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edge 'va.

s ics innovative stra tegy of skipping che rniddlern::in and

scUing cuslorncr-configu rcd PCs directly to buyers. Later inno-
va tions in su pply-ch ain 111anage111en r 1nade th is stra tegy fasr a nd
cfiCctivc-and 111adc l)cll the \vorldis n1ost successful PC 111::ikcr.

Soulhn'(·I Airline . Herb Kelleher a nd his as-.;ociates built thi'

popula r and profitabk· bu siness through .111 innovative.·v.tluc
proposiLiou to cus(OUtcrs: k)\V fart s. {"i( qucnt. service, and fi.ul.
Kelleher in irially developed his service concept to com pcrc
\Vi th
a u to1nobilc and bus rran sporca tion in the Texas regional
nrnrk ct. It succeeded there ::ind \\'a exp;111ded clc,vherc
:iround the Uni ted State.niaking South'\vcst A111erica's n1ost
profirnble airline.

Zipc.1r. This young co1npa11y has creared an .1lternarive to au to-

1nobilc O\Vn crship fi1r urh::in d\vcllcrs in .'\cvcr 1I U.S. ci ties. l ts
1nis'iion is to offer n1cn1bers affordable 24-hour access to pri-
va te vchiclt. s for short-tt:rrn rou n d-trips.Whn .t Jncrnbt. r
needs a car ror cha( occ;.lsiona l .-rip to the suburbs or for \.Vcekl y
grocery hauling. she reserves one on th e Web, goes to one of
th e niany loca tions \vhere Zipcars are parked. u nlocks rh e veh i -
ck·\Vi th her Zipca rd. and driv<'s :t\vay. Pay111ent is based on tin1c
.i.nd 111ik·:lgt·.

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