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What are modal verbs?

Modals (aslo called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which
behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like “work, play, visit, …”

They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great
variety of communicative functions .

Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:

1. They never change their form. You cannot add “s”, “ed”, “ing”, etc.
Can √ Correct
Cans X Incorrect
Caned X Incorrect
Caning X Incorrect
Must √ Correct
Musts X Incorrect
Musted X Incorrect
Musting X Incorrect

2. They are always followed by an infinitive without “to” (bare infinitive).

Affirmative (postive):

S + MODALS + V1 +

S + MODALS NOT+ V1 + (O)/Complements

- Yes/No Question

MODALS + S + V1 +
- WH- Question

WH- MODALS + S + V1 + (O)/Complements

3. They are used to indicate modality that allows speakers to express certainty, possibility, willingness,
obligation, necessity, or ability.
lity/ Permisso Suggest-
MODALS Ability n/ Offers Request
Possibilit n ions
Can √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
Could √ √
(past) (Polite) (Polite) (Polite)
√ √
May √ √ √
(Polite) (Polite)

Might (Weaker
than may)
√ √
(Strong (Strong
√ obligation, obligation,
(Logical recommen recommen
con- dation, dation,
clusion) necessity) necessity)

Will *) √ √
tion, pre-

Would **) more
polite than
Shall √

Should (Recomme √ √

Ought to

√ √
(Strong (Strong
obligation, obligation,
Have/has to
recommen recommen
dation, dation,
necessity) necessity)
√ √
(Only (Only
Had to
applies for applies for
the past) the past)

*) Will is also used to express:

Wish, request, demand, order (les polite than Will you shut the door?
Prediction, assumption I think it will rain on Friday.
Promise I will quit smoking.
Spontaneous decision Can somebody drive me to the station? – I will.
Habits She’s strange, she will sit for hours without talking.

**) Would is also used to express:

Habits in the past Sometimes, he would bring me some flowers.

Shane is a cry baby. When he was younger, he

would cry when somebody teased him.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modals. More than one modals are possible.

1. A : _________________ you lend me your ruler, please? I forget mine.

B : Sure. Just take it.
2. Somebody is knocking at the door. _________________ you open it for me, please? I’m preparing
3. Dad has a terrible headache. I think he _________________ take some aspirins and get enough rest.
4. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. It _________________ rain in no time at all.
5. You _________________ cheat during the test. It’s not a good deed, I’m sure.
6. M : So, you’re still smoking? You told me you _________________ quit it.
N : Well, you know it’s not that easy.
M : Come on, you _________________ force yourself. You know smoking _________________ only
bring bad impact for your body.
N : I _________________ do my best.
7. I _________________ study really hard to get the full scholarship next year. That university has long
become my dream.
8. When I was younger, I _________________ ask my Mom for a reward anytime I ate a bowl of
9. X : I met a foreign tourist near the bus stop yesterday.
Y : Oh, then?
X : He asked me for some directions but I had no idea.
Y : Why?
X : I _________________ catch his words. They sounded so strange.
10. As children, _________________ always obey our parents. Their supports really mean a lot for our
11. Look! It’s prohibited to turn here. You _________________ be punished if you’re caught breaking the
12. Being young kids is always nice. We _________________ act silly without anybody shouting at us.
13. R : _________________ give me a hand, please? I _________________ carry all these stuffs by myself.
S : Sure. I _________________. Let me carry some of them.
14. Tina : Oh, my. I forgot to bring my dictionary. Ms. Amelia _________________ be angry.
Mutia : Don’t worry. You _________________ use one of mine. I have two.
Tina : Oh, thanks a lot, Mutia. I owe you one.
15. To operate the blender, you _________________ first read the using instruction.
16. Please stop teasing Cindy with all those horror stories. She’s freaked out. She _________________ cry.
17. People _________________ smoke in some public areas like hospitals and gas stations.
18. If you really want to join the competition, you _________________ come to Mr. Andrews. He
_________________ tell you what you need to prepare.
19. Common flu is not dangerous. It’s just immunity issue. You _________________ worry too much.
20. Miss Chloe said that we _________________ turn in the essay before the due date.
21. I don’t want to tolerate any lateness. You _________________ all come on time.
22. It’s not easy to cactch his words. He _________________ some certain words properly.
23. My nextdoor neighbor is much too noisy. I _________________ stand him anymore that I decide to
24. Don’t worry about moving abroad. This communication era _________________ allow you to keep in
touch with your loved ones.
25. I got a culture shock once moving to Holland. I _________________ speak the language yet.

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