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Anthony Ernest Guzman Omlas 7/25/18

Cayley - 12

Is EDSA Revolution a Propaganda?

Is it really just propaganda? According to EDSA 1986 is claimed as

fake news. It is only a survey and should not be taken seriously but, the survey confirmed to the
notion that the 1986 EDSA Revolution was a product of fake news and propaganda. It only
means that Filipinos feel like they were deceived by some media, groups and politicians who
worked behind the said revolution. So it could be an intention of real fake news, aka
propaganda in the works. It is possible that history has different versions depending on who is
telling it. It is better for people to decide with their own opinions and amendments. No one will
ever know who told the truth, because not everyone can forget about the past and focus on the
present at the same time. They take it for granted too much, as of now, a new president in the
Philippines has taken charge, only abusing his privilege. It is too ironic since hypocrisy has taken
far too long not to be stopped.

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