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Plagiarism Scan Report

Report Genrated Date 26 Feb, 2018
Plagiarism Status 100% Unique
Total Words 315
Total Characters 2044
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There is a theory called Alcohol – Expectancy theory wherein this theory suggests that
individuals consume alcohol because they believe drinking will lead to a certain e fect.
Examples are increasing social interaction and relieving tension, and these belie s have

long been suggested to in luence individuals' drinking levels (Brown et. al, 1980).
Individuals may expect di ferent types o alcoholic beverages to a fect them in di ferent
ways, thus they may drink di ferent types o beverages when seeking these di ferential

e fects. Previous research suggests that individuals perceive di ferences among varying
types o alcoholic beverages regarding the alcohol type's global positive (e.g., alcohol leads
to good outcomes) or negative (e.g., alcohol leads to negative outcomes) e fects. Studies
ound individuals reported higher negative expectancies or drinking shots o distilled

spirits and higher positive expectancies or beer and wine (Lang, Kaas, & Barnes, 1983). In
relation to this study, Hudspeth (2017) gave di ferent types o alcohol that can give you

di ferent emotional responses. As an instance, 53 percent o respondents mentioned that

red wine made them eel com ortable. There’s a physiological explanation or this. Red
wine contains high levels o melatonin, the hormone that tells our brains it’s time to go to

bed. Another example is that beer relaxes the user, but the carbohydrates therein also
have a reputation or making drinkers drowsy. However According to Gonzales (2013)
“Alcohol is alcohol”, which is to say that the alcohol in wine is the same as the alcohol in

beer which is all the same as the alcohol in the unholy red-cup concoction at a dorm room
game o King's Cup. That alcohol is ethyl alcohol, otherwise known as ethanol, and it'll get

you drunk. The act that liquor has a tendency to contain higher concentrations o ethanol
than wine, and wine higher concentrations than beer, means that the equal quantity o
various alcoholic drinks gets you drunk, which is the "widespread rule”.

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