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sEc roRm l8-A


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llem/s omended by the Filing

1. Exocl Nome of Registroni os Specified in ils Chorter- xurpos lnc.

o 7F Combridge Centre Building, 108 Tordesillos St., Solcedo Villoge, Mokoli Cily1227
Address ol Principol Offices Postol Code

b. SEC ldenlificolion Number - A2001 17708 C

lnduslry Clossificolion Code

d. BIR Tox ldentificotion Number - 2l ?-934-330

2. Eden lnlemollonol Holdlngs Ple. tld.
Nome of Reporting Person
o. 2a Rofres Ploce,27-01 Cllltord Cenlrc, Slngopore 048621
Address of Reporting Person Poslol Code
Telephone Number of Reporling Person
c. lncorporoled ln Slngopore
Cilizenship or Ploce of Orgonizotion of Reporling Person

Nico Jose S. Nolledo

Room A.5l Zelo Bulding, l?l Solccdo Sl., Lego.pi Vlloge, Mokcll Cfi
Tel No. (632)-75I.?182

Nome, Address ond Telephone Number of person outhorized lo receive notices ond
communicotions if reporting person is o portnership, corporotion or oiher legol entiiy

SEC Form l8-A 3

February 2001
llem l. Secudly ond lssuel

o. Tille of the closs of equity securities Common Shores

b. lssuer Nome: Xurpos lnc.
c. Address of Principol office: 7t Combridge Cenhe Building, 108 Tordesillos Sl.,
,tiokoli City

llem 2. ldenllly ond Bockground

(o) Nome: Eden lnlemollonol Holdlngs Pte. Lld ("Eden")

(b) Residence of Business Address 24 Rolfles Ploce, 27-01 Clillord Centre, Singopore

(c) Principol business Eden lnlernolionol Holdings Ple. Lld, is o regislered

Pdvole Compdny Llmiled by Shores in Singopore,
pdmorily engoged in lhe buslness o, o holding

(d) Whelher or not, during lhe lost five yeors, such person hos been convicted in o crjminol
proceeding {excluding troffic violofions or similor misdemeonors) ond, if so, give the dotes,
nolure of conviclion, nome ond locolion of court, ony penolty imposed, or other disposition of
lhe cose; No.

[eJ Whether or not, during the lost five yeors, such person wos o porty to o civil proceeding of o
judiciol or odministrolive body of competent jurjsdiction, domeslic or foreign, ond os o result of
such proceeding wos or is subject to ony order, judgment or decree, not subsequenily
reversed, suspended or vocoted, permonenlly or tempororily enjoining, boning, suspending or
olherwise limiting involvement in ony type of business, securities, commodilies or bonking; No.

llem 3. Puryose ol Tronsocllon

The honslet ol lhe securilies ol lhe issuer is in occordonce wilh the consolldollon ol personol
inveslmenh ln Eden pu,suonl lo lhe eilole plonning ol Mr. Nico Jose s. l{olledo. At preient. Mr.
Nolledo ls lhe beneliclor owner or ?0% o, Eden, lhrough wi-zone rnremotionor [imiteJ.

There ore no plons or proposols which Eden moy hove which relote to or would result in:

(o) The ocquisition by ony person of oddilionol securities of the issuer, or the disposition of
securilies of the issues

(b) An exlroordinory corporote tronsoction, such os o merger, reorgonizolion or liquidotion,

involving the issuer or ony of ils subsidiories;

(c) A sole or tronsfer of o moleriol omounl of ossets of the issuer or of ony of its subsidiories;

SEC Form l8-A 4

February 2001
{d) Any chonge in lhe presenl boord of direclors or monogemenl of the issuer, including ony
plons or proposols lo chonge lhe number or lerm of direclors or lo fill ony exisling voconcies on
the boord;

(e) Any mo'leriol chonge in lhe presenl copilolizotion or dividend policy of the issuer;

{f) Any other moteriol chonge in the issueis business or corporote slructure;

{g) Chonges in the issue/s chorler, bylows or instrumenls conesponding there'lo or olher
oclions which moy impede lhe ocquisilion of conlrol ol lhe issuer by ony person;

(h) Cousing o closs of securities of the issuer to be delisled from o securilies exchonge;

{i) Any ociion similor to ony of fhose enumero'ted obove.

llem 4. lnleresl ln Secudllcs ol lhe ltsuel

[o) Aggregote number of securilies io item I: 128,?30,763 Xurpos Shcres

Percenloge of lhe closs of securilies: 6.8117"

(b) Eden lnternolionol Holdings Ple. Lld. hos the power to vote or lo dispose 128,930,763
common shores (6.89%).

(b) Tronsoction hisfory for lhe post sixty (60) doys:

Trode Dole Secudly Nome Pdce Quonlity Exchonge

July 18, 2018 Xurpos IPSE: X) 3.15 128.930.763 PSE

(d) No o'ther person/enlity is known to hove the righl lo receive or lhe powerto direct the
receipl of dividends from, or olher proceeds from lhe sole of such securities.

(e) Nol opplicoble

llem 5. Conlrock, Anongemenlr, UndeBtondings o? Relqllonshlps wllh Re3pecl lo Securllies ol lhe


Not Apptcoble.

lfem 6. Molcdol lo be tled os Exhlbnt

Nol Appllcoble

SEC Form l8-A 5

February 2001

Afler reosonoble inquiry ond to lhe best of my knowledge ond befief, I certify thol the
occlrole. Ihis report is signed in the CiV of
:i::sAsl8tifitll:"*:ffri:fl 3:flS 20..........

lftrco JosE 1{C'lIEDO

Reoublic of the Phfi ppines )

P,ISIG CITY l s.s.

SU!5CilBED AND SWOII{ lo before me lhis aov or ..1,1-...1..9..?.0[20..'....

onJune27,N2. "mont
exhibiling lo me hb Possport No. P35l33l3A expting

Doc. No. tfi...

BookNo. I ::
Series of 2018. : Prlh
IpI$,fflil cr,
rrtslh 1.' @rr.rrordt ciry
tl Dna&Iolt

SEC Fontr l&A 6

Februay 2O0t

I, TAN VEI MING, Singaporean, of legal age, and address at 24 Raffles Place
27 -01, C\ffotd Cente, Singapore, hereby certify that:

1. I am the Company Secretary of EDEN INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS

PTE. LTD. (the "Company"), a company duly otganized and existing undet
the laws of Singapote with its registered ofEce address at 24 Raffles Place,27-
01 Clifford Cenre, Singapore 048621;

2. As Company Secretary, I have custody and possession of the statutory books

and other tecords of the Company, including the minutes of meetings of the
board of directots and stockholders.

3. By way of a tesolution in writing, the following resolution was duly passed:

"RESOLYED, that the boatd of directors (the "Boatd") of EDEN

apptoves the acquisition of 128,930,763 shates in Xurpas Inc. from N{r'
Nico Jose S. Nolledo; and

RESOLVED FINALLY, that Mr. Nico Jose S. Nolledo is heteby

authorized to sign and execute all documents necessary to effect the
ransfer, including the filing of the repotorial tequirements with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and Philippine Stock

4. The foregoing tesoludons have not in any way been tevoked, tescinded, ot
amended, and is in 6:ll force and effect as of date.


Company Secretary

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