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Daily Activity

Hello, good morning every body! How are you today?

Okay, before we starts our class, it will be better if we prayer together. *prayer*

Well guys/students, are you ready to start the lesson?

I wanna give the rules for all of you, if i said “Hi, Hi” you should answer with “hello, hello!”,

“Hi, Hi” (then your student will answer with Hello hello)

Okay, at this moment, we will learn about something we always do every single day, our routines
activities, yes we will learn about Daily Activity. Are you guys ever heard about daily activity? Daily
activity is everything you do every single day. It began when we wake up at the morning until we go
to bed at night. There are a lot of activities we do, and now lets read together about what activities
we do every day.

1. go to bed = tidur
2. do homework = mengerjakan PR
3. have breakfast = sarapan
4. have lunch = makan siang
5. have dinner = makan malam
6. brush your teeth = menggosok gigi
7. wake up = bangun
8. get up = bangun tidur

nah antara wake up dan get up ini banyak orang yang keliru dan sering terbalik dalam
penggunaannya. Wake up dan get up itu memiliki makna yang berbeda, dimana get up berarti bangun
dan langsung melakukan aktifitas lainya. Contoh: I get up every morning to help my mother in the
kitchen (aku bangun pagi hari dan membantu ibuku di dapur).

Sedangkan wake up memang memiliki arti yang sama dengan get up, yaitu bangun. namun,
wake up disini di artikan sebagai bangun yang hanya terjaga saja. sehingga kita hanya membuka mata
tanpa melakukan kegiatan selanjutnya.


1. I wake up late on saturday (aku bangun terlambat pada hari sabtu)

2. She never wake up early (dia tidak pernah bangun lebih awal)


lanjut ya?

9. have a shower = mandi

10. go to work = pergi bekerja
11. go home = pulang
12. go to school = pergi ke sekolah
13. playing football = bermain bola
14. watching TV = menonton TV
15. Watching Youtube = menonton youtube
So, as we can see, there are alot of daily activity we do every day, but our activities at week
days and weekend of course different right?
To tell our activity, we have to pay attention to put verb at our sentence, at first, we must
check the subject. Lets see the example:
Dalam penyusunan dialy activity, biasakan menggungakan tenses (bentuk waktu) yaitu the present
simple , contohnya :

I/ You/ They/ We eat take a bath go study

He / She/ It eats takes a bath goes studies

Now guys/students, i want all of you read the text at the paper/ at the whiteboard, after
that tell me how your daily activities at Monday, okay? Write down your activities at your
book, i will choose one student to tell it in front of the class. But first, lets read Bowo’s Daily

My Daily Activities
Hi! My name is Bowo. I’m a student. I want to tell you about my daily activities. I wake up at 05.00.
After that I pray subuh and eat breakfast. I prepare all the books and the things I need for school
to the bag. Then I go to school by bike. In the school I studied many things. At 09.30 I take a break
and buy food in the canteen. Sometime I am talking with my friends and play around with them.
Then I continue study until the end of the school. After school I take a bath and have a lunch. In
the afternoon I usually play football with my friends in the field, it is really great to have a good time
with friends. Then in maghrib I take a pray and continue reads qur'an. After that I do my homework,
after that i go to bed.

We were heard Bowo’s daily activities, now lets make your own daily activity.I will give you
ten minutes to write down in the your book.

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