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Adjectives + Preposition

1- Fill in the gaps with a preposition.

a) Susan is very fond _____________ my children.

b) My friends are always very nice ____________ me.
c) I’m sorry ____________ what I said this morning. I didn’t mean it.
d) Some of the students are rude ____________ the teachers.
e) The girls are not least a bit interested ____________ football.
f) This exercise is very similar ____________ that one.
g) the children are responsible ____________ looking after the dog.
h) Are you afraid ____________ flying?
i) I feel sorry ____________ abandoned animals.
j) Is she excited ____________ moving to New York?

2- Fill in the gaps with a suitable adjective.

a) Little children are usually ____________ of the dark.

b) She has a miserable life. I feel very ____________ for her.
c) I’m very ____________ at Maths. I always get excellent marks.
d) Although they are sisters, they are very ____________ from each other.
e) I’m ____________ of listening to his silly stories.
f) they are very ____________ about going on holiday tomorrow.
g) my mother was ____________ with us because we broke the window.
h) she is ____________ of her three cars.
i) He was punished because he was ____________ to his mother.
j) Wendy is ____________ in all her school subjects.
k) Our teacher is really kind. She’s always ____________ to us.
l) The police said that he was ____________ for the accident.
Answer key

a) of
b) to
c) about
d) to
e) in
f) to
g) for
h) of
i) for
j) about

a) afraid
b) sorry
c) good
d) different
e) tired
f) excited
g) angry
h) fond
i) rude
j) interested
k) nice
l) responsible

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