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SMAK Santo Stanislaus 1


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA STANISLAUS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris/Wajib

Kelas/semester : X/1 (satu)
Materi Pokok : Memperkenalkandiri (membukadanmenutuppercakapan)
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 1 JP (45 menit)


Siswadapat :
1. Menunjukkan semangat mengikuti pembelajaran.
2. Menunjukkan keseriusan mengikuti pembelajaran.
3. Menunjukan perilaku santun dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan
4. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan
5. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari ungkapan untuk memperkenalkan diri serta
membuka dan menutup percakapan
6. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan untuk
memperkenalkan diri.
7. Menggunakan ungkapan perkenalan dan penutup dalam bahasa Inggris.


Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari ungkapan
3.2 Menganalisis fungsi
untuk perkenalan.
sosial, struktur teks,
3.2.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur
dan unsur kebahasaan
kebahasaan dari ungkapan untuk perkenalan.
pada ungkapan
membuka dan menutup
percakapan, sesuai
dengan konteks
4.2.1 Menggunakan ungkapan yang telah diberikan
4.2 Menyusun teks lisan
di buku paket untuk memperkenalkan diri satu
dan tulis untuk
sama lain serta mampu membuka dan menutup
mengucapkan dan
membuka dan menutup
percakapan, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 2

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai

1. Fungsi sosial : Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman dan orang
2. Unsur kebahasaan: membuka dan menutup percakapan dan memperkenalkan diri
dalam situasi yang formal seperti di sekolah atau di kantor
3. Topik: Kesan pertama (first impression).
4. Multimedia:audio listening dari buku dan power point slide.

Menyimak, diskusi kelompok, studipustaka, role- play, penugasan individu dan

Bukuteks, audioskrip, Power Point Slides

Laptop, Speaker, LCD

 Buku Teks wajib
 Keteladanan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggunakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal/ transaksional dengan benar dan akurat
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 3

Sikap : menerima, menjalankan, menghargai, menghayati, hingga mengamalkan
Pengetahuan : mengetahui, memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis,
mengevaluasi, hingga mencipta
Ketrampilan : mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta.

1) Pertemuan I ( 1 X 45 menit)

Tahap Aktifitas Belajar Waktu

a. Orientasi 1) Guru memberi salam (greeting);
2) Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
3) Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai
mengenai membuka dan menutup percakapan.
4) Guru meminta peserta didik untuk memperhatikan
5 Menit
gambar dan menebak kira – kira materi yang
dipelajari hari ini apa

b. Apersepsi 1) Peserta didik mendengarkan rekaman dialog yang

akan diputar 2x dan diminta untuk menandai
expression yang ada di part 3.
2) Peserta didik diajak untuk mendengarkan guru
mengeja expression and mengulang apa yang guru
ucapkan. 10 menit

Kegiatan Inti 1) Guru meminta murid untuk membuat 1 kelompok

Kegiatan I. yang berisi 4 orang sehingga guru membagi 1
kelas jadi 8 kelompok.
2) Guru membagikan situasi dari role play dan
meminta mereka membuat percakapan.
3) Peserta didik berdiskusi dengan teman mengenai 25menit
situasi yang diberikan.
4) Dari 8 kelompok guru akan memilih 2-4 kelompok
untuk maju ke - depan sesuai dengan kecukupan
5) Kelompok yang terpilih akan melakukan role play
tentang situasi mereka sekitar 3 menit satu
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 4

Penutup 1) Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi terhadap

kegiatan pembelajaran
2) Peserta didik dan guru memberikan umpan balik
terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.
3) Peserta didik memperhatikan informasi tentang 5 menit
rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
4) Peserta didik dan guru mengucapkan salam

Mengetahui Surabaya Agustus 2018

Dosen Pemimbing Mahasiswa PPL

Dra. M.N. Siti Mina Tamah, Ph.D. Helena

SMAK Santo Stanislaus 5


Penilaian :
1) Penilaian sikap spiritual dan sosial
a. Instrumen penilaian sikap spiritual (lembar pengamatan terlampir)
b. Instrumen penilaian sikap sosial (lembar pengamatan terlampir)
2) Penilaian pengetahuan dilakukan dengan : Tes Tertulis (soal terlampir)
3) Penilaian penerapan dilakukan dengan penilaian rubrik (lembar rubrik terlampir)

Aspek Teknik Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

Pengetahuan Penugasan :
a) Menentukan Tertulis
ungkapan yang sesuai
dengan yang

Ketrampilan a) Unjuk kerja: membuat Rubrik penilaian lisan

dialog berdasarkan
situasi yang diberikan.


Name : ………………………………………… Class/Number : ……../ ……..

Name : ………………………………………… Class/Number : ……../ ……..
KKM : 70

No Criteria to be Low Good Very Good Score

assessed performance Performance Performance
7 8 9
1. Pronunciation too many with 2 until 5 perfect
mistakes mistakes pronunciation
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 6

2. Intonation monotonous begins to Accurate

vary the intonation
3. Grammar too many with 2 until 5 no mistakes
mistakes mistakes in grammar
4. Content plain/simple begins to add add more
some personal
information information
Total score
Final Score = Total score

 Role Play Situations:

You are a principal of Clarion Senior You are a vice principal. You will help
High School. Today there will be 2 the principal to intierview and ask
people who will meet you to do an several questions to C&D. You are the
interview for applying as the gardener first person who will do the
and security section at your school. introduction and later you will
You and your vice principal must ask introduce the principal to C&D. You
them several questions before you are a very supportive person
decided to accept them to work at (especially to C who looks very shy
your school. You are a wise principal. and wants to appy for gardener
Close the conversation with saying position).
that you accept them to work in your

You are a job seeker who want to
C apply for a security position in
You are a job seeker who want to Clarion Senior High School. You will
apply for a gardener position in introduce yourself first and try to
Clarion Senior High School. You will answer all of the questions given by
introduce yourself first and try to the principal and the V.P You look
answer all of the questions given by very confident for the interview
the principal and the V.P. You are very today. You are sure that you will be
shy because this is your first time to do accepted because you ever saved a
a job interview. bank from the robbery when you were
worked there.

You are the President of Indonesia. You are the V.P of Indonesia. Today
Today, your V.P and you will meet the president and you will meet the
the President of USA and his wife. President of USA and his wife. They
They are on their vacation. Your V.P are on their vacation. The president
and you will greet and introduce and you will greet and introduce
yourself to them. Talk a lil bit about yourself to them. You will take turn
some famous destination that they with the president to give some
can visit while they are in Indonesia. suggestion about some famous
Since this is their first visit to destination that the President of USA
Indonesia and this is also their first and his wife could visit while they are
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 7

You are the President of USA. You You are President of USA’s wife.
and your wife are on vacation in Your husband and you are on
Indonesia. This is your first visit on vacation in Indonesia. This is the first
this country. The president and V.P of time for both of you to come to this
Indonesia will greet you and your wife country. Later, the president and V.P
when you meet them. You need to of Indonesia will greet you and your
introduce yourself and your wife as husband. You and your husband may
well. Ask them about the famous introduce yourself and then take turn
destination that you can visit while to ask about some famous destination
you were in this country. that both of you can visit while you
are in Indonesia. Close the
conversation with expressing your
thankful and saying farewell.

3. You are the CEO of Indomeh Noodle You are a secretary in Indomeh
corporation. You want to hire a new Noodle corporation. Today, your
bodyguard because your old boss and you will do an interview to
bodyguard was too old. Today, you find someone who can fit with boss’
and your secretary will do an bodyguard position. After
interview with someone who wants to introducing both of yourself, your
take that position. You are a picky boss and you may take turn to ask the
person, so try to take turn with your participant’s some questions to prove
secretary to ask as much questions as that they are qualified to take that job.
possible to the applier. You want to After the interview was done, say to
make sure that you will choose the that participant that you will call them
right person for this crucial position. later if they are being chosen by the
Ask 1 question in the end like this; boss.
“Why do you feel that we have to
choose you to fill this position?”.

You are applied for a bodyguard
position. First of all you must
You are applied for a bodyguard
introduce yourself politely. Then,
position. First of all you must
answer the questions that the boss and
introduce yourself politely. Then,
the secretary asked you. At first you
answer the questions that the boss and
must act like you are really sure that
the secretary asked to you. You are a
the boss will choose you to fill that
confident person. So, don’t be shy at
position, but when the boss asked
all while you answering the questions.
about why di the boss have to choose
You and your answers must express
you to fill that position, you become
that you are really confident.
confused because you don’t have any
idea at all about how to answer it.
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 8

Your name is Siska. You are a nice and Your name is Andy. You are Siska’s
4. kind girl. You have a boyfriend that boyfriend. Tonight you will meet
you met on the welcoming party 6 Siska’s father and brother. You look
months ago. His name is Andy. depressed and too nervous when
Tonight you want to introduce Andy to Siska’s father and brother asked you
your father and your brother. You will some questions. You tried to be brave
help Andy to talk to them because and look into their eyes when
Andy often be shy when he talks with answering their question. At first you
older people. can’t, but when Siska’s father asked
whether you really want to have a
serious relationship with Siska or not,
you answered surely with saying that
you do.

You are a job seeker who want to
apply for a security position in
You are a job seeker who want to
Clarion Senior High School. You will
apply for a gardener position in
introduce yourself first and try to
Clarion Senior High School. You will
answer all of the questions given by
introduce yourself first and try to
the principal and the V.P You look
answer all of the questions given by
very confident for the interview
the principal and the V.P. You are very
today. You are sure that you will be
shy because this is your first time to do
accepted because you ever saved a
an interview to get a job.
bank from the robbery when you were
worked there.
SMAK Santo Stanislaus 9

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