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J. P. Haltiner and J. D. Saks2

ABSTRACT: Time series models of the ARMAX class were investi- model in a forecasting mode could be improved if real-time
gated for use in forecasting daily riverfiow resulting from combined information could be used to update the model parameters
snowmelt/rainfall. The Snowmelt Runoff Model (Martinec-Rango on a regular basis.
Model) is shown to have a form similar to the ARMAX modeL The
advantage of the ARMAX approach is that analytical model identifica- In this paper, a class of stochastic, time-series models re-
tion and parameter estimation techniques are available. In addition, ferred to as ARMAX (Auto Regressive-Moving Average with
previous forecast errors can be included to improve forecasts and Exogenous Inputs) or transfer function models (Box and
confidence limits can be estimated for the forecasts. Diagnostic checks Jenkins, 1970) are used. It is shown that the Snowmelt
are available to determine if the model is performing properly. Runoff Model can be viewed as a particular case within this
Finally, Kalinan filtering can be used to allow the model parameters
to vary continuously to reflect changing basin runoff conditions. The general class of linear stochastic models. This offers a num-
above advantages result in improved flow forecasts with fewer model ber of advantages: (1) analytical techniques are available for
parameters. adapting the model form to basins of varying characteristics
(KEY TERMS: streaniflow forecasting; snowmelt runoff; time series and to varying time frames (daily, hourly, etc.); (2) a num-
modeling; Kalman filtering; real-time forecasting.) ber of efficient parameter estimation techniques are available;
(3) confidence limits describing the accuracy of the forecast
can be included with the forecast; (4) diagnostic checks are
INTRODUCTION available to determine if the model is performing properly;
Short-term streamfiow forecasting (several hours to several (5) previous forecast errors can be included in the model to
days in advance) is important in flood warning, reservoir improve future forecasts; and (6) the model can be cast in
operation, recreation, and water quality applications. Rainfall- "systems format" and the Kalman filter can be used to up-
runoff forecasting at this time scale has been quite inten- date the parameters or status of the model in real time.
sively studied, while combined snowmelt/rainfall runoff model-
ing has received less attention.
The use of deterministic physical process models for MODEL FORMULATION
short-term forecasting has a number of drawbacks including The general univariate ARMAX model for river flow
large computer storage requirements, difficulty in including (adapted from Box and Jenkins, 1970) can be expressed as:
real-time measured data in the forecast, and overparameteri-
zation (more model parameters than can be justified given the p q r
available data). A simpler conceptual model, the "Snowmelt = + (1)
i=1 j=0 LI 'tj + k=0 0k 6t—k
Runoff Model" (SRM) developed by Martinec and Rango
(Martinec, 1960; Rango and Martinec, 1979) has been shown
to give good results on a number of basins of varying size where:
(Rango, 1983; Martinec and Rango, 1986). Reliable modeling = streamfiow;
using the SRM requires accurate parameter estimation, proper Q
determination of the model form (number of previous runoff I = "moisture input" (combined snowmelt/rainfall);
and snowmelt/precipitation terms to include), and measure-
ment of snow-covered areas (SCA). Analytical methods to e = white noise process;
address the first two requirements have not been previously
presented. In addition, measurement of SCA are expensive p,q,r = number of previous river flow, input and noise
and difficult to obtain on a regular basis. Finally, use of the terms included in the model;

'Paper No. 87063 of the Water Resources Bulletin. Discussions are open until June 1, 1989.
2Respectively, Principal, Philip Williams and Associates, Pier 35, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, California 94133; and Professor, Colorado State
University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ft. Coffins, Colorado 80521.


Haltiner and Salas

= model parameters to be estimated; and point was at the Del Norte, Colorado, gaging station. Drain-
age area above this point is 3419 km2 (1320 mi2), with
t time step. elevations ranging from 2432 m (7980 ft) to 4215 m (13,830
ft). Riverflow behavior is dominated by snowpack accumula-
Next, consider the Snowmelt Runoff Model equation in a tion and melt, resulting in a low-flow (snowpack accumula-
commonly used form (Shafer, et a!., 1982): tion) period between September and April and a high-flow
(snowpack melting) period, which begins in early April and
persists through the summer. This basin was selected because
(T_Tb) S + P } A' (1—Kt)
Qt_iKt + C extensive modeling with the SRM has already been conducted
on the basin (Shafer, et a!., 1982), allowing use of identical
(2) data for model comparison and evaluation.
where: Daily precipitation, streamfiow, average daily temperature,
and snow-covered area data for the period 1973 to 1980 were
= streamfiow, used in the forecasting evaluation. Only the peak flow
period (April to September) in each year was examined.
C= runoff coefficient, Precipitation, temperature, and snow-covered area data were
used to calculate the moisture input, I, for each of three
= degree day factor,
at elevation zones using the SRM approach shown in Equation
= air temperature, (4). These zonal moisture inputs were then combined to
Tt represent a single basin moisture input, I, for use in Equa-
Tb = base temperature, tion (1). Although the SRM approach to snowmelt was used
in this study to facilitate model comparison, any available
t = time step (typically, one day), snowmelt/precipitation model could be used to calculate the
S= snow-covered area, input term in Equation (1).
= precipitation,
A= watershed area,
= recession coefficient, and
Model Format
The first step in estimation is to determine the model
= elevation zone.
order (the values of p, q, and r) in Equation (1). This can
It can be seen that the forecast of flow at the next time step be done empirically, analytically, or using a combination of
is a function of the flow at the current time step and the ef- both. Empirical identification is based on examining the
fective snowmelt/rainfall during the next time step. If we physical processes involved. For example, Shafer, et aL
denote this combined snowmelt/rainfall input from all eleva- (1982) examined hourly flow records for the Rio Grande at
tion zones as I, let C1.Ø equal the product of C and (1—Kt) Del Norte and estimated that about 35 percent of snowmelt/
and call the recession coefficient çb1, Equation (2) becomes: rainfall for a particular day appears as runoff on that same

i Qt—i + ''o 1t (3)
day and 65 percent on the following day. Using this informa-
tion, they determined that the SRM model should include
two input terms. The analytical approach uses the cross-
correlation structure between the input and output (flow)
series to identify model order. In this approach, the input
= 3 ii i ii
i=l (at(Tt_Tb) St + Pt) A (4)
series is "prewhitened" (Box and Jenkins, 1970) by fitting
a standard time series model to the data, resulting in a white
noise process. This same model is then applied to the output
series, and the cross-correlation at various time lags is calcu-
Equation (3) can be seen to represent a special case of lated. This cross-correlation is scaled using the standard
Equation (1), without the inclusion of a noise term. The deviation of the transformed input and output processes to
advantages of using the ARMAX formulation will be presented
produce an impulse response function:
in the following sections.

= k=0, 1, 2.
/L1I Q? (k)
The ARMAX model described by Equation (1) was used
to forecast daily streamfiows in the headwaters of the Rio
Grande River in southern Colorado. The riverflow forecast


Short-Term Forecasting of Snowmelt Runoff Using ARMAX Models

where: considered suboptimal. Nonetheless, the NLS approach was

found to provide consistent, stable parameter estimates.
v = impulse response function, Several schemes to account for the variation of basin
= standard hydrologic conditions with the ARMAX model were investi-
and deviation of the transformed in-
gated. In the seasonal version, parameters were estimated
put and flow series, on a monthly and biweekly basis. In a second approach, the
= cross-correlation between the transformed level of flow in the river was used as an index of antecedent
input and flow, and moisture conditions. Six thresholds of flow were chosen
= time lag. and a set of parameters was calculated for each level. The
Ø parameter is inversely proportional to flow while the 1o
and o parameters (accounting for the current and previous
The impulse response function for daily input/flow data
for the Rio Grande is shown in Figure 1. When compared day's input) are generally proportional to flow (Figure 2).
Thus, increasing flows indicate greater antecedent soil moisture
with known impulse response curves (Box and Jenkins, 1970), and correspondingly, an increased amount of snowmelt/rain-
it indicates that the model should include one past flow term
fall appearing as streamflow. One interpretation of the sea-
and two input terms, the same as that identified in Shafer, sonal behavior of (..,ij and w1 (Figure 3) is that early in snow-
et a!. (1982). The analytical approach is especially useful in melt season, the proximity of the snowpack to the river re-
complex cases, such as hourly modeling or large basin model- sults in a majority of a current day's snowmelt appearing as
ing, where there may be several time periods of pure delay runoff on that same day. As the season progresses, the snow-
and a large number of previous flow and input terms to be pack recedes and most of the snowmelt produced on a given
day does not appear as runoff until the following day (repre-
sented by the fact that w > c).
0.30 Two additional model parameterizations were evaluated.
In the first, the snowmelt and rainfall terms are included in
0.25 the model separately. The model for the Rio Grande River
then becomes:

i —i + + + ''o't + 'lptl

0.05 + k0 0kt—k (6)

0.00 .1. ._._.— ..—.--.—.- I .1.

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 where:
Log (doys)

Figure 1. Impulse-Response Function for the Mt = . (T—Tb)(S) ---

Snowmelt/Precipitation Input (impulse) and i-i A
Streamfiow (response) on the Rio Grande River.
AT = total area, and

The number of noise terms to be included in the model i

3 Al
will be determined by analyzing the residual series, Ct, after P= P -fl-—
preliminary estimation of the and c model parameters.

Parameter Estimation In Equation (6), Mt represents an areal average value of

the product of degree days and snow-covered area and re-
The model parameters (0, and 0) were estimated using presents an areal average value of precipitation. The degree
a nonlinear least squares (NLS) algorithm. In the NLS ap- day factor is now included in the tj and parameters. In
proach, Equation (1) is solved for e, which represents the addition to eliminating the need for estimating the degree
difference between the observed and forecast flows. Param- day factor, the model form of Equation (6) allows separate
eters are selected using a Newton-Raphson iterative tech- consideration of the effects of snowmelt and rainfall on river
nique, which minimizes Under the conditions of sta- flow. Perhaps the primary difficulty in using the SRM ap-
tionarity and normality of the data, nonlinear least squares proach is obtaining values of the snow-covered area (see Equa-
is an approximate maximum likelthood estimator. Since tion 2). Because aerial photography is expensive for use on a
these conditions are not strictly met, the estimator must be regular basis, satellite imagery has received primary emphasis.
Problems associated with satellite data include cloud cover,


Haltiner and Salas

1.0 .10

0.8 .08

U .06
a 0.6


0.4 .04

0.2 .02


0. 1000. 2000. 3000. 4000.

5000. 6000. 7000.

Flow (cfs)

Figure 2. ARMAX Model Parameter Estimates Based on Flow Thresholds.

wo 0.I

0.8 0.08

0.6 0.06


0.4 0.04

0.2 0.02

0.0 0.0

April May June July Aug. Sept.

Figure 3. Biweekly Estimates of the ARMAX Model Parameters.


Short-Term Forecasting of Snowmelt Runoff Using ARMAX Models

estimation between time of satellite passes, and difficulty season, the parameters are approximately constant, as degree
in obtaining imagery quickly for use in real-time forecasting. day effectiveness continues to increase, but snow-covered
Alternatives to sateffite imagery include snow-cover depletion area is decreasing. This latter factor becomes dominant as
curves based on accumulated degree days, or possibly rela- the 'season progresses, and the parameters decrease. It can
ting areal snow cover to daily snow water equivalent (SWE) also be seen that in the early season, crj (current day's melt)
as measured at SNOTEL sites. An approach investigated is dominant. As the season progresses, (previous day's
here was to eliminate the snow-covered area term from the melt) becomes more important. The application of Kalman
model. The melt term in Equation (6) then becomes: filtering has some inherent problems. The user must deter-
mine the noise covariance matrices in the filter, which deter-
Mt =
3 i i
mine how rapidly the parameters change. Analytical methods
i-i (It—Tb) of estimating these matrices resulted in overestimation and
AT subsequent filter instability. It appears that the problem re-
sults from inaccuracies in the measurement and areal averaging
The parameters çj and c in Equation (6) must also now of precipitation and degree days. The fairly large errors in-
account for the areal extent of snow available for melting, the herent in these data may cause the parameter values to
"effectiveness" of degree days in causing melt and the amount fluctuate too rapidly.
of melt to appear as runoff. The parameters w0 and '' Two additional advantages of the ARMAX formulation are
could not be seasonally estimated because of the dramatic the availability of diagnostic checks to determine model
differences year to year in the SCA. It was determined that adequacy and the calculation of confidence limits for a fore-

the parameters could be allowed to vary on a daily basis cast. The presence of significant autocorrelation in the fore-
using a Kalman filter to update the parameters based on cast error sequence is an indication of model inadequacy.
measured streamfiow. This has been used in rainfall-runoff This represents the presence of additional "information," in
models for a number of years (Todini and Bouillot, 1975) the data which the model is not using. Tests of the SRM
and initial attempts in snowmelt runoff (Burn and McBean, model and ARMAX models without moving average terms
1985) appear promising. Daily values of co and oi for the showed the presence of residual autocorrelation. The inclu-
years 1975 and 1976 are shown in Figure 4. It can be seen sion of moving average terms increased the forecasting ac-
that the parameters increase rapidly in the early snowmelt curacy of the ARMAX model and eliminated the autocorrela-
season, as the degree day effectiveness in causing melt and tion. Confidence limits for the forecast can be obtained using
soil moisture are both increasing. At the peak of the snowmelt

150 —


,_ 50
(a) E

i i i .i 'J 1 .1. .1 1 i. • .1.

Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aucj. Sep. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.
1975 1976

Figure 4. Kalman Filter Estimates of Snowmelt Parameters (Co and i) in the ARMAX
Model Described by Equation (6) and Equation (7) for the Years 1975-76.


Haitmer and Salas

the variance of the forecast errors. Theory and results are Figure 5 presents an example of the one-day-ahead fore-
available in Haltiner (1985). cast and measured streamfiows for the 1973 snowmelt season
using Model 4. (It should be noted that in using the ARMAX
and SRM models in this study, the temperature and precipita-
RESULTS tion input data on the forecast day are assumed known. In
operational use, these data would be forecast, using either
The previously described models were used to make one-
the National Weather Service forecast or autoregressive type
and three-day ahead flow forecasts for the period 1973-1980.
In addition, a simple ARMA(1,l) model which only uses pre- forecasts.)
The results in Table 1 were obtained using all eight years
vious values of streamfiow (no snowmelt/rainfall inputs) was
of data for parameter estimation and forecasting. In a true
also included; it represents the forecasting accuracy which forecasting situation, the parameters must be estimated sequen-
can be achieved relatively simpiy without attempting to model tially, using data available up to the time of the forecast.
the rainfall or snowmelt. Models were compared using a mean
To accomplish this, the seasonal and threshold ARMAX
squared error criterion (MSE). The model forecasting results
models were reformatted so that the first year's data was
are presented in Table 1. This table also includes the num-
used to estimate model parameters and the model then used
ber of parameters which are estimated during the forecasting
to forecast flows during the second year. Following this, the
period and an indication of the presence of significant auto-
model parameters were re-estimated using the first two years
correlation in the forecast errors. Model 1 represents the
of data and the model used to forecast the third year of
Snowmelt Runoff Model described by Shafer, et a!. (1982),
flow, etc. The Kalman filter parameter estimation scheme
adapted to include measured data. Average parameters were
calculated for each 15-day period. Model 2 is the simple time operates recursively, re-estimating the parameters each day
based on past parameter values and the most recent measure-
series model with six sets of parameters based on flow thres-
ments. The SRM model could not be included in this com-
holds. Models 3 and 4 correspond to the ARMAX models
parison as there is no version currently available which allows
described in Equation (1), using a combined snowmelt/rainfall
analytical sequential updating of the model parameters.
input. Model 5 is the ARMAX model described in Equation
The results of this experiment for the one-, two-, and
(6), with separate snowmelt and rainfall inputs. three-day ahead forecasts are shown in Table 2. The seasonal
A comparison of the MSE shows that the ARMA(1,1), model provided the most accurate forecasts, followed by the
which does not include rain or snowmelt, gives the poorest Kalman filter scheme. The threshold model resulted in the
forecasts. The ARMAX Models 3, 4, and 5 give better fore-
highest MSE values.
casts with fewer parameters than the SRM model. Since the
form of the SRM and ARMAX models is similar, the smaller
MSE of the latter result from the analytical parameter estima- CONCLUSIONS
tion techniques and the inclusion of moving average terms.
The presence of residual autocorrelation in the SRM model The ARMAX formulation of the SRM model appears to
indicates that the model forecasts could be improved by in- offer a number of advantages over current procedures.
cluding the previous model errors in the forecasts. Analytical techniques are available to identify model format

TABLE 1. Comparison of One-Day-Ahead Forecasting Results for the Period 1973-1980.

Model MSE* Parameters Res. Corr. Test

1. SRM 41.3 84 Failed

(seasonal param.)

2. ARMA(1,1) 56.3 12 Passed

(threshold param.)

3. ARMAX-1 38.8 60 Passed

(combined input/threshold param.)

4. ARMAX-2 35.1 88 Passed

(combined input/seasonal param.)

5. ARMAX-3 33.5 78 Passed

(sep. snow/ppt input, seasonal param.)

*MSE = mean square error.


Short-Term Forecasting of Snowmelt Runoff Using ARMAX Models

and estimate model parameters, and diagnostic checks are LITERATURE CITED
available to ensure that the model is operating properly. The
Box, G. E. P. and G. M. Jenkins, 1970. Time Series Analysis, Fore-
model can be updated in real time using previous forecast casting and Control. Holden-Day Inc., San Francisco, California.
errors; in addition, the Kalman filter can be used to update Burn, D. H. and E. A. McBean, 1985. River Flow Forecasting Model
the model parameters in real time. for Sturgeon River. ASCE J. of Hyd. Eng., VoL III, No. 2.
Haltiner, J. P., 1985. Stochastic Modeling of Seasonal and Daily
Streaniflow. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort
TABLE 2. Comparison of Forecasting Results (1974-1980) Collins, Colorado.
Using Sequential Parameter Estimation. Martinec, J., 1960. The Degree Day Factor for Snowmelt-Runoff
Forecasting. Proceedings: General Assembly of Helsinki, 1960.
Mean Square Error Commission on Surface Runoff. PubI. lASH No. 51, pp. 468-477.
Martinec, J. and A. Rango, 1986. Parameter Values for Snowmelt
One-Day Two-Day Three-Day Runoff Modeling. J. Hydrol. 84:197-219.
Rango, A., 1983. Application of a Simple Snowmelt-Runoff Model to
1. Threshold Model 54.7 134.8 208.0 Large River Basins. Proceedings of the 51st Western Snow Con-
2. Seasonal Model 49.6 112.9 184.6 ference, Vancouver, Washington, pp. 89-99.
3. Kalman Filter Model 50.3 123.7 202.5 Rango, A. and J. Martinec, 1979. Application of a Snowmelt-Runoff
Model Using Landsat Data. Nordic Hydrology 10:225-238.
Shafer, B. A., E. B. Jones, and D. M. Frick, 1982. Snowmelt Runoff
Modeling in Simulation and Forecasting Modes with the Martinec-
Rango ModeL NASA Report CR 170452, Goddard Space Flight
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.
Todini, E. and D. Bouillot, 1975. A Rainfall-Runoff Kalman Filter
This work was supported by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment
Station Projects COLO 0114 and COLO 0357. Portions of this paper
ModeL In: System Simulation in Water Resources, G. C. Van-
steenkiste (Editor). North Holland, Amsterdam.
were presented at the 53rd Annual Western Snow Conference, held
April 16-18, 1985, at Boulder, Colorado.

U.. — &asuqD FLOU



, 4...


April May June July August September

Figure 5. Comparison of Measured Flows and One-Day-Ahead

Forecasts for 1973 Using Model 4 of Table 1.


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