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Unit 1 word list part 1

Sumiya Teacher

Unit 1 part 1 1

3 4

5 6

8 9 10 11

12 13

14 15 16 17

18 19 20

21 22 23



26 27 28 29 30

31 32

33 34

35 36

37 38


40 41 42

43 44 45

46 47

48 49


51 52 53

54 55





Across Down
5 The h................... c................. is in centre of town. 1 Can I come w.......... you?
8 Ted is B.............. 2 We are in very difficult s.................
9 He loves f....... cars. 3 He likes to m............... new people.
10 We live near Sydney a................ 4 There are six students in the c......................
12 My mum works in c............... 6 are you c.................... sitting on the floor?
14 How many c.................s are there in the world? 7 saying hello is an English g..........
16 Can you in.............. me to your sister? 11 My favorite hobby is r...............g.
18 My mum's a do............. 13 I listen to English p............... on my MP3 player.
21 I want some travel in.......... please! 14 Ch............. your answers with your partner.
22 T................ coffee is cold. 15 This coursebook is divided into 6 u...........
24 My teacher tells us f................ jokes. 17 I use my car to t....... to work.
26 Our teacher wants us to improve our v................. 19 He put a 50p c............. into the drinks machine.
30 This is the k............... to fromnt door of my house. 20 /manager's o.............. is on the second floor.
32 There are too many p................... in this room. 23 Dog is u........ the table.
33 Please complete this f........ and give this back to me. 25 In Paris, there are t.............. from all over the world.
35 He loves to study English g................ 27 Do you make y.................... dinner every night?
36 I have got a s.............. dog called Fluffy. 28 George s................ five languages, English, Spanish,
38 Can I t............. to you please? Portuguese, French, and Italian.
39 I'm travelling l........... today-just the one bag. 29 Can you see that m........... over there?
40 Look at this interesting newspaper a........... 31 What do you w................. for your birthday?
43 Do you want me c........... omelette for you? 34 Storms remind us of the power of n...............
47 The town has good clothes s........... 37 I like this p............... a lot-they have really good food.
49 I couldn't read the w............... on the envelope. 41 I need to i.............. my English for my job.
50 Pete c..... speak Spanish. 42 This is the r.................. I work in,
51 Mary made us very w............. 44 What is on T.... tonight?
55 I can r...........Russian but I can't speak Russian. 45 Can I u..... your phone, please?
56 Debbie works in h............... in Brighton. 46 He is going to visit his n.............. in the USA.
57 He loves to w................ films. 48 Can you tell me the p..................... of this books, please?
58 I think Paris is the best city in the w............... 52 What is your e............... address?
59 my dictionary f............ i.......... my pocket. 53 The company m........... cars.
54 Look at this p................. of my family.

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