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Setting: At a supermarket

Specific details for the dialog: A customer is at the checkout line ready to pay. People
in the group say how they feel, describe people, identify US currency, read prices, pay
the cashier, say there is a mistake, and read a receipt.

2. Setting: At a supermarket

Specific details for the dialog: The conversation takes place between an employee and
a supervisor. People in the group say goodbye, read traffic signs, ask for help, read a
supermarket flyer, express likes and dislikes, read and say the time, and ask permission
to leave work early

3. Setting: At a supermarket or other kind of store

Specific details for the dialog: The conversation happens between an employee and
customers. People in the group ask for something in a store, identify parts of the body,
follow two-step instructions, talk about a favorite recipe, say days of the week, and read
a work schedule.

4. Setting: At home/ office

Specific details for the dialog: The conversation happens between friends or relatives
and a medical assistant. People in the group talk about the weather, say how they feel,
identify months of the year, say and write dates, make a medical appointment, and read
an appointment card.

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