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Lesson Plan (Place Cartier) Name: Matthew Kennedy

Group: ​Delta Course: ​English

Date: ​January 31, 2018 Cycle/Year:​ III-IV
Duration: ​120 minutes (9:30-11:30)  Location: ​Allancroft
Learning  By the end of today’s class, students will have the ​opportunity​ to: 
Opportunities 1. synthesize their understanding of the reading strategy “Making Inferences” by 
applying the strategy to a reading of ​Spill Zone; 
2. discuss sci-fi as a genre; 
3. demonstrate reading comprehension skills by reading “The Hockey Sweater” and 
viewing its cartoon adaptation. 
Big Idea Improving reading comprehension through graphic novel study
ELA  Competency 1: Language / Talk (attendance, discussion) 
Competencies Competency 2: Reading / Listening (reading ​Spill Zone, ​reading comp. activity)
Competency 3: Produces Texts (journal) 
Student Skills Reading strategies, teamwork, paragraph writing, memorization (inference definition)

Materials Spill Zone​ (Kindle), bullet journals 

Time Plan

  Greetings, Attendance, Review

9:30 - 9:50  ● News: We’re starting ​Spill Zone ​today 
  ○ Why this book? Lots of (intentional) gaps which require making inferences 
  to fill (i.e. plenty of room for interpretive leaps) 
  ● Fun Attendance: fave comic book to film adaptation, and why 
  ● Weekly Bullet Journal -- Topic: The view from my window . . . 
  Learning Activity(ies) and/or Tasks
9:45 - 9:50  1. Hook/Intro: ​What’s Science Fiction​ (and what’s the point?)? 
9:50 - 10:00  2. Review: Inference (agree to collective definition; write on board) + Graphic Novel 
10:00 - 10:15  3. Spill Zone ​Review​ + Begin ​Spill Zone 
10:15 - 10:30  BREAK ​(Students who missed last class must use break to catch up) 
10:30 - 10:45  3. Continue ​Spill Zone ​+ Complete Inference Activity (Stick-It Together) 
10:45 - 11:30  4. Reading Comprehension Activity: “The Hockey Sweater” 
  ● Students read silently and work on questions on loose leaf ​(in pencil) 
● Students watch NFB​ film adaptation​ and fill in anything they missed in 
reading ​(in ink). 
Assessment Formative assessments: review journals, post-its 
Post-lesson  Next week: Review interest-a-lyzer and complete group interest/skills inventory + read 
Notes  interview;​ read to page 45 in the book. 

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