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Student ID
Pre-service Teacher James King 2153917

School Swallowcliffe Primary School

Year Level
Mentor Teacher(s) Tracy Easton 1/2

School Co-ordinator Eleanor Rawson

Ronda Mugford Coordinator

University Liaison Jennifer Frances

Please delete those not applicable Please select

Teaching Days 10 introductory days + 30 day block 40 days X

CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.

Swallowcliffe P-7 is a public primary school catering for students from preschool to
year 7. The school is a Category 1 school in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide. We
have approximately 430 students attending the school including mainstream classes,
3 district special classes and 2 school funded intervention classes. We have a high
proportion of students who have experienced trauma, students from Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, students with English as an additional language
or dialect and students with disabilities attending our school.

Class (including children with special needs)

Year 1 / 2 class consisting of 18 students. A diverse class of 2 students who are

English as a second language, 3 students who are identified as Indigenous, one
student on a Negotiated Education Plan, 1 student diagnosed with ADHD and 3
students currently in the pre-referral stage, including a student in the process of being
diagnosed as a selective mute. Approximately 50% of the students in this class are
considered at a lower level appropriate for their age in all subject areas.
Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service
teacher towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I I I x I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I I I x I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient


Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I Ix I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I I x I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I Ix I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I I Ix I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I I Ix I
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)
School Coordinator/Principal
It has been a pleasure to host James for his final practicum at Swallowcliffe School.
James has consistently presented himself in a personable and professional manner
throughout his prac: he has been courteous and respectful to all staff and students;
punctual; well planned and organised for lessons; and accompanied Tracy to yard
duty and staff and team meetings.
James developed a very strong and positive relationship with the students and they
responded to him openly and warmly. James was very successful at following the
routines and expectations that his mentor teacher had previously established while
still injecting his own personality and flourishes.
James attended a variety of Professional Development sessions throughout his prac
including Numeracy Assessment and Moderation, The Big 6 of Reading and
Transforming Tasks; and readily joined in and reflected on the PD activities.
I wish James all the best for his future teaching career.

Name: Eleanor Rawson Date: 25th June 2018

University Liaison

James completed a positive and successful practicum. He began with energy and
enthusiasm and kept up this momentum throughout, while steadily adding to both
his skill base and his confidence.

He was quick to realise the contributions of his mentor and gained from her example
and suggestions. He quickly felt at ease in the school community.

James firmly established his classroom practice with clear behavioural expectations
of his students. He used a good range of teaching strategies and activities well
pitched to a JP classroom. He made constant use of cues, questions, prompts and
routines, and looked for opportunities to reinforce and extend responses. His
knowledge of individual students ensured that each experienced learning

His lesson preparation was excellent and his presentation consistent. His well-
modulated voice and tonal quality held the attention of the class.

As James became confident in his role, his enjoyment of the interaction with his
students became more evident. He introduced elements of spontaneity and
creativity and his students enjoyed his shared humour.

James also achieved a good level of communication with parents and caregivers as
they recognised his genuine interest in his students and his commitment to their
As the weeks progressed James competently assumed increased responsibility for
the class and his sense of protective ownership was testimony to his involvement
with his students.

Name: Ronda Mugford Date: 25/06/18

SUMMARY STATEMENT (May be used as a referee statement)
Classroom Teacher/Mentor
Student Name: James King

Professional Knowledge

James successfully demonstrated an understanding of teaching a diverse group of

students during his final placement. He used his introductory days to gain valuable
insight to each student as well as opportunities to observe their individual learning
styles. James took the time to get to know all the students and allow them to get to
know him and earn their trust and respect. James spent a great deal of time chatting
with the students to find out their likes and dislikes. This knowledge enabled him to
design activities to suit the class. He understood the diverse range of abilities in the
classroom and provided all students with an opportunity to successfully participate
at a level suitable for them. Once James gained an understanding of the abilities
and preferred learning styles of the class he began to monitor each student to
gauge understanding, progress and engagement.
James successfully used a variety of teaching strategies to create a teaching style
suitable for him and the students. His increasing understanding of the content,
processes and skills relevant to year 1/2 students and the areas of learning in which
he has been teaching progressed throughout the placement. He has been
successful providing suitable programs in all subjects. Familiarising himself with the
Australian Curriculum assisted him with constructing suitable and relevant learning
experiences. The units planned were well thought out and presented with growing
confidence. James regularly provided the students with interesting and engaging
learning opportunities. He showed vast knowledge in the subjects and understood
the importance of content being relevant to their lives. This approach helped him
maintain regular student engagement throughout the placement. When he became
aware of the possibility of learning becoming less successful and he reassessed the
situation and adapted his lesson plans to suit the class. James regularly used his
reflections, my feedback and discussions to create or adjust activities. During
Professional Development sessions James gained some insight into assessment
and moderation. He understood the need to be flexible due to disruptions to the
timetable and unforeseen circumstances.
Professional Practice

James developed a range of strategies for different scenarios in the classroom

throughout his placement. He has presented lessons for the whole class and guided
students within small groups and individually. James understands the need for
routine in the classroom and ensured their routines were maintained with minimal
changes. James understands the need for explicit instructions when communicating
with the students. He has effective communication skills for Junior Primary students,
using age appropriate language and regularly checks on students to ensure they
understand what is required for the activities. James regularly created and provided
ICT resources to engage students. Discussions with myself and other staff members
provided him with appropriate resources used in our school. He used these
resources when planning and regularly developed his own resources to use. James
regularly provided students with encouragement and feedback throughout activities,
continually monitoring engagement and assisting students when required.
James is aware of the importance of a positive learning environment. He understood
the need for routines, behaviour management, clear instructions, positive feedback
and guidance. Throughout his placement James continually reinforced classroom
expectations and acknowledged positive behaviour and success. He had
opportunities to develop a variety of successful behaviour management strategies.
James showed he can diffuse potential volatile situations calmly without becoming
intimidating. At times a one to one approach where he gave clear instructions and
provided a reminder of classroom expectations proved successful. The students
responded to this and he had no issues concerning extreme student behaviour.
James continually supported the students throughout the placement by regularly
providing them with encouragement and assistance during activities. When planning
activities he ensured they followed the class timetable. James was very aware of
maintaining safety in and out of the classroom. He continually reminded students to
follow safety rules and expectations.
Throughout his placement ensured James was aware of each students' abilities and
levels. He assessed their progress throughout and at the end of activities. He
regularly provided the students with positive feedback on their learning. James
discussed student progress with me daily. He continually maintained checks
concerning student work in relation to completing the assessment task in the
classroom. James established an expectation concerning the quality and the
amount of work produced and ensured the students were aware of this expectation.
James made himself aware of the student with a Negotiated Education Plan and
understood the need for modified programs for this student. Throughout the
placement James used formative and summative assessments. This provided
feedback to the students and myself. He understood the need to continually assess
student learning. This was beneficial to his planning and gave him the opportunity to
modify the program if needed. He marked the students' work and discussed the
results with me. James and I discussed regular assessments and he made himself
familiar with these including running records, sight words, spelling tests and
Concepts of Print. He understands these assessments are used for planning and
group work.
Professional Engagement

James was keen to partake in training and development sessions. He attended all
staff meetings and training and development sessions during his placement. This
gave him opportunities to engage with his colleagues he was working with and get
acquainted with teaching practices in the school. Prior to teaching the students
James discussed with me what he was confident and not so confident about.
James has shown he is a responsible and conscientious pre-service teacher. He
was continually respectful and professional throughout his placement. James made
it a priority to get to know the parents/caregivers. He interacted positively with them,
greeting them in the mornings and regularly having conversations with them after

Written by: Tracy Easton Date: 22/6/2018

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT (To be agreed by the School Coordinator and the University Liaison)

In our opinion James King

has demonstrated the following overall level of performance in this final professional experience:
(Please click on appropriate box below)

☐ Fail

☐ Pass

☒ Credit

☐ Distinction

☐ High Distinction


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of
acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar
with South Australian nomenclature.

Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

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