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Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona Issue 29-G


boards established
CONGRESS In the past eight months in the Advanced
Clinical Course, the HAS has trained more
Have you c cmpleted plans to attend the than eighty auditors. These were given
Universe Processes Congress in Phoenix June training and, unit after unit, they gave
5 through June 8, 1954? training to the HAS in how to give training.
At the December Congress, 1953, L. Ron These auditors can now, for the most pa.rt,
Hubbard stated to the delegates that he would deliver the full impact and benefits of
try to clear some of those present before Scientology to a preclear. From the view-
the five days were over. This goal was par- point of results they are the first highly
tially realized. In June Hubbard says that effective auditors produced in Scientology.
he hopes to complete the job •. The HAS has learned that, with modem
Additional activities have been planned Scientology, auditors CAN produce miracles
by the HAS for the period of time surround- IF thoroughly trained.
ing the Congress to make your visit to The first step toward higher levels of
Phoenix more rewarding than ever. The $J8.50 effectiveness is the raising of all audit-
retraining program will be given Monday ing standards. The HAS now knows they can
through Friday as usual during the two weeks be achieved, It is time to demand them.
preceding the Congress, and also Wednesday Examining boards, according to a recent
through Sunday, June 9th through 13th and resolution of the Board of Directors of the
again Monday through Friday, June 14th HAS, are to be convened in perpetuity in
through 18th. The retraining program f ea- Phoenix, Camden and London, the three major
tures group processing tapes by L. HAS offices.
Ron Hubbard during recent weeks of the For all certifications after July 1,
Advanced Clinical Course, under the leader- 1954, it will be ne~essary for any ce~tifi­
ship of Richard Steves, instructor. HDAs, cation applicant, regardless of where trained,
HCAs and all book auditors are invited to to appear before and pass the examination of
take part in this program. the nearest examining board before any ex-
For those desiring individual intensive cept "Basic Group Leader" certificate can be
auditing sessions by highly skilled auditors granted.
using the latest techniques of the Advanced The examination is intended to be thorough.
Clinical Course, the HAS is arranging that The applicant will be examined on all defin-
a staff of recommended auditors be avail- itions and principles as they appear in var-
able during the two weeks both preceding ious courses and publications, stressing
and following the Congress. The price of issues 14G, 16G, 24G, 28G and other Journal
an intensive will be $500 for twenty-five of Scientology articles, in addition to the
to thirty hours of highest quality auditing. tape lecture courses offered by associates.
HAS professional and special members in good ·The primary portion of the examination
standing may deduct the price paid for Con- will consist, according to plan, of the
gress admission from the price of the inten- actual clearing, within ten hours, of a pre-
( Continued on page J) ( Continued on page J)
Page 2 journal of SCIENTOLOGY
The Journal of
twin track ma.chine. We must emphasize, how-
SCIENTOLOGY ever, that there is a considerable additional
cost involved, for to reproduce a given stan-
Published twice monthly by the dard HAS tape recording on a twelve hundred
foot reel which would normally provide two
Phoenix, Arizona
hours of program material, at a speed of
806 North Thi rd Street
7 1/2 inches per second twin track would re-
Copyright, 1954 by the quire twice as much tape, and in isolated
Hubbard Association of Scientologists
instances at 7 1/2 inches per second single
4 and 8 page issues 25¢ each track would require four times as much tape.
12 and 16 page issues 50¢ each Prices for these special recordings will be
20 page issues 75 ¢ each provided upon request to the Tape Recording
$5.00 per year by subscription. Department, HAS, 806 North Third Street,
Phoenix, Arizona. However, we recommend
obtaining whenever possible a 3 3/4 inch
tape speeds per second twin track machine in order to
There have been many requests recently use th~ standard low price HAS recordings.
from people in the field of Scientology con-
cerning the speed of HAS tape recordings.
tape recording price list
These have been answered for the mst part Eguipment:
by letter, however, the following information Tape Player (will not erase) ••••••• $100.00
will answer the questions of those who have Tape Recorders (write for prices on
not written in as yet. various makes) ••••• $150.00
As a general rule, the majority of tape and higher
recording and tape playing mchines in the ~ Recorded Lectures ~ Processing:
field will operate at a speed of 3 3/4 inches Philadelphia Congress ••• (12 hours) •• is5.oo
per second, twin track. A single track tape SOP-8-C SL, Short 8, & SSSA
recording is one which is impressed upon the SOP-8-C (G) •••••••••••••• C6 hours) •• $45.00
material of the tape at the center of the Outline of Clinical Procedure
tape with its recording range extending out Package: Phila. Congress & SOP-8-C(G) •••••
either side of the center, and as a result $120.00
a single track tape recording can only be Phoenix Congress (T) •••• (12 hours) •• $84.00
played in one direction. Single track tape .Technical Lecture Tapes
recordings have largely been supplanted by Phoenix Congress (Gp) ••• (8 hours) ••• $56.00
twin track tape recordings in recent years, GROUP PROCESS 11 A11 • • • • • • • (6 hours) ••• $42.0Q
as machines have been improved in quality, GROUP PROCESS 11 B11 • • • • • • • (6 hours) ••• $42.00
and the dual track feature permits recording GROUP PROCESS "C" •••.••• (6 hours) ••• $42.00
twice as much material on the same length of GROUP PROCESS 11 D11 • • • • • • • (6 hours) ••• $42.00
tape. Intensive Package: Any two or more GROUP
There are individuals and groups in the PROCESS Packages ••••••••• each •••• $40.00
field who have available only a machine which UNIVERSE PROCESS LECTURES.(6 hours).$42.00
handles single track at 3 3/4 or 7 1/2 inches Latest on Beingness & Universes
per second. There are other individuals and SPECIAL ~ HOUR TAPES (no further discount)
groups which have available only machines # 1 Exteriorization and Stabilization
which operate at 7 1/2 inches per second, # 2 Remedying Havingnese
twin track. This presents a problem in that # 3 Certainty on all dynamics--Assessment
a 3 3/4 twin track tape cannot be played in- # 4 Universes--Assessment
telligibly on a 3 3/4 single track machine, # 5 Reach and Withdraw--Area Assessment
as the machine would reproduce both tracks .•.• each ••••••.•..•••• $4.00
simultaneously and would :oot in any way dif- Viewpoint Process Lectures(2 hours) $14.00
ferentiate between forward and reverse.
Also, of course, 3 3/4 inch per second tapes All prices quoted above are group net prices.
are not easily played without modification HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS
of the equipment on a 7 1/2 inch per second 806 N. 3rd. St. Phoenix, Arizona
machine, either single or twin track.
As a special service, on a limited basis
only, special tapes will be prepared in cases THE SCIENTOLOGY ROAD SHOW IS COMING!!!!!!!
where it is not possible to obtain a 3 3/4
journal of 3
(Continued from page 1)
clear assigned by the examining board.
The examining board will have authority
over all certifications except "HUBBARD
TOLOGY", these being honorary awards for
outstanding merit in practice and theory
"Basic Group Leader" can be granted with-
out examination, but the certification must
clear through the examining boards.
The first degree granted will be "HUBBARD
AUDITOR in Great Britain) •. This will re-
quire corisiderable skill.
The second degree will be "BACHELOR OF
SCIENTOLOGY11 , the preliminary degree to DOC- Members of the fifth unit of the Advanced
TOR OF SCIENTOLOGY. The examination for Clinical Course at Phoenix. This picture
BACHELOR OF SCIENTOLOGY when passed and then was taken in the fifth week of the course.
supplemented with attested field experience Seated left to right: Edna Hubbard, Federico
and case reports will result in DOCTOR OF Echavarria, Joyce Barrett; standing, Charles
SCIENTOLOGY. Berner, Francis Uridge, James Parker and Len
Fonner certificates on any level granted Hamilton.
prior to July 1, 1954 will remain valid and
in effect. CONGRESS
HAS associates may train up to HCA and (Continued from page 1)
furnish their student with a letter to that sive. Applications for these special in-
effect, but the actual degree will be granted tensives should be written or wired immed-
only after the appearance of the student be- iately in care of the HAS in Phoenix.
fore the examining board. The last unit of the Advanced Clinical
Scientology is as good, to the general Course planned for quite some time to come
public as it can be practiced. It has now will begin Monday June 21st. Applications
been d~onstrated that it can be practiced for this unit should be placed in writing
extremely well and that miracles do not oc- to the HAS immediately to assure a reser-
cur until it is practiced well. We must vation in this highly popular unit.
have no such thing as an unable auditor.
The cost of Congress admissions are $50
per individual, $75 per couple, and $35 to
GRIEF CHARGE OF THE WEBK HAS special and professional members. Regis-
trations may be made in advance to the HAS _
No definition of psychology has a great
at 806 North Third Street, Phoenix, as well
deal of meaning unless it is prefaced with as at the Little Theater the morning of June
at least a sketch of the long past from fifth. All inquiries should be addressed to
primitive to modern concepts. One diffi- Burke Belknap, Congress Manager, c/o the HAS.
culty in gett ing a meaningful definition is
that the word psychology, which is derived Now that the winter tourists have left
from the Greek words psyche (soul or mind) Phoenix, living accomodations are available
at moderate prices, and air conditioned
and logos (discourse), no longer implies a buildings make Phoenix living more than
study of the soul or even of the mind. 11
These are the opening lines of "Psych- pleas?nt. So pack your suitcases and leave
at once for several weeks or days of the
ology, the Fundamentals of Human Adjustment~ most stimulating and rewarding experiences
second edition, by Norman L. Munn of the in Scientology today. We can guarantee
Bowdoin College, Published by the Houghton, that you will return home a new person well
Mifflin Company, Boston. informed on the latest techniques of Scien-
t _o logy and a happier and healthier individual.
LATEST RUMOR: We hear that Volney is plan-
ning to desert the meter business for the GROUPS: WRITE IMMEDIATELY FOR REGISTRATION
grapevine business. More lucrative perhaps? FORMS. NEW SERVICES NOW BEING PLANNED.
Paqe 4 journal of SCIENTOLOGY


( <'( ~ J 2tG MOflE

No discounts except on
orders of 50 or more.

Single copies .••.••••••••• $.50
COPIES All.available copies.$12.50

J :f:so

fer /0 CDJ'l-6.-


J1scoun f:.s.) SELF ANALYSIS IN DIANETICS •.....• $3.00
SCIENTOLOGY: 8-80 ......••...•...•.....• $3.00
KEY TO THE UNCONSCIOUS ........... S2.50
SCIENTOLOGY 88.•.••..........•....•.. $25.00
DIANETICS ..........••......•.....•••.••.•. $4.00
ON AUDITING; By M. Courtis ......... $2.50

SCIENTOLOGY: 8-8008•.••.•••••.•..• ~ ,:;p ~.'?!'


16- G: .... This ls Scientology ................................ $ .50
24-G: .... SOP-8-C ........................................... $ .50
28- G: .... Scientology; A New Science ..................... $. 75

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Journal of Scientology
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