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Client : QP Job No.

: J1-174 Page : of
Project : Flare Mitigation & RAG Prepared by : Nehal Akhter Date : 10/04/2005
Subject : Pedestal Design Checked by : K. J. Rao Date : 10/04/2005

Design of rectangular Pedestal (considered as Unbraced)

Material Property b
Pedestal For Footing = 700-700
Concrete strength, fcu = 35 Mpa
Grade of steel, fyd = 390 Mpa
Density of Concrete, gcon = 25 kn/m3 h X
Pedestal Height upto FDN Top = 1.25 m
Pedestal Load Case Nos = 8 Link
Column Property :
Width of Column along X b = 700 mm
Depth of Column along Y h = 700 mm
Clear cover d' = 85 mm Z
Effective Cover to bar de' = 95 mm
Pedestal Section
Effective depth along h, h' = 605 mm (Reinforcements are Indicative Only)
Effective depth along b, b' = 605 mm

Shear Reinforcement Dia Dsh = 8 mm

Shear Reinforcement Legs Lsh = 3

Min. clear spacing between bars = 38.00 mm

Gross Area, Ag = 700 * 700
= 490000 mm2
Reinforcement arrangement :
Size of corner bar = 20 mm
Other bars on x- face (along "b")
Size of other bars = 20 mm
Numbers of bars on x - face nx = 3 Nos
(Otherthan corner bars)
Total no of rows = 5 Nos
Other bars on y- face (along "h")
Size of other bars = 20 mm
Numbers of bars on y - face ny = 3 Nos
(Otherthan corner bars)
Total no of rows = 5 Nos

Total steel provided Ast = 4 * 314.16 + 2 * 3 * 314.16 + 2 * 3 * 314.16

= 5026.55 mm2

Percentage steel provided, r = 5026.55 / ( 700 * 700 )

= 0.010

As per Clause of Ref (1)

Permisible, lo = 100 * b² ≤ 60 * b
= 42 m

Unsupported length @ X axis, lox = 1.250 m Column Dimensions are OK

Unsupported length @ Y axis, loy = 1.250 m Column Dimensions are OK
b = 2.200 Refer Section for end condition
(For Pedestal, end condition is 1 and 4, hence ) and Table 3.19 & 3.20 of Ref (1)

Effective length, lex = b . lox = 2.8 m

Effective length, ley = b . loy = 2.8 m

Loading On Column Top of Pedestal

Note: Axial load is compressive if +ve and tensile if -ve.
Node Load Pu Mux Muz Hux Huz
kN kNm kNm kN kN
1 108 -455.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.00
Client : QP Job No. : J1-174 Page : of
Project : Flare Mitigation & RAG Prepared by : Nehal Akhter Date : 10/04/2005
Subject : Pedestal Design Checked by : K. J. Rao Date : 10/04/2005

Pedestal Load at Bottom of Pedestal

Factor For Dead Load = 1.2

Dead Load of Pedestal Dped = ( 0.7 * 0.7 ) * 1.25 * 25
= 15.31 kN

Total Dead Load Pub = ( 15.31 * 1.2 ) + (-455 )

= -436.63 kN

Moment at bottom Muxb = Mux + Huz * (hp)

= (0 + 115 * ( 1.25 )
= 143.750 kNm

Moment at bottom Muzb = Muz - Hux * (hp)

= (0 + 0 * ( 1.25 )
= 0.000 kNm

Node Load Pub Muxb Muzb Hux Huz

kN kNm kNm kN kN
1 108 -436.63 143.75 0.00 0.00 115.00

Minimum eccntricity Moments : Clause - of Ref (1)

Minumum Eccentricity eminx = 20 mm
eminz = 20 mm

Moments due to Minimum Eccentricity

Meminx = 8.733 kNm
Meminz = 8.733 kNm

Slenderness Moments : Clause - of Ref (1)

lex / h = 3.93 < 10

lez / b = 3.93 <10

Additional Moments @ X axis Maddx = N * aux

where, aux = bax * K * h
K = 1
bax = 1 / 2000* 3.93 ² Equation 34 of Ref (1)
= 0.008 and
aux = 0.01 m
Maddx = 0 kNm Short Column

Additional Moments @ Z axis Maddz = N * auz

where, auz = baz * K * b
K = 1
baz = 1 / 2000* 3.93 ² Equation 34 of Ref (1)
= 0.008 and
auz = 0.01 m
Maddz = 0 kNm Short Column

Total Moments :
Total Moments @ X axis Mx = Max ( Muxb , Meminx) + Maddx
= 143.750 kNm

Total Moments @ Z axis Mz = Max ( Muzb , Meminz) + Maddz

= 8.733 kNm

Total Vertical Load PT = -436.63 kN

Client : QP Job No. : J1-174 Page : of
Project : Flare Mitigation & RAG Prepared by : Nehal Akhter Date : 10/04/2005
Subject : Pedestal Design Checked by : K. J. Rao Date : 10/04/2005

Uniaxial Moment in Column

a) for Mx / h' >= Mz / b', Mx ' = Mx + b * (h' / b') * Mz Equation 40 of Ref (1)
and clause
b) for Mx / h' < Mz / b', Mz ' = Mz + b * (b' / h') * Mx

Where, b is from Table 3.22 of Ref (1)

PT / (b * h * fcu) = 0.000

b1 = 1.00

Hence, Design Moment Mx' = 152.48 kNm

The Capacity of Section as per Table attached below : Moment Capacity table

Capacity of Section, Mcap = 437.11 kNm Ok, Section is Safe

Shear Check

Vertical Load Pt = -436.63 kN

Moment in Column Mx' = 152.48 kNm

Hence, Mx' = -0.35 m


0.6 * h = 0.42 m

Resultant shear in Column V = ( 0 ² + 115 ² )

= 115.00 kN

Concrete Shear Strength = 0.79 * ( 100 * As/ (bv * d) ) 1/3 * (400/d) 1/4 * gm
Table 3.8 of Ref (1)
Design Concrete shear stress uc Vc = 0.713 N/mm2

Shear capaciy of section Vc' = Vc + 0.6 * (N * V * h)

Ac * M
where , Ac = 490000 mm²

Vc' = 0.43 N/mm2

Actual Shear stress in Concrete v = 0.23 N/mm2 No shear Reinf Required

Minimum Shear Reinforcement Asv(min) = 0.4 * bv * sv . . . Table 3.7 of Ref (1)

0.95 * fyv

Sv min = Asv * 0.95 * fyv . . . Table 3.7 of Ref (1)

0.4 * bv
= 199.54 mm

Design shear reinforcement Asv = bv * sv * (v - vc)

0.95 * fyv

design shear stress = (v - vc')

= 0.000 N/mm2

sv = Asv * 0.95 * fyv

(v - vc) * bv
199.54 mm
Provide link spacing = 199.54 mm
Read File Name & Path

C:\Documents and Settings\mallika\My Documents\JI-183\STAAD Analysis\PRC3-01(R3).std

Read Reaction
Summary Of Results For Pedstal 700-700
Design for All Load Cases has been shows below :

Joint Load b h Pu Mux Muz Hux Huz Ast Pt % Minimum Eccentricity Slenderness Moments Total Forces (kN, kNm) Design Moment Capacity Check Shear Check
Case Moments (kNm) (kNm) Moment Capacity

mm mm kN kNm kNm kN kN Prov Meminx Meminz Maddx Maddz Mx Mz PT M' Mn Shear vc vc' v Shear Check Renf Legs Spacing
V Dia

1 101 700.00 700.00 898.38 0.00 356.25 285.00 0.00 5026.55 1.026 17.968 17.97 0.000 0.00 17.968 356.250 898.38 374.22 747.36 Ok, Section is Safe 285.00 0.71 1.30 0.58 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 102 700.00 700.00 -163.63 0.00 356.25 285.00 0.00 5026.55 1.026 3.273 3.27 0.000 0.00 3.273 356.250 -163.63 359.52 507.53 Ok, Section is Safe 285.00 0.71 0.60 0.58 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 103 700.00 700.00 898.38 356.25 0.00 0.00 285.00 5026.55 1.026 17.968 17.97 0.000 0.00 356.250 17.968 898.38 374.22 746.71 Ok, Section is Safe 285.00 0.71 1.30 0.58 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 104 700.00 700.00 -163.63 356.25 0.00 0.00 285.00 5026.55 1.026 3.273 3.27 0.000 0.00 356.250 3.273 -163.63 359.52 507.28 Ok, Section is Safe 285.00 0.71 0.60 0.58 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 105 700.00 700.00 2218.38 0.00 143.75 115.00 0.00 5026.55 1.026 44.368 44.37 0.000 0.00 44.368 143.750 2218.38 188.12 947.58 Ok, Section is Safe 115.00 0.71 1.88 0.23 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 106 700.00 700.00 -436.63 0.00 143.75 115.00 0.00 5026.55 1.026 8.733 8.73 0.000 0.00 8.733 143.750 -436.63 152.48 437.33 Ok, Section is Safe 115.00 0.71 0.43 0.23 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 107 700.00 700.00 2218.38 143.75 0.00 0.00 115.00 5026.55 1.026 44.368 44.37 0.000 0.00 143.750 44.368 2218.38 188.12 945.86 Ok, Section is Safe 115.00 0.71 1.88 0.23 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
1 108 700.00 700.00 -436.63 143.75 0.00 0.00 115.00 5026.55 1.026 8.733 8.73 0.000 0.00 143.750 8.733 -436.63 152.48 437.11 Ok, Section is Safe 115.00 0.71 0.43 0.23 No shear Reinf 8.00 3.00 199.54
Client : QP Job No. : J1-174 Page : of
Project : Flare Mitigation & RAG Prepared by : Nehal Akhter Date : 10/04/2005
Subject : Pedestal Design Checked by : K. J. Rao Date : 10/04/2005

Moment Capacity Table :

Bending @ xx Bending @ yy
Ast in each row = 628.32 mm2 Ast in each row = 628.32 mm2
Ast in each face = 1570.80 mm 2
Ast in each face = 1570.80 mm2
c = 94.075 mm c = 93.862 mm
a 0.90 * c = 84.67 mm a 0.90 * c = 84.48 mm

emax = 0.00350 emax = 0.00350

Es = 200000 Mpa
ey = 0.00195
Row No. xi ei fsi Pusi yi Musi Row No. xi ei fsi Pusi yi Musi
kN kNm
1 95.0 -0.000034 -6.88 -10.81 255.00 -2.76 1 95.0 -0.000042 -8.486 -13.33 255.00 -3.40
2 222.5 -0.004778 -390.00 -245.04 127.50 -31.24 2 222.5 -0.004797 -390.000 -245.04 127.50 -31.24
3 350.0 -0.009522 -390.00 -245.04 0.00 0.00 3 350.0 -0.009551 -390.000 -245.04 0.00 0.00
4 477.5 -0.014265 -390.00 -245.04 -127.50 31.24 4 477.5 -0.014305 -390.000 -245.04 -127.50 31.24
5 605.0 -0.019009 -390.00 -612.61 -255.00 156.22 5 605.0 -0.019060 -390.000 -612.61 -255.00 156.22
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.0 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.0 0.000000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00

Pus = S ( Pusi ) -1358.6 Mus = 153.46 Pus = S ( Pusi ) -1361.1 Mus = 152.82
Puc = (0.40*fcu*b*cx/1000) 921.9 Muc = 283.65 Puc = (0.402*fcu*b*cx/1000) 924.4 Muc = 284.51

Pnx = (Puc + Pus) -436.625 Mnx1 = 437.11 Pnx = (Puc + Pus) -436.625 Mny1 = 437.33
kN kNm kN kNm
C:\Documents and Settings\mallika\My Documents\JI-183\STAAD Analysis\PRC3-01(R3).std
Node L/C Force-X kNForce-Y kNForce-Z kNMoment-X Moment-Y Moment-Z kNm
1-101 1 101 285 880 0 0 0 0
1-102 1 102 285 -182 0 0 0 0
1-103 1 103 0 880 285 0 0 0
1-104 1 104 0 -182 285 0 0 0
1-105 1 105 115 2200 0 0 0 0
1-106 1 106 115 -455 0 0 0 0
1-107 1 107 0 2200 115 0 0 0
1-108 1 108 0 -455 115 0 0 0

Moment-Z kNm
N-A Pu Mux
0.6 -1954.4 2.1
30.9 -1658.0 101.6
61.1 -1358.8 193.8
91.4 -496.3 421.6 Interaction-X
121.6 84.5 569.5
151.9 592.5 685.5
182.1 1110.3 787.5
212.4 1565.0 869.2
242.6 1974.2 920.9
272.9 2385.8 961.6
303.1 2774.3 993.1
333.4 3201.0 1008.7

363.6 3612.7 1015.9
393.9 4029.8 1009.7 2000.0

424.1 4530.4 971.0

454.4 5003.8 928.7 0.0
0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0
484.6 5455.1 881.9
514.9 5883.5 829.5 -2000.0
545.1 6290.8 770.6
575.4 6686.6 706.0 -4000.0
605.6 7072.4 635.1
635.9 7449.7 557.9
666.1 7819.6 473.9
787.1 8389.3 100.5
817.4 8431.3 91.3
847.6 8469.5 82.7
877.9 8505.0 74.7
908.1 8538.3 67.3
938.4 8569.3 60.3
968.6 8598.5 53.8
998.9 8625.8 47.6
1029.1 8651.6 41.9
1059.4 8675.9 36.4
1089.6 8696.8 31.5
1119.9 8713.3 27.3
1150.1 8728.9 23.3
1180.4 8743.7 19.5
1500.0 8820.4 0.0
0 1000.0 1200.0
N-A Pu Mux
0.6 -1954.4 2.1
30.9 -1656.5 102.1
61.1 -1355.8 194.8
91.4 -491.9 423.0 Interaction-Y
121.6 90.5 571.2 10000.0
151.9 600.0 687.6
182.1 1119.2 789.9 8000.0
212.4 1575.4 871.9
242.6 1986.1 923.8 6000.0
272.9 2399.1 964.6
303.1 2789.2 996.3 4000.0
333.4 3217.3 1011.9

363.6 3630.5 1019.2 2000.0
393.9 4049.1 1013.0
424.1 4551.2 974.3
454.4 5026.0 931.9 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0
484.6 5478.8 885.1
514.9 5908.7 832.4
545.1 6317.5 773.4
575.4 6714.7 708.5
605.6 7102.0 637.4 Mu
635.9 7480.8 559.8
666.1 7852.2 475.5
787.1 8423.6 100.5
817.4 8465.6 91.3
847.6 8503.8 82.7
877.9 8539.3 74.7
908.1 8572.6 67.3
938.4 8603.6 60.3
968.6 8632.8 53.8
998.9 8660.1 47.6
1029.1 8685.9 41.9
1059.4 8710.2 36.4
1089.6 8731.1 31.5
1119.9 8747.6 27.3
1150.1 8763.2 23.3
1180.4 8778.0 19.5
1500.0 8854.7 0.0

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