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14A The Gazette ● Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Do You Know Fred Hubbell?

Fred Hubbell presents himself as an experienced business leader. It is important for Iowans to know
his full business record. Below are several parts of that record that Iowans should be concerned
about. Sources are shown at the end of each item, along with ques ons that they raise. Links to the
original sources can be found on the website

Trading With Enemies Downfall of Iowa Companies Squeezing Iowa Workers

A er selling his family’s 130 year old Iowa When Fred moved to Iowa from New York In a Des Moines Register interview, Fred
insurance business to the giant mul - City, his dad put him in charge of Equitable said "If shopkeepers are going to survive,
na onal company ING, Fred was given a Insurance, a 130 year old Iowa compa- they must get more sales out of their em-
job as a senior financial execu ve and ny. Accused of a fraudulently selling ployees." He then told a story of a Korean
moved to Amsterdam. The U.S. govern- “vanishing premium” policies, Fred se led Younkers employee who took over a beau-
ment discovered that under Fred’s watch a lawsuit with thousands of policyholders ty salon in Burlington. "Americans...are
the company laundered money for Iran for $20 million, then sold the company to a only willing to handle five customers in a
and Cuba in viola on of the Trading with giant European mul na onal, called given me period. She always squeezes in
the Enemy Act. A $600 million fine, the ING. Fred promised that Des Moines em- six or seven and so do the people who
largest ever, was levied for “knowingly and ployment would grow, but the company work for her." He went on to say "The irony
willingly conspiring” in criminal ac vity. now employs a third fewer people in Des is that without these challenging economic
Shell companies in Romania and Curacao Moines than before the sale. Fred was mes many Iowa retailers...wouldn't even
were used to provide state sponsors of ter- given a job as a senior financial execu ve recognize the poten al behind improved
ror access to the U.S. financial system. with ING and moved to Amsterdam. Add- produc vity." In other words, recessions
Did he not know, or did he not care? ing insult to injury, ING got half a million have a bright side, because business own-
dollars from Iowa taxpayers to move three ers can push their employees to work
Department of Jus ce press release, 6/12/12
blocks in 2017, while Fred was s ll with the harder.
Taxpayer Bailout company, which paid him millions and mil- Does Fred care about Iowa workers?
As a senior financial execu ve with Am- lions.
Des Moines Register, 12/2/86, "Revitalizing econ-
sterdam based ING, Fred helped lead the Is profit all that ma ers? omy in Iowa will cost jobs, business leaders say"
company into a downward spiral that end- Des Moines Register, 7/19/1997, 3/18/2017, SEC
Big Pay
ed in a €10 billion taxpayer bailout. archive website
Fred’s compensa on at ING while he lived
Will Fred manage Iowa like he managed Ignorance or Worse? in Amsterdam is shown on the SEC web-
Fred was CEO of Equitable and Younkers. site, h ps://
New York Times, 10/19/08, “ING receives €10 bil-
At the giant mul na onal firm ING, Fred data/1039765/000115697303000435/
lion from Dutch government”
was General manager of Finance Services u46016exv4w3.htm.
ING Bailout Raised Profits, not Interna onal, CEO of Retail Finance Ser- His annual salary was $1.3 million plus a
Workers vices, Chairman of the execu ve com- large bonus. He also received a car and
mi ee of ING Finance Services Interna on- driver, 52 weeks of paid sick leave, free
Dutch taxpayers were stunned to learn
al, an execu ve board member, a member travel, free tui on for his children, and free
that their bailout money was used to re-
of the audit commi ee, and lead director housing.
place and automate the jobs of 7,000
for ING from 1997 un l July of 2017. ING
workers. As a Dutch labor leader put it, Does Fred know how the rest of us live?
laundered money for Iran and Cuba and
the company “paid 7 billion euros to share- SEC website
needed a taxpayer bailout. Equitable
holders. Today the workers pay the in-
cheated policyholders with “vanishing pre- Mansions
miums.” Younkers fell into bankruptcy
Other than in speeches, when has Fred been for workers? Fred owns a $1 million house in Colorado,
a er Fred sold it, pu ng thousands of Io-
Het Laatste Nieuws, 3/10/16, “Vakbonden: ‘ING is een bedrijf dat winst and a $2 million house in Arizona.
maakt, dit is schandalig’”
wans out of work.
Between skiing and sunbathing, will Fred
Did Fred know what was happening?
have me for us?
ING Corporate filings, United States Treasury
press release, 6/12/12 Maricopa Cnty AZ and Rou Cnty CO Assessors

Fred’s record shows how he would run Iowa

He puts money over people, and Hubbell family wealth over everything
Don’t let Fred Hubbell do to Iowa what he’s done to taxpayers and workers
Paid for by Liber es We Prize, LLC
© 2018 The Gazette

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