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1. What is the challenge or need that your project will address?

innovative methods will you use? Describe the specific need or
challenge that your team will address with this project. (3-5 sentences)
200 word limit.

Challenges: - Inadequate resources, difficult to get vegetables, lack

of awareness about the importance of vitamin, tanah nda subur. (Susah
tanam sayur, nd sadar pentingnya sayur karena kurangnya edukasi,
kondisi tanaha yg nd subur)

Innovative methods: - Buat gerakan “ NAMA BEKEN” = Give

education about the importance of vitamins for health, build a hidroponic
Specific needs: they can grow they own vegetbale,


Indoneisa is an archipelago consisting of more than 17.000 islands and most of them are small
Islands. In fact, most of small islands in Indonesia are under poor condition and they can’t even
access their basic needs such as healthy food, proper education, etc. According to UNESCO, 3 of
5 children in small islands under five years in Indonesia experience malnutrition. There are many
different and interlinked factors that contribute to that situation such as the difficulties in growing
and getting the fresh vegetables (source of nutritions), unhealthy lifestyle and lack of knowledge
about the importance of nutrition as well.
Fighting malnutrition and improving living conditions needs creative ways. “Garden in Island” is
one of the solution. This program are conducting education, workshop and providing very
practical support in building garden in island by hydroponic technique.
The objectives of this social project are; Increase awareness about the importance of nutrition for
healthy life, producing local vegetable, and applying agriculture technology in local community in the
islands in sustainable way.

Di pulau, kondisi tanah sangat tidak memungkinkan untuk menananm tamanan agriculture,
sehingga masyarakat di pulau menghadapi masalah kesehatan yakni kekurangan asupan
vitamin yang bersumber dari sayur-sayuran. Menurut UNESCO, 3 dari 5 anak yang hidup di
pulau kecil di Indonesia mengalami malnutrisi. Hal ini termasuk dalam kekurangan vitamin.
Mereka kekurangan sumber vitamin yang esensial.

2. Briefly describe your specific solution or approach to address the

need or challenge and explain why it is innovative. (3-5 sentences)
(include quantitative information where possible) 200 word limit.
Mulai mengedukasi untuk menggunakan teknologi pertanian ini, develop
apotek hidup, community base, koneksikan dengan expert, ada campaign,
buku resep sederhana, mentoring program, mendokumentasikan cara
mengelola sayuran.

To tackle the malnutrition and health issues in small islands, the program
will focus with education and implementation of integrated agriculture
technology called hydroponic to gain fresh, healthy, local produce of
vegetables and medical plants. This community-based program will
connect the local community to expert and conduct monitoring evaluation in
each major activities.

It is innovative because it uses a hydroponic farming system, whereby plants grow

directly in water or with other media such as , no soil necessary, and can be
implemented for the whole year. It would change the perception that gardening can
only be achieved in cities and rural or mountainous areas.
Untuk mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi dan gizi setiap keluarga membutuhkan sayuran

dan buah rata 2-5 kg/hari

But it is the capacity building of local youth volunteers, women group, community
members and relevant government staff that really lies at the heart of what we do.
How will the project impact your community? What changes (in people,
institutions, attitudes, practices) do you think you will see? 300 word
Mereka lebih sadar akan pentingnya sayuran sebagai sumber vitamin
 Mereka akan mendapatkan informasi cara menanam, informasi gizi,
 Mengawal keberlanjutan program ini
 Long term impact mereka bisa jadi trainer untuk pulau-pulau lainnya.
 attitudes: mereka mengganti pola makan menjadi lebih sehat.

This project will increase local community awareness about the importance of
nutrition in vegetables and herbal medicine for health.

For related institutions such as local government, they will focus their programs to
these kinds of projects.

In terms of attitude, the people in the island will be able to change their habit to a
healthy lifestyle and also lead to productive behavior as they grow their own
vegetables and probably make profitable business from this project.

Challenges: - Inadequate resources, difficult to get vegetables, lack

of awareness about the importance of vitamin, tanah nda subur. (Susah
tanam sayur, nd sadar pentingnya sayur karena kurangnya edukasi,
kondisi tanaha yg nd subur)

Innovative methods: - Buat gerakan “ NAMA BEKEN” = Give

education about the importance of vitamins for health, build a hidroponic
Specific needs: they can grow they own vegetbale,


1. What is the challenge or need that your project will address? What
innovative methods will you use? Describe the specific need or
challenge that your team will address with this project. (3-5 sentences)
200 word limit.
Indoneisa is an archipelago consisting of more than 17.000 islands and most of them are small
Islands. In fact, most of small islands in Indonesia are under poor condition and they can’t even
access their basic needs such as healthy food, proper education, healthy live, etc. According to
UNESCO, 3 of 5 children in small islands under five years in Indonesia experience malnutrition
and health issues. There are many different and interlinked factors that contribute to that situation
such as the difficulties in growing and getting the fresh vegetables, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of
knowledge about the importance of nutrition.

Fighting malnutrition and improving living quality needs creative ways. “Seeds for island” is one
of the solution. This program are conducting education, workshop and providing very practical
support in building garden in island by hydroponic technique.

The objectives of this social project are; Increase awareness about the importance of nutrition for
healthy life, producing local vegetable, and applying agriculture technology in local community in
the islands in sustainable way.

2. Briefly describe your specific solution or approach to address the

need or challenge and explain why it is innovative. (3-5 sentences)
(include quantitative information where possible) 200 word limit.
 To tackle the malnutrition and health issues in small islands, the
program will focus with education and implementation of integrated
agriculture technology called hydroponic to gain fresh, healthy, local
produce of vegetables and medical plants. This community-based
program will connect the local community to expert and conduct
monitoring evaluation in each major activities.
 It is innovative because it uses a hydroponic farming system, whereby
plants grow directly in water or with other media such as and no soil
necessary, and can be implemented for the whole year. It would
change the perception that gardening can only be achieved in cities
and rural or mountainous areas.
 It support sustainable development goals by achieving food security,
improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture while ensure
healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

3. How will the project impact your community? What changes (in
people, institutions, attitudes, practices) do you think you will see? 300
word limit.

This project will increase local community awareness about the

importance of nutrition in vegetables and herbal medicine for health.

For related institutions such as local government, we will have

collaboration and they will make the program to these kinds of projects.
In terms of attitude, the people in the island will be able to change their
habit to a healthy lifestyle and also lead to productive behavior as they
grow their own vegetables and probably make profitable business from
this project.

 They will realize the importance of vegetable as vitamin sources

 They will get more information about planting, and nutrient
 Escrot sustainability of this project
 Long term impact, so they could be a trainer for other small islands
 Habit: They will change their life style to become more healthy by
eating more nutritious food that comes from vegetable and fruits

Who will be involved?

4. Beneficiaries: Describe who your target groups (or communities) are. How many people
will directly benefit from your project?
This project will be located in one of island in South Sulawesi, which target group is the local
community on its island. The island that we choose to implement this project is Pajenekang
Island that located in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Indonesia. With the 29,50 ha area,
Pajenekang Island, Desa Mattiro Deceng Kecamatan Liukang Tupabbiring Kab. Pangkep
consist of 1130 citizens (Source: COREMAP Wil. VI, 2006). Besides the local citizens of
Pajenekang Island that will get the direct benefit from this project, the selected participants that
will join in the Camp

In Pajenekang island, people experiencing hard condition for planting crops and vegetable due
to its soil condition it is not good for planting. Vegetable and fruit come from main island that is
about 2 hours travel by ship. People main food source is only fish whereas vegetable also
important especially for children below 5 year for their growth. We want to solve their condition
by implementing seeds for island for this area. We believe this project will give them lot of
benefit for their life.
250 word limit

5. Local partners: Please list your project partners and

explain their specific responsibilities. Please note if you have
an existing relationship with the partner organization(s) and
how they are committed to working on this project. If you do
not have an existing relationship, how do you anticipate
establishing a partnership with the organization(s)?
 Hasanuddin University (Unhas) : as the best university in eastern Indonesia, Unhas will
contribute in research phase of this project. 3 of our team members come from Unhas
 Distrik island chief: as government party in project location, he/she will involved to
encourage islander or society to actively participate on this project, also to control the
project for better result.
 Econatural foundation is a foundation that move in conservation and development of
undeveloped region, this foundation will contribute in volunteer mentoring, educate
people and actively escort this project. Agreement has been made with Econatural as
Econatural foundation’s director is our team member colleague.

500 word limit

How and when will you implement your project?

6. Implementation Plan and Timeline: How will you actually

make this happen? Outline the proposed steps for
implementation, including the timeframe for each major
activity. List proposed dates (month, quarter, etc.) for each
major activity. Please include quantitative information
about participants and activities. Include the specific
responsibilities of the alumni team.
 6 months
 Bulan pertama: Research and design of project
 Bulan 2-3: Implementation
 Bulan 4: Camp
 Bulan 5: Replikasi dan Pengembangan project in other island
 Bulan 6 : Monev and reporting

Month 1: Capacity building (week 1), Consolidation with stake holder in Island. Research and
assessment issues in island by Agriculture and Marine Students. (week 3-4)
Month 2: Developing the greenhouse and pelatihan, seeding kangkung bayam sawi seledri(5-6),
pelatihan dan penguatan kelembagaan (7)Pelatihan pengelolaan (8) Panen Raya
Month 3: Camp
Month 4: Pembuatan buku referensi
Month 5: Pembagian alat hidroponik kepada masyarakat yang ingin memiliki alat hidroponik di
rumah masih masing dan penambahan greenhouse.

750 word limit

7. Communication Plan: How will you promote your project?

Please include social media, print news, or other forms of media
you intend to use to share information about your project to 1)
beneficiaries and 2) the public.
There will be several ways to promote our projects. we will spread our activities through a
platform and official social media and also engage with some local media partners. The details
Online Promotion
1. Website : Through this platform, we will put all the documentations, news, and
informations about our activities and contents related to our project so people will be
easy to access and engage with us.
2. Instagram : Due to the booming of this application, we will use this to post our activity
photos and tag the embassy and several communities in order to promote our project.
3. Facebook page : This media still be one of favorite social media that used by million
users in the world, using this media popularity will be good for us to update news about
this project.
4. Twitter : Same as the other social media, we also want to use twitter for promotion
5. Line@ : Indonesia citizen commonly using Line account to interact and share
informations to their colleagues, based on that, we will also make an official account of
Line to introduce and keep the followers update with this project by post and share daily
or weekly documentation.
6. Youtube : As the largest platform that provide video from all over the world, youtube will
be one of our target to promote this project by upload our videos of activity and be
watched by people from the whole world.
7. Promotion Account : there are so many accounts that open a chance to promoting a
youth project and movement. So, by using those account the news about this Seeds for
Island project will be heard by the crowd.
*Note : We will also use our personal account to promote this project.
Printed News
Besides actively posting and promote the project via online, we also tend to tell the world about
this project by send the articles or citizien journalism content to the newspaper such as Fajar,
Tribun Timur, Kompas, and etc. Moreover, we will make a proposal with those media as our
offical media partner.
One more method to communicate our project to the society is by using local TV, such as TVRI
or Celebes TV and propose them as our media partner. Furthermore, we will do the promotion
by direct talk or “mouth to mouth” which we storytell our organization friends and other youth
organization/communities about the project so they will be familiar, help to spread the
information and support us or even participate as a volunteer.

500 word limit

8. Evaluation:How will you evaluate success/impact of the

project? Explain any tools or methods you might utilize to
measure results. (i.e. surveys, interviews, focus groups,
meetings, analytics, metrics, etc.)
We evaluate this project with these approaching:
1. Doing field survey after this project running for a month. It is succeed if our project partner
can execute and do agricultural activities independently.
2. More islander especially women involved in our project
3. Camp participants that succeed to get grant could implementing their project successfully
reporting their project result for better result in the future.
4. Measure harvest result per month, and doing analytical assessment about level of people
life degree before and after project.

9. Sustainability: How do you plan to ensure that the impact

of the project continues beyond the initial year of funding?
350 word limit

As we realize sustainability of project is important for people and community development, we

plan to do several things to make sure our project is sustainable.
1. We plan to keep monitoring island that become our project location in several times, we
hope there will always feedbacks between team and project partner.

Reference --->
Indonesia Berkebun is a non-profit volunteer urban farming movement working
through social media, including twitter, facebook, youtube and the website Indonesia Berkebun’s activists, composed of
socially diverse enthusiasts from 32 cities in Indonesia and 8 campuses, all share
the vision of building environmental awareness through urban farming.
Gardening can be a tool for learning, community building and recreation,
especially for children, while also providing public green spaces in the city. The
program turns vacant urban land into productive plots with economic value for
gardening, food security, health and greening. Thanks to social media, half of
garden activists are under thirty years of age. Indonesia Berkebun is committed
to ecological principles: organic gardening, waste recycling and water filtration
are part of the program. Educational initiatives include gardening classes and
social media outreach with information and public discussions about organic
farming. A third economic prong aims to create sustainable organic gardening
activities for personal consumption or professionally managed production for
distribution to town markets and restaurants. Since its launch in 2010, the
Indonesia Berkebun twitter account @Idberkebun has won 73.142 followers who
share tweets about gardening, stories or pictures from their own gardens, while
making urban farming simple, fun and rewarding.

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