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A. G.

Assistant Professor of
Mechanical Engineering, University of
A General Method for Kineto-Elastodynamic
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.,
Formerly, G r a d u a t e Research Assistant,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Assoc. M e m . ASME
Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms'
Kineto-elastodynamics is the study of the motion of mechanisms consisting of elements
G. N. SANDOR which may deflect due to external loads or internal body forces. This paper describes
A L C O A Foundation Professor of the initial phases in the development of a general method of kineto-elastodynamic analysis
Mechanical Design, Chairman, and synthesis based on the flexibility approach of structural analysis, •which may be
Division o f Machines and Structures.
applied to any planar or spatial mechanism. Dynamic error is investigated due to
Fellow ASME
flexural, longitudinal, and torsional element strain, and system inertia fluctuations;
the treatment of Coulomb and viscous friction is indicated. Kineto-Elastodynamic
R. G. OAKBERG Stretch Rotation Operators are derived which will rotate and stretch both planar and
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. spatial link vectors reflecting rigid body motion plus elastic deformations of the link.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the elastodynamic analysis technique.
Troy, N. Y.

Introduction synthesis techniques. A publication on mechanism dynamics,

however, may fall under many subcategories such as kinematic
HK past ten years have seen tremendous strides in derivatives [1-7] 2 , harmonic analysis [8], balancing [9-17],
vibrations [18-22, 40], elastic analysis [23-24], structural
the field of kinematics. Kinematic synthesis has become a
powerful design tool for the engineer, surpassing in certain analysis [35-38], stability [39-41], time response [15-17, 42-47]
respects previous kinematic design techniques, which may now or backlash and impact [48-52]. (Benedict [43] cites a fairly
be classified as "classical kinematics." There is, however, complete - set of references in dynamics which will not be re-
one major shortcoming of present kinematic synthesis techniques. peated here.) The great majority of work in dynamics of mech-
This is the "rigidity" assumption which prevails throughout the anisms falls under the kinematic derivatives category (some-
literature with few notable exceptions. . Mechanisms consisting times obtained by way of the Lagrangian approach) which
of links, gears, sliders, etc., are not rigid in actuality—they are assumes rigid mechanism elements. Some authors [8, 18-22,
elastic and deflect when subject to high static or dynamic forces. 27-34, 39, 40] have dealt with "elastic complex" systems, i.e.,
In low-speed motion, if static forces are not high, the designer systems with mixed elastic and nonelastic members. Because of
usually will not need to concern himself with the inherent elas- the complexity of the solutions, usually only one element is con-
ticity of a mechanism system, but in high-speed applications he sidered elastic, and then only with one degree of freedom of de^
may find the same mechanism inoperable due to high fluctuating formation: torsion, extensibility, or lateral bending. Lagrangian
inertia forces. mechanics or energy methods are often employed to derive equa-
The motivation behind the search for new synthesis procedures tions of motion, b u t many simplifying assumptions, which must
recognizing the elastic properties of mechanisms has originated be made in order to solve these equations, unfortunately make
from just such occurrences. For example, a gripper mechanism the model and solution often impractical. Since designers deal
in a high-speed printing press may be synthesized kinematically with completely elastic systems, these methods do not lead to
with all links regarded as rigid. In the actual performance, how- meaningful solutions except in very simple cases. The authors of
ever, such a linkage may accomplish its task only up to one-half the paper believe t h a t structural dynamics techniques based on
design speed; above that speed, the gripper may miss the target. the finite element method constitute a more desirable approach
to analyzing and synthesizing a completely elastic system.
The literature has recognized the need for dynamic analysis and
Recently, Winfrey [26] has performed a kinematic analysis
combined with the structural dynamics stiffness technique to
1 yield the rigid body plus elastic motion. Boronkay and Mei [24]
Based on the initial phase of a dissertation by the first author
toward partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of have analyzed a multiple input flexible link mechanism using the
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering), Machines and finite element method where the revolute joints are replaced by
Structures Division, School of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. flexible joints. The kineto-elastodynamic analysis method pre-
Contributed by the Mechanisms Committee and presented at the sented in this paper, based on the flexibility method of structural
Winter Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C , November 28-December analysis, is adaptable for the treatment of the effects of viscous
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, May 30, 1970. Paper
No. 71-WA/DE-6. Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.

Journal of Engineering for Industry NOVEMBER 1 972 / 1193

Copyright © 1979 by ASME
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and coulomb friction, inertia fluctuations seen by the input ele- Kinematic Synthesis. Creations of a mechanism which satisfies
ment, and power input and output of the system. various combinations of prescribed positions, velocity ratios
A few authors have published articles concerning dynamic acceleration ratios, etc., assuming all members as rigid and mass-
synthesis, b u t in a limited sense. Most of these contributors less. The reference variable is a position parameter.
have synthesized for prescribed kinematic derivatives assuming Dynamic Synthesis. Creation of a mechanism which satisfies
a rigid system. This is termed "point dynamic synthesis" [2]. various combinations of prescribed positions, velocities, accelera-
Sherwood examines the fluctuation of the input angular velocity tions, etc., considering members as rigid and as having concen-
of the rigid mechanism due to varying torques and resynthesizes by trated or distributed masses. The reference variable is time.
redistribution of mass [16, 17] or adjusting one link length Dynamic Balancing. Same as dynamic synthesis, but including
[15]. Skreiner [47] resynthesizes a rigid four bar p a t h generator minimization of shaking forces and/or moments within a mech-
in order to minimize shaking and pin forces by addition of mass anism and those transmitted to its supports.
and springs to the system. Burns and Crossley [32-33] perform Kineto-Elastostatic Synthesis. Creation of a mechanism which
a kineto-elastostatic synthesis on a four bar function generator satisfies various combinations of prescribed positions, velocity
with a flexible coupler. They describe a graphical solution for a ratios, acceleration ratios, force and torque transmissions, etc.
constant torque output. Shoupe [30] has synthesized function The reference variable is a position parameter. Mechanism mem-
generators which would be rigid except for one highly flexible bers are assumed to be elastic.
member. The general method of kineto-elastodynamic synthesis Kineto-Elastodynamic Synthesis. Creation of a mechanism which
proposed in this paper will, for the first time, it is believed, include satisfies various combinations of positions, velocities, accelera-
all kinematic and dynamic effects influencing the motion of elastic tions, force and torque transmissions, stresses, strains, etc., at
mechanisms. predetermined running speeds. Mechanism membei's are as-
Since there are some inconsistencies in the literature in the sumed to be elastic and have concentrated or distributed masses.
nomenclature involving mechanism dynamics, the authors would Kineto-Elastodynamics. The study of the motions of mechanisms
like to propose definitions for the following general expressions. consisting of elements which may deflect due to external loads or
Kinematic Analysis. Examination of the displacements, velocity internal body forces.
ratios, acceleration ratios, etc., of a mechanism with all its mem-
bers regarded as rigid. The reference variable is a position pa-
rameter. Analysis of Elastic Systems
Dynamic Analysis. Determination of t h e displacements, veloci- Any mechanism may be considered a structure if its rigid-
ties, accelerations, etc., of a mechanism, including derivations of body-kinematic degrees of freedom are removed. The structure
inertia forces of a mechanism made up of rigid members. The is a system of several elements which may have internal elastic
reference variable is time. degrees of freedom. A four-bar linkage may be converted into a
Elastic Analysis. Examination of the stresses and deflections of structure by modeling the input link as a cantilever or fixed-free
an elastic system due to static load in order to determine system beam, as in Fig. 1(a). (Winfrey [26] concludes t h a t a rotating
flexibilities or stiffness. elastic rod vibrates as a rotating elastic cantilever beam.) The
Elastodynamic Analysis. Examination of displacements, veloci- beam has length I, cross-sectional area A, modulus of elasticity E,
ties, accelerations, stresses, strains, etc., of a moving elastic mech- and cross-sectional moment of inertia I about its Z axis, normal
anism. Inertia forces are calculated by assuming all of the mem- to the plane of the mechanism. The element forces /i, f-i, and
bers rigid. element moment / 3 cause end deflections d1: dt, and angular de-
Kineto-Elastodynamic Analysis. Examination of the displace- flection d3 which are expressed as:
ments, velocities, accelerations, stresses, strains, etc., of a moving
elastic mechanism. Effects of elastic deformation upon the inertia pl~l r/i"|
forces are included in the analysis. di = [F] /• (1)
where [F] is the element flexibility matrix:

l/AE 0 0
0 l3/3EI l*/2EI (2)
'«2 m= 0 P/2EI l/EI
A two-force member representing a link with two pin joints,
shown in Fig. 1(6), can only transmit longitudinal force. Thus,
its flexibility matrix has only one term:

[F] = [l/AE] (3)

A,E, I
3 •»!

[dd = [l/Am\fi] (4)

(b) A link subject to torsion, Fig. 2(a), (such as the shaft con-
necting the motor to the input link) will have a flexibility ma-
trix as follows: .

[F] = [l/QJ] (5)

A,E.I so t h a t

TA ~~M~ [dd = [i/ojm,]: (6)


di = relative torsional (angular) deformation in length l

Fig. 1 Models for elastic analysis: (a) cantilever b e a m , (fe) t w o force G = modulus of elasticity in shear
member, and (c) simply supported beam w i t h end moment / = polar moment of inertia of the (circular) crosi
ross section

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Spatial linkages may also be modeled according to their type
of connection. A spatial link with two spherical joints (S-S) has
only a longitudinal degree of freedom, and in essence is a two-
force member. An R-S (revolute-spherical) link, Fig. 2(6), will
possess two elastic degrees of freedom. The flexibility matrix for
this case is

m - [/AE

so that

CO (9)

Flexibility Approach
A mechanism is composed of various combinations of elements,
each of which can be represented by a known structural model
as was demonstrated in the preceding section. The deflections of
the entire mechanism system may be derived by performing an
elastic analysis via the flexibility approach. The mechanism will
have system, or generalized external forces acting upon it which
will be represented by the column matrix [P3-] j = 1, . . .TO, where
Fig. 2 Models for elastic analysis: (a) torsional member and (b) spatial
m is the number of system forces. The number of elastic degrees
R-S member
of freedom of the system is the sum of the elastic degrees of free-
dom of its elements; each degree of freedom being represented
by an element coordinate xit i = 1, . . ,n, where n is the number
of element coordinates. In order to transfer the system forces
into element or internal forces [/;], i = 1, . . . . n, each acting in
fa = torque transmitted through length / the respective element coordinate direction, an n X m force
A link with a slider connected by way of a revolute joint acts as a transfer matrix [B] is derived by the methods of static analysis.
freely supported beam at the slider end. This matrix is dependent upon the configuration of the system and,
In some cases a mechanism link is not just a simple straight therefore, is a function of the independent variable—say the input
beam, but a flexibility matrix may be pieced together with a angle of the single-degree-of-freedom rigid body-kinematic sys-
basic knowledge of beam theory. For example, in Fig. 3 the tem. A matrix of element flexibilities, [F], an n X n matrix
coupler link is composed of two elements separated by a fixed which is independent of the input angle, is composed of the element
angle a. Element 1 may be treated as a simple cantilever beam flexibility matrices along its diagonal. Premultiplying the ele-
with three elastic degrees of freedom, while element 2 is treated as ment forces by the matrix of element flexibilities will yield the
a simply supported beam with a moment fa on the left end (due to element deformations [di], i = 1 . . . n. Finally, the element
element 1) and a longitudinal force fa as in Fig. 1(c). Thus, the deformations are transformed into system, or generalized deflec-
flexibility matrix for element 2 will be: tions [5j], j = 1, . . ., in, by premultiplying by the transpose of
the force transfer matrix, [B] ' , a n m X » matrix, as follows:
[F] =
0 1EIJ
l/ZEI. 1 (7) [5] = IB]'[F][B]IP}, (10)

Gears may also be modeled to determine their elastic deforma- where

tions. Gear teeth are investigated [59] by considering the tooth [/I = [B][P], (11)
as a cantilever beam. The total deformation of the tooth con-
sisting of the result of direct compression at the point of contact and
between teeth and of beam deflection and shear may be calcu-
Id] = [F] If], (12)
and where the matrix product [B]'[F] [B] represents the system
flexibility matrix [ff], an m X TO matrix which depends on the
input angle.

Four-Bar Path or Motion Generator

In order to illustrate the application of the flexibility method
of mechanism analysis, an elastodynamic analysis will be per-
formed on a planar four-bar path or motion generator, Fig. 3,
in order to determine the elastic displacement of the path point P
through its cycle of motion, where element 3 is the input member.
The coupler link consists of two elements separated by a fixed
angle a. Three cases will be described in increasing levels of
accuracy, each of which include the results of the previous level
and build upon it, taking additional effects into account to come
closer to reality.
Case 1. As a first model, a completely elastic moving system
Fig. 3 Case I . Four-bar path generator w i t h disk mass located at path made up of elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 4), will be analyzed.
point P. Elements 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 are elastic The links are assumed massless compared to an inertial mass

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in a desired system configuration, characterized by the input angle
4> = </>! (the jth position of the mechanism), is examined. Ele-
ments 1 and 3 are modelled as cantilever or fixed-free beams,
element 2 is a simply supported beam, and element 4 is a two-
force member. Notice that element 3 has no moment acting at
its "free" end because the beam is massless and no moment may
be transmitted to it through a pin joint. Notice, also, that ele-
ment 2 has a moment applied to its left end which is present due
to the fixed angle between elements 1 and 2. There are eight
element coordinates (n = 8) representing the eight elastic degrees
of freedom of this model. The force transfer matrix [B] and the
matrix of element flexibilities [F] for case 1 are derived in the
Case 2. The second model is similar to the first, except that
each element has a concentrated or a disk mass located at each
joint (as shown in Fig. 7) resulting in eight system forces (m = 8)
instead of only the three system forces at the tracer point. The
system forces, directed in the eight element-coordinate directions,
represent the inertia forces of each element due to each equivalent
mass. Equation (10)is still valid,except for the following changes
in matrix dimensions: [Py] for j = 1, . . ., 8, (8 X 1 instead of
Fig. 4 Element diagram for Case 1 showing the element coordinates and 3 X 1); [B'\ a new 8 X 8 matrix, replaces the 8 X 3 [B] matrix;
system forces ([Bl] remains the same, since only the deformations at the path
point are of interest). The new force transfer matrix is, in par-
titioned form:

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 -C(f>\ 0
[B'\ [B] 1 0
0 8<j>\ 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

Where [B] is the previous 8 X 3 matrix (equation (52)), and, in

symbolic form, C<pX = cos (<j> — \ ) and S<j>\ = sin ((j> — X).

F B' "Pi"
(3 X 8) (8 X 8) (8 X 8)
s3_ _Ps.

Fig. 5 Force diagram of coupler for Case 1 Notice that any number of additional inertia forces may be
added to the above system, but the matrices will increase in size.
For instance, if there are seventeen system forces and ten element
coordinates, then the ten element deflections will be expressed as:

Fig. 6 Force diagram of element 2 for Case T

located at the path point P. Thus the external or generalized

forces acting on the system are the horizontal and vertical inertial
forces Pi and Pi plus an mertial torque Ps, all located at the path
point (m = 3). In order to perform on elastodynamic analysis
on the mechanism, the departure from the rigid-body position Fig. 7 Element d i a g r a m for Case 2 showing system forces P i through Pt

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dynamic Stretch Rotation Operator (KEDSRO). • This is a vector-
stretch-rotation operator which includes kineto-elastodynamic

e [i(*j+A*,) + AL,] = K E D g R o (16)

(j)j = the rigid rotation from the first to the jth position
A0y = the additional rotation due to element elasticity a n d /
or timing shift

Ai, = l n ^ ^ (17)

Fig. 8 Case 3. Distributed mass elastic system

F" B" ~pr
_rfio_ (10 X 10) (10 X 17)

Case 3. In the third model, the mass of each element is dis-

tributed along the element in the form of small subelements dmn
(Fig. 8). The deformation of the coupler link is due only to its
own inertia, since the deformation of elements 3 and 4 m a y only
cause the coupler link to deflect as a rigid body. Thus, the instan-
taneous accelerations Fn linear and Fn' angular, of each sub-
element dmn (of the coupler only) contribute to the deformed con-
figuration of the coupler link. Castigliano's theorem is one ap-
proach which may be used to compute the elastic displacement
of any point of the coupler link (since the strain energies are
computed later in equations (29)-(32)). 3 Elements 3 and 4 de-
flect due to two reasons: (1) their own inertia (Castigliano's
theorem may again be employed here) and (2) pin forces /i, / 2 , and
/ 3 which result from transferred inertia of the coupler. The de-
. flection of the total system is obtained as before, by premulti-
plying the element deflections by a [B1] matrix.
The above three cases have modelled the input link as a canti- Fig. 9 Link in its jth rigid and deformed position
lever beam. Since the motor driving the input link has less than
infinite moment of inertia, a summation of moments about the
axis of the motor shaft must be made at each analysis step to
determine the actual deflection of the input link and the timing
shift of the motor. The fluctuation of the input will be discussed
in a later section.

Kineto-Elastodynamic Stretch Rotation Operator (KEDSRO)

In order to determine system or element inertial forces, it is
helpful to examine the total acceleration of a point P on a gener-
alized link relative to the translating coordinate (fixedly oriented)
system attached to the joint with the previous link in the chain,
by way of the complex number approach [53]. Fig. 9 illustrates
a link both in its rigid and its deflected configuration. The rigid
j t h position of point P is, in complex notation, Zy = Zie**' where
Zi is the first or starting position of P and <j>j is the rigid body rota-
tion from the first to the j t h position of P. Due to the inherent
elasticity of the link, there is a flexural deflection A$j- and a longi-
tudinal deflection AZJ,M and due to reaction torque variation
at the input, there will be fluctuation in input angular velocity
causing a timing change which also contributes to A<j>j. This
phenomenon suggests a new operator called the Kineto-Elasto-

Discussion involving the distributed mass case (case 3) may be Fig. 10 Bar-slider model of a generalized link in rigid and deformod
found in reference [61]. position

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Table 1 Kineto-elastodynamic f a m i l y tree position A,-, rotated by cf>j and stretched by p3- = | A , - | / | A i | ; g-is
„[lU*a«> + AL]
a unit-quaternion rotational operator where Qj = cos <j>- -f-
s,- sin <j>j and s,- is a unit vector defining the axis of rotation (s,- _|_ A •).
liil d(A«,) \ * , d(Al,) riU+A*) + AL]
Notice t h a t

el*< + e —i<t>i
cos <j>j = sin <j>j =
(Rigid (Tangential
'anger (Axial
Tangential Deformation Deformation 2i
Velocity Velocity Velocity
Coeff.) Coeff.) Coeff.)

/d*t d(AL t ) d(A^) d(AL£)\\

eL< = Pj Lj = In Pj
d'«, d'(A»J
Vd^. . d$i d* i • d* i / / Thus

(Rigid /.
(Tangential (Axial (Hiqher
Tangential Deformation Deformation Order «, = + s, (21)
Acceleration Acceleration Coriolis Coriolis
Coeff.) Coeff.) Coeff.) Coeff.)

As in the planar case, the magnitudes of vector Ay stretches by

/d'(ALt) /d(AL t )y /d*tV /d(A»t) \ , /d(A»t) OAVditj
„[i(«**•) +iL] A A ( A T , A
i + & A
\ tit,'. \ d*1 / Vdt,/ \ d*( / V d», M{)l dt
aAj I Hhj = In I and rotates in a plane perpendicular
(Axial (Centripetal (Centrinptal (Tangential
to %j by A<f>j due to element elasticity and/or timing shift. The
spatial KEDSRO is:
Coeff.) Coeff., Coeff.)

Q. = !i | e [ i ( * + « + (Li+4ii)] _ e [-<(*,•+A0f) + (Z,j+AZ,,-)l]

1 (22)
_|_ Z [ e [t(0; + A*,-) + (Ly+AL,)] + e[-i(0, + Arf.,O + (L;+ALy)]]
where Zj = |Z,-| and AZj is the longitudinal stretch due to ele-
ment elasticity. Thus, the dynamic position, Z / , of a point on a
link in its jth position is: Recognizing that, for planar mechanisms, Sy = k, and in quater-
nion notation k2 = — 1 ; therefore, we may write i = y/ — 1 for
li(A , , ) + AL, !
Z-' = Zie *''+ ' ' ' s,- for the planar case. Note that for s,- = i in equation (22), the
(18) spatial K E D S R O specializes to the planar K E D S R O .
( A AI )
= Z-e * '*''+ "
Blokh [56] proposed to represent general planar linkages by
barslider loops. The generalized link in Fig. 10 would have a
Time Response; Nonuniform System Input
K E D S R O of the form High and varying inertia forces affect the output of a mechani-
cal system, not only by causing element deflections, b u t also by a
„[t(0,-+A0,O + (L, + AI,,-)]
timing shift or time response. Unless the system input has large
(19) mass moment of inertia compared to the rest of the system, the
angular velocity of the input element will not remain constant.
Benedict and Tesar [42] have examined planar mechanical sys-
L, = l, tems consisting of rigid elements and have developed procedures
for deriving input angular velocity fluctuations by way of the
where Zj — Zt is the stretch (nonelastic) from the first to j t h kinematic influence coefficient approach. They investigated
position (due to motion of a slider along a slide bar). three methods which yield the momentary angular acceleration
The relative velocities and accelerations of a point on a general- of the input link, aik, where i designates the input link and h
ized link in its jth position with respect to the translating refer- indicates the hth position of the linkage: the energy distribution
ence frame Oxy can now be derived. Table 1 shows the kineto- method, equivalent mass and force, and equivalent power meth-
elastodynamic "family tree" 4 of relative velocities and accelera- ods. In the following, the latter approach is extended in the
tions of the tip of the generalized link without a slider. The sub- present paper to encompass elastic systems.
script (I) has been introduced in the deflection terms to indicate The instantaneous power output, Pih of an electrical motor is
the Mi link in the mechanism. Note that utilizing the chain known for any speed and voltage input. Benedict and Tesar
rule, the derivatives are taken with respect to the input angle $ ; express the conservation of power at any instant in position k in
the form:
and then multiplied by to obtain time derivatives. Thus,
each velocity term and each acceleration term includes a kinematic *V + P* (23)
\ sec /
influence coefficient e.g. —— or -jj—n ) a n d / o r a kmeto-elasto-
, . . fl ffl . . / d(AL ; ) d'(AL,)\
dynamic influence coefficient I e.g. or —— I. Pik = input power available to drive the system (motor out-
\ d<f>i d<j>* / put)
Pk = power required to overcome viscous and coulomb fric-
Spatial KEDSRO (Quaternion Form) tion and to perform work
The quaternion has been used as a spatial stretch-rotation Ph' = power required to overcome the inertia of the system.
operator [60]
Furthermore, he derives:
Qi = PA- (20)
/ f t • lbf \
where Qj is the spatial stretch-rotation operator which will rotate \ sec /
Ai, a vector in the kinematic chain, from an initial to the j t h
The Rigid Family Tree of accelerations and shock components
can be found in reference [2]. equivalent inertia coefficient (ft-lbf-sec 2 )

1198 / NOVEMBER 1 972 Transactions of the ASME

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5 Skreiner, M., "Acceleration Analysis of Spatial Linkages 31 Burns, R. H., and Crossley, F. R. E., "Structural Permutations
Using Axodes and the Instantaneous Screw Axis," JOURNAL or ENGI- of Flexible Link Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference
NEERING FOB INDTJSTKY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 89, No. 1, Paper No. 66-Mech-5, Oct. 1966.
Feb. 1967, pp. 97-101. 32 Burns, R. H., and Crossley, F. R. E., "Kinetostatic Synthesis
6 Goodman, T. P., "An Indirect Method for Determining Ac- of Flexible Link Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference
celerations in Complex Mechanisms," ASME Paper No. 57-A-108. Paper No. 68-Mech-36, Oct. 1968.
7 Hirschhorn, J., "Dynamic Acceleration Analysis of Mech- 33 Burns, R. H., "Kinetostatic Synthesis and Analysis of Flexi-
anisms with More Than One Degree of Freedom," Journal of Mech- ble Link Mechanisms," Doctoral dissertation, Yale Univ., 1964.
anisms, Vol. 2, pp. 193-199. 34 Geiger, F., "Zur Sehwingungstechnik der Kurbelschwinge,"
8 Sadler, J. P., and Sandor, G. N., "Kineto-Elastodynamic Getriebetechnik (Reuleaux-Mitteilungen), Vol. 7, Apr. 1939, pp. 197-
Harmonic Analysis of FouT-Bar Path Generating Mechanisms," 203.
ASME Paper No. 70-Mech-61, presented at the Eleventh Conference 35 Archer, J. S., "Consistent Matrix Formulation for Structural
on Mechanisms, Columbus, Ohio, November 1-4, 1970. Analysis Using Finite-Element Techniques," AIAA Journal, Vol. 3
9 Kaufman, R. E., and Sandor, G. N., "Complete Force Balanc- No. 10, pp. 1910-1918.
ing of Spatial Linkages," presented at the Sixth U. S. National Con- 36 Laursen, H. I., Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1969, 486
gress of Applied Mechanics, Harvard Univ., June 15-19, 1970, and pp.
JOURNAL or ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, 37 Rubinstein, M. F., Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures,
Vol. 91, No. 2, May 1971, pp. 620-626. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966, 402 pp.
10 Berkof, R. S., and Lowen, G. G., "A New Method of Com- 38 Harris, C. O., Introduction to Stress Analysis," Macmillan Co
pletely Force Balancing Simple Linkages," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING 1959, pp. 231-249.
FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, 39 Broniarek, C. A., and Sandor, G. N., "Dynamic Stability of an
pp. 21-26. Elastic Parallelogram Linkage," Nonlinear Vibration Problems, No.
11 Bessonov, A. P., "Balancing a Planar Mechanism With Vari- 12, 1971, pp. 315-325.
able Mass Links," ASME Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 68- 40 Jasinski, P. W., Lee, H. C , and Sandor, G. N., "Stability and
Mech-67, Oct. 1968. Steady-State Vibrations in a High Speed Slider-Crank Mechanism,"
12 Ogawa, K., and Funabashi, H., "On the Balancing of the Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 37, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 92,
Fluctuating Input Torques Caused by Inertia Forces in the Crank Series E, Dec. 1970, No. 4, pp. 1069-1076.
and Rocker Mechanisms," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, 41 Barr, A. D. S., "Dynamic Instabilities in Moving Beams and
TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, pp. 97-102. Beam Systems," Proceedings of the Second International Congress on
13 Han, C. Y., "Balancing of High Speed Machinery," JOURNAL the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Zakopane, Poland, 1969.
OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 89, 42 Benedict, C. E., and Tesar, D., "Analysis of a Mechanical
No. 2, Feb. 1967, pp. 111-118. System Using Kinematic Influence Coefficients," Applied
14 Crossley, F. R. E., "The Balancing of High-Speed Oscillating Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Paper No. 37, July 1969.
Feed Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 64- 43 Benedict, C. E., "Dynamic Response Analysis of Real Me-
Mech-28, Oct. 1964. chanical Systems Using Kinematic Influence Coefficients," Master's
15 Sherwood, A. A., "The Dynamic Synthesis of a Mechanism thesis, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 1969.
with Time-Dependent Output," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 3, pp. 44 Mehta, Naunit C , "The Transient Dynamics of Plane Mech-
35-40. anisms," Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Missouri, at Rolla, 1967.
16 Sherwood, A. A., and Hockey, B . A., "The Optimization of 45 Carson, W. L., and Trummel, J. M., "Time Response of Lower
Mass Distribution in Mechanisms Using Dynamically Similar Sys- Pair Spatial Mechanisms Subjected to General Forces," ASME
tems," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 4, pp. 243-260. Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 68-Mech-57, Oct. 1968.
17 Sherwood, A. A., "The Optimum Distribution of Mass in the 46 Chace, M. A., "Analysis of the Time-Dependence of Multi-
Freedom Mechanical Systems in Relative Coordinates," ASME
Coupler of a Plane Four-Bar Linkage," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 66-Mech-23, Oct. 1966.
1, pp. 229-234. 47 Skreiner, M., "Dynamic Analysis Used to Complete the
18 Jasinski, P. W., Lee, H. C , and Sandor, G. N., "Vibrations of Design of a Mechanism," Applied Mechanisms Conference, Paper
Elastic Connecting Rod of a High Speed Slider-Crank Mechanism," No. 12, July 1969, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 105-120.
JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, 48 Genova, P. I., "Synthesis of Spring Equivalent to Flywheel for
Vol. 93, No. 2, May 1971, pp. 636-644. Minimal Coefficient of Fluctuation," ASME Mechanisms Conference,
19 zur Capellen, W. M., "Biegungsschwingungen in der Koppel Paper No. 68-Mech-65, Oct. 1968.
einer Kurbelschwinge," Oestereich, Ing.-Archiv, Vol. 16, 1962, pp. 49 Garrett, R. E., and Hall, A. S., Jr., "Effect of Tolerance and
341-348. Clearance in Linkage Design," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR IN-
20 Neubauer, A. H„ Jr., Cohen, R., and Hall, A. S., Jr., "An DUSTRY TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, pp. 198-
Analytical Study of the Dynamics of an Elastic Linkage," Paper No. 202.
65-WA/MD-5, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. 50 Barkan, P., and Tuohy, E. J., "Impact Behavior of the Four-
ASME, Series B, Vol. 88, No. 3, Aug. 1966, pp. 311-317. Bar Linkage," Transactions of the Seventh Mechanisms Conference,
21 zur Capellen, W. M., "Flexural and Bearing Vibrations in Purdue Univ., 1962, pp. 139-145.
Crank Mechanisms," Transactions of the Seventh Conference on Mech- 51 Johnson, Raj' C , "Impact Forces in Mechanisms," Machine
anisms, Purdue Univ., Oct. 1962, pp. 161-167. Design, Vol. 30, No. 12, June 12, 1958, pp. 138-146; Transactions of
22. zur Capellen, W. M., "Torsional Vibrations in the Shafts of the Fourth Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue Univ., Penton Pub-
Linkage Mechanisms," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY lishing Co., Cleveland, 1958, pp. 16-24.
TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 89, No. 1, Feb. 1967, pp. 126-136. 52 Goodman, Thomas P., "How to Calculate Dynamic Effects of
23 Beggs, J. S., "Stresses in Redundant Mechanisms," Journal of Backlash," Machine Design, May 23, 1963, pp. 151-157.
Applied Mechanics, Vol. 37, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 92, Series E, No. 1, 53 Sandor, G. N., "A General Complex-Number Method of
Mar. 1970, pp. 223-228. Plane Kinematic Synthesis with Application," Doctoral dissertation,
24 Boronkay, T. G., and Chun, Mei, "Analysis and Design of Columbia Univ., University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Library
Multiple Input Flexible Link Mechanisms," Proceedings of the Applied of Congress card No. Mic. 59-2596, 1959.
Mechanisms Conference, Stillwater, Okla., Paper No. 11, July 1969. 54 Hirschhorn, J., Kinematics and Dynamics of Plane Mechanisms,
25 Khotin, B. M., "Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms with McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, 447 pp.
Account Taken of Elasticity of Bars," Leningrad. Institut Inzhen- 55 Beggs, J. S., Advanced Mechanism, Macmillan Co., 1966, 270
erov Zheleznodorozhnogo, 1964, Transporta. Sbornik. Trudov. No. pp.
218, pp. 214-219, No. 7 (in Russian). 56 Blokh, S. Sh., "On the Synthesis of Four-Link Mechanisms,"
26 Winfrey, R. C , "Dynamics of Mechanisms With Elastic Izvestia Akademic Nauk, USSR, 1940, Oldelniye Tekhnischeskich
Links," Doctoral dissertation, UCLA, 1969. Nauk, No. 1, pp. 47-54 (Russian).
27 Crossley, F. R. E., "Bounds of Stability of Subharmonic Oscil- 57 Conte, S. D., Elementary Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill,
lations of a Bi-stable Oscillator," Proceedings of the Second Interna- 1965, pp. 82-143.
tional Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Zakopane, 58 Hi-ones, J. A., and Nelson, G. L., Analysis of the Four Bar
Poland, 1969. Linkage, The Technology Press, of M.I.T. and Wiley, 1951, p. 261.
28 Kosar, Halit, "A Study of a Four Bar Linkage Mechanism with 59 Roark, R. J., Formxdas for Stress and Strain, McGraw-Hill,
One Elastic Connecting Rod," Bulletin of the Technical Univ. of Istan- 1965, pp. 333-334. '
bul, Vol. 14, 1961, pp. 110-123. 60 Sandor, G. N., "Principles of a General Quaternion-Operator
29 Kobrinsky, A. Y., Mechanisms With Elastic Couplings—Dy- Method of Spatial Kinematics Synthesis," Journal of Applied Me-
namics and Stability, Nauka Press, Moscow, 1964, NASA Technical chanics, Vol. 36, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 90, Series E, No. 1, Mar. 1968,
Translation, NASA TF-534, June 1969. pp. 40-46.
30 Shoup, T. E., "An Analytical Investigation of the Large De- 61 Erdman, A. G., "A General Method for Kineto-Elastodynamic
flections of Flexible Beam Springs," Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms," Doctoral dissertation, Rens-
State Univ., 1969. selaer Polytechnic Institute, Sept. 1971.

1204 / N O V E M B E R 1 9 7 2 Transactions of the ASME

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sumed, then derivatives may be taken with respect to the input
angle. These accelerations are, however, only "rigid body" ac-
celerations and do not include "elastic deformation" accelerations.
KED system forces may be derived for each element as outlined
in Table 2. The method of kinematic influence coefficients [43]
is particularly applicable on this level. As stated before, the
**#i /
acceleration of any point on any element of a mechanism con-
sisting of rigid links is a function of kinematic influence coeffi-
cients, which are functions of input position and velocity. The
kineto-elastodynamic acceleration, Table 1 which includes KED
influence coefficients, may be utilized in determining the total
acceleration of a mechanism point for each mechanism position
(4> = 4>k)- The procedure for finding the KED inertia forces for
(4> = 4>k) is: (1) determine the rigid body inertia forces; (2) find
the dynamic deflections (equation (12)) due to these rigid body
-1 J
forces; (3) recall the deflections from <j> — <j>k-i> etc., and deter- v

mine the deflection velocities and accelerations (KED influence

coefficients) utilizing the backward difference [57J; (4) calculate
dtyi , ,
the fluctuation of input angular velocity, aik = -—-, which as
derived in a previous section includes element strain energies;
(5) calculate the kineto-elastodynamic accelerations (Table 1);
(6) compare the new and old accelerations: if they agree within
an acceptable tolerance, then proceed to step 1 with <j> = <pk+i;
if not, then return to step 2 with the new accelerations. As an Fig. 11 Vectors representing left side of four bar path generator in first
improvement on the procedure of Table 2, the following method and (th rigid position (solid) and first and /th deformed position (dashed)

offers a more systematic numerical process for determining KED

inertia forces. Equation (10) may be written as:

[8(k + 1)] = [B>(k + l)][F][B{k + l)][P(ft + 1)] (35) coulomb and viscous friction, and system forces. An alternate
procedure of kineto-elasto-dynamic analysis is developed in [61,64].
Expanding each term on the right as a Taylor series about <f>h:

~dB' 1 Numerical Example

[6(k + ! ) ] = ( [B'(fc)] +
M, {h) d4>i
\ In order to illustrate the procedure for analysis of elastic sys-
tems, a program was written for the IBM 360-50 to solve equa-
~jf+ ...J[F] {[B(k[ tion (10) for three different models of the four-bar path generator
(*) (ft)
of Fig. 3: Model 1—Case 1 using equations (52) and (55); Model
2—Case 1 with the addition of a torsionally flexible input shaft;
)(—K (ft) and Model 3—a rigid system, except for the coupler branch (ele-

EHf+•) (36)
Table 3 Procedure for a complete kineto-elastodynamic synthesis

f 'dB'
M {k)

"dB 1
+ [B'(k)][F] [P{k)] + [B'(k)][F)[B(k)]

VdP 1)
The KED system forces derived previously may be used
, • . , dP(k)
deriving the ~—— term as follows:

dPQc) _ P(k - 1) - P(k - 2)

44>t ~ |&(* - 1) - 4>t(k - 2)|

where P{k - 1) and P{k - 2) are quasi-static inertia forces at

position (k - 1) and k - 2), respectively. The terms dB'{k)
and ~T7~ a r e the first derivatives of the B' and B matrices with PERFORMANCE
respect to input angle <£,.. Terms of order # f or higher are as-
sumed to be negligible. Notice that this kineto-elastodynamic -|RESYNT]I1-:SI:L|

analysis procedure permits the analysis of mechanism motion

from start up to operating speed including all elastic effects, ERDNA1-SAND0R-OAKBERG

1200 / N O V E M B E R 1972 Transactions of the AS ME

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ment 1) which is elastic in flexure alone. (This model has been should converge to a solution within acceptable.tolerances. The
investigated by utilizing Lagrangian mechanics and harmonic first three steps are not new—(1) statement of the problem (pre-
analysis [8], which is a K E D A procedure.) Fig. 12 [58] shows the scribe ideal performance), (2) purely kinematic synthesis, and (3)
rigid p a t h of point P for full rotation of the input crank. The purely kinematic analysis. Next, a "dynamic analysis" is per-
displacements in the x and y directions of point P and the elastic formed to determine the deviation from purely kinematic (rigid
rotation 8 of the end of the coupler branch for the three above body) performance. Certainly the full K E D A (Case 3), which
models are found in Table 4, while the linkage specifications are treats a distributed mass system, solved by way of the Taylor
found in Fig. 12. The system forces, P,, P 2 , and P3 are derived expansion described previously, is preferable because it is closest
from rigid body accelerations of the coupler point mass by way of to reality. In some cases, however, one of the less sophisticated
harmonic analysis. and time consuming analysis methods (i.e., the l'igid body ap-
T h e numerical example described above is an elastodynamic proach dealing with simpler models) would be acceptable. Step
analysis solution which is a first step in determining the K E D per- five is a comparison between the dynamic and ideal performance.
formance of this mechanism more complete details and numeri- If the difference between these, the dynamic error is larger than
cal results of the theories presented above may be found in a specified limit, then step six requires a restatement of the prob-
[61, 64], lem by way of applying corrections. The C}rcle is repeated start-
ing with a resynthesis and continues iterating until an acceptable
Kineto-Elastodynamic Synthesis (KEDS) solution is reached. The improvement of mechanism performance
T h u s far only the analysis of mechanisms with elastic elements as a result of resyn thesis lies in the method of applying correction
has been discussed. Today's designer needs dynamic synthesis to the prescribed performance. The use of the K E D S R O will
techniques in order to design mechanisms to meet high-speed re- systematize the procedure.
quirements. Table 3 represents a procedure for a complete Fig. 11 illustrates the left side of a four-bar p a t h generator.
kineto-elastodynamic synthesis. This is an iterative process which Both the rigid (solid) and deflected (dashed) configurations of

Fig. 12 Four bar path generator used in numerical example (Table 4)

Table 4 Elastodynamic deflections of a four bar path generator (Fig. 12)

Input Model #1 Model n Model #3

Angle X y e X y 8 X y 8

0 1.1753 0.0960 -0.0638 1.1995 0.1228 -0.0649 0.4068 -0.0016 -0.0283

20 1.8793 -0.2420 -0.1061 1 .8918 -0.2204 -0.1072 0.6861 -0.1210 -0.0484
40 1.5410 -0.4843 -0.0896 1.5406 -0.4814 -0.0897 0.5773 -0.1856 -0.0421
60 0.8684 -0,3716 -0.0506 0.8723 -0.3743 -0.0504 0.3193 -0.1355 -0.0241
80 0.2464 -0.1086 -0.0130 - 0.2541 -0.1095 -0.0130 0.0810 -0.0393 -0.0063
100 -0.2298 0.1352 0.0158 -0.2231 0.1365 0.0158 -0.0961 0.0490 0.0075
120 -0.5520 0.2887 0.0346 -0.5487 0.2902 0.0346 -0.2119 0.1062 0.0165
HO -0.7362 0.3395 0.0445 -0.7366 0.3392 0.0445 -0.2760 0.1279 0.0211
160 -0.8140 0.3095 0.0478 -0.8165 0.3064 0.0479 -0.3021 0.1206 0.0226
180 -0.8275 0.2356 0.0476 -0.8302 0.2302 0.0477 -0.3069 0.0960 0.0223
200 -0.8160 0.1477 0.0462 -0.8174 0.1418 0.0464 -0.3043 0.0638 0.0216
220 -0.8013 0.0597 0.0450 -0.8010 0.0551 0.0452 -0.3010 0.0289 0.0210
240 -0.7923 -0.0245 0.0442 -0.7912 -0.0266 0.0443 -0.2985 -0.0061 0.0207
260 -0.8009 -0.1048 0.0443 -0.8012 -0.1047 0.0443 -0.2996 -0.0393 0.0210
280 -0.8469 -0.1871 0.0461 -0.8521 -0.1879 0.0460 -0.3095 -0.0687 0.0220
300 -0.9233 -0.2702 0.0492 -0.937? -0.2792 0.0491 -0.3246 -0.0883 0.0234
320 -0.8670 -0.2776 0.0456 -0.8900 -0.2986 0.0459 -0.2913 -0.0741 0.0209
340 -0.1886 -0.0545 0.0098 -0.1963 -0.0625 0.0101 -0.0586 -0.0091 0.0041

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the initial and jth positions are shown. The rigid kinematic APPENDIX
synthesis of the left side of the linkage consisting of Zi and Z 2 , is
well known [53]. A loop closure equation is written including Derivation of the Force Transfer Matrix
the closing vector 5 y : The force transfer matrix [B] can be derived from the force
diagrams of the elements. From Fig. 4:
Zie**' + Zie'y - Zi - Z 2 = 5,-
/1 = Pi cos (X + a) + Pi sin (X + a)
or (39)
f2 = - P i sin (X + a) + Pi cos (X + a) (42)
{e^i - l ) Z i + ( e ^ ' - 1)Z 2 = &,-
h = Ps
But what actually happens dynamically? T h e dynamic loop
closure equation will be: Fig. 5 is the force diagram of elements 1 and 2. The sum of the
horizontal forces on the coupler is:
Z i V * ' ' + Z„VT"' - Z / - Z 2 ' = 8 / (40)
Pi - U cos (c/>) + U sin W>) ~ h c°s (ip) = 0,
or utilizing the K E D S R O :
2ie[*(*,-+A^0 + ALi,] + 2 2 e 1, ' (,Y ' + A7 '' ) + A L w ]
- Z^iA^ + ALu] - Z2eUA7i+AL2I] = 5 . + A R , __ A R i (41) or P i = +fi cos (<j>) - fi sin (</>) + / 6 cos (\p).

The original statement of the problem specified 5j-, b u t there is Summing the vertical forces results in:
an error of Affi,- — Afli. I n the resynthesis step the last two P 2 = ft sin (<£) + U 00s (<f>) + /e sin (t£). (44)
terms on the right side of equation (41) are dropped (since
the originally prescribed p a t h is still ^he objective), but the Taking moments about point P ,
K E D S R O ' s which multiply t h e unknown link vectors, are re- P3 = + ( —sin (0) k cos (a + X) + cos (</>) k sin (a + X))/4
tained. These operators contain the rigid rotations which are
prescribed, the rotation and stretch components attributed to + (—cos (</>) li cos (a + X) — sin (cj>) k sin (a + X))/s
elasticity of the links, plus the timing errors due to the fluctua- + ( + sin (\p) (k cos X — Zi cos ( a + X))
tion in the input angular velocity. Thus the new mechanism,
which will be slightly different from the previous one, will have + cos (^) (k sin (a + X) - k sin X))/ 6 . (45)
associated with each of its elements a rotational operator which
Equations (43), (44), and (45) are in the form:
will more closely describe its true dynamic motion than if the
classical (rigid link) rotational operator were employed. P i = a/4 + 6/5 + c/„
A synthesis step will usually produce several solutions for each
data input. If the data for a resynthesis represents only an in- P 2 = dft + efs + ffe (46)
cremental change from the data which led to the present mecha- P, = gfi + hU + rft
nism, then one synthesized linkage will normally be of a "similar
t y p e " to the present mechanism. This procedure assumes t h a t Solving these equations by Cramer's rule,
the solution involving the linkage of the "similar t y p e " be pur- (er - fh)Pl + (ch - br)Pi + (6/ - ce)Ps
sued until no further improvement is attained. If this results in
an acceptable solution, then the synthesis is complete; if not,
then one of the previous nonsimilar solutions should be investi- * (/g ~ dr)Pr + (ar - cg)P2 + (cd - af)Ps
gated. _
fl = (47)

. (dh - eg)P1 + (bg - ah)P, + (ae - bd)P3

Conclusion h
- k
A general method for K E D analysis and synthesis has been
where k = a(er — fh) — b(dr — fg) -f- c(dh — eg).
presented which may be applied to any planar or spatial mecha-
nism with elastic elements. Several levels of K E D analysis tech- The free-body force diagram of element 2 is shown in Fig. 6.
niques have been proposed for the designer to choose from to The two remaining element forces can now be derived:
solve his particular problem. The K E D synthesis procedure
utilizes a new planar or spatial K E D S R O , K E D analysis, and / , = -f6 cos {\p - X)
time response analysis, which includes K E D effects, to obtain a /s = +hfn sin (yp - X)
desired mechanisms performance at a specified running speed.
This synthesis procedure may be combined with balancing tech- Here /e may be written in terms of the system forces Pi, P 2 , Pi
niques to minimize both kineto-elastodynamic error and shaking by summing moments about point Q in Fig. 5
forces transmitted to the frame by a mechanism. I t is planned
t h a t the theories presented here will be applied to various specific = -ll sin
(a + X Pl
) + ll c o s (a + X ) P z + P*h (49)
cases verified mathematically, and the results reported in a future h sin (\p — X)
h = +(h/U) c o t # - X) sin (a + X)Pi - {IJU)
X cot (\p - X) cos ( a + X)P 2 - cot {\p - \)P3/h (50)
The authors would like to express their appreciation to the
National Science Foundation for support of their research at /s = -h sin ( a + X)Pi + h cos (a + X)P 2 + P 3
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute through Grant No. GK-4049
sponsored by the Engineering Mechanics Program, Engineering Combining equations (42), (47), and (50), into matrix form,
Division of N.S.F. They would also like to thank Mrs. Frances the element forces fi . • • fs may be derived from the system forces
K. Willson for her patience and skill in typing the manuscript, Pi, P 2 , P 3 . If the following symbolic notation is used:
Mr. J. Peter Sadler for his helpful consultations and the Comput- 6
The danger of singularity of equation (49) by way of (x// — X) —•• 0
ing Center of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for the use of their can be discounted because it would be tantamount to zero transmis-
facilities. sion angle.

1202 / N O V E M B E R 1972 Transactions of the ASME

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SaX = sin (a + X) S\p = sin (x//) Now matrix B can be written entirely in terms of t h e link
lengths and t h e input angle <f>j.
CaX = cos (a + X) C\p = cos (xj/)

T^X = cot (\p - X) CX = cos (X) (51) Matrix of Element Flexibilities

S<f> = sin ((j>) SX = sin (X) The matrix of element flexibilities m a y be termed a diagonal
super matrix of t h e element flexibility matrices. Utilizing equa-
C<j) = cos ( 0 ) tions (2), (3), and (7) the following matrix of element flexibilities
for Case 1 is derived:
then the force transformation may be written as:
[F] =

/. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/a AlEl
/« = [B] P 2 k2
/. 0 0 0 0 0 0
.Ps_l 3E1I1 2EJ1
h k2
0 0 0 0 0 0
.k 2EJt EJ1
' CaX SaX 0 Pi
-SaX CaX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 P2 A3E3
0 0 1 Pa.
(er - fh)/k (ch — br)/k (bf - ce)/k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(52) 3E3I3
(fg - dr)/.k (ar — cg)/k (cd — af)/k
(dh — eg)/k (bg — ah)/k
TxpXSaXk/k -CaXTipXk/h
(ae — bd)/k
-T\pX/h 0 0 0 0 0
u 0 0
A Si
-SaXk CaXk 1

where 0 0 0 0 0 0
u 0
a = +C<£ f = SxP
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 = -30 g = -kCaXSQ + hSaXC<t> 3EJ2
c = + C\p h = -kCaXC<j> - hSaXS<t> (55)
d = +S<t> r = S\j/(kCX - kCctX) + C\p(liSaX - kSX)
e = +C4>
Notice t h a t matrix B is a function of t h e link lengths, t h e 1 Sandor, G. N., "On the Loop Equations in Kinematics,"
angles <j>, \p, X, and the fixed angle a. Since this linkage has one Trans, of the Seventh Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue Univ., Octo-
rigid body-kinematic degree of freedom, angles \p and X are func- ber 8-9, 1962, pp. 49-56.
tions of the link lengths and the input angle (f>. 2 Erdman, A. G., and Sandor, G. N., "Kinematic Synthesis of a
Geared Five-Bar Function Generator," JOURNAL or ENGINEERING
POK INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 93, No. 1, Feb. 1971,
pp. 11-16.
Derivation of 4, and x 3 Sandor, G. N., Kaufman, R. E., Erdman, A. G„ et al.,
"Kinematic Synthesis of Geared Linkages," Proceedings of the Applied
Referring to Fig. 13 Mechanisms Conference, 1969, presented at the Applied Mechanisms
Conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma and National Conference of Ap-
X = 7 - 0 plied Mechanics, 1969, in Bucharest, Romania; published in the
Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1970, pp. 59-87, and
4 sin 4>j \ in the Review Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Mecanique Ap-
= tan pliquee, Str. Coust. Mille Nr. 15-Bucharest, 1970, pp. 841-869.
h — h COS (j>j/
4 Yang, A. T., "Acceleration Analysis of Spatial Four-Link
( h sin M \ ASME, Series B, Vol. 88, No. 2, May 1966, pp. 296-300.
y = tan"1 I ).
\h — U cos )X)


D2 = k2 + k2 - 2l3k cos 4>j = k2 + k2 - 2kk cos n

h2 + k2 - k2 - h2 , kk
then cos jJ. + JJ cos $„

and sin jJ. = ± V 1 — cos2 yu

The sign of the sine term will be positive when U and U are on
the opposite side of -D from h and U as shown. Thus

, h sin a \ I h sinVl<6; , , ,
X = tan^1 ( ; — , ^ ) - tan-' (; ; , ) (53)
h — U cos JX
u - u.3 COS 0 j
and <r = tan ( It sin ii
4 — 4 cos jU/

finally \f/ = 180 deg - 0 - a (54) Fig. 13 Determination of link angle relationships

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5 Skreiner, M., "Acceleration Analysis of Spatial Linkages 31 Burns, R. H., and Crossley, F. R. E., "Structural Permutations
Using Axodes and the Instantaneous Screw Axis," JOURNAL or ENGI- of Flexible Link Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference
NEERING FOB INDTJSTKY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 89, No. 1, Paper No. 66-Mech-5, Oct. 1966.
Feb. 1967, pp. 97-101. 32 Burns, R. H., and Crossley, F. R. E., "Kinetostatic Synthesis
6 Goodman, T. P., "An Indirect Method for Determining Ac- of Flexible Link Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference
celerations in Complex Mechanisms," ASME Paper No. 57-A-108. Paper No. 68-Mech-36, Oct. 1968.
7 Hirschhorn, J., "Dynamic Acceleration Analysis of Mech- 33 Burns, R. H., "Kinetostatic Synthesis and Analysis of Flexi-
anisms with More Than One Degree of Freedom," Journal of Mech- ble Link Mechanisms," Doctoral dissertation, Yale Univ., 1964.
anisms, Vol. 2, pp. 193-199. 34 Geiger, F., "Zur Sehwingungstechnik der Kurbelschwinge,"
8 Sadler, J. P., and Sandor, G. N., "Kineto-Elastodynamic Getriebetechnik (Reuleaux-Mitteilungen), Vol. 7, Apr. 1939, pp. 197-
Harmonic Analysis of FouT-Bar Path Generating Mechanisms," 203.
ASME Paper No. 70-Mech-61, presented at the Eleventh Conference 35 Archer, J. S., "Consistent Matrix Formulation for Structural
on Mechanisms, Columbus, Ohio, November 1-4, 1970. Analysis Using Finite-Element Techniques," AIAA Journal, Vol. 3
9 Kaufman, R. E., and Sandor, G. N., "Complete Force Balanc- No. 10, pp. 1910-1918.
ing of Spatial Linkages," presented at the Sixth U. S. National Con- 36 Laursen, H. I., Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1969, 486
gress of Applied Mechanics, Harvard Univ., June 15-19, 1970, and pp.
JOURNAL or ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, 37 Rubinstein, M. F., Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures,
Vol. 91, No. 2, May 1971, pp. 620-626. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966, 402 pp.
10 Berkof, R. S., and Lowen, G. G., "A New Method of Com- 38 Harris, C. O., Introduction to Stress Analysis," Macmillan Co
pletely Force Balancing Simple Linkages," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING 1959, pp. 231-249.
FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, 39 Broniarek, C. A., and Sandor, G. N., "Dynamic Stability of an
pp. 21-26. Elastic Parallelogram Linkage," Nonlinear Vibration Problems, No.
11 Bessonov, A. P., "Balancing a Planar Mechanism With Vari- 12, 1971, pp. 315-325.
able Mass Links," ASME Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 68- 40 Jasinski, P. W., Lee, H. C , and Sandor, G. N., "Stability and
Mech-67, Oct. 1968. Steady-State Vibrations in a High Speed Slider-Crank Mechanism,"
12 Ogawa, K., and Funabashi, H., "On the Balancing of the Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 37, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 92,
Fluctuating Input Torques Caused by Inertia Forces in the Crank Series E, Dec. 1970, No. 4, pp. 1069-1076.
and Rocker Mechanisms," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, 41 Barr, A. D. S., "Dynamic Instabilities in Moving Beams and
TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, pp. 97-102. Beam Systems," Proceedings of the Second International Congress on
13 Han, C. Y., "Balancing of High Speed Machinery," JOURNAL the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Zakopane, Poland, 1969.
OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 89, 42 Benedict, C. E., and Tesar, D., "Analysis of a Mechanical
No. 2, Feb. 1967, pp. 111-118. System Using Kinematic Influence Coefficients," Applied
14 Crossley, F. R. E., "The Balancing of High-Speed Oscillating Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Paper No. 37, July 1969.
Feed Mechanisms," ASME Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 64- 43 Benedict, C. E., "Dynamic Response Analysis of Real Me-
Mech-28, Oct. 1964. chanical Systems Using Kinematic Influence Coefficients," Master's
15 Sherwood, A. A., "The Dynamic Synthesis of a Mechanism thesis, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 1969.
with Time-Dependent Output," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 3, pp. 44 Mehta, Naunit C , "The Transient Dynamics of Plane Mech-
35-40. anisms," Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Missouri, at Rolla, 1967.
16 Sherwood, A. A., and Hockey, B . A., "The Optimization of 45 Carson, W. L., and Trummel, J. M., "Time Response of Lower
Mass Distribution in Mechanisms Using Dynamically Similar Sys- Pair Spatial Mechanisms Subjected to General Forces," ASME
tems," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 4, pp. 243-260. Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 68-Mech-57, Oct. 1968.
17 Sherwood, A. A., "The Optimum Distribution of Mass in the 46 Chace, M. A., "Analysis of the Time-Dependence of Multi-
Freedom Mechanical Systems in Relative Coordinates," ASME
Coupler of a Plane Four-Bar Linkage," Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 66-Mech-23, Oct. 1966.
1, pp. 229-234. 47 Skreiner, M., "Dynamic Analysis Used to Complete the
18 Jasinski, P. W., Lee, H. C , and Sandor, G. N., "Vibrations of Design of a Mechanism," Applied Mechanisms Conference, Paper
Elastic Connecting Rod of a High Speed Slider-Crank Mechanism," No. 12, July 1969, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 105-120.
JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Series B, 48 Genova, P. I., "Synthesis of Spring Equivalent to Flywheel for
Vol. 93, No. 2, May 1971, pp. 636-644. Minimal Coefficient of Fluctuation," ASME Mechanisms Conference,
19 zur Capellen, W. M., "Biegungsschwingungen in der Koppel Paper No. 68-Mech-65, Oct. 1968.
einer Kurbelschwinge," Oestereich, Ing.-Archiv, Vol. 16, 1962, pp. 49 Garrett, R. E., and Hall, A. S., Jr., "Effect of Tolerance and
341-348. Clearance in Linkage Design," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR IN-
20 Neubauer, A. H„ Jr., Cohen, R., and Hall, A. S., Jr., "An DUSTRY TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 91, No. 1, Feb. 1969, pp. 198-
Analytical Study of the Dynamics of an Elastic Linkage," Paper No. 202.
65-WA/MD-5, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY, TRANS. 50 Barkan, P., and Tuohy, E. J., "Impact Behavior of the Four-
ASME, Series B, Vol. 88, No. 3, Aug. 1966, pp. 311-317. Bar Linkage," Transactions of the Seventh Mechanisms Conference,
21 zur Capellen, W. M., "Flexural and Bearing Vibrations in Purdue Univ., 1962, pp. 139-145.
Crank Mechanisms," Transactions of the Seventh Conference on Mech- 51 Johnson, Raj' C , "Impact Forces in Mechanisms," Machine
anisms, Purdue Univ., Oct. 1962, pp. 161-167. Design, Vol. 30, No. 12, June 12, 1958, pp. 138-146; Transactions of
22. zur Capellen, W. M., "Torsional Vibrations in the Shafts of the Fourth Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue Univ., Penton Pub-
Linkage Mechanisms," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR INDUSTRY lishing Co., Cleveland, 1958, pp. 16-24.
TRANS. ASME, Series B, Vol. 89, No. 1, Feb. 1967, pp. 126-136. 52 Goodman, Thomas P., "How to Calculate Dynamic Effects of
23 Beggs, J. S., "Stresses in Redundant Mechanisms," Journal of Backlash," Machine Design, May 23, 1963, pp. 151-157.
Applied Mechanics, Vol. 37, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 92, Series E, No. 1, 53 Sandor, G. N., "A General Complex-Number Method of
Mar. 1970, pp. 223-228. Plane Kinematic Synthesis with Application," Doctoral dissertation,
24 Boronkay, T. G., and Chun, Mei, "Analysis and Design of Columbia Univ., University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Library
Multiple Input Flexible Link Mechanisms," Proceedings of the Applied of Congress card No. Mic. 59-2596, 1959.
Mechanisms Conference, Stillwater, Okla., Paper No. 11, July 1969. 54 Hirschhorn, J., Kinematics and Dynamics of Plane Mechanisms,
25 Khotin, B. M., "Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms with McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, 447 pp.
Account Taken of Elasticity of Bars," Leningrad. Institut Inzhen- 55 Beggs, J. S., Advanced Mechanism, Macmillan Co., 1966, 270
erov Zheleznodorozhnogo, 1964, Transporta. Sbornik. Trudov. No. pp.
218, pp. 214-219, No. 7 (in Russian). 56 Blokh, S. Sh., "On the Synthesis of Four-Link Mechanisms,"
26 Winfrey, R. C , "Dynamics of Mechanisms With Elastic Izvestia Akademic Nauk, USSR, 1940, Oldelniye Tekhnischeskich
Links," Doctoral dissertation, UCLA, 1969. Nauk, No. 1, pp. 47-54 (Russian).
27 Crossley, F. R. E., "Bounds of Stability of Subharmonic Oscil- 57 Conte, S. D., Elementary Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill,
lations of a Bi-stable Oscillator," Proceedings of the Second Interna- 1965, pp. 82-143.
tional Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Zakopane, 58 Hi-ones, J. A., and Nelson, G. L., Analysis of the Four Bar
Poland, 1969. Linkage, The Technology Press, of M.I.T. and Wiley, 1951, p. 261.
28 Kosar, Halit, "A Study of a Four Bar Linkage Mechanism with 59 Roark, R. J., Formxdas for Stress and Strain, McGraw-Hill,
One Elastic Connecting Rod," Bulletin of the Technical Univ. of Istan- 1965, pp. 333-334. '
bul, Vol. 14, 1961, pp. 110-123. 60 Sandor, G. N., "Principles of a General Quaternion-Operator
29 Kobrinsky, A. Y., Mechanisms With Elastic Couplings—Dy- Method of Spatial Kinematics Synthesis," Journal of Applied Me-
namics and Stability, Nauka Press, Moscow, 1964, NASA Technical chanics, Vol. 36, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 90, Series E, No. 1, Mar. 1968,
Translation, NASA TF-534, June 1969. pp. 40-46.
30 Shoup, T. E., "An Analytical Investigation of the Large De- 61 Erdman, A. G., "A General Method for Kineto-Elastodynamic
flections of Flexible Beam Springs," Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms," Doctoral dissertation, Rens-
State Univ., 1969. selaer Polytechnic Institute, Sept. 1971.

1204 / N O V E M B E R 1 9 7 2 Transactions of the ASME

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62 Sandor, G. N., Erdman, A. G., and Oakberg, R. G„ "Towards The idea of rigid body kinematic systhesis is always intriguing,
a Theory of Kineto-Elastodynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms," but to combine this with an elastic analysis is new and worth-
abstract published in the Transactions of The Twelfth British Theoreti-
cal Mechanics Colloquim, U. of East Anglia Norwich, Mar. 1970. while. The method of elastic mechanism synthesis given here is
63 Erdman, A. G., and Sandor, G. N., "Kineto-Elastodynamics a tribute to the authors' ingenuity. I t is straightforward and
—A Frontier in Mechanism Design," Mechanical Engineering News, represents a fine contribution to the field of elastic mechanism
Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 27, 28. analysis. One can cogitate about all sorts of situations where the
64 Erdman, A. G., Iman, I., and Sandor, G. N., "Applied Kineto-
Elastodynamics," Proceedings of the 2nd OSU Applied Mechanisms elasticity of a mechanism permits the solution of an otherwise
Conference, Stillwater, Okla., Paper No. 21, Oct. 1971. clumsy or impossible problem.
Again, I offer my congratulations to Professors Erdman, San-
dor, and Oakberg for their fine paper.
R. C. Winfrey6 Authors' Closure
I would like to compliment Professor Erdman, as well as the We would like to thank Dr. Winfrey for his recommendations
other authors, for his scholarly doctoral dissertation and this re- and suggestions. Regarding our assumptions t h a t in certain
sulting paper. They represent a new approach to a relatively cases the deflections due to elastic motion inertia forces are
new subject and are definitely of merit. negligible as compared to the quasistatic deflection, we would
T h e thoroughness of the derivation of equations given here will like to mention t h a t it has been included in our forthcoming papers
permit one to determine the elastic deformations of a mechanism [65-66].' In reference [66] the case of continuous distributed
due to the inertia forces of both the rigid body motion as well as mass along with any lumped mass has been considered for a gen-
the elastic body motion. However, one assumption of this paper eral method of kineto-elastodynamic analysis. Another forth-
is t h a t of small deflection theory for the elastic motion. I t has coming paper [67], a new method of kineto-elastodynamic design
been shown [26] t h a t if one makes this assumption, the deflections of mechanisms with continuous distributed mass of elastic links,
due to the elastic motion inertia forces will be of second order and is presented with examples.
may be ignored. In other words, one should make a thorough We hope t h a t these papers [65-67] will answer all the ques-
analysis as is done in this paper, but then throw out the small tions listed in Dr. Winfrey's discussion. Once again we thank
terms since their inclusion adds considerably to one's monthly Dr. Winfrey for his comments and constructive suggestions.
computer bill.
The examples given are of mechanisms with massless links, the
only mass being at the path point P. However, even these Additional References
examples of the most simple case clearly demonstrate the im- 65 Erdman, A. G., Iman, I., Sandor, G. N., "Applied Kineto-
provements to numerical results when elasticity is accounted for Elastodynamics," Proceedings of the "2nd OSU Applied Mechanisms
in mechanism analysis. The case where all the moving links of Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Paper Number 21, October, 1971.
66 Iman, I., Sandor, G. N., and Kramer, S. N., "Deflections and
the mechanism are assumed to have a distributed mass is not dealt Stress Analysis in High-Speed Planar Mechanisms with Elastic
with to any great extent. Since the paper does not mention mass Links," ASME Paper No. 72-Mech-44, to be published in JOURNAL
properties or elastic mode shapes, it is not clear what type of OF ENGINEERING FOB INDUSTRY.
coordinates are to be used to describe the distributed parameters. 67 Iman, I., and Sandor, G. N., "A General Method of Kineto-
Elastodynamic Design of High-Speed Mechanisms," submitted for
In this regard, the K E D S R O appears to describe the motion at a possible publication in Mechanisms and Machine Theory (formerly
single point. How should it be used with a distributed system? Journal of Mechanisms).
6 7
Mechanical Engineer, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Numbers in brackets designate additional References at end of
Port Hueneme, Calif. Assoc. Mem. ASME. closure.

Journal of Engineering for Industry NOVEMBER 1 9 7 2 / 1205

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