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IUBMB Life, 63(10): 881–895, October 2011

Critical Review

Signaling Epigenetics: Novel Insights on Cell Signaling and

Epigenetic Regulation
Rodrigo G. Arzate-Mejı́a, David Valle-Garcı́a and Félix Recillas-Targa
Instituto de Fisiologı´a Celular, Departamento de Gene´tica Molecular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Me´xico, Ciudad
Universitaria, Me´xico D.F., Me´xico

Abbreviations PcG, Polycomb; TrxG, Trithorax; bp, base pairs; AID,

Summary activation-induced cytidine deaminase; ESC, embry-
Cells must be able to respond rapidly and precisely not only onic stem cell; MLL, mixed-lineage leukemia factor;
to changes in their external environment but also to developmen- MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; CREB,
tal and differentiation cues to determine when to divide, die, or cAMP-response-element binding factor; NF-jB, nu-
acquire a particular cell fate. Signal transduction pathways are clear factor jB; ERK, extracellular-signal-regulated
responsible for the integration and interpretation of most of such kinase; MEC, mammary epithelial cells; HMTs, his-
signals into specific transcriptional states. Those states are tone methyltransferases; HDACs, histone deacetylases;
achieved by the modulation of chromatin structure that activates NICD, Notch intracellular domain; PRC1, Polycomb
or represses transcription at particular loci. Although a large va- repressive complex 1; NURF, nucleosome remodeling
riety of signal transduction pathways have already been factor; GSC, germ stem cells; CPC, cyst progenitor
described, much less is known about the crosstalk between signal cells; PEV, position effect variegation; PKA, protein
transduction and its consequent changes in chromatin structure kinase A; miRNAs, microRNAs; TEI, transgenera-
and, therefore, gene expression. Here we present some examples tional epigenetic inheritance
of the relationship between chromatin-associated proteins and
important signal transduction pathways during critical processes
like development, differentiation, and disease. There is a great
diversity of epigenetic mechanisms that have unexpected interac-
tions with signaling pathways to establish transcriptional pro-
grams. Moreover, there are also particular cases where signaling Cell response to external stimuli requires the integration and
pathways directly affect important components of the epigenetic activation of a cascade of interdependent signals that travel
machinery. Based on such examples, we further propose future along the cytosol with the cell nuclei as the final destination.
research directions linking cell signaling and epigenetics. It is Cell–cell interactions, differential kinetics of ligands, and thus
foreseeable that analyzing the relationship between cell signaling
and epigenetics will be a huge area for future development that different signal transduction cascades converge in the transloca-
will help us understand the complex process by which a cell is tion and integration of those fine-tuning signals for the activa-
able to induce transcriptional changes in response to external tion or repression of gene expression. Such interplay of molecu-
and internal signals. Ó 2011 IUBMB lar signals will give the ability to the cell to start with exquisite
IUBMB Life, 63(10): 881–895, 2011
precision developmental and differentiation programs. An aspect
that has been less explored and that emerges as relevant is how
Keywords signal transduction; histone modifications; Polycomb; these signals contribute to the establishment of specific tran-
chromatin.. scriptional programs and, moreover, how these programs are
perpetuated through cell divisions. On the basis of such kind of
questions, and the expansion of epigenetics as a regulatory
driver of processes like signal transduction, cell cycle control,
and stress response, we are facing a totally new era that needs
Received 28 April 2011; accepted 12 July 2011 to be analyzed from a distinct perspective (1–3). Here we focus
Address correspondence to: Félix Recillas-Targa; Instituto de Fisiolo- on some examples of the relationship between epigenetic proc-
gı́a Celular, Departamento de Genética Molecular, Universidad Nacio-
nal Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-242, México D.F. 04510, esses and some signal transduction pathways with the aim to
México. Tel: 152 55 56 22 56 74. Fax: 152 55 56 22 56 30. extend our vision from external stimuli integration to gene
E-mail: expression regulation through chromatin modifications.
ISSN 1521-6543 print/ISSN 1521-6551 online
DOI: 10.1002/iub.557

THE CHROMATIN STRUCTURE AND EPIGENETIC H3K27me3 are well established repressive histone marks.
REGULATION Importantly, the relative recent description of a family of his-
The genome is organized into a sophisticated set of DNA– tone demethylases permits a versatile reversibility of either
protein interactions known as chromatin. The chromatin struc- active or repressive marks in a tightly regulated manner (16).
ture represents the basal level of eukaryotic genome organiza- Finally, based on the action of transcription factors and co-fac-
tion. Such kind of organization has profound effects on several tors and their ability to respond to highly specific signals, there
nuclear processes such as DNA repair, DNA replication, recom- is the need for recruitment of enzymes that covalently modify
bination, and gene transcription (4). Surprisingly, very little is histones to specific regulatory locations, affecting the expression
known concerning how extra- and intra-cellular signals are of target genes.
transduced and translated into an epigenetic response. Epige-
netic regulation involves a set of processes that affect gene
expression without any change in DNA sequence that can be Epigenetic Silencing Through DNA Methylation
segregated post-mitotically (5). Historically, the term epige- Historically, DNA methylation has been considered as one of
netics was proposed by Conrad Waddington in the early 1940s the most relevant epigenetic processes. Based on the variety of
while trying to explain phenotypic changes without genetic var- epigenetic processes and their interdependency, this assumption
iations and, at the same time, comprehend how the environment can be hardly supported. In any case, DNA methylation is synon-
can yield a phenotype (6). ymous of epigenetic silencing, and it is involved in organism de-
It is generally accepted that epigenetic regulation includes velopment, X-chromosome inactivation, imprinting, genome sta-
histone post-translational modifications and DNA methylation. bility, and cell differentiation, among others (5). DNA methyla-
But the epigenetic landscape is much more sophisticated than tion occurs at the 50 position of the cytosine ring mainly within
these two important processes. Actually, we should incorporate the CpG dinucleotides. The incorporation of the methyl (CH3)
the ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers, the repressor and ac- group to the CpG is basically performed by two groups of DNA
tivator group of proteins Polycomb (PcG) and Trithorax (TrxG), methyltransferases. The Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b DNA methyltrans-
and more recently, the noncoding RNAs and nuclear dynamics ferases, known as the de novo enzymes, act in the early stages of
as epigenetic components (7–12). development establishing genome-wide specific patterns of DNA
Briefly, we will discuss histone modifications, DNA methyla- methylation and contributing to cell lineage commitment. The
tion, and the groups of proteins PcG and TrxG to better under- second type of DNA methyltransferase is the Dnmt1, known as
stand their roles in signal transduction cascades. the maintenance enzyme, which reads and segregates DNA meth-
ylation patterns during replication (5). In addition, the molecular
mechanisms responsible for epigenetic silencing by DNA meth-
Histone Post-translational Modifications and Epigenetics ylation include a family of proteins with the capacity to bind
The basic component that allows the formation of the chro- methylated DNA, like the methyl-CpG-binding proteins MeCP2,
matin structure is the nucleosome which is composed by a his- MBD2, Kaiso, among others (17, 18). It is well known that aber-
tone octamer and 146 base pairs (bp) of DNA (13). To a certain rant DNA methylation participates in different pathologies
point, it is expected that modulation of chromatin structure in including cancer, through a not well understood combination of
response to regulatory instructions requires direct histone post- hypo- and hyper-methylation of undesired regions of the genome
translational modifications with the concomitant relaxation or (17). Which molecules target abnormal DNA methylation is a
compaction of the chromatin structure (14). Such covalent mod- question that remains unanswered. Based on this question, it is
ifications mainly occur along the N-terminal domains of histo- relevant to investigate if there are particular signaling pathways
nes and include a combination of modifications like acetylation/ linked to aberrant DNA methylation. Related to this, there is a
deacetylation, methylation, and more recently demethylation, growing list of evidences describing alternative mechanisms for
phosphorylation, ubiquitination, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, among DNA demethylation (19, 20). For years, it has been thought that
others (14). Notably, based on genome-wide scale studies, there DNA methylation was the most stable epigenetic mark and that it
is a well-defined idea of the distribution of histone marks repre- was almost erased during early stages of mammalian develop-
sentative of different areas of the genome. Such marks, with the ment (21). The isolation of the enzymes and the elucidation of
collaboration of transcription factors and co-factors, affect tran- the mechanisms for active DNA demethylation have been com-
scription and many other processes like elongation or alterna- plicated tasks. In the last years, it has been proposed that active
tive splicing. For example, tri-methylation of lysine 4, 36, and DNA demethylation involves the conversion of the 5-methylcyto-
79 on histone H3 (H3K4me3, H3K36me3, and H3K79me3, sine (5mC) into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) by the Tet
respectively), and differential acetylation of lysine residues of group of proteins (22), deamination reactions by the activation-
histone H3 and H4 (H3ac and H4ac, respectively) are represen- induced cytidine deaminase (AID), and base excision repair
tative histone modifications constituting the so-called histone mechanisms (19, 23, 24). Moreover, one of the most exciting
code that result in gene activation (15). In contrast, di- and tri- findings of this topics is that active DNA demethylation is not re-
methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3) and stricted just to early development (25, 26). Without no doubt,

this is a relevant topic and our prediction is that DNA demethyla- otic genes but also of many others (31). TrxG forms multisubu-
tion should be a highly regulated process dependent on specific nit complexes with variable compositions. Such complexes are
signaling pathways. then able to mediate their activities through histone modifica-
tions and ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers. The histone
modifications are dictated by a SET domain histone methyl-
The Repressive and Activating Group of Proteins transferase known in humans as the mixed lineage leukemia
Polycomb and Trithorax factor (MLL) which tri-methylates the lysine 4 of the histone
Another epigenetic component that has acquired a growing H3 to establish an active chromatin configuration (32). As men-
relevance is the PcG and TrxG group of proteins (8, 11). The tioned, the TrxG group of proteins contain ATP-dependent
PcG and TrxG group of proteins were initially discovered and chromatin remodeling proteins with the capacity for reposition-
described in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as negative ing nucleosomes. Among them we found subunits of the SWI/
and positive regulators, respectively, of homeotic genes required SNF complex, like BRM, BAF250, BAF170, and BAF47, and
for specifying cell identity along the antero-posterior axis of components of the NURF complex like SNF2L, RpAp46, and
segmented animals. PcG and TrxG group of proteins are multi- RpAp48 (8, 31). Furthermore, histone acetylation has also been
meric complexes that need to be attracted to their target loca- associated to TrxG activity. Co-purified with MLL-containing
tions by transcription factors, but more recently, such recruit- complexes it has been identified the MYTS1/MOF histone ace-
ment has been documented through the intervention of short tyltransferase which specifically acetylates histone H4K16
and even, long noncoding RNAs (11, 27, 28). PcG and TrxG which is a histone mark of actively transcribed genes (33). This
coordinate critical function for cell homeostasis, like embryonic histone mark favors an open chromatin structure that in addition
stem cell (ESC) self-renewal capacity, epigenetic silencing of prevents the incorporation of the repressive histone mark
defined genomic regions, inactivation of X-chromosome, cell H3K27me3. Therefore, the interplay between PcG and TrxG
differentiation, regulation of cell signaling genes, among others. complexes’ activities associated with different covalent histone
(see later). The PcG and TrxG complexes’ subunits possess his- modifications and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling com-
tone methyltransferase activities, incorporating methyl groups to plexes modulates different chromatin configurations and gene
specific lysine residues that are subsequently ‘‘read’’ by other expression. An outstanding aspect of such complexes is their
combination of PcG and TrxG proteins. varied composition that has been suggested, in terms of their
PcG-mediated epigenetic silencing requires the formation of ability to respond to discrete signals in a cell-specific manner or
two interrelated repressive complexes named PRC2 and PRC1 during organism development probably through the activation
(11). In the PRC2 complex, the histone methyltransferase EZH2 of different signal transduction pathways.
is responsible for the di- and tri-methylation of the histone H3 In conclusion, today the PcG and TrxG proteins symbolize
at lysine 27 (H3K27me2/3) in the context of a complex formed one of the most important epigenetic regulators. In the context
by SUZ12, EED, and RbAp46/48 proteins. The H3K27me3 rep- of the present review, it is critical to mention that there are no
resents the signal for the incorporation of the PRC1 complex substantial evidences of the connection between signal transduc-
formed by BMI1, RING1A, RING1B, MEL18, or NSOC1, tion pathways and regulated recruitment of PcG and TrxG com-
complementing the formation of repressive chromatin configura- plexes. Consequently, this is a topic that clearly deserves partic-
tion. This is reinforced by the action of RING1A/1B which ular attention and should be investigated in the next future.
ubiquitinates the lysine 119 of histone H2A (H2AK119ub1). With this brief background in mind about some epigenetic
Importantly, both complexes, PRC1 and PRC2, are formed with regulatory processes, we address different signal pathways that
an additional combination of peptides that are proposed to in- are relevant in cell differentiation and organism development
crement its specificity and facilitate higher levels of activity from the epigenetic perspective. Despite the intense research
(11). How the PRC2 complex is recruited to the PcG-regulated that has been done in both cell signaling and epigenetics, link-
regions of the genome is an aspect that still remains unsolved ing epigenetics and signaling pathways remains as a vast
in mammals. It is worth mentioning that none of the PRC2/ unstudied field. Although scarce, pioneer studies have begun to
PRC1 complexes possess DNA-binding domains’ subunits. uncover some aspects of this signaling–epigenetic crosstalk.
Thus, two main proposals have been recently suggested on the In particular, we present an overview of the MAPK, Wnt,
literature: (1) the action of specific transcription factors, like Notch, JAK-STAT, JNK , NF-jB, and PKA signaling pathways.
YY1, which have been involved in the regulation of genes Based on such overview, we further propose future research
through PcG of proteins and (2) an attractive and novel strategy directions linking cell signaling and epigenetics.
has been documented on the basis of the action of noncoding
RNAs, like in the case of the Kcnq1 imprinted domain or the
action in trans of HOTAIR in the HOX genes loci, among others THE MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE (MAPK)
The activation group of protein TrxG counteracts the repres- Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways regulate
sive function of PcG as ‘‘anti-silencers,’’ not only of the home- eukaryotic gene expression at multiple levels in response to

Figure 1. A, Mammalian mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways and some of the downstream targets converging to
transcription factors and chromatin components. B, Scheme of the MSK1 and histone H3 Ser28-acK27 marks antagonize PcG re-
pressive function. This histone post-translational combinatorial should further facilitate the incorporation of chromatin modifiers
that favor transcriptional activation of the targeted genes.

diverse extracellular signals. This occurs not only by regulating As mentioned earlier, the induction of multiple transcrip-
the activity of transcription factors but also by modulating the tional activation or repression programs by signal transduction
chromatin structure of regulatory elements among other cellular cascades do not only have transcription factors as targets, inte-
processes (34). MAPKs mediate their effects through specific gral components of the chromatin structure are also responsive
phosphorylation, activating or inactivating a large range of pro- to those signals. The differential phosphorylation of Ser10 and
tein substrates including MAPK-activated protein kinases and Ser28 of the histone H3 is a clear example. Historically, it has
other types of kinases (Fig. 1A; 35). Among the downstream been assumed that histone H3 Ser10 phosphorylation is the
MAPKs pathway targets, the mitogen- and stress-activated pro- major modification that has a vital role in maintaining con-
tein kinases 1 and 2 (MSK1/2) and the p38 MAPK show partic- densed mitotic chromosomes allowing successful chromosome
ular interest since they are able to directly target several types segregation (39). The activation of ERK and p38 MAPK allows
of transcription factors, including the cAMP-response-element an efficient phosphorylation of the histone H3 (36). Interest-
binding factor (CREB), the nuclear factor jB (NF-jB), and ingly, there is a differential phosphorylation of histone H3
they can also induce phosphorylation of the histone H3 and the Ser10 and Ser28 (36, 37). Based on immunofluorescence and
HMG-14 chromatin-associated protein (34, 36–38). In particu- sequential immunoprecipitation experiments using phospho-
lar, MSK1/2 possesses at their C-terminal domain a docking Ser10- and phospho-Ser28-specific antibodies, it has been dem-
configuration that is responsive to activating extracellular-sig- onstrated that each type of covalent modification occurs in dis-
nal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 MAPK (Fig. 1A). tinct subsets of histone H3, for example, that each modification

is associated in vivo to chromatin distributed in different histone mark H3K27me3 needs to be erased. Thus, in MyoD
genomic regions. target genes the homeobox transcription factor Six4 recruits the
But, it is until recently, that the histone H3-Ser28 phospho- histone demethylase specific of the H3K27me3, UTX, and
rylation functional meaning has been elucidated (40). Based on removes this histone repressive mark at promoter regions of
the targeting of MSK1 to the a-globin gene promoter and the genes involved in myogenic differentiation (44). Once the chro-
consequently induced phosphorylation of the histone H3-Ser28, matin structure of regulatory elements is more permissive, the
Lau and Cheung demonstrated that Ser28 phosphorylation dis- MADS-box transcription factor Mef2d and MyoD can now start
places the binding of the PcG repressive complex causing a sig- to positively regulate transcription of myogenic genes (45). p38
nificant reduction in the incorporation of the histone H3K27me3 MAPK is activated upon cell-to-cell contact and Medf2d is
repressive histone mark (40). Furthermore, this modification phosphorylated. Then, the phosphorylated form of Mef2d can
induces a dual code associated to gene activation through the recruit the TrxG histone methyltransferase Ash2L/MLL2 which
phosphorylation of Ser28 and the acetylation of the Lys 27 is able to incorporate the chromatin ‘‘open’’ histone mark,
(Fig. 1B). Thus, it has been suggested that in response to H3K4me3 to target genes and induce transcription initiation
MSK1 pathway, histone H3 Ser28-acK27 marks antagonize (45). The activation mechanism is then complemented by the
PcG repressive function, facilitating the subsequent recruitment pTEF-b-mediated phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II
of the other chromatin modifier enzymes and/or specific tran- which is recruited by MyoD (46). Interestingly, and as part of
scription factors allowing gene expression activation. the myogenic differentiation program, EZH2 and YY1 are post-
We conclude that histone H3 phosphorylation through ERK transcriptionally inhibited by specific microRNAs (47, 48).
and p38 MAPK activation of MSK kinases represents a critical In summary, myogenesis responds to an interdependent cas-
step that with no doubt couples signal transduction pathways cade of events that initiates with the reversal of the repressive
that are responsive to external stimuli to regulate gene expres- chromatin context imposed by PcG proteins, the recruitment of
sion in particular cell-types. myogenic transcription factors, and, importantly, the activation
The p38 MAPK pathway participates in numerous biological of the p38 MAPK pathway in response to extra-cellular signals,
processes like response to stress and inflammation, cell prolifer- which further enhances the recruitment of chromatin modifying
ation, differentiation, and survival of particular cell types (41). proteins that change chromatin structure to activate transcrip-
The p38 MAPK family members are approximately 60% identi- tion.
cal in their amino acid composition and are known as p38a,
p38b, p38c, and p38d. The p38a MAPK presents a constitutive
expression in most cell types, in contrast to others which show WNT CELL SIGNALING PATHWAY AND ITS
a more tissue-specific expression profiles (41). As mentioned, CROSSTALK WITH EPIGENETICS
for their activation MAPK pathways require phosphorylation of Cell differentiation can be summarized as the process in
target proteins by MAPK kinases which induce conformational which a pluripotent cell becomes a more specialized cell
changes facilitating substrate recognition. through the controlled establishment of specific gene expression
Myogenesis represent one of the most studied cell lineage patterns. This complex process is guided by both, intra- and
differentiation system in which epigenetics and cell signaling extra-cellular signals that establish those patterns. It has been
give us a nice example of cross talk during this critical process. widely recognized that cell signaling plays a crucial role during
Myoblasts can be differentiated in multinucleated myotubes, the differentiation process. On one hand, a cell must be able to
mainly using the C2C12 murine cells as an in vitro differentia- respond to the external stimuli that drives the differentiation
tion system simply based on serum withdrawal. This system has process. On the other hand, the transcriptional changes guided
provided a very useful way to study signaling pathways and by external stimuli must be inherited to the daughter cells after
chromatin associated events allowing myoblast cells to differen- mitosis to maintain their lineage.
tiate. MyoD is a transcription factor which has been referred to The epigenetic features of mammalian stem cells have been
a master regulator of myogenesis. It is able to recognize extensively studied, although the interplay between external
E-boxes in the genome and can initiate the myogenic program stimuli and epigenetic effectors during self-renewal and differ-
in differentiating myoblasts (42). At the chromatin level, MyoD entiation processes is poorly understood. A recent publication
is associated with histone acetylation of its target regulatory ele- by Gu et al. (49) described that Pygo2 is essential for mammary
ments associated with key myogenic genes (42). Interestingly, stem/progenitor cells self-renewal. Pygo2 contains a PHD do-
many of these genes are repressed by the PcG proteins. In myo- main, a common domain in epigenetic regulators (50). Deficient
blast, the histone methyltransferase EZH2 and PRC2 compo- Pygo2 mice show a reduced proliferation of mammary epithelial
nents are recruited to target genes by the transcription factor cells (MEC). Moreover, Pygo2 deficiency rescues b-catenin-
YY1 with the concomitant enrichment of the histone repressive induced mammary overgrowth thus implying an interaction
mark H3K27me3 (43). During myoblast differentiation, several between Pygo2 and Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway. Further-
chromatin-modifying enzymes are coordinately recruited more, it was proved that Pygo2 promotes the trimethylation of
through transduction of external signals. First, the repressive H3K4 in the promoter regions of Wnt/b-catenin target genes, a

typical mark of transcriptional active chromatin, through the

recruitment of histone methyltransferases (HMTs). Taken to-
gether, this evidence shows a clear interaction between the
Wnt/b-catenin pathway, the PHD finger protein Pygo2, and
HMTs during the maintenance of MEC self-renewal (49, 51).
Several interesting issues remain to be studied regarding the
Pygo2-Wnt/b-catenin crosstalk. It is not clear if b-catenin and
Pygo2 interact directly or if there are other factor involved in
the recruitment of Pygo2 to the Wnt/b-catenin target gene pro-
moters. It would also be interesting to determine if other epige-
netic factors, such as histone demethylases, guided by Wnt or
other signaling pathways influence the transcription of the Wnt/
b-catenin target genes during MEC differentiation. Also, there
is an interesting link between Pygo2 and breast cancer. Abnor-
mal over-expression of Pygo2, caused by genetic or epigenetic Figure 2. HDAC1/2 regulates Wnt/b-catenin signaling during
or both processes, may induce uncontrolled proliferation. In this oligodendrocyte differentiation. In oligodendrocyte precursors,
sense, it has been observed that Pygo2 is upregulated in cancer the bipartite transcription factor conformed by b-catenin and the
cell lines and breast cancer (49, 52). This example opens the Wnt effector TCF7L2 act as a repressor for genes involved in
possibility of a completely new field of study for therapeutic oligodendrocyte differentiation such as Olig2. As differentiation
targets in cancer regarding the epigenetic–cell signaling cross- goes on, HDAC1/2 competes with b-catenin for the binding to
talk. TCF7L2, disrupting the repressive bipartite transcription factor
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are involved in epigenetic and allowing the expression of oligodendrocyte-specific genes.
silencing, a fundamental process for cell function, both during
differentiation and in differentiated cells (for review, see ref. be interesting to explore if this kind of mechanism, in which
53). In an interesting example, Ye et al. (54) proved recently epigenetic factors interact and modify directly the effector pro-
that HDAC1 and HDAC2 are involved in oligodendrocyte de- teins of signaling pathways is a rule rather than an exception.
velopment and interact with the Wnt/b-catenin signaling path- Finding new functions for canonical epigenetic factors and their
way (Fig. 2). To assess the role of HDAC during oligodendro- contribution in co-regulating signaling transduction pathways,
cyte formation, these authors generated oligodendrocyte-specific besides their direct role in chromatin modification, will be an
HDAC1/2 double knock-out mice. HDAC1/2 mice are not able exciting area of research in the near future that remains unex-
to generate mature oligodendrocytes. Furthermore, they showed plored.
that b-catenin is abnormally stabilized and translocated to the
nucleus of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in HDAC1/2 mice,
then inhibiting the expression of Olig2, an essential gene for NOTCH SIGNALING PATHWAY AND ITS EPIGENETIC
oligodendrocyte differentiation. This evidence indicates that REGULATION
HDAC1/2 are essential for oligodendrocyte maturation and that Notch signaling is a highly conserved developmental pathway
they antagonize the Wnt/b-catenin pathway. b-catenin activates that is present in all metazoans and controls different processes
canonical Wnt signaling by forming a biparite transcriptional like cell fate specification, self-renewal, differentiation, prolifer-
factor with a member of the TCF/LEF transcription factor fam- ation, and apoptosis throughout development and regeneration
ily (55). They also found that TCF7L2 is the oligodendrocyte (56). Notch receptors are single-pass transmembrane receptors
specific effector of the Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway. They comprising one extracellular and one transmembrane segment
further proved that HDAC1/2 is able to interact with TCF7L2, (57), which are activated by transmembrane ligands of the DSL
and that this interaction is disrupted by b-catenin over-expres- family on neighboring cells. Whereas Drosophila has only one
sion. Based on all their evidence, they finally propose that while Notch receptor that is bound by two different ligands (Delta and
b-catenin/TCF7L2 dimer act as a repressor of oligodendrocyte Serrate), there are four Notch receptors (1–4) and five ligands
differentiation, HDAC1/2 competes with b-catenin for the bind- (Jagged 1 and 2, and Delta-like 1,3,4) in mammals (56).
ing to TCF7L2, promoting the function of TCF7L2 as an acti- Activation of Notch pathway results in the proteolytic cleav-
vator of oligodendrocyte differentiation. Together, these findings age of the Notch receptor and the subsequent release of the
show an unexpected role for HDACs: not only they act as epi- Notch Intracellular Domain (NICD), which then translocates
genetic repressors, but they can also inhibit Wnt signaling into the nucleus to activate specific gene targets via the CSL
through directly disrupting b-catenin/TCF7L2 interaction (Fig. family (CBF1/RB-Jk, Su(H), and Lag1) of sequence-specific
2; 54). It remains to be solved if the HDAC/TCF7L2 dimer is DNA-binding proteins (56, 58). Once activated, the NICD asso-
involved directly in the transcriptional regulation of genes or if ciates with CSL and other complexes inducing expression of
its only function is disrupting b-catenin/TCF7L2. Also, it will genes that are members of the E(spl) class in Drosophila or the

Hes class in mammals. These genes are transcription factors,

the so-called Notch-effector genes (57, 59, 60). In the absence
of NICD, CSL recruits transcriptional co-repressor complexes to
actively inhibit expression of most Notch target genes (56, 58,
Different chromatin modifying proteins, like histone deacety-
lases, H3K9 methyltransferases, CtBP, NcoR/SMRT, Groucho,
and, more recently, histone chaperones and histone H3K4 deme-
thylases have been reported to associate with Notch repressor
complexes to silence target genes (58, 61–64). Despite the exis-
tence of different co-repressor complexes, all appear to recruit
HDACs (65) and histone H3K4 demethylases (58, 61, 66).
Recent reports suggest an important role for histone chaper-
ones during gene silencing of Notch-regulated genes (58). His-
tone chaperones bind specific histones and include the highly
conserved H3/H4 chaperones ASF1, CAF1, HIRA, and SPT6
and the H2A/H2B chaperones NAP1, nucleoplasmin, and FACT
(67, 68). A proteomics survey of the protein interaction net-
works of the histone chaperones ASF1, CAF1, HIRA, and
NAP1 in Drosophila embryos revealed that ASF1 and NAP1
interact with two related repressor complexes. ASF1 interacts
with LAF (including the H3K4 demethylase LID/KDM5)
Figure 3. Notch signaling and its epigenetic regulation. A, In
whereas NAP1 interacts with RLAF, comprising LAF 1 RPD3
Drosophila, PRC1 represses gene expression of Notch, Serrate,
(histone deacetylase, 69). These two repressor complexes inter-
and other important genes of this pathway. B, Different co-
act with Notch target genes via Su(H) and mediate gene selec-
repressor complexes can represses expression of Notch target
tive silencing (58). Depletion of ASF1 or NAP1 resulted in de-
genes by increasing nucleosome density at regulatory regions
repression of the E(spl) genes. Importantly, depletion of other
and inducing loss of H3K16 acetylation and H3K4 tri-methyla-
histone chaperones (i.e., HIRA) had no effect on Notch target
tion, marks associated with a permissive chromatin structure for
gene expression, suggesting a specific role for these histone
transcription. Red circles represent methyl groups associated
chaperones in Notch gene silencing (58).
with the histone residue H3K27.
Both ASF1 and NAP1 are necessary for the specific removal
of H3K4me3 by facilitating LID/KDM5 recruitment to chroma-
tin. Further, depletion of NAP1, but not ASF1, caused a strong
loss of nucleosomes at the E(spl) promoters and enhancers indi- In Drosophila, imaginal eye discs are groups of epithelial
cating that NAP1 mediates higher nucleosome density at regula- cells present in larvae that will differentiate into specific parts
tory elements of Notch target genes (Fig. 3B). Finally NAP1 of the adult fly. The Notch signaling pathway can control
cooperates with RLAF stimulating histone deacetylation by growth of eye imaginal discs (71, 72). Eye imaginal discs bear-
RPD3 (58). ing cells with mutations in ph (polihomeotic), a member of the
Other HDACs have been reported to affect Notch target Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1), have defects in pro-
gene expression. For example, SIRT1, a H4K16 deacetylase liferation and differentiation. Moreover, mutant cells with Ras
(70), interacts with LSD1/KDM1A a histone H3K4 demethylase over-expression invade other tissues and trigger the formation
and CtBP1 a repressor adaptor protein making a complex that of metastases. When ph mutant cells are transplanted into the
acts selectively as a co-repressor of the CSL/Notch target genes abdomen of wild-type adult flies, they over-proliferate, killing
in the absence of Notch signaling via the establishment of re- the host, resembling the phenotype of mammalian epithelial
pressive chromatin. In particular, SIRT1 is necessary for deace- cancers. Finally, mutations in ph induced loss of Notch, Ser and
tylation of H4K16 during repression of target genes in absence eyg repression, indicating that PRC1 is controlling gene expres-
of Notch signaling (Fig. 3B). Upon induction of Notch signal- sion of key genes along the entire pathway (Fig. 3A) (i.e., is
ing, H4K16 is acetylated and H3K4 is methylated, inducing a affecting the expression of the receptor, ligand, and target
chromatin state permissive for transcription (61). genes) (71).
Even that so much work has been done to identify those pro- In summary, the Notch signaling pathway is regulated at all
teins that interact with CLS DNA-binding proteins to regulate levels by important chromatin modifying proteins. Different
Notch target gene expression, less is known about which chro- co-repressor complexes associate specifically with certain his-
matin-modifying proteins could be regulating Notch receptors tone demethylases, histone deacetylases, and histone chaperones
and ligands. that collectively repress target gene expression. Moreover, the

Figure 4. JAK-STAT signaling and its epigenetic regulation. A, In Drosophila, PRC1 represses gene expression of Upd genes. B,
NURF complex positively regulates expression of STAT92E gene, although it is not known if the regulation is direct or by inhibi-
tion of an inhibitor of JAK-STAT pathway. C, JAK-STAT pathway can regulate heterochromatin formation. If the pathway is acti-
vated, HP1 is realized from heterochromatin foci inducing a generalized loss of repressive chromatin configuration.

receptors and ligands are regulated at the epigenetic level by producing an enlarged eye phenotype in adults, characterized by
PcG proteins. Most of these proteins are highly conserved among an increase in cell number. It was demonstrated that all Upd
different organisms from Drosophila to humans, suggesting that ligands (Upd1, Upd2, and Upd3) are direct targets of PRC1-
the mechanisms of regulation may also be conserved. mediated repression (Fig. 4A) (76). This contrasts with Notch
signaling, where just one of the two ligands are affected by
PRC1 (71). Moreover, the Notch signaling pathway seems to be
JAK-STAT SIGNALING PATHWAY AND ITS regulated by PRC1 at all levels (receptor, ligand, target genes).
EPIGENETIC REGULATION Recently, the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler complex,
JAK-STAT signaling is a highly conserved pathway that has nucleosome remodeling factor (NURF) was implicated in the
been implicated in different processes like regulation of differ- regulation of JAK-STAT signaling in Drosophila testis (75).
entiation, apoptosis, proliferation and disease like cancer. (73). The NURF complex is composed by different subunits (ISWI,
JAK-STAT signaling activation involves the binding of one of Nurf55, Nurf30) being Nurf301 the only component that is not
the Upd ligands to the hop receptor, which activates the Jak ki- shared by other ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler complexes
nase resulting in the phosphorylation of STAT92E and its trans- (78). The JAK-STAT signaling pathways are responsible for the
location to the nucleus, where it functions as a transcriptional maintenance of the germ stem cells (GSC) and cyst progenitor
activator, inducing expression of target genes (74). Different cells (CPC) in Drosophila testis (79, 80). The Upd ligand is
lines of evidence suggest that JAK-STAT signaling pathway secreted by a group of somatic post mitotic cells called the
can be regulated at the epigenetic level (74–77). Most of this niche that are adjacent to the GSC and the CPC, thus activating
work has been done using D. melanogaster as a model system, the JAK-STAT signaling and preventing differentiation. By
in part because the components of this pathway are encode by a using different genetic approaches it was demonstrated that
single gene copy and also because of its powerful genetics. Nurf301 promotes expression of STAT92E and prevents the
In Drosophila, mutations in components of the PRC1 com- expression of the differentiating factor Bam. Flies in which
plex can reactivate JAK/STAT signaling in eye imaginal discs STAT92E was overexpressed in a mutant loss-of-function

background for Nurf301 recover CPC cells; also, Nurf301 inter- JNK SIGNALING PATHWAY AND THE REGULATION
acts genetically with SOCS36E (repressor of the pathway) in a OF POLYCOMB GROUP OF PROTEINS
manner consistent as NURF acting as a positive regulator (Fig. During regeneration of Drosophila imaginal discs, cells can
4B). This finding is surprising because during hematopoiesis, change their identity during a process known as transdetermina-
NURF represses STAT target genes through interaction with the tion. In 2005, it was reported that some components of PcG are
transcriptional repressors Ken and Barbie (81, 82). At this point, downregulated during transdetermination (83). In particular, it
it is unknown if NURF promotes JAK-STAT signaling by tran- was shown that the frequency of transdetermination from leg to
scriptional activation or indirectly by repression of JAK-STAT wing is enhanced in PcG mutant flies. This downregulation is
inhibitors (75). directly controlled by the JNK signaling pathway, which is acti-
So far, we have described some examples of epigenetic regu- vated in cells undergoing regeneration, repressing the expression
lation of JAK-STAT pathway in eye imaginal disc and also in of PcG genes like Pc, ph-h, and E(Pc), thereby losing the
Drosophila testis during spermatogenesis. Recent findings in repression of target genes and allowing cell plasticity. Finally,
Drosophila have identified a noncanonical mode of JAK-STAT they carried out the analogous experiment in mammalian cells,
signaling which controls heterochromatin stability (77). An using mouse embryonic fibroblast in which JNK signaling was
hyperactivated form of Jak kinase is associated with a high inci- activated by exposition to UV light. They found that upon
dence of hematopoietic tumors, a leukemia-like phenotype. induction of JNK signaling, Mph2 (mouse polihomeotic) was
Loss-of-function mutations in the heterochromatin components, also downregulated (83), suggesting that JNK signaling can
HP1 and Su(var)3-9, enhance tumor formation under hyperac- control expression of PcG genes across species.
tive Jak kinase background. It was demonstrated that hyperacti-
vation of Jak kinase induces loss of heterochromatin gene
silencing. This disruption allows derepression of genes that are NF-KB SIGNALING PATHWAY AND THE
not direct targets of STAT92E as evidenced by loss of hetero- REGULATION OF HISTONE DEMETHYLASES
chromatin-mediated position effect variegation (PEV) silencing Cells can recognize external harassment like microbial infec-
of white gene (Fig. 4C). Jak loss of function enhances hetero- tion, tissue injury, and many others through a large variety of
chromatin silencing, while HP1 overexpression suppresses the sensing mechanisms that mainly involve trans-membrane recep-
tumorigenic phenotype associated with Jak kinase hyperactiva- tors activating different signaling transduction pathways (84).
tion. This phenomena demonstrates a global effect of JAK- Thus, through a cascade of biochemical signals the stimuli is
STAT signaling activation that can affect many genes irrespec- translated and transmitted to the cell nucleus with the aim to
tive of STAT93E binding to their regulatory regions. activate or repress the transcription of genes encoding a broad
In conclusion, in Drosophila, PRC1 controls JAK-STAT sig- range of regulatory and effectors proteins. A less explored as-
naling through direct inhibition of expression of Upd genes, pect of such response to external stimuli is the contribution of
thus blocking activation of the pathway, even that the neighbor- the chromatin structure and its modification enzymes to such
ing cells are expressing hop ligand. Moreover, the NURF com- variety of signals. In other words, even though signal transduc-
plex seems to positively regulate JAK-STAT signaling in Dro- tion remains a major player, it is now relevant to understand
sophila testis, through positive regulation of STAT92E in GSC how chromatin structure is targeted in a regulated manner to
and CPC cells. Finally, this pathway can affect global hetero- allow differential gene expression in response to an inflamma-
chromatin conformation through disruption of HP1 binding. It tory stimulus.
could be possible that in spermatogenesis, JAK-STAT signaling An attractive example is shown by the regulated alteration of
maintains the stem cell phenotype not just by repression of Bam PcG-mediated silencing of genes involved in inflammation
gene, but also through induction of an open chromatin configu- response, in particular, through the action of specific histone
ration affecting genes that are not direct targets of STAT92E demethylating enzymes (1). Natoli et al. hypothesized that
but are important for stem cell maintenance. During differentia- demethylation of specific histone repressive residues, in
tion, those genes could be silenced because of heterochromatin response to external stimuli, may regulate inflammatory
formation as a consequence of silencing of JAK-STAT path- response. Therefore, they assessed the expression profile of 30
way. genes containing the JumonjiC domain which is known to
We have given some examples about how signaling path- mainly catalyze site-specific histone demethylation of mono-,
ways use the epigenetic machinery to regulate gene expression, di-, and tri-methylated lysine residues (16, 85). Interestingly,
and also we have discussed some examples in which important they found that the Jmjd3 histone demethylase expression (spe-
chromatin modifying proteins affect critical components of the cific for H3K27me3) is robustly induced in macrophage
signaling pathways. However, it is extremely important to exposed to bacterial products and inflammatory cytokines. Fur-
emphasize those cases in which signaling pathways can affect thermore, they demonstrated that Jmjd3 induction depends on
chromatin-modifying proteins. From this part, we present exam- direct binding of NF-jB to a set of three jB-binding sites in
ples of direct regulation of critical epigenetic components by the Jmjd3 gene promoter (1). NF-jB was the first transcription
signaling pathways. factor described whose DNA-binding activity could be induced

by an extracellular stimulus (86). NF-jB family of nuclear fac- target of PKA. Inactive in its unphosphorylated form, this his-
tors consists of five members: p56, p52, RelA, c-Rel, and Relb tone demethylase is catalytically activated after phosphorylation
(87). A variety of dimeric and multimeric NF-jB-IjB com- by PKA (91). Once PHF2 has been phosphorylated, it can bind
plexes have been described in the cytoplasm of unstimulated and demethylate ARID5B, a DNA-binding protein, making a
cells (88). One of the most common activation pathways complex that associates with target promoters of genes like
involves phosphorylation of the associated IjB, which leads to Pepck and G6Pase where it removes the H3K9me2 mark (91).
its ubiquitylation and proteasome-mediated degradation, thereby This is the first example of a jmjC histone demethylase that in
releasing the NF-jB dimer allowing it to translocate to the nu- order to be active needs a post-transcriptional modification, like
cleus (87, 89). Then, among several mechanisms by which the phosphorylation, mediated by a protein that is active only if a
NF-jB pathway can activate subsets of target genes in response signaling pathway is induced.
to a particular stimulus, the activation of a specific histone de- These remarkable findings indicate that some signaling path-
methylase is one of them, pointing out the relevance of chroma- ways can control directly the expression of PcG and histone
tin structure in this particular pathway. demethylases genes during critical processes like development
It has been documented that the Jmjd3 histone demethylase or regeneration. So far, just a couple of examples exist that link
gene is highly expressed in differentiating bone marrow cells signaling pathways to regulation of critical components of the
and downregulated in differentiated macrophages. In contrast, epigenetic machinery (93).
the Utx histone demethylase, which belongs to the Jmjd3 sub-
family, that is also able to demethylate the histone H3K27me3,
is expressed in constant levels and is considered a housekeeping
gene (1). This implies that the Jmjd3 histone methylase is
expressed in an inducible and cell-type restricted fashion and Signal Transduction and MicroRNAs: The Epigenetic
that is responsive to the NF-jB signal transduction pathway. Connection
Furthermore, a novel series of evidences show that acetyla- The crosstalk between the epigenetic machinery and cell signal-
tion of NF-jB has an effect on the specificity, strength, and dura- ing pathways may not be always direct. Diverse mechanisms could
tion of the NF-jB-dependent signal pathway (90). It is actually affect this relationship and have a great impact in the way that cell
known that in addition to histones, HATs and HDACs have other signaling and epigenetics interact. An attractive prediction of such
targets in particular, transcription factors favoring or decreasing mechanisms are noncoding RNAs. In particular, microRNAs could
their affinity to their DNA-binding sites with regulatory conse- participate as an intermediary between cell signaling pathways and
quences. Serine and threonine acetylation of NF-jB residues has the epigenetic machinery. Briefly, microRNAs (miRNAs) are small
been shown to positively regulate NF-jB signaling cascade. This RNAs of about 21 bases that recognize its target mRNAs by
is further supported by the demonstration of the direct acetylation sequence complementarity and trigger their degradation or inhibit
of NF-jB subunits like p52 and p65 (90). These findings have their translation. The sequence that miRNAs recognize, typically
contributed to propose that acetylation of NF-jB subunits and the known as seed sequence, is composed by 7–8 bases and is critical
recruitment of HATs and HDACs by members of the same path- for the miRNAs specificity (94). It has been widely recognized that
way are responsible of an intricate crosstalk between NF-jB sig- miRNAs are fundamental post-transcriptional regulators and have
nal pathway and the trans-activation or repression of genes that been implicated in several cellular processes such as cell cycle con-
are associated to this signal transduction cascade. trol and progression, differentiation, apoptosis, and stress response,
Those are examples of mechanisms by which chromatin struc- among others (94–96).
ture and specific transcription factors contribute to the selective There are several examples in which it is clear that miRNAs
regulation in response to external signals and outline the versatile are key players in the regulation of cell signaling pathways (for
relevance of histone demethylases, HATs and HDACs. review, see ref. 97). Moreover, miRNAs are also involved in the
regulation of several epigenetic factors, and are regulated by epi-
genetic mechanisms as well (98). Therefore, miRNAs are excel-
PKA SIGNALING-DEPENDENT REGULATION OF lent candidates for a functional interphase between cell signaling
HISTONE DEMETHYTLASE PHF2. pathways and epigenetic mechanisms. For example, it has been
The glucagon–PKA signaling pathway regulates glucose ho- reported that miR-145 is essential for stem cell differentiation
meostasis by controlling glycogenesis and glycogenolysis (91, and participates in a complex regulatory feedback loop: it is neg-
92). After glucagon binds to its receptor in the cell surface, the atively regulated by the pluripotency factor OCT4 while it tar-
protein kinase A (PKA) becomes activated and phosphorylates gets the post-transcriptional inhibition of OCT4, SOX2, and
the glycogen phosphorylase kinase which activates other KLF4, all essential factors for pluripotency maintenance (99).
enzymes, resulting in an increased glycogen breakdown (glyco- Interestingly, it has been shown that BMP signaling pathway can
genolysis) and production of glucose, for hepatic output (92). trigger human stem cell differentiation by inhibiting OCT4,
The PKA can phosphorylate other proteins, like histone deme- therefore allowing miR-145 expression which in turn silences
thylases (91). PHF2 is a jmjC H3K9me2 demethylase that is a OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4 (97, 99–101). Furthermore, it has

recently been shown that miR-145 can be epigenetically silenced

by DNA hypermethylation in prostate cancer (102). Moreover, it
has also been demonstrated that OCT4 transcription is downre-
gulated through differentiation by DNA methylation (103).
Taken together, the previous findings can show us a complex
regulatory mechanism that links cell signaling, epigenetics, and
miRNAs. During stem cell maintenance, OCT4 promoter
remains hypomethylated (103), and we may speculate that miR-
145 is hypermethylated. During differentiation, BMP pathway
inhibits OCT4 expression, maybe by recruiting DNA methylases
and histone deacetylases to OCT4 promoter/enhancer region.
On the other hand, miR-145 transcription is upregulated,
although it remains to be studied which mechanisms are
involved in such process. One attractive possibility is that BMP
or other related pathway is also involved in miR-145 upregula-
tion. Thereafter, miR-145 post-transcriptionally inhibits OCT4, Figure 5. miR-7 and YAN form a double-negative-feedback
SOX2, and KLF4 and finally, as differentiation goes on, their loop sensitive to EGF signaling with epigenetic memory proper-
gene promoters are epigenetically silenced. It should also be ties during photoreceptor differentiation. In photoreceptor pre-
interesting to study if signaling pathways, miRNAs, or a combi- cursor cells, miR-7 is downregulated by YAN, thus maintaining
nation of both regulates such silencing. an undifferentiated state. As differentiation goes on, PNTP1, an
Other interesting example is miR-7 in Drosophila. miR-7 effector of EGF signaling pathway, promotes the upregulation
has been implicated in the regulation of important signaling of miR-7 while it downregulates YAN, switching its transcrip-
pathways, like Notch (104) and EGF (105) signaling pathways. tion patterns. When the EGF stimuli are over, miR-7 is perma-
Its function has been elucidated during eye development (Fig. nently upregulated and act as a YAN repressor allowing the
5). In early photoreceptors, miR-7 transcription is repressed by photoreceptor differentiation program termination. The double-
Yan, a transcription factor involved in the differentiation of reti- negative-feedback loop has the property of epigenetic memory,
nal progenitor cells, by direct interaction with miR-7 cis-regula- as the changes in the transcriptional patterns of YAN and miR-
tory sequences. As photoreceptor differentiation goes on, EGF 7 are stably maintained in the absence of the EGF signal.
signaling is transiently induced and breaks this equilibrium by
upregulating miR-7, while inhibiting Yan transcription. During
EGF transient stimulation, miR-7 avoids Yan repression and in Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Integrating
turn is able to inhibit Yan protein synthesis. After the stimuli Information to the Epigenome
are over, in mature photoreceptors, miR-7 transcription is sus- Epigenetic information as well as DNA have to be replicated
tained, and Yan is permanently inhibited by miR-7 (105). This during mitosis and been inherited to the next cell generations to
example is illustrative of a noncanonical epigenetic process maintain cell fate. During gametogenesis, germ cells have the
guided by a signaling pathway: a double-negative-feedback loop capacity of erasing this epigenetic memory thus enabling
in which two negative regulators that are mutually exclusive reprogramming of epigenetic information. However, certain
change their expression patterns in response to a signal (Fig. 5). regions of the genome maintain this information, bypassing the
Before, and after the signal, the cell has a steady transcriptional reprogramming events and allowing the transmission of this in-
memory that is maintained until it is perturbed by the signal. formation to the offspring (21). The transmission of epigenetic
Such regulatory loops are common during processes that require information through generations, that is, from F0 to F1 to
robust and fine-tuned changes in expression patterns such as de- F2. . .Fn, is defined as transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
velopment (106). It is quite probable that classic epigenetic (TEI) (107). True gametic transmission requires that the epige-
mechanisms, for example, DNA methylation, histone post-tran- netic changes can be inherited during the generations independ-
scriptional modifications, are also important for the transcrip- ent of the environmental conditions that induced these modifica-
tional switch between miR-7 and Yan expression, and for the tions in the parental generation (107).
memory maintenance once the change was done. It will be Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance can occur through
interesting to determine if such epigenetic processes are guided the maternal and the paternal germ line (108). For a long time, it
by signaling pathways and involved other miRNAs. was believed that the paternal genome had almost no contribu-
There is a vast and unexplored field of study regarding the tion to the epigenetic constitution of the new organism, because
interaction between miRNAs, epigenetic processes, and cell sig- most of the histones were replaced during spermatogenesis by
naling pathways. However, we hypothesize that miRNAs as protamines. Recently, it has been reported that not all histones
well as other noncoding RNAs are fundamental players in the are replaced by protamines during spermatogenesis and that
crosstalk between epigenetics and cell signaling. some histones with specific marks are retained specially within

the regulatory regions of important developmental genes, poten- to our understanding of the relationship between the epigenome
tially affecting the early development of the embryo (109, 110). and cell signaling.
Some very interesting examples have come out during the past
years about TEI. The most important example supporting TEI
comes from studying the agouti (A) locus in mice that controls CONCLUDING REMARKS
coat color. Those mice carrying an IAP transposon inserted As we can appreciate from these examples, the ways in
upstream of the agouti locus (Avy allele) have ectopic expres- which cell signaling pathways can interact with epigenetic ele-
sion of the Agouti protein (111). The methylation status of IAP ments appear to be varied and complex. We are just beginning
transposon can affect the transcription of the agouti locus; the to understand such interactions, and is very likely that in the
methylated state of this transposon was shown to be inherited future, more and more examples like those presented earlier
through the female germ line (111) and bypass the epigenetic will show unexpected links between cell signaling networks and
reprogramming events during early development (112); however, epigenetic mechanisms. Integrating both networks, cell signaling
the mechanism of protection toward the erasing of epigenetic and epigenetics, is the next necessary step for the comprehen-
marks is not fully understood. Other studies suggest that paternal sion of complex processes such as development, cell differentia-
diet can affect lipid gene expression in the offspring and that tion, and cell plasticity. We can no longer see cell signaling
epigenetic information in the sperm respond to this environmen- and epigenetics phenomenon as separated issues. There is
tal influence (113) affecting the expression of Ppara possibly by increasing evidence that shows they are not only complemen-
affecting the methylation status of a putative enhancer for this tary networks, but in most cases, they are just two sides of the
gene. In the offspring of male parents that were fed with a low- same coin. We cannot understand differentiation without epige-
protein diet, the putative enhancer of Ppara shows higher meth- netics, but we neither can explain the epigenetic processes with-
ylation when compared with control offspring. This suggests that out the input and specificity given by cell signaling pathways.
the change in methylation could happen during spermatogenesis The relationship between signal transduction pathways and
and it can be potentially inherited to the next generations. How- their target effects over diverse epigenetic processes is forming
ever, no change in methylation for the Ppara enhancer could be part of a new era for epigenetic regulation. Until recently, it is our
detected when sperm of the parental generation where analyzed, opinion that epigenetics was situated in a more descriptive con-
suggesting that these change could possible arise because of text. The accumulated epigenetic evidences are currently allowing
other modification that may have happened during spermatogen- the incorporation of novel processes like signal transduction. For
esis. In fact, diet affected the RNA content and chromatin pack- example, microRNAs could be considered as candidates to better
aging of sperm, thus making histone marks and noncoding understand the relationships between signal transduction and epi-
RNAs as potential candidates for transmission of epigenetic in- genetics. Furthermore, attractive fields like cell differentiation and
formation to the next generation (113). reprogramming, trans-differentiation or even the heritable aspects
Several questions arise from these works. First, which signal- of epigenetics, like transgenerational phenomena, are emerging.
ing pathways the cells use to integrate specific environmental Studying both mechanisms will be complex and may require
information and induce changes in gene expression that can be the development of new technologies, but integrative research
potentially inherited? Second, are all the cells capable of will be the only way to understand, and eventually manipulate
responding to the environmental influences? and finally, how do complex processes such as development, both in health and in
the germ cells integrate this environmental information? Is this disease.
information transduced to the cells during the early process of
gametogenesis? Do they use different signaling pathways that ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
those that control gametogenesis? Which are the target genes We thank Ricardo Saldaña-Meyer and Alejandro Athie-Cuervo
that these pathways could affect to potentially change the epige- for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported
nome of the next generation? And which molecular mechanisms by the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico-
make possible to bypass the reprogramming events of early de- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IN209403,
velopment to maintain specific epigenetic changes? IN214407, and IN203811) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y
We must remember that epigenetic information is reversible Tecnologı́a (CONACyT: 42653-Q, 58767, and 128464). RGA-M
and dynamic. This dynamic nature allows the epigenome to and DV-G are supported by a Ph.D. fellowship from CONACyT
respond or to be affected by more environmental influences (255707, 239663).
than the more stable DNA sequence (21). Owing to their
dynamic nature, epigenetic marks seem an ideal way to ensure
a short-term adaptation to environmental changes (107). Identi-
fying the molecular mechanisms and the signaling pathways
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