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12th of SEPTEMBER 2018


‘And they began to celebrate’

(Luke 15, 24)

Hello everyone! ... We begin the celebration of a new time, because those who allow themselves to be guided by the
dynamism of the Spirit open new paths; this is how we feel: celebrating with joy because we have welcomed our new
Responsibles of the three branches and the new President of the entire FaMVD. The Congress continues, and the story
of the FMVD and of the entire FaMVD also continues, encouraged by the certainty that the Trinity has placed before
us the pastors that it has chosen and also by the desire to support each one of them from the place that God has put

Today, Belén Azorín, dedicated

the guidelines to our new
Responsibles; reflecting on biblical figures of the Old and New Testaments she was underlined some evangelical
characteristics of the service of government. She highlighted how they have a role in bringing into the Trinitarian
celebration those that God entrusts to them, so that, each person experiencing the Father's embrace, in turn can
introduce others to the dance of fraternity and communion.

The day has been marked by the work of Branch assemblies; this work has been intense but we still have very
important topics and proposals to continue dialoguing and deciding for the six-year term that we have begun. We are
sure that both the congress members and each one of you where we are, we have the desire and willingness to live
this new time, open to the dynamism of the Spirit, striving to live a personal and communitarian life day by day closer
to the life of Jesus and as His good friends, we begin our journey ...…

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