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1994-1995 Season - Brechemin Auditorium
Monday, 7:00 p.m., December 5, 1994
Voice Division Recital

from The Nantucket Songs (1978) I D Z- Ned Rorem

Mother I Cannot Mind My Whed ~) m . ~ Lt 5 S e.G (b. 1923)
The Lordly Hudson (1947) .
Christopher Roberts, tenor; Stef·Albert Bothma, piano

3 Claude Debussy
(1862 - 1918)

from EichendorfJ Lieder, Op. 39 r. () '-I Robert Schumann

~alde~esprach .. _ (1810 - 1856)
DIe StIlle ·11 tI\. I
, 0 ;) e
Friilingsnacht . ~ -I / q Jof/'{ (3l?Jt/.A-f) {of-
Daniel Yarr, bariton.'e; Mllllu.. Mo1IIBu, piano

from Tonadillas 1 0 ~ Enrique Granados

El majo timido - ,:) 3 /~'l:h 5.5 Sec (1867 - 1916)
EI tra-Ia-Ia y el punteado
EI majo discreto -n..
-I ('i I-f ct B·· 'l br, I(of
Christine Graham, prano; Relieit Huw Moigan, piano
from Fraueniiebe und Leben (Cbamisso) . -..cV (.. I obert Schumann

Helft mir, ihr Schwestem (1810 - 1856)

Susser Freund, du blickest Ie I V\, I ~ 58 s ~c..

An meinem Herzen

Nun hast du mir den ersten $chmerz getan

Greta Birkby, meao soprano; Ruhe;. 11_ Jttetillft, •

mill 4 Song For the Lm-d lVliiiJifll ClOre WiHiam WaIteR
~l'iHg Ola Stms (1f}(')~ 1982)"
Hoi, Thsuday
R1Pfm~ L/. d . tD I- ,:J
e.f I-c., jI'\.\
EFin Gallntl, 8 ~pl 8\'0; Ster..Albe. t Bolhml. pi§!t6

from Der Rosenkavalier 1= 0

Di rigori armato il seno
? Richard Strauss

(1964 - 1949).

Mor~en 7,,,\ (,,, 42 Sec.


Guy Bogar,.tenor; Tatiana Benbalit, piano

All are invited to a reception in the Faculty Lounge immediately following the
The next Voice Division recital will be on January 30, 1995.

'To request diability accommodations,<contact the Office of the ADA Ccx;>rdinator at least ten days
. in advance of the event. 543-6450 (voice); 543-6452 (TDD); 685-3885 (FAX); acces I. _. .'
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