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Tumori, 92: 433-436, 2006


Giovanni Benedetti1, Francesca Rastelli1, Massimo Fedele1, Paolo Castellucci2, Stefania Damiani3,
and Lucio Crinò1
Medical Oncology, Bellaria Hospital, Bologna; 2Nuclear Medicine, S. Orsola Hospital, Bologna; 3Department of Pathology, Bellaria Hospital,
Bologna, Italy

Metastatic bone lesions are exceptional at diagnosis in germ trolled by systemic chemotherapy and locoregional radiation
cell tumors (GCTs). Bone involvement is usually a late event therapy. Solitary bone metastases from GCTs seem to be
combined with synchronous metastasis in the retroperitoneal chemosensitive and radiosensitive, but we do not know their
lymph nodes, lung and liver. Bone examination is not consid- prognostic value. We reviewed the literature where 3 similar
ered a standard procedure in the staging of GCTs, and this cases have been reported. We propose individualized man-
may contribute to underestimation of the real proportion of agement for symptomatic GCT patients including bone
bone metastases. Here we report a case of nonseminoma- scintigraphy and/or PET examination at diagnosis and a com-
tous GCT of the testis with a synchronous, symptomatic, bined cytotoxic approach with chemotherapy and radiation
solitary pubic bone metastasis that was completely con- therapy
Key words: bone metastasis, chemotherapy, nonseminomatous germ cell tumor, PET.

Introduction cord involvement but with vascular thrombosis; micro-

scopically, it showed areas of embryonal carcinoma,
Bone metastasis as the first event in nonseminoma- yolk sac tumor and teratoma, like malignant mixed
tous germ cell tumors (GCTs) is very rare. We present germ cell tumors. After orchiectomy the thigh and hip
the unusual case of a man submitted to orchiectomy be- pain persisted, spreading to the right leg. Imaging stud-
cause of progressive right scrotal swelling and concomi- ies and blood tests were carried out. Computed tomog-
tant thigh and hip pain that hampered his walking. A raphy (CT) of the thorax, abdomen and retroperitoneal
mixed nonseminomatous germ cell tumor confined to region excluded distant metastasis and pathological
the right testis was diagnosed. The symptoms persisted lymph nodes. Technetium bone scan revealed hot spots
after radical surgery. The result of standard staging pro- in the parietal bone and right ischiopubic ramus of the
cedures was irrelevant but a solitary osteolytic pelvic le- pelvis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) excluded
sion was found by scintigraphy and specific CT scan. brain metastasis and identified a benign malacic lesion
Fine-needle aspiration cytology revealed metastatic tu- in the parietal bone; CT scan of the pelvis showed a
mor cells in the pelvic lesion. Standard chemotherapy solitary osteolytic lesion at the right ischiopubic ramus
and locoregional radiation therapy produced complete spreading to the surrounding soft tissues and muscles
remission of the disease but a few months later PET ex- (Figure 1A). Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the pu-
amination showed a relapse at the sacrum. A second bic lesion was obtained and carcinoma cells consistent
schedule of platinum-based chemotherapy and radiation with metastasis from testicular tumor were harvested
therapy completely controlled the disease. After 20 (Figure 2). Elevated tumor marker levels were mea-
months the patient is alive without symptoms or disease. sured before the orchiectomy: β-human chorionic go-
nadotropin (β-HGC) 252 mU/mL; α-fetoprotein 287
Case report ng/mL; lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 521 U/L. After
surgery the β-HGC and LDH values returned to nor-
A 49-year-old man had a recent history of progres- mal while α-fetoprotein remained elevated (606 ng/mL
sive right scrotal swelling and concomitant thigh and until the beginning of chemotherapy). Standard PEB
hip pain that hampered his walking. Two weeks after a (cisplatin, bleomycin, and etoposide) chemotherapy
right orchiectomy, in March 2003, he was admitted to was given for 3 cycles, followed by a fourth PE cycle
our institution. Pathological examination revealed a supplemented with 20 Gy of radiation therapy to the
solid mass of 6.5 cm arising from the right testis. The pubic lesion. The α-fetoprotein value returned to nor-
tumor was limited to the testis without epididymus and mal after the first cycle of chemotherapy. This treat-

Correspondence to: Giovanni Benedetti, Medical Oncology, Hospital of Macerata, Via S. Lucia 1, 62100 Macerata, Italy.
Tel +39-0733-2572218; fax +39-0733-2572526; e-mail
Received November 22, 2005; accepted March 29, 2006.

Figure 1 - CT scan of the pelvis showing a solitary osteolytic lesion at the

right ischiopubic ramus spreading to the surrounding soft tissues. The le-
sion before (A) and after (B) chemotherapy, and the persistent bone dis-
tortion (C).

ment produced resolution of the pelvic pain, restoring area of intense hyperactivity in the left part of the
normal walking. The pelvic CT scan showed a reduc- sacrum and a faint uptake in the right ischiopubic ra-
tion of the pubic lesion, which was more evident in the mus (Figure 3A). A second line of chemotherapy was
soft tissue areas while there was persistent bone distor- planned starting from January 2004 with a combina-
tion (Figure 1B and 1C). Three months after the last tion of ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide for 4 cy-
cycle of chemotherapy the patient complained of lower cles. A palliative dose (30 Gy) of radiation therapy was
back pain. A relapse was suspected but the tumor delivered to the sacral lesion. The patient obtained
markers were in the normal range, X-ray of the pelvis complete regression of the symptoms. The following
was negative, and CT scan showed that the residual PET examination confirmed the complete remission of
pelvic bone lesion was unchanged. Finally, positron the disease (Figure 3B). At present the patient is alive
emission tomography (PET) examination revealed an without disease.

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