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Michael’s Altar Society

September 24, 2018

St. Michael’s Altar Society met at 6:00 p.m. at the hall, Monday, September with 7
members present. Meeting was opened with a prayer by Joan Davied.

Minutes of the August 20, 2018 read and approved on a motion by Karen Zerngast,
seconded by Regina Butler, unanimous.

Envelopes were stuffed for the bazaar by those in attendance.

Treasurer’s report was presented with the bank balance in the regular checking
$9,752.23, Kitchen Fund $2,101.27. Motion was made to approve the report by Regina
Butler, seconded by Sharon Harris, unanimous.

Thank you letters were presented and read.

Old Business:
Joan stated the Food Pantry is asking for anyone to donate items. The website is to check for the items that are needed. The items are posted at the end
of each month. Discussion is to have a basket left at the church on the 1st of each
month for those items.

New Business:
Deanne VanLeeuwen stated Kristen Graham has been posting the minutes of our
meetings on our website and is planning to post activities the Altar Society has planned.

Discussion: Madison Smith’s Mission – on a motion by Sharon Harris, seconded by

Regina Butler, unanimous to give $500.00 to Madison for her mission with the Family
Missions Company.

Joan asked for volunteers to distribute the bazaar tickets for the next 2 weeks. The Fall
Bazaar and Turkey Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, October 21, 2018.

Next meeting will be held at the “Back Nine” Girard Golf course on October 22, 2018 at
6:00. Meeting adjourned on a motion by Sharon Harris, seconded by Regina Butler and
a prayer led by Joan Davied.

Connie L Sponsel, Secretary

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