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.... i 51ZE OIAM. 55* 10S* 10 20 30 AROf 40 STRONG
••.••.•.. 60 § 1.80 100 120 .140 160 STRONG
Va 0.405 0.049 0.068 0.068 0.095 0.095
1/4 0.540 0.065 0.088 0.088 0.119 0.119
I 3fa 0.615 0.065 ••• 0.091 0.091 ¡}.126 < 0;126 . ..... / .
IU'1f2 0.840 0.065 0.083 .......U U/ 0.109 0,109 i< 0,147 ...... 0.141 ...... 0.188 0.294
3/4 1.050 0.065 0.083 0.113 0.113 0.154 0.154 0.219 0.308
1 1.315 0.065 0.109 0.133 0.133 0.179 0.119 0.250 0.358

< ¡JIf'1 1.660 0.065 0.109 0,1.40. 0,140 OJ!,I< 0;191 0.250 0.382
.......< i\ ./U
< •/lVi< 1.900 Q;06S 0.109 l/U) 0.145 0.145 1 ./ 0.2.00 • • • 0;200 . < ••••••.••••••• ........ 1<
0.281 0.400
2 2.315 0.065 0.109 0.154 0.154 0.218 0.218 0.344 0.436
2% 2.815 0.083 0.120 0.203 0.203 0.276 0.276 0.375 0.552

.~t/2 !::~<
0,O~3 0.120 .'
I "'; 0;216 0.216 I 0;3001 0.43.8 10.600
< 0.08.3 0.120 t ....•.......
.••••••• •••• U 0.226 0.226 1 / 0.318 ...... 0.318. ............. < < · ..
4 4.5 0.083 0.120 0.237 0.231 0.337 0.337 0.438 0.531 0.674
5 5.563 0.109 0.134 0.258 0.258 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750

I... 8 6.625 0.l09 0.134 0;280 0;280 0 •.719 10.86~

rUin.. HR~
< '·>U 0.~3?1
• • • 0.500 0.594 0.719 0.812 0.906 10.1175 0.562
••..••. 8.625 O.llW 0.148 IUu 0.250 0.211 0.322 0;322 0.500
10 10.15 0.134 0.165 0.250 0.307 0.365 0.365 0.500 0.500 0.594 0.719 0.844 1.000 1.125 1.000
12 12.75 0.156 0.180 0.250 0.330 0.375 0.406 0.562 0.500 0.688 0.844 1.000 1.125 1.312 1.000
14.0.0. 14.0 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0,375 0.375 0;438 0,594 0,500 0.750 0.938 1.094 1.250 1.406
160,0. 16.0 0;165 0.188 0.250 0,312 0.•315 0.375 0;500 0,656 0.500 0.844 1.031 .1.219 : 1.438. 1.594 •••••

180.0. 18.0 0.165 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.438 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.500 0.938 1.156 1.315 1.562 1.781
200.0. 20.0 0.188 0.218 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.375 0.594 0.812 0.500 1.031 1.281 1.500 1.750 1.969

220.0. 22.0 Od.88 0.218 .0.250 0.375 0,500 0,375 0.815 0.500 1;125 1;375 1.625 1;875 2.125 l,
U 240,0. 24.0 0,218 0.250 0.250 0.315 0;562 .0.•3U 0.969 0;500 1.218 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.344
260.0. 26.0 : 0.312 0.500 0.315 0.500
280.0. 28.0 0.312 0.500 0.625 0.315 0.500

.~·~n 1()'~El~
< 300,0. 30.0 0.312 0.312 0.500 0,625 0.315 0,500 / .... , · .....
32.0,0. 32.0 0;312 0,500 Oió25 0.375 !U/ 0.500 .U< . < •.•••••• ........ ... I .
• ••••••
340.0. 34.0 0.312 0.500 0.625 0.315 0.688 0.500
360.0. 36.0 0.312 0.500 0.625 0.315 0.750 0.500

420.0. ~2.0<
/// iU , 1<··)
1>...•...........•.. .......
hU < k •. / 0.500 ··C 1 ' · ·•••••
' .. ,
l· · ,

All dimensions/
< ' are« <>
given in inches. .•.•.•. .•. . . < . . . . >< . •••.••. » « ./.< >« < ••••••< ••••••.••..•.• .............
< .•.•••••••••.. < ..•
• Schedules 5s and l0s are available in corrosion resistant materials and Schedule l0s is also available in carbon steel.
The decimal thicknesses listed for the respective pipe sizes represent their nominal or average wall dimensions. t.Thicknesses shown in italics are available also in stainless steel, under the designation Schedule 40s.
The actual thicknesses mayAIIbe dimensions
as much as 12.5%areunder
given in inches.
the nominal thickness because of mill tolerance. • Schedules
§ Thicknesses SS and
shown in italics lOS are
are available alsoavailable in corrosion
in stainless steel, resistant
under the designation Schedule 80s.
Thicknesses shown in boldThe
face are more readily available. listed for the respective pipe sizes materials and Schedule lOS is also available in carbon steel.
decimal thicknesses
repres~nt th~'rl"l0""inalor~v~rag~ ~al' dimen~ion~, 11Ie t.Thicknesses shown initalics are available.a.. ls.o. in les.•.$
actÍ!; 1?,5 %.undertlle ~te~I.~nde~ t~e tlesi~~ation Sch~tlule 405,
n~""II"l~J thickJ1essbecause~fmiJItolerance ..:Thic'messes §"fhicknessesoshown i.n.ital.ics. are availablealsoinstainless
shown in bold tace are more readily available. steel. under the designation Schedule 80S.

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