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Nadim Hashim & Stephen DeBoer

PME 810 Module 3 Assignment

Module 2 Mind Map

In Module 2, we created the above Mind Map using “Mindomo” web-based software. In it, we used colour-coding and
dashed line links to show the progressive connections between various philosophies of education, curriculum theorists,
emerging conceptions of curriculum from those theorists, and curriculum design. Turquoise = Academia/Rationalism/
Subject-Centred; Blue = Systematic/Cognitive Processes/Curriculum as Technology; Orange = Society/
Reconstructionism-Relevance/Problem-Centred; and Red = Individualism/Self-actualization/Learner-centred.
Nadim Hashim & Stephen DeBoer
PME 810 Module 3 Assignment

Subject-Centred Designs
Reflective Case
Includes Planning Instruction Assessment Summary Studies
Subject design Oldest and most Centred around use of Universal standards Planning, Instruction, Every province in
textbooks and subject- Assessment are all
Desicpline design widely used Measurement-driven separate events Canada
specific curriculum
Subjects are best documents feedbacks such as Plan first; instruct when administers some
Broad-field design grades and statistics,
outlined in Subjects are divided & not learner-specific
students preesent; assess form of large
Correlation design at the end
textbooks subdivided scale assessment
Standardized "high- PROS:
Process design Organized by how Based on accumulation stakes" tests and
(LSA). These
Verbal activities,
essential of knowledge on exams, "one size fits socialization assessments
various content areas primarily
knowledge has all" approach Efficient & easy to deliver
developed in Outcome/Standards- measure literacy
Mainly summative CONS:
based approach
various subject "assessment of No program and mathematics
areas Teacher presents learning" individualization (e.g. EQAO tests
content and skills to administered to
In many cases students in a Emphasis not on learner in Ontario such as
students by teachers
textbooks plan the predetermined Little consideration of the mandatory
sequence Wide use of content or type of
curriculum more "objective" cognitive work required
than teachers Little or no overlapping
assessment methods Promotion of scholarly Other
between subject areas
(e.g. Selected elite standardized
Response, Brief Divorcing knowledge
Constructed from the student's
Response) experience, student include the SAIP,
passivity PISA, and TIMSS.

Connections to Professional Context

• Most of the Ontario Secondary curriculum is still organized by subject
• Each course is given a hierarchy of "fundamental concepts", "big ideas", strands, overall expectations, and specific
expectations as provincial standards to be met
• "Assessment and evaluation will be based on the provincial curriculum expectations and the achievement levels outlined in
this document" (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2008, p. 23)
• The purpose of the program at my school is for students to complete an engineering degree and pass the CET6 exam so they
have the options to study further abroad.
• Many of the classes use textbooks and the content is presented in a logical incremental sequence. In these instances,
assessments are measurement driven such as test scores and essays.
Nadim Hashim & Stephen DeBoer
PME 810 Module 3 Assignment

Learner-Centred Designs
Reflective Case
Includes: Planning Instruction Assessment Summary Studies
Child-centred Centred around Allow learners to Individualized standards Planning, instruction, Inquiry-based
assessment are
designs socialization and connect personally Learners are aware of interchangeably linked
learning in the
Rousseau's with what they are the learning outcomes and intertwined classroom (CEA,
Experience- and content
developmental learning Assessment throughout 2014)
centred designs ideas Collaborative projects (before, during, after), The Power of
Radical designs Learners should be Collaborate with which drives instructional
Students help select able to link their planning and decision- Student Voice (CEA,
students to achieve
Humanistic and organize the own experiences goals making to ensure 2013)
designs purposes for with the new learning
Indigenization of
Assignments and test
learning knowledge instructions are clearly Assessment is used to Curriculum
articulated evaluate teaching and
Subject areas Communication learning, and occurs by (Castellon, 2018) -
become a means by both teacher on student when teaching in a
between students Formative "assessment as well as student
which students context with
and teachers is for, as learning"
pursue problems or PROS: indigenous
essential (McMillan, 2014)
students, it is
Students perceive
Paying close Common use of learning as relevant and important to
Typically used for "subjective" assessment meaningful, actively
early childhood attention to the methods (e.g. projects involved in learning
incorporate unique
education diversity of the & performances, perspectives and
learners teacher observations, learning methods of
conferencing student Students do not learn a Indigenous Peoples
self- and peer- common body of
knowledge, may not (e.g. consulting with
learn cultural heritage Elders, use of
and achieve social goals Circles in pedagogy)

Connections to Professional Context

• In the "front matter" of Ontario curriculum documents, attention is given to Program Planning in which instructional
approaches which individualize instruction for, e.g. exceptional students, ELL's, visible minorities, etc., is encouraged
• Additionally, in the first overall expectation of each course strand, teachers are encouraged to give students the
choice to demonstrate their learning in a way which suits their strengths
• The program is primarily engineering. There are elements of collaborative projects and overlapping subject matter.
Assessments can include observations and project performances. Students are aware of their expectations at the
beginning of the term.
Nadim Hashim & Stephen DeBoer
PME 810 Module 3 Assignment

Problem-Centred Designs
Reflective Case
Includes: Planning Instruction Assessment Summary Studies
Life-situation Planned before Engage students in the Assessment is multi- Similar to learning- Indigenizing your
process of problem dimensional centred design, planning, curriculum (Castellon,
designs students arrive 2018) - "We have to start
solving The focus is on learning; instruction, assessment
Reconstructionist Emphasis on both how it is done (cognitive are intertwined & addressing the way that we
Develop the learner's learning theories) and how assessment occurs teach our children about
designs learner's ability to think critically it can be improved Indigenous people."
development and Stress on using applied Even for schools which have
Improving the ability to PROS:
content work with others knowledge - transfer of little to no contact with
knowledge and skills to new Integration of different Indigenous Peoples, it is
Planning focuses on (social-cultural skill contexts important to foster a
subject matters into
real-life problems of development) "culturally responsive"
Collaboratively determined common purposes
individuals and Learners collaborate to population of students
developmental criteria Relevance to students
society understand problems Ursula Franklin Academy
Ongoing, frequent and society, which is
and propose solutions assessment throughout (TDSB, 2018) - purpose of
The needs of society meaningful and this specialized school in
Can integrate different instruction motivating to students
are essential Toronto is to provide an
subject matters to Examples include use of CONS: enriched curriculum to a
rubrics, performances, Community of Learners
Focuses on the increase the learners'
demonstrations, Content not well
understanding of social focusing on a Spirit of
learning & cognitive collaborative projects, self- organized and it doesn't Inquiry, Social Justice,
processes, not just issues and peer-assessments, provide adequate Democracy, Peace Activism,
Content is an end to the group interviews and
achievement of conferencing
exposure to cultural and centring subject-
content standards means of future socio- heritage specific learning in the
cultural impact and Similar to learner-centred areas of science, math, and
designs, use of formative Resources are limited technology
positive change since many teachers and
"assessment for, as Both case studies have as
learning" (McMillan, 2014) curriculum specialists
common core the influence
have limited experience
of "critical pedagogy" - the
with this conception of art of challenging
curriculum assumptions, challenging
the "status quo"

Connections to Professional Context

• Again, in the "front matter" of Ontario curriculum documents, attention is given to current social and environmental
issues in an attempt to make learning more meaningful for students. For example, in the Ontario Science curriculum
document for the senior grades (11 and 12) (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2008), the first of three major goals for
ALL high science courses is “relating science to technology, society, and the environment (STSE)” (p. 16).
• Additionally, in the first overall expectation of each course strand, explicit connections to issues in society are
included with prompts and examples for teachers to incorporate into their lesson and unit planning.
• In a recently published, updated curriculum document (hot off the press) for the Canadian and World Studies
Curriculum (Ontario MofE, 2018), significant attention is given to “strengthening students’ knowledge and
understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, perspectives, contributions, and ways of knowing…” (Canadian and
World Studies Curriculum Documents, 2018).
Nadim Hashim & Stephen DeBoer
PME 810 Module 3 Assignment

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