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MIMBAR, Vol. 32, No. 2nd (December, 2016), pp.


Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist

Village Development

Azis Muslim

Dakwah and Communication of Yogyakarta Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University


Abstract. The village is the governance structure at the bottom and directly in contact
with the public. The village has the potential and assets that can be developed to build
public welfare. Therefore, the village government has a strategic role in the economic
empowerment of the community. The village government of Bleberan exploits the potential
and assets for economic empowerment of communities through the development of
tourism village. This study aims to assess the measures undertaken by the Bleberan village
government in building a tourism village and its impact on the local economy. Research is
conducted qualitatively by the method of collecting data through observation, interview,
and documentation. In addition, the questionnaire is used to complete the data. Based
on the research it is found that the construction of tourism village has done through the
stages of village potential exploration, building a dream, forming a strategy, and taking
action. Meanwhile, economic empowerment is done through awareness, provision of
facilities, and training of skills. The result of the development of tourism village gives
impact on work opportunities, increased income, and investment growth in the tourism
business for the local community.
Keywords: impact, tourism village, economic empowerment.

Introduction successful. For that reasons, community

(public) participation in tourism management
Recently, tourism develops very rapidly.
becomes an important factor, because they
In some countries, tourism serves as a
can understand the tourism and dominate
motor to open job opportunity and economic
the development in their areas. In addition,
income source (Sudiarta, 2005: 4). It is in
tourism is a service industry that highly
line with tourism program promoted by the
dependent on desire and cooperation with
Indonesian government, as an alternative
local government.
development approach aiming to improve
economic growth, to deal with unemployment, Considering the importance of tourism’s
to remove poverty, and to improve the people role in development, tourism can be used as
welfare. Tourism development ending up in a strategic media in economic empowerment
such objective should involve the community by giving the community as wide as a possible
as one of its stakeholders. As, in principle, opportunity of developing and managing
the community has a large authority and tourism all at once (Haryani, 2014). Bleberan
responsibility for tourism management. Village of Playen Sub District of Gunung Kidul
Regency is a village building tourism by
Damanik (2009: 131-133) stated that
giving the community as wide as a possible
tourism development is driven by government
opportunity of developing and managing it.
and tend to ignore public participation
Potential natural resources it has such as
which often facing the crucial problem and
waterfall, cave, olden time site, camp area,
failure. Meanwhile, tourism building on the
and fishing pond are managed well thereby
community’s initiative and also managed
having high selling value. All of them are
by the community itself will tend to be

Received: May 03, 2016, Revision: November 16, 2016, Accepted: December 30, 2016
Print ISSN: 0215-8175; Online ISSN: 2303-2499. Copyright@2016. Published by Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba
Accredited by DIKTI. SK Kemendikbud, No.040/P/2014, valid 18-02-2014 until 18-02-2019

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azis muslim, Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist Village Development

packaged in a ready-to-market product with (Oktini, 2004: 269). In addition, tourist

tourist village brand. village development also needs mature
planning in order to be an attractive tourist
Bleberan is categorized as poor village
object (Permanasari, 2010: 64).
because 54 percents of the total population
occupying this area belong to poor category, Furthermore, Raharjana (2012: 230)
with numbers of 730 households out of total confirmed that tourist village development
1,347 households. The poverty problem should begin with planning. To set an
in Bleberan Village is due to geographical appropriate target, the planning should be
condition. Most populations of this village, conducted through a participatory method
with 16,262,170 ha area width, have farming involving the community completely in its
as their livelihood with dry field and rain-fed entire process, so that its plan should be based
farm. Meanwhile, only 150,000 ha farmland on the studies on the problem faced and the
relying on irrigation channel. These farmlands potencies existing within society. In this way,
are located around the waterfall. In addition, the society is given the opportunity to resolve
a geographic condition also makes Bleberan the problem they face and conveying ideas as
Village community often encountering clean the solution to the planning process based on
water crisis. During the dry season, nearly their ability. When this participatory planning
all households buy 1 (one) to 5 (five) tanks process works, it is expected to improve the
of clean water per month with price of IDR role of society. It means that community
100,000 (a hundred thousands rupiahs) per empowerment process can run in tourist
tank for daily life. On the other hand, Original village development. When the empowerment
Village Income (PAD) of Bleberan village is, process works, the community can expectedly
on average, less than IDR 1,000,000,- (one to implement, maintain, and enjoy the results
million). It is very difficult to alleviate poverty of tourist village development.
(Bleberan Village’s Document, 2009).
Economically, the result of tourist
Being apprehensive with this condition, village development, of course, can be
Triharjono as the Head of Bleberan Village, enjoyed by all classes of society. The society
designs tourist village development. This that capture certain business opportunity
tourist village development aims to build a would enjoy the presence of tourist village.
better economic community. The development On the other hand, the community that
of Bleberan Tourist Village has been pioneered cannot capture the oportunities would be
since 2007 and newly launched on July 2010, marginalized and alienated in their own area.
while the explosion of tourists started to For that reason, there should be a community
occur since 2011 with business income of IDR empowerment in economic sector intended
117,802,300.-. In 2012, its business income to those incapable of capturing the business
reached IDR 1,096,010,600.- and increase opportunity to enable them to enjoy the result
continuously over years. In addition, Bleberan of their development. On the other hand,
Tourist Village has absorbed 102 workers out economic empowerment is also required
of those having independent business such as for those who can capture the business
food stall, home-stay and etc (Document of opportunity by organizing their business to
Bleberan Tourist Village Management, 2015). enable them to run economic activity more
This is interesting to study more in-depth in tidily to the tourists.
order to obtain more detailed information
Prayogi (2011: 78) gave three
so that the result of the research can be
alternatives that can be used for economic
used as the reference for the government to
empowerment to the members of society
make policy concerning economic community
that cannot capture the business opportunity.
empowerment through tourism and for other
The first is education. This alternative is
areas to build similar businesses. This study
given to improve knowledge and ability,
will focus on the attempt of building the village
for example to improve the knowledge on
tourist and its effect on the local community’s
tourist object and foreign language ability.
Those who unemployed should be given
Tourist Village is a rural area offering opportunity to learn about tourist object
the circumstance of village originality, whether and to improve their foreign language ability
social, cultural, custom, and environment by giving scholarship so that they will be
(Hadiwijoyo, 2012: 68). Tourist village a tourist guide in the future. The second is
development requires cooperation between informal training. This alternative is given to
government, private and local community provide skill, for example by providing short

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MIMBAR, Vol. 32, No. 2nd (December, 2016), pp.343-352

course in craft and culinary art. Those trained capacity building, and empowering the
are expected to open their new business targeted community. The process carried
immediately. The third is the involvement out in four stages is expected to get output
in tourism management. This alternative is including character reinforcement, job
given to those having no business in order to opportunity establishment, comfortable
participate in tourism management, so that work environment construction, and both
they have sense of belonging and do not feel internal and external network construction.
alienated in their own area. Based on the output yielded, an outcome is
expected to growth in the form of economic
More detailed, Muslim (2014: 236-
community empowerment. This economic
242) explained economic empowerment
community empowerment is characterized
model that can be referred to deal with the
by the emergence of honest independent
problem above. The empowerment model
entrepreneurs who have many networks and
offered encompasses four stages: input,
develop their business easily. This model can
process, output and outcome. The inputs of
be seen more clearly in the figure below.
empowerment that should be available are
financial institution, facilitator, empowered This study was a qualitative research
community, and partner institution. The with phenomenological approach. The
financial institution serves to build financial advantages of this type and approach to
capital accessible to the community, the problem studied are first: it can be
particularly the poor one. This institution can the source of more entrenched description
be cooperative or baitul maal established and explanation, particularly concerning
by the community itself. Facilitator serves the process occurring in the local context.
to help the targeted community to identify Secondly, it can build the closer relationship
and to develop their potential. Meanwhile, with informants as the target of study.
partner institution serves to help deal with Thirdly, it gives the author the opportunity of
the problem irresolvable by the facilitator disclosing the chronology of social events, of
and targeted community. The next is assessing and giving an explanation about the
empowerment process. Empowerment causal relationship occurring in a local event.
process is conducted by building mental Fourthly, it is easier to answer the problem
consciousness, entrepreneur consciousness, posed (Muslim: 2014: 67-68).

Figure 1. Economic Community Empowerment Adapted from Muslim’s Model

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azis muslim, Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist Village Development

This research was taken place in administrators of a tourist village. These six
Bleberan Village of Playen Sub District (6) persons work hard and sacrifice bravely
of Gunung Kidul of Daerah Istimewa to achieve the success. The procedures are
Yogyakarta Province. The key informants taken from the beginning to the achievement
in this research were a business performer, of success are as follows:
tourist village employees, and tourist village
Firstly, exploring potencies and analyzing
initiators, while the supporting informants
them from weakness and opportunity. Tourist
were Bleberan villagers (in addition to the
village is a tourism offering a circumstance
business performer, employees and tourist
reflecting the originality of rural area, from
village initiators). Data was collected using
social-economic, social-cultural life aspects,
observation, interview, documentation and
tradition, unique building architecture, original
questionnaire techniques. The questionnaire
natural condition, and typical village layout.
commonly used in this quantitative research
For that reason, according to Triharjono,
was used for the survey in order to complete
exploring the village’s potency becomes the
the primary data. Data validation was
important and fundamental measures to be
carried out through observing persistently
taken for the tourist village development
and examining the data with triangulation.
to be realized (interview with Triharjono
Meanwhile, technique of analyzing data used
as the initiator of Bleberan Tourist Village).
was Miles and Huberman’s interactive model
To explore the village’s potency smoothly,
of data analysis.
Triharjono established a team of six (6). The
team was in charge of exploring the village
potential and analyzing the opportunity that
The Attempt of Building Bleberan
can be developed and looking for a weakness
Tourist Village that should be repaired.
The village is the bottom government
The village potential which can be found
structure pertaining having direct contact with
and developed into tourist village is, among
the community. For that reasons, the role of
other, natural potency. This potential is a
village government becomes very strategic
water source. Bleberan Village has four (4)
in building community welfare. When every
large water sources: Jambe water source with
village becomes prosperous, it can be ensured
40-60 liter per second flow-rate, Ngandong
that the state will be prosperous as well.
with 30 liters per second, Kedung Poh with
However, when the state is prosperous, every
15 liters per second, and Ngumpul with 40-60
village uncertainty becomes prosperous.
liter per second. All of this water sources end
This perspective seems to justifies the
up in Sri Gethuk waterfall so that it has never
government’s reason to allocate many funds
been dry even in dry season. Nevertheless, Sri
to every village in Indonesia.
Gethuk waterfall cannot be utilized for farming
Regardless the presence of fund irrigation by local community, because it flows
distributed by the central government to to Oyo River, the location of which the stream
village, village government should build the is far lower than the community-owned farm.
community welfare creatively. Triharjono, for For that reason, this waterfall seems has no
example, a village head in Bleberan Village benefit and is ignored by local community.
occupying his position from 2006 to 2014, Moreover, the location of waterfall is far
tries to build his village by developing tourist from the people’s houses and less affordable
village. He did it because he was motivated because there is no road access.
to build his community welfare since PAD
(Original Village Income) and annual fund
allocation obtained from regency government
are very limited.
This tourist village has been pioneered
since 2007 by involving 40 (forty) persons
as administrator, but this attempt has been
failed. A large number of administrators and
less bravery to sacrifice are the strong reasons
of this failure. This failure did not break
Triharjono’s spirit to build tourist village in
his jurisdiction. In early 2010, he assigned 6
(six) persons including himself to be the new Figure 2. Sri Gethuk Waterfall

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MIMBAR, Vol. 32, No. 2nd (December, 2016), pp.343-352

In addition to a water source, natural robyong. Nyadran is ancestor grave pilgrimage

potencies this village has are Rancang Kencono ceremony or the village founder fledgling.
Cave and Olden Times Site. Rancang Kencono Rasulan is a selamatan ceremony held during
Cave is the one replete with a story from harvest time. Tumpeng robyong is the symbol
prehistory age to Mataram soldier struggle of safety, fertility, and welfare. These three
age. The cave, in which Klumprit (terminalia traditions have uniqueness perhaps not
edulis) grows and estimated more than two existing in another area, so that this tradition
(2) centuries old, according to the local is feasible to be packaged and sold as tourist
people, has been used to develop a strategic object.
plan in the attempt of expelling Dutch colonial
Jatilan¸ doger and karawitan are
from Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
other potentials that the Bleberan Village
Because it was used to design a strategy for
has. Just like the cultural potencies above,
the lofty purpose, this cave was named Goa
these potencies can be packaged and sold
Rancang Kencono. Before 2010, this cave
as the tourist object. Attractive and unique
was not well-known to outsiders despite
packaging and affordable price will make this
it’s affordable and proximate location to the
art sold out.
people houses. This cave has a wide room,
thereby it can be used to hold a meeting. Other potencies that found and
It is of course, interesting to everyone who developable are institutional and community
wants to hold a meeting in an open and potencies. Institutional potency like Karang
natural space. In addition to Rancang Kencono Taruna (youth organization), Female Farmer
Cave, there is also old times site in Bleberan. Group (KWT), Kader Sehat (Health Cadre),
This site is composed of tidily and regularly Hamlet Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK
piled stones. This site is actually interesting, Dusun), and Villager Self-Helping Institution
but because it has not been well-known to (LKMD) are important elements that can
outsider, there are only few visitors have be invited to build and to realize the tourist
come to this place. village simultaneously. With these institutions
the community’s potencies including mutual
cooperation, the spirit of commonality, the
spirit of getting out of backwardness, the spirit
of building, and spirit of going forward become
the potencies that should be developed
continuously as well.
The analysis on the weakness and
the opportunity of tourism potency that the
Bleberan Village has can be presented in the
table below 1.
Figure 3. One of the rooms inside Rancang The table shows that the opportunity of
Kencono Cave building tourism village for Bleberan village
The teak woods spreading to nearly is very possible. The potencies existing are
entire farm land become the natural potential feasible to be developed into tourist object.
that can be developed into tourist area as The good and attractive packaging of tour
well. Kohar said that this natural potential in package from the existing opportunities will
the form of teak woods can be developed into be a distinctive attraction for the tourists. For
outbound site, as cited as follows: that reasons, the next important business is
how to build the dream of realizing a tourist
“There are still many teak woods in this area.
It is very interesting to be outbound site. In
addition to its cool weather, its scenery is Developing a tourist village, according
also beautiful. At that time, we should make to Triharjono, cannot be done individually
the community conscious and establishing or by the government-established team
Pokdarwis (Tourism-Conscious Group) to
only, but it should involve all components of
develop this outbound tour” (Interview with
the local community. For that reasons, the
Kohar as the Members of Bleberan Tourist
Village Initiator Team). attempt taken to build that dream starts with
developing tourist village concept. Tourist
In addition to natural potency, the village concept is formulated by a small team
cultural potential that exist and can be consisting of six (6) persons. After the concept
developed into tourist objects in Bleberan has been approved, it will be discussed with
village are nyadran, rasulan, and tumpeng

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azis muslim, Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist Village Development

Table 1
Classification of Tourist Potencies and Opportunities in Bleberan Village

No Potency Form Weaknesses Opportunities

1. Nature 1. Water source Poorly maintained and Outbond and tracking
many bushes growing
2. Sri Gethuk waterfall 1. Bad and narrow road Water tour such as
toward the location boat rent, bathing
2. Far from people place, and fishing
residence and less
3. Rancang Kencono Many stalactites are not Meeting or gathering
Cave active, thereby not place in open nature
dropping water
4. Olden times site 1. Narrow road toward the Education tour:
location history and
2. No signpost archeology
2. Culture 1. Nyadran 1. Starting to be forgotten Cultural tour by
2. Bersih Desa by community reactivating cultural
3. Tumpeng Robyong 2. Form modification event
3. Art 1. Jatilan 1. Limited number of cadre Art tour packaged into
2. Doger 2. Started to be abandoned show (performance)
3. Karawitan by community package
4. Institution 1. Karang Taruna 1. Understanding poorly Tourist guide and
2. KWT the mindset as farmer tourism manager
3. Kader Sehat among the service
4. PKK Dusun provider
5. LKMD 2. Poor knowledge on
3. Limited number of
network possessed.
5. Society 1. Gotong royong 1. Mindset of being farmer Service provider of
2. Commonality is still more dominant tourist need such as
3. Getting out of than being service homestay, shuttle,
backwardness provider stall, and etc
4. Willing to build 2. The community’s
5. Willing to go forward poor consciousness of
tourism importance
Source: adapted from the data of interview and observation result.

the village institution in a limited manner. because only through such the awareness
This discussion is intended to seek the input can the community be invited to participate
to whether there is an addition or reduction actively in building tourist village in their area.
to the concept made by the small team. From
The third step is to develop a strategy.
the result of discussion with limited village
Bambang said that the factor to be considered
institution, vision and mission are formulated.
in developing strategy is, among others,
The vision formulated is the realization of
actor. The actor is the one who can help make
productive, beautiful, orderly, safe, and
the dream come through. He said:
religious tourist village. After the vision and
mission have been formulated, the next step “What we do in developing strategy is, firstly,
identifying those that can help make the dream
is to discuss along with all village institutions come true. It can be done by inviting the brave
existing in Bleberan Village and to develop citizens, who are brave to stand in the front and
village’s medium-term development plan sacrifice bravely. It is those people to whom we
(RPJMDes). After everything has been ready, register in administrator to be the role model
for others …. In addition, we can also invite
it is then socialized to society. Socialization is the influential outsiders such as company’s
intended to build the community’s awareness CSR to construct the necessary infrastructure”
of the importance of tourist village. It is (Interview with Bambang as the members of

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MIMBAR, Vol. 32, No. 2nd (December, 2016), pp.343-352

Bleberan Tourist Village Initiator Team). empowerment in Bleberan Village cannot

be done haphazardly, and should be done
Furthermore, Bambang explained with mature planning. Economic community
that the strategy to attract the tourists empowerment process works adjacently with
to stay longer in Bleberan is 3 D: dilihat the development of Bleberan Tourist Village,
(observed), dilakukan (done), and dikenang despite some measures taken differently from
(memorized). The tourists who came to the tourist village development measures in
Bleberan should be shown some available a certain way.
objects, so that they will not be bored by
staying in one tourist object only. For that The measure taken in the attempt of
reason, the important role of tourist guide is empowering Bleberan community economically
in explaining and offering tourist objects to is first to grow consciousness. Growing
the visitors. Subsequently, some attempts consciousness, according to Triharjono is
can be taken to make the visitors stay longer. the foundation for empowerment process.
This strategy requires the existence of tourism Without the consciousness grown from the
organizer to develop attractive tour packages. community, empowerment is useless. It is
Karawitan performance, for example, is not because the community consciousness of
only performed by the main character but changing their fate is the key to a successful
also offered to the tourist who interested in empowerment. This consciousness growing is
performing it along with the main characters. conducted both individually and collectively.
Tiwul cake is not only presented as typical Individually, consciousness growing is done
local food, but also offered to the tourists to by visiting the members of society at home,
cook it. Finally, the tourist object of beauty, in farmland, poskamling (mobile safeguarding
comfort, and safety to live in, and tourist post) or in other places by discussing the
guide’s friendliness should be the memory for potency they have. For example, those having
the coming tourists. a sufficiently wide house are invited to discuss
the possibility of building homestay for the
The fourth steps in the attempt of tourists, those with communicating skill are
building Bleberan Tourist object are to make invited to discuss the possibility of becoming
action and promotion. The action was done a tourist guide, and etc. Collectively, the
by launching the objective of promoting consciousness growing is conducted along
tourist village. The launching was conducted with the socialization of tourist village
on July 3, 2010 by inviting stakeholders and development. This consciousness growing is
journalists. In addition, it was done by leaflet, conducted by discussing any opportunity that
brochure, and film to be distributed through can be utilized by anyone either individually
the tour agents. The important point in the or in the group to open job opportunity.
action and promotion is that it involves the
community as the marketing agent. The The second measure is to provide the
community which bring the tourists with facility to open job opportunity. The tour
them to visit the tourist village location will supporting facilities such as parking lot,
be given 20% reward with the condition that souvenir market or food stall areas, toilet, and
they should report it to the organizer one day etc are very desirable to make the tourists feel
ahead before the guest comes. This method, secure and comfortable. Those facilities can
in addition to be effective as a promotion also be functioned as the place for an opening
tools, can in fact, facilitate the tour organizer job opportunity for the local communities.
in governing the traffic toward the tour For that reason, according to Harno, such
location, because of the very narrow road so the facility development is put as closely as
that it is impossible for big vehicles like buses possible to tour destination. Nevertheless,
to intersect. the positioning of such the facilities should be
arranged appropriately in order to be useful
The Attempt of Empowering actually. In Bleberan tourist object, those
the Community Economically facilities are arranged in ordered way from the
parking lot, market area, to tour destination
Economic community empowerment of Sri Gethuk waterfall. Sri Gethuk waterfall
is the attempt of helping the community to is the main tourist destination in Bleberan
improve their welfare independently. This Tourist Village. Tourists are not allowed to
attempt is not easy but complicated, taking drive any vehicle passing through the market
time, needing reliable and professional area, moreover to the waterfall tour location.
personnel. For that reasons, according This arrangement and regulation are intended
to Triharjono, economic community “to compel” the tourists to visit the market

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azis muslim, Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist Village Development

Table 2
Classification of Labor Absorption

Before After Status of Occupation Number

Unemployed Tour employees Main/ Permanent 87 persons
Unemployed Stall owner Main/ Permanent 41 persons
Employed Tour employee Main/ Permanent 15 persons
Employed Stall owner Side job 11 persons
Employed Culinary Side job 24 persons
Employed Industry Side job 47 persons
Source: Data of Field Survey on December 2015

and to buy the products sold as the gift. that area (Sudiarta, 2005: 4; Ashar, et al.,
2009: 10-22). Similarly, the development
The third measure is to practice the
of Bleberan Tourist Village as the tourist
skill. The skill training is intended to empower
object and attraction in Playen Sub District
the community in order to be willing and able
of Gunung Kidul Regency exerts an economic
to involve in managing the tourist village. It
effect that can be enjoyed directly by the local
is important recalling that without support
communities. The economic effect of this tour
from tourist villagers will have less meaning
village development included the opened job
and objective. Community behavior in
opportunity and the increased income and
interacting with tourists, the activity along
with tourists, and information exchange with
tourist can determine the tourists’ length of Bleberan Tourist Village has absorbed
staying in a tourist location. In other words, 102 workers as tour employees, 52 persons
the local community’s friendliness to tourists opening their own business in souvenir market
becomes determinant of a tourist object’s and food stall, 6 groups opening culinary
success in attracting the tourists to stay business to cater to the group guests, and 9
longer in tourist location. For that reason, groups opening industrial business to serve
skill training emphasized on Bleberan Tourist the group guests’ activity. Out of that number,
Village includes tour guide training, training 143 persons admit that they get the main
concerning how to welcome the guest for job, while the rest admit getting a side job.
homestay owner and outbound training. This The detailed information can be seen in the
training can be done in cooperation with Table 2.
Tourism Office. In addition, education can
The reason of why respondents are
be the focus of attention for the organizer
preoccupied with the main job in Bleberan
of Bleberan Tourist Village. The attempt of
Tourist Village is that their income is still
improving English fluency for tour guide stars
small, despite uncertainty. As suggested by
to be promoted. It is because the tourists
one of tourist employees, Nuryanto stated:
coming to Bleberan village are dominated not
only by domestic but also by foreign tourists. “We find job difficultly now, moreover the
routine job. All praises to Allah (Alhamdulillah)
we can work here … yeah when we are asked
about what our monthly salary, the answer is
“not much”, we are paid weekly. I get the salary
of IDR 280,000 every Monday here per month,
and it is given every Monday. Our salary is
about IDR 1,200,000 per month when we work
everyday. It is better than unemployed.”

In the same vein, Inah, the food seller

occupying the market area provided by the
Figure 4. Outbond Training for Tour Guide tourist village organizer, said:
“There are many buyers everyday. The visitors
usually are so crowded on Saturday and
The Effect of Tourist Village Develop- Sunday. If it is crowded, the profit will be large,
ment on the Community’s Economy sometimes we got net profit of IDR 50,000-IDR
75,000,- while on workday we got only about
Theoretically, tourist development in IDR 30,000 per day. It is not too bad (it can
an area can impact on economic growth in be the main job).”

350 ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499

MIMBAR, Vol. 32, No. 2nd (December, 2016), pp.343-352

Table 3
The improvement of Income in Main Job

Before After Number Percentage

No income < IDR 750,000,- 19 persons 13.3
No income > IDR. 750,000,- - IDR. 30 persons 20.9
No income > IDR 1,000,000,- - 44 persons 30.8
IDR. 1,250,000,-
No income > IDR 1,250,000,- - IDR 35 persons 24.5
Having income < IDR < IDR 1,500,000,- - IDR 8 persons 5.6
750,000,- 2,000,000,-
Having income > IDR > IDR 1.500.000,- -IDR 4 persons 2.8
750,000,- 2,000,000,-
Having income > IDR > IDR 2,000,000,- -IDR 3 persons 2.1
1,000,000,- 3,000.000,-
Total 143 persons 100
Source: Field Survey Data on December 2015

Table 4
The Improvement of Income in Side Job

Before After Number Percentage

< IDR 1,000,000,- > IDR 1,250,000,- - IDR 22 persons 26.8
> IDR 1,000,000,- - > IDR 1,500,000,- - IDR 39 persons 47.6
IDR 1,500,000,- 2,000,000,-
> IDR 1,500,000,- - > IDR 2,000,000,- - IDR 21 persons 25.6
IDR 2,000,000,- 4,000,000,-
Total 82 persons 100
Source: Field Survey Data on December 2015

Meanwhile, the respondents work in Bleberan Tourist Village also impacts

Bleberan Tourist Village as side job to increase on the community investment. The growth
their income. As Wardi explained: of Bleberan Tourist Village encourages the
“I trade here everyday, yeah, when I have community to invest directly in the tourism
leisure time, usually on weekend (Saturday business. The capital of tourism business such
and Sunday), but sometimes I do not so. as shuttle and homestay comes from the local
Uncertainly. I often trade when the visitors are community. Currently there are 7 owners of
crowded or when there are group guests…. It is
merely a side job rather than main job. Yeah, shuttle lease their vehicles for transportation
it is as if like looking for secondary livelihood in tourist area, and 25 homestays leased. In
while watching some event, and looking for addition, public toilet is also constructed in
entertainment.” some places, such as beside Goa Rancang
Considering the information explored Kencono, parking lot, and near the waterfall
through survey, most respondents stated that with well-maintained cleanliness.
there is an improvement of income obtained
after the establishment of tourist village. The Conclusions
improvement of income occurs in both main The attempt taken by the government
and side jobs. of Bleberan village, Playen Sub District,
Meanwhile, the improvement of income Gunung Kidul Regency in building public
from the side job the communities are welfare, among others, is to develop tourist
preoccupied with can be seen in the Table 4. village. This tourist village development was

‘‘Accredited by RistekDikti, No.040/P/2014, Valid 18-02-2014 until 18-02-2019 351

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