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Project Work Instruction

(Including Cover)

□ For Review
POWER PLANT ■ For Approval

● DOCUMENT No. : □ For Construction



A 27/09/2009 Y.I. Lim M. C. Kim S.T. Park



Doc. No. : 5PG-0104-00
Project Work Instruction (PWI) Rev. : A
Installation of Tripper Gallery
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Installation of Tripper Gallery

(트리퍼 갤러리의 설치)


Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by No Date Reason

Sep. 29,
Sep. 29, Sep. 29, J.K.HAN 0 First Issue
2009 2009

Doc. No. : 5PG-0104-00
Project Work Instruction (PWI) Rev. : A
Installation of Tripper Gallery
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Section Description
1 Purpose
2 Scope
(적용 범위)
3 Responsibility
4 References
(참조 사항)
5 Work Instruction (작업 절차)

5.1 지상 조립장 위치
5.2 Ground Assembly (지상 조립)
5.3 Welding for Lifting Stiffener
5.4 Lifting Equipment
5.5 Lifting of Tripper Gallery
6 Attachment (첨부)
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Project Work Instruction (PWI) Rev. : A
Installation of Tripper Gallery
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1. Purpose (목적)

본 절차서는 Angamos Thermoelectric Power Plant 건설 공사에 적용하며, 설치 과

정을 기술하여 안전한 작업 유지 및 품질 향상에 그 목적이 있다.

This procedure applies to Angamos Thermoelectric Power Plant construction for

the purpose of improvement of quality of work and the maintenance of safety.

2. Scope (적용 범위)

본 절차서는 Angamos Thermoelectric Power Plant #1, 2 호기 Boiler 의 Tripper
Gallery 설치 작업에 적용한다.

This procedure applies to installation of Triper Gallery of Angamos Thermoelectric

Power Plant # 1, #2 boiler.

3. Responsibility (책임)
3.1 현장소장은, 공사일정에 기준한 공사 및 시운전의 완료는 물론 본 PWI 의 승인 및
실행의 책임이 있다

Site Manager is responsible for approval and implementation of this Project Work
Instruction as well as completion of construction and commissioning work of the
project based on the project schedule.

3.2 공사담당자는 도면과 본 PWI 에 따른 설치작업의 준비 및 실행할 책임이 있다.

Construction Engineer is responsible for preparation and implementation of

installation work based on the drawings and in accordance with this Project Work

3.3 현장 품질부장은, 본사 품질부와 협의하여 본 PWI 의 설치공사에 대한 품질 보증 및

관리 계획에 대한 책임이 있다.

Project Quality Manager is responsible for quality assurance & control program
related with the installation work of this Project Work Instruction under the
consultation of Quality Department of Head Office.
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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3.4 HSE 담당 부장은, 본사의 HSE 부서와 협의하여 현장에서의 건강, 안전 및 환경 관

리에 대한 계획을 수립할 책임이 있다.
HSE Manager is responsible for establishing field health, safety and environment
program under the consultation of Health, Safety and Environment Group of Head

4. References
4.1 Related Drawings
- Triper Gallery Plan & Detail dwg
4.2 Related Project Work Instruction and Documents
- General Welding (PWI : 5PG-0104-002)
- Visual Inspection (PWI : 5PG-0109-005)

5. Work Instructions (작업 절차)

5.1 Location of Ground Assembly (지상 조립장 위치)

Unit 2 Boiler DI-DJ ~ D18-D2

5.2 Ground assembly & Inspection(지상 조립 및 검사)

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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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5.2.1 Tripper Gallery assembly

a) BA-DA Line
1) Girder : 6 pcs
2) Post : 9 pcs
3) V.B : 8 pcs
4) Girth : 24 pcs
5) Total Weight : 24.455 ton

b) BB-DB Line
1) Girder : 6 pcs
2) Post : 9 pcs
3) V.B : 8 pcs
4) Girth : 24 pcs
5) Total Weight : 24.681 ton

5.2.2 Inspection (검사)

a) 지상에서 Bolt 를 체결하고, 철골 자중에 의한 처짐 현상을 허용오차
내로 조정하여 검사를 득한다.
Once assembled tripper gallery on the ground with bolt, check dimension
considered inclination of lifting.

b) 철골 의 대각을 측정하여 허용오차 내로 조정 후 검사를 득한다.

Check diagonal dimension of tripper gallery.

c) 위의 검사를 득한 후, Bolt Impacting 을 실시 한다.

After all dimension inspection, tightening bolt should be done.

d) Bolt 토크 검사를 득한 후 Post 의 Gusset Plate 를 용접한 후, Girth 를

After torque inspection, gusset plate of post should be welded to assemble
girth on tripper gallery.

5.3 Welding for Lifting Stiffener

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Project Work Instruction (PWI) Rev. : A
Installation of Tripper Gallery
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a) 철골 Lifting 전 Stiffener 보강부위에 대한 허가를 사전에 득한

후 제작, 용접 하고, 육안검사를 득한다.
Before lifting tripper gallery, check location of stiffener suitability.
Fabricate the stiffener and weld them on tripper gallery. Visual inspection
should be done after welding.

b) Lifting point : 4 each

b) Detail DWG
1) Plate 652x332x20t : 4 sh’ts x 4each
2) Plate 652x144x12t : 6 sh’ts x 4each
3) See attached DWG
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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5.4 Lifting Equipment

5.4.1 Check 400 ton Crawler Crane, Wire Rope & Shackle 400 ton Crawler Crane
a. Crawler Crane Type : SWSL 160t + 40t + Superlift Count Weight (120t)
b. Working Radius : 62m
c. Master Boom angle & Length : 65°, 54m
d. Jib Length : 48m
e. Load Table of Crane
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
Page : 9 OF 14 Sling Wire Rope & Shackle

a) 6xFI(25)IWRC, 40Ф, A grade : Tensile Strength 101ton, 6.88Kg/m
b) Shackle(Type : BB, 3”) : Max. Load Limit 85 ton
c) Sling Wire Rope Lifting Type : Square Chocker Check Point before Lifting Tripper Gallery (인양 전 점검 사항)

a) Bolt 조임 상태 점검
Condition of Bolt Tightening

b) 낙하물 유무 상태 점검
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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Any risks of falling object

c) Sling Wire 체결상태 및 코너부위 아대 부착 상태 점검

Check condition of sling wire and protection for lifting

d) 신호수 위치 및 조립부위 비계설치 점검

Location of signalman and scaffolding

e) 작업 반경 내 접근금지 Guide Line 설치

Control the working area and put on guide line around the area

f) Crane Working Radius 점검

Check working radius of crane

g) 지반상태 점검
Check condition of ground Check Lifting Equipment (인양장비의 점검)

- Condition of 400 ton Crawler Crane
a) Up, Down 동작 상태
Operating condition of up and down

b) 비상 스톱 S/W 작동상태
Condition of emergency switch

- Condition of Wire Rope (Rope 의 점검상태)

c) Wire Rope 의 소손 상태
Damage condition of wire rope

- Check others (기타 점검사항)

a) 신호수의 신호체계 확인(무전기 채널, Operator 지정확인, 긴급사항 발생시
대처방안, 등)
Check signal system of rigger (channel of radio, signal man, signal of
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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emergency and evacuation plane etc.)

b) 인양절차 교육
Induction of rigging procedure

5.5. Lifting Tripper Gallery

5.5.1 주 인양 Crane 은 400ton crane 을 이용하고 보조 인양 Crane 은 현장의 상황에 따
라 결정한다. 인양 준비가 되면 신호수 지시에 따라 Tripper Gallery 를 지상에서 이
격 인양한다.

Main lifting should be executed by 400 ton crane and tail lifting crane should be
selected by situation of field. Once tripper gallery is ready to lift, tripper gallery
should be lifted from the ground following a sign of signal man.

5.5.2 보조 인양 Crane 은 Tripper Gallery 하부 양쪽에서 2 대의 Crane 을 사용하여 인양

을 보조한다

Tail lifting crane should lift both bottom side of tripper gallery using two cranes.

5.5.3 Master Boom Angle 을 65° 로 유지하고 Jib Angle 를 조종하여 Tripper Gallery 을
T/G Control Building 높이 이상으로 인양 후, Tripper Gallery(BB-DB Line)을 시계방
향으로 회전 후 Jib Boom Angle 을 조종하여 설치한다

Maintain angle of main boom at 65°and control angle of jib boom to locate right
position of tripper gallery over main control building. Once tripper gallery is lifted
over main control building, turn it clockwise and move the 400 ton crane which is
lifted Tripper Gallery (BB-DB Line) to the direction of BB-DB line to assemble the
Tripper Gallery on exist column.

5.5.4 Tripper Gallery 의 설치가 끝나면 와이어 로프 및 샤클을 안전하게 해체한다.

After lifting tripper gallery, unhook lifting device safely.
6. Attachment
Attachment 1 : Working Radius (Top view)
Attachment 2 : front view
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Attachment 3 : 3D view
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Installation of Tripper Gallery
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