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Dim Alpha1 As Double 'Alpha1 Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of

the orifice plate material

Dim Alpha2 As Double 'Alpha2 Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of
the meter tube material
Dim Beta As Double 'Beta Ratio of orifice plate bore diameter to
meter tube internal diameter (d/D)calculated at flowing temperature, Tf
Dim Beta_m As Double 'Beta-m Ratio of orifice plate bore diameter to
meter tube internal diameter (d/D)calculated at measured temperature, Tm
Dim Beta_r As Double 'Beta-r Ratio of orifice plate bore diameter to
meter tube internal diameter (d/D)calculated at reference temperature, Tr
Dim Cd As Double 'Cd Orifice plate coefficient of discharge
Dim Cd_FT As Double 'Cd-FT Coefficient of discharge at a specified
pipe Reynolds number for flange-tapped orifice meter
Dim Cd0 As Double 'Cd0 First flange-tapped orifice plate
coefficient of discharge constant within iteration scheme
Dim Cd1 As Double 'Cd1 Second flange-tapped orifice plate
coefficient of discharge constant within Iteration scheme
Dim Cd2 As Double 'Cd2 Third flange-tapped orifice plate
coefficient of discharge constant within iteration scheme
Dim Cd3 As Double 'Cd3 Fourth flange-tapped orifice plate
coefficient of discharge constant within iteration scheme
Dim Cd4 As Double 'Cd4 Fifth flange-tapped orifice plate
coefficient of discharge constant within iteration scheme
Dim Cd_f As Double 'Cd_f Orifice plate coefficient of discharge
bounds flag within iteration scheme
Dim dorf As Double 'dorf Orifice plate bore diameter calculated at
flowing temperature Tf
Dim Dtube As Double 'Dtube Meter tube internal diameter calculated at
flowing temperature Tf
Dim dorf_r As Double 'dorf_r Orifice plate bore diameter calculated at
reference temperature Tr
Dim Dtube_r As Double 'Dtube_r Meter tube internal diameter calculated at
reference temperature Tr
Dim dorf_m As Double 'dorf_m Orifice plate bore diameter calculated at
measured temperature Tm
Dim Dtube_m As Double 'Dtube_m Meter tube internal diameter calculated at
measured temperature Tm
Dim Dc As Double 'Dc Orifice plate coefficient of discharge
convergence function derivative
Dim DeltaP As Double 'DeltaP Orifice differential pressure
Dim e As Double 'e Napierian constant, 2.71828
Dim Ev As Double 'Ev Velocity of approach factor
Dim Fc As Double 'Fc Orifice plate coefficient of discharge
convergence function
Dim FI As Double 'FI Iteration flow factor
Dim FI_c As Double 'FI-c Iteration flow factor pressure-independent
Dim FI_p As Double 'FI-p Iteration flow factor pressure-dependent
Dim Fmass As Double 'Fmass Mass flow factor
Dim Gi As Double 'Gi Ideal gas relative density (specific
Dim Gr As Double 'Gr Real gas relative density (specific
Dim GCN As Double 'GCN Real relative density (specific gravity), %
carbon dioxide, and % nitrogen
Dim k As Double 'k Isentropic exponent
Dim Mass As Double 'Mass Mass
Dim Mu As Double 'Mu Absolute viscosity of flowing fluid
Dim Mr_air As Double 'Mr_air Molar mass (molecular weight) of dry air
Dim M2 As Double 'M2 Dimensionless downstream dam height
Dim ATC_cd As Double 'ATC_cd Amount to change for CD(FT)
Dim n As Double 'n Number of moles
Dim NC As Double 'Nc Unit conversion factor (orifice flow)
Dim NI_c As Double 'NI_c Unit conversion factor (Reynolds number)
Dim N3 As Double 'N3 Unit conversion factor (expansion factor)
Dim N4 As Double 'N4 Unit conversion factor (discharge
Dim N5 As Double 'N5 Unit conversion factor (absolute
Dim Pb As Double 'Pb Base pressure
Dim Pf As Double 'Pf Static pressure of fluid at the pressure
Dim Pf1 As Double 'Pf1 Absolute static pressure at the orifice
upstream differential
Dim Pf2 As Double 'Pf2 Absolute static pressure at the orifice
downstream differential
Dim Pm_air As Double 'Pm_air Measured air pressure
Dim Pm_gas As Double 'Pm_gas Measured gas pressure
Dim Pi As Double 'Pi Pi, 3.14159 ...
Dim qm As Double 'qm Mass flow rate
Dim qb As Double 'Qb Volume flow rate per hour at base
Dim qv As Double 'qv Volume flow rate flowing (actual)
Dim R As Double 'R Universal gas constant
Dim ReD As Double 'ReD Pipe Reynolds number
Dim Rhob As Double 'Rhob Density of the fluid at base conditions,
(Pb, Tb)
Dim Rhob_air As Double 'Rhob_air Air density at base conditions, (Pb, Tb)
Dim Rhob_gas As Double 'Rhob_gas Gas density at base conditions, (Pb, Tb)
Dim Rhos As Double 'Rhos Density at standard conditions, (Ps, Ts)
Dim Rhotp As Double 'Rhotp Density at flowing conditions, (Pf, Tf)
Dim Tb As Double 'Tb Base temperature
Dim Tdorf_m As Double 'Tdorf_m Measured orifice plate bore diameter
Dim TDtube_m As Double 'TDtube_m Measured meter tube internal diameter
Dim Tm_air As Double 'Tm_air Measured temperature of air
Dim Tm_gas As Double 'Tm_gas Measured temperature of gas
Dim Tf As Double 'Tf Flowing temperature
Dim Tr As Double 'Tr Reference temperature of the orifice plate
bore diameter and/or meter tube internal diameter
Dim Td As Double 'Td Downstream tap correction factor
Dim Ts As Double 'Ts Small meter tube correction factor
Dim Tu As Double 'Tu Upstream tap correction factor
Dim X As Double 'X Reduced reciprocal Reynolds number
Dim Xc As Double 'Xc Value of X where change in orifice plate
coefficient of discharge correlation occurs
Dim Y As Double 'Y Expansion factor
Dim Yp As Double 'Yp Expansion factor pressure constant
Dim Zb As Double 'Zb Compressibility (base conditions)
Dim Zf As Double 'Zf Compressibility at flowing conditions (Pf,
Dim Zm_air As Double 'Zm-air Air compressibility at air measurement
Dim Zb_air As Double 'Zb-air Air compressibility at air base conditions
Dim Zm_gas As Double 'Zm-gas Gas compressibility at gas measurement
Dim Zb_gas As Double 'Zm-gas Gas compressibility at gas base conditions

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