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Scientists showed that sewage-borne bacteria caused infectious diseases

(a) In early 1800

(b) In late 1800

(c) In early 1900

(d) In late 1900

2. The first federal action regarding water pollution was taken in

(a) 1948

(b) 1969

(c) 1972

(d) 1987

3. When Ohio’s Cuyahoga River actually caught fire?

(a) 1948

(b) 1969

(c) 1972

(d) 1987

4. The Clean Water Act of 1972 (CWA) was caused due to

(a) pollution caused by flood

(b) poor sanitary system

(C) Public outrage about polluted water

(d) awareness for clean water

5. The biggest water contamination disasters in the world are __________ in total

(a) 7

(b) 13

(c) 16
(d) 5

6. Infectious agent of cholera is

(a) hepatitis A virus

(b) Shigella species

(c) vibrio Cholera

(d) Salmonella

7. The 2010 earthquake in Haiti resulted in __________ deaths in the refugee camps due to

(a) 3000

(b) 5000

(c) 7000

(d) 8000

8. ______ used to melt ice and snow

(a) Road salts

(b) Acids

(c) Organic Chemicals

(d) Fuels

9. the two most importantnutrients for aquatic plant growth

(a) petroleum & pesticides

(b) nitrogen & oxygen

(c) phosphorus & nitrogen

(d) carbon & sulphate

10. A typical BOD value for raw sewage = ___ppm

(a) 200

(b) 235

(c) 250
(d) 267

11. the highestsingle concentration beyond which impacts occur is

(a) CMC

(b) CCC

(c) BOD

(d) BNR

12. organic chemicals are

(a) petroleum & pesticides

(b) nitrogen & oxygen

(c) phosphorus & nitrogen

(d) carbon & sulphate

13. Which of the following is not a water borne disease?

(a) Typhoid

(b) Scabies

(c) Cholera

(d) Hepatitis

14. The source of Arsenic in water is

(a)Industrial waste

(b) Fertilizers

(c) Phosphate rocks

(d) All of the above

15. What is the indicator of pollution in water?

a) Amount of oxygen

b) Amount of hydrogen

c) Amount of BOD
d) Amount of nitrogen

16. What are water soluble inorganic chemicals?

a) Compounds of pure metals

b) Compounds of non-metals

c) Compounds of synthetic metals

d) Compounds of toxic metals

17. There is only one class of common water pollutants.

a) True

b) False

18. Who sediment of suspended matter occurs?

a) When soil is eroded from the air

b) When soil is eroded from the land

c) When soil is eroded from the water

d) When soil is eroded from the rock

19. How to minimize the pollution of water pollution due organic chemicals that release to water

a) To remove all the aquatic organisms from the water

b) To purify water manually after released to the water bodies

c) Purify the water before enter the water directly from industries

d) Leave the water bodies without using it

20. Treated sludge (or biosolid) is an excellent __________

a) Nutrient

b) fertilizers

c) pathogons

d) methane

21. Bacteria convert _____________ to CO2, H2O, biogas (2/3 methane– collected and used to
heat the digester (optimal at 38oC))

a) oxygen

b) fertilizers

c) organic matter

d) water

22. Bacteria feed on sludge in the absence of

a) co2

b) o2

c) h2o

d) methane

23. Environment is the whole context of human life

a) physical

b) chemical

c) biological setting of where and how people live

d) all of above

24. Hazard is anything that can cause:

a)Injury, disease, death to humans

b) Damage to personal or public property

c) Deterioration or destruction of environmental parts

d) all of above

e) only a & b

25. Risk is the __________ of suffering injury, disease, death, or some loss as a result of exposure
to a hazard

a) vulnerability

b) hazard

c) probability
d) a & b

26. Health is a state of complete

a) physical well-being

b)social well-being

c) mental well-being

d) all of above

27. to study disease we have ________ measures

a) 7

b) 5

c) 3

d) 1

28. __________ is the incidence of death in a population

a) Morbidity

b) Mortality

c) both a & b

d) none of above

29. Epidemiology is the study of the presence, distribution, and prevention of

a) hazards in population

b) risks in population

c) diseases in population

d) pollution in population

30. human life expectancy rose from ___ years (1955) to _____ (by 2025)

a) 50 to 70

b) 48 to 73

c) 50 to 73
d) 48 to 70

31. ________kids/year under 5 still die in developing nations

a) 9 million

b) 13 million

c) 11 million

d) 5 million

32. Common diseases kill _____ of people in poor countries

a) 35%

b) 36%

c) 37%

d) 42%

33. The highly virulent H5N1 avian flu appeared in

a) 1998

b) 1986

c) 2003

d) 2010

34. The 2009 H1N1 swine flu outbreak spread rapidlym it still killed

a) 16,000 people

b) 25,000 people

c) 37,000 people

d) 11,000 people

35. People engage in risky behavior to seek pleasure it is

a) cultural hazard

b) biological hazard

c) moral hazard
d) all of above

36. 1.2 million kids (<5 yrs) die per year from diarrheal diseases

a) 9 million

b) 1.2 million

c) 1.6 million

d) 5 million

37. Malaria kills __________ people each year

a) 166,000 people

b) 255,000 people

c) 373,000 people

d) 655,000 people

38. In __________ Cells grow out of control and form tumors Which may metastasize (spread)

a) skin cancer

b) blood secretion

c) Carcinogenesis

d) only a & b

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