa FR aE wena frefatt car) aad ater anita Sq atte. Seat vata | Asa fe alee Ta TEU geet sarulxel] 3 Gehl water | vem wan. arya ARH aAwafagantafir- arfea fated cfr 1 Bont * HN oan, > B ovate 1 ‘ Repeated in HN * MSS e<) atari iver ufedy.) 2 8 SUNT see SMTATAT GATE | are area YE ATTA hee | walfiess: ard freee | USAT NTT WRT HLS Ht Tatta qeaetia garle fact wa | RATA AAR TZ CAVA 1 08 sufateafaata afer waferedt | sensing Brae A TT Ney VANATARATM WATIATT: BAR | saree aq aera saiatafeeae tu eg t meer eu Farzanforfaeny | SwgA aqaael Saar Aa TAA | 20 I agama areata ATR Tas WATTS ATA TA A AA Wo I widrret ara wdararrad Wz | merenariaeh, WAL TANUTENTaA | eel mreraeaer fart HTEECUTTAA | WATS TTA HARTA NR el UIgUETa ¥ ghrarrata gaara rary | a rg Stale aaa TATA Ul AE 2H oefaet 1 MSS exe t ‘ HB omm * HB eavanfea ce satast murferary] a Sa TH Olay e eae ae SAT BA RR fara [fara erg qeaearfeay | PRAY RAMA aTHs TA WAT Bet WS hl saeieled Taare fra | wafer da cata BT HRS frenfetatigaaren re weber | waqerd fad da fear: aye: RYU sTasg faa A MI WATER: AT I faring art cTenferrerrry tt RE | wigard qe fad aq wARiaa | Qiaqea sera Watt warfare 1 Ro 1 war [ara] ftaca Ta TAT BET | TATA TAT AYUSATTAS 1 RE | wie AR SEUPHTATETTAL TTR | arararatafeeware eared ATTA RE fi my sad ae aa: | ways wea Aa wre Ale were: N8en aiatas wag ash eT ater PA Wa AETATARTS THF TeATSHY 1 Be OOMSS cage | * MSS fate | B efaey 7 HN egea * MSS ee * B esti © MSS serge 1 waar ters wae nese x washer BTA aa Ta RH MUTT RAT, FATT AAT TA HW BR darcrefaraarenr aad AF ATTA | SaTHTA STA ATSATARC AA Wl SE Ml QUA WAATEMSHTA A THAT | aareraa at, FT faraafafa wry | 88 I wd wa qatar TAT ATS aaaanta- arraraharee sara rerey faserc waheaa ata | wmrarterinfepegereary | wee wT Aa aahfe, stererenaad, wea at a afagatyg fastary | wight wafi— waeerrsTag Weer arrngag afarat aT aganiata waaa fer fafa wa waarag AAT feted? 1 arte areata = xarte quaraanifreraaerret: wears | Spsertsta sararet Sifter SerfHaTet | See Tee AT aqaarerretana- era TaTTT qarfeterra: STAT Tae FET Ffreaqa: wa TeTaTTTe waar way fase | qad- 1 Baw 2 este) 3 HN ofa HN adds further gmat wag wr fas fama which seems to be redundant and 1s omitted in ll = somferst sa wana: mE at aA HATA aaa wel wacaTTaaaha- we TEATTTee athe I waldfafeaifires Sre— Haat: TATATVTAT: aTTa aa] ae nireattest areata Tana Sg Tareas FAA wraas- auras cafafasa aforia aatiifa Si farnfaad acritta RUT ATE AT MAT ATA WaTAT- ata} wee werewerart weafa | [ayant wari wate aad wefan Feri. Taafir aftgd wate | ae TER ETATTTT- TeTh EEATGE[ SORTA ATL Ge ee neq wafaaitqe fracanta wdareaerere- wee TiCqgae ewe Efe weaanariasta sfa— @ wham STATA | qaqa ae fe eaerat fort ori mrecq | wafer fafedettfemremeerer 1 gy 1 1 MSS awe 1 2 MSS 04 "MSS 08.1 ae | “MSS om. | > ardhrarracactaada ivem nee 8 SR qearatrarrs amanisita waa) , saat Sa fata waarateat WaT! I 3¢ Gar Fae vee Hee SAqaTAT TAETATS WET | ararartad at frarafatCargay t 3° I qaegutafrart aaiasta afaee | SATRATTAISA HATA RATAPAA ST Ul ATATPASAHTAAAAT ASAT AAA | qareisa— w dq waaraa waa THAT | sarfefaua: we TTT ut Gar t Rel yr aifataared aren AEA faurga | afufanad de BASATAGT il Bel are a area: SAGachse | & 2, 2 Rasta uRaTaTA TAGS afafear’ 8 Be | yaa gua wrafaalt anal FETS | aa weafadrarnennte = ae weg BR ll ‘Beara 2 B ofte | 3 HB gfe fear «MSS -Rarfire | <8 sstaferst ya AMAA ALAR TAMTAMTAT | ae TAA safest Ta FST AST | eae: Wate aise: fuga Bs TAT: Fa TA HASTA ALTTT: | oH RareRTTTE Tae Ta Ta FE ee Sai w ATA MARTA ATTA: | farang wat er TST ney tt afufetare aaa — WRAY WAY AARAATTAT | RARATAT WHY THT WATE Ve qawaa— velar prent wait atfegar wena | = Ftimift ged a oe anh frat n vO 1 BAREIS fans wis whardt g wieenia] aia | edarand sara faretta Hfeat y ec 4 ararra[felfeat 9 fawn fretar qa 1 Tar TAT a HTaTTaAaa AT Be ‘H eat, B — * Hoview, Nome) * HIN cuze: agar, B omumqed | “HIN een feat * MSY oBe ; aritmargracactiasia TIM OAR + qa: ade FA WIA agar | meata Fahad are fase TMA 1 Ae Ul wa SH AT AT qe afsarg | acdarenfaeat at reg AR 1 AR qrafadt sorafaeeeafeses: UTSH | & arafirat ataam ufcwea: | manpage are area TAT | afte AETTAUTGAATET Ue tl adtnantde: wage | araet aad RATUTAA 2 WASTAT FONT ETT BRS AUSE Ha ATATgST WEA WR Hl HEM STAAL ATH WET A ARTA | weaerenrd © areatafe frre tg qetated wre areasntia frre Sa weed oe ordi SETTER UY t aaah Tar ACTA | veer ate, sfie [Fe] creer aren Et afatalald ta werery area afte WATS HATHA 18 qoute fe 2Be yugm} wor af (xd Sa wererte} waqarqahiray yy aad Ba Ga TH ware | Past FETT We * MSS wavwernerarfe (1) * HB edie, N otis | < aagiafrentate area wfc | a wai fearalit ‘wear fara aaa FSA agate fea ae afcente HITT heen wear wait aaah ge FTA ETA qoreed wait A RITA aT RETA a2) art fceraid er wager MAM sqeiragra wired % eee TehET UCR I aapitsagare & Rat Tre | aarmaet mareiat [faft way AATTTT HART ardent faraga fereareferrs I AP | ae gem fara aqanfate Bert | gafeeat fafa fafrercrs Te! ants aca Be cara Hey saree ae fad ararraria aT | ataraat ata A + fray tS aq WATS peenaey am fee | aisraie'araa 8 fi qwarga 1 to! araraday fafeet fated feat | ee tl eee garfat * Mss aafata das aat card ASE 1 Bomts wet 3 This line may better after qaxta | «Hoga! 5 \gs Ba carwefemTt! ° HB owt | & . qrafaxt am— °° WaqEAY Fat TATAGSTAA | ard Reet Ararat WTA ee warrant Pati wa aTaHATA | TATTH | wiaaarna afer ws Re Arad wares aT aT EREAT | waquahrerargat Te Waray We tl ufafvatad qaodtararracty | wast WaT FH RI coandsfec garet afrertterrea | walftiacaa Fe TeC TE nRst THAT TATMAAT TET TAT Tea ware fea] area wage rehire uReat Waqaae weal A at ara | fauAy TETIN ATS HET WEreTsy | RYH TE aTRLSTS AT A TITATATA nEaTATAT & q Balsa Ret a ag ward grat wae feroe: 1 al SP ORATIATTAT: RO A yeRtat wat aif Fa areaten eee: 1 area Fart A waka fe ay py 2t | + MSS omrzatae | 3 MSS efcrt HABae} 7 MSS 81 * Baye waqriimntata ane vfs (+ aR Sravieanitars wexinfarret! | wera SA WT URTATATTAT! Re Il a aut grat om Gani af Gey | weg et Tar Hfaa[an] ASAT It Bet Arcurafaaarer Tereal fare Ara: | FR BUTAAYAT SAqarhTT GA | Bet aarfaadt wal weaTTe sashes |” ane afe wa g WATTYAT SAT tl RR arfitet qaatel [eterat rare] | erry sine faery SUGaTATST | egfetiat aan ard fra a Lae] WH US SaaraTaRTaaT tree arfira! arerrei Sten faféea— Tea TATA TAT ATT- Fernaorparrn fated Ha arena: Fara aa: adarrera wet Zeer? ademmran: arg Afufed a 2a TET wdagaa: waaifueraa REAL TT i afufenasrarerat | aaa et Hagar dara: WAATHA | area a ieATTTTS err See ape sae wok # STE BAER TATA HATAAT than get a _ 1H oma MSS seats +s MISS al 3 HB extie, N ofafte | > HN srgat! ° Badd | ee arafezt qaaa gach uarmafa: wd ov avaarent feat | fever eaaeaTarat ATA ETA waranraratfata | ween— af arr aeTaT aaa FET ara TG fey watia aut 4 qrierrd araq aeuararacinta \ atafeal aasrerfitantat: wae | en eats ferret a ml FAG TRS fifrart aeaa— waa waa: wi WaT AdAT STA | ee wt agarara aaa 8 wag qafaaearaes | aa oe erie gafeatuarat ha qaasracretatt faraea fear Surqaaerers wderatfa S87 1 3 ufafareqarit Ts aren fart \ FuTqarentrt Bae 4 area 1 2 ll merase sie 6a ferahat qe | TARTAR TATA eelargeATTe? WY I SRrTGTaaT: AF wager ae | “aarfani wala fagordnfafate 4 él waar frat ward yada | “teste fates: ATTA Ul ou _ ae 1 MSS exaartkaa(?) | 2 This lime is read after faaase sn all MSS > Ppig line 1s read before cfasrertantst an all MSD ad atafaat cRefterfagiie: weet fracas aalarmraare: Blase: Afahea le i Bary wae Blase TAR Ua WTS AAT: | CUA G TAA WAST wet serd GeCR TaMTGaAaT | wigivesal: waag fst TH ee N Baa Area Bq wea TATA: | asarquieracia AaaraTey AA AT ER fafa wart fae sora STATA | fafeafanarard: SUITS AT kek aftat waq ant dere Gaga | Marat wt dre [earat] wafeer 28 on UUs WAT WE FTAA | Tae ware Tahara ee A AN VA HAE TATA | efait g waraer sweaty ky Ul TATE ATT ATT THAT TE WATT AT ETS SMART 1 ee a \ After this the line ware and wAtfze, etc, ar 2H came, B omme + HB ews ° “e, wantEte, ete , all MSS. Away t . we sorafaent ATA afer faaterere 1 a area SAAT HA TAT 1 cfeitred wero el eT] 1eodl PARTITE THAT | eaarent Faget ararara[ facta] 1 get eraferdt marapaett are feRTaP sa faurTaaerese Il << suafard} Safan uftsa: | ae TRA A Aas reaaTaAATATS | [ated] fe frarrerqerryae ne i arenes wa eS ATTA | aradafa aeied are: TATA Ul Ht walarcatitat wizaia weary | foemre qaag Seth ATreAY aTTATTA IS WaT g Nal WAGRT & BUTE: | peg Aa atel WCU ATTA: 8 seifgaraarante tart TaTARA | fedsfn waar Be: eR yt aT ATA AAT TATE YATE | amas ga ay aay ATA wad Aree we a feast ns a srifeat Mita chabert: 1 ' HB aafee N afze 5 2 AR omy * MSS add ger q which does not fit in here. faniaaa: ofimee: | aeraweraifegsraratreriaan: | wariragaricentaa aeger: |) ¢ ATASATATaT, Ba SEs WaT: | aorafe waranrd aif TareATaT 2 Rarsany vlrers zara | wate BART sare SaATHARTTLAAT IS af fart wel wei ae wetted HAI war afe canta: aerafenacry 1 8 i ader Frater Jat FeTRTRUATA BA: | etree set srarat! TA WY AURA Aa ATAATHT ASAT | wera sratcrata det wera te ad frat 4 gee at ATT frat a [=] [erarifernttta| mfrrearraTe ea ti 9 I APT HIS Tey ARUTEAATATA | MATT AUT A RATATAT AALS | 1 HB ott srafast aye x¢ Tel waaay Tifea afaféd war wera erat arahrsa Qt qaaraadl at at Fa fe fara wraat Garret: TTA WR ala qeraenfa a arated WsiTAaT | aaaanfaaaned acai aie Atha: 1S ht eat acaegend aisLea AS weraT aaa YAR WB A srr urea wafefa weathers | apreraanag WaaS: aaa: nyt fyRRerTsTe TTS TTA | wnt area eae wale We arriariant aeant waatatad AE | RAG VATA THTAAYAAT | © | \ taatearattaata arafatsate array TATA W afatcd Stemaferarerary INDEX OF VERSES, srg wagara: STOR STEEATRT 8 | erat feeaite) 8 | raataeratat 93 | SARK Re | emerey raat Qe | aifcareeriy 83 | amtfefrra strei ae | aenteford aed ag | satiefiaa: aeat ge | ararfetawar wat oy | garters yar ae | eatratiefant a QS) PAT TATTT 9 | afra renga Fa € | ame Rabe as | saeiiy aay a | agai wile Re | agence ta te agitate watir © | agai? aut wai Qt | ware wat Qe | arate ao | rng gutter QR] Es shrews aa | w]e YER SAT a ware aaa 9 | aaitrenont ger qe) SHAQ ge | mudteratata: 4B RR w qe “ao 8 oy sAag Re ge Phd 08 a ee ae + toe eg RR RR Bo 98 UNAT TAT AT arate werent aufateataata aqufafeafastat qua aaea T qanaataeanat sta afutemtnad ge: atria ct ayaneraRyat WATS TT RATT TET ATH aratasfa way ard wey + Way BY wrt at waaa: maETa q wal afrat q ay aa afzareamataay afin fra ATS ata aQuaty faa aruaiterntey egal ate at see BE ( yer ) RR wee a wee 98 9 ane 8 ae ER vee BE ano arrenTert later STRELA CATHAY arattar eo om Fer eared faatsite errata BATE SMe! CUNT arte wars STATUTE: aigqna at TAT mraraati frafer suifearar art arate ana furaTaal aia Pata arnatstacat fica: STAT STR AT = ag afefa wee. | xe 8 aad aa... exta TANT aahared wri... me By = a9 ee ec ac as BD ae aa R a RK fe wR Ry Re RB ge suramafta oo ware ae wae wd SHA ATTA ” saarifarinany waaed wa q maaraist geri zarentaari waat wa sat wai usatia FOR wad Baorfas: az ad aante 3 ery ard STIMTRRSATE ad Baad aay aia aufe wag on. ud cheaqenta ad ura ofa wafiauta & ae wad aturafactit xa fea q Set wantetts enh Taaraaa Ta wanteet ey we artery atat ae gent wat a ad sajtaat fe a Bor ae mafgg wt ay si qaur eat eat € 42) a = s < Re wh a aR rT) aR < ae aR aan = aauré fraratat wot 44 2 ava: aUatizevan we amare mernrefeat Bat . RAlREiteararat ROTATE RTT aad Tay anfadtat aq aerait aaa far araargtanaaiant - ataartated Gri are Se RAS TE arma arraffae - stats frqated at alfaa alee Say ate atEaaat TAT Pataeactae ae fant aay sr gaeer uaq fafe lw. graiiter ae ” Fiat adanifor oo aita cad Hee wet Raa os aargieudt Wat a wa wosuata - afrapaet et: fae aT Steenarafard 3 aaratteateet a mares tay RAO os ah) ge és ae ay re és eg a fanfafanc fear adterfest aet ay g eaqErTTTE AY Talat eras 7 maniteagert a Tatar WaT Tat AT aT WATT Fe warnremfeaea: mad TACTATAI Tega ET iag aT Te atu fey gave eat guns fe gaa qararey weiter yate waren: TRS wis: Treg fafa Taras ha APEATSH TTR . q aeqara & afegq araitg forataats AK reg sts y wae RER wafiymah aq BTA . ( we) RE Re a¢ 9c xf ay ge Be wR ae RR RO oR aS ge RR 88 RR R RB & RR RR eR Ww Bs RE ugitaiaaaent fecaay RRTAT EET Feargqaratta fata a frat ata: Pada area ay fatta q amet fonrafafrarity faanafafcarga stenedt var Ay wean ata Ga a sre era teh meta BE safostl arty ATTA RETA Tg Spee T sqer wer feat thar ara Asgard aaa: ater F sen agent Tht ari aq wonfaare: si thearanipi saad fart 4 wre arr fattened sre stent sy ITAA | MUMRARNT T sarge a aSeyfativda: aa? wee asate ae amy aaa BR RR & On aR wR oy eg AR = RR Re Be RR Ww RD Se as Se Bs By 8 a sy ge Xe aa! BEAT te aat qetéferrat . at ferret wear ant ferrafd wit see ‘ aat fewest wey... atau aura a an fort 7 gza ands afore aaat fara at® a aay e mpaagg: oo aur sor wit - aersaasty GUrRTTT aur wufsatrsy aurel gaa dhit an Pay oa atumaig tht. ata art BITy we ata adgart ™ arcga eau. afert age: aferq army Sas: arg war wees aH aU Fs aang wha aa ase mang fag rerfaseT -.. aera troersit weitere Fe Feta SITS araraeadt Hat ue atery aeatanttar ” argansnfed aay oe arated waatata u Caan) RR ay a X BR c ee 2 aa 2 RB 4 aS ag as 2g 4 8 my | ak 8 x Re BS & 8R wR ow a & ry ary wet oe: anata aimee my arg fagay Sater rts facet wad ne 98 qatar ee ve aut avafag qe ve Be aur araeaATy wee Qae Besrerctaea: Tae OH aaa wget: we 8 farrefrazrae we & q crash wd aR eran aT Fa wR SST TTT eAy we KV awa werenfiz wee ROP axtreqa apa se eatrentanar a we zea atfeenaie we BE fea wep et oe 88 fresitarcat ay WR spin gfeetore x afearan men wai: «s qordta a qe ue aashraal Aa Bada actat ia coe HR RR we RS oe wee GR aes vee OS Ra, TU ve ee, Ue we XD US, BR 4B RB, on : Re a we RE vee 88 wee SR aq we RR eR vee nee BR RR, RE, UE, KE weg? eg wa 83, <\ wena wee AR Tara we se vearifarraat vw aati eg urefarat RR Ura) fo wafaa BR YUE MITA 9t en $e Waa &e wmnata aw 88 oat QS, BU, Se Walaa wee we 8 wan ae Se wemarefarat WSU Re aR aia 4. & BR weiner ve we FB ysfaresen eR afaaret ao ufaat “ wataaRe 82, BS waqaaT RK waa RR, RR RE aucraeat oa ee wre ee wert xe wife oe e q areat oe a are aes Be

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